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1 561 bytes (1.52K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
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all-time: 1 023

Preview     277086       2d Coloured Bump Mapping by PSX of Future-Shock :
                              | Program to demonstarted Coloured 2D Bump
                              | Mapping. Coded in Watcom C.     110842 **+   Bump mapping by PLaSH of Azure : Samples of
                              | bumpmapping. No explanation of the effect.
                              | Fairly clean code.  Several examples so far
                              | into the optimization. Assembler, C/C++, real-
                              | mode
bump.doc           3877 *     Real-Time Phong Bump Mapping Tutorial by Frenzy :
                              | Incorrect ideas, it's not done this way. Text       63540 ***+  2d bump mapping by HELiX : Simple example and
                              | explanation of how to do 2d bump mapping.
                              | Looks like it was written by a beginner
                              | (because of the code optimization, or lack
                              | there of), but is fairly nicely commented,
                              | which is a big plus! Pascal, real-mode       67998 **+   Bump Map Routine by Ollie of Kalvados : Dirty
                              | pixels in the light map. Some useful comments.
                              | Pascal, real-mode      86560 ***   2D Bumpmapping by T.C.P. of Diabolic Force :
                              | Explains how to do 2d bumpmapping on 256 color
                              | pictures. Text