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File size:
10 151 bytes (9.91K)
File date:
2013-11-26 23:08:44
Download count:
all-time: 167


                       | Demo & Intro Competition: |
  Place     Title                      Author                       Votes
    1st     Skumle Planer               Purple                      310
    2nd     Mighty                      Xtacy                       290
    3rd     Recipe                      Fudge                       253
    4th     Oh No                       Zool                        200
    5th     Drugs                       Komplax                     147
    6th     Nothing                     Noware                       88
            PartyPix                    Saturday Night Live          88

                           | Music Competition: |
  Place     Title                       Author                      Votes
    1st     Escapism                    Jazz/PM                     513
    2nd     Space: Sorrow & Pain        MindWave/Topsyturvydom      382
    3rd     Faith                       Beamer/Virtual Image        371
    4th     Mokka                       Lynge/inZane                362
    5th     Elmnnen Illmst          ManChild & Echo/fudGe       341
    6th     Fish Power                  Mystical/Purple             333
    7th     Gblahh-bladr                Ejner/inZane                330
    8th     Internal Warrior            WOLF                        292
    9th     Battle Field                TDC/Red Vision              229
   10th     Life is too short           XIIIM Mistress D/inZane     218
   11th     Rekix                       Distortion                  205
   12th     Lynx                        Raze/Opium                  109

                         | Graphics Competition: |
  Place     Title                       Author                      Votes
    1st     A Fudged Demo Session       Seth/Fudge                   79
    2nd     Super Duper Person Guy      X-Cell/Xtacy                 71
    3rd     Tina                        MC/Fudge                     24

                              | Fast Code: |
  Place     Title                       Author                      Votes
    1st     Fast Sko                    Pugsy/Lobsession             97
    2nd     Brian                       Brian/Brian Team             96
    3rd     Light                       Xinu                         78
    4th     P0sleguf                    CdZ & Opium                  67
    5th     Weird                       Walt, Beamer, Brick 37       66

                              | Fast Music: |
  Place     Title                       Author                      Votes
    1st     Lille Peder Edderkop        Jazz/PM & Mystical/Purple   104
    2nd     Hvem er Peter?              XIIIM Mistress D/inZane      64
    3rd     Lille Peter Edderkop        Pyramid Power                57
    4th     Lille Peter Ta'min Krop     Stealth                      51

                            | Fast Rendering: |
  Place     Title                       Author                      Votes
    1st     N/A                         Ironman/Crime Inc.           54
    2nd     RoboZone                    Ziax                         48
    3rd     N/A                         Jesper                       45
    4th     No Gravity                  Vivaldee                     39

                               | Oldies: |
  Place     Title                       Author                      Votes
    1st     Dope                        Complex                     442
    2nd     Second Reality              Future Crew                 392
    3rd     Verses                      Electromotive Force         335
    4th     Crystal Dream 2             Triton                      265
    5th     Buttman - The Terminated    Twiligth Zone               226
    6th     Facts of Life               Witan                       195
    7th     No                          Nooon                       191
    8th     Untitled                    Dust                        178
    9th     Heartquake                  Iguana                      152
   10th     Project Angel               Impact Studios              125
   11th     Project X-Y-Z               Orange                      108
   12th     Holistic                    Cascada                     104
   13th     Show                        Majic 12                     62
   14th     Panic                       Future Crew                  48
   15th     The Real Thing              Capacala                     27
   16th     Warp                        Legend Design                18

                    | OS/2 CD-ROM Throwing Contest: |
    1st   Hard Rock                52,50 m
    2nd   MOzart/TUT               47,00 m
    3rd   Jesper Boegholm          37,00 m
    4th   X-OTiC/inZane            36,00 m
    5th   Moeller                  35,00 m
    6th   Beamer/Virtual Image     33,10 m
    7th   Ejner/inZane             30,00 m
    8th   Darkwing Duck            22,00 m

                        | Floppy Disk Throwing: |
    1st   Hitmaster/Xtacy          43,20 m
    2nd   Darkwing                 36,50 m
    3rd   Brick 37/Virtual Image   36,40 m
          Hard Rock                36,40 m
    5th   Beamer/Virtual Image     33,80 m
    6th   X-Cell/Xtacy             32,80 m
    7th   Ejner/inZane             28,20 m
    8th   X-OTiC/inZane            27,50 m
    9th   Dranic/Xtacy             27,40 m
   10th   Pyramid Power            25,60 m

                         | Harddisk Throwing: |
    1st   Hard Rock                29,00 m
    2nd   Darkwing                 27,00 m
    3rd   Jacob Kusk               24,30 m
    4th   Pyramid Power            23,70 m
    5th   Vampyr                   23,50 m
    6th   Richard Bjerregaard      22,50 m
    7th   Mike Andersen/MDA        22,20 m
    8th   Bugsy/Obsession          21,60 m
    9th   Walt/Bonzai              21,00 m
   10th   A42/Red Vision           19,00 m
   11th   Ejner/inZane             17,00 m
   12th   Cabby                    10,00 m

                           | Monitor Run: |
    1st   Hard Rock                26,0 sek
    2nd   Cabby                    27,3 sek
    3rd   MOzart/TUT               27,4 sek
    4th   Darkwing                 27,6 sek
    5th   BNN                      27,8 sek

                          | Mouse Throwing: |
    1st   Pyramid Power            30,00 m
    2nd   Hard Rock                25,10 m
    3rd   Dranic/Xtacy             21,50 m
    4th   Hitmaster/Xtacy          14,40 m
    5th   X-Cell/Xtacy             14,30 m
    6th   Spike the Viking         14,20 m
    7th   Darkwing                  6,80 m

 |          .oO Rene Christensen a.k.a. Zteel of Diffusion Oo.		|
 |           Personal Homepage:		|
 |        Diffusion Homepage:	|