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2 434 bytes (2.38K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 873

Preview      26409 **+   Keyboard handler by Patch : Source for making a
                              | keyboard handler (int 9) and reading the
                              | keyboard from the handler - Doesn't tell you
                              | much, but is a good demonstration.  I'd suggest
                              | for those needing to write a keyboard handler
                              | is to get a hardware reference for the keyboard
                              | and see what other options are available and
                              | how the code works. Assembler, C/C++, real-mode          18117       Introduction To Keyboard Handlers by Alioth, Don
                              | Williamson of O.M.D : How to construct a
                              | keyboard handler from scratch and why what you
                              | do actually works. :)      10166 ***   Keyboard Routines by Sean Werkema : Gives you
                              | lowlevel access to the keyboard. Assembler,
                              | C/C++        12279 **+   Keydev v3.0 by Ondrej Blazek : Lets you assign
                              | macros up to 255 keystrokes to all keys.      17822 *     K2000 Emulator by Kli : Shows a simple
                              | Knightrider effect on your screen and keyboard
                              | leds. C/C++          7141 **    Learn v2.1 by Ondrej Blazek : Add-on for Keydef
                              | that allows you to define Keydef macros through
                              | textfiles instead of the normal "key by key"
                              | process.        52600 ***+  Keyboard Routines by Lord Logic : Lowlevel
                              | keyboard routines. Assembler         12658 ***   Obbuf v3.2 by Ondrej Blazek : Fills the keyboard
                              | buffer with specific keystrokes before running
                              | a program. Very useful if you often use the
                              | same functions of a program when you start it.       20234 ***+  Peroxide Trainer Part 6 by Telemachos of Peroxide
                              | : This tutorial explains how to program
                              | interrupts, timers and keyboard handlers.
                              | Pascal, Text