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5 500 bytes (5.37K)
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2022-06-01 05:45:02
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all-time: 24


Short Floppy history...

The whole story began in 1994 when two schoolmates -
White and me (Thorus) decided to make a sceners group.
White could hardly paint and I could make a copperlist
and code as complicated effects as scroller. But it didn't
matter, cause the idea was more important than our
qualities. This time I found out there was a guy in our 
town who could do some effects in asm but he wasn't
active on the scene. This guy was of course Zig.
I met him and asked to show me how to do
some things in assembler. He agreed and when I started
to improve my asm qualities studying other coder's
sources and writing full of bugs procedures he reminded 
it was quite cool fun and started to code effects again.
Zig joined our fresh group and from this time we've
been working together.
Of course we had many problems at the beginning.
The first was lack of graphics, cause White left us and
joined Vacuum. Sometimes he made something for us but it 
wasn't enough.
We made our first intro - Athana in november 1994 but
we missed the deadline at Gelloween Party so the intro
wasn't officially released.
Our first real production was intro One Frame made for
Primavera Party in the spring'95. It took 7th place in
the compo but we were proud of this little production.
This time we had our own musician - Jazzcat and still
gfx problems. Our gfx supporter was Thorgal/Applause or
White, but we had to beg for even little logo.
Soon we angaged Gabi - new member making 3D gfx,
but he couldn't solute problem of painted graphics.
It was 1995 and we still had only A500 and that's why
we made noaga prods. Our last noaga product was Potaz -
intro released at Inel Outside II. We really
liked this work. Quite short intro with simple effects,
but very dynamic with agressive chiptune by Bartman/Vacuum
(Rest In Peace Friend...) and nice design. I think people
liked this intro too, cause it took 4th place when there
were about 20 AGA compo prods. And there was little
applause in the party hall (first time for our little
group ... wow!).
That was high time for some changes. We moved to AGA
machines and started to make more modern effects.
The next party we released three little prods was 
Staszic Compo in June'96 so we had time to learn
something about AGA machines. During this time we
were looking for good swapper and Dave/Freezers
showed us the candidate. Soon we had new member
nicked DEF. (hmmm... nice group with five guys:)
After Staszic Compo we made rude intro for Polish
Summer'96 in two evenings and we started to work
on Intel Outside III contributions. Now we had
(for the first time) good gfx support, cause we
found new graphican, Fame who joined us from
Erotic Design. We had't problems with music, cause
Revisq joined us as double member of Floppy and Anadune.
This guy is real musicmonster and it's enough
to say "make a music for me" and we have a music.
Intel Outside III was important party for us
because we released our first own demo "Embraced"
(2nd place in competition) and two little intros
(1st and 2nd place) so people started to pay attention
at our group. Of course there were some prepositions
for Zig and me of joining older and more famous
groups but we always wanted to make our work just
for us, not for somebody's else. And now we had
harder motivation to make effort, cause when you
can see somebody enjoys your work you want to make
something else for the audience.
After IO III our first musician - Jazzcat left
group and we got new swapper - Blaze who was going
to release Floppy pack "Freak" but he inherited
"Speed" from NahKolor so he's double member of
Flp^Nah. The crew was almost completed. Blaze and
Def were swapping and trading, Revisq was composing,
Fame was painting, Gabi was rendering from time to 
time and we (Thorus and Zig) were coding.
We released our next productions at Gravity'96.
It was "Papadeo" for demo compo and intro
"Jackpot" (the most shitty intro in my life :( but
forget it :))
After Gravity we were planning to make demo for
ThePartyVI but there were problems with gfx, design
and whole effects code so the production has been
never released. Otherwise I had to make a break
in my activity because of health problems, so 
Zig had to finish some work by himself. He released
"Padadeo2" at Rush Hours'97 and little demo
"Deport" dedicated especially to Informer/Appendix
who was removed from Germany for ... (hmmm, not
of my bussiness - ask InFARMER).
In June'97 we had some free time so we started to
prepare something for Intel Outside IV. During this
work we got new graphician - Mustafa and new
object maker - Yasi who was making 3Ds for our
friends from pc group Poison.
IO IV was held and we released demo "Untitled"
and two intros (one of them was coded by Def who
fell in love with Asm-one last :).
Since then there were two other demos released
by Floppy at Gravity'97 : (wpisz tytu³y!!!)
and there are all our our productions till
the moment I'm writing this text.
Now almost all of us uses both Amiga and PC.
You know, nowadays platform isn't the most important
thing. For instance we make some gfx on PC and
then use it on Amiga. There is the same situation
with 3Dscenes which are generally prepared on pc
because of speed of programs like Lightwave or similar.
It's just more comfortable for us to use not only
Amigas with our work, but I think we will stick 
with Amiga scene forever, because there is no
other form of fun like doing Amiga demos just for pleasure...

Thanx for reading