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File size:
57 829 bytes (56.47K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 486


^^^^^^^^^^^ aLL sLOWER bOARDS pLACE yOUR aDVERTS aBOVE pLEASE ^^^^^^^^^^^^


                              _  __ ___________

       __________     _  __ __________    .___/__ ________

       \      __/__ _________   _   _/_   |     /  _     /__ ______

      __\__       /         /  __     /________/   /____/  /_____  \

      \__________/   /_____/___/     /  _  __ ____________/     /   \_

           _  __ _______\     /_____/             _  __ _____________/

                                        _  __ __________

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                   /           \ ______._______       ___/__

                 _/      |      \_     |     _/_      \    /

              -M-\_______________/     |       /__________/

                           _  __ _____________/


                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.

                |             |                                |

                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |

  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____

 _|_\_    / .   |  .   \_ __  ______\_.   \  ______ _\_.    /__| ___ /  __/__

  |  /   /  |   :  |    /   \|    /   l    \/  .   \   l___/\_ |/   /___    /

  :  \   \______|______/     \   /_________/   |    \________/ /  _/_______/_

 _l______/sc    :    _/    \____/         \__________/  _/     \___)         |

|               .    \_____|                            \______|             |

|                                                              :             |



|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |


|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |

|                                                                            |

|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |

|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |

|                                                                            |

|        rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB!        |

|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |

|                                                                            |

|   +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEL-NET        |

|     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-          -·>28k8 dUALS!<·-        23:30-06:00 gMT +1   |

|                                                                            |

l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|

 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________

|________||                                                        ||________|

          :        uPLOADEd bY qla              oN nODE #01        :

          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 06:09:26 , 06-02-1996   .




        .   _   _ |_   _  |   __   .

       `|'  (_|_) | ) (_\ l_ (_/  `|'

· f r a g m e n t s   o f   r e a l i t y ·


       _ ___________________________________________________________ _

       \ \                                                         / /

         |         _____                                           |

 _______ _____  ___\__  |_____ __________ ________  _______ _________ ________

/    __/_\    \/     /  _     \\   _    / \ ._    \/    __/_\   _    \\  _    \

\        |\   /    _/   /     /    /  _/    |/    /.       \/   /    /   /    /

 \___________/_____________________     ____/______|___     .________________/

          _                        \____|              \____|      _

        _./                                                        \._

        \|_   c y b e r g o d / w h a l e !                        _|/  rX/jA!


         /                                                          \

        ·                                                            ·

                               G i V E S   Y O U

 _______________ _____ _________________ ___ _______    _______ ____ _________

.)     __      /   _   \    _    .     /   _/    __/____\_    _|     \      _/

|     _//     /.   _    \_  \    |   .  /  \    _/  \    /    \_     .\     \

|_____|_\______|___\_____/___    |    \/____\________\  /______|_____|_______\

                     Mo!/aL-|_________|               \/

       __________  __________                            _ _____________/

      .)    _    \.)      __/                                          //

      |     \     |      _/     ·Fragments Of Reality·                ·ø

      |___________|______|                        ____      _ ____    /

       __________ _______   __________  _______   \___)  ______   \  / ____

    ___\_       /     __/__ \    _    \_\     /_______ _|     (.   \/     /

   /    /      /.    _/   _/     _     /     /         \_      |   /     /

  /     \_______|_________\______/_____\________________|______|_       /

 /_______|                                                       \______\

                 .   ...[kapling].. erhm, *cough*, *cough*  ·

                 ¦                                          .

                 | Here we go again.  A neverending flow of ¡

                 | bytes..   blah  blah  blah  and a lot of |

                 | other  BS!   :)  Well,  I'd just like to |

                 | release  this  one  before  I return for |

                 | another  15  day  period  in  the bush.. |

                 | though..  for the VERY LAST TIME!  YEAH! |

                 | So, even though Sunday is close, I'm not |

                 | THAT pissed off.  I'll be back after the |

                 | 18:th  of  June  (Happier than ever :) ) |

                 | and  by  then  I  hope you have loads of |

                 | reqs  for  me.   I  will NEVEr return to |

                 | Norrtälje  again (no offence Karma, I've |

                 | just  learned  to  hate the place!  :)). |

                 | See  you  all then, enjoy the summer and |

                 ! every eventuall graduation.              ¦

                 ·                                          ·

                                                   thank you.

                ___     _______       ____.______________.

               _)  \____\      \______\   |    _   /     |-----/

               \    \      )    \         |   //  /\\         /

              cG\____\_____\_____\________|______/__\ ___|____\wL!

 .o1. sHOCK-G          .¹1. Dial Hard             .²1. Rebels

 .o2. Jedi Arts        .¹2. Zillion Hours         .²2. MST, Style, Abuse, TBL

 .o3. Ranx             .¹3. Metal Impact          .²3. Illimitable Warez

 .o4. Immune           .¹4. Digital Traders       .²4. Wanted Team (File_id)

 .o5. Da Joint         .¹5. Terra Firma           .²5. Data Division (File_id)

 .o6. Delight          .¹6. Boone                 .²6. Discustin'

 .o7. Tommy            .¹7. Schindler             .²7. Royal, Whale & Contra

 .o8. Another Step     .¹8. Rooster               .²8. Slime

 .o9. Insanitary       .¹9. Sunshine Productions  .²9. Classic^Quartex (File_id)

 .1o. Genetic Waste    .2o. Swoop                 .3o. Oasis

                                oYE! Did you see that?! Never had one before! :)

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o1 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Shock-G                    holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Shock-G / Jedi Arts             thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     _______          .___ ______ ____.   ____ _____/        _____|

     \   __/____._____|    \ _  //  __|__|    /    / ___    /  ___|__

      \______   |     ·    |\\ //        |        /\ \__\  /   \_    \

          cG(___|_____|____| \//_________|____\_____\-----/___________\wL!

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o2 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Jedi Arts                  holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Shock-G & Ranx                  thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


      ____.______.   _______ |___.      ____  _______/  ____|     ______

._____\   |  ____|__\\      \|   |  ____\_  \|   _  /_ _\   |_ ___.  __/____.

|    (/   |   /     /\\      \   |  \        \   _ /  \_    _//   |______   |

|_________|________/__________\ _| cG\________\__\_____\__________|wL!  (___|


           .____._____        ______     _____

      .____|    |  __/_.____|_\     \__ |    /

      |    \_   |   ___|    |          \|    |


                                ______.  __________ ______._ _____

                            ____)     |    _.     /      __/     /

                            \         |     |_   /_       |   __/________

                             \________|_____|\____/_______|\_______     /


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o3 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Ranx                       holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Ranx / Jedi Arts                thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\

             ____________   ______._____          _______._______

            |    _.     /___)     |     \ ________\      !      /wL!

            |     |_   /_                \)                     \


                  ._______/    ____               _____._____

                  |   _  /_____\_  \ ______ ______\_.       /

                  |   _ /  \        \      \        |      /

                cG|___\_____\________\ ___\_________|__.___\wL!


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o4 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Immune                     holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Shock-G                         thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     |___.                            _____.                 ______.

     |   |______  ________  _________|     |________ _______|  ____|____.

     |   |      \/        \/         |     |        \           /       |



|__.·.· i m m u n e ·.·.___.        ____.

|  |____  _____  ______|   |___ ___|  __|__|

|  |    \/     \/      |   |   \      /    |


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o5 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Da Joint                   holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Shock-G                         thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     _______     ____  __          ____.____|___.             ____|

    \\      \____\_  \ \/    ._____\   |    /   |_____ _______\   |_ ____.

    /\\      \        \      |    (/   |\  /|   |     \           _//    |

 cG/__________\________\ _   |_________| \/ |___|____\___________________|wL!


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o6 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Delight                    holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Mah Boyz!! :)                   thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     ________  _______.    ____|    |___.   _____|        .____.____|

    \\       \|   ____|___|    |    |   |  /  ___|__ _____|    |\   |_ ___.

    /\\       \    /      |    |____|_  | /   \_    \     ·    |_   _//   |


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o7 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Tommy                      holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Tommy / e^D                     thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


              ____|    ______                           ____

             _\   |_ __\.   /____  __________  _______. \   \_____

             _    _//   |  /     \/          \/       |__\_  \   /

           cG/__________|\/ ____\__/________\__/________________/wL!

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o8 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Another Step               holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Fatal / e^D / oBS!              thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


        ____               __________|           .____ _____   _ _______/

    ____\_  \ ______ ______\    /\   |_ ___._____|    |  ___|___|   _  /_

    \        \\     \       \  /_    _//   |     ·    |   /     |   _ /  \

   cG\________\\___\_________\/ /__________|_____|____|_________|___\_____\

               \/                 _______      ____|      _____.    _______

                                  \   __/____._\   |_ ___.  ___|___|      /

                                   \______   |_    _//   |   /     |   __/


     "I believe that with acid, that we've discovered a new way to think."


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. o9 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Insanitary                 holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Cluster/Insane (hey man,        thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _      let's visit GOA together!:))    Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


|____ __     _______      ________     |____ ____._  _____________ _____

|   /   \  __\     /  ____\       \ ___|   /    __/__\     _.    /_.   /___.

|   |    \)     __/___\            \)      |     |          |_  /  |_ /    |

cG__|___\___________    __________\________|_____|\_________|\______/____wL!


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 1o ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                         "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Genetic Waste              holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Marwic / DAT ++++               thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     ______     ______      ____        _____      ______._  __ _______

    /  ___/______  __/_.___|    \ _____|  __/_.___|     __/   //   ___/___|

   /   /___    ./   ___|         \)        ___|          |    |    Y      |


                     _____.   ______.______    _______.______      .

           ________/\     |___)     |     /   |      __/  __/_.____|

           \      /  \    |         |  __/____|       |    ___|    |

            \_____________|\________|________     ____|____________|wL!


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 11 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Dial Hard                  holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Fury / PSG etc.. :)             thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


       _______    ______   __________.

     ._\      \__|     /___)         | ____.

     |           \     |             |/    |    info info info info etc



                         _____|     |   ___________________ _______

     your info          |     |     |___)          _.     /_\      \__

                        |     .     |               |_   /_           \


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 12 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Zillion Hours              holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Traitor                         thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


             _________ __ __.      ___.        __      _____

             \       /  /   | ____.   | ____.   /_____|     \ _________.

       _______\__   /   |   |/    |   |/    |   |     |      \)        |

       \      _____/____|___/_____|___/_____|___|_____|_____\__________|

      cG\______\      ._____.

                ._____|     |        ____.      _ _________ _____

                |     |     |______./    |______   _.     /     /

                |     .     |      |     |    ./    |_   /_  __/________

                |_____|-----'_ ____|__________|_____|\____/______      /


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 13 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Metal Impact               holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: -TCB!- / bK! ^ QTX              thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _      (Bon soir friend)               Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


  .______   __________        _______._  ______.____.

  |      \ /       __/_._____|      __/__)     |    | _____.

  |       Y         ___|     |       |         |    |/     |


                ______ ____   ____._________ ______. _______     _______._

               |     /     \ /    |        /_)     |/   ___/____|      __/

               |     |      Y     |   _.__/        |    Y       |       |

               |_____|_____\_/____|____¡ \_________|____________|_______|wL!

             _______    ____.         ____   ____.

 ______  ___|   ___/___.\   |_ ___.___\_  \ |    |

|      \/        /     |_   _//   |        \|    |____

|_____\__/_____________|/_________|\________\ _______/


                     |___.              _______ ____    ___.     ____.

                     |   |_____  ______|      /_\_  \  /  _|____.\   |_ ___.

                     |   |     \/           _/       \/         |_   _//   |



          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 14 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Digital Traders            holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Mr.A + Hando                    thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


  _______ |___. _____|  |___. ____|          ____  ____|

 \\      \|   |/  ___|__|   |_\   |_ ____.___\_  \|    |

 /\\      \   |   \     \   |_    _//    |        \    |______

/__________\ _|________ _\ _|/___________|\________\_________/wL!

         ____|        _ ____/    ____   ________ ___\/     _______/_____

        _\   |_ ____.   _  /_____\_  \ \\       \  ___|___|   _  /_  __/____.

        _    _//    |   _ /  \        \/\\       \  /         _ /  \_____   |

      cG/___________|___\_____\________\__________\___________\_____\   (___|


"The way I feel, I don't expect to go to sleep for a year. I'm on FUCKING FIRE!"


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 15 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Terra Firma                holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Psyche                          thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     _____|      ______      _ _____/ _______/    ____

    _\    |_ ____.  ___|___|    _  /_    _  /_____\_  \

    _     _//    |   /     |    _ /  \   _ /  \        \

  cG/____________|_________|____\_____\ _\_____\________\ _

                            _____|_ _._______/           \/wL!  ____

                           |   ____| |   _  /_ _______  ________\_  \

                           |    _/   |   _ /  \       \/             \

                           |____|____|___\_____\ ____\__/_____________\ _


     _________._ ____        ____________ ___________   _______.

    |        __/  __/_.____|     _.     /    _.     /___)      |

    |         |    ___|           |_   /_     |_   /_          |


                      _____________ __ ___________ ____   ______.   ______.

                      \       ____/  /    _.     /     \ /      |___)     |

                      |      __/     |     |_   /_      Y                 |

                      |_______| _____|_____|\____/_____\_/______\________wL!

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 16 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Boone                      holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Boone                           thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


              ________      ._______.____          ______

             |   _   /._____|.      |    \ _______|   __/_._____|

             |   /   \|      |______|     \)           ___|     |

           cG|________\ _____|     _ ____\______________________|wL!

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 17 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Schindler                  holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Boone                           thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\



________   ______  ____|    | _____      _____   ___.     _____    _________

\      /  /  ___/_|    |    |   /  \ ____\    \__   | ____. __/_._|  _.    /

 \  __/__/   Y         .    |   |   \)           \  |/    |  ___|     |_  /_

cG\_____    ___________|----'___|__\_____ ________\_/_____|___________|\___/


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 18 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Rooster                    holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Rooster                         thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\



        ._______/____\    /_____     ____|     _ _____.     _______/

        |   _  /_    /\  /   __/____.\   |_ ___.  ____|____|   _  /_

        |   _ /  \  /  \/ \______   |    _//   |   /       |   _ /  \

      cG|___\_____\/ wL! - ---- (___|__________|___________|___\_____\

   ____________   .________.______      ________._____        _____________

  |    _.     /___|_.      |     /     |       __/ __/_._____|     _.     /

  |     |_   /_     |______|  __/______|        |   ___|            |_   /_

cG|_____|\____/_____|      \______        ______|___________________|\____/wL!


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 19 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Sunshine Productions       holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Rooster                         thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


        _________            _____.        _ __________

        \       /           /     |__________          \ ____________.

         \   __/___________/      |        ./           \)           |

        cG\______            ______________|___________\_____________|



   _________        ._______|       |_____ ____            ________

   \       /        |       |       |    /     \ _________|     __/_.______|

    \   __/_________|__     .       |    |      \)               ___|      |

     \______          /_____|-------'____|_____\___________________________|

  ___ ___ /__________/______________/_____________        _____. ____.

  \\_  __\            \      /  _  /_\    /\      \______|     |/  __|__|

       \\___ _ _ _ __ |    _/   _ /  \\  //\\      \     |     |        |


      ___ __               ____|     |___._____           _______

          //              _\   |_ ___|   |    /____ ______\   __/____.

         //______ _ __ _  _    _//   |   |\  /     \       \______   |

                          /__________|___| \/_____\_________|    (___|wL!

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 20 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Swoop                      holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Swoop / Rebels                  thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


         _________                 ______.     ._________.___________

         \       /       ________/\      |_____|_.       |          /

          \   __/________\___   /  \     |       |_______|    _.___/

           \______          /____________|_______|       |_____¡


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 21 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Rebels                     holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Swoop / Rebels                  thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


_____________ _____        _________ _____      _ ____.       ______

\    _.     /   __/_._____|    _   /   __/_._____|    | _____.     /

|     |_   /_   ____|     |    (   \   ____|     |    |/     |  __/__________

|_____|\____/_____________|_________\ ___________|____/______|_____         /


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 22 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Mystic, style, abuse, tbl  holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Zeus / MST                      thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


  _____   _____.     _ ____      _______      ________._  __ _______

 |     \ /     |_____.    /_____.      /     |       __/   //   ___/______|

 |      Y            |_  /      |   __/______|        |    |    Y         |

 |_____\_/____________/_________|______         ______|____|______________|


_________      _______._    _ ____      ____.      _ _____            ·.

\       /   cG|      __/____.    /_____.    | _____.   __/_._____|    ° _ _

 \   __/______|       |     |_  /      |    |/     |    ___|     | ___·o\

  \______         ____|______/_________|____/______|_____________|   \\__\

       /_________/      ______._______  ____.      _____     ________

  __          __ _ _____)     |   _  / /    |_______   /     \    __/_.____|

  //____ °o  /___  \          |   (   \     |     ./ _/______|     ___|    |

       /___ _ _//   \_________|________\ _________|_____         __________|

                                                _ __  /_________/

   _._ . _:    .__________._ ________ _____.       \\_ __ _      wL!

  (_||\|(_|    |         __/   _    /      | ______. __\\         _____

               |          |    (     \     |/      | \     _______\\ __\

               |__________|___________\____/_______|   _ __\\    _  _\\

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 23 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Illimitable Warez          holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Danster                         thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


  __  _.    ___.      __ __   ___. __ ____._ ____._____ ___.    ______

   /   | ___.  | ___.  /   \ /   |  /    __/_)   |  _ /    | ___.  __/_.___|

|  |   |/   |  |/   |  |    Y    |  |     |      |  (  \   |/   |   ___|   |

cG_|___/____|__/____|__|___\_/___|__|_____|\_____|______\ _/____|__________|

                 ______.   _______. _____________ _____       ________

        ______ /\      |___)      |      _.     /   __/_.____|\      /

        \     /  \                        |_   /_    ___|    |_\__  /

         \_____________\__________________|\____/_________     ____/


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 24 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Wanted Team (File_id)      holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Wanted Team                     thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


      w  a  n  t  e  d     t  e  a  m

           ________.___________. _

 ________/\        |           __/cracked on

 \      /  \                    |

cG\___________________________wL!  xx/xx -9x

          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 25 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Data Division (File_id*2)  holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Data Division                   thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


  ________        _______._________._

._\       \_______)      |        __/  the

|            \                     |  data!

cG____________\__________________wL! divison

  _____     ______._____._  ______.

._\    \____)     |    __/__)     |

|         \       |     |         |


 ____    __  ._____ __ ____  __   ___

.\   \_|  /__|    /  /    /|  /___.  \ ____.

|      \  |  |   /_  | __/_|  |   |   \)   |

|_______\_|_______/__|____   _|___|__\_____|


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 26 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Discustin'                 holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: Wraith                          thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     ______    _____ _____     _______     ____.

   |_\     \__|    /     /    /   ___/___|/    |______

   |          \    |  __/____/    Y      |     |    ./

 cG|___________\___|_______      ________|__________|

                        /_______/_____   ______._  __ ___            _ /

                             \       /  |     __/   /    \ ________| \/

                              \   __/___|      |    |     \)       |

                               \______     ____|____|____\_________|


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 27 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Royal, Whale and Contra    holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: sLiME!                          thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


         .____________ _____.    _____          ______.____.

         |    _.     /      |____.   /_____.____)     |    | _____.

         |     |_   /_ _____|    |_ /      |          |    |/     | __

         |_____|\____/   cG|______/________|\_________|____/______| \/


                       ______._____|     |   _____.___.     ______

              _______/\      |     |     |___)    |   | ____.  __/_._____|

              \     /  \     |     .     |        |   |/    |   ___|     |

 __ __ _\      \_____________|_____|-----'\_______|___/_____|____________|

 (_\\ \\_\ ________          _ ____          _______________   ______.

          /    ___/____|_____.     \ _______|      _.      /___)     |

         /     Y       |     |      \)              |_    /_         |


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 28 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Slime                      holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: sLiME!                          thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\

  __________         _____.          __ _____   ______________

  \        /        |     | _____.    /      \ /           __/_._____|

   \    __/_________|     |/     |    |       Y             ___|     |

    \______           ____/______|____|______\__/____________________|wL!


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 29 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: Classic^Quartex (+file_id) holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: tALON!                          thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


     _______    ____           _____.______  _________    __ __ _______

    /   ___/___|    | ____.____)    |     /  \       /   |    //   ___/____|

   /    Y           |/    |   _     |  __/____\   __/____|    |    Y       |

cG/_________________/_____|\________|_____       ____       __|____________|

  _ __ _\                              /_______/  /_______/

 (_\\ \\_\  ____.          _____.  __________ _____._ ____     ______.______

 ._______. /    |__________)    |    _.     /     __/  __/_.___\     |     /

 |     __|/     |    ./   _     |     |_   /_      |    ___|              /


   _____  ___       ____

--/  __/_|   | ___.    /------c L A S S i C-

 /   Y       |/   | __/______

cG___________/____|____     /_ ___._ _._____

                     /      .    __/  |    /

    q U A R T E x    |    __|     |       /


          __                                                       __

          \ \ ____ ________ _                    _ _________ ____ / /

._\______/\\_\_____________\\\ L O G O · nO. 30 ///______________/_//\______/_.

¦ \\                                                                       // ¦

|                                       "Grattitude to the Great Sky who      |

|   ENTiTLED: oASiS (COURiERS)           holds billions of stars and goes yet |

¦                                        beyond that beyond all powers and    ¦

:   fOR: The guys.. :)                   thoughts and yet is within us.       :

· _                                      Grandfather space. The mind is the _ ·

:-\\                                     Sun. So be it."  - Mohawk Prayer  //-:

   /------ - -------------------------- ---/\--------- -- - ------------- -\


                         ______._______         __ ______

          .________._____)     |      /          /      /

          |    _   |    _      |   __/______|    |   __/____________

        cG|________|\__________|\_____          _|\_____           /

                                    /__________/      /___________/

                                             _  _      _ .  _  _  _

                                            (_ (_) |_) ) | (/_ ) `-.

" Things have a thousand different shapes. Mixed up and dragged along in a

never ending flux, living things defy all imitation. IS THERE SUCH THING AS

CHAOS which is not part of a wonderous order. "        ÷ Lu-Chi ÷

I Give My BEST To all the deserving Ascii-Artists doing these puny activities.

And They are..

Nah, I'll just forget someone and there would be sad sceners all over the

world.. eh.. atleast, I pretend to be precious! :)

bLAH BLAh bLaH bLAh blah blah blah... . blah,.. . the end

Please  DO  support  my  upcomming  revelation, " artificial flavours ".  To be

released  somewhere,  somehow  and  sometime in the future.  All I need is some

request,  which  can  be  made either on the IRC (Channels such as #amielite or

others..) or on the following boards...

     a n o t h e r   s t e p   + 4 6 ( 0 ) 2 1  d  o  w  n   [ fatal/e^d ]

  f u t u r e   e n t r a n c e   + 4 6 ( 0 ) 6 0 5 7 4 4 6 7   [ vital/tfa ]

    s t a g e   d i v e   + 4 6 ( 0 ) 1 6 1 2 8 0 4 7   [ nurgle/obscene! ]

     f i n a l   i m p a c t   + 4 6 ( 0 ) I can't do that   [ U-Man/aL! ]

                                                                   ...and so on



            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-


 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/

 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_

  /   / ¯¯/  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   / ¯¯/  _/   /

 /___     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \

 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \

   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /

  /          \                    /          \                    /





          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]



         rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB


                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--

          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

 +31-(O)-548-54O-653   +31-(O)-548-521-716/521-848          +tEL-NET

   -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-           -[ 28k8 dUALS ]-       -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: qla              ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 01 ]]-]

     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 06:09:26, 06-02-1996 ]]-]


____ __________ __________   ______ __________________________ __________ ___

   __\____ _  /     ___   \__\     \    __       /   ________/     __    \

  /     _/  \/   ___|_\    \  \     \   \/______/______/_______ ___|\_    \_

 /      \     \ \\_________/ /_\     \   \/        \\         / \    /     /

mR!___________/_____|  \_____\\______/_______________________//_\\________m'S

_ _________________ _____________ ______     _____________ ________________ _

                   _\    ___     /     /____ \     _      \

        s P A C E /      _/     /     /     \     \\       \ D   O U t

                 /      \\__   /     /_\     \      \______/

_ _______________\_____________\______//_____/_______| ____________________ _

vvvvvvvvvv tHiS bBS hAD iT lONG bEFORE aLL tHE BoARDs lISTED bELOW vvvvvvvvvv