File Archive

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File size:
91 684 bytes (89.54K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 507


          .                                      .
    _____/|_                   _______/\         :.
    \ _   | \---.____/\____    \_    /  \________:_____/\  -poyZ!
- - -\/  \|   _  \ __   __/-.   (____    \   _  \_   _   \________/\
     (____|   \   \//  __/   \_    \____/_) _    |   \   _\__   _   \
        /______)  /__________ /       _/    /    |____)     /   /    \
          :   \________/    \/        \_\  /-----'   \____ /__________)
          .                              \/              \/

 * Ringdown on two nodes at 33k6 and 64k ISDN - 24h/7days Telnet at 64k ISDN *

Aeroholics wHQ - Dream Theatre wHQ - Arcade wHQ - Aerosol wHQ - Black Sista wHQ
  Lightforce gHQ - Bad Karma gHQ - Royal gHQ - Low Profile gHQ - Up Rough gHQ
Sick of it All gHQ - Most Valueable Players gHQ - Tequila gHQ - 1oo Percent gHQ

 * Amiga^Handhelds^N64^Psx^Snes^Ascii^Graffiti^Oldies^Linux^Drux^Mp3^Musique *

       -+- Zaner/Lightforce -+- Dipswitch/Bad Karma -+- Ninja/Paradox -+-
       -+- Darkus/Skid Row -+- Hash/Panzerknacker -+- Mool/Aeroholics -+-


              T H E  A S C I I  C H /\ R T S  0 1 / 2 k
           :                                           ______:______/_
      ____/|      _____ _______      ________ _____ ___\_    |    _/
    _|     | ___.|    //_     /___   \      //   _//  _/|    |    |
    \_     _\\  ||      /____/   /  /        \___    /  |    |    |
     |     |    \\    __________/  /____/\______________|    |    |_
     |_____|    ||____|   __.                   ____   \_____|_____/
           | ___| ______ /  |:____ ____ _______|    |_ _____ :
           |/     \   _//   ||   //    \\_    /_    _//   _/___
           :    _/   /      \\          _/   / |    | \___     \_
              _\\______     ||______/\__\______|____|___________/

                «  i S S U E  j A N U A R Y / f E B R U A R Y  »

   ___       _____   __    ____     ____     ____     __     ____    ___
 _/  /___.___\  _/_ _\_)_ /   //_ __\_  \_ _\\_ /___ _\_)_ __\_  \_ /  /
_)  _/   |    _/  (_    (_     _/    /   /   _/    /     (_   /   /  _/___
\   \    |    \    /     /     \        /    \     \_     /  _   /   \    \
/____\___|_____\ _/_____/_______\ ______\ ____\_____/____/___\___\ _______/

    Hello dear TAC believers worldwide !

    After a 5-month-break we are back. We are here and ain't going nowhere.
    We are back with a new chart- and pointsystem, more articles and inter-
    views and just more informative.

    The new TAC'2k will come out bi-monthly. This is the first issue in the
    new millenium. and I also thought to build up the crew from the start
    again, kicking everybody out and letting those in again who are willing
    to do something for the zine. The TAC staff consists at the moment of
    Darkus, Zaner and me. If you were part of the TAC staff last year and
    want to be in again, just contact me... But please be more active than
    last year !

    TAC needs a new design ! So if you got time & fun, just make the logos
    which are in this issue (EDITORIAL, NEWS etc.). We'll use your design
    for sure if it's worth it.

    Now over to the news section....

    Dipswitch - main editor

    _____    ___    diP ________  ___  dTR
 __\\_   \_ /  //___.___\__    / /  //_____  ___________________________
_)   /    /    _/   |     /    \_\___     / /                          (_
\   /     \    \    |    /\     /   /    / /       nEWS sECTiON         /
/___\______\ ___\___|____/\____/_________\ \____________________________\

    Following things happened between 1.1. and 29.2.:

    · A new ascii group called Dream Theatre was founded by Dipswitch,
      Zaner, Avenger, Lord Chaos and Shaolin(ex-Aveng3r). For further
      informations read DTR-INFO.TXT.

    · Zaner and Dipswitch left Arcade for Dream Theatre.

    · Phreak Klass (ex-Remorse/Karma) joined Aerosol.

    · Link 124 was refounded. Current memberlist consists of Azzaro, Krs,
      Luk and Covenant. Azzaro is the official organizer. For further
      informations read L124-WRB.TXT.

    · Azzaro left Sative Mea for Link 124.

    · Krs and Luk left Linear for Link 124.

    · Cnr was forced to leave K0re due of inactivity.

    · Tuffest Men Alive was re-found as a one-man-crew of Krash, who
      returned back to scene life after a long pause.

     That were all news.

     Over to the main part - the review section.

   ____     ___        _______  _   ___       _______  ___
 _\\_ /___ /  //___. __\_    /_(/_ /  //___.__\__   / /  //_____ _______
_) _/    /    _/   |_)  /   /    (_   _/   |    /   \_\___     //      (_
\  \     \_   \    |   /   /      /   \    |   /\    /   /    //diP/dTR /
/___\_____/____\___|_______\ _____\ ___\___|___/\___/_________\\________\

                    eXPLANATiON oF tHE pOiNT sYSTEM
                    - --------------------------- -

     · There are two charts going on parallel: the Quantity Charts and
       the Quality Charts.

     · Any appierence of a group in form of a file counts 1 (one) point
       in the Quantity Charts.

     · A novelty is the Quality point system. A colly can get maximal 45
               · 1 to 10 points for logo style
               · 1 to 10 points for logo design
               · 1 to 10 points for colly outlook

               · Innovation Bonus (5 points)
               · English-Text Bonus: Min. ca. 1/2 of the colly text
                 is written in English (5 points)

               · File_id.Diz Error Nuke: File_id.Diz is whether too
                 wide (over 44 chars) or wrong declared (-5 points)
               · Serious Rip Nuke: If it can be 100%-ly prooved that
                 the artist rips letters or design elements of someone
                 else's work, the whole quality points will be set to

                                 - ------ -

               · Every rating and comment is the individual opinion of
                 the reviewer. No TAC staff member can be
                 made responsible for other staff members' opinion.

- -----------------------------« rEViEWS 01/2k »----------------------------- -

| "Triple gem of wisdom"                                                |
  ____.                                     | 1oo-gems.txt | 02.01.2000 |
 /    |   _____    _____  __ ___            +--------------+------------+
 |    |__\\_   \__\\_   \_\//  //           |     Neurodancer/1oo%      |
 |    |    /        /    / /  /__ aScii lAbS+------+----------+---------+
-|   _|\_______/\_______/--\_/-\/-----------| #14  | 17 logos |   nD!   |
 |__/                             prEsentin +------+----------+---------+-----+
     T R i P L E   G E M   O F   W i S D O M| Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
      tributes/requests - remainders of 1999| Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
                  by nEurodancer o2-jan-2ooo| Colly Outlook[xxxxx.....] 03/10 |
____________________________________________|                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Okay, nD's style is very readable and for | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| sure stylish.His letters are very straight|                                 |
| arranged but imho shaving into each other.| [.] Plain Textfile              |
| The letters are very proportional. The    |      (no points given)          |
| design around the letters is pretty small |                                 |
| but straight, but it fits nice to his sort| Total Points: 21 of 40          |
| of style. The file_id style is different, +---------------------------------+
| it's a newer style he uses there which is |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| different from his regular style, but that|            Zaner/dTR            |
| style is much more solid and the letters  +---------------------------------+
| do not shave into each other for example. His colly was not full of huge    |
| design and only a very small divider which reflects what he thinks about    |
| big dividers :) Well, the peoms and words in his collection were very nice  |
| and did fit into what he wanted to show I guess. 20 points for nD!          |
|                      _____.                     .____                       |
|                     |     |                     |    |                      |
|                     |  ___|__     ______     ___|__  |                      |
|                     | \\___  \  _\\___  \_  /  ___// |                      |
|      _______________|     /   \/    __    \/   \     |_______________       |
| _:__))              |    /          \/          \    |              ((__:_  |
| \|                  | _        _    /     _ _       _|                  |/  |
|  |                  `-\_______/¬---/_____/ \\______/ '                  |   |
|  |        ____.                                                         |   |
|  |       |    | _____  ______     ______ nD!___  ___    ______          |   |
|  |       |    |/    /_\\___  \_._\\__   \_._\  \/  /_._\\___  \_.       |   |
|  |       |   _/    //    __    |    /   _/|    __    |    __    |       |   |
| _|__     |  \\     \     \/    :   /     \|    \/    :    \/    |     __|_  |
|  :  ))___|    \     \    /     _   \      \    /     _    /     |___((  :   |
|          |____|\_____\--/_____/¬--- \      \--/_____/¬---/______|           |
|                                      \______\                               |

| "Millenium is here"                                                   |
  _____       __    ___          _ ____     | b1-y2k.txt   | 02.01.2000 |
_\\_  /____ _(_//_ /  //_ ___ _____   |____.+--------------+------------+
\   \_     \     /     _/   _/    /   |    ||        Dwarf/Bitch        |
 \   /     /    /      \    \    /    \    |+------+----------+---------+
 /_ /_____/_____\ ______\ ___\__/:    |____|| #?   | 21 logos |   dwf   |
     m i l l e n i u m  i s  h e r e        | Logo Style   [x.........] 02/10 |
                d w a r f                   | Logo Design  [x.........] 02/10 |
«------------------------------------------»| Colly Outlook[xx........] 03/10 |
                                            |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Dwarf didn't develope his style at all.   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| Sad... I'm sick to write again the same   |                                 |
| bullshit about Dwarf's collies because    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| he himself seems to not to give a f*ck.   |      (no points given)          |
|                                           |                                 |
|                                           | Total Points:  9 of 40          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|  __________                                                                 |
| /         /______        ________                       _______             |
| \        /      /________\       \ __________     ______\    _/____         |
|  \_______\________       /        \         /_____\                \        |
|                 /_________________/____/   /     _________/         \       |
|    ·           /                      /___________\      /___________\      |
|    |          ·                                         /                   |
|    |·                                          ________·                    |
|    |.   k U N G  f U .                _________\       \                    |
|    |:                       __________\        /        \ dwf               |
|    |                        \       ____________________/                   |
|  __|__·                     /      __/                                      |
|    | //:__________________ /________\                                       |
|    ·                                                                        |

| "Retrospect"                                                          |
          ____  ____      ____   -dKS!      | asl-rtr.txt  | 11.01.2000 |
___.______\_ /__) _/______\  /______.___    +--------------+------------+
¾¾¾|      _.  \ \_____._ \ _/       |¾¾¾    |       Mute/Aerosol        |
¾¾¾|      \|  /       |/ / \        |¾¾¾    +------+----------+---------+
¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯    | #22  | 45 logos |  mute   |
   |    .: r E T R OS P E C t :.    |       +------+----------+---------+-----+
   |                                |       | Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
   |       a y2k asc²bug from       |       | Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
   |             .mute.             |       | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
   |  > aEROSOL & jEBEDIAh prod. <  |       |                                 |
/--!--------------------------------!--\    |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| A quite nice and interesting production.  | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| The colly consists of 3 parts: A retro-   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| spective part with style samples out of   |                                 |
| Mute's colly history, a respect part and  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| a request part. Through the retrospective |      (no points given)          |
| we see that this guy is no bloody newbie, |                                 |
| as some people think, but is around since | Total Points: 20 of 40          |
| 1994. The letter style perhaps does not   +---------------------------------+
| perfectly fit into soem peoples' ascii    |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| esthetics, but there's a system in the    |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
| letters, they are mostly proportional and +---------------------------------+
| quite readable. The design around the logos is quite minimalistic, but      |
| solid. The colly design is a little bit under the average standart.         |
| But all in all a nice colly !                                               |
|           ______      ______   ______     ____._    _ _______________ _ .   |
|         .(__._ /_____(___  /__(____ /____(_   |/___                    /.   |
|         |/  |/ .  /. __,  / /./    ,  _/./    .  _/.                    |   |
|         /___l__l___l_________l_____l____l_____l____|         m.A.R.k    |   |
|         `                                          '                    \   |
|      ______     ____._        .____   ______     ______     r.Y.D.E.r   |   |
|   m.(____ /____(__  |/___/____|   /__(____ /____(____ /___              |   |
|   u|/    ,  _/./  \_,   /._  (l_   /./  /_____/.     ,  _/.             !   |
|   t/_____l____l__________l__________l__________l_____l____| _________ _\    |
|   e`                                                      '             ·   |
|                                                                             |

| "Oko"                                                                 |
       ____        _____         ._____ s3a | sea-oko.txt  | 11.01.2000 |
 -×ßL / __(______./  __/_____ ___|_   /.___.+--------------+------------+
      \________  |  __/      /  __/    |   ||   Far/SEA & X-Ball/SEA    |
            /   _|  \l    ___   \l     | sa|+------+----------+---------+
   00000000/____\|_  |____\  \___|     _ me|| #?   | 42 logos |-×ßL & fAr
   .------------- /__|         . |_____\---»+------+----------+---------+-----+
   | mastakilakru gives you:   |            | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
   `---------------------------l            | Logo Design  [xxx.......] 03/10 |
                              ( )          »| Colly Outlook[xxx.......] 03/10 |
                               ¥            |                                 |
        Hip bojs&gerls and now | something  |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| First of all, i had to register a File_id | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| error nuke, because the file_id.diz was   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
| 57 chars wide !!! Soem people just do not |                                 |
| learn...;( The design is somehow too      | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| chaotic. Far is quite new and has to prac-|      (no points given)          |
| tice more. His style looks a little bit   |                                 |
| like a Darkus-ripoff on some letters, but | Total Points: 11 of 40          |
| i won't accuse him... X-Ball's letter     +---------------------------------+
| style is VERY nice imho ! Perhaps even    |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| better than 5 points, but it's a coop,    |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
| and the partner's style pulls the whole   +---------------------------------+
| thing down a little bit... Well, it's pitty that the File_id is crippled,   |
| because the colly deserves more than 11 points...                           |
|                                ·                                            |
|                                ¦    .                                       |
|                      ._____  __|___ |______    .____,                       |
|                   ___|__   // ____/ |7_ __/ ___|__  |                       |
|                  /  ___/      \l    ||    |/  ___/  |                       |
|             s3a~ _  \7         |   _||    |   \l   _|-×ßL                   |
|                 \\___|     .___|___\ |____]________\                        |
|             -------- |    _|-------------------------acid----               |
|                      |____\                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                ________   ______     _______           ____                 |
|           _____\___  ¬/___\   ¬/_____`-----'__________l   /_                |
|          l      __         ___/             ¬       __     ¬|fAr            |
|           \_____\|  .°_l____\/   .°__________l_°.   \/______|s3a            |
|                  `----'    `--------'         `-------'                     |

| DTR infofile                                                          |
       ______ _____ ________ _ ____________ | dtr-info.txt | 16.01.2000 |
cDr ___\    /_    _\\__    /               |+--------------+------------+
ms_/   /   / |    |  _/   /  dREAMtHEATRE  \|  Dipswitch/Dream Theatre  |
_\\_______/__|    |__\_____________________|+------+----------+---------+
             |____|                         | #?   | -- logos |         |
 .rEAD aLL aBOUT tHE nEW riSiNG aSCiiFORCE. | Logo Style   [..........] --/-- |
                                            | Logo Design  [..........] --/-- |
- -(16.o1.oo)--------------------(dTR'2k)- -| Colly Outlook[..........] --/-- |
                                            |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+   Innovation Bonus +5 [-]       |
|  Just an anouncement of a new Ascii       | English-Text Bonus +5 [-]       |
|  group...                                 | File_id Error Nuke -5 [-]       |
|                                           |                                 |
|                                           | [x] Plain Textfile              |
|                                           |      (no points given)          |
|                                           |                                 |
|                                           | Total Points: -- of --          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |

| "Enervate"                                                            |
  ____ __                                   | kkz-ev2.txt  | 17.01.2000 |
 _\   Y  |_____  ___ __               _____ +--------------+------------+
Y       _l     )(   Y  |___ __  ______\___  |     Dwarf/Killkrazed      |
l_____  \             _l   Y  )(       ___/ +------+----------+---------+
    /________)(_____  \                \    | #?   | 29 logos |   dwf   |
2ooo              /________)(__________)\__ +------+----------+---------+-----+
                                            | Logo Style   [x.........] 02/10 |
    d w a r f   -   e n e r v a t e 2       | Logo Design  [x.........] 02/10 |
                                            | Colly Outlook[xxx.......] 03/10 |
                                            |                                 |
______                                 ____ |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Same as b1-y2k.txt... Just a file_id error| File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
| is to be registered because the file_id   |                                 |
| is 47 chars wide and wrong declared. Take | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| care !  I just add one more point for the |      (no points given)          |
| colly design because of the GREAT guest-  |                                 |
| logos (Crusader,Letharic etc.)            | Total Points:  5 of 40          |
| No style example, look at the one in the  +---------------------------------+
| b1-y2k.txt review.                        |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |

| "We are back for sure"                                                |
        l  i  n  k    1  2  4     |___      | l124-wrb.txt | 20.01.2000 |
     _______   _____________ ___  |   |     +--------------+------------+
     \     /___\__   .___  /_\  |_|   |     |      Azzaro/Link 124      |
     _\   /   /  /   |  / /   ____    |     +------+----------+---------+
     /________\ /____| /______\  /____|     | #-   | -- logos |         |
-|------------------------- bD!/L124 ----|- +------+----------+---------+-----+
 |                                       |  | Logo Style   [..........] --/-- |
 | "we are back for sure". an small info |  | Logo Design  [..........] --/-- |
 |  about reborn of polish ascii legend  |  | Colly Outlook[..........] --/-- |
 |                                       |  |                                 |
-|-[20/jan/2000]-------------------------|- |   Innovation Bonus +5 [-]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [-]       |
| Just an info text about the reborn L124   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [-]       |
| crew...                                   |                                 |
|                                           | [x] Plain Textfile              |
|                                           |      (no points given)          |
|                                           |                                 |
|                                           | Total Points: -- of --          |
|                                           +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |

| "Who is the riddler"                                                  |
·aNOTHER tHANG fROM tHE aZC2 gODS aT        | tma-witr.txt | 23.01.2000 |
  ____  ____      ____    ____  ____        +--------------+------------+
  \ t \/   /______\ m \___\ a \/   /        |  Krash/Tuffest Men Alive  |
  /   /   /   /   /   /   /   ø   /         +------+----------+---------+
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /:         | #?   | 12 logos |   .k    |
/___/   /___/   /___/   /___/   / |         +------+----------+---------+-----+
    \___\   \___\   \___\   \___\ |         | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
.t.U.F.F.E.Z.T..m.E.N..a.L.¡.V.E.!|         | Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 03/10 |
- --------------------------01/00-|-        | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 03/10 |
(a *VERY* short one by Krash titled)        |                                 |
       "Who Is The Riddler?"                |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Perhaps some of you know Krash from his   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| "Whakka whakka whoo" co-op with Zaphod,   |                                 |
| Scot & Sma1. After nearly 2 years of      | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| absistence, he came back with some im-    |      (no points given)          |
| proved styles. Yeah, imho he improved     |                                 |
| big time with his letter styles. The let- | Total Points: 19 of 40          |
| ters are VERY minimalistic, but the basic +---------------------------------+
| letter forms are still present. The colly |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| outlook is perhaps TOO minimalistic, but  |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
| all in all it's a nice and small          +---------------------------------+
| production. Let's hope for more !                                           |
|      :                                                                      |
|      :                                                                      |
|+reads: main menu                                                            |
|      :                                                                      |
|      :          ____         _        ____                                  |
| ________________)__(________//________)_  \_______ _______________________  |
| \____  ____/______/     \________/_____/      ___//_______________________) |
|      \/          /_______\            /_______(                             |
|      :                                                                      |
|      :          ____            ____                                        |
| ________________) _/____________)_  \_____________ _______ _______________  |
| \____  ____/__________/  __/_____/      ___/______|______//_______________) |
|      \/            /____/       /_______(                                   |
|      :                                                                      |
|      :                                                                      |
|      :                                                                      |

| "Duets 2: Snuff Culture"                                              |
_____ ____  __________ _____                | l124-d1s.txt | 26.01.2000 |
    /|   /_ \   __   //    / az0!/l124      +--------------+------------+
   /_|    |______/  //    /___.________     |  Azzaro & Krs /L124       |
     |    /  ______//    /|   |_       |    +------+----------+---------+
_  .:|:.     \_|              _/ 96>00_|    | #-   | 66 logos |         |
/____|_             _____|    |_______\     +------+----------+---------+-----+
------/_____________\----|____|---------    | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
d   u   e   t   s   1  :  snuff  culture    | Logo Design  [..........] 00/10 |
your astral pilots : a z z a r o + k r s    | Colly Outlook[xxx.......] 03/10 |
------------------------[jan/26/2óóó]---    |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
| The first production of the refounded     | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Link 124 crew. Krs and Azzaro give us a   | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| kind of ascii-building-set, where the     |                                 |
| requesters can build their logo from      | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| single letters. Well, imho it's neither   |      (no points given)          |
| innovative nor nice to watch at. If Krs & |                                 |
| Azzaro love to see their logos crippled   | Total Points: 13 of 40          |
| together by some stupid requesters, it's  +---------------------------------+
| their problem, but I can't give any points|    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| for the logo design cause there AIN'T any.|          Dipswitch/dTR          |
| To the letter style: Krs's letters are    +---------------------------------+
| very nice imho, quite stylish but also still reminding of real letters.     |
| Azzaro improved much, I think (e.g. with the "K"). All together i would     |
| give them 5 points. The design of the colly, on the other side, is TOO over-|
| loaded and chaotic, without any clear structure. About the texts: after     |
| thinking a lot I decided to give an English bonus because even the Intro    |
| is translated in English, so it's enough to be understood by the internati- |
| onal scene. So, all in all, only 13 points. It's a pitty, perhaps the colly |
| has deserved more, but how can I give points for logo design if the reques- |
| ters have to do it themselves ?                                             |
|             _____ _____  ___________    ___________    ______               |
|            _\   //    /  \ ___     /_  _\     ___ /   _\  __/___            |
|            | \ _/  __/   |\\/       |  | \_    \//    | \ \____/__          |
|            |___\    \    |     _____|  |  / _  _/ \   |_____     /          |
|            -----\____\   |_____\-----  |-----\_____\  -----/_____|          |
|                                                                             |
|                - - and add mark [az0!/l124] at the bottom - -               |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|         _ /______                         _ /_____                          |
|   ______\/      /    ________________   __\/     /----/  ______\ ___        |
|   \        _   /___  \        ____  /   \     _      /  /    ___\  /______  |
|    \       \      /   \     _    / /    /     \------\  \        \/      /  |
|    /-------/______\   /-----/______\   /_______\         \______        /   |
|                            /                                   /--------\   |
|                                                                             |
|                - - and add mark [krs!/l124] at the bottom - -               |

| "Ancient art of ninja training"                                       |
                                            | k0-ninja.txt | 30.01.2000 |
         _ /______   ______________________ |        Kempy/K0re         |
   ______\/      /  |                      |+------+----------+---------+
   \        _   /___| 13th colly by mr.k!  || #13  | 38 logos | km!/k0  |
    \       \      /|                      |+------+----------+---------+-----+
-«--/-------/      \|  [ title too long ]  || Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
   k®s!/la!/________\                      || Logo Design  [xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
                    |_____________[30.01.2K|| Colly Outlook[xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
                                            |                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| First the bad thing: Instead the real     | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
| file_id, a Veezya file_id drawn by the    |                                 |
| artist as a request was declared with     | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| XBEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ, so in the whole BBS   |      (no points given)          |
| listings the colly looked like a Veezya   |                                 |
| release. -5 points !  Now the good thing: | Total Points: 20 of 40          |
| This colly is one of the nicest polish    +---------------------------------+
| productions I've ever seen !  The letters |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| have a clear structure. Perhaps they look |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
| a little block-like, but are comfortable  +---------------------------------+
| to read and suit very well for file_id's e.g.  The logos are also very nice |
| designed, just watch the example below. The colly design is also very neat  |
| and clear structured, not like the usual chaotic stuff. The "topic" on the  |
| colly is ninja fighting, and the ninja asciimen are really cool !  All in   |
| all a VERY nice one.                                                        |
|                            .                         ·      .               |
|                 .           ·;     +    .         . ,:                      |
|               `     .     ·¼°          . +        ¼:¼  .     °.             |
|                .;         .;   ___        ·       .¼' ;     ·               |
|              ':.·.     +     .x¼¼¼¼x.            ·; ·.· .                   |
|             ·:.;¼            x¼¼¼¼¼¼×  _...._       ;¼ ;      +             |
|                ¼::     ·    ;¼¼¼¼¼×'.x¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼x.    ·:     .               |
|        ·     ': ¼ .   ;.°·   ×¼¼×',¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼,          x.   ·         |
|        :       ×'.    · .+    ~'.x¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼x.  `    .     :         |
|        | km!k0  .               ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼             |         |
|       _: .----------.----------.----------.----------.____,-----. :_        |
|      _\ _l _ _      l   ....   l   ....   l _        l    ,_____|_ /_       |
|       \\\_ | |      _   ||||   _   ||||   _ |        ______     _///        |
|       .\ |_|_|      |_        _|_        _|_|        |_   '    _| /.        |
|              `------'`--------' `--------'  `--------'`--------'            |
|         - (    ·( ·(  WHEN THE BLACK NIGHT SCARES YOU  )· )·   ) -          |

- -----------------------------« rEViEWS 02/2k »----------------------------- -

| "What the fuck"                                                       |
     ____///\_______                        | l124-wrb.txt | 08.02.2000 |
     |          ___|________________        +--------------+------------+
.....|.......      |         ..... ))   ....|       Dwarf/Impure        |
:    |  ___ :      l ______  : _______  :   +------+----------+---------+
:   ___\\ /_:__|_____|   _/____\     |......| #?   |  7 logos |   dwf   |
:.. |__        |    \/   \    \______|  :   +------+----------+---------+-----+
  :   |_______/\____/     \_______|zz...:...| Logo Style   [x.........] 01/10 |
  :    iMPURE   \  /_______\  2ooo      ;   | Logo Design  [xx........] 02/10 |
..:.........:                        ...;   | Colly Outlook[x.........] 01/10 |
:                                    :      |                                 |
;   dwarf's contribution for imp#13  :      |   Innovation Bonus +5 [-]       |
:        called -> what the fuck.    :      | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
:                                    :      | File_id Error Nuke -5 [x]       |
:... ........... ............... .. .:      |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+ [.] Plain Textfile              |
| "What the fuck"... Everything the same as |      (no points given)          |
| in other Dwarf productions, just the logo |                                 |
| design got a LITTLE bit better and the    | Total Points:  4 of 40          |
| file_id is 47 chars wide =(.              +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |

| "Capistrano"                                                          |
     ______      _\\ __         _____       | karma-c.txt  | 11.02.2000 |
  _<<_    /_  \    / _//_ ______\_   \_     +--------------+------------+
 _\  /      \_/    \/    \_      _    /_    |    Phreak Klass/Karma     |
\\___\       /_____/      /      /_____//   +------+----------+---------+
     /_______\\   /_______\\______\pk^      | #?   | 29 logos |   pk^   |
·_______________________________________·   +------+----------+---------+-----+
|                                       |   | Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
|        k a r m a  !  a s c i i        |   | Logo Design  [xxx.......] 03/10 |
|     " c a p i s t r a n o "  b y      |   | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
|         p h r e a k  k l a s s        |   |                                 |
l_______________________________________l   |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Another great comeback... After a huge    | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| pause one of the best pc-based amiga-     |                                 |
| style ascii artists, Phreak Klass, comes  | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| back with a colly. He represents 2 styles.|      (no points given)          |
| They are not that readable, but the       |                                 |
| letters are proportional. The colly is    | Total Points: 18 of 40          |
| also nice to view... Read the interview   +---------------------------------+
| with him presented in this issue !        |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|           _                                                                 |
|        ___\/________ ___         _          _          ___ __ ___·__ _      |
|         \\/\/                                                    |          |
   __\\    / ________\     __\\        ____\   ________\   ______\ |____\     |
 \    / _//__   _    /   \    / _//_ _/   _/__    _    /  _\  _  /_|\  //____ |
 /    \/    \_ /____/____/    \/    \_    _   \_ /____/____   /    \_\       \_
/_____/      / __//     /_____/      /__  /    / __//     /__/      /_\       /
.    /_______\\  /______\\pk^/_______\\/______/    /______\ /_______\\ \_____//
|    //                                                            |          .
|    /_____________________________________________________________l__ __ _   |
|                                                                             |

| "Past the point of ne return"                                         |
 .---------[÷]·AERøSØL & kARMA·[÷]--------. | asl-krm.txt  | 13.02.2000 |
 |          ____  ____      ____          | +--------------+------------+
 |__________\_ /__) _/______\  /__________| | Darkus/ASL & Phreak Klass/KMA
 |%%%|      _.  _ \_____._ _ _/       |%%%| +------+----------+---------+
 |%%%|      \|  \       |/ \ \        |%%%| | #-   | 31 logos |dKS & pk^|
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| +------+----------+---------+-----+
 | ·AeRoSoL & kARmA pReSeNt A nEw Co-Op!· | | Logo Style   [xxxxxxxx..] 08/10 |
 |   ·( PaSt ThE pOiNt Of No ReTuRn )·    | | Logo Design  [xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
 |        bY dArKuS & pHrEaK kLaSs        | | Colly Outlook[xxxxxxx...] 07/10 |
 |13                                    02| |                                 |
 `----[÷] ·VoLaTiOn & dOmInAtIoN!· [÷]----' |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Now THAT is quality !  Two of the best    | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| amiga & pc artists came together and did  |                                 |
| this kickass coop. Darkus' letters are    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| great, and the logo design is even more   |      (no points given)          |
| great !  PK's letters are perhaps too     |                                 |
| abstract sometimes but also very nice.    | Total Points: 27 of 40          |
| The colly design is very solid, as we are +---------------------------------+
| used at Darkus' collies. Great !          |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|                                   _ __                                      |
|                               _____/\_\_____                                |
|                    __        _)   _\/_/    (_         __                    |
|                __/\\/_______ |    . ..      | ________\//\__                |
|             _:_\   \/      `-|    :.::..    |-'       \/   /_:_             |
|             \|               |      :: :    |                |/             |
|             ¯|              (¯      :: .    ¯)               |¯             |
|.   ____.     |        _ __(¯¯       ..       ¯¯)__ _         |     .____    |
| o  )   |___ _¯_ _____    _____     _____     _____ ___ _____ ¯  ___|   (  o |
| _\_\ \ |  /_\_/_\   /____\   /_____\___/_____\_  /_\_/_\   /____\  | / /_/_ |
|   \   \_/  _   _  _/    _  _/    _ __\   _    /   _   _   /|   _  \_/   /   |
| _/¯    |___\___\__\_____\__\_____\ ||    \___/____\___\________\___|    ¯\_ |
|_\ _____|     _        ____.   -\----|-----/-                 _-dKS!|_____ / |
|  \           |        )  _|____ ______      _________        |           /  |
|   o    _.___________ _\  \_   /_\    /______)  ___  /_ ___________._    o   |
|    ·   \|            \    /    _    /|    _ \_____\  /            |/   ·    |
|        ¯|__________ /__________\__________\____|/_____\ __________|¯        |
|              _        _ ___         ..         ___ _         _              |
|              |            (__     . ..       __)             |              |
|             _|              (_    . ::      _)               |_             |
|             /|__             |    :.::..    |              __|\             |
|             ¯: /_  /\_____ _ |      :: :    | _ ______/\  _\ :¯             |
|                  \//\        |      __ _    |         /\\/                  |
|                    ¯¯        ¯)____/_/\____(¯         ¯¯                    |
|                                    \_\/_                                    |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|        _                      _                                             |
|________\\___ _______     ____//___ _____________                            |
|\     _     /_\   __/______       / \  _        /                            |
|/ ____\____/ ____/        /______/ ____/_______///  · tHE aCIDsLAM sYSTEM ·  |
|| |             /_________\pk^                                               |
|| l____                     _       ______        _         _                |
||     (_.                __//_____\\     / _______\\_________\ _______       |
||      _(______________ _\         /    /_      _     /      / _     /       |
|l______________________\\_\_______/______\\ ____\____/_______\/     /_______ |
|                                                             /_____________  |
|                                                                           \ |

| "Master of disharmony"                                                |
.____                   .____               | -t-dishr.txt | 18.02.2000 |
|    |_        __       |    |_       ____  +--------------+------------+
|     /___ __.(__)  ____|_    /___. __\   \_|      Threaz/Twisted       |
|    |   /   |    |_\    /   |   _|__ /    /+------+----------+---------+
|____| _/|   |__._| |\   \___| _|   /_____/ | #?   | 11 logos | tR!/-T! |
   M A S 7 E R  o f  D i S H A R M O N Y!   | Logo Style   [xxxxxxxxx.] 09/10 |
           tHrEAz/tWiSTED^dAMONES           | Logo Design  [xxxxxxxxx.] 09/10 |
   Groovy People ·Ascii· Productions 2000   | Colly Outlook[xxxxxxxx..] 08/10 |
«------------------------------------------»|                                 |
                                            |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| This is definitely the colly of the month.| File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| Each single logo is a burner. The design, |                                 |
| of the logos as well as of the whole colly| [.] Plain Textfile              |
| is ultra neat, it's a real pleasure to    |      (no points given)          |
| watch it. Perhaps the colly is a little   |                                 |
| bit too short, but with 11 logos Threaz   | Total Points: 31 of 40          |
| gives the scene more than some others with+---------------------------------+
| 50. A MUST LEECH !                        |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|                                                                             |
|           ..:................ ... .   ..     .                              |
              :::.:                   _   __ ______________                   |
 - ---------> :::                                         /_.                 |
lEARN tO _____:.:     ______  __  _____   _____            (|                 |
- ----->/   _/_:_____/     /__\/_/    /  /    /             :)                |
   ·   /   /     \ _/     /      /  _/__/__ _/______        |                 |
   |  /          / \_    /      /   \     / \      /        ·
   :) \_________/___/____\______\_________\________\<----------------------- -
  (|_         :.. tR!/-T!                           oR fEEL mY pNEUMATiC dRILL
.  · /________:_:_______ ___ _   _            <---------------------------- -
|             :::                                                             .
|             :·:                                                             |
|             ·:.                                                             |
|              .                                                              |

| "Embrion is the sexiest"                                              |
              ---                           | hl-ebsex.txt | 18.02.2000 |
          ___|   |__                        +--------------+------------+
 _____ __|   |  |   |___ _____              |    Mcloud/Highlanders     |
|    ___|  __¯¯¯|   |_  __    |             +------+----------+---------+
| ______|____|__|______|_____ |             | #?   | ?? logos |   mL    |
|       ¯       ¯      ¯      |             +------+----------+---------+-----+
|  don't ask what's this !!!  |             | Logo Style   [..........] 00/10 |
|  a first ascii kolly under  |             | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
|  highlanders label made by  |             | Colly Outlook[..........] 00/10 |
|  one and only mcloud and k  |             |                                 |
|  alled : embrion is da sex  |             |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
|  xiest...  enjoy!!!!        |             | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
|_____________________________|             | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| Absolutely BULLSHIT !  This whole sick    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| text bullshit bout fuckin animals and so  |      (no points given)          |
| on... And the style is absolutely sick and|                                 |
| crappy. So one "ooh-poor-lamer-don't-cry" | Total Points:  1 of 40          |
| point.                                    +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|                ....                                                         |
|        .·     ======.                                                       |
|     __[       [ 00 ]     he's gotta bomb!!!!        ____________            |
|    [tnt]__.__.| -- |.___        __________________ /                        |
|    [___]-----] ¯¯¯¯ [--.`.     /       _______ _ //                         |
|              |`='`='|   ||    / _____  \______\///                          |
|      _________\=__=/___[[]___/ /    /   __    \//_______________            |
|      ----------.______________/    / __/ /________________ .----            |
|               //____  / / /  /  __/_/ __<_ _/      / /   //                 |
|              // >____/_/ /  /__/ _ /  /    /  .   /_/   //                  |
|           hL//________________________________________ //mL                 |
|      -------/-----------------------------------------/---------            |
|            /                                         /                      |

| "The rijk style"                                                      |
     _        _            _                | k-trs.txt    | 18.02.2000 |
     /_____   /_____       /______          +--------------+------------+
____/    _/___)_  _//_____(__    /__        |    Phreak Klass/Karma     |
\   \      \/   \/     \/  _/      /        +------+----------+---------+
/___/      /____/      /___\      /         | #?   | 27 logos |   pk^   |
.__/_______\pk^/________\__/______\_.       +------+----------+---------+-----+
|                                   |       | Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 06/10 |
|        karma ascii presents       |       | Logo Design  [xxxx......] 04/10 |
|         " the rijk style "    ____l       | Colly Outlook[xxxx......] 04/10 |
|__        by phreak klass     /____.       |                                 |
  (__________________________///____l       |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
+-------------------------------------------+ English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| Maaan, this guy is has a productivity     | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| flow or what... Anyway, he produced a     |                                 |
| very nice colly ! Again in two styles,    | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| and again I can't decide which is better. |      (no points given)          |
| See yourself: the divider of the style    |                                 |
| example is the new style, the logo itself | Total Points: 19 of 40          |
| the old one. A colly worth leeching !     +---------------------------------+
|                                           |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
|                                           |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|   ___ tHE         ______ rIJK   ____/ sTYLE  _____________________________. |
__\(  /__      ___\( _   /_____ __) _//________)                            | |
\       /______\     \        /_\___           title: badlands [o5]         | |
/______/       /_____/       /_____/       _________________________________l_|
.     /________\ pk^/________\    /________\                                :/|
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                      _                                             _______. |
|        _     ________\\___                         ___   _________\\      | |
|    ___//_____\      _    /____________ ____________)  \//                 | |
   ._\\  _     /______\___/_\\__       //                 ...the badlands...l |
.__l_____\____/pk^       l_____/__ ___//____________________________________:_|
| /_   ___           _____________\\___          _____________   _          ./|
|   \//  (__________\\     /     _    /__________\\__        /__//________  . |
l__                 //    / _____\___/   _      /___/_______/\           / \: |
  /________________//______\\       l____/_____//          //_\_________//__l |
.                                                                             |
|                                                                             |

| "There is ganja in my mind"                                           |
  MiMiC iNTERACTiVE LTD 2OOO PRESENTS YOU   | tr-tigim.txt | 18.02.2000 |
    __. ____.____  __. ____.____  ____      +--------------+------------+
  _/ _l/_  _/\__/_/ _l/_  _/\__/_/  _/___   |      The Risk/Mimic       |
  |   \/   ||   ||   \/   ||   ||   |   |   +------+----------+---------+
  l___|    ||___l|___|    l|___l|_______l   | #?   | 27 logos |  tr/m!  |
  - -/_____\- tr/m -/______\----------- -   +------+----------+---------+-----+
  "There is Ganja in my mind" by THE RISK   | Logo Style   [---RIP!---] 00/10 |
  - ----------------------------------- -   | Logo Design  [---RIP!---] 00/10 |
                                            | Colly Outlook[---RIP!---] 00/10 |
+-------------------------------------------+                                 |
| I am really sorry to tell all of you that |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
| this colly contains a rip. The Risk was   | English-Text Bonus +5 [.]       |
| always a friend of mine, and I really     | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
| can't understand why he had to do this... |                                 |
| Now watch - the file_id.diz above is      | [.] Plain Textfile              |
| ripped from a nearly similar file_id.diz  |      (no points given)          |
| by Dezibel. Take a look at the "M"'s !    |                                 |
| Here the original is:                     | Total Points:  0 of 40          |
|  __. ______ ___ __. ______ ___ _________  +---------------------------------+
|./ _l/     //__// _l/     //__//  __    /_ |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
||   \/    /    |   \/    /    |   /____/   |          Dipswitch/dTR          |
|l___l    /l____l___l    /l____l___l    /   +---------------------------------+
|-- /_____\ ------ /_____\ ------ /_____\ -                                   |
||                                                                            |
||                                                                            |
||  DEZIBEL OF MIMIC PRESENTS "RELIGIONS"                                     |
||                                                                            |
||                                                                            |
|--[ MIMIC'98 ]---[ DZ/A! ]---[ 98/09/16 ]-                                   |
|                                                                             |
| I think, the nearly similar "M"'s are saying all... It's a really pitty,    |
| because without this miserable rip the colly would for sure earn some points.
|                                                                             |

| "Global Village 2 - Miggy Invasion"                                   |
                 ____:_                     |  Dipswitch/Dream Theatre  |
       ____\ ___/_   |__ _ ______           +------+----------+---------+
    __/_    \  _     __/_//_     \ D R E A M| #19  | 45 Logos |   diP   |
n  /   /     \/      | /   /    _/T HE AT RE+------+----------+---------+-----+
U /   /      /       |/   /_     \_ __      | Logo Style   [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
P \_________/        |\____|\_____//_/      | Logo Design  [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
«----------\_________|---------------------»| Colly Design [xxxx......] 04/10 |
                                            |                                 |
   « gLOBAL viLLAGE 2 - miGGY iNVASiON! »   |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
   - ---------------------------------- -   |     Comeback Bonus +5 [.]       |
    a new dipswitch product full of reqs.   | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
«------------------------------------------»| File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
                                            |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+ [.] Plain Textfile              |
| Dipswitch`s   latest   ascii   collection |      (no points given)          |
| happens to be the unlucky one which I got |                                 |
| my hands on this time around. Ok then, as | Total Points  19 of 45          |
| you can see its  called Global Village 2, +---------------------------------+
| and  congratulations are in order as this |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| is his first release using the real ascii |         Darkus/Aerosol          |
| machine, the Amiga! Well the intro design +---------------------------------+
| leading to  the logo menu is rather  basic  and what I would  call standard |
| design. Meaning  the work of a  lazy artist. However he has used  some good |
| logos to lighten it all up. The Dipswitch logo by  Daeron is quite a treat! |
| The welcoming text and logo menu both have clean and quite atractive design |
| which raises my  hopes for the actually  requested logos. The request logos |
| themselves are nice to look at, yet when I take  a closer look at them some |
| letters seem to  be badly  drawn and slightly out of place. So his style is |
| kinda hit and miss. What I mean by that is  some logos can look fine whilst |
| some others  dont quite fair so  well. This is down to  what I think is his |
| inconsistancy with his letter drawing skills. On the more positive side his |
| logo design  seems to  feature much more potential. But  sadly, there wasnt |
| enough to justify a higher rating than 05/10. My suggestion to Dipswitch is |
| for him to add more of his design talent to every logo and try and clean up |
| the inconsistancy. The end part of the colly, doesnt feature any design but |
| does include  all the usuals: greets, credits and release history. No extra |
| points  to  be  gained  here  though. Overall, a  decent  collection  which |
| features  basic design, hit  and  miss logos and a  minimal end  part. Very |
| average release seems to be a fair final comment.                           |
|        ...........                                        ...........       |
|        :         :                                        :         :       |
|        :    . ........ .                            . ........ .    :       |
|        :    ..:  .   :..                            ..:   .  :..    :       |
|        :... : ...:     :  . cORRUPT cONSOLE mAG! .  :     :... : ...:       |
|             :          :                            :          :            |
|             :          · _____                  _________      :     _____  |
|_____ _____. :  ______ __\\_  /___    _____ _____\_      /   _______ /    //_|
|)   _/     | __\\_    \_  _/     /___\\_  /___    /     /_ _/      /       _/|
|    \      |     /     /  \      \__  _/     /   /     /   \      /        \ |
|\    \     |          /    \       /  \      \__      /     \    /          \|
|/_____\____|         /______\_____/    \       /______\      \__/_ __________|
|       _ ____________\  .     _ ________\_____/    _ __________\             |
|             .          :                            .          .            |
|         diP :          :                            :          : a!         |
|             :          :                            :          :            |
|             :..      ..:                            :..      ..:            |
|             . :......: .                            . :......: .            |
|                                                                             |

| "Sexy Evil Art"                                                       |
 .--.______.---------._.-------.---------.  |        Kempy/K0re         |
_|  |      l   ...   l         l    ...  l_ +------+----------+---------+
\_     _____   |||   _ |       _    |||  _/ | #14  | 18 Logos |  km/k0  |
 |__|      |_       _| |_______| 7_______|_ +------+----------+---------+-----+
 .  `------'`-------'`--'      `-----'   \/ | Logo Style   [xxx.......] 03/10 |
 :  [ k0re. ] [ february 2nd ] [ 2000 ]     | Logo Design  [xxxx......] 04/10 |
 `---------------------------------------.  | Colly Design [xxxx......] 04/10 |
  geee - tribute to polish azkee hools!  :  |                                 |
 .---------------------------------------'  |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
 : "sexy evil art" typed by kempy'k0re.     |     Comeback Bonus +5 [.]       |
 `---------------------------------------«  | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
                                            | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
                                            |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+ [.] Plain Textfile              |
| IMHO this colly is a real disappointment  |      (no points given)          |
| in comparsion to Kempy's "Ninja" colly... |                                 |
| Unlike the "Ninja" style, this style      | Total Points  16 of 45          |
| is really plump and newbish, even if we   +---------------------------------+
| all know that Kempy can do it better. So  |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| what's up ? Bad day ? Kempy, show the     |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| world that you are able to do better !    +---------------------------------+
|                                                                             |
|          ____                                                 ____          |
|        \\\   |  : .                                     . :  |   ///        |
|       .__\·  ¦.:¦|!-------------------------------------!|¦:.¦  ·/__.       |
|       |      :|¦|¦¡  » G R E E N D A Y «  issue ## xxx  ¡¦|¦|:      |       |
|       |       ¦:|:`-------------------------------------':|:¦       |       |
|       ¦  ______ |·   _________   ________    ________    ·|  .____  ¦       |
|       · _\ ___/____ _\   .__ /_ _\ .__  /__ _\ .__  /__ _____|   /_ ·      _|
|        .\  \__.   /.\    ¦_/  /.\  ¦_/ /  /.\  ¦_/ /  /.\    _    /.       /|
|        |_   \_¦   _|_   .____/_|_   __/   _|_   __/   _|_    ¦    _|        |
|         /_________\ /___|_____\ /_________\ /_________\ /____¦____\        \|
|       .       · .        .____      ______    ____.___    . ·       ·      _|
|       ¦      ·:¦|¦  _____|   /_ ____\__  /_ __\   ¦  /_  ¦|¦:·      ¦       |
|       | km!  :¦||| .\  __.    /.\  __.    /.\  \___   /. |||¦:  .k0 |       |
|       |___   ¦||¦|!|_  \_¦    _|_  \_¦    _|_     ¦   _|!|¦||¦   ___|       |
|        _ /·  || : ¡ /_________\ /_________\ /_________\ ¡ : ||  ·\ _        |
|        ///___|  .                                         .  |___\\\        |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |

| "Unholy Alliance"                                                     |
                    ,_                      |   Phreak Klass/Aerosol    |
                   ãñ            ,          +------+----------+---------+
      _    _ã  ôãñØØõ         _ñê           | #?   | 16 Logos |   pk^   |
.____,ñãØØØØØ.ñØô_ü___.,ñã,_ãØØØØ           +------+----------+---------+-----+
|pk^   ___õØØ_üØØØØØØØØØØØØô  õØØ______.    | Logo Style   [xxxxxx....] 05/10 |
|   ãØô øüûØØl  ãñ,_ øüõõØüø  |ØØl     |    | Logo Design  [x.........] 01/10 |
l ñØØ°_ñØØØØØô_ ûØx°ã lØØl;,ñ.lØØô_  ,.|    | Colly Design [xxxxx.....] 05/10 |
ãØØØØØØØØü ãØØØãØØØ__ñØØØØãñü'üØØØñã" |    |                                 |
|                                      |    |   Innovation Bonus +5 [.]       |
|    ©  aerosol ascii presents  ª      |    |     Comeback Bonus +5 [.]       |
|                                      |    | English-Text Bonus +5 [x]       |
| © unholy alliance by phreak klass  ª |    | File_id Error Nuke -5 [.]       |
l________________                      |    |                                 |
+-------------------------------------------+ [.] Plain Textfile              |
| This is Phreak Klass's ASL tribute. Un-   |      (no points given)          |
| fortunately, he tried to imitade some     |                                 |
| amiga iff2ascii on a pc. The result you   | Total Points  17 of 45          |
| see in the file_id.diz and in the design  +---------------------------------+
| of the logo sample ;(. Well, it's not     |    · Scored & Reviewed by ·     |
| really his fault, every amiga artist on   |          Dipswitch/DTR          |
| pc does this error sooner or later.       +---------------------------------+
| So I just  reduced the logo design points to the minimum, but gave him      |
| his hard-earned 6 style points. I also gave him an Amiga font simulator+    |
| for PC, so this error won't occure him again that soon...;)                 |
|          ._.._.     .__.         _____          .__        __..     __.     |
|       __.ãã||ññ.__  |êãñ_________\_   \_        |ãã.__. .__ñãê|   __ñãê|    |
|  _ __.ñãê××|ã×Ø×è._.|×××\         _    /_________ØØØêãñ.|ØØØØ؝äãªØØØØØ|    |
|  œ èØÎÅÅ××× ××××××ãñ ××××\        /___/   _      /ØØØ ØØ|ǶҶÇØØØ ØèÅØØ|    |
|    ññã××ÅÎØ××ɺºÅøØ× ×××× \_________     /______/____ ØØ Ø¬«¬Ø ØØ ØÅèÎØ|    |
|   ê×××××ÎØ× ××××× üû ××è× ×__\  _  /  ____//        / üüø¶ºÇ¶Ò ¼Í ¹ÅÎØØü    |
|    ØØüÎØÅèØ««««Î׫èÎÅØè«è«\     /       \ /________/¯ãñ.¬ ºÌ¹ºÍ¬¬Ø     |
|    ØØ ØØÎØè ØØØØØ .. ØØØØ /____/        /__\ _     \_ØØØ ØØÇ¶Ò Øج¬Ø¬ØØ     |
|   .ØØ ØØØØ×ÎÅÅÎØ× ØØ ØØØØ ØØ__/________      /      / ØØ ØØØØØ ØØ ØØØØØ     |
|   |««««««««««««««««««Øèé«««_)  _//_    _____       /× ×««««««««««««««««     |
|   |×× ××××× ÅÎ××× ×× ××Ø× _\___        \_  /______/×× ×× ××ÎØ× ×× ××ÅÎØ.    |
| __lÎØ ××××× ××××× ×× ×כ\è____/         /__\ _     \_ ×× ×ÅÎØ× ×× ÅÎ×××     |
| \ÅÎØè ×××ÅÎØ×××Î× ×× ×××× ___/               /      / ×× ××ÅÎØ ×× ×««¬Ø|    |
|   l××ñ××ÅÎØè×ÎÎØ× ×× ×××× \         _______        /× ×× ××××× ×× ×ÎØ××|    |
|    øüü×ãñôê ××××è××ü ×××× ×\        \pk^  /_______/××××× û××××××ü ×׬××ñ.   |
|      üû×××ô õ×××ü ãñûõ××Ç ××\        \        . û××××üø   øü.ñãã××××׬ã.  |
|                              \_______//                                     |
|                                                                             |
|                              ª  aerosol ascii                               |

   ___   ____    ____    __       ____       _______  ___    __       _______
 _\\__)_\\_  \_ /   //_ / //___._\\_ /___ ___\_    /_\\__)_ / //___.__\__   /
_)     /  /   /      _/   _/   |  _/    /_)   /   /       /   _/   |    /   \
\     /  /    \      \    \    |  \     \_   /   /       /    \    |   /\    \
/____/___\_____\ _____\ ___\___|___\_____/_______\ _____/______\___|___/\____/

    First I planned to do an interview with Phreak Klass, but then he
    suddenly disappeared from the interview irc channel... So I interviewed
    Threaz/Twisted who happened to be around. The I found pk^ and inter-
    viewed him aswell. So enjoy both !

*** dipswitch ( has joined channel #tac2k
*** Users on #tac2k: dipswitch @pk^
> hi pk ! whats up ? what motivated you to get back to the scene ?
> hello ? still there ?
*** Signoff: pk^ (Connection reset by peer)
*** zANEr ( has joined channel #tac2k
<zANEr> yau
> wo ist der typ hin ?  [engl.: "Where is this guy gone ?"]
<zANEr> er hat probleme mit irc  ["He has problems with IRC"]
*** tHrEAz ( has joined channel #tac2k
> threaz: hehe nothing...=)
<tHrEAz> duh :)
> threaz: but if you like, i would love to ask you some questions for TAC
*** tHrEAz has left channel #tac2k
*** tHrEAz ( has joined channel #tac2k
<tHrEAz> good afternoon gentlemen<->
> yo hi threaz ! nice to see you back in biz ! why you made such a long pause
  ? is it because of the dms <-> dc troubles or what ?
<tHrEAz> No, actually that dms <=> dc thing didn't affect me much.. Actually
  it didn't affect at all to anyone in damones..
<tHrEAz> just gave us good laugh how ppl can be so small minded
> you brought out a short, but great collection under twisted yesterday... a
  start of a comeback or just a lifesign ?
<tHrEAz> anyways, I haven't been "away" from biz, just took some time to
  release this sucker :)
<tHrEAz> hmmm, i have never declared I'm off, so it was absolutely a life
<tHrEAz> I have never released more than two collections per year, so this is
  just typical me :)
> hehe everybody has his own release policy... but tell me about yourself !
  when you started to do THE artform ? in which groups have ou been ?
<tHrEAz> Anyways, thanks for calling it great.. I had so two kind of thoughts
  about that colly
<tHrEAz> I got my first computer, Atari ST on 87 and got my first swapmates on
  88 so been in the scene kinda long.. I did some gfx, but first ascii
  pictures I did on 92 on my fathers pc
<tHrEAz> I did first logos which were used in boards on 93 I guess when my
  friend malibu opened his board
> you started with ascii on pc, in that early time ? thasts interesting... was
  thast pc char ascii or that amiga / \ stuff ?
<tHrEAz> it was pc characters .. first time i tried amiga stylish asciis was
  in the end of 93
<tHrEAz> those logos were used on boards running on pc so no-one in amiga
  scene never saw my early logos
> and have you bought yourself an amiga then or you drow the whole time till
  now with pc ?
<tHrEAz> I actually never bought myself amiga, but I've been having several
  amigas on my table :)
> hehe... amiga stealing sTZ-style or what ? =)
<tHrEAz> not stealing, just lending for a long time :)
> hehe... yeah "getting by lending" - "durch leihen erworben", like we call
  that =)
> well, and when you joined head ? were you somewhere else before head ?
<tHrEAz> I did kinda long intependently.. I had several offers from Azkiness,
  U'Race and some others, but I did on my way..
<tHrEAz> The reason I joined so lately was, that I had no opportunity to irc
<tHrEAz> And, I joined to Head, cos Punk wrote me a letter
> ah... well, head was one of the last big germany-based groups... were
  you in head till the end ?
<zANEr> dipswitch> pk is asking for you on efnet.
> zaner: yeah mmmh i'll be there in some 5 mins
> zaner: i cant be on two different nets at the same time
<tHrEAz> I wasn't in Head till the end.. I met relief and hotwire from Twisted
  and we had a idea, that perhaps I could join in..
<tHrEAz> The Head had already went kinda idle, and then punk kinda
  "disappered".. to
> while being in head, you had also some troubles with wOOBER, who's now in
  arcade... you occused him to rip you, as i remember ?
<zANEr> dipswitch> I know, I told him.
<tHrEAz> well, that thing is sorted out long time ago, so no need to talk
  about that thing anymore..
<tHrEAz> anyways, thanks for reminding me about that =)ip b
> do you have contact to him now ? has the relationship between both of you
  got better ?
<tHrEAz> actually we never had any kind of relationship. we have been chatting
  in irc few years ago about something else than ascii art
<tHrEAz> I guess we both just forgot the whole episode.. at least I did
<tHrEAz> it was just about ascii anyways, not raping my wife or something :)
> mhm... well.. what do you think about ascii scene in last time ? you know,
  the revival of aerosol, the founding of dream theatre, the whole
  east-european invasion =)
<tHrEAz> as I said before the interview that I have no idea about current
  situation of ascii.. perhaps I'm a bit disappointed that all the cool groups
> yeah thats true - many groups disappeared...
<tHrEAz> like some ppl may remember, aerosol never was really highly rated in
  the old days
<tHrEAz> perhaps I'm living in the past, but I still think that not much
  decent has come from poland ;)
<tHrEAz> it's nice to have collys from great artists like crusader and nup,
  but those two can't save the scene, even the would release once a month
> "save the scene" ? so you think the scene is in danger ?
<tHrEAz> not anymore.. the ascii scene I knew went down long ago. but, there
  are good days in the scene novadays sometimes
<tHrEAz> i don't mean it died, it just changed
<tHrEAz> to worse, sadly..
> and what are your plans for the future ? lean back and relax ? can people
  still can request from you ?
<tHrEAz> of course people can request from me.. I just don't make logos for
  everybody or every use.. that's the policy I always had
> you mean, nothing like "fame-style" and these whole bbs packs where
  everybody can use the logos ?
<tHrEAz> I may release in the future.. that's much about, does neat
  collections appear that make me to show my best
<tHrEAz> nonono, my logos are usually personal and I want to know they will be
  used before i spend time, cos sometimes one logo may take an hour or two..
<tHrEAz> that may sound something like science fiction, but I just want to do
  my best
> really ? an hour for a logo ? not bad... that must be quality heheh...
<tHrEAz> the quality thing can readers decide :)
> most people i know spend perhaps 15 mins for a logo...
<tHrEAz> remember I said sometimes :) .. but usually logo takes more than half
  an hour
> welll .... i think we must come to an end ... thanx for the interesting
  interview ! wanna say some final words or greets ?
<tHrEAz> my greetings can be found from the -t-dishr.txt so i don't wanna type
  the list now..
<tHrEAz> my final words are:
<tHrEAz> before you release or do something, just spend a moment thinking does
  ppl want to see what you're putting together.. is it worth of their time
<tHrEAz> ok?
<tHrEAz> thank you, let's rotten together on
> aiiight ! thank you ! and watch out for the TAC- 2000 issue coming on 1.3. !
> cu !
<tHrEAz> cheers mate, always a pleasure
*** tHrEAz has left channel #tac2k

------------> now over to efnet...

*** dipswitch ( has joined channel #tac2k
*** Users on #tac2k: dipswitch @zANEr @pk^
*** #tac2k 950966879
> zaner ! pk !
<pk^> hey dipswitch
> pk: sorry sorry that you had to wait so long...but you were away suddenly
  and i started to interview threaz...
<pk^> I've goto go in 1/2 hour
<pk^> ok lets start
> pk: ok then lets start quickly !
> tell me something about you, first of all... when you started the beloved
  artform ? your group history ?
<pk^> what sort of asnwers are we looking for?
<pk^> truthful or what eh
<pk^> well I guess I started around 89 doodling silly little logos for a
  couple of local bbs's like the original destiny stone and so forth
<pk^> Well I've never been in any group worth mentioning, except for a couple
  of pathetic pc groups such as remorse and so forth.
> had you also early contact to the rest dutch artists ? sal-one, exile, nike
<pk^> dipswitch: well actually, I live in Australia, I migrated when I was 8
> pk: oops...thought you're dutch because "the rijk style" =)
> well i'm not german too =).. though i have a german ip & snail...
<pk^> oneday im going to move back
<pk^> I am dutch =)
<pk^> I just reside in australia
<pk^> when I finish my law degree I might move back to either amsterdam where
  my sister lives now, or to germany
<pk^> where are you from dipswitch?
> pk: amsterdam is nice =)...
> pk: i am from russia, moved to germany at the age of 8...
<pk^> dipswitch: indeed =) I like friesland, where my oma owns a farm
> well, thats going off the topic =)... hehe
> you released a asl-karma cooperation 2 days ago... your first debut to the
  amiga ascii scene ? plans to join an amiga group ? whats karma btw ? =)
<pk^> Im very negative of pc groups.
<pk^> because of several reasons really.
<pk^> not really my first debut to the amiga scene.
*** zANEr is now known as zANEr|bbl
<pk^> I've been releasing collections as .txt to the amiga scene for a rather
  long time, if you look at exiles ftp site, they have a phreak_klass section
<pk^> with some of my old releases, but not too many of them
<pk^> I would like to join an amiga ascii group but no one has ever wanted me
  to join their group unfortunately.
<pk^> I've often even asked to join but been refused, its rather embarrising.
> isnt karma a pc .zip releasing group originally ?
<pk^> karma is a pc .zip releasing group .. I just had no other affils to
  release my ascii with .
<pk^> Its quite depressing if I think about it, so I wont =) 
<pk^> No one ever remembers me or my ascii =) .. about as amiga as people
  remember me is for desiging the daydream ascii's .. years ago.. im not sure
  if they still use them.
> ok, well here's a message to everybody who reads this in tac'2k: here's a
  skilled artist who needs a group to join...!
> why not to try joining asl or something ?
<pk^> ...
<pk^>  no im not desperate =)
<pk^> I was rejected.
> rejected from aerosol ? really ?
<pk^> yes
> why !? the coop with darkus was great !
<pk^> no one even emailed to tell me I was rejected. I had to ask h7
> thats bad... i dont understand that... hmm.. but there are enough other
  great ascii groups,... in this thing i wish you big luck !
<pk^> I enjoyed the co-op very much, however it was far too rushed and my
  ascii was a little dodgy
<pk^> However, I enjoyed having the privelledge of being able to draw with
  such a masterful drawer as darkus.
<pk^> I think I've tried to join arcade, aerosol, epsilon design, style, whale
  (back in like 95? or something) .. and a fare few others
> you plan to stay active a while, like you were active in the last 3 days ?
> you really tried to join arcade ? i would have taken you, but i not in
  arcade anymore.. i founded a new project, where btw are people from whale
  and arcade too =)
<pk^> sure, well uni starts back in little over a week, so once I go back I
  wont have soo much free time but I will still remain active doing asciis.
<pk^> unlike last year
<pk^> I tried to join arcade like 2 years ago I think, with my collection
  pk-aow.txt If I remember correctly.
<pk^> the only comment of appreciation I have ever recieved was recieved a few
  days ago by tekk.
<pk^> who genuinly messaged me out of the blue to comment on how much he
  enjoyed my style and how it had influenced his new style, for that I am very
  very very appreciated, it did mean alot.
> well i wish you much luck in your group search.wanna say some final words ?
LITTLE COMMENT: Now Phreak Klass is lucky member of Aerosol. ;)
<pk^> Well, what can I say, I enjoy to do ascii and Im happy to do ascii for
  anyone who wants them.
> pk: wanna tell the readers how they can request some logos or get in tough
  with you ?
<pk^> well there is an infinate number of ways inwhich I can be reached, all
  of them are outlined in k-trs.txt .. such as email @
  .. or irc as pk^ on efnet/icenet
<pk^> do you want to know who influenced me / etc?
> pk: ah jeah of course ! =)...hehe i am quite light brained now from some
  nice dutch herbs =)
<pk^> acid kid .. firstly and foremostly influenced me .. I always loved his
  art and I always will, secondly was a person named fLICK who was a hpa
  character come aCid artist, who put to gether some VERY nice pieces in 94 ..
  in the Melbourne Australia scene... another person is Mogue, whose art I
  love and admire, I also enjoy sal-one's art especially his boondocks add.
>  aha... some other questions you want to ask yourself ? =)
<pk^> also another person is Rasta whose board I used to frequent .. I loved
  his Epsilon Design masterpieces.
<pk^> hehe, dutch herbs?
<pk^> let me see.
<pk^> no I think thats about it =) unless you have some questions to ask me
<pk^> Why did I stay with ascii art? because I was crap at ansi art in 94 so I
  kept with ascii
> aiiiight ! okeeey thank you for you for the interview ! stay active and i'm
  sure someone will get interested in your art in the next future ! bye !

    I hope you enjoyed the interviews....

    - diP/dTR

                 .____.   _____     ____     _____    ___
   ____ ___.____.|    |__\\_   \_ _\\_ /___ /    //_ /  //_______
  _)  _/   |    ||    |    /    /   _/    /       _/ \____      /
  \   \    |    ||    |   _    /    \     \_      \      /     /  cHARTS !
  /____\___|____||    |___\____\ ____\_____/_______\ __________\

                         ÷  1. tHE qUANTiTY cHARTS  ÷
                         - - -------------------- - -

       These are the charts as you know them from TAC'99. One release
       appirience counts one point for every group. Remember: Quantity
       alone don't make a top group !
       Announcement/Infofiles ARE counted !

                   pLACE      gROUP                     pOiNTS
                   -----      -----                     ------

                      1.      Aerosol (ASL)              3

                      2.      Dream Theatre (DTR)        2
                              Karma (KMA)                2
                              K0re (K0)                  2
                              Link 124 (L124)            2

                      3.      100% (1OO)                 1
                              Bitch (B1)                 1
                              Highlanders (HL)           1
                              Impure (IMP)               1
                              Killkrazed (KKZ)           1
                              Mimic (M-)                 1
                              Sative Mea (SEA)           1
                              Tuffest Men Alive (TMA)    1
                              Twisted (-T)               1

                         ÷  2. tHE qUALiTY cHARTS  ÷
                         - - ------------------- - -

       The points for the quality charts are calculated through the
       following formula: (all points the group gained through reviews)
       divided through (count of collys they released). So the average
       point account for the group is calculated. But remember:
       the review points are just an opinion of the reviewer !
       Announcement/Infofiles are NOT counted !

  pLACE   gROUP               wHOLE pTS. / cOLLYS = aQP (Average Quality Pts.)
  -----   -----               ----------   ------   ---
     1.   Twisted              31            1      31

     2.   Aerosol              64            3      21,3

     3.   100%                 21            1      21

     4.   Dream Theatre        19            1      19
          Tuffest Men Alive    19            1      19

     5.   Karma                37            2      18,5

     6.   K0re                 36            2      18

     7.   Link 124             13            1      13

     8.   Sative Mea           11            1      11

     9.   Bitch                 9            1       9

    10.   Killkrazed            5            1       5

    11.   Impure                4            1       4 

    12.   Highlanders           1            1       1

    13.   Mimic                 0            1       0

       OK, see you till next issue coming (hopefully) on 1.5.2000 !

       - diPSWiTCH

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  _____      _____
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