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File size:
2 037 bytes (1.99K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 1 515

Preview      18929 ***   WIN95 And Demos Starter by Cute Elf : Library for
                              | using DirectDraw for making demo effects. Use
                              | Winzip to decompress archive because of the
                              | long file names.  If using DirectX 5, you have
                              | to change two lines in DirectXConversion.cpp to
                              | type cast to (DirectDrawSurface2 *).  When you
                              | try to compile, you'll know which lines those
                              | are.  Hmm... maybe wince stands for Win-
                              | CuteElf.  (If you see this, are you going back
                              | there?) C/C++, WINDOWS       15071 ***   Windows Tutorial by Denthor of Asphyxia : Windows
                              | Tutorial 1. Denthor's back with some tutorials
                              | on windows graphics program.  I (and he)
                              | recommend that you still get another reference
                              | (like a *gasp* book) if you know absolutely
                              | nothing about programming windows and intend to
                              | get serious about it.  The tut has just enough
                              | info to grasp how windows works, the mindset
                              | needed for coding, and some basic messages
                              | windows can throw at you.  Good for the ultra-
                              | beginner with windows.  (Oh, the example here
                              | is a star field) C/C++, WINDOWS       26572 ***   Windows Tutorial by Denthor of Asphyxia : Windows
                              | Tutorial 2. Resources, bitmaps, and blitting to
                              | the screen.  (bit-maps aren't transparent... as
                              | an exercise to the reader, correct this.)
                              | C/C++, WINDOWS