File Archive

File download


File size:
15 154 bytes (14.80K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 503



@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ._____ _____ ____________ _____ _____ ______
|  _  Y  _  Y  ________  Y  _  Y  _  Y  ___/
|  |__|  l__|  |  ||  |  |  l__|__|  |___  ¦
|  | :|  _  \_ ¦  ||  _  |  _  \_:|  |  |  |
l__|.:l__|   /____|l__|  l__|   /:l__l_____|
(If you nuke this file, I will be grateful.)

                               .___  _____/  ¬\\       ___
                  .___  ____  //  ¬\/          \______/  ¬\   ___.
         .______ //  ¬\/   ¬\_/     \_   _    __/   __     \_/  ¬\\
         \\___ ¬\/     \_    |      _/  (/    ¬\_   _)  ____/     \_.
         ._/     \_    _/    |      \_____   .: /   \_    ¬\__  ___//
         \\     _      ¬\____    .: /.--.\_____/_____/   .: /     ¬\.
          \\_____\    .: /..\______//   `----------> \_____/    .: //
         ___ <---.\_  __// `-> ___-'       ___         ___  \___  (__    ___.
_____  //  ¬\______/  ¬\______/  ¬\_______/  ¬\_______/  ¬\____/    ¬\ _/  ¬\\
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\\____    .: /____/   .: /___    .: /____/   .: /____/   .: /___\    .: /  .: /
 `--.\_______ \__ \_____/   \______/     \_____/     \_____/ _  /   ___/_____//
      ._____/    \    _  _                                __(_)(_)  \
      \\__  _     \__(_)(_)_        ___    ___  _____   _/           \_.
        /    )     /        \______/  ¬\ _/  ¬\/    ¬\  \     _     __//
      ./    _     /   _    __/   __     \_     \_    (__/_    \)    ¬\_.
      \\    ¬\___/   (/    ¬\____ ¬\_____/__  __/    /    ¬\____   .: //
       \\_____/  \_____   .: /  ¬\     ¬\_     ¬\____    .: /  \_____//
        `------------.\_____/______   .: /   .: /ZMb\______/.--------'

              '' If you nuke this file, I will be grateful. ''


                          '' thousand times enter #2 ''


  I decided  to check  how's the amiga  bbs scene and dropped by #amielite.
well.  I took some ip's up  and  telnetted.  wrote 'fr' and what did I saw?
Krap. Pure 100% crap. Oh boy, I remember in the mid-ninety's we all thought
that ohmygod these new lamers are totally skrewing up the ascii and trading
business. Well, it seems like nowadays there is even more lamers wanking on
a pc-screen  and  doing 20kb  ascii-collys like  this and releasing one per
week and being really lame. Or being a tasteless ripping pole and releasing
300kb collys... Wakywakywaky!
  Sure,  30kb+  collys I usually look  at the  first  30kb and  then  quit.
But hey. Max. one colly per two months  or something  as this makes me sick
to see boards filled with crap. And oh yeah.  What happened to originality?
haven't seen anything new in years.. only  this nuskool-all-look-alike-shit

** SysOp's,  start  nuking  those  collections.  Start  with  this  one. **


[o1. drugstore]
           _____    _____  ___       ____
      _ __/_    |__/_    \/   |--\__/_   \
     \//   /    /   /   _/    |  /   /___/. [the drugstore on-line]
------/   /    /:  /_    \_.  | /   /_    |-------------------------------
©nup!_\_______/_:    \_____|____\___.__   | _____
    /   ____     _   |/    ø\  __/_ :__\ _|/_    \
    \____   \___/    /      \\/   /   _//   /    /
  _/   |\    ._/    /         \  /_    \__ /____/¯\_

[o2. eternity]
                                          ._________ /\       _______.
©nup _____  __________   _____     _____  |   _____//  \ _____\____  |______
  __/_    \.\        /__/_    \ __/_    \ :__/_    //   \\        /  |     /
 / ._/    /|    \ __// ._/    // ._/   _/ /   /    \____/    \___/   |    /
/  |_____/¯\_    \_./  |_____/¯\_|__    \_.  /     .    :     \_.\__   __/
\___________/______|\___________/__\______| /______|____|_______|  |    \.
                                          |___/                    |_____|
[o3. electric warrior]
                                                              _ _
                                                          _ /\\\\
©nup _____   _____      _____     ____________     _____  //  \\    ____
  __/_   _\ /    /   __/_   _\ __/_          /. __/_   ¬\ /   \\ __/_  ¬\_
 / __/   ///    /--,/ __/   ///   /______/    |/   /   _/ \____//   /____/
/  \_____/¬\_  /   \_ \_____/¬\_ /   ¬\_/   __/   /__   \_|_  ¬.   /    \_
\___________/_______/__________/_______/    \______|\    _ /___|_________/
             ._____________          \________|    /\\   //    :
         ___.|      ___   ¬\  _____       _____   /  \\  /____      _____
        /   ||    _/   _.   \/    _\_____/_   ¬\ //   \\/    ¬\  __/_   ¬\
-------/    /\    ¬\_  \|    \_   \       /   _/-\____//      \\/   /   _/--
      //_  /_ \ ____/________/   __\     /__   \_|_  ¬/         \  /__  ¬\__
      \________\          \      /|_______|\    _ /___\_________/___|\_____/
                           \    /           \   //
                            \  /             \  /
                             \/               \/
[o4. night line]
    __     _____  ___.   ____    ____  ___________
   _\/_ __/_    |/   |__/_   \  /   _|_\         /.
   \/\//   /    /    /   /___/ /   /    \ ___/    | __________________ _
    ._/   /    /:   /   /_   _/   /_     \_./     | \                 \\|
    |___ /____/_:   \___     \._____\______|______|                    \.
©nup _____   /       | \______|   _____                                 |
    /    /  /        |__/_    :__/_    \                                |
   /    /--/         /   /    /   /    /                                |
  /    /   \_     ._/   /    /   /____/¯\_ _ __ _ ______________________|
  \_________/     |__._/_____\___________////

[o5. damage]
                                   ._____________________\ _ ___
                                   |                      \\\\__|
                          _ /___   |              ___\     \____.
                    ____  //    \  |  ___ /__    /ø-  \     ____:    ____
                 __/_   \ /      \ :__\  /   \  //     \ __/_   \ __/_   \
                /   /    \        \/   \      \/        / ._/___// ._/   /
               /   /      \     ._/:    \/     \_.     /  |_    .  |____/¯\_
               \__________/_____|__:____||_______|_____\______ _|_ ________/
                                   |                            |
                                   |______      .d./\.m./\.g.e. :
[o6. damones]
.___________ __  __  __________  ____ ______
|  _  \___  \  \/  \/  ______  \/ _  /  __ /
|__/  / _   /  \/  /  /  /  /  /  __/\_  \/.
\____/__/  /___||__\____/__/___\___________|
-----©n\  /---------------------------------

[o7. & o8. faction]
 _ __________  ______/  /_ /_________
 \\\  ______ \/  ___   _  /  ______  \
nup/  _/ _   /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
  /  //__/  /\____/  /__/\____/__/  /
-/__/---\  /-----\  /-----------/___\-------
         \/       \/      [.f a. c.ti  o n.]
._____ _____________   _____.._________ ___.
|   _//_       _   /__/_    ||         \\__|
:  /   /______/    /   /    |: faction  \__.
__/     __/__/  __/   /     |              |
\_______|  \____\____/_©nup_|              |
.                                          |

[o9. & 1o. faith]
       __________   ____|__________ |___
    __/________  \  \___|\  _     / .   \
©n /    __/   .   \/    |    \___/  |    \
._/    _|/    |_   \    |     \_.   |     \_
|______\______./    \ __|_______|___|______/
©nup           __   __ /__
   ___________ \/__/  /_ /
   \  _______ \  \  ___/_ \
   / ___/ _   /  /  /  /  /
  /  / /  /_ /  /  /  /  /
 /__/  \___//___\ /__/___\
[11. galahad]
©nup          _ /__      ___            ___
   __________ // _/___  /  / _____  ___/__/.
._/________  \/  \__  \/ __ \\__  \/ ______|
|____  / _   /  / _   /  /  / _   /  /  /---
/  /_ /  /_ /  /  /_ /  /  /  /_ /  /_ /
   \/    \/       \/          \/    \/
[12. nah-kolor]
                              ____ ._______
                             |____||       |
[nah-kolor]                  ._____|       :
._____.    ____\ ______   ___|_     _____  .
:    _|__ /   -ø\\    /  /   : \ __/_    \ |
  ._/   _/      \\   /--/    :  \ ._/   _/ |
. |___   \_.      \ /   \_.  :   \|___   \_.
:                            |©nup         |
[13. quartex]
©nup                        ___
   ____  __________________/  /___  ______
--/ _  \/  / ______\___  \   __   \/  /  /--
 /  /  /  /  / _______  _/  / ____/\_  _/
/  /_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /  /  /  /_ /  /  /_
\___//\___//\___//__/___\ /\___//__/___\\\
 /__/    \/    \/     /__/    \/

[14. + 15. remorse]
_______ _____ _______  __________  ________
\ ___  \___  \\__    \/  ______  \/  ____  \
 / _  _/ ____/  / /  /  /  / _  _/\_  \ ___/
/  /  /  /_ /  / /  /  /_ /  /  /  /_ / /_ /
\ /___\___//__/_/___\___//__/_©n\___//___//
                     ©nup|     ___       \___________.
       _____   _________ :___ /   \______      _____ | ______ /_ _________
    __/_    \ /    ____/__\  / ________  \  __/_    \:/      /_ /    ____/
   /   /   _/ \_  _._/_/   \  /   /   /   \/   /   _/_\___.    \\_  _._/__
._/   /_          \|        \/   /    \    \  /_         \|         \|    \_.
|______/\________________.__||   \_________/___/\____.______________________|
                         |   |________/              |p^a
                         |______          [.remorse] |

[16. resistance]
©nup                  __        ___
 _______  ____  ______\/_ _____/  /_________  ____  ____
 \____  \/ _  \/  ____  /  ____  ___  \___  \/ _  \/ _  \
  / _  _/ ____/\_  \/  /\_  \/  / _   /  /  /  /__/ ____/
_/  /  /  /__/__/  /  /  /_ /  /  /_ /  /  /  /_ /  /_ /
\  /___\__________/___\___//___\___//__/___\___//\___//
 \/                      \/       \/          \/    \/

[17. trsi]
  _ ___________  ______\/_
--\\\___  __   \/  ____  /------------------
©nup  /  / _  _/\_  \/  / TRiSTAR &
    _/  /  /  /  /_ /  /  RED SECTOR iNC
    \  /__/___\___//___\
     \/          \/

[18. true]
    ___________     __ /___
©nup\___  __   \---/  / _  \
      /  / _  _/  /  / ____/           .TRuE
    _/  /  /  /  /_ /  /__/_ __ __ _
    \  /__/___\___//\______//_//
     \/          \/    \/

[19. x-trek]
           __ /                    ___
       ___/  / ___________  ____  /  /__
------/  /  /--\___  __   \/ _  \/  /  /----
©nup ( _  _/     /  / _  _/ ____/ _  _/
    /  /  /_    /  /  /  /  /_ /  /  /
  _/  /___\\\ _/  /__/___\___//__/___\
--\  /--------\  /----------\/--------------
   \/          \/
[20. 4play]
                ___________\ ____         _____
          ._ __/_________   \    \---, __/_    \_ __.
          | /   ___//   /   /    /   \/   /   __//  |
    _ __ _ /    /  /   /  _/    /| ._/   /_    \    |
       ////____/   \______\________|______/\    \_  |
           ©nup   _____  _____    ____\     \.___/_ |
          .    __/_    \/    /  __\    \     |    / |
          |   /   /    /    /--/   _.   \    |   /  |
          |_ /   /____/    /   \_  \|    \__   _/___|
            /_____/  \__________/________//____|
[21. chill]
                  .____ _
                  |   ////___.
       ____   ____.     /    |_____   _____
    __/_   \ /   _|__  /     /    /  /    /    your favorit sysop of
   /   /___// ._/    \/     /    /--/    /--,     house of pain;
  /   /    \_ |__     \_   /    /   \_  /   \_     cypress hill
  \_________/___\______/   \_._______/_______/
            _ __ _ /_________|©nup
[22. woober]
        ._ ____________
        |//    .___   /       _____     .____    ._____  ._____ o
        ./  __ |  ¬\ /_____  /    _\  __|_  ¬\ __|____/__|_  (_)
        |  /  ||   \\/    ¬\/      \\/  l/  _//  |__/_/  l/  _/°

        ._/   /\     \__    \        \  /_   \_  l/  ¬\_ /   ¬\_
        |        ____|©nup

 >fuck every ascii-maker in the world.

                        /\ ____          this record was released under
                       /  \\  / __ _               the following label:
                 _ __//____\\//\\   .                  .
 __  ______ _________ ______________|__ _ ___________ _|_ ________  __
l__||      _\_.     /  _    /  .    |                  |          |l__|
 ___|     |   |    /   /  _/   |    |                  :          l___
|        s|  _l___/    \   \_  l    |s                                |
|        c|___|  /     |\___/_______|c  __________                    |
|               /     _|________________\__   .__/_______             |
:              /       :      _____ _     /   |    _____/__           :
.             /        l_     \/    /   _/    |____.      /           .
.            /         _/      \_   \    \____|    l     /            .
|          _/          l________/   |\____/   |_________/
`----- ----\___________|---- -------'

  (devistator + dual + nike + nup + salone + speed devil) == pro^arts
              && arctic_circle eq whq && boondocks eq ehq;

 ( contact irc-net #ascii bdcs or send e-mail to )
