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12 791 bytes (12.49K)
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2013-11-26 23:08:44
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all-time: 64



                     T H E   P R O X Y   '  9 8

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          The first Proxy'98 parties will be arranged at the main hall
          of Kannuksen lukio.
          Sponsored by:  Lestinjoki-lehti, Kannuksen Kaupunki,
          -------------  Kannus-Sähkö, Kannuksen Konepiste,
                         PPO, Kannuksen Konttorikone

          1. Information

          The parties are not just plain PC-parties, but Amigas,
          Ataris, Macs, C-64s, and other computers are especially welcome.


          2. Partytime

          From 3rd of April until 5th of April
          98, from 20:00 friday until 12:00 sunday, on Kannuksen lukio.

          3. More Information

          There will be used a at the giant video screen, and 2 x 1 kW amplifier,
          and many massive speakers, and mixers presentation,
          not to forget that there are also plenty of lights.

          Primary Computers

          Sound + Screen #1 + Compos: P200MMX
          Screen #2: A1200T/060
          Other: Some Pentium's + C-64

          4. Network

          The computers will be connected to each other via network adapters,
          and internet connections will be taken care of with the
          KPnet connections of Kannuksen lukio.
          The amount of the computers accessing the Internet is limited,
          so only first 45 persons whom paid both, the ticket, and the internet fee,
          will get the internet connection to their computers.
          Computers will be connected to each other via Twisted Pair (RJ-45) type cable.
          The internet connections work under about 10000-30000 cps under normal

          5. How Will You Find Way There?

          Simply With This Map:

                      |     |              ||
                      |     |            Himanka
                      |     |             |  |
                      |     |             |  |
    ----------------->-------<------------    -------------------------------------
     <- Kokkola        Silta          Kajaanintie                        Kajaani ->
    ----------------->-------<-------------------------------    ------------------
       |  |           |     |  +++ +++     +++++++++         |  |
       |  |           |     |  +++ +++     +Yläaste+         |  |
       |  |           |     |  Ala-aste    +++++++++         |  |
       |   ---------->-------<--------------------------------  |
       |             Siltakatu                                  |
       |   ---------->-------<--------------------------------  |
       |  |      |    |  J  |                                |  |
       |  |      |    |  O  | Party ----\   *******   +++    |  |
     KESKUSTA    |    |  K  | Place ----/   *Lukio*   +++    |  |
 ------|()|------/    |  I  |               ******* Kirjasto |  |
 Asema |  |           |     |                                |  |
       |  |           |     |         Junarata               |  |
       |  |           |     |                                |  |
          Party Place Will Be Near Downtown (so it will be easy to find)

          6. Partyplace

          The Kannuksen Lukio's gymnastics hall will be used as the partyhall,
          which is about 400sq.m. of size, which means that there will fit
          about hundred computers inside.
          The tables and chairs will be arranged by the organizers.
          You can sleep at the classrooms on the upstairs, where most of the noise
          shouldnt benoticeable. No matresses or other commodities are provided, so
          do make sure that you bring atleast a sleeping bag with you.

          7. Services

          There will be guardians at the party place, for the complete duration of the
          parties, whom take care of things to stay in order. You can buy COKE etc. snacks
          and drinks from the cafeteria. The partyplace is located in the central Kannus,
          so you can buy your food and snacks from the shops and restaurants, grills, etc.
          You can add your name to the pizza ordering list, and the pizzas will arrive to
          the partyplace as mentioned on the schedule (hopefully), and with the local charges,
          although we will try to get some kind of discount from the pizzas.

          8. Parking Places

          There will be enough of free parking lots to be adequate for everyone :)

          9. Compos

          There will be arranged two different kinds of music compos,
          and a Fast-Graphics compo, the traditional disk -throwing competition,
          C-64-competition and the Quake tournament.

          10. The Rules of Music Compos

          There are two kinds of music compos; Alltime- and Normal compo.

          Alltime compo

          You can bring a song that you have released before(how many times..? don't know :))
          You can mix it little, but not much!

          Normal Compo

          You simply just bring a song, which you havent yet released.

          Accepted fileformats

          MOD, S3M, XM, IT

          Fast- Graphics

          There will be given a subject in the party place, of which to draw a pic within
          two hours, and it is to be handed over to the organizers.


          The Game what we'll play is called Winter Games. In a tournament we will arrange
          so many games what's needed.

          Play FAIR! Winners don't use drugs!

          11. Prizes

          Alltime-Compo            Normal-compo
          -------------            ------------

             1. 20 %                 1. 20 %
             2. 10 %                 2. 10 %


                         1. 20 %
                         2. 10 %

         Disket-throwing         C-64 Competition
         ----------------        ----------------
              1. 5 %                  1. 5 %

                     Quake Tournament

                       No Prizes :(

          The percents are counted from the amount of money,
          which will be left over from the ticket etc. fees, which
          means that there will be money given out total of approximately
          1000-2000 Mk.

          12. Voting

          Voting for the songs is done with the form given when
          buying the ticket.

          13. Partytime!


              20.00 Lights on, time for installing computers.
              21.00 Lights off, the party starts.
              21.00 C-64 Compo #1 - Decathlon.
              22.00 Music-compo; Alltime
              02.30 Coil plays


              12.00 Pizza order#1
              12.30 Quake-tournament
              15.00 Diskette-throwing competition
              16.30 Fast-Graphics competition
              19.30 C-64 Compo #2 - Winter Games
              21.00 Pizza order #2
              22.00 Coil Plays!
              24.00 Music competition, Normal
              02.00 Wanna dance? Raving starts...
                    With DJ Tomaz & DJ Timpsa


              12.00 Doors closed! (party time ends)

          14. Prebooking

          Prebooking is required at least a week before
          The Proxy'98 parties.

          Book your tickets from one of the following persons:

             Timo Orava,
             P: +358-6-871222,
             E-MAIL :

             Tuomas Siniluoto,
             E-MAIL :

             Pasi Palokangas,
             E-MAIL :

          15. Tickets

          The tickets cost 5 0 m k.

          The ticket includes a Proxy'98 badge, location
          for computer, voting form, and the right to attend
          to the raves.

          The fixed internet connections through the cable for the
          complete duration of the parties will do you 50mk more.

          Meaning; ticket + internet = 100mk.

          No one-day tickets!

          Girls and foreigners will have free access(!)

          Contact persons:

               Timo Orava
               Lamuntie 2,
               69100 Kannus
               PHONE: +358-6-871222

               Tuomas Siniluoto
               Koivutie 10,
               84100 Ylivieska
               PHONE: +358-8-422352

               Pasi Palokangas
               Maisematie 9,
               01390 Vantaa
               PHONE: +358-40-5484246
               SERVER (tni) :
               EMAIL :

               IRC (ircnet) : #proxy98

               You can ask more information from the
               persons mentioned above.

               Sponsored by:

               Kannuksen Kaupunki,
               Kannuksen Konepiste,
               Kannuksen Konttorikone,
               Korpelan Voima

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    +++++++++    The Organizators Team.
                                       / Timpsa, Tomaz, Kc4, Slicer,\
                                       \ Tuomas                     /

         _____     _____     _____   ___    ___  ___    ___
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