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2013-11-26 23:08:44
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                         ImpromptuCompo #4 - Results!


  w00p! The most successful compo yet. We had numerous entries, and my samples

weren't too shabby for once! =D  We have a two-time winner already. I was amazed

 at the quality of the works overall, and the top 5 contestants were all within

                10 points of each other in final standings.


  Light submitted a VGA, but it was the only vga (seeing this is a music compo!)

so we didn't have a vote for it. Everyone agreed it was really amazing, and maybe

                         he'll do one again...    }:)

   Anyways, I've started a hall-o-fame type list to keep track of all 1st

 placers in these I-Compos. The name of this list is up to you guys... Send

               me ideas, and the best one will be chosen.

                           First Place Ouiners:

                     ImpCompo#              Ouiners:

                        1                    floss

                        2                    gd

                        3                    Yannis

                        4                    gd

                           Number of Entries: 16

                           Number of Voters:  18+

                        Standing:    Contestant:

                          1st          gd

                          2nd          Darkwolf

                          3rd          Lemm

                          4th          Daedalus

                          5th          FutureAssassin

                          6th          trifixion

                          7th          Aahz

                          8th          nova

                          9th          Vector

                         10th          Matthias_

                         11th          loki

                         12th          Axl

                         13th          Mondo

                         14th          pfister

                         15th          screwdriver

                         16th          Imager



             Winners receive bragging rights, as well as their

           name in this file, to be included in the next I-Compo

                                voting pack.

        For info on ImpromptuCompo, suggestions for future compos, or

             anything else, please E-Mail Zinc at