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File size:
40 727 bytes (39.77K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 963


 $$$$$$$Pý'                                                          `ýY$$$$$$$
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 $$$$$$$$$$$$>--[ music compo #28 ]-------------[ the new wave ]--<$$$$$$$$$$$$

  -----< results >------------------------------------------------------------

  These are the results for The Trackering #28 :
   (Now featuring Hornet Ratings(tm) :>)

         1.   Yannis               -   6.650 -  ****
         2.   Ballistique          -   6.100 -  ***+
         3.   Ben-Jam              -   5.950 -  ***+
              Liam The Lemming     -   5.950 -  ***+
         5.   Screamager           - sc-heart.xm   5.550 -  ***+
         6.   GooRoo               -   5.000 -  ***
         7.   Caramel              - crmshih.s3m   4.500 -  ***
         8.   Zephyr               -   4.100 -  **+
         9.   The Coding Master    - world.xm   3.900 -  **+
         10.  DigiByte             -   3.800 -  **+
         11.  FireStarter          - fs-ttcow.xm   3.600 -  **+
         12.  Lord Jon Ray         -   3.250 -  **
         13.  Znap                 - pitzem.xm   2.750 -  **
         14.  Pfister              -   2.600 -  **
         15.  Ryan                 - r_blood.xm   2.350 -  *+
         16.  Logre2'3             - 2'   1.200 -  *

 Voters :
  ryan, Lord Jon Ray, Zephyr, DigiByte, Spectryl, KLAUSI, Sabbath, pfister,
  Caramel, mr_lag, Saruman, screamager, znap, Ben-Jam, FireStarter, GooRoo,
  LOgre2'3, The Coding Master, YanniS, ballistique, Liam The Lemming.

 Disqualified : NONE, this is the first time this happens in the whole
                TT-history. :>. Let's hope it'll be like this from now

    * watch out for the best of thetrackering 1-30 musicdisk after TT#30 *
    * with all the tunes on the hall of fame + all 1st placed tunes      *

  -----< comments >----------------------------------------------------------

         1.   Yannis               -   6.650 -  ****

  * one word: ROCK.
  * Stunning - parts sound almost lizardkingish...  drums fit song very we
    ll...  transitions were perfect - excellent tune by two excellent trac
    kers ... but a fadeout ending?? *yuk* :P
  * Nice average groovey tune. Bit short, the transposition ending was a
     copout, as it always is.
  * Hey! that's good. Wish, I could do this kinda artwork, too ;-)
  * I expected more from you two.
  * Now THIS is stylish! Great chords, idea and all.
  * Nice chord progression, smooth melody, you've done a good tune!
  * Technically good... like the intro. After order 7 the chords spoil it
    tho - they really fit with the rest of the piece. Catchy.
  * radical stuff !
  * WOW!! The best song at this compo!! Really groovy beat, nice trumpet,
    nice "whisteling", the melody stays in your mind after pressing F8!
    (Why did you use 36 channels, I activated the "muted".My 486DX4-100Mhz
    had problems playing this GIANT through my GUS even sucked!)
    ...I'll try something equal...maybe next time...
  * HeH...What can i say.. this was the best song in TT28.. apart from
    mine.. =) Amazing tune.. Brilliant percussion.. cute effects, nice
    'whistling pixie' to help... Excellent ! This one got a 'YEAH!'
    reaction from me..
  * The perfect song...
    Samples are good corrected...
    Realy fine...
  * When I heard that YB + MR were doing a co-op I thought to myself, shit
    I`m in trouble. Then I heard the tune, there was nothing amazing about
    it.  I expected more from 2 of the scenes leading musicians.          
  * Somehow, the two of you in a co-op seems to sound less appealing than 
    either one of you alone. Kinda like both of you takes away from the   
    other. It's a great tune, I just think if EITHER MickRip OR YanniS    
    did this alone, it could have been better. Pity. *shrug*              

         2.   Ballistique          -   6.100 -  ***+

  * for some strange reason, i have no interest in a) your wanking habits 
    or b) your ex-wife's anatomy.  i must need some of your beer.         
  * Too repetative.. but progresses well and sounds full and developed.  A
    lthough repetative, the chords sound good - kept expecting the drums t
    o pick up . . but no.. hrm....
  * I _have_ heard that intro chord-progression before. Was it Enya? Anywa
    y, nice mixing, but far too repetitive, and using the same patterns mu
    ltiple times etc.                                                     
  * What do i like most?                                                  
    Well, tha professional panning fx.                                    
  * Amazing how 20+ channels can still sound so empty.  I suppose it      
    would sound worse if some werent there, but I don't really feel       
    inclined to experiment.  The song isnt unlistenable, but I cant       
    actively listen to it.  Ambient I guess.                              
  * Lacks greatness. Natural Born Mediocre.                               
  * Technically good but I'm not sure those chords fit together too well. 
    I found myself having to mute the rez samples pretty soon too. Above a
    verage all the same.                                                  
  * no inspiration ???                                                    
  * Mmh...this song made me sad...not only the soft melody, but the fact  
    that you're talking to your computer and the beers that had to die for
    this really nice "kind'a background"-tune. GOOD WORK! Send it to some would be nice as a "while-reading"-tune!          
  * You might have done it in a rush but it turned out quite nice..       
    Nice Chords and a nice Lead make this a good song                     
  * i would've given you a 9 if you had dropped the lead and did this on o
    nly one can of beer                                                   
  * And another good tune...                                              
    sample correction good...                                             
    nice melody...                                                        
    This is on of the three best songs...                                 
  * Strange ;) I like tho.                                                
  * Bal, Bal, Bal! You gotta quit drinking in mid-track dude, you'll ruin 
    our reputation. :D                                                    

         3.   Ben-Jam              -   5.950 -  ***+

  * nice.  but, um, don't hold your breath waiting for .it support in dmp 
  * Nice tune.  Great drum track.  Really nice leads with well placed matc
    hing chords.  Bass was cool.  Rezs were a bit wierd in a funk-ish tune
     though ;)  Still a good song though                                  
  * On the whole not that bad. Could use better mixing.                   
  * HELP! How could one decide, when there's so much pretty stuff...      
    Good thing, groovy, nice. Super tune.                                 
  * Nice drums, nice sounding bass line.  Good chords, but there was an   
    annoying hanging one near the end.  Some excellent sax patterns, but  
    for the most part mediocre.  Rez is too dominant in second part.  Drum
    fills after second part cost you a point :P  Ending did not work well.
  * Groovy bassline! Stylish. Clean.
  * A very nice tune. The drums, the bass and chords are very well done wi
    th nice variations and touches. My only criticism is that at times the
     melody is a little strained. I'll keep an eye out for your stuff in t
    he future, keep it up!                                                
  * funky base and u got much out of that saxsample, cool p17....i voted !
    some good chords and tunes....i really like the first patterns !      
  * This was one of the better songs... At least it was in tune... unlike 
    most of them... Well Done..                                           
  * The Tune is good, it has a good Melody, nice panning, good using      
    of the Channels...                                                    
    Not so boring like other tunes without a good "story"...              
    The Intstruments are corrected very good...                           
    The Tune fits to the Samples...                                       
  * Wow.. a tune that's got tuned samples, a clear melody and some variati
    on! Well done!                                                        
  * I dig this. =)                                                        

         4.   Liam The Lemming     -   5.950 -  ***+

  * faded chord pads.  flute.  piano.  mellow percussion.  la, la, la.  th
    is isn't as good as most of your other tunes simply because it's not i
    nnovative at all.  (and that damn sawsynth buzzing set my teeth on edg
    e. *grrrr*)                                                           
  * Cool song.  Echoed piano sounded very good.  Clavi-like rezs sounded w
    ierd.  Heavy chordage :)  never the less it is very nice              
  * Weepy tune, didn't like the chord progression much. Equalise the sampl
    e mixing relative to pitch more.                                      
  * It's good. But the hurry it has been made in can be recognized ;)     
  * Hey hey hey, almost like Wastelands II, back in the good old days,    
    eh Lemm?                                                              
  * GAWD the chords were ordinary. The fill was ugly.                     
    Nice solo. A tad boring.                                              
  * Cool tune, great sax lead, good rhythm, i like it.                    
  * Excellent. I could listen over and over again. Congrats, Liam, you've 
    improved a lot. Two niggles: the instrument you made out of dune's bd 
    doesn't fit and what happened to the ending? :) Aside from this, you c
    ould have a winner here...                                            
  * I's hard, but this song would be better if it had had a     
    louder melody, bit more flute and less strings...all in one a nice and
    worth listening tune...and btw: wonderfull chords in the beginning... 
    ...before getting too much...                                         
  * I didn't really like the beginning of this one too much... but after  
    the first 10 seconds it transformed into a bewteefull song.. Nice..   
  * The Song is ok, but a little bit heavy...                             
    Good sample correction...
    The Volumen of the melody is too low...                               
    Too much instruments at one time...                                   
    It's realy screaming...                                               
    But ok...                                                             
  * Woo .. some nice chord progressions here.. Still muddy in some places 
  * Sort your life Lemming.  This was almost a cracking tune, ba the vol  

         5.   Screamager           - sc-heart.xm   5.550 -  ***+

  * just great!                                                           
  * Soothing tune.  Nothing seriously wrong with it.  Lead was nice.  And 
    progression was very good.                                            
  * Nice sounding prince-rescues-princess music, completely ruined by an o
    ut-of-pitch sampleset.                                                
  * That aint half bad.  Nosirree.  Chords aint half bad, lead aint half  
    bad.  Half bad-repeteteive, half bad-ending.  Axl axl axl.  Voting    
    program is half bad.  I liked text files.                             
  * George Michael eat your heart out.                                    
    (don't know if that's positive or negative..)
  * nice tune and good balance, good chords                               
  * REALLY A NICE TUNE! To say it in a few words: nice chords, NICE melody
    , nice drums, nice bass, NIVE EVERYTHING! BUT!! You should be careful 
    with the sample-tuning...they sound a bit detuned...only a bit...     
  * Nice melodic one here.. I love the lead instrument and how you        
    combined the instruments... Jolly Good... WooP tO YoU                 
  * It's a nice song...                                                   
    Good melody...                                                        
    Good using of the samples...                                          
    Sample correction is ok, but it's not perfect...                      
    This causes a little bit unharmonic in this song...                   
    But a good song...                                                    
  * Sheet.... Don't use piano samples when they're that bad..             
  * Some of the samples seem to be off-key. Shame, cos the song's great.  

         6.   GooRoo               -   5.000 -  ***

  * not bad at all.  i'd go so far as to say you're getting a lot better. 
  * Well done.  Drums were a bit bland though - and the lead was a bit lac
  * Hmm .. too repetitive. Too linear on dimensions of chord / theme      
  * Boring.  No terrible mistakes, but nothing is really happening.       
  * Clich‚ galore.                                                        
  * Nice piece! You handle this style well, keep at it. I can't imagine wh
    at that bassdrum is doing panned all the way to the left tho... :)    
  * torturing basedrum / base !                                           
  * HURRAY!! A song with good tuned samples/instruments...but it's not the
    kind of I usually listen to. Show must go on!     
  * Yeah.. I liked this.. Nice.. =]                                       
  * Good techno tune...                                                   
    good drums...                                                         
    good sample correction...                                             
    The melody is missing...                                              
    But at all a very good song...                                        
  * At least samples are tuned. Seems like it's lacking something. Ah.. pe
    rhaps more than the same two chords. ie you could have shifted up a ke
    y somewhere ;)                                                        
  * Geez. All you have to do is code an .IT player and you can write      
    your OWN demo soundtracks, man. :) Dis phunkee 80'z stuph RAWKS my    
    nadz. =)                                                              

         7.   Caramel              - crmshih.s3m   4.500 -  ***

  * ewwwww, another ft2-hating mellow caramel tune.  IN MONO. :)  i don't 
    like it as much as some of your other tt tunes, probably because it's 
    so weird and random-sounding.                                         
  * Cute little song.  Nice drums and the flute was nicely done.  Sax was 
    strange and almost out of place.                                      
  * Poor mixing + samples out of key.                                     
  * Not a bad song. Could be a tuned a little bit better.                 
  * Not bad.  Bass seems out of tune.  Chords at beginning are far too    
    wave-like, but that is gone quickly.  Remainder is quite nice         
    actually.  The snare is clipped osccasionally and annoyingly.  The    
    final trumpet note seemed out of key.                                 
  * Not bad but the bass is out of tune and the whole song sounds kinda 'e
    mpty'. It's melodic enough to do well tho.                            
  * Nice conzept, but...where's the tuning? where are the smooth loops?   
    I know it's a bit different with ScreamTracker, but that's not an ex- 
  * This song only just got this many points from me... It was ok but the 
    bass was a bit to 'loud' for my liking... but not bad at all          
  * didn't this stuff die in the 80s?                                     
  * Caramel's tune don't uses the samples so good...                      
    The Melody is very thin...                                            
    The Samples are not so good corrected...                              
    But the tune has his own style...                                     
    It realy swinging...                                                  
    You can hear it, without becoming mad...                              
  * Not too bad.. but tune those samples!!!!                              
  * Samples in tune, decent rhythm, crap ending, hmm... learn to pan. :)  

         8.   Zephyr               -   4.100 -  **+

  * ok at first, but it got REALLY annoying with all those damn poorly-loo
    ped strings wailing discordantly all over the place.                  
  * Too cheesy / out of tune samples / repetitive.                        
  * AUUGH another clipped snare!  Well... nice string work.  Pizza use is 
    disgusting.  Flute isnt bad.  Bass line doesnt quite fit the rest of  
    the song and the rez doesnt help much.  Ah well.                      
  * Oh cool. Techno! (*cheer*). This I didn't like.                       
  * Not bad but that bassline gets seriously annoying. Transposing it for 
    a few patterns doesn't save it from its monotony either...            
  * cool chords, lovely flute solo                                        
  * A bit...a bit...a
    BUT - worth 5 points!                                                 
  * Extremely weird song i thought... but well written and sounds good    
  * It's a little bit wired...                                            
    The Samples are good corrected...
    It has nice echos...                                                  
    It's Interesting...                                                   
  * Orchestration.. and clearer melody are something you should work on. B
    ut it started off fairly well.                                        
  * Holistic melory creation isn't what it used to be, is it? :P          

         9.   The Coding Master    - world.xm   3.900 -  **+

  * blech. this shows some promise, but you need to practice a lot more.  
    the main problem i have with this tune is that it's VERY repetitive; m
    akes me want to go drown myself in the toilet about 1 min or so in.   
  * Panning hurts my ears and drums sucked.  Doesnt go anywhere.  Code ins
    tead :)                                                               
  * Cheesy. Echo's supersaturated? Needs enhanced intricasy and theme.    
  * "ugh" (quota: librarian of unseen university ;). Hard to decide, this 
    time. This one is really nice.                                        
  * I'd like to take the chance yet again to say how horrible this packs  
    sample set was.  As for the song, well.. its not bad for a coder.     
    Better than Heizahn at any rate.                                      
  * The drum-echo-effect was EXTREMELY ennerving.                         
    The rest wasn't too much to brag about either.                        
  * You claim to be a coder rather than a musician, but your tune fits tog
    ether a lot better than some of the others here. This reminds me of th
    e end to one of those cartoon movies like 'Jase and the Wheeled Warrio
    rs' or something :).                                                  
  * monotone drums...stop it !...what happened to ur coding ?             
  * It's quite good compared to your older 4Chnl-mods...maybe a bit slow, 
    but it doesn't make your ears CUM BLOOD. (keep up doing like you did) 
    Little hint: use SAMPLE-OFFSET on your SNARE-HIT-ECHOES so that they  
    sound softer...(should sound better)...greez to "the shadow" (whoever 
    she might be)...                                                      
  * This song was good.. although it became qiute monotonous and tedius.. 
    But a nice melodic tewN..                                             
  * Don't use piano samples when they're that bad!!                       

         10.  DigiByte             -   3.800 -  **+

  * faded chord pads, flute, mellow percussion, piano.  blah.  oh wait, di
    d i say this before?  terribly sorry. :)  this tune bored me to tears,
     it was all i could do to listen through to the end.                  
  * Ok... but repetative, and boring.  The panning gets very annoying and 
    the the drums are plain and simple.  Some chords just sound *wrong*   
  * One chord progression through-out the whole song? Doh!                
  * Chords shouldve been crossfaded instead of faded to and from 0.
    Believe you me (heehee) it wouldve been worth the extra 3 channels.
    Several dissonances.  Looped piano went on too long in several        
    patterns, should've been faded out.  Nice otherwise.                  
  * Moody and all. Not too much variation. The occasional dissonance.     
  * What's the point of using IT when you pan manually and don't use NNA's
     when you obviously need them? Aside from this your tune is fresh and 
    emotional. The leads need more volume control. Pretty well executed ov
  * someplaces u have some very good chords....some weird some...and it's 
    a good not like the fade in on the chords ! ;)             
  * It's quite worth listening.But after a few minutes the melody is bur- 
    ried under chords'n'strings'n'so on.                                  
  * Very Nice background / Chords, nice effects.... Overall Nice sounding 
  * could've been mixed a little better                                   
  * Samples good corrected...                                             
    This tune has no real melody...                                       
    It has nice panning...                                                
    But there are too many instruments at one time (heavy)...             
  * Untuned Samples hurt my ears!!!!!!                                    
  * Your percussion was "dimmed" by panning it surround. :( The rest of   
    the song was nice tho. The piano loop sucked, which is a shame cos    
    the other samples were looped really well. You REALLY gotta break out 
    of the surround-panning habit tho.                                    

         11.  FireStarter          - fs-ttcow.xm   3.600 -  **+

  * i want to like this one a lot, but for some reason, i can't.  good sho
    w of talent, though... keep at it!                                    
  * Awesome ;)  I could almost see the cows running through my house. Got 
    boring after the initial start.  *could* have been really good :)     
  * Lovely cheesy first patterns. Too repetitive though. In some places yo
    u only have a bland drum track going. If it's going to be a drum track
     by itself, make it a GOOD drum track.                                
    I GOT A MATCH!!  Not knowing what it is, well.  Very strange tune.    
    The first part is better than the second part, but afterwards I can't 
    really remember why.  Heh.                                            
  * YIKES! Where's that stop-button?                                      
  * The lack of bassdrum in the first part wasn't a good idea, and the per
    cussion is too repetitive throughout the piece. Needs more volume cont
    rol (ie. on the hihats) and more echos. The change is good tho, and su
    its the title. You just need to work on your technical side - you have
     some good ideas.                                                     
  * fresh'n up !
  * Don't blame it on the samples, don't blame it on the tracker...
    excuse my my words because I say: "You are a pattern hacker!"         
    It's repeatish like a toilet-flush.                                   
  * Nice using of the samples...                                          
    Good sample corrected...                                              
    A little bit boring...                                                
    Only looped background melodys...                                     
    No real melody in the song...                                         
    The Trumpetpart is not so good...                                     
    But it's a nice Backgroundtune...                                     
  * "Mooo mooo".. Bloody  "mooo mooo mooo" I say!                         

         12.  Lord Jon Ray         -   3.250 -  **

  * the intro is nice, but after that... ugh.                             
  * Trance?  er.. ok ;)  Nothing that great.. but the primal section was k
    inda neat-o - and dont use a cowbell for a melody!                    
  * Hrm .. not trance if the trance I've heard is a musical yardstick .. I
     didn't like bell sample. In fact, upon listening to the sample you'll
     hear a distinct note at (a bit below) the flat 3rd of the root "bell"
     note. Bad sample!                                                    
  * Wow.  A trance cow bell.  I don't know what to say.                   
  * Atleast better than Logre2'3. A tad.                                  
  * Some of the notes are way off and this isn't trance at all. The elemen
    ts that make a good piece are missing. It's just a mish mash of sample
    s and notes.                                                          
  * wake me up....scary tune and chords....make the drums stop !          
  * Sorry for you working soo loong...that is trance?!? I don't know...   
    Quite nice try...                                                     
  * HeH... NiCE....                                                       
  * It's nice...                                                          
    The loops must be corrected...                                        
    The Drumpart is ok...                                                 
    This song is ok...                                                    
  * This sucks. Too much bass. Trance is more rhythm-based than this,     
    too, isn't it?                                                        

         13.  Znap                 - pitzem.xm   2.750 -  **

  * heh. kinda cute.                                                      
  * Wierd :D  Drums get annoying, but it is interesting :)                
  * Hm. Absurd. Sheesh.                                                   
  * About what I wouldve expected for an hours worth of tracking.  Several
    fun/funny parts gave you a couple points.                             
  * Another strong competitor to the famous Logre2'3-placings
  * The bass is totally out here. Sure you did it in 54 mins but how about
     a little variation? Sheesh...                                        
  * No chords, no tuning, no harmony...nothing to laugh about (you'd bet- 
    ter cry)                                                              
  * cice theme here.. Cute little 'bell' song and nice bass.. With quite  
    complicated parts... Good Song :)                                     
  * A boring song...                                                      
    No thing fits to the other... (I mean Melody and drums and so on...)  
    It has an bad end...                                                  
    But It is an interesting mix...                                       
    A short tune...                                                       
    Realy crazy....                                                       
  * Eek..                                                                 
  * Urgh, TUNE your samples.                                              

         14.  Pfister              -   2.600 -  **

  * we all need a little crack sometimes...                               
  * suck - and i dont think covers are alowed                             
  * I've never heard the W&G Theme Song before.                           
  * Why, yes. And pass the popcorn while you're at it, will you?          
  * Sure it's more musical than some of the other pieces here but at 2 pat
    ts you can't go wrong can you? :)                                     
  * how did u end up with this ?? really ? the loop can kill my dog !     
  * I like the too?!? But can't remember the music so short... 
  * Hmmm... =D                                                            
  * It's a nice chiptune...                                               
    But too short...                                                      
    The melody is good, but all other is missing...                       
    A funny tune...                                                       
  * That sucked. :D The reverb was awesome tho. Put it to better use next 
    time. :)                                                              

         15.  Ryan                 - r_blood.xm   2.350 -  *+

  * *REALLY* bad name.  Song was not that much better.  yuckie            
  * Poor.                                                                 
  * No!  No no no nononono!!                                              
  * This module falls into the category: "Tunes which titles I don't      
    want to know the origin of"                                           
  * You're using 4 channels (for some unknown reason) and nothing but the 
    drums seem to be coherent together. The song started off okay, so it's
     a shame you've been let down by your ear. Learning some chord theory 
    might help you here, because your ear won't :).                       
  * didn't make me cum, but honestly, i liked it...;) a bit...
  * EARS, BLOODY EARS! See how the girls run...away!
  * I didn't like the first part of this song at all... but the second    
    'part' was OK..  alot of parts 'out of tune' though..                 
  * It's wired...                                                         
    You can say the son is realy...                                       
    It's like a bad chiptune...                                           
    The melody is the best of this tune...                                
  * Do you really? Scary stuff man.                                       
  * You still don't seem to have mastered writing the BASSLINE in the     
    SAME KEY as the REST of the song. :P (Can't fault your percussion     
    tho. :) )                                                             

         16.  Logre2'3             - 2'   1.200 -  *

  * Hm... gave me a headache too.  I would say nice try, but.. um.. it was
    n't =]  Maybe it would have been better if i was messed up ;)         
  * Incredibly bad.                                                       
  * Stubby bass is very badly looped.  Rez riff is irritating.  Chords    
    are boring.  Drums are not completely horrible.                       
  * Once again you saved my day. Now, if you'll excuse me I think I       
    will go sucking on some exhaust pot somewhere.                        
  * Your chances of getting higher than a 2.1 aren't gonna improve if your
     notes are off :). You've built a song around a bassline that wasn't t
    hat good in the first place. Better luck next time.                   
  * hopefully it was my soundcard that failed....                         
  * Argh! What's wrong now?!? Did IT crash?!? The samples sound like cor- 
    rupted...the pattern data seems to fly around on the screen!!! NO...  
    THIS SHOULD BE A SONG FOR THE TRACKERING...(out of words)             
  * Arg... i didn't like this one.. no offence.. Just some bits out of    
    tune completely and hardly anything goes together... the sounds clash 
    all too much..                                                        
  * It's realy bad...                                                     
    The samples are not good corrected, too...                            
  * One wonders if music is required in tracking sometimes.               
  * Even thou this was still noise, was a bit of a tune there.  Keep pract
  * You're shit and you know it. =P~~~                                    
    You suck so much I'm surprised the moon's orbital path hasn't been    
    affected. =P~~~~~~~                                                   
    You blow SO much I bet you live in a permanent fucking HURRICANE.     
    And yer looping's crap. =P~                                           

 ----< the trackering 1997 hall of fame >------------------------------------

             1.   Yannis           -  - 6.650 - TT#28
             2.   Radix            -  - 6.400 - TT#26
             3.   Ballistique      -  - 6.100 - TT#28
             4.   Mickrip          -  - 6.000 - TT#27
             5.   Ben-Jam          -  - 5.950 - TT#28
             6.   Liam The Lemming -  - 5.950 - TT#28
             7.   Mickrip          -  - 5.929 - TT#26
             8.   Screamager       - sc-heart.xm  - 5.550 - TT#28
             9.   Ballistique      -  - 5.400 - TT#26
             10.  Argh!            -  - 5.267 - TT#26

 ----< the trackering 1996 hall of fame >------------------------------------

             1.   Lemm          - wstl-ii . it   - 8.000 - TT#11
             2.   Lepra&Marwin  - lepmrw_r. xm   - 7.889 - TT#3
             3.   Lemm          - lem-beat. it   - 7.688 - TT#15
             4.   Aahz          - az-jahw .s3m   - 7.600 - TT#10
             5.   Radix         - dow&son . xm   - 7.538 - TT#12
             6.   Siren         - c&r     .s3m   - 7.556 - TT#4
             7.   Mellow-D      - murder  . xm   - 7.500 - TT#9
             8.   Lepra         - lep-brkn. xm   - 7.455 - TT#14
                  Yannis        - magic   . it   - 7.455 - TT#14
             10.  Yannis        - wolfen  . it   - 7.400 - TT#10
                  Radix         - pedigree. xm   - 7.400 - TT#18

 -----< info >---------------------------------------------------------------

     The Trackering is divided into 2 weeks, here's the info :

   ---- compo ----  Week : 1

     The Trackering is held on channel #tt, every first and third
    Saturday->Sunday of every month at 01.00AM CET / 07.00PM EST. I'll be
    offering a samplepack in 1 hour, if you get them I'll declare you an
    contestant. If you weren't there in time, you can always get the sample-
    pack from /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/samples, just make
    sure you get the most recent pack. In the samplepack there is a file
    called deadline.txt, this shows the date and time when the deadline is.
    Right after you get the pack you can begin tracking.

     I want all the tunes back before the following weekend, same time(1am
    cet/7pm est). I'll be on IRC as axl_ (of course) at that time so you can
    just dcc them to me, or mail it to '' with either
    UUEncode or MIME. This is just the deadline so you can send your tune
    to me during the week.

    * Note : TT is on AnotherNet,
             so connect your irc-client to one of these AnotherNet servers:


   ---- voting ---- week : 2

     The vote-pack will be out 1-2 hours after the compo-deadline and
    the pack will be available on IRC and on FTP :
    -  /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/votepacks
    - /demo/musicdisk
    - filename : - where ## is the number of the contest.

     Everyone can judge the TT compo, but a contestant must judge it or 
    he'll be disqualified.

     The voting system is a scale from 0-9. There will be a vote-form included
    in the vote-pack, which is almost self-explainatory :), If you need
    help on how to vote, then just mail me.

     The results will be out 1 week after the compo has ended, it'll be
    distributed on IRC and in the next sample-pack. You can also get it from /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/results

 -----< rules >---------------------------------------------------------------

   Formats Allowed  :		XM, MOD, S3M, MTM, IT
   Max    Channels  :           32 Channels.
   Module Max Size  :           150k (153600 bytes, uncompressed, unpacked!)
   Tracking   Time  :		1 Week. (From Sun 01.00AM CET)

   External Samples :		NONE!

   * Only one tune per composer

   * The tune may NOT! be compressed with any modulecompressor to make it
     lower than 150k.

   * You can do co-ops, but you have to tell me that when I declare

   * You have to judge the compo-tunes if you enter the compo.

   * You have to either DCC'd or mailed me your entry _before_ Sun 1AM CET
     the week after.

   * You may edit the samples in the tracker in whatever way you want,
     you may NOT copy the samples and make several different
     instruments. (one sample, one instrument). You may NOT use any
     external program to edit/process the samples.

   *  Be sure to write in the sample-test what you did to the
      sample you changed (that does not include sample-pitching).

   * Written your handle in the sample-text.

   * If the competitor doesn't follow this rules, then his module has
     the right to be disqualified.

   * Please delete the samples you dont use from the sample-pack.

    Judging Rules :
      -  Anyone can judge the compo.
      -  You may _NEVER_ vote for yourself.
      -  If a competitor doesn't vote, he will be disqualified.

 -----< Mailing List >--------------------------------------------------------

  If you want to subscribe to The Trackering Mailing List, which will bring
  you votepacks/samplepacks and results of The Trackering, then just send
  an e-mail to, and write the following as Subject
  to subscribe:

  'Subscribe TT' - Get votepacks/samplepacks and results.

  'Unscribe TT'  - Unsubscribe the list

   * this because the damn filter system isn't word-sensetive, so you
     will not be removed if I had used "Unsubscribe". :>

 ----< suggestions & ideas >-------------------------------------------------

  If you have any suggestions or ideas laying around in your head
 please mail me and tell me it. :)

 -----< staff or whom to blame >----------------------------------------------

     Axl        -       Organizer           -
     Csabo      -       Bloody Ascii's      - ?
