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File size:
1 741 bytes (1.70K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 93


                             ------------------ ----- ---- --- -- -
                  S N E L L E - T R E K - C O M P O   # 2
        ------------------ ----- ---- --- -- -

                    the results  of  the compo  held on
                    #nlcoders at  saturday 4 april 1998

              1      sonic&screes  vodka!                  56
              2      dynamiiix     amazing discoveries     53
              3      jay           whappie                 39
              4      ryo-ohki      te snel getrocken       30
              5      neotraxx      xunil                   22
              6      dweazle       neuk                    19
              7      eggbird       liniaalliefdes          15
              8      raptor        political error         10
              9      dj max        castle rock              9
              9      digistorm     bami hap (trek in een)   9
             10      quoz          mox                      8
             11      phaeton       shoarmaboerkool          5
             --      kraiden       tension                  0
             --      cheezer       read your bible          0
             --      avalance      overdrive                0


                    the snelle-trek-compo  is sponsored
                    and  hosted  by  the  overflow crew

                    watch out for the snelle-trek-compo
                    #3  soon  on the  #nlcoders channel

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