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From lgru@stud.uni-hannover.deSun Nov 17 16:03:33 1996
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 14:40:14 +0100 (MET)
From: Lukas Grunwald <>
Reply to:
Subject: Mekka / Symposium 97 INViTATiON 

                              Symposium '97
                                Mekka '97

                         The Official Invitation


   Half  a  year  is  over now since the Symposium '96 and Mekka '96 parties
   took  place.  The Symposium, as a multi-platform party, and the Mekka for
   the  PC scene are both remembered as important events for the German demo

   After  several announcements, both inofficial and official, it's now time
   to  give  you a more precise invitation text.  Next year's event combines
   the  parties  which  stood  in  competition  to  each other last year, to
   provide you with a great deal of fun.


   The  Symposium  +  Mekka  '97  will  be  a demo scene party involving all
   important  platforms:   the  Amiga,  the PC, the C64 and the Atari Falcon
   systems.   We  also support the Acorn RISC PCs, though the scene is a bit
   limited on these nice computers.  Of course you are invited to bring your
   SGI workstation or BeBox as well.

   Symposium  '96  has  been  visited by 640 people, Mekka '96 had about 300
   visitors  -  if this adds cleanly, next year's party is for sure an event
   not to miss.

---> WHEN.

   Join  us  at  Easter  1997, when the doors swing open on 28th March, 1200
   CET.  The party will last until 31st March, 1200 CET.

   The entrance fee amounts to 40 DM.  We don't accept foreign currencies.

---> WHERE.

   The  location  is supposed to be the same as the last one, located in the
   very near south of Hamburg.  The address is:

        Veranstaltungszentrum "Burg Seevetal"
        Am Goehlenbach 11
        D-21218 Seevetal

   It has got enough room for about 1000 people and a quite decent video and
   sound  system.   The  space is further extended by a 200 sqm tent outside
   the Burg.  Don't worry about winter, it will be *hot*.

   This  is  how  to  reach the Burg:  If you're going to come by train, you
   first  have to arrive at Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (main station) and take the
   S3  or  S31  (on Gleis 4, HVV price 4DM) to "Harburg", where we will pick
   you  up  with the Symposium shuttle service, which *will* be present this
   time.   Alternatively, you can use one of the public busses to "Seevetal"
   coming  every  hour (148).  Coming by plane, you will use the bus shuttle
   service  to  the  station "Ohlsdorf", wait for the U1, get out at Hamburg
   Hauptbahnhof and, again, take the S3/S31 to reach "Harburg".

   For  the case that you own a car, you have two possibilities to visit us:
   The  A1  ("Autobahn  1")  and the A7.  Coming from the north or south via
   A7/B4,  you  have  to  leave  at Abfahrt "Fleestedt".  Then roll down the
   "Hittfelder  LandstraƔe"  (part of the B4) southwards and follow the sign
   "Veranstaltungszentrum".   Coming  from  east  or  west  via A1, take the
   Abfahrt  "Hittfeld"  and  follow the signs.  We are trying hard to put up
   "Symposium" street signs in a wide range.

   As  a  last  note we want to add that we are about to find a new, slighty
   bigger  location.   New  addresses  will probably be published in the Web
   page and in the invitation demos.


   Everyone talks about Internet.  So do we:  Lots of IRC terminals and even
   the  possibility  to surf the Web will be provided.  A party network with
   IRC access is also planned.

   While  a  repetition  of  the  laser  show is not absolutely sure, we can
   announce  that  Noisedrift  will  do  a  live  act  again,  other musical
   attractions  will  take  place,  too,  like  Ronny/Teklords  and  the  FX
   Performer who will do a live ambient turntable mix.

   Now that we're organizing this party, you might think that all you can do
   is  visiting  it.  This is wrong:  We give you the one and only chance to
   produce  yourself.   If you want to give a lecture on something or if you
   have  another  idea of enriching the event, you're very welcome to do so.
   We would like you to contact us as soon as possible, though.

   By  the  way:  anyone who took last year's announcement of nude girls for
   serious  should  think  about his sense of humor.  What we want to say is
   that   we   can't  announce  every  single  feature  and  every  surprise
   competition.   However,  you  can  be  sure that the party will be really

   It  will  be  even  more  entertaining  if the doom-playing kiddies would
   consider to stay at home with their parents, please.

   Last  but  not  least,  for  the  most  traditional feature of demo scene
   parties, we have reserved an own chapter which deals with...


   The  Symposium  +  Mekka  '97  will offer you these fine competitions.  A
   competition  will  only be held if we get at least 5 entries for it, this
   magic  number  may  be  decreased for the smaller scenes, e.g.  Atari and

   The  usual  conditions  are  valid:  An artist or group may only give one
   entry per competition, one person must be present.  Voting is done by the
   audience.  Anonymous competition means that the entry must not reveal who
   the  author  is.   A separate version including a tag can be provided and
   will be spread instead.

   This is a short version of the rules:

    Graphics: (ANONYMOUS)
        Max. 640x512 24bit, IFF, GIF, PNG, JPEG. Raytracing is allowed.

    Graphics C64: (ANONYMOUS)
        All formats/modes allowed, executable file.

    ProTracker Module:
        We will show 3 minutes, max. 1MB unpacked.

        1.4MB unpacked, playable by CubicPlayer or executable. We will
        show 3 minutes.

    Music C64:
        All formats allowed, executable file - the C64 screen will not
        be shown during the compo!

    4K Intro:
        for Amiga and PC only.

        Amiga 40K, PC 64K, Atari 96K.

        Amiga, PC, Atari, Acorn: 4MB, must not require installation
        (Assigns, Libs, Drivers...). C64: Standard 5.25 DD disk.
        We will show 15 minutes max.

        PC only jump'n'run or shoot'em-up game. 32K maximum.
        The coder will play it on the big screen.

        Anything on VHS or S-VHS.

        Use any hardware you want.

   Competition configurations:

        68030 @50MHz, 2+16MB, AGA. 68060 is optional.

        Pentium 133, 16MB, Ultrasound+SoundBlaster.

        Standard Falcon configuration.

        New SID, Action Replay MK6, 1541-II disk drive.

        Bring your own ;-)


   The  groups  involved  in  organizing the Symposium + Mekka '97 are Polka
   Brothers,  Lego, Phantasm (for Amiga), Amable (for PC), Avena (for Atari)
   and Smash Designs (for C64).

   But  what  do  names mean?  It's the experience that matters.  And that's
   what  we  can  *boast*  with:  seven Symposiums, the Mekka '96, the 680xx
   Convention  1993  and  an in-depth knowledge of the scene provide us with
   the power necessary for organizing such an event.


   ... in upcoming invitation intros around X-Mas,
       at least for Amiga, PC and C64,

   ... on our extensive World Wide Web page,

   ... directly from the organizers,


        Frank Schliefer - Am Musterplatz 27 - 21220 Seevetal, GERMANY (Gandalf/Phantasm)

        Michael Krause - Mannesallee 24 - 21107 Hamburg, GERMANY, (Raw Style/Lego)


        Malte Kanebly - Im Dorfe 3 - 21107 Hamburg, GERMANY (Hardball/Amable) (Starcode/Independent)

      C64: (Chaotic/Smash Designs)

      Atari: (Jet/Avena)

   ... on the Black Box BBS,

      +49 4105 84619  (v34)
      +49 4105 669011 (ISDN)

   ... via voice,

      +49 4168 8611 (Hardball)

             SYMPOSIUM '97
               MEKKA '97

        The Official Invitation
         Polka Brothers * Lego
           Phantasm * Amable
             Avena * Smash