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File size:
80 275 bytes (78.39K)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 105


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( second place in the world - tsp01 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
                  ___.              __ ____          _______
               __(   |___        __(  |   /__     __( _____/__
              /     ____/---\___/    ___     \___/   ____/    \
             /      \|         _      |/        _    \|        \
           /______________________/\/ ___________________________\
           \\                                                   //
             \  ( appendix ) ( pic saint loup ) ( da jormas )  /
              \ ( mawi )  ( floppy )   ( kore. )   ( linear ) /
              / ( old bulls )   ( sative mea )   ( teklords ) \
             /  ( dinx project )  ( venus art ) ( nah-kolor )  \
            /                                                   \
           /            master: madbart/appendix                 \
          /        amiga1240T/603e/240mhz/4gb warez space         \
         /       supporters: ufok/appendix - prefix/appendix       \
        /                                                           \
       /                                                             \
      / node 0: +48-91-4879493 )  ( node 1: telnet ) ( node 2: telnet \
     /_  _______          _______          _______          ___.       \
_____\/_(   ___/__     __( _____/__     __(      /__     __(   |___   __\
_____________     \___/   ____/    \___/    ____/   \___/     ____/---\
    /     |/         _    \|          _     \|         _      \|       \a(id

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( second place in the world - tsp01 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

 __\ ___/____ _   ______
Y  \\___    //_ _l  ___/_____       _____
l_____ /       Y    _/ /   //_ ____\_  //_
      / ____________\          Y   __      Y
 ____/__ tG!.k0     \\__________  \¦   ___l
 \  /                          7_______\\

 \\                            [18/oct/1999]

              b e l g i a n   h a p p e n i n g s   [ c ] 2 0 0 0
   _______                                                            _______
  [       ] [a year after formed they are still on the ascii buizz.] [       ]
  [ \\\\\ ] [from small european towns to biggest world metropolies] [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] [t r a v e l l i n g   w  i  t  h  o  u  t  m o v i n g] [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                           ______                         [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                           \    //  wicked knights of...  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                           [\]                            [ ///// ]
                              [       ].[       ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[  ____ ]
       ______                 [ _____ ].[   _ / ]   ____             kem/k0
 ______\    /__________ _____ __\   /_ _____\/____/\\  //\__________ _______
 \      \______    _____\   /      /\/      \/      \\//     ______/       /
 /___________ /____\/_______\ ____/____/\____________\/______\/____/\ _____\
             /           __
         _________  _____\/______________ ________ _____  _________
         \          \    \/       ______/     _____\   /          /
         /________  /___\  /______\/____/\ ___\/_______\  ________\
        /                     s   a   t   i   v   e     m   e   a
       /_____________________________________________________ __ __ _
                              [       ].[       ]
              renton - twister - zabora - azzaro - revi - x-ball
                              [       [.]       ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
  [       ]                           [.]                            [       ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                     _     [\]                            [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] hopefully presented //______\ b------------------------y [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] it`s tommy aka                   .___________            [ ///// ]
  [___ _ _]______.________ ________ _________|     _    /_________ _ [ /   / ]
  |     /   _.   |\__     Y__      Y    _.   |     /   /    _    //  [   | / ]
  ·    /    \!   |     _        _       \!   |    /___/     \            · / ]
  |_   \     \___l_____/    ___ /        \___l_      \\_________\\_______| / ]
   //___\____/-x6L    /____\   /____\\___/    /_______\s3a!                / ]
  [       ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] o------------------------------------------------------f [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]            ___                                           [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] zbr\s3a----\ / ________     ____    ____      ________   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]  ____  ____ / _\   _  /___ _\   \/\/   /_ ____\     _/_  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] _\   \/   /--\     _      |              |     \___/   | [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]|    \  /      \----/______!_____/--\_____!--\__________! [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]·-----\/|_______\\---------------------------[.m.a.w.i.]- [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] a------------------------n-----------------------------d [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\ _]_________________________________________  _______  ______[_ //// ]
  [ \\\ /  _____/             ___    __   :   _______/ _______/       | //// ]
  [ \\ /   _____/  . .        ___:   \___   _____    _____      \___/ | //// ]
  [ \\ \        _  | |   _        _   |    _    `  :_    `  :_    |   | //// ]
  [ \\\ \____  :|\_|_|:  |\____   |\__|_   |\____   |\____   |\___|  :|    / ]
  [ 0o------`---'----`---'----`---'----`---'----`---'----`---'----`---'-o0 / ]
  [ o0-internationalbomfunksquad--------------------------------t0n'sea-0o / ]
  [       ]                                                          [     / ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
                              [       ].[       ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
               also starring: [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] :starring also
  - -- --- ---- ----- ------- [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] ------- ----- ---- --- -- -
                   acid/k0re. [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] .renton/sative mea
                  thung/k0re. [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] .zito/layout
                  kempy/k0re. [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] .avenger/?
           x-ball/sative mea. [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] .passenger/deez`nutz
           zabora/sative mea. [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] .darkus/aerosol
  - -- --- ---- ----- ------- [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] ------- ----- ---- --- -- -
                              [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]
  [       ]                           [.]                            [       ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]        w  -  o  -  r  -  d  -  s     _____   ______      [ ///// ]
 _ __  _____ /\ _________________________ _______\   /___\    /______  __ _  ]
 \\\ \ \    /  \     ________      \   \/     ______      \______   / / ///  ]
 /// / /_____/\_________\/__________\ ____________\/___________ /___\ \ \\\  ]
             /\                                                /     [       ]
  [       ]                                       __ ___             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] h------------------------owdy ho!   _) (_)  \\__         [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                   __)          _(__      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] i`m  here  one  more  time  after \  .¼½_½¼½. _ ___/     [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] watching   another   episode   of  (\|      |/_) )       [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] magnificuent   cartoon  serie  of    l_oO___l _          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] "south park".  eric cartman rocks    / - ___  \ tG!      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] of   course  again.   this  small   (____`-'___) k0      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] colly  was released in two boring  __/   \_/  \__        [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] evenings   when  i  was  thinking  (\    (_)   / )       [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] about  nothing and then type some / _\        /_  \      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] bytes  of  ascii  into this file. \  \  k0re.  /  /      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] no  special  request  - just some /  /         \  \      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] old  made by some friends of mind `---\___ __/----'      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] and  some  gifts  also  for ascii      / (_) \           [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] makers   and  sysops  around  me.    _ )     ( __        [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] strongly  inspired  by  some live   (__\__7__/___)       [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] acts   from   this  years  mayday                        [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] festival  in  germany.  devilfish                        [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] rocks once again...                                      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [_______]___________________________                               [ ///// ]
                              [       ]  ____________________________[_______]
  : :: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::: [ \\\\\ ] [       ]
  : :: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::: [ \\\\\ ] [ ///// ] :::::::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :
  : :: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::: [_______]_[ ///// ]____________________________
   _____________________________________[_______]                    [       ]
  [       ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]             _/\       this  ascii  collection i want to  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]         _ _(_)_       dedicate  to  my  beloved  petra.  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]    _ _//  \/   \\_ _  hope  you`ll  be sattisfied after  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]     \\  __ _ __  //                 reading this, babe!  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]     \_  '     `  _/                                      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]      (\___) (___/)    special part with gifts to native  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]   tG! )`-'   `-'(     of aerosol (i think dezibel was a  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]    k0 \   -=-   /     better  nick  but  it`s  only  my  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]        \\_____//      point  of view).  hope you`ll use  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]     \--=--\_/--=--/       those shitty asciis somewhere. [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]     )\   _   _   /(                                      [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]    / _\\(_)_(_)//_ \  ok, nothing more to add.  just if  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]    \  \  _(_)_  /  /  you  are reading this please make  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]    /  / (_) (_) \  \  for  me some logos like:  azzaro,  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]    `-/ \__.-.__/ \-'  sative  mea,  sea_diz, mawi, sdv,  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]         /     \       save da vinyl, embassy & history.  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]       _/       \_           thanks in advance for sure.  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]      (_/_______\_)                                       [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                        as always yours   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                       tommy aka azzaro   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                     [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]          sative mea joining offers r welcome.            [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            _                             [ ///// ]
                              [       ].[       ]
  :::::::::             ::::: [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ] :::::                      :
  :::::::::              :::: [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ] ::::                      ::
  :::::::::               ::: [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ] :::                      :::
  :::::::::                :: [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ] ::                      ::::
  ::::::::                  : [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ] :                      :::::
  :::::::_________      ______________ ______ / ] .           ______    ::::::
  :::::: \        \_____\__       ___/       \_______ _______/      \  :::::::
  :::::   \               /     __/__\        \     //      /       / ::::::::
  ::::    /______\/      /\           \ ____\       \\     /       / :::::::::
  :::            /_______\/____________\     \_______\\___________/[zZ]:::::::
  ::                          [       ].[       ]                    :::::::::
  :                           [ \\\\\ ].[ ///// ]                    :::::::::
   ___________________________[_______].[ ///// ]
  [       ]. ___________________________[_______] -----------------requested by
  [ \\\\\ ]:[       ]
  [ \\\\\ ]A[ ///// ] addys........................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]B[ ///// ] addys 2......................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]C[ ///// ] aerosol....................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]D[ ///// ] aerosol 2..................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]E[ ///// ] aerosol.diz................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]F[ ///// ] aerosol.diz 2..............................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]G[ ///// ] dare to compare............................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]H[ ///// ] dione.......................................scatter/dione
  [ \\\\\ ]I[ ///// ] galza......................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]J[ ///// ] galza 2....................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]K[ ///// ] index........................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]L[ ///// ] index 2......................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]M[ ///// ] intro........................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]N[ ///// ] intro 2......................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]O[ ///// ] mawi..............................mcr/madwizards^appendix
  [ \\\\\ ]P[ ///// ] messages.....................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]Q[ ///// ] messages 2...................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]R[ ///// ] native.....................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]S[ ///// ] native 2...................................native/aerosol
  [ \\\\\ ]T[ ///// ] news.........................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]U[ ///// ] news 2.......................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]V[ ///// ] sative mea....................zabora/sative mea^old bulls
  [ \\\\\ ]W[ ///// ] stuff........................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]X[ ///// ] stuff 2......................................thorr/whelpz
  [ \\\\\ ]:[ ///// ] ---------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]:[ ///// ] total....................................[c] october 1999
  [ \\\\\ ]:[ ///// ]
          [_]                                                        [       ]
                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "addys" especially for "thorr"  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

              _|_____      | ____      | ____ _____|_     _____|_
          _____|___ /______|_\  /._____|_\  /_\   _|/_____\ ___|/____
         | ___ |     | ___ |     | ___ |     |    \|     |     |     |
         | \_/_|______ \_/_|______ \_/_|___________|__  _______|__  _|
         |_____|\    |_____|\    |_____|\       /__|____\     /|____\
               |           | az0!/sea  |           |           |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "addys" especially for "thorr"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

              _______        ____        ____ _______     _______
          __________/________\  /________\  /_\     /_____\ ____/____
         | ___       | ___       | ___       |     /     |           |
         | \_\________ \_\________ \_\_______________   __________  _|
         |______\    |______\    |______\       /______/      /_____\

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "aerosol" especially for "native[ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

     _|_________|_     _____|_    _____|__   _____|_    _____|__   ____ |
 _____|___ /\ __|/___ | ____|/___| ____| /___\ ___|/___| ____| /___\  /_|_____
| ___ |        _|___/_| \_/ | __ | \_/ |          |      \_/ |          |     |
| \_/_|_________|     ______|   \_____ |    ______|__  _____ |    ______|     |
|_____|\       /|_____|    /|____\   /_|____\    /|____\   /_|____\    /|_____|
      |         |           |          |          |          | az0!/sea |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "aerosol" especially for "native"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

 ............                          :____________  _________
 : ......   :                          :        __ / |         |
 : : ...:   :  _           ____________:       /_//¦ |         |  ______
 : :........: |_|          \ __        :           ¦ |         | |      |  ___
 :.........................¦\\_\       :           ¦.|.........|.|......|.|...|.
     _________ _________   ¦ ________  :   ________¦ |_________| |______| |___|
 ___________ /_\   ____/___¦| ______/__:__| _______/____                     _
| ___         |     ______/_| \_/     ___ | \_/         |                   |_|
| \_/________________       _______      \______       _|
|________\ az0!/sea /_______|     /_______\    /_______\
                           ¦   e r   __:_____      ¦________     _____
                           ¦ a .  o .\ _____/_____| _______/_____\   /________
  _                        ¦     s  |             | \_/         |             |
 |_|                       ¦   o    |__________  ______        ________       |
  ___   _____   _________  ¦ l .       :  /______\ ¦  /________\      /_______|
.|...|.|.....|.|.........|.¦ 1    9    :       __ _¦............................
 |___| |     | |         | ¦  9 9      :       \_\\¦             _  .......... :
       |_____| |         | ¦_ __       :___________\            |_| :   .... : :
               |         | ¦//_/       :                            :   :....: :
               |_________| /___________:                            :..........:

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "aerosol_diz" especially for "native" / ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

        _|_____ _____|_     ____ |
    _____|___ /_\ ___|/_____\  /_|_____
.--| ___ |     |     |     |     |     |---.
¦--| \_/_|___________|__  _______|     |---¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦    a e r o s o l  -  dare to compare     ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "aerosol_diz" especially for "native"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

      _______ ______           ____
  _________ ( \__\____________ )  /_______
 | _______        /          /            |
.| \_\__________ /          /_______      |.
||______\       /      ___//       /______||
|------------- /__________/ ---------------|
| _/\ _  __ _  _ _                         |
|    \\_ \( \\ ) \\ \_   dare to compare   |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|__ __                                     |
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "dare to compare" especially for "native"
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

                     | ____     _|___________|_     _____|_
                _____|_\  /._____|___ /\ ____|/_____\  __|/___
               | ___ |     | ___ |     | \_/ | ___ |    _|___/_.
               | \_/_|______ \_/_|___________|    \______|     |
               |_____|\    |_____|\         /|_____\    /|_____|
                     |           |           |           |
                            ____ |      _____|__
                           _\  /_|____ | ____| /___
                           \_   _|___/_| \_/ |     |
                           |____ |     _____ |    _|
                               /_|_____|   /_|____\
                                 |           |
 _____|     _____|__    ____|__      _|_____     _|__________|_     ____|_
.\ ___|____| ____| /____\   | /______\|____ |_____|__ /\ ____|/_____\ __|/___
|     |    | \_/ |          |         | \_/ | ___ |   ¯| \_/ | ___ |   _|___/_.
|_____|    _____ |    ____\_|_/  __   |______ \_/_|__________|    \_____|     |
     /|____|   /_|____\    /|____\/___|\    |_____|\        /|_____\   /|_____|
      |          |          |         |           |          | az0!/sea |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "dione" especially for "scatter"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

      ......::....................               ..
      ::... ::                  :: d  i  o  n  e ::.......... ... .. .
            ::   ____       __        _______ ______      _______
        ____::___\  /.   __|_/________\_____ |\     |_____\  ___/____
       \\_ ___      ¯|___\_|             \_/ |   _  |\   |    ______//
         | \_/_________    ________     _________\|  ¯  _______      |
         |______\     /____|      /_____\az0!/sea |_____\     /______|

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "galza" especially for "native" [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

          _____|_         _|_____ ____ |          _|_____     _|_____
         .\  __|/__________|___ /_\  /_|__________\|__  /._____|___ /_
         |   \ |     | ___ |     |     |     |     |     | ___ |     |
         |_____|     | \_/_|___________|     __ ___|______ \_/_|_____|
              /|___________|\         /|_____\/____|\    |_____|\
               |           |           | az0!/sea  |           |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "galza" especially for "native"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

                  ..... ................
                  :...: :         .....:.... ....... ...... ..... .... ...
                  ......:         :        : :     : :    : :   : :  : : :
                  :               :........: :.....: :....: :...: :..: :.:
     _______      :    _________ _____ :            ________     ________
    .\  ___/______:___________ /_\   /_:____________\____  /.__________ /_
    |   \         | ___         |            |             | ___         |
    |_____        | \_/_______________       __  ___________ \_/_________|
                  :                    :                          az0!/sea
  ... .... ..... .:.......             :
  : : :  : :   : :       :       ......:
  :.: :..: :...: :.......:       : .....
                  :..............: :...:

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "index" especially for "thorr"  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

               |__    _____|__         | ____ _____|_     _____|__
             __|_/____\    | /_________|_\  /_\  __|/___  \    | /___
         .___\_|    __   __|/(   | ___ |     |    _|___/_|    _|/    |
         |_    |____\/___)/|¯¯  __ \_/_|___________|     |____/|¯   _|
          /____|         /_|____\|_____|\         /|_____|   /_|____\
               |           | az0!/sea  |           |           |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "index" especially for "thorr"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

                __    ________           ____ _______     ________
             __|_/____\      /___________\  /_\  ___/___ .\      /___
         .___\_|    __   __ /(   | ___       |    _____/_|    _ /    |
         |_     ____\/___)/ ¯¯  __ \_\_____________      _____/ ¯   _|
          /____|         /______\|______\         /______|   /______\

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "intro" especially for "thorr"  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

               |__    _____|__    ____ |      _____|_     _____|__
             __|_/____\    | /____\  /_|____ | ____|/____| ____| /___
         .___\_|    __   __|/(   \_   _|___/_| \_/ | ___ | \_/ |     |
         |_    |____\/___)/|¯¯  ______ |     ______|    \_____ |    _|
          /____|         /_|____\    /_|_____|    /|_____\   /_|____\
               |           |           | az0!/sea  |           |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "intro" especially for "thorr"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

                __    ________    ____        _______     ________
             __|_/____\      /____\  /______ | _____/____| ______/___
         .___\_|    __   __ /(   \_   _____/_| \_/  ____ | \_/       |
         |_     ____\/___)/ ¯¯  ______       ______     \_____      _|
          /____|         /______\    /_______|    /______\   /______\

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "mawi" especially for "mcr"     [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

                         _________                           _________
        ____ _______    /________/                           \_______/
        \   \\      \  _________                              ______
         \___\\      \/        /   ________ ________          \    /_
           ____\          ____/_______    /_\       \/\______|_\    /_|
           \              \ __________     |        /  \_    |  \  /  |
            \ _            \        \/    |||     _/        |||  \/   |
             \\       \  /  \__________   _|_               _|_    ___|
              \\       \/------\ az0!|----\·/------/\_______\·/----\sea
               \        \
          _ __ _\        \   m  a  d  w  i  z  a  r  d  s  1  9  9  9
          //_//___________\  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

  [       ]                                                          [       ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [______ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
 __\ ___/_]____ _     _____    .____ /   azzarorentonrevitwisterx-ballzabora ]
Y  \\___      //_ ____\_  //_ _l   //___    ___       ___    ______  [ ///// ]
l_____ /         Y   __      Y    _____/_ _l  /_ ____|  /_ _l  ___/__[_____  ]
      /___________   \¦   ___l____ \     Y      Y   /l    Y    _/ /       /_ ]
  [ _/    ]      7_______\\      \_______l______l__  '    _____\   sative   Y]
  [       ]__ ___      ______                    /________7     \\__________l]
 tG!   ___l  Y  /___ _l  ___/_______       _____                     [ ///// ]
  k0. Y             Y    _/ /      //_ ____\_  //_ ________    ______[ ___ _ ]
  [   l_   \__l     _____\     mea    Y   __      Y       //  /              ]
  [    /_____|     _l     \\____________  \¦   ___l______/  //________ ___ _ ]
  [       ]  l_____\                  7_______\\                     [       ]
                                                                     [ ///// ]
 - Guest release by Thung/K0re in co-op with Azzaro (sea-skin.txt);  [ ///// ]
 - Satieve Mea Autumn`99 Attack was started. Knights are on the way =) ///// ]
 - Update of the list - some summer ascii collies by Zabora added;   [ ///// ]
 - We are looking for more members/boards woldwide!                  [ ///// ]
                                                                     [ ///// ]
                     [ o f f i c i a l   r e l e a s e s   t i l l   n - o w ]
 no | shortcut     | full title               | artist    | date     | lenght
 ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[07 releases at all].
 01 | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation               | renton    | 18/12/98 | 042.104
 02 | sea-neon.txt | neon flow                | azzaro    | 15/12/98 | 074.000
 03 | sea-orig.txt | origami                  | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 116.314
 04 | sea-4a3.txt  | 456 alien 3              | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 124.145
 05 | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 106.000
 06 | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm               | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 108.000
 07 | sea-jtkn.txt | jak to kurwa nazwac?     | zabora    | 10/12/98 | 021.550
 ONE-NINE-NINE-NINE]. .[30 releases till now].
 08 | sea-1pos.txt | 100 percent of shit      | renton    | 10/01/99 | 022.858
 09 | sea-1999.txt | najnhundretnajntynajn    | renton    | 11/01/99 | 048.361
 10 | sea-fngr.txt | finger                   | zabora    | 16/02/99 | 050.777
 11 | sea-zero.txt | zero remix               | azzaro    | 27/02/99 | 183.000
 12 | sea-psyl.txt | psilocybe semilanceta    | zabora    | 03/03/99 | 105.352
 13 | sea-ck01.txt | construction kit 01      | azzaro    | 06/03/99 | 047.733
 14 | sea-pead.txt | peanut head              | renton    | 05/04/99 | 080.548
 15 | sea-dobm.txt | dobberman                | azzaro    | 06/04/99 | 100.000
 16 | sea-kore.txt | klubbhead loop 89        | a+a+k+z   | 25/04/99 | 400.000
 17 | sea-time.txt | timelessness             | renton    | 03/05/99 | 048.663
 18 | sea-mysl.txt | myôl                     | revi      | 05/05/99 | 224.774
 19 | sea-nwor.txt | new order                | x-ball    | 10/05/99 | 112.547
 20 | sea-pace.txt | peace                    | renton    | 13/05/99 | 060.927
 21 | sea-mlem.txt | morning lemon            | az0+tøn   | 16/05/99 | 100.436
 22 | sea-agpa.txt | age of panic             | renton    | 21/05/99 | 068.808
 23 | sea-dcry.txt | diskocit. rocks u bitch  | azzaro    | 06/06/99 | 192.593
 24 | sea-celi.txt | the celebration of the.  | renton    | 14/06/99 | 080.000
 25 | sea-adia.txt | aqua di azor             | azzaro    | 20/06/99 | 250.000
 26 | sea-xfl9.txt | ex-factor lite 99        | azzaro    | 27/06/99 | 117.541
 27 | sea-cdn.txt  | counting down        [g] | darkus    | 05/07/99 | 036.837
 28 | sea-garf.txt | garden my flies          | x-ball    | 07/07/99 | 156.007
 29 | sea-qntm.txt | quantum the colly        | zabora    | 07/07/99 | 050.995|
 30 | sea-alis.txt | alice on da second side..| az0+tøn   | 15/07/99 | 139.710
 31 | sea-ubik.txt | ubik                     | zabora    | 30/08/99 | 103.101
 32 | sea-8mpf.txt | 8mm multiplastikk asc²form azzaro    | 01/09/99 | 140.000
 33 | sea-boso.txt | boxed set one            | x-ball    | 24/09/99 | 137.347
 34 | sea-skin.txt | negative skin color      | az0+thung | 27/09/99 | 182.000
 35 | sea-omte.txt | gs1: omnipotent technocrat azzaro    | 14/10/99 | 096.000
 36 | sea-uv.txt   | gs2: uv catastrophe      | azzaro    | 14/10/99 | 080.380
 37 | sea-behp.txt | belgian happenings       | azzaro    | 18/10/99 | 080.275
 total number of collections: 037           total lenght in bytes: 004.017.000
                                                     [ s - t a t i s t i c s ]
                         actual members productivity:

     azzaro ---------- 19 ascii collections, 15 own made, 04 cooperations
     renton ---------- 10 ascii collections, 08 own made, 02 cooperations
     revi ------------ 01 ascii collections, 01 own made, 00 cooperations
     twister --------- 00 ascii collections, 00 own made, 00 cooperations
     x-ball ---------- 03 ascii collections, 03 own made, 00 cooperations
     zabora! --------- 06 ascii collections, 05 own made, 01 cooperations

                         guest collections released:

      acid ------------ 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
      darkus ---------- 01 ascii collection, 01 own made, 00 cooperation
      kempy ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
      thung ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
                                                           [ c - o n t a c t ]
          azzaro - tomasz wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland

                 renton - pat kalinowski · 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland

            revi - sly ostruszka · sw. jerzego 7a/17 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland

           twister - bart ptaszynski · robotnicza 2 · 14-530 frombork · poland

           x-ball - mark nowacki · dabrowskiego 66/7 · 41-500 chorzow · poland

          zabora - tomasz zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland

                     call SEA polish headquarter: DA SECT BBS - +48-91-4879493
                    look oficial SEA web page:
                                           p s y c h i k a l   k r e a t i o n
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [_______]                                                          [ ///// ]
  [       ]
  [ \\\\\ ]
  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "messages" especially for "thorr"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

                 ____|__    _____|_     _____|_     _____|_
               ._\   | /____\  __|/___ .\ ___|/_____\ ___|/____
               |     |     |    _|___/_|     |     |     |     |
               |___\_|_/  _______|     |_____|__  _______|__  _|
                    /|____\     /|_____|    /|____\     /|____\
                    _|_____ _____|_     _____|_     _____|_
                _____|___ /_\  __|/_____\  __|/___ .\ ___|/____
               | ___ |     |   \ |     |    _|___/_|     |     |
               | \_/_|___________|     ______|     ______|__  _|
               |_____|\         /|_____|    /|_____|    /|____\
                     |           | az0!/sea  |           |

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "messages" especially for "thorr" ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

           _______    _______     _______     _______
         ._\     /____\  ___/___ .\ ____/_____\ ____/____
         |           |    _____/_|           |           |
         |___\___/  _______      _________  __________  _|
             /_____\     /______|     /_____\     /_____\
                          _______ _______     _______     _______
                      __________/_\  ___/_____\  ___/___ .\ ____/____
                     | ___       |   \       |    _____/_|           |
                     | \_\_____________      ______      _________  _|
                     |______\         /______|    /______|    /_____\

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "native" especially for "native"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

    _____|__        _|_____ ____ |           |__       __|      _____|_
   .\    | /_________|___ /_\  /_|____     __|_/___.___\ |__   .\  __|/___
   |   __|/(   | ___ |     \_   _|___/_.___\_|    ___    | /___|    _|___/_.
   |___)/|¯¯  __ \_/_|__________ |     __    |____\ /____|     ______|     |
       /_|____\/_____|\        /_|_____\/____|           |_____|    /|_____|
         |           |           |           |           | az0!/sea  |

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "native" especially for "native"[ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

                                   _ _/ \_ _
                              _____ \  :  / _____
                           ___\    \ \_:_/ /    /___
                           \ __     \  :  /     __ /
                           |\/       \/:\/       \/|
     _ __ ___ ____ _____ __|_________  :  _________|__ _____ ____ ___ __ _
     \\\_\\__\\___\\____\\___________\ : /___________//____//___//__//_///
    ________        _______|____       :      __   |   __       _______
   .\      /____________  /_\  /______ :   __|_/___|___\ |__   .\   __/___
   |   __ /(   | ____      \_   _____/_:___\_|    ___    | /___|  \______/_.
   |___)/ ¯¯  __ \_\____________       __    _____\·/_____     ______      |
                           |           :           |                az0!/sea
                           | N   A   T : I   V   E |
                           |           :           |
                           |/\       /\:/\       /\|
                           /___     / _:_ \     ___\
                              /____/ / : \ \____\
                                   _/_ : _\_

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "news" especially for "thorr"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

                _____|__    _____|_     _____|_     _____|_
               .\    | /____\  __|/___ .\   _|/ ____\ ___|/____
               |   __|/(   |    _|___/_|   / |¯\   |     |     |
               |___)/|¯¯  _______|     ______|    _______|__  _|
                   /_|____\     /|_____|    /|____\     /|____\
                     |           |  az0!/sea |           |

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "news" especially for "thorr"   [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

            _________     _________     ________     ________
           .\       /_____\   ____/___ .\    __/ ____\  ____/______
           |   __  /(    |     ______/_|    /   \    |             |
           |___)/  ¯¯   ________       _______      ___________   _|
               /________\      /_______|     /______\      /______\

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "sative mea" especially for "zabora"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

             ____ ________________ __ _
             \   \\          ____//_//
              \___\\           \
                ____\      _____\____                     _________
                \          \  ______/________  _______________    /_
                 \ _        \ \  ___________/__\ _____________     |
                  \\        |\/                ·\·          \/    ||
                   \\       |_     _____________|\___________     _|
                    \        /-----| \ az0!/sea             |-----\
                     \                \
               _ __ __\_               \  s  a  t  i  v  e   m  e  a
               //_//____________________\ -  -  -  -  -  -   -  -  -

                                                     ___          _  [ //  / ]
  |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_) [   /// ]
  |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/      ///// ]
  |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)    [ ///// ]
  |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \   [ ///// ]
  | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /   [ ///// ]
  |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//   [ ///// ]
  | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-[ ///// ]-
  "belgian happenings" a gift called "stuff" especially for "thorr"  [ ///// ]
 --------------------------------------------------------------------[ ///// ]-
                                                                     [ ///// ]

          _____|_     ____ |           |__        _|_____     _|_____
         .\ ___|/_____\  /_|____     __| /________\|     |____\|     |
         |     |     \_   _|___/_____\ |    __   __|______   __|_____|
         |_____|__  ______ |     |     |____\|_   _|___\ |_   _|___\
              /|____\    /_|___________|      /____|\     /____|\
               |           | az0!/sea  |           |           |

  [ \  \\ ]                                                    ___          _
  [ \\\   ] |_                      |_                        (_  \   __ _ /_)
  [ \\\\\   |\___________________   |\___________________      //  \______/
  [ \\\\\ ] |                    \_ |                    \_        (___.._)
  [ \\\\\ ] |                     | |                     | _     /     -  \
  [ \\\\\ ] | ___________________ | |                     | \ ___\\   -    /
  [ \\\\\ ] |_            |____/ _| |                     | //     \______//
  [ \\\\\ ] | \_________________/   |                     |  \   _  _   l tG!
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------(___)_)  \_)_)k0!-
  [ \\\\\ ] "belgian happenings" a gift called "stuff" especially for "thorr"
 -[ \\\\\ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
  [ \\\\\ ]

           _______     ____              __        _______     _______
          .\ ____/_____\  /______     __| /________\      |____\      |
          |           \_   _____/_____\ |    __   _________   ________|
          |________  ______       |      ____\|_   _____\ |_   _____\
               /_____\    /_____________|      /_____\     /_____\

  [       ]                            :                             [       ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :             _____       ______ //// ]
   _______________________ __________ _:_________ ___\   /_ _____\    /_____ ]
   \  ________      \   \/    ______/     ______/       /\/       \______  / ]
   /__\/__   /_______\ _______\/____/\ ___\/____/\ ____/____/\ ________ /__\ ]
         /___\                         :                               /     ]
   p e r s o n a l  g r e e t i n g s  goes  to  the  following  p e o p l e ]
   ------------------------------------÷------------------------------------ ]
   214 ace acid adam adamsoft adonis aln!  amifan andy antibyte aragorn ash! ]
   baytek  belos  bonzaj borys brutus bta budgie caro carp caustic cd beavis ]
   cerber  chosen  clever  coach comanche covenant cure curtcool darkus dave ]
   def  deixas  digger  dr  chiry  dr  oczkins dr szach drf dziq dzordan elf ]
   emiter  enter equal estrogen evan flapjack frequent garion ghenesis grass ]
   grogon  guffaw guma hash humanoid icetray idaho informer insert itb jacko ]
   jim  kazik  kempy kessel kierownik kk ko$mi krs kure lala locash lovelace ]
   madbart  madel  magic maq mavey mcr metal designer morino mr acryl muffin ]
   mumin  nelson neuroup noe norman noster noxis opi otton paplo peer pepson ]
   pesti phaser pickpoke pill pnx popcorn protas psion psylocyb punisher qix ]
   raptor rebb rebel renton revi revisq riddler roover sante scavenger sharp ]
   shepherd skid skope sly smajk spectra starlight strife substance superfml ]
   tft  the  hooligan the shepherd thorr thung timer tomeq twister uhu venom ]
   voicer wierza wild yaneq yoyo zabora zig zoltan zomo and all forgotten m8 ]
   ------------------------------------÷------------------------------------ ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\ _____       ____      _        :        ____________      __ [ ///// ]
  [ \  /_   / _____/_  /_____\/__      : ______/_  /|_     |_ ___/_/.aV!- // ]
  [  /  / p  \      / /_|       /      : \     // /__/  t  _/ ____\ ____ /// ]
  [ /  /______\ r _/   \   i   /_______:__   _/    \|      |  \ e      / _ / ]
   /_______| _____\_____\ ____\\         /___\__A___\______| __________\\/ / ]
   --------------------------- \       ·/ ---------------------------------- ]
   also for supporting "excess" \  v  // reach me at my private contact cell ]
   diskmagazine with your arts,  \   //  azzaro/madwizards+embassy+sativemea ]
   news, messages or modules &    \  /   tomasz wisniewski,  ul.szeroka 35/8 ]
   for supporting "save da vinyl"  \/    75-814 koszalin northwestern poland ]
   with hottest scene gossips and tunes. e-mail: ]
   ------------------------------------÷------------------------------------ ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]      __ ____ ___ __________:____________ ____            [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]     (_//___//__//___                 __//____)           [ ///// ]
  [ \\\ __     __|__  _______    ______       ___   ____|___  ____  ___ //// ]
  [ \ _)  l___{_____}_) ____/_ __)    /_ ____/  (_ _)_     /__\   l/  (  /// ]
  [  V    |   V     V________ V ________V    \__  V _\)       V_______ V /// ]
  [       __               (/   \)            (/    \_              (/   /// ]
  [ <_    |____     _      ____         _         _  /_________        _> // ]
  [ \`----'psr`--.--^------'  `---------^---------^-----.-'dzn`--------' /// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]      |              ___ ___ ______ ___      |            [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]      |________________((___))____//__/------'            [ ///// ]
NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 5                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
01 [08/28/95] OZONE FRIENDLY                         [25O.936B] [AMF-OZFR.TXT]
02 [12/3O/95] WATERWORLD                             [O81.OOOB]  [AMF-WTW.TXT]
03 [12/12/95] E=ASC²                      (with drf) [153.944B] [AMF-ASC².TXT]
04 [12/16/95] 93° FAHRENHEIT                         [O69.55OB] [AMF-93°F.TXT]
05 [12/2O/95] VIBROBETON                             [222.OOOB] [DRF_VBET.TXT]
                                                      TOTAL: [0.770.430 BYTES]
NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 6                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
06 [01/1O/96] BRING ME NOISE                         [O81.O2OB]  [AMF-BMN.TXT]
07 [02/O7/96] BACK ON PLASTIC            (with seti) [O55.OOOB] [AMF-BACK.TXT]
08 [02/12/96] SAYONARA FUCKHEAD                      [191.2OOB] [AMF-SAYO.TXT]
09 [06/O7/96] RAME                                   [O41.5OOB] [AMF-RAME.TXT]
10 [06/1O/96] FIRESTARTER                            [O8O.OOOB] [AMF-FIRE.TXT]
11 [06/22/96] TURBO                  (with covenant) [2OO.OOOB] [AMF-TURB.TXT]
12 [06/22/96] PHUN FAKTORY                           [193.1OOB]   [AMF-PF.TXT]
13 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 1: HEXAGONAL HERETIC         [247.OOOB] [AMF-DRE1.TXT]
14 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 2: JERICHO                   [178.227B] [AMF-DRE2.TXT]
15 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 3: FANTASIA                  [229.16OB] [AMF-DRE3.TXT]
16 [08/3O/96] RADIATION IN ZOO                       [121.OOOB] [AMF-RZOO.TXT]
17 [10/O5/96] DREAMLAND 4: EXIT FANTASY              [115.OO7B] [AMF-EXIT.TXT]
18 [10/1O/96] 3ER4 MILLENIO                          [253.5OOB] [AMF-3ER4.TXT]
19 [11/O1/96] STYLEZ RETROSPECTION                   [173.16OB] [L124-STZ.TXT]
20 [11/1O/96] PAIN AND HEARTBEAT PUMPING             [365.O3OB] [L124-PAI.TXT]
21 [11/11/96] AMPHETAMINE DUST                       [189.5O6B] [L124-DST.TXT]
22 [12/12/96] HAND ON MY PUSSY                       [141.O1OB] [L124-HOP.TXT]
                                                      TOTAL: [2.854.420 BYTES]
NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 7                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
23 [01/2O/97] AURORA BOREALIS                        [21O.15OB] [L124-ABS.TXT]
24 [02/O1/97] PAPARAZZI                              [161.OOOB] [L124-PZI.TXT]
25 [02/17/97] POETRY OF LOVE                         [463.OOOB] [L124-POL.TXT]
26 [02/22/97] TURBO 2                 (with zorka19) [173.OOOB] [L124-TB2.TXT]
27 [03/O5/97] MORSEDOME                              [O36.OOOB] [L124-MSD.TXT]
28 [03/2O/97] PLUNGE INTO GOA: POETRY OF LOVE 2      [186.OOOB] [L124-GOA.TXT]
29 [04/16/97] ECLIPSE TRAVEL TO INDIA                [14O.OOOB] [L124-E2I.TXT]
30 [05/2O/97] AMBIENT WASTER                         [197.OOOB] [L124-AWA.TXT]
31 [06/15/97] TO THE SEA                             [178.352B] [L124-SEA.TXT]
32 [07/11/97] INDUSTRIAL 1: ODYSSEY TO ANYOONA       [O96.762B] [L124-ANY.TXT]
33 [07/12/97] INDUSTRIAL 2: KALEIDOSCOPE SKIES       [194.O29B] [L124-KSK.TXT]
34 [07/13/97] INDUSTRIAL 3: DETROIT EXPERIMENT       [132.OO4B] [L124-DET.TXT]
35 [08/3O/97] DELPHINUS I-DENTITY                    [18O.185B]  [L124-ID.TXT]
36 [10/15/97] GARDEN OF EDEN                         [12O.OOOB] [L124-GDE.TXT]
37 [10/29/97] TWO SPYS IN THE HOUSE OF LOVE          [182.284B] [L124-SPY.TXT]
38 [12/15/97] PHOEBUS APOLLO                         [125.734B] [L124-PHO.TXT]
                                                      TOTAL: [2.775.860 BYTES]
NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 8                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
39 [01/2O/98] SEN WEZYRA                             [O66.312B] [L124-SEN.TXT]
40 [03/15/98] PSILOCIBE 1: SUKIA MONOTONE            [181.OOOB] [L124-SMO.TXT]
41 [03/17/98] PSILOCIBE 2: EVENT HORIZON             [182.OOOB] [L124-EHN.TXT]
42 [03/20/98] PSILOCIBE 3: THE DREAM MACHINE         [2OO.OOOB] [L124-TDM.TXT]
43 [04/24/98] HOMEWORK                               [11O.OOOB] [L124-HOM.TXT]
44 [04/24/98] REBIRTH OF STYLISM                     [219.338B] [L124-338.TXT]
45 [07/O2/98] IN SEARCH OF SPARKS                    [21O.OOOB] [L124-ISO.TXT]
46 [08/25/98] 94,7% SMOKED OUT                       [O87.298B] [L124-9SO.TXT]
47 [10/02/98] EXPERIMENT ENCORE                      [373.648B] [L124-EXE.TXT]
48 [10/24/98] KLUB VOLTAIRE                          [136.OOOB] [L124-KLV.TXT]
49 [12/10/98] NEON FLOW                              [O74.OOOB] [SEA-NEON.TXT]
50 [12/20/98] ORIGAMI                                [116.314B] [SEA-ORIG.TXT]
51 [12/20/98] 456 ALIEN 3                            [124.145B]  [SEA-4A3.TXT]
52 [12/20/98] PORTAIT OUT OF THE BLUE                [106.009B] [SEA-BLUE.TXT]
53 [12/20/98] PULVERTURM                             [108.000B] [SEA-PULV.TXT]
                                                      TOTAL: [2.294.064 BYTES]
NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 9                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
54 [02/27/99] ZERO REMIX                             [183.000B] [SEA-ZERO.TXT]
55 [03/06/99] CONSTRUCTION KIT 01                    [047.733B] [SEA-CK01.TXT]
56 [04/06/99] DOBERMANN                              [100.000B] [SEA-DOBM.TXT]
57 [04/17/99] KLUBBHEAD LOOP 89 (+zabora,acid,kempy) [400.000B] [SEA-KORE.TXT]
58 [05/19/99] MORNING LEMON            (with renton) [102.558B] [SEA-MLEM.TXT]
59 [06/06/99] DISKOCITIZEN ROCKS YOU BITCH           [192.593B] [SEA-DCRY.TXT]
60 [06/20/99] AQUA DI AZOR                           [250.000B] [SEA-ADIA.TXT]
61 [06/27/99] EX-FAKTOR LITE `99                     [117.541B] [SEA-XFL9.TXT]
62 [07/15/99] ALICE ON DA 2ND SIDE OF..(with renton) [139.710B] [SEA-ALIS.TXT]
63 [08/18/99] LIVE AT LODZ              (with thung) [062.321B] [LA!-LODZ.TXT]
64 [09/01/99] 8MM MIKROPLASTIKK ASCIIFORM            [140.000B] [SEA-8MPF.TXT]
65 [09/27/99] NEGATIVE SKIN COLOR       (with thung) [182.000B] [SEA-SKIN.TXT]
67 [10/14/99] GLOBE SESSIONS 2: UV CATASTROPHE       [080.380B]   [SEA-UV.TXT]
68 [10/18/99] BELGIAN HAPPENINGS                     [080.275B] [SEA-BEHP.TXT]
                                                      TOTAL: [2.174.111 BYTES]
[TOTAL 10.167.104 BYTES]                               [068 ASCII COLLECTIONS]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                   _        :       _                     [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                   |        :       |                     [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ].: .............:. |        :       | .:............. :.  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] ..:            :  |        :       |  :            :..   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] :              :  ¯_____.  :       ¯  :              :   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ __:__          __:__ )    |__:  ____ ___:__      ______:   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\ __)  _/__________\_  /_\   ____/__\__/_\    /______\  __/:___[ ///// ]
  [ \\  \ \____    _    __/   _    \|    _    _    /|    _  __/     /  ///// ]
  [ \  /_____|/____\____\|____\_____\____\____\__________\__\|_______\ ///// ]
  [ \ «-dKS!: .            :_____- ---------------:            . :----» //// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] : .        ____|    (  ______         :____        . :   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] : :.. .   _\ _ | /  /__\  __/_________\_  /_   . ..: :   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ].:.........\   \_/    _  __/     _    __/   /.........:.  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] ·        /_____|_____\__\|______\____\|_____\        ·   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]         «------------------÷-----------------»           [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]              wicked knights of small lines               [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ] patryk kalinowski - marek nowacki - slawomir ostruszka   [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ bartosz ptaszynski - tomasz wisniewski - tomasz zaborowski [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                join us if you only want                  [ ///// ]
  [ \\\\\ ]                            :                             [ ///// ]
                              [       ].[       ]
   no sound support this time [ \\\\\ ]9[ ///// ]
   and plase don`t ask me for [ \\\\\ ]8[ ///// ]
   listening any psychedelic  [ \\\\\ ]7[ ///// ]
   trance anymore. goa sucks. [ \\\\\ ]6[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ]5[ ///// ]
   god bless house.           [ \\\\\ ]4[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ]3[ ///// ]
   and please taka a look at  [ \\\\\ ]2[ ///// ]
   "matrix 2"...              [ \\\\\ ]1[ ///// ]
                              [ \\\\\ ]0[ ///// ]
   also petra, hope you`re    [ \\\   ]:[   /// ]
   somewhere behind me now..  [ \\\ the end /// ]
   bye bye!                   [_______]:[_______]
                            b e l g i a n   h a p p e n i n g s   [ c ] 2 0 0 0

 __\ ___/____ _   ______
Y  \\___    //_ _l  ___/_____       _____
l_____ /       Y    _/ /   //_ ____\_  //_
      / ____________\          Y   __      Y
 ____/__ tG!.k0     \\__________  \¦   ___l
 \  /                          7_______\\

 \\                            [18/oct/1999]

  _____       _____  . t . h . e . . s . e . c . t .    node0: +48-91-4879493
 _\   /_ _____\   /_______________ __ _ ____ __ ___ _   node1:         telnet
     /\/           ___     ______/                      node2:         telnet
 ___/____/\ _______\ /_____\/____/\ _______ _ ___ __ _
   ______                             _____             master:
 __\    /_____________ ___________ ___\   /_ ____ _     madbart/appendix
    \______    ______/      \   \/       /\/
 ________ /____\/____/\ ____/_____/\____/____/\ _ __ _  hardware:
 kem/k0  /                                              a1240t/603e/240mhz/5g

 appendix + anadune + teklords + floppy + dinx project  supporters:
 venus  art + jormas + mad  wizards + pic  saint  loup  jacobs + ziutek
 kore. + linear + sative mea . . .
                                                        2nd in the world:
   /  »-»-»-»-»-»-»  . t . h . e . . s . e . c . t .    the scene press#01
  /__________________________________ _ _____ __ _ ___ _