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 info sheet of the "Chaos Constructions" demo party
 (18-20 of december of 1998)

							1st edition of 8-11-97
						    current edition of 02oct98

			   1. General Information.

     Bringing  the best of the best in demomaking on the major compo machines,
the Chaos Constructions will happen in the December of 1998. Hopefully it will
become a regular every-year party.

     "Chaos   Constructions"  is  organised  by  Concern  Chaos  and  will  be
sponsored  by  various	firms  and  companies of Sankt-Peterburg and Russia as

     As  was stated before, the CC demoparty will happen in the winter of 1998
and will go for three days.

     1st day will be free of charge, doors will open at 9 am.

     This  day	will  serve  the  role of an introduction to the actual party.
People, who simply could not register before the party over the phone, mail or
electronically	will have their last chance to be registered for the party. No
registration will be made during the official hours of day 2 and 3.

     The best demos, music and gfx for all platformes (compo-machines) will be
presented to the audience (this will also test all the equipment).

     Presentations  of different firms and companies will take place, sponsors
will  have  a  chance  to  talk  to  the public. There will be many people and
organisations  who will be able to show their products and services: companies
who  develop  hard/software for all computers, compatible with compo-machines,
software/hardware sellers, dealers...

     Friends  will  meet  and will have a great opportunity to interact. Also,
the  rest  of  tickets	will  be sold then (but people are strongly advised to
reserve their tickets BEFORE the first day of Chaos Constructions).

     At 5pm the wild demo competition will commence. There will be no official
voting	for  this  event, the winner will be chosen by sponsors. Although, the
support from the audience will be needed.

     The  wild	demo  compo will go for approximately 2 hours, after which the
sponsor's jury will choose the winner. In the meantime, the rest of organizers
will make corrections (if needed) to the plan the second and third days of the
party. At 8pm sponsors will announce the winner of the first CC98 event - wild
demo competition.

     1st  day  will be officially closed at 10 o'clock (pm). Pavillion will be
cleaned  up  and  brought  back  to  normal. Depending on the number of people
arrived,  all necessary changes will happen (ie increase/decrease of security,
entry control, cleaners, et cetera).

     To  see  the  rest  of the party , all visitors will have to buy tickets.
Without  the actual ticket, the entry to the day 2 and 3 of the party won't be
granted to anyone...

     Day  two  and  three  will  be  the  days of the Chaos Constructions, THE
competition  of the best demos, tracked music and visual art. There will be no
registration accepted during the hours of these two days.

     All  gfx  and  music compos will be held on the second day, all votes for
these  entries	will  be  collected  at  the same day. ABSOLUTELY NO votes for
graphics and music will be accepted on the next day.

     The  last	but not least day will be day 3. That is exactly when the most
important  things  will happen, demo compos for all machines will be held, all
votes  for  all  entries will be counted, CC98 organizers will name and reword
the winners of the party.

     Chaos  Constructions  of  1998  will  be  officially  closed at 10pm. All
results and entries will be made available on the internet sometime later this

2. Compo Rules.

     All  entries  (intro,  demo, gfx or music) for all platformes must not be
released  before  the  beginning of the Chaos Constructions 1998, otherwise it
will be disqualified.

     All demos and intros must run (and finish) on it's own without the user's
supervision. (the demo can have the setup for audio/video hardware though).

     All demos and intros should allow the user to stop the program.

     Absolutely every single entry will go through the preselection committee.




     please,  keep  that  in  mind  when  you're  submitting  your work to the
preselection committee.

     No pure animation is allowed. it can be used, but it's up to preselection
committee to decide whether the use of it is appropriate.

     No  scanned (or converted) gfx is allowed. please, save the picture(s) in
the  middle of the creation and present 2-3 of them to the selection committee
(ie if your gfx is as good as photo).

     Every entry must have at least one representative (it's not necessary for
him or her to be the part of your group)

		       a. Specific Compo Rules for GFX

+handdrawn gfx.
 no retraced/rendered gfx allowed.
 640x480 max res.
 24 bit colour max.
 formats: BMP,GIF,JPG,PCX,PNG.
 2 pix from 1 artist max.
 (see rules for the spectrum gfx below)

+raytraced/rendered gfx.
 retraced/rendered gfx allowed.
 640x480 max res.
 24 bit colour max.
 formats: BMP,GIF,JPG,PCX,PNG.
 2 pix from 1 artist max.
 (see rules for the spectrum gfx below)

		      b. Specific Compo Rules for MUSIC

+4channel (mod) music
 1mb max size.
 MODs only.
 3 minutes max time.
 1 tune from 1 artist max.
 (pc-gus/amiga playback)

+multichannel music
 2mb max size.
 formats: MOD,S3M,XM,IT.
 3 minutes max time.
 1 tune from 1 artist max.
 (pc-gus/pc-sb playback)

		      c. Specific Compo Rules for Amiga.

machine: A4000, accel, RAM 32mb
(demo/intro must run on A1200 with 8mb of RAM)

+4k intro:
 4k max size.
 5 minutes max time.

+64k intro:
 64k max size.
 10 minutes max time.

 8mb max size.
 20 minutes max time.

		       d. Specific Compo Rules for PC.

machine will be rebooted after every demo/intro.

machine: PII300, RAM 64mb, 4mb AGP 2D, 16mb 3Dfx, GUS & SB16
(demo/intro must run on P200 with 16mb of RAM and nosound/sb)

+4k intro:
 4k max size.
 5 minutes max time.

+64k intro:
 64k max size.
 10 minutes max time.
 no resolutions greater than 800x600.

 8mb max size.
 20 minutes max time.
 no resolutions greater than 800x600.

		    e. Specific Compo Rules for Spectrum.

machine: Pentagon 3.5MHz, 128k, General Sound & AY-3-8910/12, 5.25" DS/DD FDD
(demo/intro must run on Scorpion)
TR DOS 5.03

+4k intro:
 4k max size.
 5 minutes max time.

 640k max size.
 20 minutes max time.

+gfx compo:
 6192 max size.
 2 screens from 1 artist max.

+music on interrupt:
 compiled on #c000.
 3 minutes max time.
 1 tune from 1 artist max.

+digital music:
 must have it's own executable (.B) with player.
 3 minutes max time.
 AY-3-8910/12 only.
 1 tune from 1 artist max.

			     Appendix 1. Tickets

     Tickets  on  Chaos  Constructions compo days (days two and three) will be
available  for sale long time before the actual party. It is possible to order
the tickets via phone/mail/electronic communications.

     Hopefully,  some  sort  of individual bar coded number will be printed on
each  ticket to prevent illegal entry. Participants (compers) will have to pay
for  the  tickets  as  well,  but  25%	discount  will	be  available (special
conditions  apply  - depending on the number of compers in the group. discount
will  be  only available if the group contains 4 or more MEMBERS of the group.
All  compers  would  have to be registered A LONG TIME BEFORE that (names with
barcodes will be printed on tickets). All visitors/guests will have name GUEST
and individual number.

     Bar code scanners will be connected to the "main" computer.

     Any illegal entries will be prosecuted by securities.

			   Appendix 2. Organisation

     Drinks  and  snack-food  will  be	available  for	sale in the pavillion.
Alcohol  drinks  with  alcohol level above 8% will be prohibited. Drunk people
will  get  kicked  out	for 1 day (their record in "main" computer will have a
temporary  ban).

     Everyone will have to have his(her) ticket with him(her) all the time.

     Building  will be secured by certain organisation. Buying the ticket, the
owner agrees with all conditions printed on back of the ticket.

     All  equipment will either be rented (or presented for party by sponsors)
or will belong to organisators of the party.

     Since  the  party	day  will  go for more than 12 hours (9:00am-10:00pm),
various recreational facilities will be provided to guests and participants of
the party.

     Prizes  for  the  winners will be determined by the total amount of money
raised	from  the  sponsors  and  the  sale of tickets. Then, the value of the
prizes	for  different compos/platforms will be calculated. The winners of the
compo  with  the  most	participants (and the most supported by "voters") will
receive  the  most  expensive  prizes.	It is not determined until the days of
party  what  form  will  the prizes take. It might be just money or some "art"
with party symbolics.

     Organizers  of  the party can not provide the accomodation for everybody,
please,  make  your  own  arrangements	with  your  friends  or  hotels/motels

			      Appendix 3. Voting

     Voting  will  start  as  soon  as	first  compo will be finished and will
continue  till	the  7	o'clock of third day. No votes will be accepted after.

     Participants of the competition are allowed to vote but: !Voting for Your
group  is  prohibited!.  Violators will decrease the number of votes for THEIR
work,  instead	of  increasing and only after that they will be told that they
should not have done that.

     The  system  based  on  5 mark scale. from 1 as lowest (but not negative,
therefore DONT GIVE even that to the bad work) to 5 as the maximum. People can
vote  unlimited number of times for as many entries as the want, but votes for
one particular entry wont accumulate (it will be replaced by the new vote).

		  Appendix 4. Agreement (printed on tickets)

     As  proud	guest  of  Chaos  Constructions  demo  party,  I take the full
responsibility	for  my behavior and actions. If any damage will be done by me
(even unintentionally), I do agree to compensate all repair/replacement costs.

			 Appendix 5. List of Compos:

³ Title of Compo  ³ Platformes	³ Limits	       ³ Notes		     ³
³  Intro	  ³  IBM	³  4K, 64K	       ³ only 4K intro for ZX³
³		  ³  AMiGA	³  4K, 64K	       ³		     ³
³		  ³  Spectrum	³  4K		       ³		     ³
³  Demo 	  ³  IBM	³  Pentium II 300      ³ Must run on Pentium ³
³		  ³		³  64Mb RAM, AGP 4Mb 2D³ +16Mb (nosound/sb)  ³
³		  ³		³  16Mb 3D, GUS        ³		     ³
³		  ³  AMiGA	³  Amiga 4000, accel   ³ Must run on 1200/8Mb³
³		  ³		³  32Mb RAM	       ³		     ³
³		  ³  Spectrum	³  Pentagon 128 (+GS)  ³ Must run on Scorpion³
³  Wild Demo	  ³  Any	³  No limits	       ³ Compers have to     ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ provide	     ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ organizers with     ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ hard/software. Must ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ work with audio/vdo ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ system of the party.³
³		  ³		³		       ³ Has to be registered³
³		  ³		³		       ³ before!  Not compo, ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ but there will be a ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ price for the best  ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ wild demo (no voting³
³		  ³		³		       ³ though). Sponsors   ³
³		  ³		³		       ³ will choose a winner³
³  GFX		  ³  IBM	³  handwork/raytraced  ³ no division between ³
³		  ³  AMiGA	³		       ³ IBM and AMiGA	     ³
³		  ³  Spectrum	³  handwork only       ³ Scanned gfx wont be ³
³		  ³		³  normal screen (6912)³ accepted	     ³
³  Music	  ³  IBM	³  4 channel (normal   ³ can be played on Amy³
³		  ³  AMiGA	³  mod), multichannel  ³ or PC (GUS)	     ³
³		  ³  Spectrum	³  Interrupt/Digital   ³ has to have a player³
³		  ³		³		       ³ (external)	     ³

			   Appendix 6. Program (*)
³ Day ³ Compos ³  Time	³ Events					     ³
³  1  ³  none  ³ 9:00am ³ doors are open.				     ³
³     ³        ³ 3:00pm ³ Opening of The Chaos Constructions Demo Party.     ³
³     ³        ³ 5:00pm ³ Wild Demos.					     ³
³     ³        ³ 7:00pm ³ Plans of 2nd and 3rd days.			     ³
³     ³        ³ 8:00pm ³ Sponsors will announce the winner of		     ³
³     ³        ³	³ Wild Demo competition.			     ³
³     ³        ³XX:XXxx ³ Registration of "late" people.		     ³
³     ³        ³	³ Best demos, art shows - tests of compo machines.   ³
³     ³        ³	³ Testing of all equipment (voting test, entry tests)³
³     ³        ³	³ Installation and Testing of demos for all machines.³
³  2  ³ Gfx -  ³10:00am ³ 7 Compos. IBM & AMiGA - 4 (music: 4 channel (mod ) ³
³     ³ Music  ³	³			    (	    Multichannel   ) ³
³     ³        ³	³			    (gfx  : Handwork	   ) ³
³     ³        ³	³			    (	    Raytraced	   ) ³
³     ³        ³	³	    Spectrum	- 3 (music: On interrupt   ) ³
³     ³        ³	³			    (	    Digital	   ) ³
³     ³        ³	³			    (gfx  : Handwork	   ) ³
³     ³        ³NB:NB!! ³ Voting starts straight after the end of the 4      ³
³     ³        ³	³ channel music compo.				     ³
³  3  ³ Demos- ³10:00am ³ 8 Compos. IBM 	- 3 (8k and 64k intro, Demo) ³
³     ³ Intros ³	³	    AMiGA	- 3 (8k and 64k intro, Demo) ³
³     ³        ³	³	    Spectrum	- 2 (4k intro and Demo	   ) ³
³     ³        ³ 7:00pm ³ Voting stops. 				     ³
³     ³        ³ 8:00pm ³ Results of all compos and prizes.		     ³
³     ³        ³10:00pm ³ Official Closing of the CC 1998.		     ³
* actual times may vary.

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