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Short stupid Dreamhack'98 report by steffo

        So after writing the exam in digital technnics on thursday I went home
and packed all my stuff, coded some on the demo, and called spruce. Well we
all were done packing and stuff, I and jonas took our bikes and went downtown
to get that minibuss we where hiring. It wasn't as big as we'd thought, so we
had to do some refurnituring in it, but it worked out ok. We started to drive
around to pick everybody up, we first went to Iceman/Noice place, where we
also met Evade/Obscure (almost in noice as well :)) and Hubble/Noice. They
seemed to be cool guys already then. which was nice.. sitting in a bus for 8
hours with boring people would suck. We picked Marwin/Noice and drove to my
house to get my stuff (somewhere in between we picked up spruce's stuff
aswell :)). Then we started driving! And Iceman started drinking (what a
bum :)) cider in the bus. But fortunately he didn't have that much with him.
*phew*. He could've gotten really annoying otherwise. When we had drove like.
maybe 1/4 of the way I started suspecting that I've forgotten my bag at home,
I had like all my clothes, cables, mouse and keyboard in. Spruce thought we
hadn't forgotten it, but he was wrong :) We stopped at my parents place and I
got some clothes and a keyboard there, and after ca another 25km's we stopped
to eat (YES! we'd been in the bus for four hours or so now!), Spruce's father
had made an excellent meal for the all of us, and we also picked up spruce's
little brother here (arvid) and met spruce's little sister (who had a cold I
think). We borrowed the toilet for a while and such things and then we started
heading for borlaenge again. The rest of the trip sucked :)

        When arriving in borlaenge, we stopped to ask where kupolen was, so
spruce ran out of the bus and asked some drunk guy, but we got the right
directions! (rock). We walked in. Me and evade got a bit suprised.. There was
a note by the entrance with a message to us :) It said "Evade & Steffo, go to
the infodesk, they'll know where I am / putteCRS" (that is Patrik/cryonics),
but of course it was written in swedish, swedish rocks for swedes. So we went
upstairs and met java/cryonics and deone/cryonics, they where drunk :) They
rocked bigtime, and then patrik came aswell, and the whole bunch of cryonics
and noice people met in our rocking v.i.p room that patrik had gotten for us.
He had to do a lot of fucking to get it, but it was worth it. In the viproom
gnilk/noice and andromeda/noice was sleeping at the time. atleast andromeda.
I bought some cables for my computer, and stole the rest from gnilk, and his
monitor (it rocked!) which was much bigger than mine. I plugged in my stereo
and everything, although playing loud in here was out of question, since the
crew's sleeping hall was just next to us. I worked on mine and spruce's demo
for a while, then I checked out the partyplace. lotsa people here.. And I met
loonie! he sure do rock, a cool guy he is! Nothing much happened, but the
next day (after some decent sleeping) the other crs+noc'ers decided to do a
"fucking borlaenge" demo, what can I say? rocknroll! So patrik borrowed, well,
after some more fucking, a digital camera, and started taking neat pictures.
Some girls wanted to borrow gnilks stereo, and that was fine with us, IF they
could say some neat stuff in a mic so that we could use it in the demo :) They
did. Rocking cool girls! We all finished our stuff, like music and graphic and
demos, and entered the compos, although the other guys had to fuck some
organizers to move the deadline for the democompo a bit. So. We went downtown
to drink some beer! First we went to a loosers place, just because there was
no people in the cue or anything, but this place sucked, we only bought one
beer there ;) Instead we went to another place and payed the entrance and
drank another beer, me, andromeda, marwin, hubble and evade hit the dancefloor
to show the borlaenge youths how it should be done! The didn't seem to
understand.. Some girl walked to me and asked if I was named "johan" or
something, don't remember, I said "no", she turned around and saw hubble. And
hugged him! They used to go to kindergarden together :) (hubble lives about
900km's from borlaenge or so). We went home and slept for a while. And oh
yeah, there was this nice organizergirl that we treated nice. Very nice. But
not in her opinion :) We said stupid things everytime she entered the room,
which was nice and fun and all that. Then I woke up to late, missed the 4chn
music compo and the first entries in the mchn compo. But atleast mine,
marwins and loonie's tunes where played. That was enough, and most of the
other tunes sucked, some booring goa and really bad stuff aswell. There where
like 6 decent tunes in that compo. The intro would've been quite cool if the
bigscreen would've been a bigscreen, the poor organizers didn't get the
projecter they first had been promised (shame on you, stupid sponsor!) and
therefor it sucked. You could not see anything less than 3 pixels wide, so
lotsa things was impossible to see, and the picture was really dark. This was
a really bad thing for virne/coma and ste&xt, since their intros didn't get
what they deserved. It was a good thing for noice's intro goatzilla though,
since it had really bright colors (good tactics gnilk!). They won the intro
compo :). Barbagubbe/woorlic came second. That intro sure rocked on the
bigscreen, we all laughed :) During the democompo quite a lot of crap was
shown, of course doomsdays demo was good (their last demo btw!), but they
didn't show fucking borlaenge or vinyl! (vinyi=the demo I and spruce made).
We ran away to the compocrew for some decent yelling. They said that the
demos didn't work on their compomachine, then we said "Then you should've
told us!". But we fixed the problem and recorded the demos on tape, but the
compo was over and everybody was back by their own computers, so when
showing those demos (and a third one) noone was watching. A shame, but that's
life. The wild compo was kinda fun, "the lost princess" rocked! it was like a
old movie, without sound and only music. And echo off's "nerdlife" was quite
cool, but not far as cool as "remedy memories" and "echo off vs dreamhack"
(from last year) was. They rocked! I'm getting tired of writing now, so I'll
skip to the price ceremony. The finns rocked the price ceremony! the finns
rocked the whole party! They were like, 20 finns :) And they all went up to
the stage together each time some of them was called, so virne got called for
his 64k intro, doomsday was for their demo (they won, of course), and some
other guys for his tune. I placed 2nd in the mchn compo, yaay! The compocrew
was kinda sucky though. They didn't CHOOSE tunes, they picked them randomly.
yikes. But still, cryonics and noice had a great time together at the party,
so it was fun and all that, I'll probably go '99 as well :)
