File Archive

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File size:
726 bytes (726B)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 91


                                                     Yodel presents:
                              Q  r  i  g  y  o  m

        A tiny produktion written entirely from scratch in a few
        hours at YC7. As you probably know, my harddrive went to
        harddrive heaven a few months ago, so now I am trying to
        rebuild my demo effect library... PM, that is.

        Okay.. This production features:
                Bitmap displaying, palette fading, design lines,
                motionblur, slimetexture, subliminal messages,
                XM-player by The Edge and some not too nice
                Yodel touch.. :)

                                         // /<alle - Snooky/Yodel