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5 235 bytes (5.11K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
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all-time: 1 079

Preview        2321 *+    ASM Fire by LeGeND : A fire routine. A little big
                              | for a fire effect. Might consider using a
                              | random number function. Assembler, real-mode       1184 *     Asm Fire 2 by Legend : Fire Example. No useful
                              | comments and not that impressive looking.
                              | Assembler, real-mode          6651 *     bfire by Blair Harrison : Fire Routine. No
                              | explanation and horrible optimization.  Well,
                              | utter lack of optimization, rather. Pascal,
                              | real-mode         10702 **    blaze source by Gopher : Source and macros for
                              | fire routines.  For a86 compilation, should be
                              | easy to tweak for TASM, but this is nothing
                              | special we haven't seen before. Assembler,
                              | real-mode         3005       Burning Match by Digimind : 314 byte fire example
                              | with asm source and executable. Features wood,
                              | sulfur and oxygen.          20165 ***+  burn by Frank Paxti : A fireroutine - Not your
                              | normal fire routine.  Looks more real. Pascal,
                              | real-mode      10716 ***   Fire by JARE of Iguana : A fire routine under
                              | windows - Crawls on my p133.  :(  Don't bother
                              | looking at this unless you've programmed for
                              | windows before.  You're likely to have a heart
                              | attack.  :)  Requires WinG to run. C/C++      54739 **    Fire code by Kirk A. Baum : A simple fire routine
                              | - Contains the same fire as that of fire-
                              | but coded in assembler for DOS.
                              | Assembler, Pascal, real-mode       1249 **+   57 Byte Fire Routine by Rex Deathstar of
                              | Waterlogic Assembler       8396 **    Yet Another Fire Algorithm by Tanjent : Poor
                              | looking fire, so so code. Assembler, C/C++,
                              | real-mode       2363 *+    128 byte fire by Gaffer of Prometheus : Assembler       2964 **    small flame by Gaffer of PRoMETHEUS : Source for
                              | a small fire routine.  Doesn't actually work on
                              | my computer.  To answer a question proposed by
                              | the author about size optimization, inc al is
                              | bigger than inc ax because intel doesn't have
                              | an inc /r8 instruction.  inc ax is of the form
                              | inc /r16 which compiles to db 40+rw, where rw =
                              | 0 for ax, 1 for cx, 2 for dx, 3 for bx, ... inc
                              | al is of the form inc r/m8 and compiles to db
                              | FE /1 where /1 = c0 for al, c4 for ah, c1 for
                              | bl..., 05 for a memory reference....  See an
                              | intel document for more details. Assembler,
                              | real-mode       2669 ***   184 Byte Fire Routine by Gaffer of Prometheus :
                              | tight code Assembler, real-mode        3148 **    flames by Errand : A simple fire routine - out
                              | dated Assembler, real-mode      21102 *     Fire effect by XtaC of Garbage : Fire Effect.
                              | Yet another fire example. Assembler, C/C++,
                              | protected-mode      12991       Kaos Fire by DrKaos of Zero Wait State      26759 **+   Linefire by Kable : Mystify your fire.  I half
                              | expected to hear the FM sounds from Amnesia to
                              | kick in.  It's only one line with a *much*
                              | longer (and blured) tail, but still.  Uses a
                              | Bresenham's line routine. C/C++, real-mode       3276       Mg-flame by Magnesium : A Flame effect in only
                              | 256-bytes with full assembler source. It even
                              | leaves you in DOS with a message. Commented for
                              | those wanting to learn 256-byte asm coding.
                              | TASM needed.       2334 *     Nice Fire by Ziron of Alpine : Claims to be nicer
                              | then any of the other fires around, but there's
                              | really nothing special about this fire effect.
                              | Assembler         6160 ***+  Fire by Fantom Cat of Swat Cats : An original
                              | variation of the well-known fire effect. Pascal