File Archive

File download


File size:
1 561 bytes (1.52K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 108


;   ________  ____  __  _______   _____   __     __  ____  ___  ___ ____ __
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; .presents: 'modulation II'
;  .released in january 1999
; .musicdisk for atari st/ste/falcon     needs at least 1mb ram
; .contains: [fab intro
;            [12 Protracker mods
;            [a nice gui (I think we can call this a gui ...)
; .you need the MagicShadowArchiver to write the M2.MSA to a disk
; .leave us a message at:
;                                       &+
;                                      %@”+
;                                      +„**  <-- - the sun.
;                      _   _   _        @*
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; _..---_--.._.-._.--._.--._.--.--.__.-_.-.-_.-._.--._-.-._.-._.--._-.
;                                           .let the sun shine on fuji