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File size:
80 219 bytes (78.34K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 439


                           aLL sLOWER bOARDS aBOVE


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 gET yOUR aCCOUNT oN   ¦   /\_\/_/\_\  SAVE OUR SOULS      UKHQ |
 sPACED oUT - pRIV8!   |   \/_/\_\/_/  CRUX                UKHQ |
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           |tHIS fILE wAS uNLOADED hERE  18:49:51 ON 12-20-1996|
           |           UPLOADED BY ZOLTRiX                     |
           |        fROM SOS^RYL^DC^TRSi^DA iN dOCKiNG bAY 01  |


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                . t h e . l a s t . o n e . w a s . p r e t t y .
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                 . n o w . g e t . a . l o a d . t o . 7 H ¡ S .

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                        :           ::   7°7  ·:.:·
                                    ·          ·:·

                             .Stout                ØØØ   <-
                             .Fruktöl              000   <-
                             .Pilsner              øOø   <-
                             .Mörkare Ale          oO°   <-
                             .Veteöl               °¦·   <-
                             .Ljusare Ale          ·:.   <-
                                               ¸ .,;¦:,. ¸
                                             '             `

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                    .a simple FUCK YOU - if you DONT abuse it.

                                 .         ::
                               .::.       .::
                      .      .::·::      .: :.      :
                    .:·:.   .:·  ::.    .:· ::      ::
      ·  · ········.·  :: .::·    ·:   .:·   :      : :.········ ·· ·
                        :.::·      :: .:·    ::    ::
                        :::·       :: :·  , ¸·:   .:
                        ::          ::·   7°7 :: .:·
                        ·           ·         ·:.:·
   wankah-drawer is bakk with mo alkoholik     ·:·
   boozin art for all u abuserz. take care      :
   of it and dont drink it all at one time
   sukkaz. and btw, after  this cheerioh I
   would like to  make some  nu  joint. in
   other words, less alko, much mo bluntah

   sos saved the $lab soul using pure, un-
   filtered, undrinkable allkkoohoolikkkh!

   some serious thought acctaully exists -  :
   just read on you sukkaz. read this mf'! .:
                                 .         ::
                               .::.       .::
                      .      .::·::      .: :.      :
                    .:·:.   .:·  ::.    .:· ::      ::
      ·  · ········.·  :: .::·    ·:   .:·   :      : :.········ ·· ·
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                      | $LAß                                _/       | $Os
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  .\·:.         \. ..····     \___________\          |   | $Os             |
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       \______\    l______\    \____\        _ |    \/      ¯¯¯¯
                            $LAß            (_)l_____\ $Os

                                 .         ::
                               .::.       .::
                      .      .::·::      .: :.      :
                    .:·:.   .:·  ::.    .:· ::      ::
      ·  · ········.·  :: .::·    ·:   .:·   :      : :.········ ·· ·
                        :.::·      :: .:·    ::    ::
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                        :           ::   7°7  ·:.:·
                                    ·          ·:·
                                                                _ -Mo!\aL
                                           _______ ____ _______(_) _____
                                          /      /     |      /___|_    |_
                                         .\      \     _     /     /    _/

_ _________________________________________________________________
                                the drinkable's were:           ·
                               .LAPIN KULTA

                                and the apretiffs were:

                               .LOW PROFILE
                                               RED DEMON.
                                 .         ::
                               .::.       .::
                      .      .::·::      .: :.      :
                    .:·:.   .:·  ::.    .:· ::      ::
      ·  · ········.·  :: .::·    ·:   .:·   :      : :.········ ·· ·
                        :.::·      :: .:·    ::    ::
                        :::·       :: :·     ·:   .:
                        ::          :::  , ¸  :: .:·
                        :           ::   7°7  ·::::
                                    ·          ·:·
 ___    \        ___    __     ___  _
 \ / _ /\\_____  \ /    \      \ /  /   ·
_ \_ //  \\   / _ \_ /\  \__  _ \_ /__ //
\  //___ ¯\\_/_ \  //  \\  / _\  //  ///¯
.\/        \  `· \/ \__/ \/ ·' \//  /  \___\
|           \                   /          .
|  num3er13. \   asCii.        /  iT is.   |
                                 .         ::
                               .::.       .::
                      .      .::·::      .: :.      :
                    .:·:.   .:·  ::.    .:· ::      ::
      ·  · ········.·  :: .::·    ·:   .:·   :      : :.········ ·· ·
                        :.::·      :: .:·    ::    ::
                        :::·       :: :·     ·:   .:
                        ::          :::  , ¸  :: .:·
                        :           ::   7°7  ·:.:·
                                    ·          ·:·

   who you should hate;       slab - $LAß

   who were stupid nuff to
   employee that sucker;      save our souls - sos ascii
   who abused ascii from;     xcluziwe

   and stealed bytes from
   ya harddisk;               71.OO.O

   and did ruin this day;     2O.OO.OO dec 1996

   what u want tomorrow;      xcz-wzy!.txt O1 - woozy       - O7/O6'93
                              dzain-ya.txt O2 - comparation - 28/O4'95
                              dzain-2!.txt O3 - second      - O8/O5'95
                              dzain-ym.txt O4 - yummy       - 3O/O5'95
                              sos-gimi.txt O5 - gimmi       - 16/O8'95
                              sos-calm.txt O6 - calm        - O2/11'95
                              sos-tsty.txt O7 - tasty       - 25/12'95
                              sos-6yco.txt O8 - sexy        - 25/O2'96
                              sos-slab.txt O9 - disorder    - 3O/O6'96
                              sos-puke.txt 1O - distract    - 15/O8'96
                              sos-!sos.txt 11 - distinct    - 27/O8'96
                              sos-h!8-.txt 12 - hate        - 1O/1O'96

   what you lean ya eyes on;  sos-hit-.txt 13 - shit        - 2O/12'96

   what you dream of;         sos-our-.txt 14 - sour        - OO/O1'97
                              sos-diva.txt 15 - diva        - OO/O2'97

   messages; irc-idiots: i'm here for you once in a while.
             javis: nice german matie! good luck as sos'er!
             blue: cool uk-matie! welcome and keep up the good work as sos'er!
             61o: here u go with some logos. hope to see mine soon?
             nemesis: it's a darn shame - but whatta hell.
             nebraska: really cruel release! keep it up!
             zoltrix: nu logo for you my sweetiepie!
             any-creep: why just read this line? look at the ones above.

                                 .         ::
                               .::.       .::
                      .      .::·::      .: :.      :
                    .:·:.   .:·  ::.    .:· ::      ::
      ·  · ········.·  :: .::·    ·:   .:·   :      : :.········ ·· ·
                        :.::·      :: .:·    ::    ::
                        :::·       :: :·     ·:   .:
                        ::          :::  , ¸  :: .:·
                        :           ::   7°7  ·:.:·
                                    ·          ·:·

      .this one is interesting. .no offence either. .check it out.

 Old - or New Crap?                                                         /
 You wont believe it! I was acctaully thinking! What struck my mind was
 this, recently quite well-discussed, phenomenen called Old-Skool Ascii.
 I was part of a WorkBench Ed 1.2-production back in the summer 1993
 which resulted in my first ascii-artpack, xcz-wzy!.Txt. Then we did
 things just for fun and we weren't good at it :) The guys who were
 active by then were quite few, and many of them NOT especially much
 better than I was by then. They then (unlike me :) dissapeared, but
 are anyhow someway back from the dead, now as highly respected artists.
 Just take a look at these random picked respects-lists:

      AMbLiN · bOOMER · dANZiG! · dESERt · dHM · ENFORCER · GEM · H2O
         RAPid · RAt · REd dEViL · REdSkiN!· RiP · ROtOX · SEVEN M
              ShAPEChANGER · SkiN · SPLAtt · SY-kLONE · U-MAN

amblin · barock · boomer · danzig · dhm · enforcer · exocet · fckw · godhead!
g.e.m · h2o · karma · manta · mascot · maz · metalbasher · metallikat · mouge
one eyed pirate · phase · rapid · rat · red devil · redskin · rip · r o t o x
     sal-one · seven-m · shapechanger · skin · stylez · sy-klone · u-man

       911 · aMbLiN · deSeRt · eNfoRCeR · fckW · godheAd ·MaSCot · MaZ!
               rAt · riP · RotoX · saL oNe · sk!n · sPLatt · ZiN

 Now, this suprises me. As these 'legends' mostly are names by now. I
 wonder how many who really know how their art looked like? Guess that
 it could be some trend to use 'cool' unknown artists names because
 they were respected already then, back in the old days, and thereby
 probably were really good.
 Now, I happen to have art by most of these artists stored on my hard-
 disk, and I KNOW how the art they did used to look. Some of these
 examples that follows might be old ones, but they are anyway the
 MOST FREQUENT examples of how this artists work looked like.
 Judge for ya'self:

     \                   ·
______\ MetalBasher - ©Mb \__________________________________________________ _

         _____.                _
      __|     |_________._____| \____________________________
     /  |     |         |     |  \              /           /    _________
©Mb /   |__   |    |    |     |   \      ______/     __/\__/    /  \  ___/
   /      /   |    |    |     |    \______   \/     __/  \     /  | \ _/
  /     _/    |    |    |     |     \    /    \     |     \    \____/ |
 /      |     |    |    |            \         \           \     /____|
/_______|     |_________|____________/_________/____________\
                                      /\         ._______
                 _________________  _/  \_ _____ |      /
                 \          \     \ \____/|     \|    _/
                  \          \___  \/    \|      \    |
                  /    __|    \ |   \     \           |
                 /     \      / _    \     \          |
                /       \____/  |     \     \   \     |
               /         |______|      \_____\  |\____|
              /__________|      |_______\ |_____|
     \                       ·
______\  Rest in Peace - riP! \______________________________________________ _

   __________                                                   _____.__ _
  /       __/_______ ___________________. ________/\  __________|    |
 /    |___\         |         \_        \(_____     \|  \         |  |____
/     |    \___|   ø|   _|    /|    |    \    |          \___|   ø|  |    |
\     |    /       ||   \     \|_   |     \   |          /       ||  |    |
 \        /    |   :|    \                /   |         /    |   :|   riP!|
<- - - ---- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ---- ----- -- - ->

     \             ·
______\ Splatt - SP \________________________________________________________ _

                                         /\_  __  ___  ____ _______________
                                    /\/\/   \/  \/   \/   //    |    \  |SP\
                                   /    \_  / |  \  _/   /_\    |    /___  /
                                  / _  _ \\/\ |  /\/ \___  \\/  |  \/   | /
                                 /__\\//  \_/_|  \  _/_____//___|___\__  /
                                      /____\  |___\/    PRESENTS:      \/

                                             /\ ______ ____ /\ ____ /\
                                            /  \\    //   // //   //SP\
                                           / /\//  \// / // // / // / /__
                                           \ \/X /\// / //\ \\ \ \\ \___/
                                            \  X  / \/ / \  / \  / \ \
    .                                                 PRESENTS:
     \                ·
______\ Seven M - [7M] \_____________________________________________________ _

                        +--  _______ ______ __   _______/\____   --+
                        |:.  \ _____Y _____Y  \/Y   ___/ \\_ /   .:|
                        |::.  Y____/: \___/:__/\___   \\_ / Y   .::|
                        |:::. :\_ /   \\ \_ \_       _//_Y\ :  .:::|
                        |::::.  \_\____/__\_ \_______//____\ .:::::|

                        +-/\_/\  /\      ________/\_  _  _________
                        |/ _/ \\/  \/Y\/Y  _____/ _/\/ \/ _______ Y\
                        |  /\__//   \.//: / /  / _//  \ \ |/  \ / :/
                        | (_/ _\_ \   \_  \//   _/ \ // \\/  _/_\  \
                        |___\___\_/\  /\__/  /__/__/\/\_ \\__/_____/
     \                 ·
______\ Mascot - [M/-\] \____________________________________________________ _

                  /\______________  __________________/\___
                 /   \  \  ___/   \/   \  ___/    /  /    /
                 \  \   /  __/   \  /  /  __/\  \/  /\  \/
                  \  \_/  / /\   /\/  /  / /  \  \_/  \  \
                   \_/ \___/  \_/  \_/\___/\_____/ \_____/
                                 -Presents:        [M/-\]

 _______________   ___ _________    _______________________ ___________
 \____    __\   \  \  \\    ____\   \   ___     /    ___   \\    ___   \
      \   \  \   \__\  \\   \__      \__\_/    / \   \  \   \\   \  \   \
      \    \ \     __   \     _\        /     /__\    \  \   \    \  \   \
       \    \ \    \ \   \    \_____   /     /_\  \    \__\   \    \__\   \
        \____\ \____\ \___\_________\ /____________\___________\___________\

 I dont want to make this a another stupid argument of that new-skool is
 mo' cool than oldies and so on, but I just like to add this point of
 view. Some of the artists back then were, and still are among the
 absolute best there has ever been in the ascii-buizz. Like 911, Green
 Eyed Monster, Red Skin, One Eyed Pirate and Skin. But FAR from ALL
 of the active ones in '93 and '94 were THAT good. Now, the whole point
 of this waste of space is; before you respect any 'legend' and call
 all the artists from 95' and 96' untalented idiots, take a LOOK at the
 works that you adore so much.
 And here I'm only talking about the (for most of the ascii-scene) 'un-
 known legends' and NOT the ones that still are active today.

 (And yes! I KNOW that 7M is a hell'o'a Ansi-Animator, and that some of
 ©Mb's descriptions looked a BIT better than the full-sizer's, but still
 they acctually mostly DID ascii that looked like THIS).

 And pliez remember! Just a thought! No offence! NOTHING AT ALL LIKE
                                                       .$laß.             \

      .the one above is interesting. .no offence either. .check it out.


                                    ¸ ¸

                                 .fuck it.

                                .it's shit!.
                                  ¯    ¯



                       ·s.ave o.ur s.ouls - u g.ot i.t·
                          ¯     ¯    ¯      ¯   ¯    ¯


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[                                 128o/128o                                   ]

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 \________|   \_________\___________\     __\                               :
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                                    _____\_     \___|_______   \__|       /_:
        DATA DIVISION UK HQ       _/      /      /         /    /         __|
        _______________ __________\______________\______________\_________| :
    ____\_            (_)            _/____                                 :
  _/     /                           \     \_    DIGITAL CORRUPTION UK HQ   :
  \_________________________________________/_|_  _________       ________|_:
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      SAVE OUR SOULS UK HQ      \_     \_       /     /     \_     \_       /
   _________  _______         ___/_____________/_____________/_____________/.
  /        /_/     _/_________\   _______/                                  :
 /         __|     \       _/       ___/     THE BINARY FOUNDATION UK HQ    :
 \_________|\______________\_______/                                        :
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       CRUX UK HQ                                                           :
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         /  __   |   |   |   \/  //  _______   ____//   |   /|   |   |      :
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/  _ \_/\__¯ ¯ _/   .---------------------------------------------------.
\  \     \`----' _  |THIS FILE WAS uNLOADED -  AT 18:49:51 ON 12-20-1996|
 \  \   \ \_____//__|---------------------------------------------------|
  \__\   \____\_  _/|           UPLOADED BY ZOLTRiX                     |
   / \_____)    `-' |---------------------------------------------------|
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  ¯¯T¯   | | xCz    `---------------------------------------------------'
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                           ALL tHE sLOWER bOARDS bELOW !