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124 145 bytes (121.24K)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 95


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          [nonstop supporters: jacobs - prefix.appendix - ziutek]
                        [master: madbart.appendix]
                                  :       :
                      !still third place in the world!
                                  :       :
                               ...:....   :...
                               :  ·       :  :
                               :  :       ·  :
                               :..:   .......:
                                  :       :
                      !still third place in the world!
                                  :       :
        [appendix/whq] [anadune/whq] [teklords/phq] [floppy/phq]
 [dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq] [mawi/phq] [doggystyle/phq] [venus art/phq]
     [pic saint loup/phq] [linear whq] [old bulls whq]  [sative mea/phq]
   ___       ___        _______   :____   :  _______   ____     ___
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  sative Mea presents an 51st ascii
    collection by Azzaro entitled
     "456 alien 3". Phase second.
 s e x u a l   h i b e r n a t i o n

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      After  a  long day's ride though the woods, my legs were starting to
      get  tired.   Besides  my  cock  was starting to get unbearably hard
      after  the  constant  pressure of my spandex tights on it, so I stop
      the  bike to sit and rest against a tree.  I look down at my tights:
      they  are  shiny black and practically seamless, with the only seams
      running  down  on the insides of my legs.  Closing my eyes, I run my
      hands  over  my  legs and gently tickling my prick through the tight
      smooth spandex, and my cock throbs in response.  I run my hands over
      my legs as I get more and more aroused, and the spandex on my crotch
      starts to get a little wet from the pre-cum that's flowing out of my
      hard  throbbing  cock.  I massage my balls through the fabric, and I
                       feel an urge to cum building up...
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                     [ Article crossposted from alt.lycra ]
                  [ Posted on Fri, 21 Apr 1995 06:11:23 GMT ]
             [ t r a n s m i s s i o n   f r o m   n o w h e r e ]
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       · --|sative mea|-- ·.°:°.                                     :/:
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                            ·:|      /      |       ____|  (____  \  °|
        blaze - zabora |     :|_____/      .:____      .:_____      .:|
        revi - azzaro! |     :...../______(.|.../_____(....../_____(..!
        ninetyeignt`98 |         .:.........:
        non sense art! |                               | texts are idiotic
                       |                               |
          Suddenly I hear a rustling of leaves down the bike path.  I open
      my  eyes  to  look and notice a girl riding up on her bike!  My face
      turns  beet  red  and  I pull my knees to my chest to try to hide my
      erection,  but  I'm  sure  that  it  was  in vain since she no doubt
      already  saw what I was doing.  I keep my eyes on the ground, hoping
      she'll  just pass me, but her bike slows to a stop right in front of
      me.   Finally  I raise my eyes to her, and could only gape at what I
      saw.  This woman was absolutely GORGEOUS, with dark brown long hair,
      but  what  really  caught my attention was her outfit:  she was also
      wearing a shiny black spandex skinsuit with silver stripes streaking
      through  it,  and  wearing  an  utility belt!  I can clearly see her
      nipples  poking  through  the  tight  shiny spandex, and her tightly
      covered  ass  seems  to  ripple  in  the  sunlight.   Her figure was
                  _perfect_ and glorious in all its shininess.
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
  handtyper, designer, |                               | publisher, editor,
  engineer, creator,   |                               | director, manager,
  executive producer,  |                               | boy. just artist?
                       |                               |
  °   ° .                .°. O            just say...  |               O.°
 ° O.. :             .°   o o                          |       _________.|_
 .  o \|____°_________:__.° :°_________o_______________________)     O °:|/
  : :O:|\° .O           °/o:O_\       O°.       ° o                  +  o/o
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   + + .:)___°(  )____:)·°(-----------|           |-------------/|   °·
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
          After a while, I gather my senses and say, "Uh...  hi." I berate
      myself for my seemingly awkwardnes, but she just smiles and gets off
      her  bike  and sits down to rest against the tree next to me.  "Man,
      that  was  a  tough ride and I'm all hot and tired," she says with a
      sigh.   I  nod  in  agreement  then  say, "So where are you from?  I
      haven't  seen  you around here before." She smiles and say, "I'm new
      here.   I  just  moved  in  this  town  last  week and staying at an
      apartment with my best friend.  By the way, my name's Teri." I smile
      and  introduce  myself,  all the while staring at her glorious body.
      She glances over at me to catch me quickly looking away, and smiles.
      She  slowly  reaches  over  to  put  her hand on my thigh, and start
      rubbing  my leg, moving down to my knee, then up to the inside of my
      thigh,  stopping just near my balls.  She looks questioningly at me,
      and  I respond by putting my own had on her knee, then rub along her
      leg,  up  her  thigh, and cup her tightly covered cunt with my hand.
      God,  I  couldn't  believe how smooth and tight her spandex is!  She
      moans  and places her hand on top of my throbbing cock, massaging it
      through  the spandex.  I moan with pleasure, and she smiles and gets
      up  to stand in front of me.  She bends over, wrigging her ass right
      in  front  of my face.  I could only just sit there and stare at her
      shiny-black  ass  inches from my face.  Then I reach up and pull her
      to  me,  grinding  her  ass into my face.  My nose pokes through the
      spandex and up her cunt as far as possible while running my hands up
      and  down  her  legs.   Then  I  pull her down onto me so that she's
      sitting  on  my  crotch.   The  sensation  of  her tight ass sliding
      against  my crotch was sheer ecstasy.  She moans as she wriggles her
      ass  on  my  cock,  feeling  it  through the spandex, and it presses
      through  her  ass  crack.   She  turns  around and sits on my crotch
      again,  facing  me  this  time.  I can feel a wetness on my cock and
      realize  that  her cunt is getting all wet and is running cunt juice
      through  the  spandex!   She must be getting awfully hot!  I push my
      groin  up  as  far  as  possible,  with nothing but a couple of thin
      layers  of  spandex between my hungry cock and her wet hole.  I look
      up and down at her, admiring the way the sun bounces off her spandex
      body; from her shiny tits to her shiny belly and her legs and ass...
    _________          |                               |
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   |_________|         ._______________________________.
   |_________ xtension |                               |
                       |                               |
   named - lebelled -  |                               | called - known as -
   entitled - titled.  |                      A        |
     ....   .... ........... ...........     j|l       |    ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦        |    ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦        |           ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦        |           ::::
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            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦        |    ::::...::::
                                              ¦        |
[ 1 2 3 FOUR FIVE SIX ALIEN 6 5 4 THREE 2 1 ] ¦        |
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          She  looks  into  my  face  and  says, "Why don't you come by my
      apartment?   We  can  have  more fun there." I could only nod and we
      both  get  up  and  on our bikes.  She leads the way so that I could
      follow her to her place.  In fact I was glad to be in the rear since
      it  gives me a chance to stare at her shiny ass as she pumps her leg
      on  the  bike  pedals,  watching the shiny fabric ripple on her ass.
      God  I  wanted  to  fuck  her  so bad at that moment!  Finally after
      several minutes, just when I was beginning to think I couldn't stand
      it  any  longer  and wanted to just jump off my bike and have a good
      fuck  right  then and there, we finally arrive at her apartment.  We
      park our bikes then go up the elevator, where she proceeded to drive
      me  crazy  even further by standing behind me, grinding herself into
      my back and my ass.  God, the sensation of her gorgeous spandex body
                       rubbing against my tight ass....!
                       |                               | ------------------
                       |                               | 0-700-1234-56-0076
                       |                               | call now for what?
                       |_______________________________| ------------------
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                       |                               |
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        |            ..| \/      \/ ..|         // ..|   ·        ..|
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                 ///__\          //__\        ///__\  ctp!    ///__\
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                       ·    )_______\/______)/÷-- - -  |
                       |            \/                 |
                       |                             . |
                       |                             . |
                       |today`sguestsar-------------e. |
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          [72]..PUNISHER                               |
                       |                               |
                       | sugar is sweeter today? no??? |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |    hi!                ... welcome ...
 yet another sative mea release          .____      ___|___  ____.
  from azzaro. it`s also second          |    \ __._\  _  /_|    |__.
    part of my phase-trip ascii      .-- |    /\  |   ___/  |    '  | --.
   collections named "origami".  Bd! ¦   |\_______|_________|_______|   ¦ L¹24
   prevois one was not designed      ¦  ____     _____     __.__     _______
      but here`s some of my new  _\ ___/ _._)__._\  _ \_._/  |  \__._\  _  /_.
         ideas how to make puny    \     \|    |    \   |   \_/   _|  ____/  |
      ascii lookin` better. the     \__________|________|____|____\|_________|
    sexual story was taken from      .                                  .
       variuos xxx homepages on      ¦                                  ¦
          the internet. i visit      `----------------------------------'
         them sometimes just to                        |
    download some nasty sexual stuff which is so helfull in getting new themes
            for design ascii collections, haha. anyway - whole four phases are
        dedicated to zabora - our new group member, so cool mate and of course
      ascii maker. hope to see something astonishing from you so soon, hehe =)
  some hot worde goes also to krs - why don`t you join us as you promised some
    weeks ago? we`re waiting - contact blaze for more details. ok, time to go.
                       |   read how the sexulas action goes hot and hot. c`ya!
                       |                               |
                       |           azzaro/sative mea+mawi+embassy. dezember`98
                       |                               |
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                   o  k  e  y  d  o  k  e  y ,  t i m e   t o
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     ....   .... ........... ...........     -¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦-            ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::     -¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦-                   ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 042 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ a picture

      ______     _______ _______ ______  ____    __ ____ _______ _______
     _\___ /_   _\      |\     /_\ ___/__\  /__  \ |   /_\      |\      |
    |    /  |   |     []  \___/            / _/_|  |      _   []  \   []|
    |[]    _|   |_ \______     ___     ___     __  ¯   ___/  _____  ____|
    |______\     /__\    /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 043 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ benton

               ____    _______ _______ ____    _______ _______
              _\  /____\      |\     /_\  /__  \      |\     /_
              |  /      \   []     _     / _/_|     []     _  |
              |_    []__  ______   |  __     ___     ___   |  |
               /______|/____\  /___|__|/_____\ /_____\ /___|__|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 044 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ blackfire

   ____    ____     ______ ______  ______  _______ _______ _______ _______
  _\  /____\  /_____\___ /_\ ___/__\  __/__\     /_\     /_\       \      |
  |  /       /         /            _       \  ___  \___/   _   []  \   []|
  |_    []       __[]    ___     ___/    ___  ___\ _     ___/  ____   ____|
   /_____________\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\/____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 045 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ carp

                       ______   ______ _______ _______
                      _\ ___/___\___ /_\      |\      |
                      |            /    _   []      []|
                      |_     __[]    ___/  _____ \____|
                       /_____\|______\ /_____\ /__\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 046 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ cerber

               ______  _______ _______ ____    _______ _______
              _\ ___/__\      |\      |\  /____\      |\      |
              |         \   []  _   []   /      \   []  _   []|
              |_     ___  ______/  _____    []    ______/  ___|
               /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /___________\   /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 047 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ darkage

              ____  ______ _______ ______   ______ ______  _______
          ____\  /__\___ /_\      |\  __/___\___ /_\  __/__\      |
          |    \       /    _   []  _          /     /      _   []|
          |[]    __[]    ___/  _____/    __[]    ___/    ___/  ___|
          |______\|______\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 048 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ darkage.diz

                              ____ ______  ______
                           ___\  /_\  __/__\  __/__
                          |    \    _        /    |
                         ||[]    ___/    ___/    _|az0!/sea
                         ||______\ /_____\ /_____\ _____
                      ___|                              |
                     |   | a r k a g e  p r e s e n t s |
                     |   |                              |
                     |   |                              |
                     |   |                              |
                     |   |                              |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 049 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ dual-crew shining

        ____ __ ____  ______ ____       ______  _______ _______     ___
    ____\  /_\ |   /__\___ /_\  /____  _\ ___/__\      |\      |__/\  /_
    |    \     |         /     /    |  |         _   []  \   []  /     |
    |[]    __  ¯   __[]    __       |  |_     ___/  _____  ______     _|
    |______\|______\|______\|_______|   /_____\ /_____\ /____\  /_/\__\
            ______ ____    _______ _______ _______ _______ ______
          __\  __ |\  /____\     /_\     /_\     /_\     /_\  __/__
          |  \ \/   _       \___/      _    \___/      _     /    |
          |_  \ \___/     __     ___   |  __     ___   |  __/    _|
           /_____\ /______|/_____\ /___|__|/_____\ /___|__|/_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 050 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ embora

               _______      __ ____    _______ _______  ______
              _\      |__  / /_\  /____\      |\      |_\___ /_
              | \   []   \/      /          []  _   []     /  |
              |_  ______  _   __    []__     ___/  ____[]    _|
               /____\  /___\/_|/______|/_____\ /_____\|______\

                       |                               |
                       |                               |
        She  opens  her  door  and  I  step inside with her following me
      closely  (and  I do mean CLOSELY!), and shutting the door behind us.
      I  whirl  around  and squeeze her tightly into me, fiercly forming a
      seal  over  her  mouth with my mouth and we start kissing each other
      hungrily  for a long time.  She raises her knee, and rubs it against
      my  inside  thigh and my balls.  My balls feels like they're on fire
      from  this ecstatic sensation.  I'm about to unzip her skinsuit when
      she  stops me with a sly smile and beckons me to her room.  I follow
      her  to her bedroom (this time it was my turn to follow closely) and
      she goes to her closet.  Curious, I watch her open the door and gasp
      at  what  I  see:   a  wide  collection of spandex outfits!  I could
      barely  believe  my  luck,  finding a female spandex fetishist!  She
      looks  at  me  carefully  then picks out a shiny black catsuit, with
      long  sleeves  and  gloves and hood with only holes for the eyes and
      mouth.  It also has a hole in the crotch region, which I assume must
      be  where  the  cock pokes through.  What's more, this spandex is of
      the  rubbery kind, that has a wet look to it!  I take the suit while
      she  picks  out a suit for herself:  another catsuit with gloves and
      hood  and  two  holes for her cunt and asshole and two more holes in
      the  chest  area  for  her  nipples.   It is also of the ultra-shiny
      rubbery  type of spandex, but hers is dark blue compared to my black
        one.  She walks out of the room and tells me to put my suit on.
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 051 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ evan

                       _______ ____ __  ______ _______
                      _\      |\   | /__\___ /_\     /_
                      | \   []     |       /       _  |
                      |_  ______   ¯   []    ___   |  |
                       /____\  /_____________\ /___|__|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 052 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ floppy

               _______ ____    _______ _______ _______ ___ ___
              _\     /_\  /____\      |\      |\      |\  |  /_
              | \  ____  /          []      []      []    |   |
              |_  ___\       ___     ___ \______ \_________  _|
               /____\ |______\ /_____\ /__\    /__\     /____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 053 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ garion

               ______   ______ _______ _______ _______ _______
              _\  __/___\___ /_\      |\     /_\      |\     /_
              |  /         /    _   []  \___/       []     _  |
              |_/    __[]    ___/  _____     ___     ___   |  |
               /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___|__|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 054 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ haujobb

           ____     ______ __ ____ _______ _______ ____    ____
          _\  /_____\___ /_\ |   /_\___  /_\      |\  /____\  /____
          | _          /     |          /       []   /       /    |
          |_/      []    __  ¯   ___   / ___     ___    []__    []|
           /_____________\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /______|/______|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 055 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ high voltage

                       ____    _______ ______  ____
                      _\  /____\     /_\  __/__\  /____
                      | _       \___/    /      _     |
                      |_/     __     ___/    ___/     |
                       /______|/_____\ /_____\ /______|
           ____ __ _______ ____    ____     ______ ______  _______
          _\   | /_\      |\  /____\  /__  _\___ /_\  __/__\      |
          |    |        []   /       / _/_|    /     /      \   []|
          |_   ¯  __     __      ___     __[]    ___/    ___  ____|
           /______|/_____\|______\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 056 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ hocus pocus

                   ____    _______ ______  __ ____  ______
                  _\  /____\      |\ ___/__\ |   /__\  __ |
                  | _           []           |       \ \/ |
                  |_/     __     ___     __  ¯   ___  \ \_|
                   /______|/_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\
                   _______ _______ ______  __ ____  ______
                  _\      |\      |\ ___/__\ |   /__\  __ |
                  |     []      []           |       \ \/ |
                  |_ \______     ___     __  ¯   ___  \ \_|
                   /__\    /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 057 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ itb

                           _______ ____    ____
                          _\     /_\  /__  \  /____
                          | \___/    / _/_|  /    |
                          |_     ___     ___    []|
                           /_____\ /_____\ /______|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 058 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ jormas

               _______ _______ _______      __  ______  ______
              _\___  /_\      |\      |__  / /__\___ /__\  __ |
              |     /       []  _   []   \/        /     \ \/ |
              |_   / ___     ___/  _____  _    []    ___  \ \_|
               /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___\/________\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 059 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ krs

                            ______  _______  ______
                           _\  __/__\      |_\  __ |
                           | _       _   []   \ \/ |
                           |_/    ___/  _____  \ \_|
                            /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 060 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ linear

             ____    _______ _______ _______  ______ _______
            _\  /____\     /_\     /_\      |_\___ /_\      |
            |  /      \___/      _    \   []     /    _   []|
            |      ___     ___   |  __  _____[]    ___/  ___|
            |______\ /_____\ /___|__|/____\ |______\ /_____\

                       |                               |
                       |                               |
        After  she  left,  I  rip  off  all  my clothes and stare at the
      catsuit  for a moment.  Then I slide a leg into it and gasped at how
      smooth  it  felt.  I thought the regular spandex felt good, but this
      rubbery  spandex was something else!  I slowly pull the suit over my
      legs and as it slides over my balls and cock, I very nearly came.  I
      also  noticed that this suit was MUCH tighter than my biking tights,
      and  it  squeezes my ass tightly, and seems to ride up my ass crack.
      Quickly  I  finish  putting  it on and stand in front of a mirror to
      take  a  look  at  myself.  I grew even more aroused at the sight of
      myself,  totally  covered  with  ultra-shiny  rubbery  spandex  with
      gloves,  hood,  with  my  cock and balls sticking out.  The suit was
      just  so tight there wasn't a sight of a wrinkle anywhere, even when
      I bent my knee up to my chest experimentally.  I start to rub myself
      through my gloved hands and admire how I could only just barely feel
      the seams that runs along the inside of the leg and up the front and
      back.  As I rub my legs and squeeze my ass with one hand, I start to
      slowly  masturbate  with  my  other hand.  The sensation of a smooth
                shiny gloved hand on my cock nearly made me cum.
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 061 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ linear.diz

                           ____     ______  ______
                          _\  /_____\___ /_|.     |az0!/sea
                          |  /         /  ||      |
                      |---|      __[]    _||______|-----|_|
                      |   |______\|______\  |____|___ ___ |
                      |    o ____ ____  ____ ____ \_/ \_/ |
                      |    | \  / \__/_ \--/ \  '  /   / _|
                      |  -------------------------------| |
                      |    linear ascii crew presents
                      |  |   ...
                      |  |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 062 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ lotor

                   ____    _______ ____    _______ _______
                  _\  /____\      |\  /__  \      |\      |
                  |  /          []   / _/_|     []  _   []|
                  |      ___     ___     ___     ___/  ___|
                  |______\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 063 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ madbart

                __  ______    ____ ____     ______ _______ ____
           __  / /__\___ /____\  /_\  /_____\___ /_\      |\  /__
          |  \/        /       \     /         /    _   []   / _/_
          |_  _    []    __[]    ___    [] []    ___/  _____     _|
           /___\/________\|______\ /_____________\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 064 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ muffin

                    __ __ ____ _______ _______ _______ _______
               __  / /_\ |   /_\     /_\     /_\     /_\     /_
              |  \/      |      \  ____ \  ____ \___/      _  |
              |_  _      ¯   ___  ___\|_  ___\|_     ___   |  |
               /___\/________\ /____\  /____\  /_____\ /___|__|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 065 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ mystic

                     __ ___ ___  ______ ____    _______ ______
                __  / /_\  |  /__\  __ |\  /__  \     /_\ ___/__
               |  \/       |      \ \/    / _/_| \___/         |
               |_  _   _____  ___  \ \___     ___     ___     _|
                /___\/_| /____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 066 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ nah-kolor

                           _______  ______ ____
                          _\     /__\___ /_\  /____
                          |    _       /    _     |
                          |_   |   []    ___/     |
                           /___|_________\ /______|
                   ______  _______ ____    _______ _______
                  _\  __/__\      |\  /____\      |\      |
                  | _           []   /          []  _   []|
                  |_/    ___     __      ___     ___/  ___|
                   /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 067 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ nah-kolor.diz

                             _______  ______ ____
                            _\     /__\___ /_\  /____
                      _____ |    _  |    /  | _     |az0!/sea
                      \    ||_   |  |[]    _|_/     | ____
                       \   | /___|__|______\ /______|     |
                        \  |  ____                        |
                         \ |     / a h - k o l o r        |
                        ¯¯ |    / -------------------     |
                           |   /                          |
                           |  /                           |
                           |_/                            |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 068 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ network

           _______ _______ ____        ___ _______ _______ ______
          _\     /_\      |\  /__  __/\  /_\      |\      |\  __/__
          |    _    \   []   / _/_| /           []  _   []  _     |
          |_   |  __  ______     ___     ___     ___/  _____/    _|
           /___|__|/____\  /_____\ /_/\__\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 069 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ paplo

                   _______  ______ _______ ____    _______
                  _\      |_\___ /_\      |\  /____\      |
                  |     []     /        []   /          []|
                  |_ \_____[]    ___ \_____      ___     _|
                   /__\   |______\ /__\   |______\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 070 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ protas

               _______ _______ _______ ____     ______  ______
              _\      |\      |\      |\  /__  _\___ /__\  __ |
              |     []  _   []      []   / _/_|    /     \ \/ |
              |_ \______/  _____     ___     __[]    ___  \ \_|
               /__\    /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\

                       |                               |
                       |                               |
          I  hear  the  bedroom door open and I turn around and could only
      just  stare  at  Teri  for a moment.  Totally covered with the shiny
      dark  blue  spandex,  I could only see her through her eye and mouth
      holes,  and  her  nipples  peeks  through the holes in her chest.  I
      recover  my  senses and walk slowly to her, and she squeezes my ass,
      pulling  me tightly against her.  Our sleek shiny bodies rubbing and
      sliding  against  each  other, with every muscles tightly covered so
      that  they  looked like they were sculpted.  Finally I've had enough
      and  say,  "Damn it, want you so bad!" She moans and leads me to her
      bed,  and  I  notice for the first time that her bed is also covered
      with  the  rubbery  spandex!   Briefly I wonder how much she must've
      paid  for all this stuff, then I push that thought to the back of my
      mind  and  lay  back  on  the  bed.  She pulls herself over my body,
      sliding  over  my legs, my cock, belly, chest, and finally her mouth
      reaches my mouth.  My cock feels like it's throbbing wildly from her
      sliding  over  it and is now sticking between her thighs and presses
      against  her ass crack.  She clamps her legs together, strangling my
      cock  in her spandex thighs.  As we kiss, I wriggle and slide around
      a  bit,  the  spandex  bed  sliding against my ass and back, and the
      combination of the bed on my back and Teri's tightly covered spandex
      body  on top of me was sheer ecstasy.  After more kissing, she spins
      around so that her mouth is next to my cock and her cunt's just over
      my  face.  She licks her lips and starts rubbing my cock against her
      spandex covered cheek then licks my balls, flicking her tongue up my
      cock shaft.  She covers my balls with one gloved hand and she slowly
      goes  down  on  my cock, sucking in my entire length slowly, inch by
      inch, until her lips reaches the base.  Sucking hard, she pulls back
      slowly,  and I gasp at how hard she could suck.  My cock pops out of
      her  mouth with a loud smack, and she goes down on it again.  I moan
      and  then  place  my  gloved hands on each ass cheek and gave them a
      good squeeze.  I flick her cunt lips with my tongue, running the tip
      of  my  tongue around her cunt, across her clitoris and finally deep
      into her cunt hole.  She moans and her cunt juice starts to flow.  I
      lap  at  her  wetness  then gently suck on her clitoris, flicking my
      tongue  over it.  She writhes on top of me, her tightly covered body
      sliding  over  my  own,  reminding me of what we were wearing, and I
      start  nibbling gently on her love button.  She squeezes her thighs,
      but  they  only  ended  up  sliding over my hood, but that was still
      enough to drive me nuts.  I stick my tongue deep into her box as she
      bobs  her  head up and down on my cock.  I run my hands over her ass
      and legs and back, loving the feeling of her spandex body through my
      gloved  hands.   Finally  my  balls  starts  to  boil and she gently
      squeezes  them with her gloved hand and her other hand reaches under
      my  ass  to  squeeze  my  ass  and  run a finger along my ass crack.
      Suddenly  my  cock  explodes inside her mouth and she gulps down the
      hot semen as I pump loads after loads into her eager mouth, spilling
      some  out  of  her  mouth onto my balls and suit.  I stick my tongue
      deep  into  her  clit and finger her clitoris with one hand, and she
      starts to shake and explode with a fierce orgasm of her own, sending
      her  own cum gushing down into my eagerly awaiting mouth and I drink
                       |      in her sweet nectar.     |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 071 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ przyjaciele stefana b.

 ______ _____________  ___ __ ______  _____ _____  ______ ______ ____   ______
_\     |\       __  /__\  | /_\__  /__\__ /_\ __/__\    /_\     |\  /___\     |
|    []  _  []  \/ /      |       /     /           \__/   \  []   /     \  []|
|_ \_____/ _____/ /  ______ ___  / __[]   ___    ___    ___  ____     ___  ___|
 /__\   /____\ /_____\  /___\ /____\|_____\ /____\ /____\ /___\ |_____\ /___\
     ______ ____    _______ _______  ______ _______  ______      ____ az0!/sea
   __\  __ |\  /__  \      |\     /__\___ /_\     /__\___ /_     \  /____
   |  \ \/    / _/_| \   []  \  ____    /       _       /  |    |  /    |
   |_  \ \___     ___  ______  ___\|[]    ___   |   []    _|    |_    []| _
    /_____\ /_____\ /____\  /____\ |______\ /___|_________\      /______||_|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 072 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ punisher

        _______ __ ____ _______ _______  ______ ____    _______ _______
       _\      |\ |   /_\     /_\     /__\  __ |\  /____\      |\      |
       |     []   |         _    \___/    \ \/   _       \   []  _   []|
       |_ \_____  ¯   ___   |  __     ___  \ \___/     __  ______/  ___|
        /__\   |______\ /___|__|/_____\ /_____\ /______|/____\  /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 073 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ rave network overscan

                       _______  ______ ____ __ _______
                      _\      |_\___ /_\   | /_\      |
                      | _   []     /       |    \   []|
                      |_/  ____[]    ___   ¯  __  ____|
                       /_____\|______\ /______|/____\
           _______ _______ ____        ___ _______ _______ ______
          _\     /_\      |\  /__  __/\  /_\      |\      |\  __/__
          |    _    \   []   / _/_| /           []  _   []  _     |
          |_   |  __  ______     ___     ___     ___/  _____/    _|
           /___|__|/____\  /_____\ /_/\__\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
       _______ ____ __ _______ _______  ______ ______   ______ _______
      _\      |\   | /_\      |\      |_\  __ |\ ___/___\___ /_\     /_
      |     []     |    \   []  _   []   \ \/              /       _  |
      |_     ___   ¯  __  ______/  _____  \ \___     __[]    ___   |  |
       /_____\ /______|/____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /___|__|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 074 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ stage diving club

                    ______ ____     ______ ______  _______
                  __\  __ |\  /__  _\___ /_\  __/__\      |
                  |  \ \/    / _/_|    /     /      \   []|
                  |_  \ \___     __[]    ___/    ___  ____|
                   /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /____\
                  ____ _______ ____ __ _______ _______ ______
              ____\  /_\     /_\   | /_\     /_\     /_\  __/__
              |    \    \___/      |    \___/      _     /    |
              |[]    ___     ___   ¯  __     ___   |  __/    _|
              |______\ /_____\ /______|/_____\ /___|__|/_____\
                       ______  ____    __ ____ ____   az0!/sea
                      _\ ___/__\  /____\ |   /_\  /____
                      |          /       |       /    |
                      |_     __      __  ¯   ___    []|
                       /_____\|______\|______\ /______|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 075 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ superfml

          ______ __ ____ _______ _______ _______ _______      __ ____
        __\  __ |\ |   /_\      |\      |\      |\     /___  / /_\  /___
        |  \ \/    |          []  \   []  _   []  \  ____  \/      /    |
        |_  \ \__  ¯   ___ \______  ______/  _____  ___\|_  _          _|
         /_____\|______\ /__\    /____\  /_____\ /____\  /___\/________\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 076 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ socjalistic union of scene youth
                                              ¦ (susy)

                         ______ __ ____  ______ ___ ___
                       __\  __ |\ |   /__\  __ |\  |  /_
                       |  \ \/    |       \ \/     |   |
                       |_  \ \__  ¯   ___  \ \______  _|
                        /_____\|______\ /_____\  /____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 077 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ taski

                     ____     ______  ______ ______  _______
                    _\  /__  _\___ /__\  __ |\  __/__\     /_
                    |  / _/_|    /     \ \/   _       \___/ |
                    |_     __[]    ___  \ \___/    ___     _|
                     /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 078 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ venus art

    ____ __ _______ _______ __ ____  ______      ______ _______ ____
   _\   | /_\      |\     /_\ |   /__\  __ |    _\___ /_\      |\  /__
   |    |    \   []     _     |       \ \/ |   |    /    _   []   / _/_
   |_   ¯  __  ______   |     ¯   ___  \ \_|   |[]    ___/  _____     _|
    /______|/____\  /___|_________\ /_____\    |______\ /_____\ /_____\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 079 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ venus art.diz

                            ____ __  ______    ____
                           _\   | /__\___ /____\  /_az0!/sea
                           |    |  |    /  |    \  |_____
                      _   ||_   ¯  |[]    _|[]    _|     |
                     | |  | /______|______\ ______\      |
                       |  |                              |
                       |  | e n u s  /\ r t  presents    |
                       |  |                              |
                       |  |                              |
                       |__||                            _|

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 080 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ visual

               ____ __ _______  ______ __ ____  ______ ____
              _\   | /_\     /__\  __ |\ |   /__\___ /_\  /___
              |    |    \___/    \ \/    |         /     /    |
              |_   ¯  __     ___  \ \__  ¯   __[]    __      _|
               /______|/_____\ /_____\|______\|______\|______\

                       |                               |
                       |                               |
          For  a  moment,  she  just  lays there on top of me, her tightly
      covered spandex body lying on top of me, and I stare up at her shiny
      ass,  admiring how tight the material is so that there wasn't even a
      slight wrinkle.  I run my finger along her leg idly, but this seemed
      to arouse her since she turned around and lay by my side, and pulled
      me  on  top  of  her.  I look down at her and she looks so sexy with
      that  shiny  hood  on.  I lower my face to kiss her again, and I can
      taste  my  cum inside her mouth and she can taste her juice in mine.
      We let the juices flow around in our mouths.  Her breasts press into
      my  chest and my cock is resting against her smooth thigh.  I run my
      hands  down  her  side and I can feel my cock slowly harden as I get
      excited again.  The sensation of my cock sliding against her spandex
      thigh as it hardened and grew only excited me even further and in no
      time, I was hard and ready again.  "Fuck me now!  I want you in me!"
      Teri  screams.   "Yes, I'm going to stuff your hot cunt with my hard
      cock,  and  I'm  going to pump loads of hot sperm into you!  Open up
      wide,  you  spandex  slut!"  She  willingly  spread  her  legs wide,
      exposing  her  wet pussy.  I rest my cock head against her cunt lips
      for  a  moment,  and just rub it along her clit for a moment.  "Damn
      you, I want you in me NOW!" she screams at me, and I suddenly plunge
      into  her wet vagina, filling her up with my hard cock entirely, and
      my  pulsing balls slaps against her ass with a loud smack.  I slowly
      pull  out  then  thrust in again, going in and out, pumping into her
      with  my  rod.  I squeeze her ass with my gloved hands and she moans
      and closes her eyes and starts to fondle her breasts with her gloved
      hands.  Running one hand up and down her legs and body, I fondle her
      clitoris  with  my  other hand, and she wraps her smooth legs around
      me,  sliding her legs over my ass, and rubs them up and down my back
      as I continue to pump into her.  "Oh yes!  That feels so good!  Keep
      fucking  me!"  she  howls as she writhes on her spandex-covered bed,
      the sheet no doubt driving her into ecstasy as it slides on her back
                       |            and ass.           |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 081 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ void

                       ____ __ _______ _______    ____
                      _\   | /_\      |\     /____\  /_
                      |    |        []  \___/      \  |
                      |_   ¯  __     ___     __[]    _|
                       /______|/_____\ /_____\|______\

     ....   .... ........... ...........      ¦             ........
     ::::   :::: ::::....... ::::.......      ¦             ....::::...
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        :::: ::::   ::::      ¦                    ::::
     ::::   ::::        ::::_::::__ ::::______¦_______ _______     ::::
     ::::   ::::       _\___ /:\  /_:::\     /_\      |\     /_    ::::
     ::::   :::: .... |    /     /      \___/   \   []     _  |.   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |[]    __      ___     ___  ______   |  |:   ::::
     ::::   :::: :::: |______\|______\:/_____\¦/____\  /___|__|:   ::::
 ««--::::...:::: ::::---:::: ::::---::::------¦-------------::::---::::--»»»
            :::: ::::...:::: ::::...::::      ¦             ::::...::::
   logonumbe------------------------r { 082 } ¦ l----------------------ogotitle
   "456 alien 3" by azzaro/sative mea { 998 } ¦ zoltan

               ______  _______ ____    ____     ______ _______
              | __  /__\      |\  /____\  /__  _\___ /_\     /_
              | \/ /        []   /       / _/_|    /       _  |
              |_/ /  ___     __      ___     __[]    ___   |  |
               /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\|______\ /___|__|

             . history
  _______    ¦                ________                            k®s!/la!
  \     /____¦____   ________ \    __/_______   _________   ________________
   \           __/___\__   _/__\_______    __\__\       /___\__       ___  /
    \     _    \                 /    / _  \                  /         / /
     \----/____/\______         /_______\---\_______         /\----/_____/
             ¦        /-----------/                /--------/         ¦
             ¦                                             __________ ¦
             ¦                            _______  \-------\        / ¦
             ¦                           _\     /---\              /  ¦
             ¦                   _      /    _      /\___     \---/   ¦
             ¦                  |_|----/     \-----/    /______\      ¦
             ¦                        /_______\                       ¦
             ¦                                                        ¦
             ¦        there are my ascii logos placed!                ¦
             ¦                                                        ¦
 01 [aug/28] OZONE FRIENDLY                    [25O.936B] [AMF-OZFR.TXT] 95
 02 [oct/3O] WATERWORLD                        [O81.OOOB] [AMF-WTW.TXT]  95
 03 [dec/12] E=ASC²                            [153.944B] [AMF-ASC².TXT] 95
 04 [dec/16] 93° FAHRENHEIT                    [O69.55OB] [AMF-93°F.TXT] 95
 05 [dec/2O] VIBROBETON                        [222.OOOB] [DRF_VBET.TXT] 95
 06 [jan/1O] BRING ME NOISE                    [O81.O2OB] [AMF-BMN.TXT]  96
 07 [feb/O7] BACK ON PLASTIC                   [O55.OOOB] [AMF-BACK.TXT] 96
 08 [feb/12] SAYONARA FUCKHEAD                 [191.2OOB] [AMF-SAYO.TXT] 96
 09 [jun/O7] RAME                              [O41.5OOB] [AMF-RAME.TXT] 96
 10 [jun/1O] FIRESTARTER                       [O8O.OOOB] [AMF-FIRE.TXT] 96
 11 [jun/22] TURBO                             [2OO.OOOB] [AMF-TURB.TXT] 96
 12 [jun/22] PHUN FAKTORY                      [193.1OOB] [AMF-PF.TXT]   96
 14 [aug/3O] DREAMLAND 2: JERICHO              [178.227B] [AMF-DRE2.TXT] 96
 15 [aug/3O] DREAMLAND 3: FANTASIA             [229.16OB] [AMF-DRE3.TXT] 96
 16 [aug/3O] RADIATION IN ZOO                  [121.OOOB] [AMF-RZOO.TXT] 96
 17 [oct/O5] DREAMLAND 4: EXIT FANTASY         [115.OO7B] [AMF-EXIT.TXT] 96
 18 [oct/1O] 3ER4 MILLENIO                     [253.5OOB] [AMF-3ER4.TXT] 96
 19 [nov/O1] STYLEZ RETROSPECTION              [173.16OB] [L124-STZ.TXT] 96
 20 [nov/1O] PAIN AND HEARTBEAT PUMPING        [365.O3OB] [L124-PAI.TXT] 96
 21 [nov/11] AMPHETAMINE DUST                  [189.5O6B] [L124-DST.TXT] 96
 22 [dec/12] HAND ON MY PUSSY                  [141.O1OB] [L124-HOP.TXT] 96
 23 [jan/2O] AURORA BOREALIS                   [21O.15OB] [L124-ABS.TXT] 97
 24 [feb/O1] PAPARAZZI                         [161.OOOB] [L124-PZI.TXT] 97
 25 [feb/17] POETRY OF LOVE                    [463.OOOB] [L124-POL.TXT] 97
 26 [feb/22] TURBO 2                           [173.OOOB] [L124-TB2.TXT] 97
 27 [mar/O5] MORSEDOME                         [O36.OOOB] [L124-MSD.TXT] 97
 28 [mar/2O] PLUNGE INTO GOA: POETRY OF LOVE2  [186.OOOB] [L124-GOA.TXT] 97
 29 [apr/16] ECLIPSE TRAVEL TO INDIA           [14O.OOOB] [L124-E2I.TXT] 97
 30 [may/2O] AMBIENT WASTER                    [197.OOOB] [L124-AWA.TXT] 97
 31 [jun/15] TO THE SEA                        [178.352B] [L124-SEA.TXT] 97
 32 [jul/11] INDUSTRIAL 1: ODYSSEY TO ANYOONA  [O96.762B] [L124-ANY.TXT] 97
 33 [jul/12] INDUSTRIAL 2: KALEIDOSCOPE SKIES  [194.O29B] [L124-KSK.TXT] 97
 34 [jul/13] INDUSTRIAL 3: DETROIT EXPERIMENT  [132.OO4B] [L124-DET.TXT] 97
 35 [aug/3O] DELPHINUS I-DENTITY               [18O.185B] [L124-ID.TXT]  97
 36 [oct/15] GARDEN OF EDEN                    [12O.OOOB] [L124-GDE.TXT] 97
 37 [oct/29] TWO SPYS IN THE HOUSE OF LOVE     [182.284B] [L124-SPY.TXT] 97
 38 [dec/15] PHOEBUS APOLLO                    [125.734B] [L124-PHO.TXT] 97
 39 [jan/2O] SEN WEZYRA                        [O66.312B] [L124-SEN.TXT] 98
 40 [mar/15] PSILOCIBE 1: SUKIA MONOTONE       [181.OOOB] [L124-SMO.TXT] 98
 41 [mar/17] PSILOCIBE 2: EVENT HORIZON        [182.OOOB] [L124-EHN.TXT] 98
 42 [mar/20] PSILOCIBE 3: THE DREAM MACHINE    [2OO.OOOB] [L124-TDM.TXT] 98
 43 [apr/24] HOMEWORK                          [11O.OOOB] [L124-HOM.TXT] 98
 44 [apr/24] REBIRTH OF STYLISM                [219.338B] [L124-338.TXT] 98
 45 [jul/O2] IN SEARCH OF SPARKS               [21O.OOOB] [L124-ISO.TXT] 98
 46 [aug/25] 94,7% SMOKED OUT                  [O87.298B] [L124-9SO.TXT] 98
 47 [oct/02] EXPERIMENT ENCORE                 [373.648B] [L124-EXE.TXT] 98
 48 [oct/24] KLUB VOLTAIRE                     [136.OOOB] [L124-KLV.TXT] 98
 49 [dec/10] NEON FLOW                         [O74.OOOB] [SEA-NEON.TXT] 98
 50 [dec/20] ORIGAMI                           [116.314B] [SEA-ORIG.TXT] 98
 51 [dec/20] 456 ALIEN 3                       [124.145B] [SEA-4A3.TXT]  98
                       |                               |
              [TOTAL: 8.587.107 BYTES IN O51 ASCII COLLECTIONS]
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
          I  stop pumping and tell her to lie on her side.  She raises one
      leg  up  high  and  turns  to  her side so that I straddle her other
      smooth  shiny  leg  and continued to pump into her.  This time, with
      each  pump,  my  ass is sliding against her smooth leg.  I moan with
      pleasure  at  the sensation of my ass crack and balls sliding on her
      smooth  tight  thigh.  My balls soon starts to boil and once again I
      stop  pumping, this time to tell her to kneel on the bed.  She turns
      over  and  kneels on the bed, her ass wriggling invitating at me.  I
      grind  my  groin  into  her  ass without entering her.  "Do you like
      that?   What a slut, look at your spandex fetish!  I should fuck you
      real  hard  and  good for that!" She moans and howls, "I want you to
      cum  in  me now!  God I'm so hot, and your shiny black body makes me
      want  to  cum!"  She  looks back at me to take in my body and I pull
      back  a  little to position my cock over her cunt hole.  "Get ready,
      bitch,  I'm about to pump into you and fill you up with loads of hot
      cum!"  I  thrust  into  her  hard  and her spandex ass smash into my
      belly.   I  moan  as  I  try  to  squeeze  tighter into her, and she
      wriggles  her  ass  against my groin and belly, her vagina squeezing
      and trobbing on my cock inside.  I start pumping once again, my cock
      sliding  against her cunt wall, and her cunt juice is really flowing
      now, down my cock shaft and soaking my balls until they dripped with
      her  hot  juice.   I  place my hands on her ass and fucked her hard,
      pounding  my hot tool into her glorious spandex body.  The tightness
      of  my spandex suit was arousing me to no ends and I started to feel
      that  urge  to  cum once again.  "Get ready, I'm going to cum in you
      with my hot semen!  I'm going to pump loads after loads in you, then
      I'm going to suck you out, you hot slut!" "Yes!  Cum in me!  Fill me
      up  with  your  sperm!   Fill me up now!" She wriggles her ass and I
      explode  into her, waves after waves of orgasm crashing over me, and
      her  own  cunt spasms and she shudders with an intense orgasm of her
      own and she howls with ecstasy.  My balls spasms against her spandex
      ass  as I continued to pump my load into her.  Finally my balls were
      empty  and  her  cunt  juice  was  flowing  down my cock and down my
                       |            thighs.            |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |

                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |  [ b|z'sea ]     _:__________/_______ __________:_
       __________       ____________      \|         /        \)         |7
      /    ______\     /  ______   /       :        /          \         |
     /______     /_____\______\   /      __:_      /___________ \·       |
    /    _______/  ____    \/    /_______|__|     /    _______/  \\      |7
   /    /      /   \  /    /    /  ________|/    /     ______|    \\     /
               \_____/    /    /    /  __  /    /\_____     /      ·\   /:
                    /    /    /    /    /_/    /      /    /         \   :
                        /          \__________/      /    /____       o  j
                       /                   :        / _  ____  \         :
       ,     ___ .  _ /     _____          :       /   \/      /         ;
       )  /\  |  |  \/  E   |`|'|  E  /\   :      /    /______/____      |
                                        \  :     /    /    _______/      |
    * azzaro * blaze * revi * zabora! *  \ :         /     ______|_______:_
                                          \:         \_____     /  ____    \
                                           \              /    /   \  /    /
                                           :\                  \_____/    /
           FORGET ABOUT STANDARDS!         : \                      /    /

                                                [ o f f i c i a l  n - e w s ]

 - SATIVE MEA was formed by ex.LINK124 members like Azzaro, Blaze and Revi.
 - Zabora! joined from nowhere.
 - We are looking for more members/boards woldwide!    |
                     [ o f f i c i a l   r e l e a s e s   t i l l   n - o w ]
 no. | shortcut     | full title              | artist  | date       | lenght
 ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[06 releases till now          |
 01. | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation              | blaze   | 18/12/1998 | 042.104
 02. | sea-neon.txt | neon flow               | azzaro  | 15/12/1998 | 074.000
 03. | sea-orig.txt | origami                 | azzaro  | 20/12/1998 | 116.314
 04. | sea-4a3.txt  | 456 alien 3             | azzaro  | 20/12/1998 |
 FURTHCOMING].         |                               |
 05. | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue| azzaro  | 20/12/1998 |
 06. | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm              | azzaro  | 20/12/1998 |
 total number of collections: 004           total lenght in bytes: 000.232.418
                       |                                   [ c - o n t a c t ]
           azzaro - tommy wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland

               blaze - patryk kalinowski · 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland

               revi - slawek ostruszka · moniuszki 4 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland

        zabora! - grzesio zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland
                       | typed by blaze/sative mea, psychikal kreation in 1998
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
          We  collapse on her spandex bed, with me lying on top of her, my
      cock  still  deep  inside her.  After a long time I finally feel the
      energy to move again, and slide off her, with my cock sliding out of
      her  and  plopping  wetly  against my thigh.  Teri turns over and we
      smile  a  satisfied smile at each other.  She looks down at my cock,
      clucks her tongue and goes down and sucks my cock clean, licking the
      last  drop  of  cum  from the slit in my head.  Her cunt is dripping
      cunt  juice  and  I can see my own cum starting to flow out and down
      her  rubbery  shiny thigh.  What a sexy sight!  I felt that familiar
      stirring  again,  but  I  was  too  tired  to follow up on it at the
      moment.   "Want  some coffee?" Teri asks me, and I say "Sure, that'd
      be  great."  I  follow  her to her living room and I sit down on her
      couch  as she went to make the coffee.  It felt strange that the two
      of  us  would  be  covered  with spandex catsuits and yet act like a
                   casual guest and host in the living room.
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       ._______________________________.  it looks like
                       |                               |  last part of
                       |                               |  this collection
                       |                               |
                       | ______________________        |  oh yes, this is
                       |/                      |       |  exactly what it is...
               ____ .  |  r e s p e c T.     __|       |
   _______    |.   \|  |                    | .. ____  |
  _) __  /____|     |__|  _____       _____ |_||/   .| |
 |   ___/   |   ___ | .|_| ____)_____| ___ )___|     |_|   _____      _____
 |---)______|  _____|  |______    |     _____|.  ___ |  |_(     |____|     )__
            |__________|__________|_______|  |  _____|  |  _____|  |      ____|
 [ aCid/k0 ]---------------------------------|__________|__________|________|--
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
   ace.phase truce ÷ acid.kore.  ÷ adamsoft.pic_saint_loup ÷ adonis.absurd ÷
      aln!.appendix+mawi ÷ andy.anadune ÷ antibyte.scoopex ÷ ash!.decree ÷
   azazel.the_black_lotus ÷ bay-tek.taski ÷ belos.mawi ÷ benton.chaos_split ÷
       blackfire.independent ÷ blaze.floppy+mystic+nah-kolor+sative mea ÷
         bojler.x-liberty ÷ bta.absurd ÷ budgie.absurd+mantra+linear ÷
  caro.phase_truce+nah-kolor+mystic ÷ carp.apathy ÷ caustic.the_interceptors ÷
        cerber.appendix ÷ chosen.rave_network_overscan ÷ clever.veezya ÷
     c0manche.amnesty ÷ covenant.seven_up ÷ cure.spawn ÷ curt_cool.depth ÷ ÷ dave.haujobb ÷ def.floppy ÷ deixas.embora ÷
digger.iris ÷ dr_chiry.agravedict ÷ dr_oczkins.whelpz ÷ dr_szach.dinx_project ÷
 drf.luzik_dizajn ÷ dzordan.moons+mystic ÷ elf.venus_art ÷ emiter.nemesis_ng ÷
         enter.mawi+appendix ÷ estrogen.garbage ÷ evan.sector5+apathy ÷
      firestarter.mantra+phase_truce ÷ flapjack.independent ÷ fly.depth ÷
garion.dev666 ÷ general_lee.freezers ÷ ghenesis.the_grid ÷ grass.mawi+hypnotize
÷ grogon.picco ÷ guffaw.giants ÷ guma.independent ÷ hash.mawi ÷ humanoid.embassy
   ÷ icetray.reality ÷ idaho.potion ÷ informer.independent ÷ insert.amnesty ÷
      itb.independent ÷ jacko.mawi ÷ jesus.monar ÷ jim.mawi+hocus_pocus ÷
    kazik.anadune ÷ kempy.twilight+kore.  ÷ kessel.independent ÷ kk.taski ÷
 ko$mi.dinx_project ÷ krs.embora+linear ÷ locash.potion+moons ÷ lovelace.mawi ÷
  madbart.appendix+teklords ÷ madel.rave_network_overscan ÷ magic.nah-kolor ÷
   maq.floppy ÷ mavey.potion ÷ mcr.mawi ÷ metal designer.nah-kolor+scoopex ÷
       morino.defect ÷ mr_acryl.anadune ÷ muffin.taski ÷ nelson.potion ÷
     neuroup.agravedict ÷ noe.venus_art ÷ norman.anadune ÷ noster.venture ÷
     noxis.pride ÷ opi.plastic ÷ otton.high_voltage+veezya ÷ paplo.taski ÷
    peer.phase_truce ÷ pepson.taski ÷ pestilence.mawi+apathy ÷ phaser.mawi ÷
 pickpoke.floppy ÷ pnx.grdu ÷ popcorn.absurd ÷ protas.nah-kolor+mawi+the_grid ÷
                 proton.sadist ÷ psion.mawi ÷ psylocyb.monar ÷
    punisher.apathy+darkage+absurd+mantra ÷ qix.nah-kolor ÷ raptor.sector5 ÷
     rebb.mantra ÷ rebel.des_fentoches ÷ revi.whelpz+sative_mea+tresoree ÷
      revisq.floppy+anadune+nah-kolor ÷ riddler.nah-kolor ÷ sante.absurd ÷
    scavenger.nemesis_ng ÷ sharp.anadune+neon_bros ÷ shepherd.interceptors ÷
 skope.uprough ÷ sly.embassy ÷ smajk.venture ÷ starlight.mawi ÷ strife.apathy ÷
  substance.dual_crew-shining+mono ÷ superfml.pic_saint_loup ÷ temen.embassy ÷
     tft.rno+mantra ÷ thorr.whelpz ÷ thung.agravedict+linear ÷ timer.mawi ÷
  tomeq.agravedict ÷ twister.garbage ÷ uhu.funzine ÷ visual.floppy+nah-kolor ÷
            voicer.phase truce ÷ wierza.venture ÷ wild.phase_truce ÷
              yaneq.rave_network_overscan+linear ÷ yoyo.twilight ÷
    zabora.old_bulls+sative_mea+web404 ÷ zig.floppy ÷ zoltan.mawi+amnesty ÷
                       |                               |
                   and all the guys still keeping scene alive
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
        While  I'm  waiting  for  her to come back, I heard a moan come
      from  down  the hall.  Curious, I stand up and walk down the hall to
      investigate  the  source  of the sound.  It seemed to be coming from
      another  bedroom,  and I assume this must be Teri's roommate's room.
      The  door was slightly ajar, so I peeked in, and could only stare at
      what I saw:  Teri's roommate was on her bed, being fucked by one guy
      in  her cunt, while she's sucking on another guy's cock!  And what's
      more,  they  were all wearing the same rubbery spandex suits that me
      and  Teri  wore!   The  exception  was  that  the  girl's suit was a
      metallic-silver,  the  guy  who  was getting a blowjob was wearing a
      bright  red  suit,  and the other guy had a greyish white suit.  The
      three  spandex  suits were so shiny that it almost hurted to look at
      them,  but  I just stared anyways.  I guess I must've gasped because
      the  three of them stopped and looked at me standing there in my own
      shiny  black  suit.   At  this  moment,  Teri shows up behind me and
      whispers  in  my  ear, "That's Cyndi, my roommate." I nodded without
      really  hearing  Teri, and Cyndi smiles at me, beckoning me into the
      room,  and  started  sucking  Red's  cock again, while White started
                       |    pumping into her again.    |
                       |                               |
                       |      To Be Continued.  --     |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
                       |                               |
             [456alien3 product was designed by azzaro/sative mea]
                       [minimal service company 12/1998]
                       |                               |

½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
½½½½½½          ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½ ½½½½½½
        ½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½ ½½½½½½
½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½ ½½½½½½
½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½
½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½ ½½½½½½
  sative Mea presents an 51st ascii
    collection by Azzaro entitled
     "456 alien 3". Phase second.
 s e x u a l   h i b e r n a t i o n

                                  ::::   ::
                                  ::   ::::
                                  :  :::  :
                                  ::::   ::
                                  ::   ::::
                                  :       :
           [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
   ___       ___        _______   :____   :  _______   ____     ___
  _| _|_ __ |   |___  _|   __  | _| ___|__:_|   __  |_| ___|_  _| _|_ __
  |    _| |_|  __   |_|     |  | |_______        |           |_|    _| |_
  |__      ____||    __  ______| |_   |_| __  _________       ____      |
     |_____|    |____| |____|     :|______| |____|    |_______|   |_____|
                                  :       :                     az0!/l124
            [powered by amiga1240T/603e/240mhz/4gb warez space]
          [nonstop supporters: jacobs - prefix.appendix - ziutek]
                        [master: madbart.appendix]
                                  :       :
                      !still third place in the world!
                                  :       :
                               ...:....   :...
                               :  ·       :  :
                               :  :       ·  :
                               :..:   .......:
                                  :       :
                      !still third place in the world!
                                  :       :
        [appendix/whq] [anadune/whq] [teklords/phq] [floppy/phq]
 [dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq] [mawi/phq] [doggystyle/phq] [venus art/phq]
     [pic saint loup/phq] [linear whq] [old bulls whq]  [sative mea/phq]
   ___       ___        _______   :____   :  _______   ____     ___
  _| _|_ __ |   |___  _|   __  | _| ___|__:_|   __  |_| ___|_  _| _|_ __
  |    _| |_|  __   |_|     |  | |_______        |           |_|    _| |_
  |__      ____||    __  ______| |_   |_| __  _________       ____      |
     |_____|    |____| |____|     :|______| |____|    |_______|   |_____|
                                  :       :                     az0!/l124
           [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
                                  :       :
                                  ::   ::::
                                  ::::   ::
                                  :  :::  :
                                  ::   ::::
                                  ::::   ::