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3 130 bytes (3.06K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
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all-time: 74


Hello PARTY FREAKS all around the Globe !!!

 I've got an interesting invitation lately, but as the english version of this
text is spreaded oNLy through Snail mail, i've decided to MakE an I-neT
version of it. Hope that some INternet Users will decide to Use it in
Proper Way... SpreAD it around And Try to BE therE if its PossiblE !!!

                                                  dR.Soft/AlbioN aka GotH
                                                  (  VitalitY Magazine  )
CENTER PartY ! 04-06.JUlY.97  PLESZEW( near Kalisz City-middle of Poland)

  In the early summer days, maybe you will find some spare time to visit
another ONLY c64 SCENE party ?! This one is organized by some scene
related guys, mainly by Leming/Fatum that is the main organizer of whole
event. The following compos are planned:
- sample compo
- msx compo
- gfx compo
- intro compo
- demo compo

In Sample compo, msx compo,gfx compo you can give MAXIMUM TWO contributions
from one person.INtro lenght after packing should fit into $8000 in memory,
and you can use unlimited number of entries in this competition. The same
In Demo Compo, no restrictions about the AMOUNT of contributions( Of coz demo
could be longer than $8000 :)))
 Also Crazy compo is planned, but it will be a surprise, so no specific
infos about this yet...
The ENTRANCE for POLISH sceners is set on 15ZL ( aprox. 5$ ), Girls will pay
10Zl(aprox3$).You can also book the Tickets before( the deadline for booking is
UWAGA!!! Czas ograniczony do koncaczerwca tego roku!!! Na zachete dziwczyny
set on 30 June) then you will pay 50% of the Normal Price. THE MOST IMPORTANT:

                              FREE ENTRY !!!!!!

 USe this Possibility and BE THERE !!! How to Arrive at the party Place ?
You have to reach a city in the middle of Poland called KALISZ. ( by Train or
Bus , whatever else) Here you should find MAIN BUS STATION and using a Bus
LIne 12A you will reach PLESZEW ( Party Place- a little town near Kalisz).
The second way: Arrive TO POZNAN ( huge city in middle of Poland) and From
there you have an Train Line right to PLeszew Town. Easy isnt it ?!!!

IN PLESZEW you should go to a Direct Party PlacE:
BOGUSZA 1 street
63-300 Pleszew

MOre Infos or Tickets Booking( For polish guys, other have Free entrance!)

062-742-28-77 LEMING (Olek)
062-742-40-84 RANDY (Tomek)
062-742-37-72 MIKE (Michal)

Or through snail mail:

REJA 5/7
63-300 PLESZEW

ThatS all in this ShOrt Info ! Be There, Take your equipment and Have FUn !!!
Dont forget to visit ALBION HomePagE!
+Scene News +Some Party Photos +VItality ONLINE!
                                                    Invitation Translation and
                                                    I-Net spreading by:
                                                    dR.Soft/ALBion aka GotH