File Archive

File download


File size:
185 910 bytes (181.55K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 466




      _____________________¡   \_____:.     ________

 .===/      \___      ___/ |    /    ¡=====/        ì======================.

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|  ._)  ._    /  ._    /  _.   /  __/_)_. _.   /   ._   (_     __| __/___.   ¦

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||               \_____/          sTZ!/sE         /____/     |______\       .|

|:                  __                                                      ||

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: )____\\_________\\/_/__________|___    ___|___\\________________          :|

                      :          :  /____\  ·                    _)__________|

                      .          .                                :

                .                                                 .

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|:|  |¯\  |  |::|  |_ |  ¦  |  |  |  |¯\:|  _  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  |  _  \::|

|:l____/___  ¦::l__l_\l_____l___  ¦____/:l__l__l_____l_____l__l__l__/::|


   _____ ________ __ _____

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|:|  |__|  ___|  |  |  l__|                                           ·|

|:|  |. |  |  |  ¦  |  _  \:  -+- Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant -+-   .|

|:l__|:.l___  ¦_____l__l__/::.    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    . .:|


   ________ _____ __ _____ _____ ___________ _____ _____ _____

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|:|  |  |  |  _  |  |  |  |::|  |  |  |  |  |  _  |  |  |::|  |::::::::|

|:l__l__l__l__l__l__l__l__|::l__l___  ¦__l__l__l__l__l__|::l__|::::::::|







                                               / ·



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                                                       _|_ _






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                        |    |/    /


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                        \       /___

               sTZ!/sE   \     /   /_

                         .\____      \_




                               _ __|__












                                       _ _|_






         ...........|                                   |...........

         :          |                                   |          :

         :     ________       ______.                 ________     :

         :   ._\   ___(_______)     l__      .________)___   /_.   :

         :   |  \_________         ___/______|_.    ________/  |   :

         :   |          (/          |         _|    \)        _|   :

         :   l_      __________      _________\_     _________\    :

         :    /_____((rLf)    /_____(         /_____(-T!           :

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         :.........|        s t e z o t e h i c         |..........:


                         _____    ____    ____ 2F _____

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                      /__ /   /__ /   /\______/__ /   /

                         \___/   \___/           \___/






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                  \_\/_ _




    .__)    (________________________. .________________________________.

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    |      .     ________    ____\__    /__ ______ __________  ·(_)_    |

   \|     _|_    \    __/__._)    __|  /  /_     /_\_. _.   /    ·(_)   |¦

    \\     |     .\____    |      |____     \_  /    | \|__/.      O.   |:

    |·     :     |_________|______|__________/_______|______|      .O   |.

    | sTZ!                           | |                           O    |

    |________________________ _______| |________________________  o   __|

   ______ ________           \\                        ·     ___| ·  |___

  |      \\      (_____________________________________\\____)     .    (_.

  |O                                                                      |

  |:              Style is back with this mighty production!              |

  ||        and soon Style should release ansi collection by Zeus        :|

  |:   Btw. Now we have a board in denmark also (Electronic Confusion)   ||

  |           so remember to support it as much as you can, heh          ·|

  :      hM! I also have developed my style, and now it's kinda cool      :

  |.         well i think so, heh don't know what you think, mmh          |

  ||         it's my vacation now and nothing to do except ascii          :

  |¦ so I have some more time to design this collection, hope ya like it  ¦

  :·          coz I do, heh! and this ain't even final versio..          :|

  |:    One bad thing there is, my hand is in a plaster cast (again!)    ·|

  ||                   but I am hard-working man, eh!?                   :|

  :O                                                        -sTZ!/sE     |:

__|_             ____________________________________________            O|

  : )____________\                      ·                   /_______\\____|

  :                                     \\


__ __________________/\ :_______________ :______ /\ :___________________:

///  .     /  __    /  \|   __/__    __/-|__   //  \|   __/__    __/  __|__zS!

 /   |____/   |/   /   \\    \ /     |    ____/_   \\    \ /     |\____    /__

 \_______\\_______/     \_____\      |.________/    \_____\      |._______///

                 /________\  /_______|       /________\  /_______|

    _________________________________     __________________________________

  ._\                               (__:__)                                /_.

  |                                    |                                     |

  |  EXTREME                     sTZ!  |  THREAT                       sTZ!  |

  |  SYZYGY                      zEUS  |  CRYPTOBURNERS                zEUS  |

  |  SNAFU                       sTZ!  :  THREAT                       sTZ!  |

  :  THE MAZE                    zEUS  |  INSANITARY                   zEUS  ·

  |  WEEKTOP                     sTZ!  |  RANX                         sTZ!  |

  |  A SPLIT SECOND              zEUS  |  TRSI                         zEUS  |

  |  FEAR FACTORY                sTZ!  |  JEDI ARTS                    sTZ!  |

  |  TEXTS                       zEUS  |  SWEET DREAMS                 zEUS  |

  |  FEAR FACTORY                sTZ!  |  PORNO                        sTZ!  |

  |  OUTLAWS                     zEUS  |  INSANE                       zEUS  |

  ·  HIJACK                      sTZ!  :  BERMUDA TRIANGLE             sTZ!  |

  |  PRIVATE TEXT                zEUS  |  THE RUSH HOUR                zEUS  :

  |  THE CHAMELEON               sTZ!  |  TOMMY                        sTZ!  |

  |  5TH DYNASTY                 zEUS  |  MADMAX                       zEUS  |

  |  TREACH                      sTZ!  |  EPSILON DESIGN               sTZ!  |

  |  HONEY                       zEUS  |  IFFTIC                       zEUS  ·

  :  MOGUE                       sTZ!  |  BOMB SQUAD                   sTZ!  |

  |  SMALL ARCLITE -ANIM         zEUS  |  DA SUBWAY LINK               zEUS  |

  |  CYPRESS HILL                sTZ!  ·  BOMB SQUAD                   sTZ!  |

  |  ARCLITE                     zEUS  |  WILD PALMS                   zEUS  |

  |  CYPRESS HILL                sTZ!  |  G.O.D.                       sTZ!  |

  |  WARHAMMER                   zEUS  |  FINAL IMPACT                 zEUS  |

  |  ZINKO                       sTZ!  |  MASTERBLASTER                sTZ!  |

  |  ROYAL                       zEUS  |  CHECKPOINT                   zEUS  |

  |  FILES                       sTZ!  |  KENT                         sTZ!  |

  |  REQUESTS                    zEUS  |  CRUX                         zEUS  :

  |  DOORS                       sTZ!  |  ELECTRONIC CONFUSION         sTZ!  |

  |  QUARTZ                      zEUS  :  HELLFIRE                     zEUS  |

  |  REQUEST                     sTZ!  |  TWISTED                      sTZ!  |

  |  ROYAL                       zEUS  |  MODE                         zEUS  |

  :  MOST WANTED                 sTZ!  |  TWILIGHT                     sTZ!  |

  |  AMIEXPRESS                  zEUS  |  EUPHORIA                     zEUS  |

  |  AMIEXPRESS                  sTZ!  |  TWILIGHT                     sTZ!  |

  |  BOARD ADDIES                zEUS  |  GENETIC TASTE                zEUS  ·

  ·  BOARD AVERTICES             sTZ!  |  NICKO                        sTZ!  |

  |  AMIEXPRESS                  zEUS  |  DACORE                       sTZ!  |

  |  ASCII COLLECTIONS           sTZ!  :  DACORE                       sTZ!  |

  |  COSMIC CIRCUS               zEUS  |  TOP UPLOADERS                sTZ!  |

  |  ASCII REQUEST               sTZ!  |  REQUEST                      sTZ!  |

  |  COSMIC CIRCUS               zEUS  |  PAPUA NEW GUINEA             sTZ!  |

  |  PLAYSTATION                 sTZ!  |  PERPLEXITY                   sTZ!  :

  |  SEAQUEST                    zEUS  |  REPE                         sTZ!  |

  |  HYDRA                       sTZ!  |  REPE^RANSU                   sTZ!  |

  |  TERMINAL SILENCE            zEUS  |  PENTTI & CO.                 sTZ!  |

  |  PASSION                     sTZ!  ·  CYBERSPACE                   sTZ!  |

  :  ESSENCE                     zEUS  |  BREAKPOINT                   sTZ!  |

  |  5TH DYNASTY                 sTZ!  |  RELIEF                       sTZ!  |

  |  RAHIEM                      zEUS  |  TWISTED                      sTZ!  |

  |  ROYAL                       sTZ!  |  DEAD EYES                    sTZ!  |

  |  MYTH                        zEUS  |  EUROPO                       sTZ!  |

  ·  SCOOPEX                     sTZ!  |  HÖPÖHEINÄ                    sTZ!  |

  |  THE JORMAS                  zEUS  |  GUIDANCE                     sTZ!  |

  |  HONEY                       sTZ!  |  WELCOME                      sTZ!  :

  |  SCARFACE                    zEUS  |  BIRDLAND                     sTZ!  |

  |  TWISTED                     sTZ!  :  DARIUS                       sTZ!  |

  |  FOURTH AVENUE               zEUS  |  UPLOAD                       sTZ!  |

  |  FATAL JUSTICE               sTZ!  |  LEECH                        sTZ!  |

  |  TWISTED                     zEUS  |  DOWNLOAD                     sTZ!  ·

  |  AMIGA                       sTZ!  |  HIGHLIGHT                    sTZ!  |

  :  AMIGA WARES                 zEUS  ·  FILES                        sTZ!  |

  |  INSANE                      sTZ!  |  FEAR FACTORY                 sTZ!  |

  |  ROM                         zEUS  |                                     |

  |__                                __|__                                 __|

    /_______________________________(  :  )________________________________\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Extreme                         |/  |___|

\  For: Snafu                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

           ______.                                         sTZ!/sE

     ______\__   |______ ______ _________________ ___  ______________

   ._)  _.   /   |     //    __|__._    /  _.   /_)  \/        _.   /

   |    \|__/.   .  __/      |    |/  _/   \|__/.    \/   \\   \|__/.

   |_________|___|    \______|____/    \________|____/     \·_______|

               /_______\          \_____/           /_______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Syzygy                          |/  |___|

\  For: QuartZ/Mystic          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

       _ ___ _______.  ____.__   .______ __.__   .______ __.__

          \ \\    __|__\   |  \__|__   /   |  \.-|_    /   |  \  mST

              \____    /___·   \   ___/____·   \ |/___/____·   \ ___ _

         -zS!  /______/ /______/_______//______/_______//______// /


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Snafu diz                       |/  |___|

\  For: Snafu                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

 sTZ!/sE                        _____.

  ______ __________ ______  ____\__  |___

//   __/_\.  _.   (_\ _.  \\\    __| |  /_\

.\____    |  \|    /  \|   \_   __)  |    \_

|_________|___|   /____\    /____|_________/


|                                          |

|                                          |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: The Maze                        |/  |___|

\  For: Vostok/Insane^Flood    ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Maze                           |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                       :_\                           /_:

                      _|                               |

                 tHE  //\  /\  _________  :_______ :___|__

                      /  \/  \\\_  _  _/__|__    /-|__   /

                    _/ .      \/   _   \   _____/   ____/_

                    \___\  :   \___/    \______\\________/

               - ------:-\/|____//_______\--zS!/sTYLe--:----- -

                       |                               |

                       |                               |

                       |                               |

                       |                               |

                       |                               |

                       |                           /   |

                       |__                       //  __|

                       : /___________________________\ :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Weektop                         |/  |___|

\  For: Lagers                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


     ___\     __/______________________. _____ ________.______ __ _________

    _\   \    \     _.   /   _.   /    |/   _//      __|  __  \\_\\___    /

  _/     /\    \    \|__/    \|__/     \     \_      |    \/   \_   _/ __/

  \______/\_____\_____    .____    .____\     /______|__________/___    \_

      sTZ!/sTYLe    /_____|  /_____|     \___/                    /______/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: A Split Second                  |/  |___|

\  For: Carebear/Insane        ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

               ______  _______:______________   :______________

   _____ ____ \\ _ _/  \    __|___ _    /  _/___|    _/__   __//__________

   \    \\   _/  _  \   \____    / /___/   |    /    |:/    |            /

   _\    \   \___/   \   /______/    |:\_______/|____|/     |           /_

   \      ·    /______\         `----'   zS!/sTYLe   /______|            /

    ·     _______:     :______ _________________/\ :____:__________     ·

   /_     \    __|___.-|__   // .     /  __    /  \|  __|   __    /   . _\

    /      \____    /   ____/_  |____/   \/   /   \\   \|   |/   /   /  \

   /______. /______/\________/______\:.______/     \____\_______//__//___\



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Fear Factory                    |/  |___|

\  For: Zeus                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                       ______________________   _________

                 .___ _\     __  _.   /  _.  \__\_._    /___.

               __|  _/      __)  \|__/   \|   \_  |/  _/    |__

             ._)    \_______|______    .__\    /__/    \_     (_.

             |                   /_____|   \__/   \_____/       |

             |   sTZ!/sTYLe                               ______|_

          ___|__________ _________ ________._____   ______\__    /__

         _\     __  _.  \\   _.__/___    __| __  \__\_._    /   /  /_

       _/      __)  \|   \_  \|     /    |   \/   \_  |/  _/____     \_

       \_______|_____\    /____    /_____|_________/__/      .________/

             |        \__/   /_____\                  \______|  |

             |                                                  |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Texts                           |/  |___|

\  For: Bananator              ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                         :_\\·               ·//_:

                         |  \                 /  |

                         |                       |

                  _______:__ :________:__________:______.    ·

                  \__    __/-|__   /  |  _/__    __/  __|___/__

                   /     |    ____/_  _   \/     |\____    /

                  /      |\________/__/    \_____|._______/

               __/_______| zS!/mST  /_______\    :

                /        :                       |

               ·         |__/                 \__|

                         : //._______________.\\ :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Fear Factory                    |/  |___|

\  For: Zeus                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                      ________________ ______    _________

              ______ _\    ___/ __   //  _   \___\___    /_____

            :_\    _/      __)  \___/__  _    \_   _/  _/     /_:

            |      \_______|_____     /__\     /___\    \_      |

            |                    \___/    \___/     \____/      |

            :     sTZ!/sE                                 ______:_

         ___|___________ ________ _______________   ______\__    /__

        _\    ___/  _   \\    __/_\__    __/ __  \__\___    /   /  /_

      _/      __)   _    \_   \     /    |   \/   \_  _/  _/____     \_

      \_______|_____\     /________/|____|_________/__\     __________/

            |        \___/                             \____/   |

           _|_                                                 _|_

            : )___________________\\__________________________( :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Outlaws                         |/  |___|

\  For: Snafu/Outlaws          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

     ____________  :___________________  _________ __.  :___________:

 ·   \    __    /--|   __/__    __/  _/__\_  _  _//  |/\|  __/    __|___    ·

  \   \   |/   /   ·    \ /     |    |    /  _   \   ·  \   \______    /   /

<--\/\\\______/__________\      |\_______/___/    \___/\_____\\_______///\/-->



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Hijack                          |/  |___|

\  For: Hijack                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

              ____________  · HIJACK! / ARCLITE ·  ____________

             |           (_________________________)           |

       _____ ·  __________                           sTZ!/sTYLe·

      |     |___\        /  .______  _______ _________  _______. ______

      |     |    \______/___|    _///  _.   \\   _.__/__\__    |/    _/

      |     .    |      |   |     \_   \|    \_  \|       /    \      \_

      |_____|    |______|    ______/____\     /____      /_____|\      /

          /________|  |_______\          \___/   /_______\     . \____/

             |____________                         ____________|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Private Text                    |/  |___|

\  For: Webster/Style          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

           _________________________  :_____________________ :______

          \\  __     / _     /    _/--|  __/  _  _/__    __/-|__   /

           /  |/____/  /   _/_    |   |   \   _   \/     |    ____/_

          /_______\    \_____/____|________\__/    \_____|\________/

               :  /______\   ·zS!/sTYLe·    /_______\        :

               |      __________ :________:_____________     |

               |      \__    __/-|__   /  |  _/__    __/     |

              /\       /     |    ____/_  _   \/     |       /\

             · _\---->/      |\________/__/    \_____|<-----/_ ·

                     /_______|          /_______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: The Chameleon                   |/  |___|

\  For: Hijack                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


  _____|_.   |______________

._)    __|   |   ·    _.   /

|      |     .   \\   \|__/_.

|______|_____|    \_____    |

           /_______|  /_____|

 sTZ!/sE  ____

  ______ |    |__________ ____  _________________ _______________ __________

._) _._/_|_   |   /  _.  \\   \/      _.   /    /__  _.   /  __  \\   _.   (_

|   \|    /   . _/   \|   \_  \/  \\  \|__/    /   | \|__/   \/   \_  \|    /

|____    /____| \_____\    /__/    \____    .______|___    ._______/___|   /

   /_____\  /_____|    \__/  /______| /_____|        /_____|           |__/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: 5th Dynasty                     |/  |___|

\  For: Webster/Style          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


         ·  _______ _     \    __|___    __/  |  _/     _ _______  ·

          \_\              \____    /    |    _   \             /_/

          \\   5TH dYNASTY  /______/     |.___/    \             //

            \                     /______|  /_______\   -zS!    /

         _____________:____/\ :_____________ ____:____________:____

         \_  __    /  |  _/  \|   __/  _  _//  __|___    __/  |  _/

          |  |/   /___,   \_ \\    \   _   \____    /    |.___,   \_

          |______/ /_______/  \_____\__/    \______/     | /_______/

                       /________\    /_______\    /______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Treach                          |/  |___|

\  For: Tribute                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Home Sweet Home                    |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


              ___    ___   ______ ___   __(  _ )__   __________

             |  (____)  | |      \\  | |    /\_\  | |.         |

             |          | |          | |   \\/_/  | |:   _____ :

          ___|___  _____|_|__________|_|____ :____|_|_  |     |_____

        ._)    __|_\_._    /  _.   /   _.   \_)  _.__/__|_    |   _/

        |      |     |/  _/   \|__/    \|    \_  \|      /    .    \\

        |______|_____/    \_____     .__\     /____     /_____|     \

          sTZ!/sTYLe \_____/  /______| | \___/   /______\   /________\

         __ _:          | |:         \ ¦         .| |          :

       _ _ /_/\         : ||         |\:         || :   ____   |

           \_\/______\\_| |___    ___|\\__________| |__(    )__|

                             (____)    ·\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Honey                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster/Style          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                       ·                             ·

                        \ _________________________ /

                      _:_\\                       //_:_

                       |                             |

                       |   ·                      ·  |

                 ____:____/______  /\ :______ :____\___:____

                 \_  |  _//   _ ¬\/  \|   __/-|__ ¬\\  |  _/

                _/   _  ¬\    /   \  \\   ¬\   ____/____, ¬\_

              .\\____/    \_______/   \_____\_______/   ____//.

                   /___.___\   /________\zS!/sTYLe/__.___\

                       |                             |

                      _|__                         __|_

                       : //_______________________\\ :

                        /                           \

                       ·                             ·


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Mogue                           |/  |___|

\  For: Tribute                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Home Sweet Home                    |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                    ____ ___________     __________ _____:_ _

                   :    \\          |   |         //     |

            ____  _|_  ________ ____|___: ______._____ __|________

      __  ._)   \/   \/   __   \\   _.__/_\_.   |    /_\    _.   /_.  __

    ._) | |     \/   /    \/    \   \|      |   |      \_   \|__/  | | (_.

    |___| |_____/    \__________/_____      |___________/____      | |___|

               /________\           /_______|   sTZ!/sE  : /_______|

                   |        \       :   |        __      |

                   :________\\______|   |_______/\_\  ___|

                             ·\                 \/_//


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Small Arclite-anim              |/  |___|

\  For: Mario/Trsi             ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                          ._____________________ /

                        ._|_                   //_:_

                        | :                       |

                   ·    |                         |          ·

          _________ \___:_________________   :____:_________/.______

          \_  _  _/--\_     /   .    /  _/___|    _/__   __/-|__   /

     __  _/   _   \   /   _/_  /____/   |    /    | /    |    ____/_  __

       \\\____/    \__\_____/._____\\_______/|____|/     |\________///

            /_______\   :                         /______| -zS!

                        |                         :

                       _|__                    _:_|

                        : //____________________|




 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Cypress Hill                    |/  |___|

\  For: Zinko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Letter                             |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

            ___________ _____    ___________    ____________ ____

           |           \\    |  :           |  ¦           //    |

           :  ________       :  |           :  |                 ·

      _____|__\      /___ ___|__|___________|__|_____________ ___|___

    ._)  _.__/_\_   /   /_\   ._     /  ._    /  _.   /   __/_\_. __/___.

    |    \|     /____     \_  |/____/   |/  _/   \|__/____      |___    |

    |___________\__________/______|_____/    \__________________|_______|

           |   :      ___    :__:_____  \_____/:              ·  :

      sTZ! : __|__  ._)  |___\       /_____ : _|______      __:_ |

           |   /\_\ |    |    \_____/     /__.\      /__.  /(_(  ¦

           |   \/_/ |    .    |     |    /   |      /   |  \/_/  |

           :    :   |____|____|_____|________|__________|        |

           |    .            :  |           :  |                 ·

           |_________________|  |__\\_______|  |_______//________|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Arclite                         |/  |___|

\  For: Karma/Arclite          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Final Impact                       |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


            __________________________| _______________________

            \   .   /        /     /  |_\_     /       / .    /

          _  \_ | _/____    / |___/   / _/   _/ __  __/  |___/_ _

       .\\/ _/  _ ¬\_ _/  _/_  / ¬\__   ¬\_  ¬\_/   ¬\_  _____/ \//.

            \___/   /_\     /__     /_____/____/______/  `  _\

               \___/   \___/  \____/   -zS!/sTYLe    \_____/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Cypress Hill                    |/  |___|

\  For: Zinko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Letter                             |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


     ________ \      /___  ___________ _______________________ .______

   ._)  _.__/__\_   /   /__\__._     /_\_._    /  _.   /   __/_|_  __//___

   |    \|      /____     \_  |/  __/    |/  _/   \|__/____     /____    /

   |______    _____________/___    \_____/    \_____    .______/   _____//

        /______\             /______/    \_____/  /_____|    |______\

        .        ...   ____   ________     sTZ!/sTYLe    ...         .

        :          :  |    |__\      /_____ _________    :           :

        :..           |    |   \____/     /_\.      /__.          ...:

          :.........  |    .   |    |    /   |     /   |  ........:

                      |____|   |____|____    |_____    |

                         /________\    /_____|   /_____|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Warhammer                       |/  |___|

\  For: Lagers/Abuse           ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


______\      /_____ __________:____ _______  /\  __   /\  __   :____________

\    |/\    / _  _/-\__    /  |  _//  _  _///  \/ ¬\ /  \/ ¬\.-|__  /__    /

 \   :  ·  /  _  ¬\   /  _/_  _  ¬\   _  ¬\/ ·      \ ·     /   ___/_ /  _/_

 \\___/\  /___/    \__\____/__/    \__/    \__\  :   \_\  : \_______/ \____//



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Zinko                           |/  |___|

\  For: Tribute                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Home Sweet Home                    |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                      _ _:___________·\_____________

                         |            \\           .|

                        _|______        \          ||

                   _____\      /________ _____. ____:_______     sTZ!

               ___|____ \\____/   ._   (_\    |/   _/   _.  \\

       _______ \     ___/.    |   |/    /_    \     \_  \|   \_ _______

     ._)       \\________|____|___|    ///____|\     /________/       (_.

     |________ __ _      :       /____/         \___/      _  __ _______|

                         |                 _        :

                         |__\\___________/\\ _______|_

                                           \/       :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Royal                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster/Style          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

               ·                                             ·

                \________ _____________:___ _________ ______/

            ___.\\_     //   _   \     |   \\    _   \\   _//.___

      ·  /\\\     /   _/_    /    \____,    \zS! _    \   |     ///\  ·



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Files                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


            sTZ!   ______\_.    /_____ ___________________

           ____  ._)    ___|___/     /_\_.  _.   /   ____(_.  ____

         ._)   | |      __)    |    /    |  \|__/._____    | |   (_.

         |_____| |______| |____|_________|_______|_________| |_____|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Requests                        |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

      __  ______________________    :_______________. ___________.

        \\\___    /  __   / ,_ ¬\---|  __/ __   / __|_\__  __/ __|___

          /  /  _/_  _/__/  _/   \  ·  ¬\  _/__/____   /   ¬\____   / __

         /   \____/  `__\___\____/_______\ `__\    `__/______\  `__///



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Doors                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

            __    ________________  ______   _______________    __

        __  \/  ._)  ._    /  __  \/  __  \__\_._    /  ___(_.  \/ __

        \/      |    |/   /   \/   \  \/   \   |/  _/____    |     \/

      .---------|_________\________/_______/___/     ________|---------.



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: QuartZ                          |/  |___|

\  For: QuartZ/Mystic          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                            ·                       ·

                             \ _______________ ___ /

                            ._\)             //  (/_.

                            |               /       |

              __  ______    :_______________________|___ _____  __

               ///  ,_ ¬\---|  __/ ,_  _/___    /__  __/-\__ ¬\\\

               _/   _/   \  |  ¬\  _/  ¬\_ /  _/_/   ¬\   ____/_

               \____\____/_______\ \_____/ \____/______\_______/

                  zS!/sTYLe | /______\ /_____\      : mYSTIc

                            |                       |

                            |__      /            __|


                             /                     \

                            ·                       ·


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Request                         |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

       ___________________________ ____.___ _________________ _________.

     ._)  ._    /  _.   /   _.    |    |  /_\   _.   /   ___/_)_.    __|

     |    |/  _/   \|__/    \|    |    |    \_  \|__/_____      |    |

     |____/    \____     .___\    |__________/___     ._________|____|

          \_____/ /______|   |____|            /______|   sTZ!/sTYLe


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Royal                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                         ___________           _ _______     ·

                   ______\__ __    /__:____________   _/____/

          ._______\\___    / |/   /   |  _/  ,_  _/   |    /______

          |        /  /  _/______/.___,   \_ _/   \_______/       :

       . .:.______/   \____/_.zS!._/_______/ \_____/  _ __________|

          ·      /______\               /______\




 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Most Wanted                     |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

           · \       ____  ___  ________ ________ _________

     _____\ \__ __ ._)   \/   \/   _.   \\    __/_)_.    __| ____________

    |      \/\_\   |     \/   /    \|    \_____     |    |      __       |.

    |__     \/_/   |_____/    \__________/__________|____|     /\_\    __|·

       |O     :         /________\                          _ _\/_//  |

     __|:     . _______                 sTZ!/sTYLe             |      |__

    |         __\     / _______ __________________ ____________:___      |

    |______  _\  \    \/  _.   \\   _.   (_     __| _.   /__._    / _____|

           _/    /\   /   \|    \   \|    /     |   \|__/   |/   //

           \_____/\___\____\    /____|   /|_____|____     .______\

                            \__/     |__/          /______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Amiexpress                      |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  _________ /\  /\ :______ :_______:___________________ :_________: ______:

 \\_  _  _//  \/  \|    _/-|__  /  |  _/ __    /__    /-|__  /  __|_\_  __|___

 _/   _   \ .      \    |   ___/_  _   \ |/___/  /  _/_  ___/____    /___    /

 \____/    \_\  :   \___|.______/__/    \____\   \____/._____/______/_______//



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Amiexpress                      |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

   sTZ!/sTYLe    _______         ______

   ______ ____  _\     /________|     /________ __________________ _______

 ._) _.  \\   \/  \___/ _.  /   |  __/__._    /__._   / _.  /  __/_\.  __/__.

 |   \|   \_  \/  |   | \|_/.   .   \   |/ __/   |/ _/  \|_/.___    |___    |

 |____\    /__//  |___|_____|   |____\___   \____/   \______|_______|  _____|

       \__/  /_______\    /_____|      /_____/   \____/          |______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Board Addies                    |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

               __________ ________________  __________________

               \_  _   _//   _    /  _  _/--\_     /   __    /

        .______/   )_   \    /   /   _   \   /   _/_   |/   /_______.

        |     \_____)    \______/.___/    \__\_____/_______/        |

        |   /     /_______\        /_______\ zS!/sTYLe           /  |

        |  //  _________________________________ :___________:  //  |

        |______\_  _  _/   __    /  __    /   _/-|__   /   __|___ __|

              _/   _   \   |/   /   |/   /    |   ____/_____    /

              \____/    \______/l_______/|____|\_______/_______/



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Board Avertices                 |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                _________  ______ ________ ____________ _________

              ._)  ._    \/  __  \\   _.  \\    ._    //  ._    /

     ........ |    |/   _/   \/   \   \|   \_   |/  _/    |/   /_    ....

     :        |____|)    \________/____\    /___/    \_________\\\\     :

     : sTZ!/sE      \_____/             \__/    \_____/                 :

     :                .______                 ________                  :

  ______  ____________|     /_________________\__    /_____ _________ _____

._) _.  \_)   ._   /  |    / _.   /  ._   /    __|__/  _._/_\_ _.   /   __/__.

|   \|   \_   |/  /   |   /  \|__/   |/ _/     |    |  \|    / \|__/____     |

|____\    /_______\_______\___     ._/   \_____|____|________\__     ._______|

      \__/                  /______| \____/                   /______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: AmiExpress                      |/  |___|

\  For: QuartZ/Mystic          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                         :             _ _________

  ·                      |                       /_:

 __\_________      ______|_________:_______________|_______________________

    \   .   //\  /\\     / .    / _|    / __   /      / .    / .   /  .   /

     \_ | _//  \/  \·  _/  |___/_ \   _/  |/__/___   /  |___/_ |__/__ |__/__

    _/  _  \_.      \   \_ _____/  \_  \     \_ _/ _/__ _____/___   /___   /

   \\___/   /_\  :   ____/ `  _\____/   \_____/_\     / `  _\   `__/   `__//

       \___/   \/|____/ \____/     \_____/       \___/.___/ \___/  ._____\__

                         |__                       |                      \

                         : /________ _             | ·zS!/sTYLe·           ·



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Ascii Collections               |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                                              ____ ____ _____          :

           __      _______ ________ _________ \   \\  /     /       ___|_ _

    __     \/    ._)  _.  \\    __/_)_.  _._/__\_____/_____/        \/_/

    \/       .   |    \|   \______    |  \|     /    |     |    __

    :    __ _|__ |_____\    /_________|___     /_____|_____|    \/     __

    . __ \/  /\_\       \__/            /______\              __       \/

      \/     \/_//            sTZ!/sE            _______      \//      :

  ______ _____________ ______ ______________ ____\__   /____ ______________

._) _._/_)_ _.  \    /_\_   /_)_ _.   / _._/_)_   __|_/ _.  \\  _.   (_ __/__.

|   \|    / \|   \  /   /  /   / \|__/  \|    /   |   | \|   \  \|    /___   |

|____    /_______/__   /___   /____    .______\___|___|______/___|  _________|

   /_____\        /____\ /____\  /_____|                         |__/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Cosmic Circus (useless now?)    |/  |___|

\  For: Felon/Devious Dezigns  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

            _____________________:   /\  /\ :_______________     ·

           /  .     / __    /  __|__/  \/  \|    _/  .     /___ /

          /   |____/  |/   /____    /.      \    |   |____/   //_:_

         \\_______\\______/ /______/__\  :   \___|\______\       |

            :         _________________\/|____/_____  :__________:

           _|__      /  .     /   _/__    /  .     /--|  __/   __|___

            : //___ /   |____/    |  /  _/_  |____/   |   \_____    //

             /      \_______\|____|  \____/._____\_________\/______/

            ·                    /_____\ zS!/sTYLe


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Ascii Request                   |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                                              ____ ____ _____

       ________    _______ ________ _________ \   \\  /     / ________

      |        | ._)  _.  \\    __/_)_.  _._/__\_____/_____/ | ·      |

     \\        | |    \|   \______    |  \|     /    |     | | \\     |

      \·       | |_____\    /_________|___     /_____|_____| |  \     |

      |________|        \__/            /______\             |________|

       ___________________________ ____.___ _________________ _________.

     ._)  ._    /  _.   /   _.    |    |  /_\   _.   /   ___/_)_.    __|

     |    |/  _/   \|__/    \|    |    |    \_  \|__/_____      |    |

     |____/    \____     .___\    |__________/___     ._________|____|

          \_____/ /______|   |____|            /______|   sTZ!/sTYLe


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Cosmic Circus                   |/  |___|

\  For: Psyche/Devious         ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

             _______________________/\  _______________

             \        /  .   / .   /  \/   /   /      /

              \_ ____/  _| _/  |__/___  ·_/  _/  ____/________.

             _/  | ¬\__ \| ¬\____   / \/ ¬\  ¬\_ | ¬\__      ·:·

            \\___     /______/  `__/__/    \___/_     /       |

              : \____/      \___/    \______/   \____/        |

              |       ____________________________.--.________:_

              |       \        /   /       /       / |   / .   /

              |        \_ ____/  _/____   /   ____/  | _/  |__/__

             .:._______/  | ¬\__ ¬\_ _/  /¯\_ | ¬\__ · ¬\____   //

              ·       \___     /___/_\  ·   /_     /_____/  `__/

                         \____/zS!/mST\____/ \____/     \___/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Playstation                     |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


    _________________ ______\__     /___

  ._)  ._     /     /_)_.  _.  \   /   /_    _____ _____________

  |    |/  __/     /    |  \|   \___     \_       \\            |

  |_____    \___________|___\   __________/                     |

      /______/               \__/                               |

                  sTZ!/sE                   ________

   |            _______ ________ _____ _____\__    /_______ __________

   |            )   __/_)_.   __| _.  \)     __|__/   __   \\   _.   (_

   |_________  .\_____    |   |   \|   \_    |    |   \/    \   \|    /

               |__________|___|____\    /____|____|_________/____|   /

                                    \__/                         |__/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Seaquest                        |/  |___|

\  For: 2fast/(ontra!          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Final Impact                       |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


               / .   / .   / .   /__   / |   / .   / .   /      /

         .--->/  |__/__|__/_ | _/ \| _/  | _/  |__/_ |__/__  __/<---.

         |    \____   /____/ _  \_ \  \__·  \_ ____/___   /   \_    |

         :    _/  `__/ ` _\__/   /__·   /____/ ` _\   `__/_____//   ·


         |                                                          |

         !               [«· dSV cAPTAIN : 2fAST! ·»]               |

         ·    [«· dSV lIEUTENANTS : gEM! ^ jAKE! ^ nOSTROMO! ·»]    :

         |                         _  /\  _                         |

         `-------------------------'\/  \/`-------------------------'


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Hydra                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

             ____   ________

            |    |__\      /___ ______________________________

            |    |   \    /   /_)   ._     /   ._    /   _.   \

            |    .   .\____     \_  |/    /    |/  _/    \|    \_

    .-------|____|   |___________/________\____/    \_____\     /--------.



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Terminal Silence (a bit old eh) |/  |___|

\  For: Terminal Silence       ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Trespass (?)                       |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

 _ ___ __________ :______________/\  /\ :______/\ ._________________

    \ \\__    __/-|__   /___    /  \/  \|    _/  \|  __/  _  _/   _/____

   .___ /     |    ____/_  /  _/_.      \    |   \\   \   _   \   |    /___.

   |   /      |\________/  \____/_\  :   \___|    \____\__/    \______/    |

   |  ·       :       /______\     \/|____//________\   /_______\          |

   |      _______: :__________     :______/\ :_____ ________ :______ ·zS!· |

   |______\    __|_|_   _/  _/___.-|__   /  \|  __// .     /-|__   /_______|

           \____    /   |   |    /  ____/_  \\   \   |____/   ____/_ ___ _

            /______/____|.______/._______/   \____\______\\________// /



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Passion                         |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


        ________________ ________ _________\      /________ __________

  __  ._)  ._    /  _.  \\    __/_)_.   __/_\_.__/_   __   \\   _.   (_  __

 |  | |    |/ __//  \|   \______    |_____    |   \_  \/    \   \|    / /  |

 |__| |_____   \_____\   ________.__|   ______|____/________/____|   / /___|

          /_____/     \__/       |_______\       sTZ!/sTYLe      |__/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Essence                         |/  |___|

\  For: Rahiem/Essence         ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

           :______ ____:  _____:    :______ /\ :______________ :______ ___ _

         .-|__   //  __|_/_  __|__.-|__   //  \|  __/  .     /-|__   // /

  _ ___ /   ____/_____    /____   /  ____/_   \\   \   |____/   ____/_

     \ \\________/_______/_______/._______/    \____\______\\________/

                              zS!/sTYLe /________\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: 5th Dynasty                     |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                          .______ ______|__   |_____

                          |   __/_)_     __|  |   _/

         ______\_______  _|____     \    |    .    \ ______ ________

       ._)     \\        \    ______/____|____|     \      \\      (_.

       |.       \        /_____\            /________\\              |

       |:    ________              sTZ!/sE                   ________:

    _________\__    /___ ___________ ________ ________ ______\__    /___

  ._)   ._     /   /   /_\    _.   (_\   _.  \\    __/_)_.    __|  /   /_

  |     |/    /_____     \_   \|    /    \|   \______    |    |_____     \_

  |________._/    ________/____|   /______\    /_________|__._|    _______/

           |_______\           |__/        \__/             |_______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Rahiem                          |/  |___|

\  For: Rahiem/Essence         ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                ________________ __:_________ :______/\  /\

       .=======\\  _    /  _  _//  |  _/   _/-|__   /  \/  \====/\===.

       |        /  /  _/_  _   \   _   \   |   ____/_.      \\\/  ·  |

       |       /   \____/__/    \__/    \__|\_______/_\  :   \_      |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Royal                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


             ________________\__      /___ __________ _________

           ._)   ._    /   __   \    /   /_\    _.   \\       /___.

           |     |/  _/    \/    \____     \_   \|    \_     /    |

           |_____/    \_______.__/   _______/____\     /__________|

                 \_____/      |_______\           \___/   sTZ!/sE


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Myth                            |/  |___|

\  For: Delite/Myth^Abuse      ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

 .    /\  /\ _____:_______________:____

  \///  \/  \\    |  _/,__   __/  |  _/

   _/ .      \____,   \_/    |    _   \    .

   \___\  :   \________/     |.___/    \\\/




 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Scoopex                         |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

         ______ ________ _______ _______ ______________________ _____

         )  __/_)_. _._/_)_ __  \)  __  \)   ._     / _.  \__  |  __/

        .\____    | \|    / \/   \  \/   \   |/ ___/  \|__/.   .    \\



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: The Jormas                      |/  |___|

\  For: Delite/Abuse^Myth      ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


          tHE  \_____: _________________ /\  /\ _________ ____:

            ____\_   |/  __    / _     //  \/  \\   _  _//  __|___

            \    /   |   |/   /  /   _/_ .      \   _   \____    /

           .\\_______|.______/   \_____/__\  :   \__/    \______//.


      h · A · R · D · C · O · R · E · u · R · I · N · A · T · I · O · N


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Honey                           |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

              _____                                 _________

             |     |____ ________ __________ _______\__     /__

       ______|     |   //   _.   \\   _.   (_\   _.   /    /  /_  _____

     ._)     |     .   /    \|    \   \|    /    \|__/_____     \_    (_.

     |___sTZ!|_____|   \__________/____|   //______    ._________/ _____|

                 /________\            |__/      /_____|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Scarface                        |/  |___|

\  For: Scarface/Twisted       ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


       __\______:  _ ____________ _______ ____  _____________:_____

     _ ___\   __|_____.    / _  /-\_    //  _/_/ _  /__.    /|__  /___ _

        \ \\___    /  |___/  _  \  /  _/_   __/  _  \  |___/  ___/\\ \

            /_____/\_____\.__/   \_\____/____\.__/   \____\._______\__

                           /______\ -zS!/sTYLe /______\             \



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Twisted                         |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


           _______ _\    _/_____ ______ _________ ___________________

         ._)    __|  \    \_____)   __/_)_.    __|  _.   /   ._     /

         |      |    /\    \_   |____     |    |    \|__/    |/    /_

         |______|____/\_____/_._|   ______|____|_____     ._______///

               sTZ!/sTYLe     |______\             /______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Fourth Avenue                   |/  |___|

\  For: Lagers/Abuse           ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Voice                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                   _______________  :____________________:___

                  /   _/_  __    /--|  __/__    /__  __/ | _/         ·

        ._______//    __/  |/   /   ·   \  /  _/_/   |   _  \\______ /

      ._|_      /      \\______/.________\ \____/    |.__/   \     //_:_

  __ _| :      ·        \              /_____\ /_____| /      ·       |_ __

    \\/        _______  :_____ :______/\ :_____  :_____ :______       \//

     _|__      \_ _ _/--|  __/-|__   /  \|  __/--|  __/-|__   /    _:_|

      : //___ _/  _  \  |   \   ____/_  \\   \   ·   \   ____/_ ____|

       /     \\___/   \______\_______/   \____\_______\_______//

      ·         /______\          /________\ ·zS!/aBS^mST·


           sTAFF: [lAGERS/aBUSE!] [zEUS/mST^aBS^sE!] [sLICE/aBUSE!]

                    [pSYKO/aBUSE^iNSANE!] [dEMOLEECHER/aBUSE!]

          > +358-aSK-cOSYS!  <--[ fOURTH aVENUE ]-->  +358-tEL-nET! <


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Fatal Justice                   |/  |___|

\  For: Misery                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                _______ _______  ________ _______ ____ ____

              ._)   ___|  _.   \_)     __|  _.   \\   \\  /___.

              |     __)   \|    \_     |    \|    \_     /    |

              |_____| \____\\    /_____|____\\     /__________|

                      \\    \___/             \___/

                       ·\          sTZ!/sE  _____ ___

           .__________.____ _________ ______\__ //  /______  __________

     ______|    _/    |   /_\    ___/_)_.    __|___/   _._/__)_  _.   /

     \     |     \_   |     \______     |    |     |   \|     /  \|__/_.

     \\     ______/_\  ____._/   _______|____|_____|__________\____    |

       \_____\       \\    |______\                              /_____|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Twisted                         |/  |___|

\  For: Scarface/Twisted       ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                                                                .    :

     _ __ ____________:  .________________:_________ :______ ___|_   |

        \\\__    __/  |/\|  __/    _/  ___|__    __/-|__   //  __/   |

           /     |    /  ·   \|    |____    /    |    ____/_   \|    |

          /      |.____/\_____\____|/______/_____|\________/_________;

         /_______| ·zS!/mST·


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Amiga                           |/  |___|

\  For: Misery                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where:  Electronic Confusion              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

          .          ·             ________

       _ _|_     ____\\__  ____  __\__    /______ __________      :

         /\_\  ._)  _.\  \_)   \/   _/___/   _._/_)_.  _.   \    _|_ _

         \/_/  |    \| ·  \_   \/   |    |   \|     |  \|    \_ /_/\

          :    |_____\     /___/    |____|_____  \  |___\     / \_\/

          .      sTZ! \___/   /________\     /___\\_|    \___/  :



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Amiga Wares                     |/  |___|

\  For: Snafu/Outlaws          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                                            :_\                      /_:

       _________ /\  /\ :______  :______ ___|___                       |

     \\\_  _  _//  \/  \|    _/--|_    //  _  _/  > a m i g a          |

      _/   _   \ .      \    |   l/___/_   _   \         w a r e s <   |

      \____/    \_\  :   \___|\________/___/    \                      |

         /_______\ \/|____/              /_______\                     |

            ____.  :_____ _______  ________ :______ ____:              |

            \__ |/\|  __//  _  _/--\_     /-|__   //  __|___           |

             /  ·  \   \    _   \   /   _/_  ____/_____    /           |

            /____/\_____\___/    \__\_____/_______/_______///          |

                          /_______\         |__                 -zS! __|

                                            : /______________________\ :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Insane                          |/  |___|

\  For: Misery                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where:  Electronic Confusion              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

          ________                                        ·

          \      /________ ________ __________ ___________\\________

         · \____/   _.   (_\    __/_)_.  _.   \\    _.   (_\  _.   /

          \|    |   \|    /_\____     |  \|    \_   \|    /   \|__/_.

          \\____|____|   ///__________|___\     /____|   //_____    |

            \        |__/·   sTZ!/sTYLe    \___/     |__/     /_____|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: ROM                             |/  |___|

\  For: Rahiem/Essence         ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chamelon                       |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

:__ ___________________/\  /\ _____________:

|  \\   _    /  __    /  \/  \\            |

|   /   /  _/_  |/   / .      \ ESSENCE&Co |

|  /    \____/._____/___\  :   \_          |


|                                          |

|__    -·> VOMIT ON THE HOLY MAN <·-     __|

: /______________________________________\ :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Threat                          |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                 _____                                    ·

           _____|_    |________________________________  __\ _____

         ._)    __|   |  _/    ._    /   _.   /   _.   \_)  \\  __|

        \|      |     .   \    |/  _/    \|__/    \|    \_    · |

        \\______|_____|    \___/    \_____     .___\     /______|sTZ!

         ·\         /_______\  \_____/  /______|    \___/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Cryptoburners                   |/  |___|

\  For: Carebear/Insane        ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


           _________________  :____________________________/__

           \___.    /__    /--|  __/ __   \__   __/ __    /

           /   |___/  /  _/___·   \  |/____/    |   |/   /___ __

           \_______\  \____/_______\____| /     |\______//__//_/

                  /_____\   zS!/sTYLe    /______|

       ______:      :____________/\ :_____ :_____________ ____:

       \_   _|__.---|  __/__    /  \|  __/-|__   /__    //  __|___

        |   \    /  ·   \  /  _/_  \\   \   ____/_ /  _/_____    /___ __

     . _|_______/________\ \____/   \____\_______/ \____/_______//__//_/

        |              /_____\,.______\        /_____\



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Threat Diz                      |/  |___|

\  For: Webster                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


  ______._|   |___________________  _______

._)   __| |     ._   / _.   / _.  \_)    __|

|     |   .     |/ _/  \|__/. \|   \_    |

|_____|   |_____/   \_______|__\    /____|


|                                          |

|                                          |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Insanitary                      |/  |___|

\  For: Cluster/Insane         ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

:______/\ :__________:  ________/\ :_____:__________________________.---:____

|    _/  \|   __/  __|__\  _  _/  \|   __|    _/__   __/ _  _/  _    /  |  _/

|    |   \\    \____    /  _   \_ \\    \|    |:/    |   _   \_ /  _/___·   \_

|____|    \_____\______/.__/____/  \_____\____|/     |.__/____/ \____/_______/

   /________\  -zS!/sTYLe   /________\        /______|     /______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Ranx                            |/  |___|

\  For: Ranx                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

              sTZ!/sE                          ____ __

                 ____________________ _________\__ \\ |_______

               ._)   ._     /   _.   \\    _.    (_   |      / /

              \|     |/   _/    \|    \_   \|     /   .    _///

              ·\_____/     \_____\     /____|    /____|     \·

               \\    \______/     \___/     |___/     |______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Tristar & Red Sector Inc.       |/  |___|

\  For: Juan/Trsi              ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                     __________________ ____:  :_______

                   \\\__    __/__     //  __|__|    __///

                      /     |   /   _/_____    /     \

                     /______|   \_____/_______/|______\

                           /______\ -zS!/sTYLe


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Jedi Arts                       |/  |___|

\  For: Ranx                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                 ___________________      ____________ ______

                |              _____|___ |            \\     |

       .____ ___|______________\__     /_|______ ____________|______ _____

_______|   /_\   _.   /   ._     /____/    _.   \\    ._    /     __|  __/___.

\      |     \_  \|__/    |/    /     |    \|    \_   |/  _/      |_____     |

 \     _______/____    ._______/|_____|_____\     /___/    \____._|    ______|

  \_____\ sTZ!/sE/_____|            :    |.  \___/    \_____/:  |_______\

                |              \    |    ||                  |

                |______________\\___|    |___________________|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Sweet Dreams                    |/  |___|

\  For: Canaan/Prestige^Insane ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

     ______: ___:  .___  :______ :______________

     \   __|_\_ |/\|  _.-|__   /-|__   /__   __/

      \____   /        \  ____/_  ____/_/    |___________________.

       /_____/___/\_____\______/_______/     |                   |

          |                           /______|                   |

          |          :_________ ________ :___________   /\  /\ __|__:

         _|__________|  __    /-\_     /-|__   /  _  \ /  \/  \\  __|___

          :          |  |/   /   /   _/_  ____/_  _   \_       \___    /

           zS!/sTYLe |______/.___\_____/_______/__/____/_\  :   \_____//.



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Porno                           |/  |___|

\  For: Lagers                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \



     .     ·O.                                                        .·.

    __      ____________________ ________________________ ________   ·  __

   (  )   ._)  ._     /   __    \\    ._     /    ._    (_\  __   \ o  (  )

  _|  |_  |    |/  __/    \/     \    |/   _/     |/     /   \/    \  _|  |_

 (      ) |______    ____________/____/     \_____|     /__________/ (      )

               /_____/                \______/   /_____/  sTZ!/sE


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Insane                          |/  |___|

\  For: Marx & Cluster/Insane  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

             :______/\ :__________:  ________/\ :______ :______

             |    _/  \|   __/  __|__\  _  _/  \|   __/-|__   /

             |    |   \\    \____    /  _   \  \\    \   ____/_

             |____|    \_____\______/.__/____\  \_____\_______/

                /________\   zS!/sTYLe   /________\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Bermuda Triangle                |/  |___|

\  For: Xmas Present'95        ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Joulupukin Maja                    |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                       _ _|_

       ____ _____________/\_\________   _____________:_________ ______

      |    \\            \/_/        | |          _ _|___      \\     |

      |                     /        | |             \/_//            |

   ___|_____ ________________________: |________.____ ________________:___

 ._)  ._    \\    _.   /   ._    /   \/   _/    |   /_)    ._     /  _.   \

 |    |/  __/_    \|__/.   |/  _/    \/    \    |     \_   |/    /   \|    \_

 |____|)     /_________|___/    \____/      \__________/________/_____\     /

      :\____/              \_____/  /________\                 _      .\___/

      |            ________          | :                      \/      |

     _|_____ ______\__    /_______ __|_|______ _______ ________ ______|____

   ._)    __|  ._    /___/   _.   \\   _.    (_\  _._/_)_.    /_)_.  _.   /

   |      |    |/  _/    |   \|    \_  \|     /   \|     |   /    |  \|__/.

   |______|____/    \____|____\_____/___|    /______     |________|_______|

      :        \_____/         __    |  |___/     /______|         sTZ:sE

      |_                      /\_\ __| :                    _|_       |

      \/                     \\/_/_  | |                     |        |

      |_______\\ ____________________| |____________\\_______:________|




 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: The Rush Hour                   |/  |___|

\  For: Darkman/Abuse          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Fourth Avenue                      |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                 __________  :_________:  ___:____

               \\\_  _    /--|  __/  __|__\  |  _/  tHE    ·

                 /   /  _/_  ·   \____    /  _   \ ______ /

                /    \____/_______\______/.__/    \     //_:_

               /_______\   zS!/sTYLe       /_______\       |

                  :         ____:____ ______    :__________:__

                 _|__       \_  |  _//  __  \.--|  __/  _    /

                  : //____ _/   _   \   |/   /  ·   \   /  _/_

                   /       \____/    \______/________\  \____///

                  ·           /_______\            /______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Tommy                           |/  |___|

\  For: Tommy                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: "Spank Me"                         |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                       __________ ____________________

                      |          \\                ___|____

               _______:_______  ____  _____ ___  __\_     /__

             ._)    __|  __   \_)   \/  _/ \\  \/  _/    /  /_

             |      |   \\/    \    \/   \     \/   \_____    \_

             |______|__________/____/     \____/     \_________/

              _ __    |.           /_______\  /_______\

            __ /\_\   :|       \                      : sTZ!/sE

               \/_//  |________\\________________\\___|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Madmax                          |/  |___|

\  For: Juan/Trsi              ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

         _ ___ /\  /\  ________________/\  /\ ________ __:____

           / //  \/  \\  _  _/___     /  \/  \\  _  _//  |  _/

            _/ ·     /   _   \  /    /       /   _   \   _   \ ___ _

            \___\  :   __/    ______/.__\  :   __/     __/    \\ \

                 \/|___/____ -zS!/mYSTIC \/|___/______ /_______\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Epsilon Design                  |/  |___|

\  For: Tommy                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: "Spank Me"                         |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


           ____________________ _____    ___________ _: ___________

          |_                   \\    |  |           /\_\           ¦

          \/                         ¦  |           \/_/           : sTZ!

     _____|___________________  _____| _|_______ __________ _______|_____

   ._)  _.    /   ._     / __/_(_.____)\       /_)_.  __   \\     ._    (_

   |    \|___/.   |/____/___     |     \      /    |  \/    \     |/     /

   |__________|_______|    ______|_____/___________|________/_____|     /

          |          |______\        |  :                        /_____/

         _:_________________________ :__|___ _________ ____________|_

       ._)   ._     /  _.    /   __/_(_.____)\    _._/_)_.    ._    (_

       |     |/    /   \|___/____      |     \    \|     |    |/     /

       |__________//___________________|_____/_____      |____|     /

          |           __      ·      :  |        /_______|   /_____/

          :         //\_\      \     |  |                          ¦

          |__________\/_/______\\____|  :___________________\\_____|

                      :          \


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Ifftic                          |/  |___|

\  For: Juan/Trsi              ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

     :_____ ___ ____ _______ ____ _____

.--->|   _/  _/_  _/__   __/   _/_.   /<---.

|    |   |   __/  __//   |·|   |  |__/     |

|    |___|.___\____\/    |:|___|\____\     |

|       iFFTIC'96  /_____| pRESENTS        |

|         []          |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Bomb Squad                      |/  |___|

\  For: G.o.d.                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                   __________ ___   ·    ______________:_

                  |          \\  |__:_  ¦              |__

                  | //              |   | //              |

                  ¦ /               :   | /               ¦

                 _|_______ _________¦ __|__  _____ _ _____:_

               ._)  ._    \\   __   \_)    \/   _///  ._    \

               |    |/  __/_   \/    \     \/    \    |/  __/_

               |____|)     /_________/_____/      \___|)     /

                  |  \____/         ¦   | /________\   \____/

                  :          sTZ!   |   :                 |

             _____¦ __________ .____:___| __________  ____|______

            /   __/_\_.  _.  (_:    |   /_\    _.   \_)   ._    (_

           .\_____    |  \|    |    |     \_   \|    \_   |/     /

           |__________|___|    |___________/____\_____/_________/

                  |       |____|    |   :                 :

                 \|              /  |   ¦              /  |

                 ·\             //  :   |__           //  :

                  \\________________|     _|______________|

                    \                      :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Da Subway Link                  |/  |___|

\  For: Tweeter                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: The Chameleon & MBnet =)           |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

         _______:     :____|  _¡________:  ._____ _______ __:____

         \    __|__.--|  __/  \__    /  |/\|  __//  _  _//  |  _/

          \____    /  ·   \|   |/   /   ·  \   \    _   \___·   \

           /______/________\_______/.____/\_____\___/    \_______\


            ·         ____   :______/\ :________: ____        ·

           /_  zS!   /  _/___|    _/  \|   __/  |/   /        _\

            (___ _  /   |    /    |   \\    \  _·  _/__  _ ___)

                    \_______/|____|    \_____\_\      /

                                /________\      \____/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Bomb Squad Diz                  |/  |___|

\  For: G.o.d.                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  ________ ________

._)  ._   \\    __/__.               :

|    |/  _/______    | BOMB SQUAD _ _|__

|____|)     /________|   _           )_)\\


|_                                         |

\/                                         |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Wild Palms                      |/  |___|

\  For: Radavi/Effect          ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

         ____:  .__ :_________  ___________  _ ______________

         \__ |/\|  \|   _/  _/__\____     /                 /_.

          /  ·  \   \   |   |    /  /    /                    |

         /____/\     \__|.______/|______/        :_           :

                \_____/ ___________ ______ ____  |//\  /\ ______.

           :            \_  __    // _  _//  _/____  \/  \\   __|___

           |__  zS!/sE   |  |/ __/   _   \   |    /.      \____    /

             /_____ _    |_____| .___/    \______/__\  :   \______/

                                   /_______\         \/|____/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: G.o.d.                          |/  |___|

\  For: G.o.d.                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                         ___________   _:_____\ ____

                        |           |   |      \\   |

                       _|______ ____|___|_  ________|__

                     ._)   _._/_)_.  _.   \_)   ._    (_

            _________|     \|     |_ \|    \ _  |/     /_ ________

           |         |_______     //_______///________///   .     |

           |      :     |  /______| |sTZ|           |      _|__   |

           |O  _ _|_    |           |   |           |     /_/\   :|

           ||    /\_\   |_\\________|_  |___________|    \\_\/   ||

           |:    \/_/       \       :                       :    O|

           |        /                                             |

           ·················· WHAT DO YOU WANT? ···················


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Final Impact                    |/  |___|

\  For: U-Man/Crux^Hellfire    ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  _ ___ _________:______/\ :_____________ _____

     \ \\__    _/_    _/  \|   __/  _  _//   _/____   _ ___________  ·

         /     __/    |   \\    \   _   \    |    /               /_/

        /_______\|____|    \_____\__/    \_______/                 //

                    /________\    /_______\                       /

       /          :______ /\  /\ ____________________________________ ___ _

     //_          |    _/·  \/  \\_  __    /  _  _/  .     /__    __// /

     / /_____ _   |    |         \|  |/ __/   _   \  |____/ /     |

    ·             |____|.__\  :   \_____| .___/    \_____\ /      |

                     -zS!   \/|____/        /_______\     /_______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Masterblaster                   |/  |___|

\  For: G.o.d.                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  ____  _____ _ ______ ________ ___________ _________________

._)   \/   _///  _.   \\    __/_)_.     ___| _.   /   ._    /   sTZ!/sE

|     \/    \    \|    \_____     |    ||    \|__/.   |/  _/  ____ ______

|_____/      \____\_____/_________|_____|_________|___/    \_     \\     |

     /________\                                       \_____/            :

  |       _________ ________ __________ ________ ___________ _________________

  :     ._)  ._    \\      /_)_.  _.   \\    __/_)_.     ___| _.   /   ._    /

  |__ _ |    |/  __/_     /    |  \|    \______    |     |    \|__/.   |/  _/

    //  |____|)     /__________|___\_____/_________|_____|_________|___/    \_

              \____/                                                   \_____/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Checkpoint                      |/  |___|

\  For: Kingpin/Royal^Motion   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

          __________:____ :________________: ____               ·

         / .     /  |  _/-|__   / .     /  |/   /  _ _________ /

        /  |____/   _   \  ____/_ |____/  _·  _/__           //_:_

        \______\.___/    \______/_____\.__\      /    zS!/sE    |

           :      /       \________________\____/__/\ :_________:____

          _|__   ·         \_  __    / __    /   _/  \|   __/__   __/

           : //_________ _  |  |/ __/  |/   /    |   \\    \ /    |

            /               |_____| \______/|____|    \_____\     |

           ·                                   /________\  /______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Kent                            |/  |___|

\  For: G.o.d.                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

        /__        _____  _________________ ________ ________      ___

      //   |     ._)    |/    /   _.    / // ._    (_\    ___|    |   :

       :   :    \|      \   _/_.  \|___/.    |/     /     |       :   |

       |___|    \\______|\     |________|____|     /______/ sTZ! ·\___|

                 ·        \____|            /_____/      //       \\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Crux                            |/  |___|

\  For: U-Man/Crux^Hellfire    ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

.______ ________________ :____ _:___ ____zS!

¦  _ ___\__.    /__    /-| __// | _/___ _  |

|    / //  |___/  /  _/_ ·  \   _  \\ \    |


          [ ··cRUX'96 cRACKED!·· ]


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Electronic Confusion            |/  |___|

\  For: Tribute                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Home Sweet Home                    |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

    ______\ ____________    __________ _________        ______ ______

   |       \\           |  |         //         |  :____)     \\    (____:

   :        \           |  |                    :  |                     |

  _|__________ _________|__|___ ________ _______|__|__ __________________|_

._) _.   /   /_)_. _.   /  _._/_)_    __| ._   /  __  \\   ._  (____/  _._/___

|   \|__/.  /    | \|__/.  \|    /    |   |/ _/   \/   \   |/   /   |  \|    /

|________|_______|______|________\____|___/   \________/___|   /____|________\

   |                    :  |              \____/:  |      /___/          |

  _:____ ________ ______|__: __________.___ ____|__:______________ ______|___

._) _._/_)_  __  \\   ._   (_\   ___|  |  /_\   __/_\_.____/  __  \\   ._   (_

|   \|    /  \/   \   |/    /    __)   |    \_____    |    |  \/   \   |/    /

|_________\_______/___|    /_____|___________/________|____|_______/___|    /

   |                 /____/:    _ ____         ·|  |                  /____/

  _|____            ____|_ |   _ _ /\_\\        \  |     sTZ!/sTYLe      |

   :   (____________)   :  |_______\/_/_________\\ |_____________________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Hellfire                        |/  |___|

\  For: U-Man/Crux^Hellfire    ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

        ____:____  :_________:  _____:  _______:_____________ :______

        \_  |  _/.-|__   /  _|__\_  _|__\_   __|_   _/__    /-|__   /

       _/   _   \   ____/_  \    /  \    /   ___/   |  /  _/_  ____/_

     .\\____/-zS!\_______/______/.______/.____\|____|  \____/_______//.

          /_______\                                /_____\


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Twisted Diz                     |/  |___|

\  For: Tribute                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Home Sweet Home                    |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

sTZ!/sE ______

  _____ \   _/_________ ______ ____________

._)  __| \   \____/ __/_).  __|_.  /  ._  (_

|    |   /\   \_  |___   |  |  \|_/.  |/   /


:                                          :

|                                          |

|                                          |



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Mode                            |/  |___|

\  For: Mode                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                      :_\\·                    ·//_:

                      |  \                      /  |

                      :                            |

                _ ___ /\  /\..___________¡_  :  :__:___

                  / //  \/  \:  __    / __/  |.-|__   /

                   _/        \. \/   /  \|   |   ____/_

                 .\\___\  :   \_____/\_______|._______//.

                      : \/|____/  ··zS!/mYSTIC··   :

                      |                            |

                      |__/                      \__|

                      : //.____________________.\\ :


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Twilight                        |/  |___|

\  For: Nicko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                 __________________      ___\______________

                |                  |    :   \\             |

                | _______  sTZ!/sE |    |     ·      ____  |

          ______:_\    _/__________: ___|_________ ._)   |_:__________

        ._)   __|  \    \_____/    /_\_.___/  _._/_|_    |   _/     __|

        |     |    /\    \_   |   /    |   |  \|     |   .    \     |

        |_____|____/\_____/___|________|___|____     |___|     \____|

                |                  |    :     /______|  /_______\

                | \                :    |                  :

                : \\               |    ·                  ¦

                |__________________|    |_____________/____|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Euphoria                        |/  |___|

\  For: Dee/Euphoria           ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

         :______  :_______________:____ _______________:___________

       .-|__   /--|  __/  __    / |  _//  __    /__    |   _/  _   \

   zS!/   ____/_  ·   \|  |/ __/  _   \   |/   /  /  _/_   |   _    \sE!

    .\\________/_______\_____| .__/____\______/.__\____/___|.__/____//.


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Twilight Diz                    |/  |___|

\  For: Nicko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

 |_    .  ,_|  ,_ __ |__ |_

 |__,(_|_)\/|_,\/(__)|  )|__,   <--sTZ!----.

                  --'                      |





 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Genetic Taste                   |/  |___|

\  For: Dee/Euphoria           ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Internet Relay Chat                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

            .______ .______ /\ .______ .____________________________

          .-|_    /-|__   //  \|   __/-|__   /__   __/   _/  .     /

         /  |/___/_  ____/_   \\    \   ____/_/    ||    |   |____/

         \________/_______/    \_____\_______/     ||____|\______\

                        /________\          /______| zS!/sTYLe

                 _________________ ____.__________ .______

                 \__    __/  _  _//  __|___    __/-|__   /

                  /     |    _   \____    /    |    ____/_

                 /      |.___/    \______/     |\________/

                /_______|  /_______\    /______|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Nicko                           |/  |___|

\  For: Nicko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

               _______    __________________ _____    _______

              :       |  |                 //     |  |       |

           ___|_______|__|_____________ _______. _|__:_______|___

         ._)   ._      /_____/    _.__/_)__    |/    _/    __    \

         |     |/     /      |    \|      /    \      \_   \/     \

         |_____|     /|______|____________\____|\      /__________/

              /_____/ :  |                       \____/      :

              :       |  :  \·   N.I.C.K.O        |  :       | sTZ!

              |_______|  |___\\___________________|  |_______|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Dacore                          |/  |___|

\  For: Nicko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

        __   _______    _____________________________    ____   __

       |  | |       |  |                             |  |    | :  | sTZ!

       :__|_|_______¦__|____ _________  _________ ___|__:____|_|__:___

      ._)   ._     /:  _.   \\    _._/__)_  __   \\    ._    /  _.   /

      |     |/    /    \|    \_   \|     /  \/    \    |/  _/   \|__/.

      |__________/______\_____/__________\________/__:_/    \________|

       :  | |       |  |                             | \_____/ :  |

       |  : ·       :  |         D.A.C.O.R.E         ·  :    | |  ·

       |__| |_______|  :_____________________________|  |____| |__|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Dacore Diz                      |/  |___|

\  For: Nicko                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  ____________ _____________ _______________

._) ._   / _. \\  _._/__ _  \\  ._   / _.  /

|   |/  /  \|  \_ \|   / /   \  |/ _/  \|_/.

|______/____\___/______\_____/__/   \______|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Top Uploaders                   |/  |___|

\  For: Misery                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

          ___ __ ___________   ______ ______ ______________________________

        ._)  | /_\  _.    / |__)_ __ \\  _. \)  ._   \  _.   /  ._   /  __/__.

 T.O.P  |    |   \_ \|___/  |   / \/  \  \|  \_ |/   /  \|__/   |/ _/____    |

        |_________/____|_______/______/___\___/_____//__________/    ________|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Request                         |/  |___|

\  For: Misery                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

          _____ __________    ________________    _______ ________

         |     \\         |  |                |  |      //        |

       __:________________|__:____ ____.___ __|__:___________ ____|____

     ._)  ._    /  _.   /   _.    |    |  /_\   _.   /   ___/_)_.    __|

     |    |/  _/   \|__/    \|    |    |    \_  \|__/_____      |    |

     |____/    \_____________\    |__________/__________________|____|

         :\_____/         ¦  |____|           |  :                :

         |       sTZ!/sE  :  :                :  |                ¡

         |________________|  |__________\\____|  |________________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Papua New Guinea                |/  |___|

\  For: Repe                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Digital Underground                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

            _______ _______________:_     ______ _______________

 sTZ!/sE   |      //               |     |      \\             (_.

           |             ____      |     :                       |    ______

  _________:____ ________)__ |___ _:_____|      __________ ______|____\   _/

._) ._    / _.  \\   ._    / | _/_\   _.  \   ._)   ._   (_\  _.   /   \   \

|   |/___/  \|   \_  |/___/  |    \_  \|   \_ |     |/    /   \|__/.   /\   \_

|______|_____\____/_____|__________/___\____/ |_____|    /_________|___/\____/

           |          ___          :     |         /____/        :

           :________._)  |___ _____|_____:_____ ________________ |

         ._)  _.    |    | _/_\_____/    ._   (_\ _.   /   _.   \:

         |    \|    |    |    \_    |    |/    /  \|__/.   \|    \_

         |_____|    |__________/____|____|    /________|____\_____/

           :   |____|              :    /____/                   ¦

           | \                     |     :                     / |

           : \\                    ·     |_                   // :

           |_______________________|     · )_____________________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Perplexity                      |/  |___|

\  For: Repe                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Digital Underground                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

............  ..


:                                                ___              _______

  ___________________________________ ___________)  |_____________)__   /__

._) ._    /_.   /   ._   / ._    /  /_)_. _.   /    |   _/____/    __| / _/_

|   |/___/ \|__/.   |/ _/  |/___/  /    | \|__/.    _    \_   |    |____    \_

|______|________|___/   \_____|_________|______|____|_____/___|_.__|  _______/

      sTZ!/sE       \____/                                      |______\


                                                         ...   .............:


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Repe                            |/  |___|

\  For: Repe                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Digital Underground                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


                  ._)   ._    /   _.   /   _.    /  _.   /

             .  | |     |/  _/    \|__/_   \|___/_  \|__/. |  .

          _| |__| |_____/    \________//______| //_______| |__| |_



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Repe^Ransu                      |/  |___|

\  For: Repe                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Digital Underground                |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  _______________________________ _______________ _________ _____ _____.___

._)  ._   / _.   / _.    / _.   /_)  ._   /  _.  \\   ._  (_\  _/_)_.  | _/_

|    |/ _/  \|__/  \|___/  \|__/.    |/ _/   \|   \_  |/   /____    |  |    \_

|____/   \____________|_________|____/   \____\____/__|  ___________|________/

     \____/                          \____/          /___/            sTZ!


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Pentti & Co.                    |/  |___|

\  For: Quartz                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

              ______                                    ______

             |     /_______ ____________________________\     |

             :            //             _________            |  sTZ!/sE

   __________|_______________ _______:___\__     /      ______: ________

 ._) _.    / _.   /    ._   (_\    __|    __|___/  _  ._)  _._/_)_  __  \

 |   \|___/  \|__/.    |/    /     |      |     | (_) |    \|    /  \/   \ _

 |______|_________|____|    /______|______|_____| (_X |__________\_______///

             |        /____/              _                   |

             :     _______________________\\______________    ¦

             |_____\                                     /____:


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Cyberspace                      |/  |___|

\  For: Quartz                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \


  o  .                                           .....:::::···

  .        . ·   O                          ..:::::::··       .

    o                                ...::::::::··           -|- ·    o

        : ________ _____:____ _...::::::::::________________  ·         ·

 ·   _ _|_)   _._/_)__  |  _/_\    ._    /  _.   /   ._    /        ·

    .   |     \|     ____     \_   |/  _/   \|__/    |/  _/      o

        |____________\   ______/___|)   \____________/    \_             .

 .                 |_____\ ::::::::/_____/          /______/_ · ..     ·

     o    .         ..::::::::::·                          |     ·:

   .     _|_        ··::::::::::           sTZ!/sE         ·     .::     o

o         |             ···::::::..                           ..:::·

     ·    ·      _____  _____··:::::::.....______  ______..:::::···     ·

 ·              /  __/__)_  _.    / _.  \\   _._/__)_  _.   /··

    .  ·  o   _:\____    /  \|___/  \|   \_  \|     /  \|__/.    ·  o ·

               |_______________|_____\____/_________\_______|         .  ·

 o                                                             o   .


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Breakpoint                      |/  |___|

\  For: Demoleecher            ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

            ________  ___________ _________________ ______. _____

          ._)  ._   \_\   ._    //   _.   /   _.   \\     |/   _/

    ______|    |/   _/_   |/  _/     \|__/    \|    \_    \     \_ _____

   |      |____|)     /___/    \_______________\_____/____|\     /      |

   |           /_____/    \_____/                           \___/       |

   |____.                                                          .____|

     _  |  sTZ!/sE _______________ _________________ _______       |  _

    | | |        ._)  ._    / __  \\_____/    ._   (_\    __|      | | |

    |_| |________|    |/___/  \/   \     |    |/    /     |________| |_|

                 |_______|_________/_____|____|    /______|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Relief                          |/  |___|

\  For: Relief                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                 __   ____________       _____________

                :  | |           (_:_   |       //    |

                |__| |             |    |             ¦   sTZ!/sE

           __________: _________ __|___ : ________ ___:_____ ________

         ._)   ._    //   ._   //      |__\______//   ._   //    ___/

         |     |/  _/     |/__/        |    /    |    |/__/      __)

         |_____/    \______________________/_____|_____     .____|

               \_____/             |    :             \_____|

                     |             :    |             :  ___

                     :             ¦   _|_            | |   |

                     |______\\_____|    : )___________| |___:


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Twisted                         |/  |___|

\  For: Relief                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Electronic Confusion               |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                  _______________    ___      _______________   ___

                _|               |  |   |   _|               : |___|

               :      sTZ!/sE    |  |___|  :              \\ |     :

               |   _______       :  :      |               \ |     .

          _____:_ _\    _/_______|____ ____|____ ____________:______

        ._)    __|  \    \_____/   __/_)_.    __|  _.   /   ._     /

        |      |    /\    \_   |____     |    |    \|__/    |/    /


               :                 |         :                 :

         ·     | \               :   ___:  ¦                 |

        _:___  : \\             _¦  |   |  |   ·tWISTEd·    _:

         |___| |_______________|    |___|  |_______________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Dead Eyes - No Light No Beauty  |/  |___|

\  For: Ranx                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

       ____________________                      ____________________

      :                    :      sTZ!/sE       |                    |

      |                 \\ ¦                    |                 \\ :

      :____              \ |       ____         ¦ ______           \ |

      |   (_.______________:      |   (_.   ____:_)_   /__ __________:____

______|     |  ._   /  _.   \_____|     | ._) _.   /  /  /_\   _.   /  __/___.

\    (|     |  |/__/   \|    \_  (|     | |   \|__/____    \_  \|__/_____    |

 \__________|___________\_____/_________| |_______.     ____/________________|

      |                    :                    : |____/             |

      :                    |                    ¦                    :

      |_____          _____:                    |_____          _____|

          ._)        (_.                            ._)        (_.

          |            |                            |            |

          :            :                            :____        :

          _________ ______    ____   _____________ ._)   |___________

        ._)  ._    \\ ._  \ ._)   |__\_____/  _._/_|_.   |    .    __|

        |    |/    /  |/   \|     |    /   |  \|     |        |    |

        |____|____/________/|_________/____|___      |___|    |____|

                                               \_____|   |____|

                      ____                         ___           _______

  _________ ______  ._)   |    _________________ ._)  |___ ______)__   /___

._)  ._    \\ ._  \ |     |____)_  _.   /  _.   \|    |  /_\      __| /   /_

|    |/    /  |/   \|     |)    /  \|__/   \|    \_   |    \_     |____     \_

|____|____/________/|__________/____________\_____/_________/___._|    ______/


          ·                                                      ·

          :             _____________________________            :

          |____         \                           /        ____|

               )_________\    d.E.A.D   e.Y.E.s    /________(


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Europo                          |/  |___|

\  For: Snafu                  ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Bermuda Triangle                   |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                            ___ ___________________

                         __|  //                   |

                        ¦                       \\ |

                    ____:                        \ ¦

             _______)_  |___ __ _______________ ___:___________

           ._)  _.   /  |  /_\//  ._    /  __  \\  _.    / __  \

           |    \|__/   |    \_   |/  _/   \/   \  \|___/  \/   \

           |__________________/___/    \________/_____| _ ______/

                        :         \_____/          :

                        | \                        |   sTZ!/sE

                        : \\                     __¦



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Höpöheinä                       |/  |___|

\  For: Dr.Snuggles            ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Throne Chamber                     |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  ___      ____             ____    ___                               ____

._)  |_____\/\/_ ___________\/\/_ ._)  |   ________________\__________\/\/_

|    |   .  __  \\   ._    / __  \|    |___)__ _.   /____/ \\ ._    \  _.  \

|        |  \/   \   |/___/  \/   \    ._    / \|__/     |    |/    /  \|   \_

|_/__|   |_______/______|\________/____|/___/____________|____|    /____\____/

 //  |___|                                         sTZ!/sE   /____/


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Guidance                        |/  |___|

\  For: Devian                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

              ________ _______

         ____(        \\      )____      ______________________    ·

        :                          |    |                      |___:_ _

        |                          :    | //                       |

        |   ___       /\           ¦    : /                        |

  ______: ._)  |___  /  \ _________| ___|____ ___________________  :_________

._)  _._/_|_.  |  /_/    \)   ._    \\  _.   \)    ._    \   _._/__)_  _.   /

|    \|     |  |    \_    \   |/    /   \|    \_   |/    /   \|     /  \|__/.

|______     |________/_____\_______/_____\_____/___|    //_________/________|

       \____|                      :    :         /____/           |

        |                        / ¦    |                          ¦

        :___      sTZ!/sE       // |    :                          :

            |______________________|    |____                  ____|

            :                               (________//________)


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Welcome                         |/  |___|

\  For: Devian                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

             ___________         ___     ___        · _______ __

            :           :       |  (_____)  |    _ _:_\     //  |

          __|___        |       |           :       |           :

        __\   _/________:____   :________  _|______ :___  ______|______

      ._)  \   \   _.   /    |___)_  _._/__)_  __  \)   \/  __   _.   /

      |    /\   \_ \|__/     |    /  \|     /  \/   \   \/   \   \|__/.

      |____/\____/_______________/_________/________/___/     \_______|

            :           |       |           :       :  /_______\:

            |           :       ¦           |       ¦           ¦

            :         __¦       :   __//_   :       |  sTZ!/sE  |

            |___\\____\ ·       |__(     )__|       :___________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Birdland                        |/  |___|

\  For: Nmo/Tds                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

  ____                          ____________         sTZ!/sE           .____

._)   |  __________ /_______   |    .      / __________ ___________    |   /_:

|     |__)_____(  // ._    /___|    |     /__)_.  _.   \)    ._    \___|     |

|     |)   /   |     |(___/   (|    |    /     |  \|    \_   |/    /  (|     |

|_________/____|_____|  \___________|__________|___\_____/___|____/__________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Darius                          |/  |___|

\  For: Nevermind              ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Cosmo Bc 5k                        |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

      ___________________ ________

     :                  //        |

 _:__|                            |

  |             ____              |        /\ _____

  |   sTZ!/sE  |   (__________ ___:_______/_ \)    |____ ________

  |     _______|     .   _.   \\  .  ._    /  \    |   /_)    __/____

  :     \     (|     |   \|    \_    |(___/    \   |     \____      /

  |      \___________|____\_____/____| /________\__________________/

  |                               :

  :                              _|

  |_________//__________________( ·


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Upload                          |/  |___|

\  For: Phobia                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                      _________ _______________________

              ___    :         \\                      |   sTZ!/sE

         ____|  (____|_________   __________ __________:____________

       ._\   |    .  _.    /   |__)__  __   \\    _.   \)    ._     \

       |     |    |  \|___/    |    /  \/    \    \|    \_   |/     /


                     :                                 ¦



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Leech                           |/  |___|

\  For: Phobia                 ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

        _______________________ ____________  /

      :_)                     //            \/|

      |       _______                         |       ____

      |     ._\     /  ____________________ __|____ ._\   |____

      |     |      /___)_  _.    /  _.    //   _._/_|__   |    |_

      |     |     /     /  \|___/.  \|___/.    \|     /        _/

      |     |__________/_________|________|__________/____|    |

      | \                                     |           |____|

      | \\                                  __|   sTZ!/sE

      |____________/\\ _____________________\ :



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Download                        |/  |___|

\  For: Mr.Doom                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

             __________________               __________ _______

            |                  :             |         //       :

         ___:          ______  |             |                  |     ___

        |  /________ __\   _/__:______ ____  :________ ________ |    |  /_.

  ______|    .  __  \\  \   \    ._   \\   |__)__ __  \\   _.  \:____|    |

  \    (|    |  \/   \  /\   \_  |/   /    |    / \/   \   \|   \_  (|    |

   \_________|_______/__/\____/__|   /_________/_______/____\____/________|

            :                  :/___/        |                  :

            |                  ¦             :      sTZ!/sE     |

            :                __|             |__                :

            |___\\___________\                 /________________|


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Highlight                       |/  |___|

\  For: Mr.Doom                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

           ______________________         _______________________

          |                     (_.      |                       |

     ____ :                     __|_     :____         sTZ!/sE   :

   ._\   |   ______________   ._\   |   ._\   |   _______ ______ | ________

   |     |___\_____/   _._/___|     |___|__   |___\_____//  _._/_:_\     __|

   |     .     /   |   \|           .     /   |     /   |   \|     .     |

   |_____|)___/____|_____     |_____|)___/_________/____|_____     |_____|

          :              \____|   :      |                    \____|

          | \                     |      | \                     :

          : \\                    |      | \\                   _¦

          |_______________________:      |_____________________( ·


 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Files                           |/  |___|

\  For: Mr.Doom                ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: Mbnet                              |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                    ____________ ___    _______________

                  ._)    ______//   |___)_  _.   /  __/___.   sTZ!/sE

        __________|     ._)   |     |    /  \|__/____     |__________

       |          |_____|_____|_________/_________________|          |

       |__                                                         __|



 _________________________)                                       |    ___

|                           Name: Fear Factory                    |/  |___|

\  For: Zeus                   ___________________________________/·_________

\\_____________________________\                                 //          |

  \                              / Where: DownTown                           |

 Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant? /·______________________________________\\___|

                               //                                         \

                                      _________ _______________

              sTZ!/sE                :         \\             /_.

           _______________ ______ ___|_______                   |

         ._)   ___/ _.   //  _.  \)   ._    /                   ¦

         |     __)  \|__/    \|   \_  |/  _/   ·fEAR fACTORY·   :

         |     |______________\____/__/    \_                   |

         |     |                     :\_____/             ______:

         |     |________ ________  __|_____ _____ ________)__   /__

         |     ___/ _.  \\   _._/__)_    __| __  \)   ._    /  /  /_

         |     __)  \|   \_  \|     /    |   \/   \   |/  _/___     \_

         |_____|_____\____/________/_____|________/___/      ._______/

                                     :                \______|  |

                                     |__                        :

                                     : /__________//____________|


                      _____   __      ____ 2F ___     ____

                    _/  __/__/ /_   _/  / \__/  /____/  _/

                   /\__    /   _/__/   /   /   /   /   _/__

                  /__ /   /__ /   /___    /__     /__ /   /

                     \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/

                                Style Releases

       SE-X.NFO ........... INFo fILE ................ 1ok ..... 21-o8-95

       SE-<SFP>.TXT ....... sUOMI fINLAND pERKELE .... 46k ..... o4-o9-95

       MST-NONM.TXT ....... nO uSE fOR a nAME ........ 47k ..... o1-1o-95

       SE-DRIP!.TXT ....... dRIPPIN' ................. 25k ..... 15-1o-95

       SE-HEHE.TXT ........ hECTIC hERMIT ............ 31k ..... 28-1o-95

       SE-LATE.TXT ........ bELATED ................. 112k ..... 28-1o-95

       SE-GROVE.TXT ....... gROOVY eLEMENT ........... 6ok ..... 3o-1o-95

       SE-ONCE.TXT ........ oNCE© .................... 3ok ..... 19-12-95                                                                        |

                                ·                 ·

                    _______:   / \_____:_________/___________

                 __ \    __|___   __/  |  _/   _/___  __    /

                  // \____    /    \____,  \_  |  _/  _/___/ __

                     /   /   /______\_______/______\  `___\ \\

         - ---------·       /----·zS!/sTYLE·-----/      \---------- -

                           ·                    ·        ·

      mEMBER          mMBR sINCE   sTRTD ASCBIZ       fUNCTION

      ~~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~~

    SteZotEhiC ......... 1995 ....... 1993 ........... LEADER,(GFX,)ASCII

    QuartZ ............. 1995 ....... ---- ............. 2ND LEADER,SYSOP

    ZeuS ............... 1995 ....... 1994 .................. SYSOP,ASCII

    Coco Pops .......... 1995 ....... 1993 .................. MUSIC,ASCII

    Webster ............ 1995 ....... 1996 .................. SYSOP,ASCII

       _______   ________ __________ ________ _______ ________  _________

     ._)  _._/___)_  __  \\   ._   (_\     __|  _.   \)   _._/__)__    __|

     |    \|      /  \/   \_  |/    /      |    \|    \_  \|      /    |

     |___________/_________/__/    /_______|_____\_____/_________/_____|

                             /____/           sTZ!/sE


                _______  ______)__    /___ ______   ___________

               /    __/__)_     __|  /   /_)     |__)__  _.   /

              .\____      /     |_____     \_    |    /  \|__/.

              |__________/____._|     ______/________/________|


                 Bermuda Triangle   Finland   Quartz/Style

                     Fear Factory   Finland   Zeus/Style

             Electronic Confusion   Denmark   Webster/Style

                              WHo'S THe BIGGeSt


           ______|_     |_ _______.     _________ ________

     ______\      /      /      __|__ __\__     /         \

.--- \     |\     \     |     _|    /      ______\        \\ ------ -- -

|   /_____________/     |____________\_____________________/

|                |      |÷e÷              ._____

|   ·s t Y l e·  | .    |_ _______.  _____|     | _____  _______.

|                | .     /      __|_|     |_    |(_____)/     __|__

`--------------- | ::   |     _|    /      /    |      /     |    / -------»

                 |:::___|____________\    |_____|______\___________\

                  ·:                |_____|


                         YoU pHUCKiN' KNoW iT nOW!!

             _______ ____________________ ________ ______ _____

           ._)  _._/_)_.   ._    / _.   //  _.   //    __|  __/____

           |    \|     |   |(___/  \|__/    \|__/      |____      /

           |______     |___|  \______________________._|    _____/

                  \____|           sTZ!/sE           |_____/

                              · ··gREETINGs·· ·

          bOBo   bOHEMe  bS&dTr   bRIGHt aNGEL   cOCOpOPs      cOLa

          dON mARTINi  eDGe  eLVIs   eZCo  eNZo fOLAr fRESH-kID iCe

          g.O.D  hIJACk  hOFFI   jMf kARMa  kILLRAVEn  LAGERs mANTa

          mIKe   mUAD'dIp  NecRArcH   nIKe  nUp  qEn  qUARTz   rANx

          rASTAMAn  rEPe&rANSu  sH/\PECH/\NGEr sWEEt sCe  tHe fREAk

          [-tREACH!]  u-mAn   wEAROz wEBSTEr  zEUs   zINKo   zOMBIe

          aNd    aLL    tHe      oTHEr      fREAKs      I      kNOw

   ___   ____  __

  /   \_/ _/__/  \_/\  /\

 /    /\_   /  /__/  \/2F\

/____/_ /  /_ /  /____\___\

       \__/  \__/             __    ___   ___   __    ___   __   __     ____

                            _/  \__/ _/ _/ _/__/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  _/ _/_

                           /  /__/  _/_/\_   /  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_   /

                          /__/  /_ /  /_ /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /

                                  \__/  \__/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/

                2fASt cHROMBACHEr cOCopOPs  cOUNtzERo cRUSADEr

                dANZIg   dESOTo    eLVIs  eXOCEt  g.E.m.  gOZz

                gRIMLOCk   h2o  hIJACk   hOMICIDe  jUAn  kARMa

                mANTa  mOGUe  nUp   rANx  rELIEf  sHAPECHANGEr

                sK¡n  sTRATOs   sTYLEz   tANGo  tOMMy   tREACh

                u-MAn       wEBSTEr       xCLUZIWe        zEUs


             _______________ _____________________/\_\\__________

            |               \\                    \/_/           |

   ____  ___|________ _____ ________ _________ ________ _________|_ _____

 ._)   \/  _/  _.   //  __/_)_   __/_)_.  _.  \\   _._/_)_.  _.   //  __/___.

 |     \/   \  \|__/.\____    |____    |  \|   \_  \|     |  \|__/.\____    |

 |_____/     \______|_______._|  ______|___\____/____     |_______|_________|

      /_______\             |_____\                /______|    sTZ!/sTYLe

            |                                                    |

 Tommy      | Thanx about the Style logo, there is few logos 4 U |

 My Old Man | kiitokset ranskankieliopista, heh?                 |

 Crusader   | thanx 4 the Style logos, they are nice!!           |

 Exocet     | Nice Stezotehic logo!!                             |

 Webster    | Have you made da logos 4 me?! hm..                 |

 Ezco       | Is your bbs offline?                               |

 U-Man      | Do you got a new number!?                          |


                [ ··lEGENDS nEVER dIE - tHEY oNLY sLEEP!·· ]

   _____________-----/----___________ ____________ __\-----_____________

  (_      __________/   _____________/           l_\  \__________      _)

   `------------'   `----------'    `------------------'---------------'©Mt

                       [ >zEUS/mYSTIC^sTYLE^aBUSE!< ]

       ______                   _ __ ______

      /  .__/__  ______ ______ ______   __/_.          ______ _______

    s/   l_   /__\    /  _   /  _   /   |   |___  ____/  .__/_\    _/__

    c\_______/   /   /   _)_/   _)_/____|   |   \|   /   l_   /\_     /s

    .----.  /    \___\______|______|    |___:    \   \_______/_______/ c

o- -'    `-/     |---------------------. _/    7_____|.----------------- -o

|         /______:                     `-\_____|------'                   :

:                                                                         |

|               o- ->                                                     |

|               : nOT eVEN iN aNYKIND oF aN oRDER! sHAME oN lAZY mE       :

|               `- -------------------------------------------------------'











|             .                                                             ·

|      __  _ _|_ __________ _______           _______ _______________       .

|     /  \/   |  _  \    _/_\    _/_ ________/   .__/__  _   \     _/__     :

|  s_/        :  _)_/\_     /\_    /    _   /.   l_   /  _)__/\_      /s    |

|  c\____\/   |_____|______/______/    _/   \:_______/_______|_______/ c    |

`-- ------|___|------------------/     |_____|------------------------------'

                                /      :

                               . ______|

    -sHADE!/tRSI^iNSANE    : yeah, fear factory rising! except that my

                             drive is in the retailer :) it's fooken

                             broken.. they sell pure shit i reckon..

                             have to call you sometime m8!

    lAGERS/aBUSE!          : miitit kehiin ja HETI mies!!

    dARKeLF/tRSI^iNSANE!   : heh.. maanpuolustus on lähimpänä suomalaisen

                             miehen sydäntä vai mitä?

    bObO/mYSTIC!           : you could send the stuff to mike, right?

                             then he could provide me with it.. really

                             looking forward to have them.

   ___   ____  __

  /   \_/ _/__/  \_/\  /\

 /    /\_   /  /__/  \/2F\

/____/_ /  /_ /  /____\___\

       \__/  \__/             __    ___   ___   __    ___   __   __     ____

                            _/  \__/ _/ _/ _/__/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  _/ _/_

                           /  /__/  _/_/\_   /  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_   /

                          /__/  /_ /  /_ /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /

                                  \__/  \__/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/


          eXOCET  gEM  gOZZ  gRIMLOCK  h2O  hIJACK  hOMICIDE  jUAN



 ___                                                                     ___

   /________ __ _                                          _ __  ________\

        _______                                             _________

      ._)  _._/____ _________    sTZ!/sTYLe    __________ __)__.  __/___

      |    \|     /_\_._    /________  ________\_       /    __|__     /

      |______    /    |/  _/   _.   /__\__._    (_ ____/     |________/

           /_____\____/    \_  \|__/      |/     /     |_____|

                      \_____/___      .____     /______|

   _________  _               /_______|  /______\             _  _________

 __\                                                                     /__

                         Art Directors   Stezotehic


                        Art Assistants   Hijack/Arlite





                                         Mortimer Twang/Devine Stylers

                                (c) Style 1996


 sTZ!/sE  ________

  ___  ___\___   /_______ ________

 /  _|_).   __| /   /   /_). _.  /

.\____  |   |____  /   /   | \|_/. sTYLe'96



|      Le Quel Avoir Peur Maintenant?      |

|            SteZotEhiC & Zeus!            |


