File Archive

File download


File size:
536 bytes (536B)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 74


   /(____________________. __)\.___.
  /   _____/        /|   |/   /|   |l
  \_____   \    |__/_|   /   / |   |9
 /     |    \   |    /   ,   \ |   |9
 \     _____/__     /|___|    \|___|7
| shock! - more than a feeling -l997 |
`--------------------------[ bat ]---'

  M1SPDUP - A small utility to speed
   up your 6x86 cpu and your vga...

   Eats no memory! Up to 15% speed
  increase in Wintach CAD, and some
  other VGA tests. A must to have!!

          coded by TSC/Shock!