File Archive

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File size:
1 739 bytes (1.70K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 90


Hi to all suprise coding competition freaks,

The rules for the suprise coding competition of X'97 Takeover were made up by
Sparcus of Nostalgia. Together with Sparcus I was in charge of the surprise
coding competition. The rules of the competition were to make the smallest
possible program that displayed the text "X'97 Takeover" with a specified
pattern, the pattern being white and the background being black.

10 people did submit an entry. We had three winners this year, all of whom
managed to use only 79 bytes. At first it seemed like Quasar of Green would win
with only 67 (!) bytes, but unfortunately his text was grey, not white. After
he made the text appear white it was 79 bytes. His method however, was
different from all others, and quite original. When I disassembled his source,
I managed to use only 3 bytes more than his initial 67, so in the directory JAL
you'll find a 70 byte example.

The files in this ARJ are stored in directories 1 through 10. Here's a list of
who's in what directory:

dir   coder       group     bytes rank
~~~   ~~~~~       ~~~~~     ~~~~~ ~~~~
1     Senjin      Shinobi   89     9
2     Hardey      Twist     87     8
3     Derange     Impuls    84     7
4     Quasar      Green     79     1
4     Quasar      Green     67     - (this one was disqualified)
5     Scid        CoT       82     6
6     Cypher      Image     79     1
7     Twain Pain  -         79     1
8     Lord Cyrix  BNS       81     5
9     Slater      MTB       80     4
10    Omega       DimX      828   10 (EXE-file)
JAL   JAL         Nostalgia 70     - (based upon the entry from Quasar / Green)

Well, that's it, and see you all next year at X'98 Takeover!

JAL / Nostalgia