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5 105 bytes (4.99K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
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all-time: 113


         - = < O F I C I A L   I N V I T A T I O N   T O > = -

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                                                    [SPECCYer's meeting]
                             < version 2.0 >

                      Greetings to all SPECCY FANS!!!
  Team E.S.A. (Excellent Spectrum Aces) has determined to repeat meeting of
Speccy fans from last year "DOXYCON", which had taken place in beautiful
town near big pond - in Doksy near Macha's lake.

Meeting will take place in SPECIAL SCHOOL in Komensky's street (near
square). Start is planed to friday, 14th august 1998 10:00 and it will be
officialy finished in sunday 15:00.

There will be available 4 smaller classes, kitchen for cooking, gym :-)

There is planed except of standard exchange of speccy software also
projection of reportage from ENLIGHT 96 (if EYE^K3L brings a video-
cassette :-) and finaly there should be

                            DOXYCON DEMO COMPO

  competition for best demo on DOXYCON (of course from own production).
First and even only price should be with engraving.

So this is proclamation of competition. Demo can be for 48 or 128, as who
wants. Rules are not defined. Best demo will be chosen by special jury,
and they will decide which demo wins.

Simple who will come to DOXYCON with his own demo (determined for DOXYCON
COMPO), can be added to competition for already mentioned glass.

                            A T T E N T I O N !
The projection of demos will begin on SATURDAY, 15th, 3:00pm, so if you
wanna arrive later, PLEASE SEND your demo to my E-MAIL or to Tuleby's
snail-mail. No BETADISKs are allowed (convert it to .TAPs plz)
                                                                  THANK YOU 

How to get to DOKSY:

Doksy is situated in north Czech, cca 20km from Ceska Lipa and cca 30km from
Mlada Boleslav (if you want, 70km from Prague).

Best way from Prague is by bus from station Florenc, platform no. 18
directly to Doksy. Price is aproximately 50,- Kc [$1.5]
(it's also possible to get there by train, but it takes twice time, you must
change for another train and it is about the same priceas by bus).
If you are from east (Morava, Slovakia, [Russia ;]), take train to Prague
and change there for bus or you can change in Kolin (before Prague) change
for train via Nymburk and Mlada Boleslav directly to Doksy.

If you'll travell by bus, you'll get off on station "Doksy-bus station" and
there you'll have it only few meters to square and from there it is very
near to special school ;-) (don't afraid, path will be marked by arrows
also from bus station, also from train station (which is little bit far)).

You should bring with you your Speccy + all accessories which you can take,
it's recommended to bring also monitor or TV, because we can ensure only few
of them (about 3 to 5).

- 100,- Kc [$3] as participation charge
- Food for two days (or money for food)
- Sleeping bag or cover (if you want sleep there)
- EXTENSION WIRES and ADAPTORS (there are only few sockets)
- own DEMO determined for DOXYCON competition (of course it is not
  condition) ;-)
- money for travel back
- your partner can be also, but it's not guaranted, she will not bored ;-)

* Participation promised for example OMEGA, K3L Corp., Naughty Crew, 8BC,
TGM and others. There will be also guys from Slovakia, e.g. BUSY SOFT,


                                        so bye for now and we'll meet on
                                            D O X Y C O N ' 9 8  ! ! !

                                                        Factor 6 / E.S.A.

address of main organizer
Valdstejnska 164
472 01
Tel.: +420-425-72037

(plz don't use the phone, Tuleby is no longer on this phone number)

It's NOT NEEDED to confirm your participation before, but if you want be
sure send E-MAIL to: (it's me, Factor 6)

(I wantask you to send this invitation to all speccy fans you know! Thanx!)

[Translated by Glip. Sorry for my bad english]