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...d.R.A.g.0.n...s.O.f.t.w.A.R.e....invites you warmly to the........
                                         _____       _____          :
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                  -  n O r t H   P A r T y   v 5 . o  -

                    "the true spirit of c=64 parties"

                          [ the winter edition ]

                 27.12.99 - 29.12.99 bartoszyce, poland.

....o1...: w h a t ? . . .

 yeah, it's allready the fifth edition of the only polish periodical
 copy party for the c64 users. everything started in 1996, when a bunch of
 sceners from bartoszyce decided to organize a party for the polish scene.
 after getting rid of some obstacles concerning the party place, sponsors
 & so on, the first edition took place in february 1997. over one hundred
 party freaks showed up, witnessed high quality competitions, had a great
 time. the event was highly ranked in all scene magazines. the same
 happened to the next three editions, in summer 1998, winter 1999, and
 then, the summer 1999. they all were a huge success and an unforgettable
 experience for every scener involved.

 north party has become a must in a sceners' party schedule. it's even said
 to be some kind of a dishonour to miss the event. it's the  o n l y  party
 in Poland aimed at pleasing the participants, quality of the competitions
 and not the money the organizers can get (which has lately become kind of
 a shameful standard).

 you can be sure, that the prizes will be high, comparing to other polish
 parties, and even higher than the famous (yet gone commercial) The Party.
 the organizing staff will do it's best to make sure that everyone is having
 a great time. there are no security problems, no discrimination or whatso
 ever. as for the pl_scene, "the cream of the crop" will show up again.
 some old-time (or should i say - all-time) legends, and the groups that
 currently storm the tops of the charts - everyone's going to arrive at

 and keep in mind, that north party is at the moment the cheapest party in
 Poland and  i n  t h e  w o r l d . not only the entrance fee is lower
 (and there is  n o  fee for the foreigners!), but it also includes one
 hot meal a day!...

 it's obvious, that once again the party will be a successful event. if you
 don't show up, you'll miss great fun and opportunity to compete with the
 best. what's more important (and is an advantage comparing to other parties)
 we will make sure there's no cheating with the results or anything.

 well, of course we are aware of the fact, that the date is not _that_
 suitable for everyone, but we want to assure you, that you won't regret a
 damn minute spent at the np5. you will surely have so much fun that you'll
 be willing to stay with us till the new years eve... ;)

 so - make sure you have those three spare days at the end of the year and
 come to north party 5!  if you don't appear at the party, the only person
 to blame will be... you. :D

....o2...: w h e r e ? . . .

 the party place is, as usual, "bartoszycki dom kultury" in Bartoszyce, a
 city in the northern part of Poland... here is how to get there.

 first of all, GET IN TOUCH WITH ANY OF THE ORGANIZERS, so we know how you
 want to get to the party place. preferably use any of the emails at the
 bottom... we will do our best to organise your arrival, pick you up or

 -1- if you use a car...

 ...the first thing you have to do is to get to Olsztyn, which is rather easy.
 and then you basically drive in the direction of Bartoszyce (ask for way or
 look for the direction signs).

 after entering Bartoszyce you drive straight, then you pass the police sta-
 tion ('policja' in polish) on the right. after 150m you reach a cross-road:
 turn right. then you'll pass 2 turnings, about 300m and voila! the party
 place on the right! ;) ...the good thing is to take a sheet of paper with
 you and write "bartoszycki dom kultury" on it... :)

 -2- if you want to use the bus...

 you get to Warsaw, and then there is a direct bus to Bartoszyce
 (5 hours of travel) leaving at 12.30am and 7.45pm.

 you get to Gdansk (Danzig), the direct bus to Bartoszyce (4 hs)
 is leaving at 6.45am, 1.00pm, 4.35pm and 7.15pm.

....o3...: w h e n ? . . .

 the party will start at 7.00am on 27th december 1999 and last 3 days. the
 event will (most probably) conclude in the morning or in the afternoon on
 29th december 1999. there will be a place to rest and sleep over if you
 arrive at the party place one day earlier, and it will be (most probably)
 for free.

....o4...: p l a t f o r m s ? . . .

 the one and only demomachine ever made, the 64kB/1mHz ultimate 8bit toy!
 but the /atari/spectrum/amiga/pc stuff will be probably shown and
 (maybe even) awarded. ;)

....o5...: c o m p e t i t i o n s ? . . .

 the following !8! competitions will take place:

 - demo compo
   ...a standard basic executable size limit amount limit
   ...time limit: 15 minutes

 - 4kb intro compo
   ...a standard basic executable
   ...17 blocks size limit (!not the 4096b limit!) amount limit
   ...time limit: 5 minutes

 - 64k compo
   ...a standard basic executable file amount limit
   ...time limit: 10 minutes

 - gfx compo
   ...a standard basic executable mode limitations
   ...two !unsigned! works per author

 - msx compo
   ...a standard basic executable speed limit ;) samples
   ...if the old sid is required, let us know
   ...the length limit is 2 minutes !unsigned! work per author

 - 2 Sid compo
   ...the length limit is 3 minutes !unsigned! work per author

 - VHS compo
   ...a standard VHS tape length limit :) amount limit

 - reflextracker compo
   ...a standard basic executable (!)
   ...the length limit is 3 minutes !unsigned! work per author

 . g e n e r a l   r u l e s   c o n c e r n i n g   t h e   c o m p o s :

 - the deadlines will be anounced during the party
 - there is a possibility of rejecting your work, if it does not meet
   the requirements. scans, converted shit etc. will  b e  most probably
   shown with proper comment, so give it up, multimedia jerks... :)
 - if there is a need for performing the selection (f.e. 72o msx compo
   entries :), it will be performed.
 - the compo disk should feature the description of contents, the author's
   nickname and/or group and the compo type.

....o6...: h o w   m u c h ? . . .

 the standard entrance fee is 25 pln which is about 7$, but:
 . if you take your machine with you, you'll pay less (4o pln for 2 people)
 . if you are from abroad or a girl (preferably both :) there is NO FEE!...

....o7...: w h a t   d o   i   g e t ? . . .

 the organisers guarantee:

 - lots of fun and the unique north party feeling
 - cheap alcohol supplies :)
 - the parking place in front of the party place (if you wish, there is also
   a guarded car-park 500m from the party place, which costs 10pln/3$ a day)
 - huge amount of crazy compos & big screen gaming with some bottled prizes :)
 - if you bring your machine, you'll get a table and the power will be
   supplied :)
 - no professional security (there will be some but it won't bug you for
   having some noisy fun etc. ;)
 - we will also try to organise a live rock band (!)
 - all of the compo stuff will be uploaded at the Banana Republic:

 some extra attractions:

 - the fourth annual (indoor) north party soccer contest
 - the techno party hosted by wacek/arise aka eNDer, including his live
   performance, and some more live suprises...
 - 1-2 hours non-stop  s i d . d i z k o  with all-the-best in c64 rock,
   jazz and techno hosted by brush + cresh /elysium.
 - the ultimate wine review event ;)

....o8...: w h a t ' s   a l l o w e d   a n d   w h a t 's   n o t ? . . .

 ok. this is a party and we all want to have fun. but sometimes you should
 probably behave just a little bit like a civilised human being :)
 that means f.e. destroying the equipment is strictly forbidden...
 you can drink as much as you want, as long it's not too much for you.
 other condiments... well. we're not monks, are we? (bring your weed) ;)

 the organising stuff also asks you  k i n d l y  to :
 . show up at the party :)
 . show up at the party with your 64
 . spread this invitation file and/or the official c64 invitro
 . and finally... show up at the party :)

 if you know that you'll appear at the party, e-mail us!... we'll give you
 any further details and keep you up to date if anything changes.

 all of you hesitating foreigners... this is the cheapest and the best deal
 you can get!....

 C O M E   T O   T H I S   P A R T Y ! surely won't regret it, because
 satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back!... :)

 The Organising Staff

....o9...: m o r e   i n f o r m a t i o n . . .

 check out the party webpage at the Banana Republic:

 or get in touch with the main organiser:

 black light / dragon software
 marek binkul
 ul. krzywa 12
 11-200 bartoszyce
 phone: +48 604 151 832

 or e-mail any of the following:              ...blacklight/ds

                                  (info on how to get there, for foreigners)





....1o...: b u l l s h i t ? :) . . .

 this inv done by:
 black light/dragon software (text,main organiser)
 c64scene-pl mailing list community (corrections,additions)
 elban/arise (introductory words)
 wacek/arise (translation,ascii)
