File Archive

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File size:
4 216 bytes (4.12K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 94


Short:    Partyslide and report fresh from TG99.
Uploader: (tecon/planet.jazz)
Author: (crisp/planet.jazz)
Type:     demo/slide

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The era of party-slides ain't over. In true style we bring you the
atmosphere from The Gathering in this 'live'-release.

Happy Easter!

Planet Jazz, The Gathering 1999 Report - moments of truth
* 99% os-legal code :-)

* Multitasking with Amiga+M

* It's ofcourse 100% gfxboard compatible (tested on CVision64/3D).

* Defaults to PAL:Lo-Res, but userselectable screenmode with the REQ or
  SCREENMODEREQ option. (see below). Even with GFXBoards, PAL:Lo-Res is
  the main resolution; GFXBoard owners have to select the main screen's
  resolution theirselves, mainly because of uniformity reasons).

* GFXBoard users should note that this production is completely designed
  for 320x256 resolutions. If you don't have this resolution (or use the
  320x240 resolution) the screen is partially cut of. You can autoscroll
  the main menu downwards though.

* Fading is not really smooth on GFXBoards. This isn't a bug in our code
  but a bad handling of fading in CyberGraphX. (For the coders out there
  this means: Calling LoadRGB32 50 times in 1 second isn't quite good in
  CyberGraphX screens).

* CLI usage is as follows:


  MODEID 		: The mode-id of the screenmode you want to use.
                          Enter it in decimal or hex (hex requires the $
                          sign in front of the modeid number!)

  SCREENMODEREQ		: Display a screenmode requester. This overrides
                          the specified screenmode

  FORCE			: Skip the systemcheck and try to run the report
                          anyway. This is not advisable since unexpected
                          things might happen!!! It is worth a try if it
                          complains... Note that you will have to select
                          a screenmode here (it will pop-up a screenmode
                          requester). Make *sure* the mode you select is
                          either an Amiga native screenmode, or when you
                          are using CyberGraphX, that the screenmode has
                          at least 320x256 dimensions.

* This production requires 2 Mb of FAST Ram and 1 Mb of Chip. Users with
  only 2 Mb of RAM can try depacking the main executable file (using xfd
  for example) and run it that way. Users with only 3Mb of total ram are
  adviced to boot without startup-sequence and run it from there (stone-
  cracker-unpacking takes quite some memory).