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File size:
1 909 bytes (1.86K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 101


Quast Multi Party VI ('Arizona Dream')
7-9 August 1998, Elblag, Poland

1. Daf/Samar                    968
2. Wacek/Arise/Albion/Lepsi De  836
3. Bzyk/Samar                   711

1. Kheela+Stinger /Samar/Arise  488
2. Katon/Lepsi De/Arise         396
3. Sebaloz/Lepsi De             338

C64 Visitors:
 1. Sebaloz/Lepsi De
 2. Daf/Samar
 3. Gold Hand/Samar/Afl
 4. Katon/Lepsi De/Arise
 5. Wacek/Arise/Albion/Lepsi De
 6. Bimber/Arise
 7. Elban/Arise/Scs+Trc
 8. Phyton/Scorn/Vaudeville
 9. Kheela/Samar/Kreciki/Arise
10. Stinger/Samar/Arise
11. Bzyk/Samar
12. Alg/Samar/Afl
13. Shell/Fraction/Sataki
14. Hombre/Fraction
15. Baldhead/Kreciki
16. Fenek/Kreciki
17. Trzezwy/Ex-Or
18. Glover/Samar
19. Falcor/Samar
20. Provocator/Fraction/Sataki
21. Snip/Sataki

Party News:
Kheela/Samar joined Kreciki and Arise as graphician.
Stinger/Samar joined Arise as 2nd as coder and graphician.

Total number of visitors was 500. Demo compo didn't took place
because of low prices so together with organizers we decided to
keep demos for Intel Outside 5 (22-23.08.98, Warsaw), where will be
released really killing Stinger's 2 sided trackmo Digital World/Samar
and Biba 2/Arise.
Two more demos were done just to have 3 quality entries at Quast.
Other gfx and music entries were also done to have more entries.
Because of no demo compo, prices for gfx and music weren't bad.

C64 team: Phyton - Bimber (Daf), Katon, Gold Hand (Alg), Elban won
soccer tournament starting 2-2 with PC and defeating Amiga 4-2 and
Atati 8-5.
Many people were drinking vino called Arizona, which was absolute
cheap in Elblag. Baldhead brought some bottles of vodka to sell us
2x higher than he bought it from Russian, what wasn't accepted in
our family. He said he came there ONLY to make a deal.
Silver Dream and Rafi, both members of legendary, first polish group
named Quartet, were presented there.

Sebaloz/Lepsi De