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File size:
2 551 bytes (2.49K)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 87


  $$$ba.                                                             .d$$$$b.
  $$$$$$b.  $$8ba.       .d$$b.     .d$$b.     .d$$b.  8$b    d$8  d$$$$$$$$b
  $$$ 4$$$b.$$$$$$ba    d$$$$$$b   d$$$$$$b   d$$$$$$b $$$b   $$$ d$$P'  '4$$b
  $$$   `4$$b.  `4$$$b d$$P  4$$b d$$P''4$$b d$$P''4$$b$$$$b  $$$          3$$
  $$$     4$$$    3$$$.$$P    4$$.$$P        $$P    4$$$$$$$b $$$         .$$P
  $$$     d$$$  ad$$$Pd$$      $$b$$E  4$$$$b$$E    3$$$$$4$$b$$$       .$$$'
  $$$   .d$$P'd$$$$P  $$P assss$$$$$b    d$$P$$b    d$$$$$ 4$$$$$     .$$$'
  $$$ d$$$P'$$$$P$$$b $$$ `4$$$$$b$$$b,,d$$$'$$$b,,d$$$$$$  4$$$$   .$$$'
  $$$$$$P'  $$$   4$$b$$$      $$$ 4$$$$$$P   4$$$$$$P $$$   4$$$ .$$$'  .a$$b
  $$$P"     $$$    $$$b$$      $$$  `4$$P'     `4$$P'  8$P    4$8$$$$$$$$$$$$P
                          issue #2: Godzina Smoka


1) about 2.1MB of disk space for these files:

   FILE_ID.DIZ  - information file
   DRAGON#2.EXE - to load the mag
   DRAGON#2.NFO - some infos, you're watching it
   SOURCE#2.ZIP - sources from coders' corner
   DRAGON#2.FRM - votesheet for issue #3, please fill it up and
                  send back to our vote-collectors and supporters

2) at least 386 processor for run the program, no FPU is needed ;-)

3) about 3 megs of XMS for mag datas
   and some base memory for DOS & some drivers (mem, mouse, vesa)

4) graphic card compatible with VESA standard (640x480, 256 colors)
   and monitor for your eyes

5) some sound card for your ears, we support two most popular cards:
   GUS & SB and compatible... No sound for PC-Speaker & Covox (DAC)

6) keyboard and mouse for navigating... Joystick is NOT supported ;-)

Mag history:

 DRAGON #0 - made by Aborygen (only!), poor shit, sorry...
             date: 01-13-97   zip: 86kb    text-mode & no sound   text: 130kb

 DRAGON #1 - made by Aborygen & Tuka & some cool guys, a bit better...
             date: 04-03-97   zip: 544kb   vesa & lame sound ;(   text: 300kb

 ANNOUNCE  - preview of issue #2, first production of DraGoN Group, quite cool
             date: 06-18-97   zip: 388kb   vesa & SB/GUS  100% ASM (thanx EOS)

 DRAGON #2 - made by DraGoN & our co-editors & friends, quite good, I think...
             date: 10-21-97   zip: 1946kb  vesa & SB/GUS  text: 700kb, 100% ASM

                        WATCH OUT FOR ISSUE THREE!

[ascii made by No!zZ/DraGoN]
[text written by Aborygen/DraGoN]