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        MegaDemo Faq v1.0

                   Do what you want but be proud of it!

1. Introduction
2. Rules
3. List
4. Address

1. Introduction

  Welcome to the megademo project faq file. If you want to know more about
this project, you should take a look on the megademo.txt file. Because the
megademo project change a lot everytime, this file contains all *LAST* news
and rules about the megademo project. All other informations contains in other
files could be out of date or totally obsolete.

2. Rules

all parts with [] are fixed, already decide and surely definitif
all parts with ?? must be decide! You *should* give your opinion and your
choice directly to my (Ace) or on the mailling list. If you don't do that,
the decision will be take without your agree.

[megademo spirit]
  It's very important to have a very good mind. This demo want to be
  *different* than other already existing demo. Each part must not be only a
  beauty dezign screen but a kicking-ass technical code effect. A part
  contains one or few effects but with very powerfull optimized code. since
  there are very few effects, coders could be more carefull on the main loop

[main menu]
  it'll perhaps be a game main menu.

[main langage]
  Watcom C/C++32 11.0

?asm langage?
  We *must* choose one asm langage and ony one because there are lot of
  difference between all asm langage. Z/Cocoon could explain you that because
  he had the problem in the squeezed demo.
  We have to choose between *tasm* or *masm*. For now, tasm may be better and
  more people already use it.

?part size limit?
  Each part have a limited size. To eval your size part, put all datas like
  musics and graphics, all .obj files in a ZIP file. The ZIP file size give
  you your part size. We have to fix the part size. For now, It's sure that
  the limit be under 1 megabytes. I had proposition for 300kb and 500kb. You
  must notice that the part is not a *real* demo but only a "part" and that
  all datas will be compressed. *Warning* You'll can have bigger part, but
  in this case, you'll have to contact me personnally and explain me why
  your part will be more bigger. For example, if a big kicking-ass effect like
  big new functions 3d engine (Fulcrum for example :) part have a 2 megabytes
  size, the part will be include with no problem. You must keep in mind that
  the aim is not to do a slide show/video animation but only powerfull and
  beautiful dezign stuffs. If the part is in this spirit, there's no problem
  to include it however the size.

[common library version]
  the current common library version is 1.1 (

[video library]
  The current video library prototypes will not change. Perhaps we could
  add some functions if you need them.

[memory library]
  The current memory system will not change. In this version (debug version),
  if you write just outside the limit, the Free functions will notice it by
  an Error because we had a 4kb block before and after the right allocated
  block and Free checks these blocks.

[file system]
  The current file system will not change. there is one function to read a 
  file from hard drive into memory and you have to use it because all files
  will be compressed in the final version. so you can't use standard C
  functions or other stuffs like that.

?picture library?
  Is it cool to have picture lib that could load image in one format with
  *and* without lost datas compression? if yes, we have to specify prototypes
  of the function. Is the function alloc the image buffer or you? do you
  specify the image size or not? etc...

?musik library?
  We have to choose between: midas, mikmod or usmplayer. The music system
  will be able to read a module from *memory*.

?other library?
  If you think that we could add some other common library, ask it.

[3d library]
  We'll *never* include some hi-level demo effect like 3d engine
  or 2d effect nor 3d matrix library because we want to keep lot of
  diversity in all code. If you want to put something in your part, code it!

[theme, story]
  if you want to put a story in your part, it's ok! but imagine that there
  are *no* link between you and other coder. Each group work alone and do
  whatever they want.

3. List

  There is a list of current participant. A participant is a person who
currently help on the megademo project in any form (mailing list writer, work
on a megademo part, ...).
  People on the list are not force to do anything, it's only to try to see
all people interesting in this project.
  If your name is on this list and you don't want, please contact me now and
I'll take it off immediatly!

 Pseudo                    Function               Group
 Ace                       Code                   Melting Pot
 Ecstasy                   Code                   Nomad
 Case                      Code                   Revelation
 Chandra                   -                      Orange Juice
 Darjul                    Code                   -
 Dines                     Graphic                BlaBla
 DjFlod                    Music                  FullMoon
 Droid                     Code                   Haujobb
 Eltharion                 Code                   FullMoon
 Flub                      Code                   Bomb
 FreddyV                   Code                   UseLess
 Garou                     Music                  Thalium
 Greg                      Code                   -
 Guille                    Code                   Cocoon
 HeadSoft                  Code                   RamJam
 Jace                      Code                   The Black Lotus
 Made                      Graphic                Bomb
 Mandrixx                  Code                   -
 Mri                       Code                   Doomsday
 Newsdee                   Code                   Kaotyk Brein
 Nytrik                    Graphic                Cocoon
 Riplin                    Code                   The Infuse Project
 RoBSoN                    Code                   Astral
 Roudoudou                 Code                   Flower corp.
 Shock                     Code                   Xtatic
 Skeet                     Code                   Thalium
 Skyphos                   Code                   Matrix
 Stef                      Code                   -
 Teo                       Code                   -
 TuO                       Code                   StG^StN
 U2                        Code                   PosPy TeaM
 Xann                      Code                   Melting Pot
 X-Man                     Graphic                -
 Z                         Code                   Nomad

(If there are any mistake on the list, thank you to tell me it quickly!)

4. Address

  Main organizer : Ace from Melting Pot
  Main organizer email :
  MegaDemo common library site :
  MegaDemo mailing list :
  MegaDemo mailing list subscription :
  Irc channels : #megademo #demofr
  Local chat server : telnet 4000

For any reason, contact me at: