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File size:
52 008 bytes (50.79K)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 149


                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
 _ _:_\              ____       ____      _____      ____             /_:_ _
    |             ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_              |
    |            _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__            |
    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |               ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM  ÷                |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |       ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3)     |
    |                     THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |       LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS)       |
    |    VORTEX (AMiGA) ÷ PHUNK (ASCii) ÷ 1OO PERCENT (AMiGA/ASCii)     |
    |           SODiUM (AMiGA) ÷ MOST VALUABLE PLAYAZ (MUSiC)           |
    |       OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM)       |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM                |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |           2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET            |
    |                                                                   |
    |                        STATiC TELNET iP                           |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |       ZANER/LFC^BK^AHS^A!^SOiA -/- DiPSWiTCH/BK^A!^AHS^1OO%       |
    |         HASH/AHS^PZK^SOiA -/- NiNJA/PDX^HS  -/- MOOL/AHS          |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

                            _____     _____     _____     _____   _______
           _____\____ _  .-\\__  \_.-\\__  \_.-\\__  \_.-\\__  \.-\      \_
         ._)    \\     _/     /   /    _/  _/.    /___/     _   \_   \/   /
         |             \_________/_____\_____|______________\____/___/   /
         |                                                          /____\
         !  sea-irc.txt uploaded by Shallow / .[Sodium].
      _____     _____   ______     _____                             .
    .-\   /__.-\\__  \.-\ ._  \_.-\\__  \_     ·o3:22· ·2o/11/99·    |
  _/     /   \_   _   \_  |/   /     /   / _ ________________________|
  \___________/___\____/__|   /_._______/

     [ Sdm!BackCheck v1.o [TXT] - Copyright © 1996-1999 Shallow/Sodium ]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   ___     ___     ___
  _____   n7v!aSL  _(  /__ _( _/__ __\_ )_
 !__  //______ __ /_ \__ //_  ___//_  __ /_
   /__________\\___\_  '  _\_ `   _\_  `  _\
                     `----'  `----'  `----'
 ----- sative mea ascii [art] release ------
       first ascii kolly by fAr under
         sative mea label called:

 Internet           Relay               Chat

 ------------------------12-Nov-1999  _____
  ____________________________ ______\\  __!
«Log»	Logging of this window started to file at 08-Jun-99 02:04:08.
«Connect»	Looking up host ""...
«Connect»	Attempting connection to host "" on port 6667...
«Connect»	Connected. Now doing login...
«Log»	Logging inactive.
«Welcome»	Welcome to the Internet Relay Network
«Welcome»       fAr^s3a! !!!
«Host»	Your host is, running version 2.10.3b8+CrD1+topic
«Server»	This server was created Sat Nov 7 1999 at 16:44:30 CEST
«Server» is v2.10.3b8+CrD1+topic,
«Server»        accepting user modes aoOirw
«Server»        and channel modes abeiIklmnoOpqrstv.
«Lusers»	There are 30339 users and 8 services on 66 servers
«Error»	No channel joined in this window.

                    ____//      \\        ·  fAr ·
                       ______    \_   ____     _____
                     _(  ___/___ ____(_  //_ _\\    )__
                    Y    _/ /  (_)  __      Y    __    Y
                         \ ______   \¦   _____   |/____l
                    7_____\     (_______\\   /___l
                    tG!.k0    __           ____ __ _ _ _

«Lusers»	137 operators online
«Lusers»	2 unknown connections
«Lusers»	15399 channels formed
«Lusers»	I have 1345 clients, 0 services and 1 servers
«MOTD»	- Message of the Day -
«MOTD»	- 07/10/1999 23:15
«MOTD»	- /-------------------------------------------------------------\
«MOTD»	- |     Welcome on SativeMea Internet Relay Chat Server !!!     |
«MOTD»	- >-------------------------------------------------------------<
«MOTD»	- |                           Members:                          |
«MOTD»	- |      azzaro, far, renton, revi, twister, x-ball, zabora     |
«MOTD»	- >-------------------------------------------------------------<
«MOTD»	- |        IRC is a program for PEOPLE, not for BOTS!!!         |
«MOTD»	- |  If there will be bot founded, it's host will be banned!!!  |
«MOTD»	- |      This server is restricted for Sative Mea members,      |
«MOTD»  - |          and any stranger will be kicked/banned!!!          |
«MOTD»	- >-------------------------------------------------------------<
«MOTD»	- | Recommended program: (5.0) |
«MOTD»	- >-------------------------------------------------------------<
«MOTD»	- |  If You'll have any problems, please speak with Channels-   |
«MOTD»	- |   Operators... IRCOP of is  able  only     |
«MOTD»	- |              to let You log in and have fun!!!              |
«MOTD»	- \-------------------------------------------------------------/
«MOTD»	End of MOTD command.
«NoRestrict»	You have full connection...
«User Mode»	You are now visible, unrestricted

           · of ·
          ______    _______   ______ _  _______   ______    __________
     _____)  __/(___\ ____/___\    ·(____\___/____)   _/___)\_________
          \___ ______ \__          __/            _________
     ________//_________/__________\______________\       (___________
     _________       _________     ________      \_________/    ®e/sea
              \  ____\_______/____)\  ____/(_
     ________\ \/_      ---'          \__ ____________________________

                  ____ ____ _____ __   _____ _____ _[_ __
                 |___] ]    [---' [___ [---'  T  ]  T  [___
                 `                  -'                   -'

                his first ascii kolly under sative mea label

                                _      _
                  ____  ____-. _)   _ _)   _ ______ _____|  .
                  [_    [____T [____| [____| [----' [____|  .

«Lag»		Warning !!!
«Lag»		Warning !!!
«Lag»		Warning !!!
«Lag»		Lag posibility: 100% :)
«Lag»    	Warning: No response from Server for more than 10s!
«Lag»   	Warning: No response from Server for more than 20s!
«Lag»    	Warning: No response from Server for more than 40s!
«Lag»                        __________
«Lag»                        \        /
«Lag»                         \      /___
«Lag»                  ________\    /   ¬\ ________
«Lag»                  \______//\  ___    \\      /
«Lag»                  /    . \    `-¬_____\   __/___
«Lag»                 /    _ ° \   /      ¬\   `--' ¬\
«Lag»                /     ¬\___\_/ °.      \__/   °. \
«Lag»            fAr/________\   /___________\/________\s3a
«Lag»           Internet           Relay                Chat
«Lag»		Warning: No response from Server for more than 80s!
«Lag»           Warning: No response from Server for more than 160s!
«Lag»		Warning: Try to break connection because:
«Lag»           Warning: Here comes new killer-kolly...
«Lag»           Warning: by Sative Mea wicked ascii knight:
«Lag»           Warning:      _____ ____-. .---_
«Lag»           Warning:      [--   [____| |---[
«Lag»           Warning:      f       a        r
«Lag»           Warning:
«Lag»  Server finally answered after: 320s!
«Server» Connection established fAr^s3a!
«Menu»                      .
«Menu»                      |        |
«Menu»      _________       |        |                   _________
«Menu»               |      |   _____|     ______        |·
«Menu»            _  |______|   ___|___ ___\   _ |_______|__
«Menu»             | |      |          Y       T |_       _|
«Menu»      =======| | |====|          |=======|
«Menu»      ®e/sea |___|    |          |       |
«Menu»                      |          |       |__________________
«Menu»                                 ·
«Menu» Welcome user!!!
«Menu» Here are channels You can join and their users:
«Menu» Available channels:
«Channel» #whelpz, #kore, #apathy and #decree, #thesect, #speed, #sativemea
«User»    |        |      |            |       |                 |
«User»    `-thorr  |      |            |       `-madbart         |
«User»             `---acid, cnr, kempy, thung, psr              |
«User»                    |     ,------|                         |
«User»                    `---roover, ash                        |
«User»                                                           |
«User»        azzaro, far, renton, revi, twister, x-ball, zabora-'
«Channel» #savedavinyl, #mawi, #veezya, [#special]
«User»                  |      |         |
«User»             evan-'      |         `-letter, stamps back
«User»                         |
«User»                 stilgar-'
«Menu» Total channels: 11 (12 logoses)
«Menu» Total users: 18 (21 logoses)
«Menu» Total specials: 2 (2 logoses)
«Menu» ....................................................Total logoses: 35
-->	You have joined channel #whelpz
«Topic»	Topic for channel #whelpz is:
«Topic» Special for Whelpz members (especially Revi and Thorr)
«Topic»	Topic for channel #whelpz has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #whelpz: thorr^wpz
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #whelpz: secret, message, limited to 3 logoses
«Logo»      Name: Whelpz

           _____   ___ ___   _______  _____    ________    _______
    ____//\\   |___`  Y  '___|  ___/__|  _|____|  __  /_ __\___  |___
    Y/  /   \    Y/    /  \Y  __Y/       Y/       Y/   /_|     __| \Y

«Logo»      Name: Thorr
<fAr^s3a> Yo Thorr!!! Dzieki za gratulacje! Listak juz do Ciebie popedzil.

           ______     ___ ___    ________  ________   ________
         __\    /_____`  Y  '____\ ____ /__|  __  /_ _|  __  /_
         `---  ---'\Y/    /  \Y     Y/   \    Y/   /_|   Y/   /

«Logo»       Name: Thorr (with bull as guest star:)

       _           / /                             \ \              _
      /(__________/    ___ ___    ________  ________  \_____________)\
      \_____\    /_____`  Y  '____\ ____ /__|  __  /_ _|  __  /______/
          `---  ---'\Y/    /  \Y     Y/   \    Y/   /_|   Y/   /
                 \    \_____.____\     /_____.____/    /
                  \                                   /
                   \\            _     _            //
                    \\_         |%|   |%|         _//
                     \___________       ___________/
                    .-'   ___    `-._.-'    ___    `-.
                    ||   /   \             /   \    ||
                    ||  (     )           (     )   ||
                    ||   \___/             \___/    ||
                    ||.                            .||

-->	You have joined channel #k0re
«Topic»	Topic for channel #k0re is:
«Topic» Hi to all K0re members!
«Topic»	Topic for channel #k0re has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #k0re: acid^k0 cnr^k0 kempy^k0 psr^k0 thung^k0
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #k0re: secret, message, limited to 6 logos
«Logo»      Name: Kore

              ____ _____%%________   _________  %%_______
             _]  //    /%%\ ____ //__|  __   /__%%]  ___/___
         %%%%|   __   /_%\   Y/         Y/     /%|  __Y/    |%%%%
                        %%                      %%
            k-()-r-e    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% manufaktoriese

«Logo»      Name: Acid
<fAr^s3a> Request: Thung.k0re

          ________                 __________           _
       ___)      /___    :   ______\        |----/_____//_______:
       \            /____|___)                       ______     |
        \_        _______  ________   ______    _____\    |     |
         |    ____\___  /__]  ____/___`----'____\   __    |     |
         |    |_    Y/   |    Y/    Y/       /      \Y    |     |
         |  fAr/______________/______________________|____|s3a  |
         |                                                      |

«Logo»      Name: Cnr
<fAr^s3a> Request: Thung.k0re

                     _______    ____        _________
                 \ __]  ___/____\   \ ______|  __   /__  /
                  \     Y/   Y/  \   \`   Y    Y/     / /

«Logo»     Name: Kempy
<fAr^s3a> Request: Thung.k0re

                                  ......................:... ..  .
           ____ _____  _______    :___ ____  ________ __:_  _____
          _]  |//   /__]  ___/____|   Y   |__|  __  /_\   \//   /
          |   __   /_|  __Y/    |   \   /   |   Y/   /_\   Y  _/
                         /        :                     :
       .    ..   ...  .... .......:                   ..:............

«Logo»      Name: Psr
<fAr^s3a> Request: Thung.k0re

                   _________     ________    _________
                  _`  __   /_ ___|  ____/____|  __   /__
                  |   Y/    /_|  |__            Y/     /_
                 p    a    s    s    e    n    g    e    r

«Logo»      Name: Thung
<fAr^s3a> Yo Thung! Jak widzisz logosy dla Ciebie sa a ja na lista
<fAr^s3a> czekam... No i jak widzisz jestem:)

           ______     ___ ___   .##'      ___        ______
         __\    /_____`  Y  '__.##  `##.__\  \ ______]  __/____
         `---  ---'\Y/    /  \Y## o.O ##Y/ \  \`   Y    Y/   _Y
        fAr\\_______|___//____|##  --'##|___\\_____|\________\s3a

-->	You have joined channel #apathy
«Topic»	Topic for channel #apathy is:
«Topic» Greets to Roover, Ash...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #apathy has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #apathy: ash^apt roover^apt
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #apathy: secret, message, limited to 3 logoses
«Logo»      Name: Apathy

       _______  ________      _______     ____      ___ ___         _____
    ___\___  [__|  __  /______\___  [____\\  //_____`  Y  '_______ //   /
   /_    Y/        Y/    ___    Y/    `---   ---' Y/    /    \    Y/  _/

«Logo»      Name: Ash
<fAr^s3a> No i jak sie moje kollies zapodaja?

                       _______   ____//_   ___ ___
                    ___\___  [___|  ___/___`  Y  '___
                   /_    Y/      |__           /   \Y

«Logo»      Name: Roover
<fAr^s3a> Dziekowa dla Ciebie Roova!!! Wiesz sam za co...

     ________                     `%%.         .%%'          ________
    _|  __  /_  ________  ________ `%%.       .%%' _______  _|  __  /_
    |   Y/   /__\ ____ /__\ ____ /__`%%. ___ .%%'__|  ___/__|   Y/   /_
    |__//          Y/        Y/      `%%.   .%%'    __Y/       //\____\\
     fAr\_________//________//________`%%. .%%'_____\//_______/s3a

-->	You have joined channel #decree
«Topic»	Topic for channel #decree is:
«Topic» Greets to Roover, Ash...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #decree has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #decree: ash^dcr roover^dcr (logoses on #apathy channel)
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #decree: secret, message, limited to 1 logos
«Logo»      Name: Decree

         ___\    |  _______   _______  ________   _______ _______
       __\  __   |__|  ___/___\  ___/__|  __  /___|  ___/_|  ___/__
 %%%%%%T    \Y       __Y/        Y/       Y/       __Y/    __Y/   T%%%%%%

-->	You have joined channel #thesect
«Topic»	Topic for channel #thesect is:
«Topic» Hi to Madbart.Appendix...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #thesect has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #thesect: madbart^apx
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #thesect: secret, message, limited to 2 logoses
«Logo»      Name: TheSect


  [oO· nrX in the world (in the press #X charts) nrX in the world · Oo]
                  _____       ___ ___    _______
home of:      ___\\   //______`  Y  '____|  ___/____node00: +48-91-487-94-93
appendix      `---    ----' Y/    /       __Y/      node01: t  e  l  n  e  t
floppy       ___________________//________\//_______node02: t  e  l  n  e  t
dinx project _______     ______//  _______//   ____
madwizards __|  ___/_____|  ___/___\  ____/___\\  //________
old bulls    |__      /   __Y/        Y/    `---  ---' the    the only scene
nah kolor ____Y/__________\//_________//______________sect__  board in Poland
venus art              fAr//s3a
jormas, pic saint loup   //    [powered by:]
sative mea, linear      //          amiga 1240T/603e/240mhz/5gb space
kore, harvester        //    [master sysop:]
                      //                  madbart·appendix
open: XX.oo-XX.oo    //    [nonstop supporters:]
                    /           XXXXXXX·XXXXXXXX  -  XXXXXXX·XXXXXXX


«Logo»      Name: Madbart

   ____ ____    ________  ________  ________    ________  ________  _____
 __|   Y   |____\____  |__\  __  |__|  __  /____\____  |__|  __  /_\\   //_
 |   \   /   __    Y/        \Y        Y/    __    Y/        Y/   `--- ---'

-->	You have joined channel #speed
«Topic»	Topic for channel #speed is:
«Topic» Hi to Evan.NahKolor+Mawi+DualCrewShining...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #speed has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #speed: none
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #speed: secret, message, limited to 1 logos
«Logo»      Name: Speed

                                              _  __  ________________
          _ _______ _ _________ _ ________ _ _______ _ __________  _]_
   _  __ ___|  ___/___|  __   /____|  ___/___|  ___/___\  __    |   _]_
            |__          Y/    __   __Y/      __Y/        \Y    |   __]
  _  ___ ____Y/_____    //______\___\//_______\//__________|____|   _]
              _ __ /__________\fAr                       _  __  ____]s3a

-->	You have joined channel #sativemea
«Topic»	Topic for channel #sativemea is:
«Topic» Respect to all membaz...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #sativemea has been set by fAr^s3a (
«Names»	Users on #sativemea: azzaro^s3a far^s3a renton^s3a revi^s3a
«Names»                      twister^s3a x-ball^sea zabora^s3a
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #sativemea: secret, message, limited to 10 logoses
«Logo»      Name: Sative Mea

       _______    ________   ______      ______  ____  _____  _______
    ___| ____/____\____  |___\    /______`----'__\   \//   /__]  ___/__
    |  |__     __    Y/    `---  ----' Y/       /     Y    Y   __Y/   |
         |            ____ ____    _______     ________          |
         |_________ __|   Y   |____]  ___/_____\____  |__ _______|
                        \   /   Y   __Y/    _     Y/
          __________ ____\\/________\//_____/___________ ________
         |                                                       |
         |  azzaro, far, renton, revi, twister, x-ball, zabora   |

«Logo»      Name: Sative Mea (with mr.policeman as guest star:)

                              \    ...    /
                                |___ ___|
                                |   ]   |
                                | .---. |
 |                                                                       |
 |     _______    ________   ______      ______  ____  _____  _______    |
 |  ___| ____/____\____  |___\    /______`----'__\   \//   /__]  ___/__  |
 |_ |  |__     __    Y/    `---  ----' Y/       /     Y    Y   __Y/   | _|
(___)                 ____ ____    _______     ________               (___)
(___) kNigHts:    _ __|   Y   |____]  ___/_____\____  |__ _  revi     (___)
(__)     azzaro         \   /   Y   __Y/    _     Y/         twister   (__)
 |       far      __ ____\\/________\//_____/___________ __  x-ball      |
 |       renton                                              zabora      |
                         .-.|  ||  | |  ||  |%%|
                         |=|                |%%|
                         |_|                ¯|%|
                         | |        |        |¯
                         | |        |        |
                         | |        |        |
                         | |        |        |
                         `-'  [     |     ]  |
                           |        |        |
                           |        |        |
                           |        |        |
                           |        |        |
                           |        |        |
         .      . . ...fAr|_________|_________|s3a... . .     .

«Logo»      Name: Sative Mea_id.diz

               _   _
 __   ____-.  _\_  _  _   _ ______
 [___ [____|   T   [  \___T [----' -----
   -'__  __ _____ ____-.       fAr.s3a%%
 %   [ \/ ] [---' [____T              %%
 %%                       sative mea  %%
 %%                                   %%
 %%                                   %%
 %%                                   %%
 %%                                   %%
 %%                                   %%
 %%                                   %%


«Logo»      Name: Azzaro
<fAr^s3a> Hi Azzaro! Dziekowa i pozdrowienia dla Ciebie !!!
<fAr^s3a> Napisz of kors co o kolly sadzisz!

       _______  _______     _______       _______  ________    ________
   ____\___  [__\____ |_____\____ |_______\___  [__|  __  /__ _\ ____ /_
   |_    Y/   |     __|   |     __|   __    Y/   |    Y/    /_\   Y/   |

«Logo»      Name: Azzaro (with Azorek as guest star:)

     __      __
      | _  _ |
     .--------.                                                 .-.
     |  \__/  |                                                  \ \
     `---||---'___________________________________________________) )
       |_`'___  _______     _______       _______  ________    ______\_
   ____\___  [__\____ |_____\____ |_______\___  [__|  __  /__ _\ ____ /_
   |_    Y/   |     __|   |     __|   __    Y/   |    Y/    /_\   Y/   |

«Logo»      Name: Far

                     _______   _______   ________
                  ___|  ___/___\___  [___|  __  /__
                  |   __Y/__     Y/   |     Y/    /
                  |   \//  /_______________//     \_

«Logo»      Name: Renton
<fAr^s3a> Mam nadzieje ze sie pojawisz z powrotem...

      ________                                              ___
     _T  __  /__  _______   ___         ____     ________ __\  \ _____
     |   Y/    /__|  ___/___\  \ ______\\  //____\ ____ //   \\ \`   T
     |__//\        __Y/      \\ \`   `---  ---'     Y/        \\_____|

«Logo»      Name: Revi
<fAr^s3a> No i w jednej grupce wyladowalismy:) Dwie kollies jeszcze
<fAr^s3a> pod Warp-Zeer-0 wypuscilem... Pisz szybko...
<fAr^s3a> (wybierz sobie logosa bo ja nie wiedzialem ktory lepszy)

               _________                            _______
           ____|  __   /__  _______   ____  _____ __`-----'___
            __    Y/     /__|  ___/___\   \//   /_Y/       __
           _||___//\         __Y/          Y        _______||_

                 ________   _______  _____  _____  ______
               __|  __  /___|  ___/__\    \//   /__`----'__
               |    Y/       __Y/          Y    Y/        |

«Logo»      Name: Twister
<fAr^s3a> Z respektem...

   ______          _____  ______  _______   ______     _______ ________
 __\    /_______//\\   |__`----'__|  ___/___\    /_____|  ___/_|  __  /_s3a
 `---  ---'\Y   /   \   Y/        |__     `---  ---'\Y  __Y/      Y/   /_

«Logo»      Name: X-Ball
<fAr^s3a> Pozdro i respekt...

          ____\     //  ________     _______  _____     _____
          \   \\   //_ _|  __  /_____\___  [__|  _|_____|  _|____
         _/   __  /  /_|   Y/    __    Y/        \Y   /    \Y   /
    fAr /_____Y/___________|_____|/_______________\_________\____\s3a

«Logo»      Name: Zabora
<fAr^s3a> No to dzien dobry:) Jestem i kolejne kollies zapodaje...
<fAr^s3a> Czekam na lista przyjscie... Pozdro...

      ________       _______   _________  ________  ________     _______
   ___\_____ |_______\___  [___|  __   /__\ ____ //_|  __  /_____\___  [s3a
   |       __|   __    Y/         Y/         Y/        Y/    __    Y/   T

-->	You have joined channel #savedavinyl
«Topic»	Topic for channel #savedavinyl is:
«Topic» Gift for Azzaro...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #savedavinyl has been set by fAr^s3a (
«Names»	Users on #sativemea: none
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #savedavinyl: secret, message, limited to 1 logos
«Logo»      Name: Save Da Vinyl

     _______    _______ `%%.       .%%' _______       ________    _______
   __|  ___/____\___  [__`%%. ___ .%%'__|  ___/__    _\  __  |____\___  [_
  |  |__          Y/      `%%.   .%%'    __Y/    |  |    \Y   __    Y/   |
  |___Y/___________________`%%. .%%'_____\//_____|  |_____|___|/_________|
                            `%%.%%'   · ·················· :
  `%%.                       `%%%'    :  sAVe dA ViNyl     :
   `%%.         .%%'          `%'     :     issue XX       .
    `%%.       .%%' ______     ____   .     ____   ____  _____
     `%%. ___ .%%'__`----'_____\   \ _______\   \//   /__|  _|_____
      `%%.   .%%' Y/        Y/  \   \`    Y      Y  _/      \Y     |fAr
       `%%. .%%' ________________\\__________________________\_____|!s3a

-->	You have joined channel #mawi
«Topic»	Topic for channel #mawi is:
«Topic» With respects to Azzaro and Evan...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #mawi has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #mawi: evan^mwi
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #mawi: secret, message, limited to 2 logoses
«Logo»      Name: Mawi

                 ____ ____     _______       _____  ______
            fAr__|   Y   |_____\___  [____//\\   |__`----'_s3a
              _\   \   /   __    Y/       /   \   Y/      /_

«Logo»      Name: Evan
<fAr^s3a> Dawno juz na #climax nie bylem ale mam nadzieje tam
<fAr^s3a> sie pojawic za niedlugo...

                 _______          .%%'  _______    ____
               __|  ___/__`%%. _ .%%'___\___  [____\   \ _____
               |  __Y/     `%%. .%%  _    Y/   Y/   \   \`   |
            fAr|__\//_______`%%.%% __/_______________\\______|s3a

-->	You have joined channel #veezya
«Topic»	Topic for channel #veezya is:
«Topic» With respects for membaz...
«Topic»	Topic for channel #veezya has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #veezya: stilgar^vzy
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #veezya: secret, message, limited to 2 logoses
«Logo»      Name: Veezya

   `%%.       .%%' _______   _______    _______   ____   ____    _______
   _`%%. ___ .%%'__|  ___/___|  ___/____\___  |___\   \//   /____\___  [_
  |  `%%.   .%%'    __Y/      __Y/          __|        Y  _/ _     Y/   |
  |___`%%. .%%'_____\//_______\//___________\Y_______________/__________|
   fAr `%%.%%' s3a

«Logo»      Name: Stilgar
<fAr^s3a> Gratuluje joina i nowej ksywy... Czekam na nowe raye!!!

     _______   _____     ______  _____    ______       _______  ________
fAr__|  ___/___\   //____`----'__|  _|____|  __/_______\___  [__|  __  /_s3a
  |  |__     `---  ---'             \Y       Y\_   __    Y/        Y/   /_

-->	You have joined channel #specials
«Topic»	Topic for channel #specials is:
«Topic» For You !!!
«Topic»	Topic for channel #specials has been set by fAr^s3a! (
«Names»	Users on #specials: none
«Join»  User joined: fAr^s3a
«Names»	End of NAMES list.
«Mode»	Current modes for #specials: secret, message, limited to 2 logoses
«Logo»      Name: Letter

             \ _______:_______
         _____\) .....:...   /   _ ___________       |________   _
   /_____]            :     /____\\\         (_______|       [__//_____
  /   _____    _______    ______       ______    _______  ________     /___
 _\  _|  _|____|  ___/____\    //______\    //___|  ___/__|  __  /_     _ |
 \\\ |   Y/     __Y/    `---   ---'  `---   ---'  __Y/       Y/   /_  _//_|
  \  |__//______\//_______________________________\//_______//\_____\ |s3a
   \ fAr                           ___________________________________|
    `-------)                  :   \                                  :
           /________|  ········:··  \  fRom:
                    |          :     \    tO:
                    :-----------------\  dAte:

«Logo»      Name: Stamps back

         ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
        |_ (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) _|
         _)  ___________________________________________________  (_
      __|___|    ______      _______   ____ ____   ________     |___|__
    __|  ___/____\    /______\___  [___|   Y   |___|  __  /_  __|  ___/__
   |  |__      `---  ---'__    Y/    |   \   /   |    Y/   /_|  |__     |
     fAr|_  |   ________      _______   _______    ____  ____   |  _|s3a
         _) |  _|  __  /______\___  [___|  ___/____]  |//   /   | (_
        |_  |  |   Y/     __    Y/         Y/         __   /_   |  _|
         _) |  |___|______|/______________//__________Y______\  | (_
        |_  |___________________________________________________|  _|
         _) _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _ (_
        |__( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )_( )__|

«End» Total logoses: 35
«Info»           ______   __________  __________  __________
«Info»          _\    /___\        /__\        /__\    ___ /_
«Info»         |  \__/         __         __            \/   |
«Info»         |               |/        _ /____             |
«Info»         |___/           |_____    /_____/_____________|
«Info»         ---/____________|----|_____|-------------------
«Info»                                               az0!/sea
<fAr^s3a>       Yo playaz!!!
<fAr^s3a>      Here You have my first ascii colly under Sative
<fAr^s3a>      Mea label... I'm very pleased that I'm in  this
<fAr^s3a>      wonderfull squad. Big greets I send  to  Azzaro
<fAr^s3a>      who made this dream happen.. I know that design
<fAr^s3a>      (as always in my collys) is strange but I think
<fAr^s3a>      it's good enought... Also i must  send  special
<fAr^s3a>      greetings to Roover/Apathy+Decree  who  belives
<fAr^s3a>      in my  talent  and  who  is  still  helping me,
<fAr^s3a>      Thung/k0re for very nice talking and beautyfull
<fAr^s3a>      logoses  and  last  but  not  least  Daeron  of
<fAr^s3a>      LowProfile  for  very  nice  talking  and  real
<fAr^s3a>      friendship... Respect to You guyz and all  good
<fAr^s3a>      ascii-makers... I need more requests so if  You
<fAr^s3a>      have any just write to me. I think that is all.
<fAr^s3a>                       See You in next collections!!!
«Credits» Who made what so it's time for
 zbr\s3a---------------------------------\ /  _______   ________    _______
  _______    _______   _______    _______ / __\     /_ _\__  __/_ __\    _/_
 _\   __/_ __\  _  /_ _\   __/_ __\     /__\   \___/  |      /   |   \__    |
|         |    ___/  |      ___| ___        \-\_______!--/_______!-\________!

  main artwork done by: fAr/sative mea
   guest ascii by: thung/k0re     [tg!.k0],       revi/sative mea   [®e/sea],
                   azzaro/sative mea [az0!/sea], zabora/sative mea [zbr\s3a],
                   kempy/k0re [kem/k0] -  respect guyz!!!
     hardware used: a12oo, hdd, fast
      software used: CygnusEd Proffesional V3.5
       file lenght: 50391 bytes
        musical support: Molesta "Ewenement", Puff Daddy "Forever".
         psychical support: smokin'

«Respect» I send
                                ___            a   s   c   i   i
 zbr\s3a------------------------\ / ________  ________    _______   _________
  _________   _______    _______ /__\   _  /__\    __/_ __\    _/_ _\__   __/
 _\    _  /_ _\   __/_ __\    _/__\    ___/ |        __|   \      |      /  |
|     ___/  |       __|   \___     \________|---\______!-\________!--/______!

  -acid.k0re-azzaro.sative mea-budgie.linear-cnr.k0re-daeron.lowprofile-

   -  and special respects to roover/apathy+decree and mavey/potion  -


                       If You are good and friendly

                                                        .   ·   .
                _____     ______                      ·           ·
            ____\_  //_ __\ ___/_______    ____      :             :
           Y   __      Y  \\___       /_ _l   //____   .___   .___
               \¦   ___l_____ /         Y   __//   /_ _l  /_ _l  /_
           7_______\\        /__________l_____       Y      Y      Y
             tG!.k0                           \______l_____________l

          ascii-maker ... please make for me following logoses:



                                sative mea






     and send them to me or someone who will pass it to me... Tnx!!!


«Error»	No channel joined in this window.
«Log»	Logging to file sea-irc.txt stopped at 12-Nov-99.

       ______                   _____       _ /     ____             kem/k0
 ______\    /__________ _____ __\   /_ _____\/____/\\  //\__________ _______
 \      \______    _____\   /      /\/      \/      \\//     ______/       /
 /___________ /____\/_______\ ____/____/\____________\/______\/____/\ _____\
             /           __
         _________  _____\/______________ ________ _____  _________
         \          \    \/       ______/     _____\   /          /
         /________  /___\  /______\/____/\ ___\/_______\  ________\
        /                     s   a   t   i   v   e     m   e   a
       /_____________________________________________________ __ __ _

                                                     [ l a t e s t   n e w s ]

                                                    Welcome new member - Far -
             Guest release by Thung/K0re in co-op with Azzaro (sea-skin.txt) -
             Sative Mea Autumn`99 Attack was started. Knights are on the way -
              Update of the list - some summer ascii collies by Zabora added -
                                Zabora changed address and email. Look down! -
                             We are looking for more members/boards woldwide -

                     [ o f f i c i a l   r e l e a s e s   t i l l   n - o w ]
no | shortcut     | full title                | artist    | date     | lenght
   ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[07 releases at all].
01 | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation                | renton    | 15/12/98 | 042.104
02 | sea-neon.txt | neon flow                 | azzaro    | 18/12/98 | 074.000
03 | sea-orig.txt | origami                   | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 116.314
04 | sea-4a3.txt  | 456 alien 3               | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 124.145
05 | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue  | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 106.000
06 | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm                | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 108.000
07 | sea-jtkn.txt | jak to kurwa nazwac?      | zabora    | 21/12/98 | 021.550
   ONE-NINE-NINE-NINE]. .[31 releases till now].
08 | sea-1pos.txt | 100 percent of shit       | renton    | 10/01/99 | 022.858
09 | sea-1999.txt | najnhundretnajntynajn     | renton    | 11/01/99 | 048.361
10 | sea-fngr.txt | finger                    | zabora    | 16/02/99 | 050.777
11 | sea-zero.txt | zero remix                | azzaro    | 27/02/99 | 183.000
12 | sea-psyl.txt | psilocybe semilanceta     | zabora    | 03/03/99 | 105.352
13 | sea-ck01.txt | construction kit 01       | azzaro    | 06/03/99 | 047.733
14 | sea-pead.txt | peanut head               | renton    | 05/04/99 | 080.548
15 | sea-dobm.txt | dobberman                 | azzaro    | 06/04/99 | 100.000
16 | sea-kore.txt | klubbhead loop 89         | a+a+k+z   | 25/04/99 | 400.000
17 | sea-time.txt | timelessness              | renton    | 03/05/99 | 048.663
18 | sea-mysl.txt | mysl                      | revi      | 05/05/99 | 224.774
19 | sea-nwor.txt | new order                 | x-ball    | 10/05/99 | 112.547
20 | sea-pace.txt | peace                     | renton    | 13/05/99 | 060.927
21 | sea-mlem.txt | morning lemon             | az0+renton| 16/05/99 | 100.436
22 | sea-agpa.txt | age of panic              | renton    | 21/05/99 | 068.808
23 | sea-dcry.txt | diskocit. rocks u bitch   | azzaro    | 06/06/99 | 192.593
24 | sea-celi.txt | the celebration of the.   | renton    | 14/06/99 | 080.000
25 | sea-adia.txt | aqua di azor              | azzaro    | 20/06/99 | 250.000
26 | sea-xfl9.txt | ex-factor lite 99         | azzaro    | 27/06/99 | 117.541
27 | sea-cdn.txt  | counting down         [g] | darkus    | 05/07/99 | 036.837
28 | sea-garf.txt | garden my flies           | x-ball    | 07/07/99 | 156.007
29 | sea-qntm.txt | quantum the colly         | zabora    | 07/07/99 | 050.995
30 | sea-alis.txt | alice on da second side...| az0+renton| 15/07/99 | 139.710
31 | sea-ubik.txt | ubik                      | zabora    | 30/08/99 | 103.101
32 | sea-8mpf.txt | 8mm multiplastikk asc²form| azzaro    | 01/09/99 | 140.000
33 | sea-boso.txt | boxed set one             | x-ball    | 24/09/99 | 137.347
34 | sea-skin.txt | negative skin color       | az0+thung | 27/09/99 | 182.000
35 | sea-sode.txt | song of distant earth     | revi      | 01/10/99 | 129.886
36 | sea-omte.txt | gs1: omnipotent technocrat| azzaro    | 14/10/99 | 096.000
37 | sea-uv.txt   | gs2: uv catastrophe       | azzaro    | 14/10/99 | 080.380
38 | sea-behp.txt | belgian happenings        | azzaro    | 18/10/99 | 080.275
39 | sea-azkm.txt | colly azkymakery 2        | zabora    | 25/10/99 | 226.920
?? | sea-irc.txt  | internet relay chat       | far       | 12/11/99 | 050.391

total number of collections: 040            total lenght in bytes: 004.424.197
                                                     [ s - t a t i s t i c s ]
                         actual members productivity:

     azzaro ---------- 19 ascii collections, 15 own made, 04 cooperations
     far ------------- 01 ascii collections, 01 own made, 00 cooperations
     renton ---------- 10 ascii collections, 08 own made, 02 cooperations
     revi ------------ 02 ascii collections, 02 own made, 00 cooperations
     twister --------- 00 ascii collections, 00 own made, 00 cooperations
     x-ball ---------- 03 ascii collections, 03 own made, 00 cooperations
     zabora! --------- 07 ascii collections, 06 own made, 01 cooperations

                         guest collections released:

      acid ------------ 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperations
      darkus ---------- 01 ascii collection, 01 own made, 00 cooperations
      kempy ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperations
      thung ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperations
                                                           [ c - o n t a c t ]
          AZZARO - tomasz wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland

             FAR - tomasz stefanski · chopina 48/5 · 41-400 myslowice · poland

                 RENTON - pat kalinowski · 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland

            REVI - sly ostruszka · sw. jerzego 7a/17 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland

           TWISTER - bart ptaszynski · robotnicza 2 · 14-530 frombork · poland

           X-BALL - mark nowacki · dabrowskiego 66/7 · 41-500 chorzow · poland

          ZABORA - gregor zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland

                     call SEA polish headquarter: DA SECT BBS - +48-91-4879493
               look oficial SEA web page:
  typed by renton+azzaro'sative mea, psychikal kreation · updated by far'sea

    _____    __  __   _____   ______                      [ a n o r m a l i x ]
  _|     |__|  \|  |_|     |_|   _  |_
 |    -       \ \       -        ___| |_ __    _____    __      ____  ___  __
 zbr__|_______|\_________________\_   | |  |__|     |__|  |____|    |_\  \/ /_.
                                   |             -        |    |____|         |
 [ ]     |___|-|_______|_______________________/\_s3a

                       look at sative mea official page:

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   ___     ___     ___
  _____   n7v!aSL  _(  /__ _( _/__ __\_ )_
 !__  //______ __ /_ \__ //_  ___//_  __ /_
   /__________\\___\_  '  _\_ `   _\_  `  _\
                     `----'  `----'  `----'
 ----- sative mea ascii [art] release ------
       first ascii kolly by fAr under
         sative mea label called:

 Internet           Relay               Chat

 ------------------------12-Nov-1999  _____
  ____________________________ ______\\  __!

                            _____     _____     _____     _____   _______
           _____\____ _  .-\\__  \_.-\\__  \_.-\\__  \_.-\\__  \.-\      \_
         ._)    \\     _/     /   /    _/  _/.    /___/     _   \_   \/   /
         |             \_________/_____\_____|______________\____/___/   /
         |                                                          /____\
         !  sea-irc.txt uploaded by Shallow / .[Sodium].
      _____     _____   ______     _____                             .
    .-\   /__.-\\__  \.-\ ._  \_.-\\__  \_     ·o3:22· ·2o/11/99·    |
  _/     /   \_   _   \_  |/   /     /   / _ ________________________|
  \___________/___\____/__|   /_._______/

     [ Sdm!BackCheck v1.o [TXT] - Copyright © 1996-1999 Shallow/Sodium ]

                         /___________ø_ (- THE YARD BBS -)
     ._________________///   ________:                          ____
  ___|_______ ____.    /  ___\_      |___   ___\      _____  __/_   \
  \     _   //   _|__  __/_    \     |   \ /    \  __/_    \/   /    \
   \___/    ø   /    \/   /    /     |_   /      \/   /   _/   /      \
     _/     :  /_     \_ /____/¯\_____/  /       /   /_    \__________/
     \______|    \_____/_________/ /____/        \_____\_____//
         \_______|                     /____________\©nUP

          tHE yARD tEAM: zANEr ÷ diPSWiTCH ÷ hAsH ÷ NINjA ÷ mOOL


  ÷ 2 nODES wITH 33k6 - 2 nODES wITH iSDN - 4 nODES tELNET wITH sTATIC iP ÷