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File size:
11 334 bytes (11.07K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 945


 $$$$$$$Pý'                                                          `ýY$$$$$$$
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 $$$$$$$bs.                                                          .sd$$$$$$$
 $$$$$$$$$$$$>--[ music compo #31 ]-------------[ the new wave ]--<$$$$$$$$$$$$

  -----< results >------------------------------------------------------------

  These are the results for The Trackering #31 :
   (Now featuring Hornet Ratings(tm) :>)

         1.   Smash                - lullaby.xm   5.375 -  ***
         2.   Caramel              - crmroot.xm   5.375 -  ***
         3.   Sequencer            - const.xm   4.750 -  ***
         4.   Dionysus             -   4.500 -  ***
         5.   Argh                 -   4.000 -  **+
         6.   Recc                 - 1comma5.xm   3.778 -  **+
         7.   Smiley               - sm-sine.xm   3.750 -  **+
         8.   Bargel               -   2.750 -  **

 Voters :
  bargel, Dionysus, argh, Smash, caramel, sMiLeY, Lord Jon Ray,
  screamager, sequencer, recc.


  -----< comments >----------------------------------------------------------

         1.   Smash                - lullaby.xm   5.375 -  ***

  * Nice, one of the best
  * Now. Where have I heard that lead before? :I
  * Nice.. the tediousness drags it down, though.
  * hmm.. This tune make me think about games like "Giana Sisters"
  * this song rocks. phat phat phat.
  * pretty complex!

         2.   Caramel              - crmroot.xm   5.375 -  ***

  * Not bad at all.....
  * Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
  * Nice tune, nice jazzy feel, but some of the panning (esp. the cymbal)
    sucks, and it doesn't sound professional at all.. needs more technical
     work like echoing leads, etc. And its too short.
  * Trippy!?
  * nice..

         3.   Sequencer            - const.xm   4.750 -  ***

  * Not bad...
  * Crap percussion. Crap chip leads. No bass sample. And you still rule..
  * Strange but not bad.
    Another tune where not enough care over volumes was taken..
    Vary the volumes a lot people.. makes a tune sound much better.
  * Hm.. not bad. at all, as a matter of fact. the maintheme and
    comp. is repeated too much, methinks. but very well tracked.
  * Not bad, but too cluster fucked

         4.   Dionysus             -   4.500 -  ***

  * Which way is the bathroom?
  * One of the better entries. The leadish thing sucks though. And it repe
    ats too much. And the drum tracks aren't that good. But its still quit
    e nice.
  * Well, one'd have to say you've bummed out if you don't reach the top
    10 this time :) Bad usage of the drumsamps.. ugly chip-thingy there.
    and another ugly chip-thingy. ahwell. overall below mediocre.
  * diz iz some good shit! Pass me another hit of this Trance.
    Please... write more trance!!!

         5.   Argh                 -   4.000 -  **+

  * AAAA! The melody's too loud!
  * This is one of the best songs of the compo. Almost lemm-ish cheerfulne
    ss.. however it is too repetitive. Could have used some volume slides
    or something on the backing squarewaves to change their volumes occasi
    onally.. sounds a bit dull as it is.
    Hey, you may think its rubbish but it still beats just about everythin
    g else in the compo. =)
  * Well.. isn't this a sweetie? goo-goo-goo.
  * groovy...
  * boring..

         6.   Recc                 - 1comma5.xm   3.778 -  **+

  * Vague...short.....
  * Yup.
  * Yep.. this was.. hem.. eeek. help. someone call 911 :)
  * too damn short

         7.   Smiley               - sm-sine.xm   3.750 -  **+

  * Too simple, too noisy.....
  * *slap*. Wipe that grin off yer face.
  * Catchy and everything, but far too short. Quite nice though. Nice soun
    d. Cool progression as well. I dig your progression a lot.
  * Noisy and ugly drums.. lacks variation.. bad theme..
    UGLY waves! eeeeeek.  distasterous background plink-plonk
  * sounds good, but goes nowhere... precussion was lame

         8.  Bargel               -   2.750 -  **

  * Arghhhhhh! Come on!
  * Roses are red. Violets are blue. You your tune is crap, and so are you
  * Ewww. Discordant and not very well done anyway. No attention to detail
    .. errgh.
  * Haha.. nice pun in the title. um. yes.
    the tune itself, though, is irrevocably ugly and distorting.
    please let me out of here. please. no, seriously, I mean it.
  * LoGre? iz dat U?

 ----< the trackering 1997 hall of fame >------------------------------------

             1.   Yannis           -  - 6.650 - TT#28
             2.   Radix            -  - 6.400 - TT#26
             3.   Ballistique      -  - 6.100 - TT#28
             4.   Mickrip          -  - 6.000 - TT#27
             5.   Ben-Jam          -  - 5.950 - TT#28
             6.   Liam The Lemming -  - 5.950 - TT#28
             7.   Mickrip          -  - 5.929 - TT#26
             8.   Screamager       - sc-heart.xm  - 5.550 - TT#28
             9.   TheFear&Aspax    - d&s-ss.xm  - 5.500 - TT#30
             10.  Ben-Jam          -  - 5.438 - TT#30

 ----< the trackering 1996 hall of fame >------------------------------------

             1.   Lemm          - wstl-ii . it   - 8.000 - TT#11
             2.   Lepra&Marwin  - lepmrw_r. xm   - 7.889 - TT#3
             3.   Lemm          - lem-beat. it   - 7.688 - TT#15
             4.   Aahz          - az-jahw .s3m   - 7.600 - TT#10
             5.   Radix         - dow&son . xm   - 7.538 - TT#12
             6.   Siren         - c&r     .s3m   - 7.556 - TT#4
             7.   Mellow-D      - murder  . xm   - 7.500 - TT#9
             8.   Lepra         - lep-brkn. xm   - 7.455 - TT#14
                  Yannis        - magic   . it   - 7.455 - TT#14
             10.  Yannis        - wolfen  . it   - 7.400 - TT#10
                  Radix         - pedigree. xm   - 7.400 - TT#18

 -----< info >---------------------------------------------------------------

     The Trackering is divided into 2 weeks, here's the info :

   ---- compo ----  Week : 1

     The Trackering is held on channel #tt, every first and third
    Saturday->Sunday of every month at 01.00AM CET / 07.00PM EST. I'll be
    offering a samplepack in 1 hour, if you get them I'll declare you an
    contestant. If you weren't there in time, you can always get the sample-
    pack from /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/samples, just make
    sure you get the most recent pack. In the samplepack there is a file
    called deadline.txt, this shows the date and time when the deadline is.
    Right after you get the pack you can begin tracking.

     I want all the tunes back before the following weekend, same time(1am
    cet/7pm est). I'll be on IRC as axl_ (of course) at that time so you can
    just dcc them to me, or mail it to '' with either
    UUEncode or MIME. This is just the deadline so you can send your tune
    to me during the week.

    * Note : TT is on AnotherNet,
             so connect your irc-client to one of these AnotherNet servers:


   ---- voting ---- week : 2

     The vote-pack will be out 1-2 hours after the compo-deadline and
    the pack will be available on IRC and on FTP :
    -  /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/votepacks
    - /demo/musicdisk
    - filename : - where ## is the number of the contest.

     Everyone can judge the TT compo, but a contestant must judge it or 
    he'll be disqualified.

     The voting system is a scale from 0-9. There will be a vote-form included
    in the vote-pack, which is almost self-explainatory :), If you need
    help on how to vote, then just mail me.

     The results will be out 1 week after the compo has ended, it'll be
    distributed on IRC and in the next sample-pack. You can also get it from /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/results

 -----< rules >---------------------------------------------------------------

   Formats Allowed  :		XM, MOD, S3M, MTM, IT
   Max    Channels  :           32 Channels.
   Module Max Size  :           150k (153600 bytes, uncompressed, unpacked!)
   Tracking   Time  :		1 Week. (From Sun 01.00AM CET)

   External Samples :		NONE!

   * Only one tune per composer

   * The tune may NOT! be compressed with any modulecompressor to make it
     lower than 150k.

   * You can do co-ops, but you have to tell me that when I declare

   * You have to judge the compo-tunes if you enter the compo.

   * You have to either DCC'd or mailed me your entry _before_ Sun 1AM CET
     the week after.

   * You may edit the samples in the tracker in whatever way you want,
     you may NOT copy the samples and make several different
     instruments. (one sample, one instrument). You may NOT use any
     external program to edit/process the samples.

   *  Be sure to write in the sample-test what you did to the
      sample you changed (that does not include sample-pitching).

   * Written your handle in the sample-text.

   * If the competitor doesn't follow this rules, then his module has
     the right to be disqualified.

   * Please delete the samples you dont use from the sample-pack.

    Judging Rules :
      -  Anyone can judge the compo.
      -  You may _NEVER_ vote for yourself.
      -  If a competitor doesn't vote, he will be disqualified.

 -----< Mailing List >--------------------------------------------------------

  If you want to subscribe to The Trackering Mailing List, which will bring
  you votepacks/samplepacks and results of The Trackering, then just send
  an e-mail to, and write the following as Subject
  to subscribe:

  'Subscribe TT' - Get votepacks/samplepacks and results.

  'Unscribe TT'  - Unsubscribe the list

   * this because the damn filter system isn't word-sensetive, so you
     will not be removed if I had used "Unsubscribe". :>

 ----< suggestions & ideas >-------------------------------------------------

  If you have any suggestions or ideas laying around in your head
 please mail me and tell me it. :)

 -----< staff or whom to blame >----------------------------------------------

  uh. none right now :D.
