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File size:
139 722 bytes (136.45K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 466


          .                                      .
    _____/|_                   _______/\         :.
    \ _   | \---.____/\____    \_    /  \________:_____/\  -poyZ!
- - -\/  \|   _  \ __   __/-.   (____    \   _  \_   _   \________/\
     (____|   \   \//  __/   \_    \____/_) _    |   \   _\__   _   \
        /______)  /__________ /       _/    /    |____)     /   /    \
          :   \________/    \/        \_\  /-----'   \____ /__________)
          .                              \/              \/

 * Two Nodes Dial-UP at 33k6/64k-ISDN -+- Four Nodes 24/7 Telnet at 64k-ISDN *

 [-ahs/dtr/a!/asl/bs! WHQs ··· lfc/bk/ryl/lp!/hts/up!/soia/mvp/tql/1oo/ GHQs-]
 [-0d Amiga/Ascii/Gbc/Ngpc/N64 · Snes/Dc/Psx/Ps2/Mp3/Classics/Graffiti/Linux-]

   -+- Zaner/Lightforce -+- Dipswitch/DualCrew-Shining -+- Ninja/Paradox -+-
       -+- Darkus/Haujobb -+- Hash/Panzerknacker -+- Mool/Aeroholics -+-

_|    |_ ______ ______ /\_ ____________ __
\_    _//      \\   _//
 |                 /     tHE aSCII cHARTs
 |_________/\__________ _________________
 |(                                     /_.
 |/       tAC iSSUE mARCH/aPRiL 2k        |
 |__                                    __|

                         .                     ....
                         _       _             :  :  ....  _  ·  _
            __ _      - (_) -   (_) o          :  :  :  :   \ | /
           _\ __   __    .    __   .__ __ _   _:__:__:  :   .....
      ________) \_/ (______ _/ _)__|_((_((_\_/_))_))_|__:   : . :  _
     _)    _     /__._    (_)  \                       /:   :   : _\....    .
     \_   _)   __   l/    __    · __       _:_       _/ :   :   :   :  :  . . .
 <- --/___\____\/___/_____\/______\/_______\:/_______\- :-> :   :   :  :    .
                   /                     .  :  .  .  :  :   :   :   :  :    :
           aBHO   /   ·   __     _    . ... :. :. :. :. : . : . : . :. : .. : .
  __________ __ _/_   _\_/ (___  /_      .  :  ___:__:  :   :._ :_  :  :    :
 .)           __/ _)____\  ._ (______     __: _) ._ (__ . __:|// (_____:_   :
 |           _)   \      \ l/       /_____) \_\  l/  _/___) \_ \___._   (_  :
 | · aSCii   \_    ·  _____/_     _/   _     __.__\     _     )    l/   _/  :·
 |            /_______\   /_______\   _)   _/  :/____.__)    _\____/.___\ _ /
 |_   cHARtS ·                   /____\____\:  :  .  :/_____.__\.   :   \//:
 :/_________________________________________:__:__:__:__.___:___:___:__:_ /_:_
 ·                                          :..:  :  :  :...:   :   :  : · .:
            iSSUE mARCH/aPRiL 2k                  :..:          :...:

          _______ ______ __ _|    |_ _____ _______ __  ______ ______
        __\_    //_    /(__))_    _//  _  \\_    /(__)/      \\    /
      _/   /___/  /   /|    .|    |    /   _/   /.                /_
    _\\_______________\|    ||____|________\_____|    ___/\________//_

    Hello ascii lovers worldwide !

    I am really sorry for the big delay, but the weather here is so
    lazy, so I am...;) But hey, here you go now !  Be ready to get
    the hottest news from March/April !

    TAC is avaible on Internet now from two places: on WWW.THUGLIFE.ORG
    they have all TAC issues for download, and also all TAC interviews
    are avaible separately. There will also be a TAC section on
    WWW.1OO-PERCENT.DE in next future.  Some day there will be for sure
    a pure TAC page.

    TAC's new email for letters, suggestions etc. is ASCIICHARTS@GMX.DE.
    Please don't use the old one. Please dont use my old personal emails
    as well, but use DIPSWITCH@GMX.DE !

    We still need a new logoset !  If you have the time and the skills,
    please do following logos: EDITORIAL, NEWS, LETTERS, REVIEWS,
    no single logos but just all, because we don't want to use several
    different looking logos.

    This issue inholds an absolutely new feature: the "Most Popular Guest"
    charts. It shows who have had the most intensive guest apperience
    rate in '2k till now. It shows, imho, how popular an artist really
    is nowadays, and, besides voting, it's the most true way to find it out,
    because the so-called "Respect" lists in collies are without value
    nowadays. Even more people put just their friend in them, but not
    the most skilled people.

    Have fun !

    Dipswitch (main editor)

                     ____.                         _
                ___ |    |  ____         ________ / \__
              _\\_ \|    |_\\ _/___  ____\      //   _//__
            _/    \ \    |    ____/_/    ()     _\____    \_
 __         \      \ \_  |    \/                     /     /                __
-\//---------\      \    | _        _          _ _        /----------------\\/-
              \\____|\___|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/nD!

    Following things happened in ascii scene from 1.3. untill 30.4.2000:

    · NasOne (Mimic) joined Aerosol.

    · Dwarf left Impure and Hazmat and joined Mimic.

    · Acid Slam BBS (op: Digiman/TRSi) became the new German HQ of Aerosol.

    · Bull and Noches joined Link 124.

    · Far and X-Ball are the new official leaders of Sative Mea, after
      Azzaro quitted it for Link 124.

    · According to the Inhale memberlisting in IH-MACGY.TXT Flower
      (ex-Cyberkid/KTS) joined them.

    · Dartagnan took over the leadership of Twisted.

    · Dartagnan joined Mimic aswell.

    · At Mekka'Symposium 2k there was a meeting between Dipswitch/DTR
      and Azzaro/L124. They boozed together alot %) and of course made
      peace on their old quarrels concerning TAC. Azzaro, hope to see
      you on Evoke'2k !!!

    · Szwagier was kicked out of Killkrazed.

    · The Amiga/Ascii/Cnet group 1oo% has an own homepage now under the
      url WWW.1OO-PERCENT.DE

    · And, last not least, on 6.5.2000 Dartagnan/Twisted became father.
      According to a topic on #ascii/ircnet his child is called Dade, and
      her measures at time of birth were 9'12 & 1/2 pounds. Best wishes,
      Dtn !  Another ascii daddy after H2o and Crazy... Maybe some more
      asciiers will become daddies in next future ? Who knows...

    ____.        ____   .________   ________.   ____      ______     _____
   _\   |      _\\ _/__ |       /_:_\       | _\\ _/__  _\\___  \_  /   _//__
 _/   __|_____/    ___/_|______/  :  \______:/   ____/_|   _    _/._\____    \_
 \    \            \    |    /    :    \    |    \     :   \     \|     /     /
--\    \/     _         |   /     :     \   |_         _    \     \          /-
   \_____    / \_______/'  /_____/:\_____\  ` \_______/nD--- \     \\_______/
         \__/                     :                           \____/

      Here's one quote from Azzaro's colly L124-DRH.TXT about my comment
      on his coop with KRS:

> i just take a deeper look at new reborned "the ascii charts" and
> want to say - it`s great. those fixed tabels and point rules make
> whole charts more clearly imho. answering your words, dipswitch - yes, me
> and krs want to see what other people can do with our letters - it`s more
> funny to see the  different points of view how to design a whole logo
> just from base letters.  and please belive in those guys - there are not
> only lamers who want to fucks up whole logo and design. it`s also something
> new and fresh and try to release a collection like that both of us are fully
> sattisfied by giving people some fun in those hard days..
> also congratulations & best wishes about working hard on "t.a.c."
> series again.

      ______     ______      _______. \  _/   ______      _______.  _____
   __\\__   \_ _\\  __/_ .___\      |__\___._\\  __/_ .__\\      | /   _//__
 _/    _/   _/     ____/_|    \     |      |    ____/_|    \     |_\___     \_
 \     \     \     \     `     \   _|      |    \     `    /\         /      /
--\     \     \ _        /\       / | _    | _        /\         __         /--
   `---- \     \\_______/  \_____/  `-\____|-\_______/  \__/\___/  \_______/nD!

                    eXPLANATiON oF tHE pOiNT sYSTEM
                    - --------------------------- -

     · There are two charts going on parallel: the Quantity Charts and
       the Quality Charts.

     · Any appierence of a group in form of a file counts 1 (one) point
       in the Quantity Charts.

     · A novelty is the Quality point system. A colly can get maximal 40
               · 1 to 10 points for logo style
               · 1 to 10 points for logo design
               · 1 to 10 points for colly outlook

               · Innovation Bonus (5 points)
               · English-Text Bonus: Min. ca. 1/2 of the colly text
                 is written in English (5 points)

               · File_id.Diz Error Nuke: File_id.Diz is whether too
                 wide (over 44 chars) or wrong declared (-5 points)
               · Serious Rip Nuke: If it can be 100%-ly prooved that
                 the artist rips letters or design elements of someone
                 else's work, the whole quality points will be set to

                                 - ------ -

               · Every rating and comment is the individual opinion of
                 the reviewer. No TAC staff member can be
                 made responsible for other staff members' opinion.

- -------------------------« rEViEWS uPDATE 01/2k »-------------------------- -

| "Precision"                                                           |
   ________     ______ ________             | oxg-prc.txt  | 08.01.2000 |
 __|      /_ ___|_   / \      |_            +--------------+------------+
 |   ___   /_|_  |  /__/_  ___|/___         |        Hazh/Oxygen        |
 |    |/   \            |  |      /:::::::: +------+----------+---------+
 |__________\____|      |__       \      :: | #08  | 30 logos |   hz!   |
       ..     ((-|______|-|________\-))  :: +------+----------+---------+-----+
       ::                                :: | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
       ::          Oxygen presents       :: | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
       ::--------------------------------:: | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
       ::         " Precision "          :: |                                 |
       ::      Azkee colyy by Hazh       :: |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
    hhs::                                :: | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
   'lot:::::[08/01/00]::::::::::::::::::::: | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| An absolutely non-necessary and boring    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| colly. Crappy letters and an absolutely   |      (no points given)          |
| under-standart, messy colly "design".     |                                 |
| Nothing more to say.                      | Total Points:  3 of 40          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
|                                                                             |
| _ ___-==-______-====-______-====-______-====-______-====-______-===-___ _   |
|     /_ __\    /___ _(______)__ __\    /___ __\  | /___ __\    /___ _\       |
|      //x      7  //x         //x    7    //x    |    //x   __7   //         |
| _ ___\\__________\\__________\\__________\\__|_______\\__________\\___ _  _ |
|·}-================================================================[hz!]=-{· |

| "GramofonoHazhoLagoHolic"                                             |
 ______            ______                   | soc-ghlh.txt | 21.01.2000 |
.)  __/_ _______  _\__  /                   +--------------+------------+
|      /.)  __ /_.)  __/_.                  |         Hazh/SOC          |
|____  _Y    /   Y  /    |                  +------+----------+---------+
 /_____\|________|_______|                  | #09  | 26 logos |   hz!   |
 Soc rozpierdala z nowâ                     +------+----------+---------+-----+
     ascii kolekcjâ                         | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
"GramofonoHaszoLagoHolik"                   | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
  tym razem by Hazh!                        | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
|_ __                 __ _|                 |                                 |
 //21.01.2k          hz!\\                  |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Not much to say bout this one. The letter | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| style is even more unstable and crappy    |      (no points given)          |
| as in the colly before... No logo design  |                                 |
| at all...                                 | Total Points:  2 of 40          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
|                                                                             |
|   ____                                                                      |
|  .)  /__ _______  ______   ______   _______                                 |
|._|____ (.) __  /_.)     \ .)  __/__.)  __ /_                                |
||     /  Y /_     Y   ___/_|   \_ __Y    /   |                               |
||________|___|____|____|___Y______\ |________|hz!                            |
|                                                                             |

| "Wild piece of life"                                                  |
   __________  _______     __________       | sea-wpol.txt | 29.01.2000 |
 ._\   _____/__\   __/__ __\       _/__.    +--------------+------------+
 |  \____       \   ___/_      __      |    |     X-Ball/Sative Mea     |
 |       \/        /    \      _/      |    +------+----------+---------+
 |__         _____/      \_____|     __|    | #09  | 41 logos |  -×ßL   |
.-/__________\---/________\----|_____\--.   +------+----------+---------+-----+
|WICKED KNIGHTS OF SMALL LINES-SATIVEMEA|   | Logo Style   [xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
|=======================================|   | Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
|WERiDPiECEOFLiVE bad mastaseakruu back |   | Colly Outlook[xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
|with this in the year of the sun child |   |                                 |
|nextrelease.nextchill.anotherexperience|   |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
|      nextyearofourdomination..        |   | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
|  s a t | v e  m E a -2k- a t a k k !  |   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
|                                       |   |                                 |
`-az0!/sea---------------[29/JAN/00]----'   | [.] Plain Textfile              |
+-------------------------------------------+      (no points given)          |
| Very nice colly from the polish ascii     |                                 |
| master X-Ball !  He could be someone from | Total Points: 18 of 40          |
| whome the whole polish ascii scene could  +---------------------------------+
| learn, when it comes to letters. I think, |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| if he had internet connection and stuff,  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| it would be no problem for him to join any+---------------------------------+
| western ascii crew. His only problem, which I have noticed in nearly every  |
| colly, is: he always fucks up while doing the file_id for the colly. Either |
| it is to wide, or, as in this case, it is false declared. X-Ball, please    |
| understand: for a mailswapper it might be equal if a textfile has a built-  |
| in file_id or not, for the bbs scene it is VERY important so that infor-    |
| mation about your colly can be displayed in the filelister of a BBS. Please |
| think about it next time !                                                  |
|                                                                             |
|                                                       ·                     |
|                |                                      ¦   .                 |
|                |    ·       __________..___           |   ,   .__           |
|                +    |       «         ||   \  _____ __l_  | __l  \,         |
|                ·    ¡       |_         |_ \ \/    ]/ __/  |/ _/   |         |
|    Mad Wizards In Millenium  /_____ · _//__\  /   [  \l   _  \l  _l_  _     |
|   _______ _    ·                    ¦       \/----\______//______\__\\\     |
|  |        .__  ¦    I_____  .___    |   · _____    .__  ____ _ ____ ______  |
|  ·    -×ßL|  /\l    |7___/__[_  \ __l_  |/___ /_ __l  \/  _/__            \ |
|  |_       [ /  \    |    /  ____// __/  |   /  ]/ _/   \_____ \ s3a~        |
|   /_____)\|__/\_\   |___[   \l\    \l   ].  \___  \l  _|  /l/  ] _  _     _ |
| - ---- ------- l___/---- \_____\\_______/l___\ [______\  /____//_\--/_____\ |
|                                                                             |

- -------------------------« rEViEWS uPDATE 02/2k »-------------------------- -

| "7kroków"                                                             |
  __   _______/\______ _        __          | soc-7kw.txt  | 08.02.2000 |
 _\/___\\_____\/______//________\/_         +--------------+------------+
 \/\/_____   _________   ______\/\/         |         Hazh/SOC          |
__\   ___/_ _\   __  /_ _\   ____/__        +------+----------+---------+
l_____     Y    l_/    Y___ l_/    |        | #10  | 40 logos |   hz!   |
| /_l/_____l___________l_ /________|        +------+----------+---------+-----+
SoC Ascii Section'99____//_______sql        | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
 next ascii colly "7kroków"                 | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
                                            | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
              by hazh                       |                                 |
________\08.02.2k\__________________        |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
/////                          \\\\\        | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| All the same as in the collies before...  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| Just the file_id was wrong declared, so   |      (no points given)          |
| in reality it would be even -3 points =)  |                                 |
|                                           | Total Points:  0 of 40          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
|   ____ ______ ________ ______   ______   ______   ______   ______ __        |
| __\  __\___ /_  __   __\  __/___\    /___\ ___/___\  __/___\ ___/  /__      |
|(    |°_____ ¬| |__| |° |  ___|° ¬\__/¬|° ¬ |  ¬|° ¬ ____|_____° ¬|    )     |
| \__ |____|___| ____ |_____\  |________|________|________|________|hz!/      |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |

| "Hang on the mashine"                                                 |
            ________  _________    ______   | l124-hng.txt | 23.02.2000 |
 _____       |     / /     |   \||/     | | +--------------+------------+
_\   /_______|    /|  _____|____||      | | |      Azzaro/Link124       |
| \        / |     ||/   \       |      | | +------+----------+---------+
|_____    /__|     ||     \    _ |______|_|_| #73  | 67 logos |az0!/l124|
.--------------------------------az0!/l124-.| Logo Style   [xxxx......] 04/10 |
|M I N I M A L  S E R\/I C E  C O M P A N Y|| Logo Design  [xxxx......] 04/10 |
|LINK124DESIGN ASCIIARTWORKS FOR THE MASSES|| Colly Outlook[xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
|HANG ON THE MACHINE........AZZARO IN STORM||                                 |
`[2000-feb-23]-----------------------------'|   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Another Azzaro production... And a quite  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| positive imho. The design is not that     |      (no points given)          |
| chaotic, the language is english, the     |                                 |
| file_id has the right size and is decla-  | Total Points: 18 of 40          |
| red correctly - whatcha want more ? =)    +---------------------------------+
| The logo style is like in the last Azz-   |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| aro colly (the coop with Krs). As I wrote |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| earlier, some letters I like, some I do   +---------------------------------+
| not: in the example logo I really like the "K" and the "Y", but I absolutely|
| dislike the "E" and the "P". Buzt well, it's just my humble opinion, so just|
| do enjoy this colly or do not.                                              |
|               \                                             .               |
|                ·\   ____  __                            . ..: .             |
|                 \·\ \  /__ /                         ...: : : :....         |
|      . .. .......\\· \/ \//...........................: :.: :.: :           |
|       _____ _____ ______     _____        _________________     ·           |
|      _\   //    /_\  __/___ _\    \  _____\     ___ /\     \_____           |
|      | \ _/  __/   \ \____/__ \    \/_           \//--\____ \   /           |
|      |___\    \ _______     /____   /  ____  \____________/    /|           |
|      -----\____\------/_____|----\_/___\--/___\----------/_____\-           |
|      ·   ...           \\\                              az0!/l124           |
|      :   : :.......//\  ·\\                                                 |
|      :.. :        / ¯¯/\ \·\  K E M P Y . M O O N S + V E E Z Y A           |
|        :.:        ¯¯ /  \  \·                                               |
|                      ¯¯¯¯    \                                              |

| "Zero koncepcji"                                                      |
   _____                                    | soc-0kon.txt | 23.02.2000 |
 __\ ___)_______      ______       ___      +--------------+------------+
Y  )\___       /__ __l     /___ __l   )/___ |Jonzon/SOC&Hazh/SOC&Sqlim/SOC
l_____ /         (_)    __    (_)   __/(   Y+------+----------+---------+
tG!.k0/(_______________ (/    ________     _| #--  | 34 logos |'jnz hz! sql
                      /________)     (_____l+------+----------+---------+-----+
    symptoms of czarnobyl prezents ascii    | Logo Style   [xx........] 02/10 |
             collection called:             | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
              'zero koncepcji'              | Colly Outlook[xx........] 02/10 |
                               _______ ___ _|                                 |
___                           /             |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
   \\_______________________//  [ 23.o2.oo ]| English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Zero Koncepcji - Zero Concept... The name | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| says it all... But who cares - let's talk |      (no points given)          |
| about the styles of the three guys. The   |                                 |
| less unskilled is imho Sqlim. His letters | Total Points:  5 of 40          |
| have a system, but they are just too      +---------------------------------+
| simple perhaps. Jonzon's "skills" are     |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| just ridisulous, everyone could do better.|          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| Hazh's style is too chaotic.              +---------------------------------+
|    _________    ___  ___     _____     ________   _________     ____  ___   |
|  _(   __   /_ _(   \/   )_ _(____/_ __(       /_ _\   __   )_ _(    \/  /_  |
| Y     \/    _Y_   \  /    Y       _Y_     ___/__Y_    \/     Y    \  \    Y |
| `------\____) (___/\/`----'---/___) (_____\--'   (____/------'----'\____sql |
|    - -- --- =======================================================AMIFAN=  |
|                                                                             |
|                         _____________  ___________                          |
|                        / ___________ \/ ________ /                          |
|                       /  ___  ___  ___  ___      \                          |
|                      /  _\  /_\_ /_\_ /_\  /_     \                         |
|                      \  \     \ _ /  _ \     \'jns \                        |
|                       \  \_\__/__/ \__\ \_\__/\    /                        |
|                        \                      /\  /                         |
|                        /\ ____  _________  _ /  \/                          |
|                          \____/\_________/\_/                               |
|                                                                             |
| __  _ _ _ .___________             ___ _ _ _ _ _          ________________  |
|   \ \     |         //___._ _ ___ /            /_ _ _ _  /_______           |
|    \ \_   |              |      //_________            /_ _ _ _ /____       |
|   __\  ___l____     _____l__ __/ ________ /___________     ________ /_      |
| __\   _\      /_   _\      /_   _\      /_   _\      /_   _\      /_ /____  |
| _   __\____    /___\ ___    /___\      / /___\  ______/___\   ___  /__   _  |
| ×| |      /             \__           / 7       \               /     | |×  |
| _| |__   /      ___   _____\ ___      _______    \___  ___     /    __| |_  |
|      /__________\ /__________\ /_____|____\ /__________\ /__________\hz!    |
| ___       |              |  _______ ____  ________       _________________  |
|   /_ _ _ _]           _ _) |     ______/ /_____  /      /____               |
|           |    Jargo     | |____/     _______ / 6_ _ _ _ _  /_____________  |
| _______   |_____         þ___________/___   //____ _         _____________  |
|       /__ _ _ _/___________________________/       /________/               |

- ----------------------------«  rEViEWS 03/2k  »---------------------------- -

| "Stand"                                                               |
    ________       _______  _____           | soc-stnd.txt | 02.03.2000 |
____\\  ___|_______\\    /__\\  /_____      +--------------+------------+
\\           |   _   _____|     \    /_     |         Juen/SOC          |
/=====/______|__//___\====|______Y____|     +------+----------+---------+
--------------------------------------.     | #?   | 10 logos | hHS'sOC |
                                      |     +------+----------+---------+-----+
 - -  ( )  -.     __s__T__A__N__D__   |     | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
            |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   |     | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
juen.'soc (-'     o2  .  o3  .  2k!   |     | Colly Outlook[..........] 00/10 |
--------------------------------------'     |                                 |
hhs'lot                                     |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Another colly that the world don't need.  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| There is absolutely no logo design. The   |      (no points given)          |
| colly outlook is just a pile of non       |                                 |
| english text, and the letter style looks  | Total Points:  1 of 40          |
| if someone took letters from Thung/K0re,  +---------------------------------+
| then took an axe and hacked on them a bit.|    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| Not worth leeching. Btw I coulnt read any |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| single logo, and since there are no       +---------------------------------+
| dividers to tell us what the piles of chars stand for, the whole thing is   |
| pretty useless....                                                          |
|                                            _________ __                     |
| ______ _  ____ __     _____ ____ ____ ____ \       // |__      ___ ______   |
| \_  // /_ \  // |__ __\   //   /_\  //   /            | /____ _\ //     /   |
| _/      /.      | /__     \    \    \    \_         __7     ).   \      \   |
| \        |  ____7   |      \____\    \____/         \ |     ||   )_______(  |
| (           \ |             7         7  _           \|     |        7'hHs  |
| |_____\\_)_  \|     |)__//__\ ________\  /____________\\____|)_______\)sOc  |
|           /______\\_|                                                       |
|                                                                             |

| "Ganja smokers club"                                                  |
                                            | sea-anja.txt | 02.03.2000 |
           ____      . ____      _______ _  +--------------+------------+
         __\  _)_____|/  _/_  __(   _. ///  |     X-Ball/Sative Mea     |
     -×ßL\_________   / ___/_\\_    \l /    +------+----------+---------+
    _  ___ . /  l/   \\ \T      /____\      | #10  | 17 logos |  -×ßL   |
    \\ \___|/_________\__|      \  /______  +------+----------+---------+-----+
 \-------                |_______\          | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
  \ S a t i v e  M e a · p o s s e · m i l  | Logo Design  [xxxx......] 04/10 |
  /        -------------------------------  | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
 /_____ _              "Ganja Smokers Klab  |                                 |
     ----  an ascii collection produced by  |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
            XBALL.SATIVE MEA one more time  | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
         2000MILLENIUMHUGEATAKKKUERWUUUUA!  | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
                                            |                                 |
                                            | [.] Plain Textfile              |
+-------------------------------------------+      (no points given)          |
| Another colly from the great polish artist|                                 |
| but this time it's unluckily not so great | Total Points:  8 of 40          |
| one. The colly design is very chaotic,    +---------------------------------+
| perhaps there's a deeper meening behind it|    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| but I don't understand a word of the      |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| polish text. The logos are also much more +---------------------------------+
| unreadable and chaotic as I am used from X-Ball. A colly on mushrooms ?     |
| Looks like it. Or on polish snuff =)... And, of cource, the file_id.diz is  |
| again over 44 chars wide and undeclared. But that's what we are used from   |
| X-Ball, don't we ? =)                                                       |
|                             .                                               |
|                                                                             |
|                             .                                               |
| · u r a t u j · ._____      |   __                                          |
| ___    _________|_    \.____|_   /___ __|_    .                             |
|) _]____\_      __/     l\     \      / __/_ __|_ -×ßL's3a~                  |
|\____     \    ·\T      |\      \   __  ___/    /_._________  · n a s z a ·  |
|   j/     /     \|     _|    .  /    /  \j       /|   .___  |                |
|   |    _/_      \   __).____|_/     \   l        ·   |  T  | _____|  ______ |
|   |____\\\__________\  |    |________\__________ ¦   |  |  |/     /  ____ /_|
|          ____     ._________       ._ __         |   |  |  |     /|     /   |
|          ) _]_____|_  .___  | _____|   /__ ___   |   |  |  | ________   \___|
|          \_____     \ |  T  |/     /     /    \. |   |__|  |       _ ____\  |
|              j/     / |  |  /     /l    /l     | |_________|                |
|              |    _/  |  |  |                  |_                           |
|              l____\\  |  |  |_____ ______\______/                           |
|                   |   |__|  |                                               |
|                   l_________|  · d u s z e ·                                |
|                                                                             |

| "Androgynous"                                                         |
-¯-----------------¯-                       | sw-andro.txt | 10.03.2000 |
   s p r m w h l e                          |        Spermwhale         |
a n d r o g y n o u s                       | #15  | 9 logos  |   sw.   |
                                            | Logo Style   [xxx.......] 03/10 |
¯-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯-¯                       | Logo Design  [xx........] 02/10 |
+-------------------------------------------+ Colly Outlook[..........] 00/10 |
| Well what  can I say  about  this release |                                 |
| from   Spermwhale? Basically  it   hardly |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
| deserves the title "ascii collection". It | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| contains no design, nine logos and a tiny | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| piece of  text at the  beginning which is |                                 |
| some kind of  respect  list. Not  exactly | [.] Plain Texfile               |
| much to review. Anyway, as  you can see I |      (no points given)          |
| have given  his colly  design a massive 0 |                                 |
| out of 10. Simply down to  the fact there | Total Points: 10 of 40          |
| is  none. Well  his   logos  look  rather +---------------------------------+
| scrappy  and  sometimes quite ugly. A few |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| of  his letters  give  me promise he does |         Darkus/Aerosol          |
| have the talent to  draw good logos or on +---------------------------------+
| the  other  hand, maybe not. There wasnt enough for me  to  get a very good |
| reading of his logo design skills. However  judging on what he did for this |
| collection it seems pretty minimal and unactractive. Well before I cut this |
| review, something he wrote at  the beginning of his text  file which I must |
| point out... "1993-2000 and still kicking" Now  if this piece of text which |
| he  released is a sign of someone "still kicking" I guess I  must have lost |
| the meaning of the word. I dont understand how people can use  there age in |
| the ascii scene as an excuse to release shite.                              |
|         ._ _____________________________________________________ _.         |
|         :/                                                       \:         |
|         |   sz2k1             _._______________.                  |         |
|         |           .__._______|_______________|              .___|___      |
|        _|___.       |  |       .___________________. _________|__    /.     |
|      ./     |_______|  |__     |                   |/           /     |     |
|      |_________          /     |                               /      |     |
|     ._______. /         /      |                              /       |     |
|     |       |/        _/       |                   .         /        |     |
|     |___.___________. \        |                   |\_________.       |     |
|         |           | .        |             __.___|          |___.___|     |
|         |           | |        |               |                  |         |
|         |           |_|________|_______________|                  |         |
|         |_ _                                             sw.   _ _|         |
|         :\_)\_________________________________________________/(_/:         |
|                                                                             |

| "Chaos"                                                               |
        ______ _ _ _______ _ _ _____        | soc-chs.txt  | 12.03.2000 |
 .__  __\o.__/_  ___\oO  / ____\oO / ____.  |--------------+------------+
 |  \ \O \|_  /_ \O . _)(  \o  . _/\ \   |  |         Hazh/SOC          |
 |___\ \__|____ _ \_|____ _ \__|____\ \__|  |------+----------+---------+
 ·        ·         ·hz!/SoC   ·         ·  | #12  | 67 logos |   hz!   |
___.                                  .___  |------+----------+---------+-----+
._ |  Symptoms     Of      Czarnobyl  | _.  | Logo Style   [..........] 00/10 |
|__|          P r e s e n t s         |__|  | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
      New         Ascii      Colly          | Colly Outlook[..........] 00/10 |
                 " Chaos "                  |                                 |
            b                y  it          |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
.__.  H             a z            H  .__.  | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
|_ |                                  | _|  | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
___|        ___________________       |___  |                                 |
____________\\ 12   03  2000 //___________  | [.] Plain Texfile               |
                                            |      (no points given)          |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| There are true ascii gods who brought only| Total Points:  0 of 40          |
| <20 collys out in their life (like Cru-   +---------------------------------+
| sader). There are true ascii gods who, in |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| their best times, brought out >2 collys a |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| MONTH (like 2fast). On the other side,    +---------------------------------+
| there are lamers who bring out 1-2 collies, realise that ascii business is  |
| nothing for them and go on laming elswhere. And finally, the worst ones     |
| there are lamers who release loads of collies and think they're good as     |
| hell but, to say the truth, in their Xth colly they're as badass as in      |
| their newbie debut. Instead of sticking to one style and developing it, they|
| go on trying out something different each month and think they're ultra     |
| fresh. Unfortunately Hazh is one of the last species. In 2000 he brought out|
| 5 collies - what for ?  To show the world 5 styles while not doing at least |
| one of them well ?  Well, I'm tired of that sick shit...                    |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|         ._____ _ _______ _ _______ _ _ ._____ _ ______ _ _  ______          |
|     ____|)oO / __\_._·o/ __\_._·o/ ____|)oO / ___\.·oO\_ ___\oO  /          |
|     \O  |_  /_ \O  |__/_ \O  |__/_ \O  |_  /_ \o  |_   / \ø . _)(           |
|      \__|/___ _ \__|___ _ \__|___ _ \__|/___ _ \__|/__ _ _\_|____\          |
|         ·          ·         ·         ·          · hz!/SoC  ·              |
|                                                                             |

| "KGB?"                                                                |
                                            | soc-kgb?.txt | 13.03.2000 |
 _______ __    ___ ___     ___ _______      |--------------+------------+
_)     //_|____( //  |__ _(  //      |__    |         Juen/SOC          |
l_________    (  ___   )_|  _________7 )_   |------+----------+---------+
|_      |     |_ \_|     |_ \|        __|   | #?   | 14 logos | hHS'sOC |
.)_________\\_|(______\\_|(___________\)    |------+----------+---------+-----+
`---[soc]-----------------------)hHS'sOC    | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
  .---------------------------------.       | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
  |..mY sECOND cOLLY uNDER sOC lABEL|       | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
  |                        _k_G_B_?_|       |                                 |
  |            _jUEN'sOC+hVR+tSI\hHS|       |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
  `-/13.o3.2k/----------------------'       | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
                                            |                                 |
                                            | [.] Plain Texfile               |
                                            |      (no points given)          |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| read&watch in next review                 | Total Points:  2 of 40          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/DTR          |

| "KGB!"                                                                |
 _______ __    ___ ___     ___ _______      | soc-kgb!.txt | 14.03.2000 |
_)     //_|____( //  |__ _(  //      |__    |--------------+------------+
l_________    (  ___   )_|  _________7 )    |         Juen/SOC          |
|_      |     |_ \_|     |_ \|        __    |------+----------+---------+
.)_________\\_|(______\\_|(___________\)    | #?   | 14 logos | hHS'sOC |
`---[soc]-----------------------)hHS'sOC    |------+----------+---------+-----+
  .---------------------------------.       | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
  |  ..mY nEXT cOLLY uNDER sOC lABEL|       | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
  |                        _k_G_B_!_|       | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
  |            _jUEN'sOC+hVR+tSI\hHS|       |                                 |
  `-/14.o3.2k/----------------------'       |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| Again two collies which the world doesn't |                                 |
| need. Now come one, tell me, what the hell| [.] Plain Texfile               |
| this guy releases on one day a colly with |      (no points given)          |
| 14 logos and on the next day a colly with |                                 |
| 14 logos, too ?!  Wouldn't it be better   | Total Points:  2 of 40          |
| to release one colly full of shit than    +---------------------------------+
| stwo ?  Or better even none ?  A propos   |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| shit, the logos look like shit sausages.  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| Don't know, the comparsion just came to   +---------------------------------+
| my mind. Just read what I said bout Juen's style some reviews ago. No       |
| further comments...                                                         |
|                                                                             |
|       ________ __  _____ __    ___ __   _____ ___   ____                    |
|     __(      // /__(   // |__ _) //_|___(   |/  /___\)(/_______             |
|     (        _     |   __ | )_l_____    |     ___(_  \/       (             |
|     |        \\____|   \|     |_  |     |_        /           |___          |
|     |)__________(--|____|__\\_|)_____\\_|)____\\__\__\\_______|  /          |
|     `--[taski]-----------------------------------------)hHS'sOC)(           |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |

| "101"                                                                 |
                                            | asl-1o1.txt  | 24.03.2000 |
 ._ aerosol ascii presents        .   O     |--------------+------------+
 l                             o           o|     Phreak Klass/ASL      |
 ._____  ______ ____ _____ _.   _______     |------+----------+---------+
 |pk^___\\     )   __)  _/____ \\      )  . | #?   | 19 logos |   pk^   |
.l _/ _ /     /___\\__       / /      /     |------+----------+---------+-----+
  \\__\      /_\\____/      / /__    /  o   | Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
 o    /_______\\    /________\  /_____\\.   | Logo Design  [xxx.......] 03/10 |
   .                .___________________l   | Colly Outlook[xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
       O         o                          |                                 |
            o          "ascii art 1o1"      |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| Aaaaaahhh.. Finally some nice stuff.      |                                 |
| Phreak Klass does his official ASL debut, | [.] Plain Texfile               |
| after *hrnhrm* kinda spoiling his really  |      (no points given)          |
| first ASL colly. (ASL excluded it from    |                                 |
| their colly list, but it changes nothing  | Total Points: 19 of 40          |
| on the TAC scores - done is done. And it  +---------------------------------+
| was not too bad btw). But now to this colly:   · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| Nice overall design, nice logos, perhaps  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| in some cases very hardreadable and nearly+---------------------------------+
| no logo design. But all in all a very nice prod !                           |
|                                                                ____         |
|                                                ___    ________(___//_____.  |
|          _          _        ______      _____(__//___\        _ /   .   |  |
|    ______\\________//________\  __/______\           /         \/    o   |  |
| _. \   _ /   /\___        /     \/      /           /                O___l  |
|  |/____\/___//_  /_______//_____/      //__________//_______________(____.  |
| .lpk^         __/              /_______\ ______   _______.__________\\_  |  |
| /__      ____ \/ _     ______       ____(  .__//_\\_     |       /       |  |
|  o/   ___\.______\\___\\_   /_______\      |             |  o   /        |  |
|  /____\o   \   _ /      \          /       |.____________l_____/_________l  |
|     O     /____\/________\_________\\______l|                               |
|                                                                             |
|                          -©-   ascii art 1o1   -®-                          |
|                                                                             |

| "Styles Galore"                                                       |
       ______ _____ ________ _ ____________ | dtr-sg!.txt  | 25.03.2000 |
cDr ___\    /_    _\\__    /               |+--------------+------------+
ms_/   /   / |    |  _/   /  dREAMtHEATRE  \|   Avenger/Dream Theatre   |
_\\_______/__|    |__\_____________________|+------+----------+---------+
             |____|                         | #?!  | 36 logos | ave^dTr |
    avenger presents a                      | Logo Style   [xxxxxxxx..] 08/10 |
            colly called "styles galore"    | Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
                                            | Colly Outlook[xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
- -(25.o3.oo)--------------------(dTR'2k)- -|                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
| A  very nice suprise in  the latest colly | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| from  Avenger. His  logo  drawing  skills | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| seem to  have boosted with the  birth  of |                                 |
| the Dream  Theatre  team. Without a doubt | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| this  is the  best piece  of work  I have |      (no points given)          |
| seen him  release. Overall I picked up  a |                                 |
| number of different styles throughout the | Total Points: 24 of 40          |
| colly, obviously some better than others. +---------------------------------+
| One or two logos looked  quite simular to |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| work  from boheme/style but not enough to |         Darkus/Aerosol          |
| be labelled a  ripper! Generally Avengers +---------------------------------+
| logos are quite exciting to look at, with his  ability to draw random sized |
| and  shaped  letters  together  in  one  word. Most  logos  contain  little |
| background design, but the  small pieces of  design he adds compliments his |
| logos well. His colly design seems to be a little on the weak side. However |
| the  design I found  around  certain parts of  the  intro and end parts was |
| attractive and  well drawn. My ending words  to Avenger are simple, keep up |
| the good work and loose the one or two letters which are close to Boheme`s. |
| .                                                                           |
|                                                                             |
|.:..   ____.        _____          .____             ____                    |
| :  ___\   | ______.|   /____   ___|   |             \   |_________  ___.....|
|____\  |\__|\      ||  /.    |__\_ |   |  _.__________\__|_  _   _/__\  |:   |
\   -   \_   |\  _  ||_/_|    |_ -  |   |  \_  _  _   /   _/  |   \   -  |:   |
|\      |/   |___._ |   \_    ./    |_  |_  |  |  |  /|   \   |   /\     |:   |
|_______|____|ave|__|____|____|______/____\ |__|__|___\____\__|___/______|:...|
| .                                                                         : |
| :...    call back soon!                                               ....: |
|  .:....................................................................:.|  |

| "Kibel"                                                               |
  _______        _______         ________   | sea-kibe.txt | 25.03.2000 |
 _\  ___/________\  ___/_________\___  ¬/_  +--------------+------------+
|¬ \___       ¬   ___/     ¬_     __     |  |      Far/Sative Mea       |
l____\/     .°_l___\/   .°__|\____\|  .°_|  +------+----------+---------+
   `----------'  `---------'       `----'   | #7   | 41 logos | fAr.s3a |
 ! sative.mea.ain't.nuthing.ta.fuck.wit !   +------+----------+---------+-----+
 !                                      !   | Logo Style   [xxxx......] 04/10 |
 !  PROUDLY PRESENTS ANOTHER SMASHING   !   | Logo Design  [xxx.......] 03/10 |
 !  KILLING MNIAM MNIAM ASCOLLECTION:   !   | Colly Outlook[xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
 !                                      !   |                                 |
 !      "KIBEL" by FAR.SATIVEMEA        !   |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
 !                                      !   | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
 `-fAr·s3a-----------------{25-03-2000}-'   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
                                            |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+ [.] Plain Textfile              |
| A quite average, but nevertheless nice    |      (no points given)          |
| product from our eastern neighbours from  |                                 |
| SEA. Perhaps not that "smashing killing   | Total Points: 17 of 40          |
| mniam mniam" collection as stated in the  +---------------------------------+
| file_id, but still one worth leeching. The|    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| design is nice structured, and the whole  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| text is held in two languages, which is   +---------------------------------+
| very nice. Between the logos there is a quite amusing guide to build a hash |
| smoking device called "Kibel" built out of two bottles. Here in Germany we  |
| use a bottle and a bucket for it and it's quite popular, but if you didn't  |
| know this nice thing before,   than grab this colly to build yourself one.  |
| The logos are not very well designed, the forms are not that perfect, too,  |
| but the letters are well structured. Just leech it to check it out !        |
|                    __                          __                           |
|                   __ \_                      _/ __                          |
|                    ½\_ ---------------------- _/½                           |
|                    ½!                          !½                           |
|                    ½!                          !½                           |
|                    ½!            ________  ____!½                           |
|               ___________________\___  ¬/_|  ¬/_________                    |
|              |    __      ¬_     __     _    __       ¬|                    |
|              l_   |/    °. \_____\|  .°_l____\l_    .°_|                    |
|        _______`---/________|  ___ `----'      _`------'         _______     |
|  .--!_/      /____\       /___\  |  __________\       /________|     ¬/     |
|  |  __      ___    \____   ¬     | /     ¬     \____   ¬      __   .°/      |
|  l_ \/ °.   ¬\l_°.    \/____l___ l/    .°_l_°.    \/____l_  .°l/____/       |
|   `-/--------'\`--------'fAr   `---------' `--------'s3a `----'             |
|                    ½.                          .½                           |
|                    ½!        nah · kolor       !½                           |
|                    ½!                          !½                           |
|                    ½!_                        _!½                           |
|                   __/ _----------------------_ \__                          |
|                    __/                        \__                           |

| "Streetlife"                                                          |
                                            | asl-str.txt  | 29.03.2000 |
          ____  ____      ____   -dKS!      +--------------+------------+
___.______\_ /__) _/______\  /______.___    |        h7/Aerosol         |
¾¾¾|      _.  \ \_____._ \ _/       |¾¾¾    +------+----------+---------+
¾¾¾|      \|  /       |/ / \        |¾¾¾    | #11  | 48 logos |   h7    |
¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯    +------+----------+---------+-----+
   |  s T R E E T L I F E  by  H 7  |       | Logo Style   [xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
   |                                |       | Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
   |  first version was fucked up,  |       | Colly Outlook[xxxxxxxxxx] 10/10 |
   |  kill that asl-911.txt !       |       |                                 |
/--!--------------------------------!--\    |   Innovation Bonus +5 [x]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| I think this is a colly the following     |                                 |
| generation of ascii makers (if there will | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| be any) will remember ilke we remember    |      (no points given)          |
| the "Almost Unreal" series by 2Fast or    |                                 |
| the "Revolution" series by H2o. This colly| Total Points: 32 of 40          |
| is so magnificent that you can overlook   +---------------------------------+
| it several times and don't feel boring.   |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| Such amazing design I have seen from De-  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| soto the last time. H7 takes his skills   +---------------------------------+
| he built up in PC "newschool" ascii scene and does handbuilt design some    |
| amiga artists only can dream about even using iff2ascii tools. It is abso-  |
| lutely amazing what H7 does with the hi-chars and the X's. The way he       |
| handles the chars does deserve the Innovation Bonus, just see yourself and  |
| agree with me or not !  A MUST-LEECH !!!                                    |
| Unfortunately the logos sometimes lack some design, and perhaps H7 could    |
| bring some cute design elements every 10 logos or something, to make the    |
| logo part a little bit less boring. But the Intro/Outro design compensions  |
| it all !!!                                                                  |
|                                             _                               |
|                                         _____\                              |
|                                   _____/      \                             |
|                                  .\\           \_____   ____                |
|      __________ ___________ __ _ |                  /.  XXXX                |
|      \         \\                |                   |  XXXX                |
|       ·  ________\____  _________|_____   ______     : ________             |
|     _   _\____     _ /__\__     //   _/___\__.  \__ ___\  _    \_           |
|      \ \\   |/     //    _/    //   _/      \|    /.   \\//     /.          |
|     _ ______________/____\_____\____\________|_____|____\/_______| h7       |
|      ____. _ ___.   \    _____   ______    ____.    _________ _____         |
|     .\   |__    |______ /   _/___\__.  \__.\   |__ _\__     //   _/__.      |
|     |     _/    _     /.   _/      \|    /.     _/   _/    //   _/   |      |
|     |_____|_____|______|___\________|_____|_____||___\_____\____\____|      |
|           ___ ·         \\       .                   :  ____                |
|         _/   \ \         \\      : [ dREAM tHEATRE ] .  XXXX                |
|         \_____\ \_________\\_____|      _            |  XXXX                |
|                                  |_______\           |  XXXX                |
|                                           \//________|  XXXX                |

| "Returned From No Return"                                             |
 .-------------[÷]·AERøSØL·[÷]------------. | asl-rfn.txt  | 31.03.2000 |
 |          ____  ____      ____          | +--------------+------------+
 |__________\_ /__) _/______\  /__________| |      Darkus/Aerosol       |
 |%%%|      _.  _ \_____._ _ _/       |%%%| +------+----------+---------+
 |%%%|      \|  \       |/ \ \        |%%%| | #44  | 20 logos |  dKS!   |
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| +------+----------+---------+-----+
 | ·AeRoSoL pReSeNt tHeIr LaTeSt rElEaSe· | | Logo Style   [xxxxxxxx..] 08/10 |
 |     ·( rEtUrNeD fRoM nO rEtUrN )·      | | Logo Design  [xxxxxxxx..] 08/10 |
 |          bY dArKuS / aErOsOl           | | Colly Outlook[xxxxxxxx..] 08/10 |
 |01                                    04| |                                 |
 `----[÷] ·VoLaTiOn & dOmInAtIoN!· [÷]----' |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| This colly is solid as rock. Everything is| File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| on a very high level: the letters, the    |                                 |
| design, the whole colly... No chaos, but  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| absolutely stuctured production. Through  |      (no points given)          |
| the requests one see that the artists is  |                                 |
| really in a massive touch with the Amiga  | Total Points: 29 of 40          |
| BBS- and demoscene, which is a seldom now-+---------------------------------+
| adays ;(. I think this colly is great.    |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| A must-leech for everyone, and not only   |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| for ascii-sceners.                        +---------------------------------+
|          __                                                    __           |
|      __/\\/____                                            ____\//\__       |
|     _)   \/   (_                                          _)   \/   (_      |
|     |          |                   _____.                 |          |      |
|    _|___      _|____    ______     )    |___  ____     ___|__     ___|__    |
|  __)  _/______\  __/____\   _/_____\   ____/__\__/_____\_   /_____\_   /_   |
| _\ \____    _  __/     _    \     _    \|    _    _     /    _     /    /_  |
 /______|/____\__\|______\__________\_____\____\____\__________\____/_______\ |
 «----|          |------------------------------------------|          |dKS-» |
.     |          |       [÷] .S.E.C.T.I.O.N. .8. [÷]        |          |      |
|     ¯)__/\  __(¯    - ----------------------------- -     ¯)__  /\__(¯      |
|         /\\/                                                  \//\          |
|         ¯¯                                                      ¯¯          |

- -----------------------------« rEViEWS 04/2k »----------------------------- -

| "Phunky BBS Things"                                                   |
            Phunky BBS Things               | pnk-bbs!.txt | 05.04.2000 |
     ____     _/__.               Arl_____  +--------------+------------+
  .__\   \ __|/   | _____   ___ _._ /    /  |Arlequin/Brane/Dataflower/Volatile
._|  /   /   /    /     /___\  \\| /   \/_. +------+----------+---------+
|// /___\\   \    \    /\   /   \  \    \\| | #--  | 23 logos |Arl/bne/dF/vol
  |___\  ____/_____\ ___| _/    /.__\  __\  +------+----------+---------+-----+
+ --------- / ----------- /______| - \/ - + | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
                                            | Logo Design  [xxxx......] 04/10 |
  A COLLY BY THE PHUNK CREW (OLDSCHOOL)     | Colly Outlook[xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
                                            |                                 |
              05 / 04 / 00                  |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Finally a colly with BBS logos again !    | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| Haven't seen that since ages... Although  |                                 |
| the colly is, as the intro says, 2 1/2    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| years old, I'm sure every sysop will find |      (no points given)          |
| some decent logos for his bbs in there.   |                                 |
| Unfortunately, the quality of the logos   | Total Points: 19 of 40          |
| is not always constant, but don't forget  +---------------------------------+
| the colly is *very* old and many artists  |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| got better since then. But nevertheless,  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| I'll try to resume what I've seen...      +---------------------------------+
| The design of the colly is average, but clean and ok. Brane's logos look    |
| the most newbie-like in this colly. Perhaps they are from his newbie-phase, |
| I don't know, but most of them look pretty weak and lack any design. Arle-  |
| quins logos are partly really amazing. Some of them are really hard to      |
| read, but - as Artcore used to say - "100% unreadable, but pure style"" =)  |
| Volatile's logos are also very cool to watch - I didn't notice earlier that |
| he had such a nice style 2 years ago... Dataflower is kinda weak again -    |
| perhaps not that weak, but absolutely not my taste. Well, below you see     |
| examples of all four, just look and decide yourself. But just for the fact  |
| that it's a BBS style colly, Phunk deserves a big hug from us BBS-freaks !  |
.              ____    ____      _______  ____          ____
              /  __|__|    |____/  __  /_|    |____    /  __|__
.          __/____    |    _/   \  \_    \    _/  _\__/____    \
          |_     /    |    l     \  |     \   |  |  \     /     \
           /__________|___________\ |______\_________\   ________\
                            /_______|bne         |______/

             |                                           \
             |           C · O · N · S · O · L · S        \//.
             :                                               |    .
      ____   ·  _______      ______ ____    _______    ____  :   /___
     /  _/______\  __  \ ____\_   //   /____\  __  \  /   /____ /   /____
    .\  \(     //  )/  /.\   )/  //_       //  )/  /./   //   //_       /
             .                   ·                           :vol
             :     gAMEBOY · aTARI · nES · sNES · gENESIS    :
             :                                               :
             :               sMS · lYNX · eTC                :_
             |                                               :/
             |_ /\___________________________________________/

                     _            _______.
        _ /_________ /__________ /       |
        //          /           )\       :
        /                   _____        ·                        ___
        :      _____ ______|    /   ___                       ____\  \
        ._____  __   \     /   / __.\  \ ______ _____ _    __/_  _    \
     ___|_    \ \    \    /¦    \  |/   \     // _   \\ ___\   ) \   /
     \  )/    / _____//______/(____/    /.   /(  /    \    )\ / ____//_
     /_________\        __        /______|___________/________\
                       /  \            __.                      Arl/Pnk
          Download   _\\__/____________\

    ,¸¸¸   ¸¸¸¸,__ _______     _ _______     _ _______     _ _______          .
    ¸¸¸¸   ¸¸¸¸¸l.\\     /_____.\\ ____/_____.\\__   /_____.\\     /_____
.   ¸¸¸¸   ¸¸¸¸¸;l__          /l_   -'      /l_           /l__          /     .
    ^¸¸¸,__;¸¸¸*  /___________\ /--/________\ /--/________\ /___________\df   .
.      ^'¾¾¾¾'^                                                               :
|                                                                             |

| "Badass"                                                              |
          ____ ______    ____               | asl-bas.txt  | 08.04.2000 |
   _______\_ //   __/___/   /               +--------------+------------+
  /        / _\___     _   /______          |       Blue/Aerosol        |
.-\__________/     ____\_____     \-.       +------+----------+---------+
|           /______\     -B-/_____/ |       | #?   |  8 logos |   -B-   |
|                                   |       +------+----------+---------+-----+
|    AEROSOL'2k - bLUE "BADASS"     |       | Logo Style   [xxxx......] 04/10 |
|                                   |       | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
`-----------------------------------'       | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
                                            |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| I' really in doubt if this production was | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| really neccesary. Perhaps Blue, whom I    |                                 |
| know as a skilled and creative ascii      | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| maker, should have taken more time to do  |      (no points given)          |
| more logos and, most important of all,    |                                 |
| more design. There can be collies with 8  | Total Points: 11 of 40          |
| logos and really amazing design, that's no+---------------------------------+
| problem, remember the last Mark Ryder     |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| production ? But just a textfile clustered|          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| together from 8 logos in not really       +---------------------------------+
| neccesary imho. And the logos themselves do no really satisfy me. They are  |
| sometimes TOO wierd, if you know what I mean. If you don't, take a look at  |
| the one below. Well, it's a pitty, but I can't give more than 11 points.    |
|     ____________             _____            _________       _____         |
|     \_     _   /  ___________\    \___________\   _   /_______\_   \_       |
|      /_____/  /___\_        /    _      _    _    /___\     _  /    /       |
|           /         _______/_____/______/    /______________/__\    \       |
|          /__________/                  /    /                -B-\____\      |
|                                       /____/                                |
|                                                  1-800-Zaner                |
|                                                                             |

| "Crime Pays"                                                          |
..............................  _ __        | -t-crime.txt | 16.04.2000 |
.__.  |  .__.___   ___.__.  ::___ // .__.   +--------------+------------+
|  |_ |  |  (___)_/ _/|  |_ :: _/_.__|_ |   |     Dartagnan/Twisted     |
|  _/-| _|_ |   |\__  |  _/-::_)  |  _/ |   +------+----------+---------+
|_____|_____|   |_____|_____::____|_____|   |  #!? | 22 logos |   dtn   |
=(wH0/<R)===|   |===========::===[ø4/øø]=   +------+----------+---------+-----+
 ...............|...........::              | Logo Style   [xxxx......] 04/10 |
 :::: d a r t a g n a n   p r e s e n t s   | Logo Design  [xx........] 02/10 |
 ::::        c r i m e     p a y s          | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
 ::::............................... .. .   |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| I can`t  remeber the last  time I  read a | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| new  colly  from   oldie  Dartagnan. It`s |                                 |
| always a treat  to be able to  download a | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| colly  featuring  a  name I  can actually |      (no points given)          +
| remeber and  recognise. Enough chat, lets |                                 |
| move straight to  the  review. The  colly | Total Points: 15 of 40          |
| itself  features  minimal  design. Infact +---------------------------------+
| one could say there is no design. However |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| looking  at it more  positively, what the |         Darkus/Aerosol          |
| colly does  feature is  great logos  from +---------------------------------+
| some  great names  from the past. Scarface, Relief and Tango just to name a |
| few from the mostly dead  Twisted memberslist. Dartagnan`s logos within his |
| requests, have stayed faithful to the past making it rather unique. However |
| through  my eyes his  style just doesn`t  make it today. His logo design is |
| maybe  the weakest  of his  work. His letters  and  words  which  look like |
| iff2ascii are really quite dreadful. Giving his logos an overall messy look |
| The main upside to his ascii work seems to be he`s effective using dots for |
| his logos and  logo design. Something I  feel gives him that  extra push in |
| his overall ratings.                                                        |
|                              _               _                              |
|                              ÆL              ÆL    _                        |
|                             ¬ØÞ              ¬Ø  _@K                        |
|                             WØ               WØ _ÆF                         |
|                             JØ   ,ç.  ,   __ JØ_µF                          |
|                       _ø*¶#LÆF  gF3L jÆ. /## ÆF@_                           |
|                     µP    ØØÞ ,F  #0 ]LKJ'¯  ØÞ¯µF                          |
|                     #   _Æ"Ø  Ø  dÞ¶ J#'     ØÆ ¯ÆF                         |
|                    J# _µF  Æ  #_æ´ á 0#      Æ   ¯@F                        |
|                     °#@"   ]K ¬°/  ¬ `°     ]K    ¯°# dtn                   |
|      .______..___..______..______..______..______..______..______.          |
|      l___  ¬|(___)|  ____)l_ _  ¬||  ____)|     ¬|l_ _   |l_ _   |          |
|      |  |   |l  ¬|l____ ¬||  _   |l____ ¬|l___j  ||  ____j|  _ __j          |
|      |  |   ||   ||   |  ||  |   ||   |  |   |   ||  |   ||  |   |          |
|      |  |   ||   ||   |  ||  |   ||   |  |   |   ||  |   ||  |   |          |
|      |  |   ||   ||   |  ||  |   ||   |  |   |   ||  |   ||  |   |          |
|      |  |   ||   ||   |  ||  |   ||   |  |   |   ||  |   ||  |   |          |
|      |  |   ||   ||   |  ||  |   ||   |  |   |   ||  l   ||  |   |          |
|      |      ||   l|   |  ||  |   ||   |  |   |   ||      ||  |   |          |
|      l___   |l___jl___   |l__|   |l___   |   l___jl___   |l__|   |          |
|         \___j        l___j   l___j   l___j           l___j   l___j          |

| "Codename Genesis"                                                    |
        __   __        __   __   _____.     | m-gene.txt   | 16.04.2000 |
 ____  / (_.)_//.___  / (__)_//./ ,_  |_    +--------------+------------+
     \/_   |    |)  \/_        | _|/___/__  |        Dwarf/Mimic        |
_._ _\/   _.   _._ _\/   _._  _._ l\    _.  +------+----------+---------+
 |/  /____\|____|/  /____\|____|/__     \|  | #?   |  8 logos |   dwf   |
 /____\   _\    /____\   _\     vol\_____\  +------+----------+---------+-----+
            codename: genesis               | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
        .                       .           | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
            dwarf joins mimic               | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
                                            |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| What should I say... A typical Dwarf      | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| colly - nice guestlogos, even something   |                                 |
| like colly design, but still the same     | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| wierd style as always...                  |      (no points given)          |
|                                           |                                 |
|                                           | Total Points:  8 of 40          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
|                                                                             |
|                            ______________   ·                               |
|                         __\\·          ·//__|__                             |
|                      __|               /    |                               |
|                     |  |              ·     |                               |
|           miss.     |  ·        _______     |     ·                         |
|                     ·     _____(______/     ·_ __/                          |
|       ________            \          /          /_______/                   |
|       \       \    _______/         /_________         /________/           |
|       /        \  /      ____________       _/_______          /___ _       |
|      /__________\/_______\          /___            /_________              |
|                                       /______________       _/_______       |
|                                                     /___            /       |
|                     ·                                 /_____________\       |
|                     |                       ·                               |
|                     | ·                   · |                               |
|                     |/          ·          \|                               |
|                    //._________\|/_________.\\ dwf                          |
|                                                                             |

| "Worldwide"                                                           |
------- - Volatile Of Mimic/Lp! - --------  | m-wide.txt   | 16.04.2000 |
        __   __        __   __   _____.     +--------------+------------+
 ____  / (_.)_//.___  / (__)_//./ ,_  |_    |      Volatile/Mimic       |
     \/_   |    |)  \/_        | _|/___/__  +------+----------+---------+
_._ _\/   _.   _._ _\/   _._  _._ l\    _.  | #?   |  7 logos | vol/lp! |
 |/  /____\|____|/  /____\|____|/__     \|  +------+----------+---------+-----+
 /____\   _\    /____\   _\     vol\_____\  | Logo Style   [xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
                                            | Logo Design  [xxxx......] 04/10 |
   ---------- - Presents! - ----------      | Colly Outlook[xx........] 02/10 |
    a Mini Colly Entitled World-Wide        |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Again a mini-colly... Why are the people  | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| so impatient with kicking out their stuff?|                                 |
| Well, but for a mini colly this piece is  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| quite acceptable, far more than Blue's    |      (no points given)          |
| one... My most respect goes out for the   |                                 |
| logo style. Volatile is improving         | Total Points: 18 of 40          |
| steadily - he fully deserves to be an Lo' +---------------------------------+
| Pro styler... The colly design is nothing |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| special - but there IS some design, like  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| the lines connecting the start logos and  +---------------------------------+
| the cute MT asciiman as divider... So the colly is kinda "ascii snack" -    |
| nice little thingie to watch in a minute and satisfy a little ascii hunger. |
|                                                                             |
|                              __/\__                                         |
|                             _)    (_                                        |
|                             |      |                                        |
|                            __      __                                       |
|                        _ __\|      |/__ _                                   |
|                             |      |                                        |
|    .____  ___     _____    __._ _ ____.      ___ .___.     _____.   ___.    |
 ____|_  (__\_(_.___)_   \(_/ _|___ _  _|___ __\_(_|   |_   _) ._ |_ .) _|___ |
 )    /         |    /      \___  (_/  \   (_)    \.   ./____ _|/__(_|  \   (_
 .   /|_ _.     ._  /____/_   _\  _.  _/\   _.     |  _|    ._ |\   _. _|\  _.
 |___ ·  \|_____|/   |    /___ l\ \|___/\   \|________\_    |/___   \|___/  \|
.                                                          /_                 .
|                             |      |                                        |
|          vol\lp!           __      __                                       |
|                        _ __\|      |/__ _                                   |
|                             |      |                                        |
|                             ¯)_  _(¯                                        |
|                                \/                                           |

| "Down The Rabbit Hole"                                                |
                               ______       | l124-drh.txt | 17.04.2000 |
                       _______/     /\      +--------------+------------+
    ______     ______ /      /     /  \     |      Azzaro/Link 124      |
   /     /\  _/     //_     /_    /___/_    +------+----------+---------+
  /      /\ /      /      _/ /   /     /\   | #74  | 54 logos |az0!/l124|
 /______/  /______/_________/___·     /  \  +------+----------+---------+-----+
 \      \  \      \         \  /_____/   /  | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
--\______\/-\______\_________\_\     \  ---.| Logo Design  [xxx.......] 03/10 |
l i n k 1 2 4 ascii[ART]release \_____\/   ¦| Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
"down the rabbit hole" by azzaro [17/04/2k]¦|                                 |
-------------------------------------------'|   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
                                            | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| No, I will not go like "Bah, this polish  |                                 |
| lamers...". You can go like it about some | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| ever-newbies like the SOC guys, but seing |      (no points given)          |
| guys like Azzaro or Acid, who are doing   |                                 |
| the stuff since over 6 years, we must over- Total Points: 17 of 40          |
| think our rating concerning polish ascii  +---------------------------------+
| art. We must realize that Ascii art in    |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| Poland just developed the other way a long|          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| time ago. We have to live with it - like  +---------------------------------+
| we can't really compare European and Chinese traditional art. There are just|
| 2 different artistic aesthetics. But because we are on the same platform -  |
| ascii art - we MUST review and rate these - for some Western spectators     |
| perhaps not that beautiful - collies. But enough crap - over to the colly.  |
| The intro reminds me on my childhood, when my mother read me "Alice in      |
| Wonderland" and stuff... Nice... The colly design is quite ok... The letters|
| are a little bit strange and some people would concider them ugly - but     |
| that's Polish style. The letters have a system and are readable when you    |
| see this system - just the form of every single letter is a bit strange for |
| us Western guys.                                                            |
|                                 ________                                    |
|                               |/        \|                                  |
|                               |  k il l  |                                  |
|                   ___ ___    _·       __ ·       __                         |
|                 _|   |   \| |  \|_ _|/  |____ _|/  |____                    |
|                 ||  _  ___|_|\__| \||        \||        \|                  |
|                 |___|      |_      |_____     |_____     |                  |
|               ·=====`------|`------|====`-----|====`-----|=·                |
|      ___ ___    ________    _______      _____     ___            __        |
|    _|   |   \| |     ___\|  ______ \|_ ______ \|_|/  _|__    ____|  \|_     |
|    ||  _  ___|_|      -'_|_/__      ||/    ____|||  |____\|_/__      ||     |
|    |___|      |_____|     | `-  _____|     |____|_____    || `-  _____|     |
|  ·=====`------|=====`-----|-----'=====-----'=========`-----|-----'======·   |
|                               ·          ·                     az0!/l124    |
|                               |  krazed  |                                  |
|                               |\________/|                                  |
|                                                                             |

| "First Shot"                                                          |
      _____  ______ _______  ___ ____       | l124-fsh.txt | 17.04.2000 |
      )   /___)   /__)__   )_) //   /       +--------------+------------+
     /                    /    ¯   /_       |       Bull/Link 124       |
    /________   __  _____ ____  /___/       +------+----------+---------+
   az0!/L124/__/ /_______\   /___/          | #?   | 46 logos | b@l124  |
÷--------------------------------------÷    +------+----------+---------+-----+
   "first shot" - ascii colly by            | Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
                    bull/link124            | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
÷--[apr/17/2ooo]-----------------------÷    | Colly Outlook[xx........] 02/10 |
                                            |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Here one of the new L124 warriors gives   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| his group debut to the worldwide scene.   |                                 |
| And I am really disappointed. The letter  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| style is ABSOLUTELY unreadable. Ok, per-  |      (no points given)          |
| haps there's a relation to abstractionism |                                 |
| and stuff, but we must not forget that    | Total Points:  9 of 40          |
| letter-based textmode art is in first line+---------------------------------+
| APPLYED ART, especially if you do requests|      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| So Bull's abstract constructions perhaps  |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| look funny but are absolutely unuseful.   +---------------------------------+
| Btw his style is nothing new - it reminds very much on ascii art by Krash/  |
| TMA...                                                                      |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                  ......                     |
|                        ________                 :      ·····....            |
|                  _____l       /                : _ evan _       ···..       |
|   _______________\    |      _           _    :    EVAN       _      :      |
| _________()_________  |    _/_____________\________________  /      :       |
|     \__            \  :  __________()______________________\/      :        |
|                     _    /                 .                      :         |
|                      \__/  b@l124         :....                  :          |
|                                                ·····....        :           |
|                                                         ···..  :            |
|                                                              ··             |

| "Efectin"                                                             |
                                 _          | lot-k0_e.txt | 19.04.2000 |
                           ·   ,¼¼¼,        +--------------+------------+
 layoutlayoutlayoutlayout  :   ¼"¯"¼        | Zito/Layout & Kempy/K0re  |
                           | -[`+¦+']-      +------+----------+---------+
  -e -f -e -c -t -i -n !   |  ¬{` '}¬       | #-   | 40 logos |z!o & km!k0
                           |   `xXx'        +------+----------+---------+-----+
 k0rek0rek0rek0rek0rek0re _|_   `-'    _    | Logo Style   [xx........] 02/10 |
 -------------------------)¦(--------\\/    | Logo Design  [xx........] 02/10 |
 winter manipulation -[c] ¯:¯ -2.000!       | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
                           ·                |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [x]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Fresh colly. Not because of some great    | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| logo styles - they are very average, even |                                 |
| sometimes on newbie-level, but the idea   | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| is pretty cool. It's like the more expe-  |      (no points given)          |
| rienced artist remixes logos of the less  |                                 |
| experienced. A kinda ascii lesson. I have | Total Points: 16 of 40          |
| never seen such in Amiga ascii scene (in  +---------------------------------+
| PC scene logo remixing is very common)    |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| besides some Style asciis, so it deserves |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| an innovation bonus. Well now some things +---------------------------------+
| about the colly: Zito's style is still quite newbielike... Kempy remixed    |
| his logos the nice way, though i like Kempy's regular style more. The colly |
| outlook is quite nice - no wonder, Kempy did it...;) The preface gives you  |
| a nice insight into the wonderful world of mailswapping...                  |
|                                                                             |
|       __________ __________ _______ ____________ ____________ __________    |
|    ___\_____   /  ____    / ___   /__   ___    /    ____    /  ____    /    |
|   /    ____/  /   \______/  \____/   \_____|   \    \______/   \______/     |
|   \__________/\________/\____________/  |_______\________/ \________/z!o    |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                __________            .            __________                |
|       . | | | |          |          /|\          |          | | | | .       |
|          _____·    - ==] : [=======\\l//=======] : [== -    :               |
|     ____]_    |____________ _____________________·____________ __________   |
|    /     /    |   __      /  __     /_    __    /|   __      /  __      /   |
|   /     /]        ]/_____/   ]/____/ |    ]/    \:   ]/_____/   ]/_____/    |
|   ]___________|________[ |___________|_____\_____\________[ |________[      |
|               .          .                       .          .               |
|          km!  : _  - ==] | [========[l]========] | [== -  _ :  .k0          |
|             _ l /_______ |                       | _______\ l _             |
|             \  /       /_: d   e   c   r   e   e :_\       \  /             |
|              \/                                             \/              |

| "Euro Diskko'78"                                                      |
 .___.  _     ._____.     _______           | l124-d78.txt | 21.04.2000 |
 |   |_(/_____|     |____/    ///           +--------------+------------+
 |   |_   /   \     |  _/   __/             |      Noches/Link 124      |
 |___\\___\---l_____|--\_____\.             +------+----------+---------+
 |                            |             | #?   | 27 logos |   no    |
 | eURO dISKKO'78             |             +------+----------+---------+-----+
 | by                         |_  __        | Logo Style   [xxx.......] 03/10 |
 | nOCHES/LINK124   21.o4.2k! // /_//       | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
 |  _____.   _____. _____     |             | Colly Outlook[xx........] 02/10 |
 | /     |___\_|  |/    /___. |             |                                 |
 |/_|    |  ._____|_   |    |_|             |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
    l    |  |     //  /|    |               | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
 no !____|________\----|____|               | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Noches seems to be an artist from whom    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| we sure will see & hear more in future... |      (no points given)          |
| He seems to have a certain talent. His    |                                 |
| current letterset is still kinda instable,| Total Points: 10 of 40          |
| but his forms are already proportional.   +---------------------------------+
| Noches has his roots in Poland's young PC |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| ascii scene, represented by TheLoop - his |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| style shows influences of PC-based ascii  +---------------------------------+
| artists like Kayozz and Volatile's early stuff. Well, I'm sure Noches can   |
| do it in the Amiga ascii scene - just practice and go on !  Ah, and I forgot|
| to mention that there are 0 points for logo design because on nearly all    |
| logos there simply isn't any. In that point Noches must work hard still.    |
|                         _. _____      ___                                   |
|                      ___\l_\    )____( _/______                             |
|                     \\     //   .    / _\    //                             |
|                      /_____\---/    /__\(____\                              |
|                               /_____\\                                      |
|                    ___    ____    ___        _    _                         |
|              ______\  )__/  _/___(  /_______(/____\)__                      |
|              \    \l   //___     \  \l    //   /|    /  __                  |
|              /______/l_\   /     /_______)\____)|____\\ \_)                 |
|                           /_____/                                           |
|          ___     _____          ___      _____  ._    ___                   |
|        _( _/_____\    )_________\  )_____\    \_|/___( _/____               |
|        \_ \l    //         /   \l   /    /    /    //___     \\             |
|         /_______)----/    /______/l_\----\    \____\   /     /              |
|                     /_____\\              \____\\     /_____/no'l0p         |
|                                                                             |

| "Master's Thesis"                                                     |
                                            | kts-esis.txt | 24.04.2000 |
                                            |    Poskgubbe/Katharsis    |
                                            | #?   |  ? logos |         |
                                            | Logo Style   [..........] 00/10 |
                                            | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
                                            | Colly Outlook[..........] 00/10 |
                                            |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Oh my... How often I told Poskgubbe that  | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
| reflecting graffiti styles to textmode art|                                 |
| isn't so simple, especially not on Amiga  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| ascii. But Posk seems not to give a fuck. |      (no points given)          |
| Ok then I don't give a fuck too. 0 points,|                                 |
| the 5 points for English collytexts are   | Total Points:  0 of 40          |
| taken away through the Id-error nuke,     +---------------------------------+
| because there is no file_id.diz. A shame  |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| for Katharsis...                          |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
|                                         ____                                |
|                                         \   \  _____                        |
|                __ ___        ____   /\   |   \/     |                       |
|             __|  |   \  ____/ _  | /  |--|          |                       |
|     <    _ /  .  |  \ \/   /_____|/  /|\ |    /|    |                       |
|     <     |  /|  | |   /  / | /  |  / | .| |\/ |    |                       |
|           | /_|_ | |\_/  /| |/   | /__| || |   | |\ |                       |
|           |___|\ | | /____|______|/~~~| |__|   | |_\|                       |
|                 \__|             |    |__|     |_|                          |
|     ________        _____   /\   |                      ____   >            |
|     \__   _/____ ___\_ _ | /  |__|_ ____|___        ___|       >            |
|       |   |/   //   _____|/  /|\ |      |   \<>____/ _ ||                   |
|       |   /    \   /| /  |  / | \|_    _|  \ \/   /____||                   |
|       | _/|  /|/  | |/   | /__|  |/   /_| |   /  / |_/  |                   |
|       | \_|_/ |___|______|/~~~|  |___/\ | |\_/  /|______|                   |
|       |___|              |    |__|     \__| /____|                          |
|                                                                             |

| "Execute"                                                             |
                ______   ........           | asl-exe.txt  | 24.04.2000 |
phreak klass____\__  /__ : asl  :           +--------------+------------+
  ......... \    _/    /.:......:           |   Phreak Klass/Aerosol    |
  :         /____\_____\ :.......           +------+----------+---------+
  : ______      _____      ____ :           | #?   | 14 logos |   pk^   |
__:_\__  /__ ___\  _/____ /    )_           +------+----------+---------+-----+
\    _/    /_\___\__    //       /          | Logo Style   [xx........] 02/10 |
/____\_____\ _____\/____\ _______\          | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
  :.......  \/  ____  presents  :           | Colly Outlook[xx........] 02/10 |
  .......:.... /    )_ .........:           |                                 |
  : asl  :    /       /                     |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
  :......:   \________\  execute            | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
 (aerosol ascii corporation 2000)           | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Unfortunately not that eyecandy which I   | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| hoped the colly would be. The letters are |      (no points given)          |
| too twisted, like you would never figure  |                                 |
| out that the logo below says "Darkus"...  | Total Points: 10 of 40          |
| The logo design lacks innovativity - whats+---------------------------------+
| more boring than the stupid old "smiling  |      Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| star" and the 3D-cube ?  Of course you    |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| can use this elements well-dosed, but here+---------------------------------+
| you see too many of them... The colly design is not very great, too. What's |
| up, pk^? I am used to better stuff from you...                              |
|                                                                             |
|                      __/\__                                                 |
|                 ___  \ Oo /          __________                             |
|                /_ (__/__p_\__________\ ______ /_____________._              |
|  /\______________)  _  \/  _______     \    /___    ______._|/        ____  |
._//_\ _______ _______\\____ \_    /__ /\ \__    /____\     |\l____ ____)  /  |
|pk^___\     /_\    _ /    /\ \       /____\/____\    \\    |__\ _/_____  /_. |
l_  \   \__    /____\/____/____\______\ ___  ___ /____\/____l___\__    /    | |
    /____\/____\ ______    __.o________.\ _)(_ /___________ / ___\/_____\ __l |
|                     /___/_/\  O     O   \  /               \/               |
|                         \_\/     o       \/                                 |
|                                                                             |

| "Macgyva"                                                             |
  ____  _________.____ _____ ____    _____  | ih-macgy.txt | 27.04.2000 |
._\  /__\_   \  /    /_\__ /_   /  __\_   \.+--------------+------------+
|\ \/ /  /   /_/    /   _   / _/__/_  /   /||     Abhorrence/Inhale     |
|/   /  /   / \_   /    / _/  \    / /___/ /|-------+----------+--------+
/____\_/____\__/___\______\________\______/||  #!?  | 29 logos |  aBHO  |
+-------------[ iNHALE 2ooo! ]---------tR!-++-------+----------+--------+-----+
|  aBhOrRENcE iS aLiVE aND stiLL kiCKiNg.  || Logo Style   [xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
|     lEt mE iNtrOdUCE yOu tO mACgYVA.     || Logo Design  [xxxxxxxxxx] 10/10 |
`-- - -- ----------------------------------'| Colly Outlook[xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| My first atempt at reviewing a colly from |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
| my good  friend, the  well  known Finnish | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Inhale    star,   Abhorrence.  Lets   get | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| straight to it. Firstly, the intro design |                                 |
| has been given a seven out of ten rating. | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| It is what I  would call top class design |      (no points given)          |
| but  due to the  shortness  of the  intro |                                 |
| I couldnt give anything higher for it. In | Total Points: 29 of 40          |
| his  intro, we have a  very  complex  and +---------------------------------+
| filled  design which is  pleasing  to the |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| eye. Just a small tip to him  would be to |         Darkus/Aerosol          |
| increase the size of his intro parts! And +---------------------------------+
| a higher rating  is easily  achiveable! Following through his collection we |
| have 29 logos, most of which are very well drawn and feature amazing design |
| And  to be  honest, I think  his logo design skills  are ranked amongst the |
| best of  any  ascii era. So a straight ten  out of ten for that. His actual |
| letter drawing skills ranked at  seven out of ten are quite unique. Some of |
| his letters can be hard to read, but it`s quite a joy to figure the letters |
| out. As once you can  see how each letter is ment to look, it becomes clear |
| Abhorrence  is a very talented  artist. One of a few in todays ascii scene. |
| The end part of his colly is again very nicely designed, only too short!    |
| __ _                                                                    _ __|
|_\ _._                                                                  _._ /|
| ._)|                                                                    |(_.|
| |  |      ._.             ____                                 ._.      |  ||
| | _|___ _ |_|  _         .)  /                        ____  _  |_| _ ___|_ ||
| |  :__________ /_      __|  /__           _______    .)  / _\           |  ||
| | _)   ______/_______ _) | /  (________  /   _  (_ __|  /__  ___________:  ||
| | \    \   \_   ._  (_\ _|/    /   _  (_ \___._  /_) | /  (__)   ._    (__ ||
| |  \_   \_._(   l/  _/__ ·    _\___._  /_    l/  ¯/ _|/    /     l/      / ||
| |   /_____|/_____\   _ /______\    l/  ¯/_________\_ ·    _\_____/     _/  ||
| |  |           ¯       ¯      ¯         ¯          ¯      ¯            ¯|  ||
| |  |          __ _           _ __ ·\  _    __ _           _ __          |  ||
| |  | .       _\ .______.._..___ (_ \\ \   _) ___.._..______. /_       . |  ||
| |_ | |_ aBHO ._.|      || ||  (. _ _\\ __ _ .)  || ||      |._.      _| | _||
|_ (_:_ __ ____|_||______||_||___| ((_\\\\_)) |___||_||______||_|____ __ _:_) |
|/_ _·                                  \\                                ·_ _|
|¯                                     \ \\                                   |
|                                      ¯  \·                                  |

    _____       ____.
    \  _/  ___ |   _|________     ____       _____
   __\___.\\_ \|   \:       //_._\\ _/___  _\\__  \_
 _/      |   \ \    \______/   |    ____/_/    _   /
 \       |    \ \_  |    /          \         /    \                        __
--\ _    |     \    |nD!/      _ _        _   \     \----------------------\\/
   \\____| _   |\___|  /______/ \\_______/ \---\     \
          \\___|                                \____/               _
                             _______:  ____.  ____        _________ / \__
 Interview with           ___\      |__\___|_\\ _/___  ___\       //   _//__
    Volatile/Lo'Profile _/    \     `      |    ____/_/    \      _\____    \_
 __                     \      \/  _       |    \          /\          /     /
-\//---------------------\ _      / \ _    | _        _          _ _        /-
                          \\_____/   \\____|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/

NOTE: In the interview the word "oldschool" is used several times. It
is used at its meaning in the pc asciiscene, meaning just "Amiga-style
ascii". "Newschool" means the PC-typical asciis with "$"- and other chars.
- diP/dTR

DIPSWITCH: Tell me about yourself !

  well my name is peleg i'm 19 years old, i serve in the israeli army (two
  years left, yay!), i've been known in the scene first as human vox
  (early 96) than as volatile hamster (don't even ask) and after awhile
  i dropped the hamster and just stayed volatile =).

DIPSWITCH: What was developement of your ascii career till now ?

  well, when i first started to draw ascii, i was basiclly a pc artist
  who used aciddraw with a pc font, after awhile i started drawing my
  shit on 80x50 mode instead on the normal mode, that made me change
  my letter style to something smaller, my mate squish always tried to
  talk me into using (amiga font simulator) and at start
  i thought it was a bad idea, but after couple of tries i realy got into
  it. i guess you can say i had alot of style changes, some was for the
  bad, some was for the worset, i do think i made major developement since
  i started doing this ish.

DIPSWITCH: When you drove your first ascii ?

  i started fooling around with ascii sometime around 95' but i started
  my real ascii career at early 96', back when i was still known as human
  vox, i had alot of help and feedback from necromancer (ex-leader & founder
  of the pc group remorse) even though i sucked realy bad back than he
  told me something i tell new artists all the time - "keep practicing and
  you'll be good" i do belive that art is a learning skill like everything
  else, sure emotional art needs more than your regular skill, it need its
  special touch. but as for oldschool i think the longer you draw and exprien
  the better you develop yourself.

  Your collies are floating through Amiga boards, but as I know
  you were part of the PC "oldschool ascii" scene from your start.
  Do you nevertheless feel yourself as a part of the Amiga scene
  through your artform ?  Do you deal with the Amiga scene besides
  ascii ?

  well since i started my romance with amiga ascii it has taken a part of my
  time no less worth to the time i put on the pc scene, for me both scenes
  at the bubbling time (when pc group serial had fueds with every group around)
  i enjoyed quiet moments in the amiga scene #ascii channel (ircnet)
  when i also enjoyed my competetive motion in the pc scene that lacked from
  the amiga scene. i consider myself a complete amiga artist this days, my
  style, my influences are all amiga, my machine is pc sure, but i consider
  myself an amiga artist definitly.
  as for other aspects of the amiga scene, i don't take much part of other
  parts since the deased scene of israel was all pc, and i never even
  had an amiga :)

  Why you have chosen Amiga ascii and not pc(block or $-Style)-Ascii/Ansi
  or pixel gfx as your artform ?

  well basiclly because nothing attracted me like ascii, i can't tell you
  the reason, i have tried ansi and $ style ascii but i just didn't had
  the patiance, it takes alot more time than to draw an oldschool logo :D

  What are, in your opinion, the advantages and disadvantages of the
  PC-scene style of releasing (big archives with single logos instead
  of collys) ?

  i personally think it depends on the form of art, oldschool ascii (amiga
  kind of ascii) should be in a colly or at least some kind of cluster if
  its like 5+ logos, but if your talking on less than that, the advantage
  of archives is you don't have to have like... 15+ logos to show a sign
  your alive, or to wait 6 months till you have enough ascii.

  There were times (around 1998, as I remember) when some pc-"oldschool"-
  asciiers (some guys from Noname, am I right?) made joke-collies about
  you being "oh-so-amiga", while, in fact, you had more clue of Amiga-
  style ascii than them. I just have this collies in memory... At the same
  time you were almost unknown in the real Amiga ascii scene. What did
  motivate you, in that difficult time, to move on and develope your-
  self ?

  well personally i had support from lots of people around both scene at
  the time. i was an easy pick for some guys back than since my english
  was horrible and i was easy to upset, my biggest fued with an artist
  named mjay. who has made two hate/joke collies about me, he accused me
  in ripping mogue, a thing that was so far of reach. and tried to knock
  me out of some groups, by making deals with them that if he joins they
  will kick me. he had big fame back than, and i was considered mediocre
  so they were nasty and kicked me. and than he would quit the group and
  they were to beg me to stay, i won't mention names but it was a rotten
  move. anyway the only thing that left me in this game back than was the
  support of couple of people including nmancer, c4nn, horizon, folar and
  some others i don't remember (sorry mates been awhile).
  sure it helped me develop, i was intrested back than in fame and respect.
  and that feuds changed my prespective, i said fuck that i'm here for the
  ascii, if people likes it than its good. but that shouldn't be my motivation
  so it has proven its success :D

  Tell us the story of your group "Phunk" !

  well phunk started on 96' but it was planned than to be a all forms of art
  kind of group (ansi, ascii, gfx), but than i decided its gonna be a
  oldschool only kind of group, in the start we released a package of collies
  made by squish, me and...  uhhhhhh arlequin i think, but after releasing
  the pack i got an idea, to unite the best artists of both scenes in
  one group, and than the real phunk was born. in the years we had alot
  of members who today shines el nino (back than dataflower), brane, native,
  el talo and arl. not to forget the loyal and valuble member i hear from
  once a year don rappelo :D.
  phunk was unite than into wax a pc group, but when wax died phunk continued.

  Now you managed to land in Low Profile. How did it occure ?

  well i tried to apply once but i was told they waren't accepting new members
  than after awhile rdm decided the group needs some fresh blood so when daeron
  joined. i tried again and was accepted.

  Do you think it is important for ascii logos to be more readable ?

  well as one who his oldschool is sometimes considered unreadble i guess
  it depends, my shit is pretty readble for me, but than again i can even
  read most newbie ascii and some artists never had troubles reading my
  own :D, but it realy narrows down to style, if a newbie makes an ascii
  and its unreadble and has no certien skilled style to it, than i think
  its bad, but if a skilled artist who knows what he's doing tries to be
  more stylistic and risk is readbility for that. than i think its fine :D

  Who are your alltime-favourite artists ?

  well thats an hard question, i guess desoto, chrombacher, tango, horizon,
  crusader and uhhh many more, i just can't list like 20 people, those are
  my top all-time fav's.

  What do you think about the relationship between ascii and bbs's ?
  Can the one survive without the other ?

  well i think it can, the pc scene is the proof, since bbs's has pretty
  much died, sure its not as good as it was. but its still ticking and
  thats something, but i think only time can tell...

  You live in Israel. Are you the only one Amiga-ascii artist there
  or are there some other hidden talents on that platform ?

  well i realy think squish was a good amiga artist (he was in pk's group
  afluance design), as for amiga i'm sure i'm the only one.
  as for pc newschool, theres a couple of artists but not as many as were
  in the past.

  What are the words of wisdom you would say to a newbie starting with
  Amiga-style ascii, especially if he is PC-based ?

  keep practicing, don't give up, the amiga scene is not like pc scene.
  there aint realy something like a realy easy start, being a good artist
  needs credibility, and the name of the game in making a name for yourself
  is keep at it, and your there.

  Wanna greet somebody ?

  well all my friends, you know who you are, if you don't ask me :)
  for anyone who enjoys my ascii, i realy give respects to you :)
  and you dipswitch, and make sure to release tac already :)

  THX for the interview !

                          _____.                         _
      ______     _____   |     |  _____       _____     / \__      _____
   ___\__   \_ __\ __/__ |     |__\  _/__   _\\__  \_  /  __/__  __\  _/__
 _/   __/   _//    ____/_|     |    ____/__/   __    \_\____   \/    ____/_
 \    \      \     \     \     |    \           /          /         \     \_
--\    \      \ _        /     | _        _    /     __         _ _         /-
   \----\      \\_______/|     |\\_______/ \--/_____/  \_______/ \\________/
         \      \        |     |      ____     _        _____.
          \_____/        |     |      \  /    / \__    |     |
                         |     |    .__\___. /   _/__ _|     |_
   rELEASE liST          |    _|____|      |_\____   \\__  ___/___
                         |    \     |      |     /     |   \      \_
-------------------------| _   \_   _ _    | _         nD!  \      /----------
                         `-\_______/ \\____|-\___     /\\_____    /
                                                 \___/        \__/

.-- mARCH 2000 - -   -     -                                                 .
| Filename     | Colly Title         | Artist      | Crew         | Date     |
| soc-stnd.txt | Stand               | Juen        | SOC          | 02.03.00 |
| sea-anja.txt | Ganja Smokers Club  | X-Ball      | Sative Mea   | 02.03.00 |
| sw-andro.txt | Androgynous         | Spermwhale  | -            | 08.03.00 |
| soc-chs.txt  | Chaos               | Hazh        | SOC          | 12.03.00 |
| soc-kgb_.txt | KGB?                | Juen        | SOC          | 14.03.00 |
| soc-kgb!.txt | KGB!                | Juen        | SOC          | 14.03.00 |
| asl-1o1.txt  | 101                 | Phreak Klass| Aerosol      | 24.03.00 |
| dtr-sg!.txt  | Styles Galore       | Avenger     | Dream Theatre| 25.03.00 |
| sea-kibe.txt | Kibel               | Far         | Sative Mea   | 25.03.00 |
| asl-str.txt  | Streetlife          | H7          | Aerosol      | 29.03.00 |
| asl-rfn.txt  | Returned From No... | Darkus      | Aerosol      | 31.03.00 |

.-- aPRiL 2000 - -   -     -                                                 .
| Filename     | Colly Title         | Artist      | Crew         | Date     |
| pnk-bbs!.txt | Phunky BBS Things   |Bne/Arl/Vol/Df Phunk        | 05.04.00 |
| asl-bas.txt  | Badass              | Blue        | Aerosol      | 08.04.00 |
| -t-crime.txt | Crime Pays          | D'Artagnan  | Twisted      | 16.04.00 |
| m-gene.txt   | Codename Genesis    | Dwarf       | Mimic        | 16.04.00 |
| m-wide.txt   | Worldwide           | Volatile    | Mimic        | 16.04.00 |
| l124-drh.txt | Down The Rabbit Hole| Azzaro      | Link 124     | 17.04.00 |
| l124-fsh.txt | First Shot          | Bull        | Link 124     | 17.04.00 |
| lot-k0_e.txt | Efectin             | Zito & Kempy| Layout & K0re| 19.04.00 |
| l124-d78.txt | Euro Diskko'78      | Noches      | Link 124     | 21.04.00 |
| kts-esis.txt | Master's Thesis     | Poskgubbe   | Katharsis    | 24.04.00 |
| asl-exe.txt  | Execute             | Phreak Klass| Aerosol      | 24.04.00 |
| ih-macgy.txt | Macgyva             | Abhorrence  | Inhale       | 26.04.00 |

            M O S T  P O P U L A R  G U E S T  A R T I S T  2 0 0 0

        Only collies from 1.1.2000 till 30.4.2000 have been scanned.
        Only artists with 2+ guest apperiences come into this chart.
                   This chart only concerns the year 2000.

   Place . Handle             . Current Asciigroup      . Guest Apperiances
   ------+--------------------+-------------------------+----- -  -   -
       1 | H7                 | Aerosol/Mimic           | 16
         |                    |                         |
       2 | Darkus             | Aerosol                 | 14
         |                    |                         |
       3 | Azzaro             | Link 124                | 13
         |                    |                         |
       4 | Threaz             | Twisted                 | 12
         |                    |                         |
       5 | Cru                | 100%                    |  8
         | Native/Dezibel     | Aerosol                 |  8
         |                    |                         |
       6 | Mortimer Twang     | Low Profile             |  7
         | Mute               | Aerosol                 |  7
         |                    |                         |
       7 | Acid               | K0re                    |  6
         | Crusader           | Mo'Soul                 |  6
         | Krs                | Link 124                |  6
         | Psr                | ?                       |  6
         | Thung              | K0re                    |  6
         |                    |                         |
       8 | Avenger            | Dream Theatre           |  5
         | Dipswitch          | Dream Theatre/100%      |  5
         |                    |                         |
       9 | H2o                | Arclite                 |  4
         | Kempy              | K0re                    |  4
         | X-Ball             | Sative Mea              |  4
         |                    |                         |
      10 | Daeron             | Low Profile             |  3
         | Dwarf              | Mimic                   |  3
         | Fighter For Future | ?                       |  3
         | Miracle            | 100%                    |  3
         | Noches             | Link 124                |  3
         | Phreak Klass       | Aerosol                 |  3
         | Rewi               | Sative Mea              |  3
         | Sqlim              | Symptoms Of Czernobyl   |  3
         |                    |                         |
      11 | Chrombacher        | Epsilon Design          |  2
         | Exocet             | Arclite                 |  2
         | Horizon            | ?                       |  2
         | Lord Chaos         | Dream Theatre           |  2
         | Nasone             | Aerosol/Mimic           |  2
         | Nup/B              | Pro^Arts                |  2
         | Pogue              | Impure                  |  2
         | Pesho              | Remorse                 |  2
         | Shaolin            | Dream Theatre           |  2
         | Whodini            | Remorse                 |  2
         :                    :                         :
         .                    .                         .

                  _____.   c H A R T S  2 0 0 0 !   _____.       _
        _______  |     |        _____     ______   |     |      / \___
      __\  ___//_|   __|___   _\\__  \_._\\__   \__|     |_    /   __//__
    _/     \     |  \\__   \_/    _    |   _//   /\__  ___/__._\____     \_
    \                  /          /        \     \ |   \     `     /      /
-----\_ _        :    /     :    /     :    \     \nD!  \               _/---
       \\_______/`---/     /`---/_____/`-----\     \\_____    /\_______/
                     \____/                   \____/      \__/

                         ÷  1. tHE qUANTiTY cHARTS  ÷
                         - - -------------------- - -

       These are the charts as you know them from TAC'99. One release
       appirience counts one point for every group. Remember: Quantity
       alone don't make a top group !
       Announcement/Infofiles ARE counted !

          Place . Group                         . Points . Last Issue Points
          ------+-------------------------------+--------+------- -  -   -
              1 | Aerosol (ASL)                 |   8    |    3
                |                               |        |
              2 | Symptoms Of Czernobyl (SOC)   |   7    |    0
                |                               |        |
              3 | Link 124 (L124)               |   6    |    2
                |                               |        |
              4 | Sative Mea (SEA)              |   4    |    1
                |                               |        |
              5 | Dream Theatre (DTR)           |   3    |    2
                | K0re (K0)                     |   3    |    2
                | Mimic (M)                     |   3    |    1
                |                               |        |
              6 | Karma (KMA)                   |   2    |    2
                | Twisted (-T)                  |   2    |    1
                |                               |        |
              7 | 100% (1OO)                    |   1    |    1
                | Bitch (B1)                    |   1    |    1
                | Highlanders (HL)              |   1    |    1
                | Impure (IMP)                  |   1    |    1
                | Inhale (IH)                   |   1    |    0
                | Katharsis (KTS)               |   1    |    0
                | Killkrazed (KKZ)              |   1    |    1
                | Layout (LOT)                  |   1    |    0
                | Oxygen (OXG)                  |   1    |    0
                | Phunk (PNK)                   |   1    |    0
                | Tuffest Men Alive (TMA)       |   1    |    1
                :                               :        :
                .                               .        .

                         ÷  2. tHE qUALiTY cHARTS  ÷
                         - - ------------------- - -

       The points for the quality charts are calculated through the
       following formula: (all points the group gained through reviews)
       divided through (count of collys they released). So the average
       point account for the group is calculated. But remember:
       the review points are just an opinion of the reviewer !
       Announcement/Infofiles are NOT counted !
       Doing this chart included hardcore calculations. If I did a
       mistake in the calculation, please forgive me !
       BTW: AQP means "Average Quality Points" ! 
Place . Group             . Whole Pts. / . Collys = . AQP  . AQP  . Tendency
------+-------------------+--------------+----------+------+------+---- -  -
    1 | Inhale            |   29         |  1       | 29,0 | --,- | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    2 | Twisted           |   46         |  2       | 23,0 | 31,0 | -
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    3 | Dream Theatre     |   43         |  2       | 21,5 | 19,0 | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    4 | 100 Percent       |   21         |  1       | 21,0 | 21,0 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    5 | Aerosol           |  156         |  8       | 19,5 | 21,3 | -
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    6 | Phunk             |   19         |  1       | 19,0 | --,- | +
      | Tuffest Men Alive |   19         |  1       | 19,0 | 19,0 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    7 | Karma             |   37         |  2       | 18,5 | 18,5 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    8 | K0re              |   52         |  3       | 17,3 | 18,0 | -
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
    9 | Layout            |   16         |  1       | 16,0 | --,- | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   10 | Sative Mea        |   54         |  4       | 13,5 | 11,0 | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   11 | Link 124          |   67         |  5       | 13,4 | 13,0 | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   12 | Bitch             |    9         |  1       |  9,0 |  9,0 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   13 | Mimic             |   26         |  3       |  8,6 |  0,0 | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   14 | Killkrazed        |    5         |  1       |  5,0 |  5,0 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   15 | Impure            |    4         |  1       |  4,0 |  4,0 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   16 | Oxygen            |    3         |  1       |  3,0 | --,- | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   17 | Symptoms Of Czerno|yl 12         |  7       |  1,7 | --,- | +
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   18 | Highlanders       |    1         |  1       |  1,0 |  1,0 | const.
      |                   |              |          |      |      |
   19 | Katharsis         |    0         |  1       |  0,0 | --,- | const.
      :                   :              :          :      :      :
      .                   .              .          .      .      .

   Ok mates, sorry for this big delay !  I hope you enjoyed the mag and
   i hope the next issue will come pretty soon...



         ______  _________   _________     ___.   .___
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_/       /     /     _      \      _     /     /     /\       \/\           \
\______________\_____/      /___________/______\_______\_______\____________/
                         /___________ø_ [%* tHE YARd BBS 2k! *%]
     ._________________///   ________:                          ____
  ___|_______ ____.    /  ___\_      |___   ___\      _____  __/_   \
  \     _   //   _|__  __/_    \     |   \ /    \  __/_    \/   /    \
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     \______|    \_____/_________/ /____/        \_____\_____//
         \_______|                     /____________\©nUP



    ÷ 2 nODES dIAL-UP 33k6 aND 64k iSDN ÷ 4 nODES tELNET 24h/7 64k iSDN ÷
   ÷ 0d aMiGA/aSCii/hANDhELDS/n64 - dC/pSX/sNES/mP3/cLASSiCS/liNUX/dRUGS ÷