File Archive

File download


File size:
2 872 bytes (2.80K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 46


                 \   \  ___
    _______ __\~~~\ . \/  /  ______  ________      ________:___
    \_    __|      \|    /__ \    _|/  .  \  \    /  /    _:   \  ____
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      |  /____/""|__|__|  \__|_____|_______| \____/_______/| /\_/  /_
   -> |_/                                                  |/  /____/  <-

                               entryform v1.0   


                   t  a  k  e  o  v  e  r     1  9  9  9

  Please fill in all applicable fields and add any additional remarks about
  configuration issues. The more information you supply, the less problems
  we will have getting your entry to run. You have to include one entry.nfo
  file within each ZIP-file that you submit. 
  Name of competitor(s): Otis

  Name of group(s): Infuse Project

  Name of entry: Who's afraid of Red, Green and Blue?

  Competition (select one): 

  [ ] PC demo
  [ ] PC 64Kb intro
  [ ] PC 4Kb intro
  [ ] Java demo
  [X] Handdrawn graphics
  [ ] Raytraced graphics
  [ ] Windows wallpaper
  [ ] Ansi graphics
  [ ] Trackerbased music
  [ ] Trackerbased house
  [ ] MP3 music
  [ ] Website
  [ ] Animation
  [ ] Game
  [ ] Surprise coding
  [ ] Surprise graphics       
  [ ] Surprise music         

  Using hardware accelerated 3D (demo/intro/game)? (yes/no):

  Prefered browser (Java/Website): 

  Prefered resolution (Java):

  Contact information (e-mail/phone/adress):

  Additional remarks: 
  (c)1999 Frans 'Otis' Bouma. All rights reserved.

  Made as a protest against 'handdrawn' pictures that are not handdrawn. Basically this comes
  down to the fact: why split up a graphicscompo by checking HOW a picture is made, instead of
  looking at gfx as art. 

  The painting 'Who's afraid of red yellow and blue' is a good example of this and I took that
  as my inspiration, including the destructive action one sick person did on the painting: he
  cut it with a knife. The painting was renovated, which did cost $7 million, while people had
  the suspicion the renovator had just used a large brush to repaint the painting quickly; the original
  was made of thousands of very small 'dots', placed with a very small brush. If you still don't see
  the resemblance to 'handdrawn' graphics competitions and some (often winning) paintings contributed to
  these competitions, please re-read this piece of text again :)

  Programs used:
	Photoshop 5.0