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757 bytes (757B)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
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all-time: 67


do katalogu scene/corners/code.

Class cScreen that helps writting graphics programs under windows.

The pack consists of the files:

SCREEN   IDE        - project for Borland compilators (bcc4.52)
BLACKBOD ACT        - palette file
INIT     CPP        - windows I/O code
MAIN     CPP        - main procedures of the example
SCREEN   CPP        - implementation of the class
SCREEN   EXE        - executable
SCREEN   H          - header file for the class cScreen
SPACESHI RAW        - picture (for bump)
BUMP     CPP        - 2d bump - exapmle
SCREEN   TXT        - this file
README   TXT        - description of the class methods

Written (mostly) by
Marek Biskup

If you like it - write me an e-mail.