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<root>­/­mirrors­/­ftp_klosz_art_pl­/­adverts­/­m o n k adverts/MOONFLOW.NFO

File size:
10 573 bytes (10.33K)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 186


   :  _________________.                             ._________________  .
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   |                   |       m00NFL0W iNF0FIL3     |                   |
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    \\_________________|       //_____________\      |__________________//
                           last update 02-01-2003

  -N E W S-

  <> siatek is out of scene
  <> Damien XI joined
  <> Dope joined
  <> Ascii Section closed
  <> Monk is organizer
  <> Nordbasse left
  <> Nether left
  <> Crux+Korozone=Moonflow

  -M E M B E R S-

  nick          function(s)             contact                      country

 Bambo0S       WHQ, graphician, coder              (POLAND)
 Binar         WHQ, swapper                   (POLAND)
 Monk          WHQ, swapper                    (POLAND)
 Arson         musician               (POLAND)
 Cyc_u         mascot, coder          (POLAND)
 Dakota        musician                     (POLAND)
 Damien XI     graphician              (POLAND)
 Dope          graphician                (POLAND)
 eNeRGy        musician                      (POLAND)
 Jammiq        coder                           (POLAND)
 Kbi           net trader                      (POLAND)
 Stilgar       musician             (POLAND)
 Traymuss      musician             (POLAND)

  -R E L E A S E S-
                                  C O D E D

  title              what        who         party            place    group

 Glamour            intro 64k   ?           Quast'98         6th     Korozone
 Plasmatic          intro 64k   ?           Quast'98         9th     Korozone
 Enigmatica         music disk  Jax^Nephoo  Quast'98         n/a     Korozone
 Overflow           intro 64k   Jam         Sattelite'98     3rd     Korozone
 Inner World        intro 64k   Jam         Rush Hours'99    1st     Korozone
 No Time            intro 4k    Jam         Gravity'99       1st     Korozone
 Meaning of Life    intro 64k   Bambo0S     Horizon 2000     3rd         Crux
 Atmosphere         intro 4k    Jam         Horizon 2000     1st     Korozone
 Meaning of Life 2  intro 64k   Bambo0S     Addict 2001      1st         Crux
 Outer World        intro 64k   Jam         Addict 2001      2nd     Korozone
 Wireless Love      intro 64k   Bambo0S     Core 2001        2nd     Moonflow
 Infinity           intro 4k    Jam         Core 2001        3rd     Moonflow
 For Anne           demo        MOONFLOW    M&S 2002        28th     Moonflow
 Perforce           intro 64k   Nether      M&S 2002        18th     Moonflow
 Faza#1             intro 256   Cyc_u       Abstract 2002    2nd     Moonflow

                                  M U S ! C

 Drastic Rock      multichanel  Traymuss   Gravity'99        2nd     Korozone
 Cupido Dominandi  MP3          Traymuss   Horizon'99        2nd     Korozone
 Trzecia Swiadomosc chip        Traymuss   Horizon'99        1st     Korozone
 West              4chanel      Traymuss   Satellite'99      2nd     Korozone
 Konstruktor       multichanel  Traymuss   Satellite'99      1st     Korozone
 Super Music       progressive  Traymuss   M&S 2000         11th     Korozone
 Constructor 2     multichanel  Traymuss   Horizon 2000      9th     Korozone
 Zrodla i Korzenie MP3          Jax        Horizon 2000      n/a     Korozone
 Gemini            MP3          Traymuss   Horizon 2000      n/a     Korozone
 Hiper Chip's      chip         Traymuss   Horizon 2000      2nd     Korozone
 Purple Melody     chip         Diomatic   Horizon 2000      8th         Crux
 Electros          chip         Diomatic   Addict 2001       4th         Crux
 Hypnotic          MP3          Electro    Core 2001         4th     Moonflow
 Kolumbus          multichanel  Traymuss   Core 2001         1st     Moonflow
 Electro Europe    multichanel  Electro    Core 2001         8th     Moonflow
 Apogee            mp3          Siatek     Symphony 2001     2nd     Moonflow
 Squash            mp3          Siatek     Symphony 2001     9th     Moonflow
 Distort Waves     mp3          Stil&Nord  M&S 2002         67th     Moonflow
 Quark             mp3          Siatek     M&S 2002         68th     Moonflow
 Influ             mp3          Traymuss   M&S 2002         73rd     Moonflow
 Oldschool Man     tracked      Siatek     M&S 2002         14th     Moonflow
 Cosmic Sea        tracked      NRG        M&S 2002         38th     Moonflow
 Just A Sound      tracked      Stil&Nord  M&S 2002         45th     Moonflow
 Jumpy Alien       4chanel      Traymuss   Symphony 2002     1st     Moonflow
 Immemorial        multichanel  Traymuss   Symphony 2002     1st     Moonflow
 Mik Mik           multichanel  Traymuss   Symphony 2002     9th     Moonflow
 Maltibu           mp3          Traymuss   Symphony 2002     3rd     Moonflow
 Raport 02         chip         Traymuss   Abstract 2002     3rd     Moonflow
 Blue Eyes Girl    chip         Dakota     Abstract 2002     8th     Moonflow
 Crack Your Mind   multichanel  Energy     Abstract 2002     2nd     Moonflow
 Influence         multichanel  Traymuss   Abstract 2002     4th     Moonflow
 Necropolis        multichanel  Traymuss   Abstract 2002     4th     Moonflow
 House             mp3          Arson      Abstract 2002     7th     Moonflow

                               G R A P H ! C S

 Shark             ray         Binar^Uhu   AntyParty'99      1st     Korozone
 Eyesore           c64         Sebaloz     M&S 2000          5th     Korozone
 Helpless          8bit        Dejvi       Horizon 2000      5th     Korozone
 Niger             24bit       Bambo0S     Horizon 2000      5th     Korozone
 Listen Her        24bit       Dahman      Horizon 2000     13th         Crux
 Young             24bit       Dahman      Horizon 2000      n/a         Crux
 New Star Was Born 24bit       Bambo0S     Satellite 2000   11th         Crux
 Valentine Card    24bit       Bambo0S     Addict 2001      10th         Crux
 Planet            24bit       Bambo0S     Addict 2001      13th         Crux
 Sweet Strawberry  24bit       Bambo0S     Performance 2001  7th     Moonflow
 Child of Universe 24bit       Bambo0S     Performance 2001  8th     Moonflow
 Sad               pixel       Bambo0S     Symphony 2001     9th     Moonflow
 Anne              freestyle   Bambo0S     M&S 2002         36th     Moonflow
 Kyro              freestyle   Siatek      M&S 2002         57th     Moonflow
 Wizard            pixel       Bambo0S     Symphony 2002     6th     Moonflow
 Hidden Abbys      image proc. Sagat       Symphony 2002     3rd     Moonflow

                               A S C ! ! A N S !

 Joint             ansi        Binar       Quast'98          8th     Korozone
 Anadune           ascii       Binar       Gravity'99        1st     Korozone
 Enchant           ansi        Binar       Gravity'99        2nd     Korozone
 Ant               ascii       Binar       Horizon'99        3rd     Korozone
 Influence         ascii       Binar (DIB) Horizon 2000      5th     Korozone
 Moonflow #1       art-pack    some ppl;)  November 2001     n/a     Moonflow
 Moonflow #2       art-pack    some ppl;)  February 2002     n/a     Moonflow
 Moonflow #3       art-pack    some ppl;)  August 2002       n/a     Moonflow
 Vampirek          ascii       Binar       Abstract 2002     4th     Moonflow
 Joker             ascii       Binar       Abstract 2002     5th     Moonflow

  -G R E E T S-

Addict,  Aion,  Altair,  Anadune,  Appendix,  Aural Planet, Freelancers, Jump
Monar,  Marsmellow,  Mad  Wizards,  Nah  Kolor,  Scoopex,  Spiral,  Sunflower
               Suspend, Propaganda, The Grid, The Loop, Zone 51

      .                                                   :.:.:
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      ::                         \/                     .       .
      ::... . .  ..                                     :       :
      .                     *  F L O   W  * *           ........:
                                                        :       .
      .   We are still looking for a talented members   .
                especially 4 coders & modellers
             contact our WHQ for more informations

     binar/mfl   [note]       monk/mfl    [note]       bambo0S/mfl
     Krzysztof Jagoda         Tomasz Bak     
     ul. Rakowska10/43        ul. Solskiego 32/1
     42-200 Czestochowa       52-416 Wroclaw
     POLAND                   POLAND  

txt: Binar & Monk
asc: Binar/Moonflow^The Lo0P & Ozzeth/Impure (big thanx pal!:)