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File size:
24 246 bytes (23.68K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 825


   __                                                              _____
  |  __ __| |           __ __|              |            _)             |
       |   __ \   _ \     |  __| _ |  __| |  / _ \  __| | __ \   _ |
       |   | | |  __/     | |   (   | (      <  __/ |    | | | | (   |
      _|  _| |_|\___|    _|_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_|   _|_| |_|\__, |
  |   [Music Compo #22]                                         |___/   |
  |_______                                      __The New Wave  ________|

 -----< Results >------------------------------------------------------------

  These are the results for The Trackering #22 :

             1.   Tito           - tt22bb  . xm   6.719 -  ***+
             2.   Nitris         - ni-cdrea. it   6.467 -  ***+
             3.   Lemm           - m1-wl3  . it   6.400 -  ***+
             4.   Centurion      - amazing . it   6.333 -  ***+
             5.   Hunz           - hnz-pboy. xm   6.250 -  ***+
             6.   Cygnes         - cgs-tc  . it   6.167 -  ***+
             7.   Lepra          - lep-evil. xm   6.156 -  ***+
             8.   Thefear        - tf_tinj . xm   6.063 -  ***+
             9.   Yannis         - ybjuggy . it   5.900 -  ***
             10.  Lagioto        - flat35  . it   5.828 -  ***
             11.  Beek&Stalker   - crystl  .s3m   5.750 -  ***
             12.  Welti          - groove  .s3m   5.688 -  ***
             13.  Lonewolf       - infin   . xm   5.625 -  ***
             14.  Caramel        - crmkaram.s3m   5.438 -  ***
             15.  Mako           - dipswinc. xm   5.406 -  ***
             16.  Sledgehammer   - g_smoke . xm   5.406 -  ***
             17.  Starf0x        - f0x-hurr. xm   5.281 -  ***
             18.  Pfister        - pf-hypr2. it   5.000 -  ***
             20.  Monaco's       - mnc-mcas. xm   4.813 -  **+
             21.  Balrog         - trip    . xm   4.594 -  **+
             22.  Argh           - nty     . it   4.467 -  **+
             23.  Darius         - 22trax  . xm   4.250 -  **+
             24.  Not opus       - no-tt22 . it   4.233 -  **+
             25.  Axl            - dancing . xm   4.125 -  **+
             26.  Grin           - grin_ind.s3m   3.781 -  **
             27.  Jer            - j_entry . xm   3.438 -  **
             28.  Shade          - goodnite. xm   3.063 -  **
             29.  Clepto         - cl-stuff. it   2.633 -  *+
             30.  Lord Jon Ray   - ljr_tt22. it   2.581 -  *+
             31.  Inopia         - inp_god . xm   2.152 -  *+

 Voters :
  Jer, Axl, Lord Jon Ray,  smeg, Cygnes, Balrog, Centurion, beek, Lagioto,
  Sledgehammer, Tito, Welti, pfister, Nitris, LoneWolf, Starf0x, mako,
  Caramel, Inopia, Lupin, Clepto, ARGH!, Ballistique, The Fear, Phantasm,
  not opus, Grin, Darius, Monaco's, YanniS, Hunz, Lemm, lepra, Shade.

 Disqualified :
  Stinger, Charlatan, Motiv, 3no, Eneff, Stein, Galahad - didn't vote.

 * Read below about the mailing list, where you can get the results/
   samples/votepacks right in your mailbox.

 -----< comments >-----------------------------------------------------------

 Specific Tune Comments:

 22trax  . xm -- Darius

 Some samples prominently off-key, otherwise I'd have given this a 6.

 Try tuning instruments

 amazing . it -- Centurion

 Very well mixed and orchestrated, original despite being a cover :)

 Very good arrangement.

 I don't care what anyone else thinks, that song's cool.. Good job!

 Never was a file so aptly named. :) The lead melody is very well
 tracked and the chord structure is positively exquisite. =) You might
 just win with this one. ;)

 Low on originality

 cgs-tc  . it -- Cygnes

 Piano solo leaves a lot to be desired.  I would call it lack of
 dynamic contrast, but I don't want to be percieved as a theory head.
 Other than that, the song is fine.

 U have that Eurobeat sound right? ne-wayz liked ur song.

 No bass

 chr-feel. it -- Charlatan

 Too much Dune ripoff.

 No tune

 cl-stuff. it -- Clepto


 crmkaram.s3m -- Caramel

 The drums are irritating.  Watch the retrigs.


 crystl  .s3m -- Beek&Stalker

 Portas at beginning of chorus are too slow.  End of chorus stretched
 out too much.  Sudden key change in repeat of verse was completely
 unexpected, not good.  Ending is decent except the fadeout is boring.

 The melody is gorgeous. The flute is slightly out of tune tho, so I
 had to knock a point off. Sorry. :}

 way too nice

 dancing . xm -- Axl

 Try tracking with sound next time, nice poem tho

 you are one WEIRD guy..

 Axl, gave yours a nine, cuz it rocked! (I wasn't name voting!)
 I don't really have any european pop cd's, but now I'm considering
 buying some if they sound that kewl =)

 Not that it was a brilliant song anyway, but that bass was both
 OFF-KEY and OUT OF TUNE!!!£%!£$£^%%& You're doing this to make the
 lamers look good, aren't you? ;)


 dipswinc. xm --  Mako

 The bass seems a little off, but otherwise a reasonable song.


 flat35  . it -- Lagioto

 Chord progression is boring, but the implementation with the piano is
 well done.  The lead is kept hanging at the end of many patterns at
 the beginning, and is far too repetetetetive near the end.

 get later versions of IT for newer features. :)

 Nice piano, shame about the rest

 floor   . xm -- Stinger

 Hey! These samples DEW NAWT SUQ!£!%$£$!"^$£"^¬$% :) I know this cos
 your tune isn't bad at all. :D

 No bass, no tune. It's disco.

 friggen . it -- Motiv

 Nice attempt, but didnt work out, especially with these samples.  The
 hihats were very strange near the beginning.

 Very original tune

 sorry if this is merely a coincidence, but 'friggen donuts'
 sounded like a nigh rip-off of the 'caero' (plant) theme music..
 nice tune nonetheless..  ;)

 I couldn't hear your song

 Nice piece of ambient mood stuff.

 No motive

 f0x-hurr. xm -- Starf0x

 Nice fast paced tune. Buggered if I'm loading up FT2 just to see if
 there are any mystic hidden bits tho. :)

 Nice piano, shame about the rest

 goodnite. xm -- Shade

 Far too messy.

 Badly mixed

 grin_ind.s3m -- Grin

 And I thought that bass sample was useless!  Clever use of retrig,
 very nice. Rest is kind of boring however, and ending is too abrupt.

 Repetitive. Inane. BORING. When you say "overload", you ain't kidding.

 Even more badly mixed

 groove  .s3m -- Welti

 good groove, good bass, albeit a bit generic (I'm trying very hard to
 ignore the samples :)

 Funky! =) This is soooo 70s I can barely believe you've pulled it
 off. :)

 Too jolly

 g_smoke . xm -- Sledgehammer

 Great tune! Some parts reminds me WAVE's mods :]

 Groovy! =) and it DOESN'T suck. :)

 I hate Peter Gabriel

 hd-tt12 . it -- Eneff

 Disjointed, noisy, messy stuff which tries to be a bunch of different
 styles and ends up being just plain horrible.
 Jesus ain't gonna save yo' sorry ass this time, sucker. :)

 Call that a tune?

 hnz-pbly.s3m -- Hunz

 Pornofunkey enough

 Nice tune, well tracked, damn I hope you don't beat me. :)

 Too happy

 infin   . xm -- Lonewolf

 I've never heard of you before TT22, but I like your style!

 I liked this until it went all... techno. :P

 28 tracks??????

 inp_god . xm -- Inopia

 you're gettin' better!  keep at it, man!  :)

 Urgh. Boring. Repetitive. Monotonous.

 ? (lost for words)

 j_entry . xm -- Jer

 Remind me never to buy a game that sounds like this. ;} That said,
 the bassline amd drums are good.

 Don't want your new releases

 lep-evil. xm -- Lepra

 Damn good tune. +2 for arr and mix

 Bra jobbat Lepra :) (hehe)

 Huh, I should mark you RIGHT down for being scared of a bunch of
 fluffy puppets but I can't cos the song rules so much. eeeks.

 Speak english, please

 ljr_tt22. it -- Lord Jon Ray

 The start is noisy, you've got the channels panned FULL LEFT/RIGHT
 which is plain sloppiness in an s3m, and it's too damned repetitive.
 Only one thing prevents me from giving you a 9... the song. :P

 Too JapanCheesey

 m1-wl3  . it -- Liam The Lemming (The oasis dude you know ;>)

 man I think ur on ur way to being famous! :) Keep up the good work.

 your piece was quite nice, but you could have spent a *wee*
 bit more time on the string loops, and actually, after a while,
 hat panbrello effect gets *really* annoying..  (only imho)
 interestingly, pattern 7 sounds strangely like pattern 18/19
 of 'insideout' by pm.. (inspiration? :)

 Nice story, shame about the song. :P Boring, repetitive, lost all the
 good things that made WL2 so good. Kosmic just grabbed themselves a
 lame duck.

 Where does it go?

 mgspo4  . it -- 3no

 get later versions of IT for newer features. :)

 Takes a while to get going, but it's not bad once it does. The hidden
 bit scared me. :D The panning seems deliberately l/r tho, which I had
 to knock a point off for. I liked the sampletext tho. ;)

 Utterly crap

 mnc-mcas. xm --  Monaco's

 Nice mellow kinda melody.

 Nice but unoriginal

 monday  . it -- Galahad

 Hmm... it IS boring, isn't it? :P

 This worries me...

 ni-cdrea.s3m -- Nitris

 Some very good parts to this song.. doesnt blend together too well in
 some parts, but decent overall.  The chord progression is somewhat
 overused. (somehow cheezy doesnt seem quite right :)

 Pure melody... and gorgeous harmonies. You were right. Percussion
 would more than likely have spoiled this tune. It's beautiful, and
 it flows amazingly well.

 Too long

 no-tt22 . it -- Not Opus

 Some good parts here, but a crude overall feeling.  The moments of
 silence the end do not help.

 Too monotonous.


 nty     . it -- Argh

 Cut it out, you dumb brit! My bass bins are fux0red enough as it is!
 ;) Seriously, tho. It's a decent enough piece of hardcore techno, but
 it becomes unsuitably melodic (wow, I never thought I'd use those two
 words together) toward the end. It just doesn't sound right in techno

 pf-hypr2. it -- Pfister

 I hated to knock points off this tune for silly things like a
 trailing bass sample, an inaudible bass line (that sinebass was a
 bitch to follow) and stuff, but I couldn't let it pass. :I Helluva
 shame, cos I loved the tune once I'd "fixed" the faults. Without
 those faults I'd have easily awarded this tune an 8. It's quite an
 improvement on the original. =)

 Heard of Stereo ?

 st-ride . it -- Stein

 I tried and tried, but I could not find any sort of coherent rhythm
 with this song, but it could be just me (its happened before :)

 Good drums, the rest is worthless

 I found myself struggling to keep listening two minutes into this. The
 monotony made it really drag on. By the way, LEARN TO USE THE PATTERN


 trip    . xm -- Balrog

 Interesting, but kinda wore off me toward the end.

 Where's the tune?

 tf-tinj . xm -- TheFear

 Nice drums and sound effects in some parts.. otherwise fairly boring.

 "This Is Not Jazz.", No, it's just cool. :)


 tt22bb  . xm -- Tito

 Perfect, but for one fault; the bass was out of tune. :I

 Bass is out of tune.

 ybjuggy . it -- Yannis

 Well.  The middle part is very strange, and I think it would sound a
 lot better with different samples.  But.. the HIDDEN part just
 rules :)

 Average tune, nice "HiDDeN pHaRT"

 "hidden" patterns 1F-23 are the best part!! :]

 Yikes. :) I'm giving you a 7 for sheer entertainment value. The song
 was a bit duff but the concept made me chuckle. ;)

 Great beginning, rest was crap.


 General Comments :

  I was really stunned about that incredible amount of cool sounds
  which can be produced by such a humble sample set! OK, the samples
  are not really bad (how easily can be found out listening that tunes
  :), but it is amazing, though! This proves, that sample quality is
  not THAT important thing which makes a good Musician! ... But
  interesting, some songs with bad looped samples didn't sound good

  I was surprised about the big differences in quality which come with
  these songs. Some songs seem to be bad jokes, while others show a lot
  of tracking experience and cool tricks. Sadly, some of the better
  musicians seemed not to be too much motivated. But still there were
  some outstanding songs.
  ----> 8 bits are enough! i love small songs! efficiency rules!

  Hmm. two paragraphs beginning with the word *I* .. am i selfish?
  Maybe. But one thing is sure, i will compete again.. It is a very
  cool compo. It really doesn't care that my song will be placed
  somewhere in the middle field....


  check out the major/7th action!!
  there were *far* too many 'major, fade, 7th, fade'-type chord tunes!
  they all start to sound the same after a while!  ;)
  it's in the best interest of entrants to lay off the stuff like
  that, which has been done to death already..


  Generally  quite decent this time round. Well done to everyone.
  Pleaze.. people.. tune those instruments tho!!


 -----< info >---------------------------------------------------------------

     The Trackering is divided into 2 weeks, here's the info :

   ---- compo ----  Week : 1

     The Trackering is held on channel #tt, every first and third
    Saturday->Sunday of every month at 01.00AM CET / 07.00PM EST. I'll be
    offering a samplepack in 1 hour, if you get them I'll declare you an
    contestant. If you weren't there in time, you can always get the sample-
    pack from /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/samples, just make
    sure you get the most recent pack. In the samplepack there is a file
    called deadline.txt, this shows the date and time when the deadline is.
    Right after you get the pack you can begin tracking.

     I want all the tunes back before the following weekend, same time(1am
    cet/7pm est). I'll be on IRC as axl_ (of course) at that time so you can
    just dcc them to me, or mail it to '' with either
    UUEncode or MIME. This is just the deadline so you can send your tune
    to me during the week.

    * Note : TT is on AnotherNet,
             so connect your irc-client to one of these AnotherNet servers:


   ---- voting ---- week : 2

     The vote-pack will be out 1-2 hours after the compo-deadline and
    the pack will be available on IRC and on FTP :
    -  /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/votepacks
    - /demo/musicdisk
    - filename : - where ## is the number of the contest.

     Everyone can judge the TT compo, but a contestant must judge it or 
    he'll be disqualified.

     The voting system is a scale from 0-9. There will be a vote-form included
    in the vote-pack, which is almost self-explainatory :), If you need
    help on how to vote, then just mail me.

     The results will be out 1 week after the compo has ended, it'll be
    distributed on IRC and in the next sample-pack. You can also get it from /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt/results

 -----< rules >---------------------------------------------------------------

   Formats Allowed  :		XM, MOD, S3M, MTM, IT
   Max    Channels  :           32 Channels.
   Module Max Size  :           150k (153600 bytes, uncompressed, unpacked!)
   Tracking   Time  :		1 Week. (From Sun 01.00AM CET)

   External Samples :		NONE!

   * Only one tune per composer

   * The tune may NOT! be compressed with any modulecompressor to make it
     lower than 150k.

   * You can do co-ops, but you have to tell me that when I declare

   * You have to judge the compo-tunes if you enter the compo.

   * You have to either DCC'd or mailed me your entry _before_ Sun 1AM CET
     the week after.

   * You may edit the samples in whatever way you want, including
     FT2 painting, but you may not copy the samples and re-edit it.
     But be sure to write in the sample-text what you've done to the
     sample you changed (that does not include sample-pitching).

   * Written your handle in the sample-text.

   * If the competitor doesn't follow this rules, then his module has
     the right to be disqualified.

   * Please delete the samples you dont use from the sample-pack.

    Judging Rules :
      -  Anyone can judge the compo.
      -  You may _NEVER_ vote for yourself.
      -  If a competitor doesn't vote, he will be disqualified.

 ----< the trackering hall of fame >-----------------------------------------

             1.   Lemm          - wstl-ii . it   - 8.000 - TT#11
             2.   Lepra&Marwin  - lepmrw_r. xm   - 7.889 - TT#3
             3.   Lemm          - lem-beat. it   - 7.688 - TT#15
             4.   Aahz          - az-jahw .s3m   - 7.600 - TT#10
             5.   Radix         - dow&son . xm   - 7.538 - TT#12
             6.   Siren         - c&r     .s3m   - 7.556 - TT#4
             7.   Mellow-D      - murder  . xm   - 7.500 - TT#9
             8.   Lepra         - lep-brkn. xm   - 7.455 - TT#14
                  Yannis        - magic   . it   - 7.455 - TT#14
             10.  Yannis        - wolfen  . it   - 7.400 - TT#10
                  Radix         - pedigree. xm   - 7.400 - TT#18

 -----< Mailing List >--------------------------------------------------------

  If you want to subscribe to The Trackering Mailing List, which will bring
  you votepacks/samplepacks and results of The Trackering, then just send
  an e-mail to, and write the following as Subject
  to subscribe:

  'Subscribe TT-A' - Get votepacks/samplepacks and results.
  'Subscribe TT-S' - Get only samplepacks and results.
                     (Good if you doesn't like a 2-3Mb big mail every
                      2 weeks)

  'Unscribe TT-A'  - Unsubscribe the respective list
  'Unscribe TT-S'  -    - " -         - " -
   * this because the damn filter system isn't word-sensetive, so you
     will not be removed if I had used "Unsubscribe". :>
  'Send me results ##' - To get the results without being on the list.
                         Where ## is the number of the TT-compo.
                         Under 10 should be lead by a 0.. (4 = 04).

 ----< suggestions & ideas >-------------------------------------------------

  If you have any suggestions or ideas laying around in your head
 please mail me and tell me it. :)

 -----< staff or whom to blame >----------------------------------------------

     Axl        -       Organizer           -
