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File size:
2 288 bytes (2.23K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 157


           The Bizarre 96 Results list...

 * This list could be incomplete or wrong.
   After everybody on #nlcoders wanted a result-list of Bizarre 96
   I decided to make one of my own...
   I've made this list after downloading every .zip file from the
   official Bizarre ftp page and looked at every File_Id.Diz. That's
   why nobody should blame *me* if the list is incomplete or wrong.

 * If this is not the complete list, join us at #nlcoders and get
   the updated list or download it from AmberDawn. Chech the nr. below.

 * I just wanted to say to the organisers, try to spell peoples
   names right. Tepaan/Tapaan is not Trepaan and Acme is not Acne!!!

 * See you guys at SIH and Wired, right? ;)

 PC Demos :

      #   Group                    Production
      1 - Trepaan                  Bulll!
      2 - Spirit New Style         Full Motion
      3 - Simm/Analogue            DEA            
      4 - Dimension-X              Demos for Dummies
      5 - Cheese Team & Paroxysm   The Other One
      6 - Quad                     Perception
      7 - Acne                     RipOff
      8 - XL                       Bagger
      9 - Rubba Design             NoName00
     10 - TBE                      Ravage

 PC 64k Intros :

      #   Group                    Production
      1 - Spirit New Style         State
      2 - Inopia/Anomaly/Cygnus    64
      3 - Cronix                   Hopeless
      4 - Surprise! Productions    Slam
      5 - Deadline                 The Gravity Encounter
      6 - Weird Magic              Die Logik
      7 - Circle of Tyrants        Embraced
      8 - Trybit                   ???  ( This is the real intro name:)
      9 - Maroon                   Bloempjes en bytejes
     10 - TBE                      Weird

 PC 4k Intros :

      #   Group                    Production
      1 - Excalibur                Intro with no name I
      2 - Fyr & Sentinel           Zwemband
      3 - The Watcher              Chiparitus
      4 - LaserDance               Space