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1 485 bytes (1.45K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
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all-time: 1 193

Preview        12720 **+   Textmode Texture Mapping,Plasma, and 3D by Joker
                              | of Crusaders Pascal, real-mode       12550 *     2D and 3D Rotation by Ash of NLB/BD : Not the
                              | best way to implement rotation. Assembler      25489 *+    3D Tutorial v1.8 by fh of GODS : Useless.  Very
                              | poor way of making a 3d system.  100% hard
                              | coded objects, non-portable slow code. Pascal,
                              | Text     254469 ***+  3D Engine by Voltaire of OTM : Supports lambert
                              | and gouraud shading. C/C++         7790 **    2D Rotation by Draeden of VLA : A clear
                              | explanation, but it doesn't explain how to do
                              | matrix rotation. Assembler, Text      35866 **    3D Rotation by Draeden of VLA : A clear
                              | explanation, but it doesn't explain how to do
                              | matrix rotation. Assembler, Text       84060 **    Yann's 3d by Yann of Iguana : Source for some
                              | random effect - Same effect coded in real mode
                              | and with Tran's pmode extender.  I can't think
                              | of a use for the source. Assembler, protected-
                              | mode, real-mode