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                           THE FRIENDSHIP OLYMPICS

                          OFFICIAL FINAL INVITATION


  Controlled Dreams and Relentless, in association with Crimson Jihad, with

  invaluable help from Liquid Sounds, Contract, ABC and Coma (C-64) members

  proudly present you the final invitation to FLaG '98 - European Demoscene

  Meeting.  This  textfile  contains  most  important information about the


  Some  crap  about  the  party  itself.  It  is  the  second  time FLaG is

  organized,  first it happened July 1996. Then it became the largest party

  ever in Hungary, and some of its records are still unmatched; for example

  it  was the only four-days long demoscene meeting ever in Eastern Europe,

  etc.  FLaG  '97  never  took  place,  we cancelled it, but now we resumed

  organizing work.


  The  exact  date is and place is:

                          6th - 9th February 1998.

                  Hungary, Budapest, 1134 Tuzer utca 56/58.

  So  it is four days o'fun again. Hungarians, don't whine about school and

  worktime!  Take  a  look  at  the  timetable before not coming because of

  reasons  like "I gotta work on Mondays", etc. The compos will begin early

  in the evening on Saturday, and they will end at around 21:00!

  The  party  will be held in a large school building in Budapest, Hungary.

  Here  is  a brief guide to get there by the local public traffic. You can

  find  a  map  in  the  invitation intro and at the FLaG '98 homepage (its

  address is at the end of this text).

  First,  move  your  ass  to  Budapest. I guess most people will arrive by

  train.  There  is a metro stop at every railway station. If you arrive by

  plane,  catch a bus and that will take you to the metro. Get underground.

  Check  which  line  it  is:  M1  (yellow line), M2 (red line) or M3 (blue

  line).  It  is  easy to find out which line you are travelling, since the

  information  tables  on the red line are red, etc. You must take the blue

  line. All three lines are junctioned at the stop named 'Deak ter'. So get

  to  the  blue  line, and travel to the stop named 'Lehel ter'. Here climb

  upground,  and  take  a  ride with the tram number 14. (Only number 14 is

  available, so it won't be a hard guess.) You must travel 3 stops. Get off

  at the third one, and head left. There you'll see a large, blue building,

  with a big FLaG banner hanging on it. You have arrived.


  First  of  all,  this is a TRULY ELITE party. It's main purpose is NOT to

  entertain  lame kids playing Quake all the days. This is for real sceners

  only!  We  won't  advertise it on TV, in newspapers, etc. just to attract

  lamers.  Our  goal  is not to reach the 10000000 visitor number, and even

  not  making  piles  of money this way. We don't expect more than just the

  best of the scene. The entry fee is relatively cheap:

                750 HUNGARIAN FORINTS = 4 USD or 5 DM approx.

  Not a big deal. This is all you need to pay, and nothing else.

  So  those  only willing to play during the entire party better stay home.

  But what will real cool guys get for their money?

  -  First  of  all,  the  usual stuff. We'll have a projector, large hi-fi

  equipment, and such. We'll have a buffet, operating round the hour. We'll

  try  to  build  and  keep a party network alive. With Internet, ofcoz. It

  will  use  OS/2  Warp  Connect;  thanks  go  to  OS/2  Team for making it

  possible. Another thanks fly to Matav for the ISDN.

  - CD-ROM writing service will also operate.

  -  There  will  be  some  professional  presentations. These will include

  "conventional"  ones,  when  a  guy comes, and tells about how kewl their

  products  are.  But  these  may  even  be interesting. Take a look at the

  timetable for details.

  - The first night - Friday - will be a so-called Coder-L Nite. This means

  we'll hold an open forum for coders where they can meet and discuss about

  engines,  rotators  and  such  crap. This idea came from TomCat / Abaddon

  (remember his 'Chrome' 4Ks), who'll also hold a professional presentation

  about  raytracing. Maybe even some software companies may pop up, looking

  for programmers to employ...

  -  We'll  keep  the  sleeping  area  guaranteedly silent and guaranteedly

  comfortable, thanks to the matrasses from the PE room.

  -  There  will  be  a  place  that  guaranteedly  will not be silent: the

  "rageroom"  for those arriving with a large audio. There they can turn on

  the afterburner for Prodigy! Ofcoz some moderation is needed after 22:00.

  - Every visitor will receive a free can of beer!

  -  The party is free for girls, although an entry ticket should be bought

  to vote.

  - And of course we'll hold the regular compos.


      PC demo           PC 64K intro         PC-Amiga 4K intro

      Amiga demo        Amiga 40K intro      C-64 demo

      C-64 music        C-64 GFX             Pixel gfx

      Wild GFX          Raytrace             Wild compo

      Multichannel      4 channel            PSION compo

      PHuN compo        Graffiti compo

  Let's see the rules. Ain't much.


  8  megabytes.  It  mustn't  be  100%  animation,  but  shorter  anims are

  accepted.  It  must stop when pressing Esc. No writings on the hard disk.


  64  kilobytes.  The intro must not contain played animation. It must stop

  when pressing Esc. Don't touch the hard disk.


  4  kilobytes,  PC  and Amiga will compete in one category. The intro must

  not  contain  played  animation.  It  must  stop when pressing Esc. Don't

  touch the hard disk.


  The  rules  are  the  same  like in the PC demo category.


  The  rules  are  the  same like in the PC 64K category, except that it is


  C-64 DEMO

  Maximum  length:  4  disk  sides.  If  running  the  demo  requires  user

  interaction,  one  of  the  makers  must  be present at the compo machine

  during playing.

  C-64 MUSIC

  No  remixes, stolen or digitized tunes. This compo will be separated from

  the others.

  C-64 GFX

  We  only accept contributions in executable format. The contribs must not

  contain musics and/or visual effects like scroll, etc. Don't scan.


  Only 100% hand pixelled works! Photoshop, traces and scans will be kicked

  real bad. The limit is 640x480, 256 colors.


  Here  you can enter with any QUALITY picture, drawing, photo montage made

  using  Photoshop.  We'll  only  display  real  artful  pics! The limit is

  800x600x16M. (This is the projector's mode limit.)


  Guess what. Limit: 800x600x16M. Forget stolen objects.


  Maybe you already noticed the absence of the lamer compo. This is another

  wrong  door  to  knock  with  lamerdemos!  This category is for raytraced

  anims,  videoclips,  etc,  only  some lame Hungarians think it is another

  Firg-compo.  All three compo machines and a VHS VCR are available to play

  the  contributions,  plus  a special wildcompo machine, provided by Intel

  Hungary and Pixel Multimedia:

  Pentium-II 233 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Matrox Monster 3DFX, GUS PnP 16 MB.

  If you need any other hardware, you should provide it.


  Accepted  formats:  MOD,  IT, S3M, STM, XM, or anything else Cubic Player

  can  play.  We will play 10 musics. This compo will be separated from the

  others. No remixed, stolen or fully digitized tunes.


  Same  to  the  multichannel compo, except for the number of channels. All

  modules will be played on PC.


  Our  main  supporter  is PSION Hungary Ltd. You know, the guys with those

  cool  little  things,  called  palmtops,  featuring  a  RISC chip to make

  Internet  access  faster.  The task is to write a quality demo about this

  pocket  machine  or other PSION product. Just to avoid misunderstandings:

  THIS MUST BE A PC PROGRAM, NOT A PSION ONE. It is worth to compete, since

  the winner will receive a PSION machine worth of 150,000 forints (approx.

  800 USD or 1100 DM) from the hands of a PSION representative! Information

  about  PSION  products  -  like  pictures,  etc.  -  can  be found in the

  attachment  of  this  invitation  intro,  but you can also DL it from our

  homepage.  You  can  freely use any PSION product names and/or logos. The

  only  need  for  the  demo that it must support Sound Blaster and must be

  able  to  run from a Windows 95 DOS task. We said task, no need to run it

  in a window. It needn't be a realtime demo, it can even be an animation.


  For  the  artists  of  the  spraycan. Due to the great interest shown, we

  changed  the rules. Any number of contestants may enter the compo, but we

  have  cans  only  for  the  first five entrant. Other entrants must bring

  their  own paints. Of course anyone may use his own cans, even beyond the

  given  ones, and you can also use your own spraycaps. We have enough wall

  for  everyone:  a  piece of rendered wall, approx. 4m x 5m size per skull

  will be given. The winner will be voted by the audience. We will show the

  scanned  photographs  of  each  work  on the projector during the compos.

  Contestants may enter the competiton as individuals or as a group.

  Entrants already signed up:

  Tyrant / Therapy^Resource

  Enok / Urinate^Chrome^Label Zero

  Blackdog / UiT

  Xtro / Contract


  Well,  all  we  can  say  that  it  won't be another one from that boring

  we-are-funny-haha  brand  of  so-called  fun  compos.  This  will be real

  313373 PHuN...

  The general rules for all compos:

  -  First  and foremost, the most important: we will disqualify nonserious

  entries. We are bored of lamerdemos.

  - One artist or group may only enter with one production per category.

  -  You  needn't  be present personally to enter a compo, but give us some

  way to send you the prize in case you win.

  - No compo entry fee.

  -  Controlled  Dreams  and  Relentless  will  not enter to any compo as a

  group, other organizers may not contribute as individual artists.

  -  If  we have any problem with your stuff, for example it doesn't run on

  the compo machine or so, we'll try to tell it to you. But we won't search

  the entire building for you, so it's better you don't to disappear before

  the compos. We will test all contributions.

  -  Disqualified entries will not be released after the compos. This gives

  the author(s) to release it some other party later.

  -  If  there is only one contribution in some category - or none at all -

  that  competition  will  be  cancelled.  The single entrant will be asked

  whether to release his work or not.


  We  don't really agree with some fellow party organizers, who provide the

  latest  PC  equipment  available during the compos, just to tell they had

  such  cool  compo machines. We think a compo machine should be a computer

  like everyone use. So, our preferred configurations are:


  Intel  Pentium  180,  32 MB RAM, Tseng ET-6000 2 MB, GUS Max 1 MB, MS-DOS

  6.22, XMS.


  A1200, Blizzard 1200/60, 16 MB FastRAM, 2 MB ChipRAM.


  C-64 2 (grey breadbox-type), Action Replay MK7, new SID, plain 1541-II.

  Don't  think  we can't get a P233MMX any time we want, but we don't want.

  The  Tseng  ET-6000  is a sure thing now, so prepare to use VESA 2.0. Our

  projector's  display  limit  is  800x600x16M  color. Warning, nonstandard

  resolutions  (eg.  350x480)  may  produce  weird  picture.  Please forget

  resolutions  above  800x600  in  the  art  compos,  we  will  not convert



  Promising  anything  about  prizing  may end up in sucking bigtime, so we

  promise  nothing  - we won't give neither less nor more than at any other

  party.  This  means  hardware,  software  and maybe some cash, all around

  3-400,000  forints  worth,  and  -  as we told in the pre-invitation - no

  sofware-only prizes will be given. But we can promise one thing for sure:

  we  are  not  lamers,  and  won't  make  ourselves  ridiculous  by giving

  mousepads or Pascal handbooks...


  Contributing  and voting are simple. You copy your product to 3.5" disks.

  Or  5.25"  ones, if you are a 64'er. Warning, we won't accept anything on

  hard  disks!  CD-ROM  disks,  audio and VHS cassettes are accepted in the

  wild compo only. Now you go to the entrance. There you grab a plastic bag

  and  an  entry  form. You fill out the form. There will be some questions

  about  the  title  and  the  category  of the contribution on it. Fill it

  precisely!!  And  readable!!  Then you insert the disks and the form into

  the  bag.  Only  one contribution per bag! Sorry if you need lotsa disks,

  but  this is the only way not to mix the stuff up. You close the bag, and

  insert it into the box standing nearby. You are done.

  Entering the graffiti compo requires finding Tomcat before the deadline.

  Voting  is  even  more simple. You will receive your voting form with the

  ticket.  It will be attached to the ticket, it must be torn off. You fill

  this during the compos, and insert into the voting box. Only one form per

  skull! We'll keep an eye on this.


  We  don't  organize  a  party just to force rules on everyone. This means

  nothing  is forbidden that doesn't make any problems. Alcohol and smoking

  aren't  forbidden,  but  please, if your smoke bothers others, don't be a

  butt,  and  move  away. And don't mess with others drunken. If you vomit,

  you  will clean it up. That's all. Ah, btw. enjoying drugs is against the

  Hungarian laws. Breaking these rules will end up in breaking your face.

  Don't  organize  a  nonofficial  graffiti  compo for yourself! All caused

  damage will be subtracted from the prizes.

  You  should  keep  your eye on your stuff, because if anything disappears

  from  your  equipment,  that's  your problem. In a lawyerlike manner: The

  organizers  don't  take  any  responsibility  for  hardware, software and

  anything else brought to and/or used at the event.


  This  is  the  planned timetable of FLaG '98, but this is not final! Some

  new  programmes  may  pop  up, times may change, etc. The final timetable

  will be announced at the party.

  6th Febrary, Friday

  16:00         Opening

  21:00         Coder-L Nite opens, lasts until you get bored

                (may even begin sooner)

  7th February, Saturday

  09:00         Borland presentation:

                 The future of coding: Delphi

  12:00         Intel presentation:

                 The next generation of CPUs: The Merced architecture

  14:00         PSION presentation:

                 The next generation of palmtop machines

  15:00         Multichannel compo deadline

                4 channel compo deadline

                C-64 music compo deadline

  16:00         IBM & OS/2 Team presentation:

                 Java VisualAge under OS/2

  20:00         Multichannel compo

                4 channel compo

                C-64 music compo

  21:00         Graffiti compo deadline

  22:00         Graffiti compo (will take place some 500 metres from the

                partyplace, so take a coat...)

  8th February, Sunday

  12:00         Silicon Graphics presentation:

                 Professional rendering

  14:00         313373 PHuN compo

  15:00         All compos deadline

  18:00         Compos start

  22:00         Approximate time of prizegiving

  9th February, Monday

  10:00         Closing

  12:00         Killing people still in the building

  13:00         Bagging up bodies

  14:00         The organizers leave

  15:00         You got locked in the empty building alone...


          FLaG would never happen without the following companies:

                            4M Computerbonto Kft.

                            Borland Magyarorsz g

                         Deutsche Messe AG Hannover

                          DUFA Paints Hungary Kft.

                            IBM Magyarorszag Kft.

                           Intel Magyarorszag Kft.


                                  Matav Rt.

                            Mikropo Computer Kft.

                            Pixel Multimedia Kft.

                           PSION Magyarorszag Kft.

                              Silicon Graphics

                                  OS/2 Team

                                  OS/2 News

                        Trans-Europe Management Kft.


  Some  guys  &  girliez  who  made  this  event possible, and without whom

  organizing FLaG would have been impossible:

                                Lord / KNG^CJ

                                  Lay / CJ

                                TomCat / ABD

                                  BLT / REL


                                 Jennifer 8



  I  guess  you  already  have the final FLaG invitation, but if you need a

  spare one, call one of our bulletin boards:

  The Next Generation - CD WHQ:         (06-96) 414-576     Gyor

  SceNet BBS                            (06-1) 228-5921     Budapest

  Koala Land BBS                        (06-23) 354-776     Szazhalombatta

  Or hit the Internet:             FLaG '98 official party page

  If you have any questions, write to Tomcat / Controlled Dreams:

  E-mail :

  IRC    :   Tomcat_CD                         #scene #coders #c-64 daytime

  Snail  :   Polg r Tam s

             1139 Budapest, Kart cs utca 7.

  You needn't reserve neither a table, nor a ticket, we have both enough.

  Come all! We did serious work to make this event possible, and give you a

  really remarkable party.