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File size:
71 072 bytes (69.41K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 448



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                 :      \ : are you having a DejaVu? | :      :
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         |                |                          |                |
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                          |  .. or is this           |
                          |    just a nightmare..??  |
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                          |                       :  |
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                          |     :.... ..... .... .:  |
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                   \\\\\\\:  ..and                   :///////
                          |    am I the one who's    |
                          |         causing it?..    |
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                          |            ·  ·          |
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                   |      | .. I.. who've been this  |      |
                   |      |          far known as..  |      |
                   |      |                          |      |
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                              :                  :
                        [ " bartender, gimme a drink! " ]

                  [ " yes sir, what would you like to have? " ]

                    [ " well, because i'm ...

             ____:\                                ___                  __
  ____      /    : \___     ___     ____    ______|   \  __________  __|  :
  \  /___  /  .  |  \  \   /   \    \  /___|      |  \ \/   /\    _|/  .  :
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_____|_____|___|  /                      ____                    |/
               |_/                       \   \  ___
                    ___     ________   __|\   \/  /     ___
   sponsored by     \  \   /  /     | /  . \|    /__   /   \
                     \  \ /  /  /|  |/  /|  |  __   \ /  \  \__
   finlandia vodka    \  \  /  /_|  |  /_|  |  | \   |  /_\   /
                       \___/\_______|____\\_|__|  \__|____:\_/

        like mika hakkinen is, vodka on the rocks would be nice? " ]

                        [ " yes sir, cummin' right up! " ]

                            ..:    |             :..
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        drn!  \\   _.    \ / ._   \ /  !/  \ / _.   \ /  !/    //  /\t!
               _\  \!     /  !/    /   /    /  \|    /  ./    /_
        -÷-----/_   )________/_________)________)_______l\_____\-----÷-
         :       `-----'           .       .                         :
         :              P H U N K  !       !  A S C I I              :
         :                         ·       ·                         :
         :          volatile ¢ brane ¢ merlin ¢ don rapello          :
         :                         .       .                         :
        -÷-------------------------|       ¦-------------------------÷- 
                                               [ pHUNK!ASCII pRODUCTION ]
                                      /  \ ......... .
                          . ........ /    \`:::::::: |
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                          | :::::: |       | ::::::: |
                          | :::::: |       | ::::::: |
                          | :::::: |       | ::::::: |
                          | :::::: |       | ::::::: |
                          '        '       [ called: ]....................
     ________  ________  ________  ________  _______________  ___________|_
    (_(____| |(_(____)_)(_(____)_)|_|____)_) )             )__________   |
      _____'-'_____   ___   ____    _____      __   ____             //___
     \\_   \_\\_   \ \\ _|_\\ __|__\\___ |____\\ |_\\  _|__              |
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     |   _)_____|(   /___  /___    /__|    /__|(   /__|(   /_ (_(-)_)    |
     `---'      `-----' `---' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'    _____   |
     |  ____           _____ ___   __      __      ____         |_| )_)  |
     |_\\__ |_    __ _\\_   \\ _|_\\ |____\\ |____\\  _|____ __    _____ |
    /_   __\ /_ _\\_\\_ / ___ \/  _  |(   _  |(   _\___   _//_//_ |_|_)_)|
     /___|(   /_      |   |       |  |    |  |    |  |(   |              |
     |   `-----' __   |  _____   __  |   __  |   __  |   ____            |
     |_______   \\ |____\\ __ |_\\ |_ __\\ |_ __\\ |____\\ __|__   ______|_
    (_(____)_) /_ /___ /_  |(  /_  __\ /_  __\ /_  |(  /_ _|(  /_ | |_   )_)
     |          /___|(  /___    /__|(   /__|(   /___    /___    /_'-'    |
     |             `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'       |
     |____            |   l_      |  l_   |  l_   |  l_   |          ____|
     ||__//_________  l____(      l___(   l___(   l___(   l_  ______\\__||
                          `-dz\a!--' `-----' `-----' `-----'
     (   g o o d  f r i e n d s  a n d  a  b o t t l e  o f  p i l l s   )


._                                                                           _
:/--[ don rapello / phunk! ]-[ good friends and a bottle of pills ]----------\:
· _  _ _  _,  _, _   _  _  _,._   _  _  _,  _  ,_  _ ._._. _   _  _, ._  ..._ :
·(_,(_(_)(_| (- | '|(_'| )(_|`-, (-|| )(_| (-| |_)(_)| | |(_' (_)(-  |-'|||`-,·
   |    _ _                                              `             _ ``  _:
:_`'__\\\ _\---------------------------------------------------------\\\ _\--\:

  hiya.. not a long time ago.. 8.11.98 i released my last colly.. i have a
  lot of inspiration to draw ascii.. so here i am again.. with my new
  colly called "good friends and a bottle of pills" ..
  name is taken from pantera's song called good friend and a bottle of
  pills. i've finally found a style that i can personally enjoy to draw
  and i have noticed that other people like it too. that's the way it should
  be? uhh.. at the end of november, i already had 25 logos and almost all
  done with this collection.. only thing was that i had to wait for my logos
  from ppl i will mention at the end of this colly.. thanks for the logos
  guys... why did i put only 20 logos to this colly if i have more???..
  it must be 'cause i'm so lazy :)

  i'm bored.

  signed: don rapello of phunk! and iso at sunday, 13th of december, 1998.
._                                                                           _
:/--[ don rapello / phunk! ]-[ good friends and a bottle of pills ]----------\:
· _  _ _  _,  _, _   _  _  _,._   _  _  _,  _  ,_  _ ._._. _   _  _, ._  ..._ :
·(_,(_(_)(_| (- | '|(_'| )(_|`-, (-|| )(_| (-| |_)(_)| | |(_' (_)(-  |-'|||`-,·
   |    _ _                                              `             _ ``  _:
:_`'__\\\ _\---------------------------------------------------------\\\ _\--\:

                                  [ rok! ]

   -÷- _._- --------//----------------------------------------- - --------÷-
   _:__\!____       /                                                     :
  _\·       /_                                                            .
  /_. _    __\_____                  I    N    D    E    X                :
    : \  -'_.     /              «-- - ----------------- - --»            :
    : _\   \!    /_                                                       .
    · /_ ___)__ __\                                                       :
   _:____\_   //         o1 squam valley ¢ o2 amber ¢ o3 shroom fortress  :
  _\·    ./     _        o4 alltime ¢ o5 twisted ¢ o6 credits ¢ o7 greets :
  /_.__  !\ ____\_____   o8 emulators ¢ o9 oldies ¢ 1o combined           :
    :  `--- \  ._    /   11 pwp.diz ¢ 12 daeron ¢ 13 daeron ¢ 14 darkus   :
    . drn! _   !/___( _  15 poise records ¢ 16 joonastarte ¢ 17 tamag.    :
  __:___.__/___:    __\  18 tpolm ¢ 19 tpolm.diz ¢ 2o phunk!ascii         :
  \ :   ¡     /----'                                                      ·
  _\   _!_   /_                  making total number of 2o logos          :
  /_._  (_____\                                                           :
    : `---'                                                       _       :
   -÷---------- - --------- -------------------------------------)\-------÷-

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - squam valley    |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - jaw             |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

   ...........               ......
  .'         `:             :'    `:
  :  ___      :   _______   :      : .______          ___       ___  ___
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   _    \           :___    |     \  |                 (          |  |     |
  .)   | \          |  (_          \ |                            |  |     |
  |    |__\  _._    |   /  _._      \|     _._             _._    |  |     |_
  |__________\|/____|  /___\|/_____________\|/_____________\|/____|  |______/
 __           :     | / .          .        :               :        `don
 \    _       .     |/ /////////   :        .               .
  \_ _\ ._______      /  ___       _____    .  _____       ___            _____
_____   |      /_________\_ \__ .__)   / ______)   / _____/ _/_______    /    /
\    \  |     /.)         _   (.|     /_/         /_/     __\|       \  /    /
 \    \ |    /            (          /|          /|       |  |        \/   _/
  \    \|                          _/ |        _/ |       |  |             \
   \_     _._                 _._  \__|    _._ \__|   _._ |__|              \_

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - amber           |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - dj. regal?      |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                                |              .
                                |              |
                                |              |
                                |              |
               __     ___  ___  |   ____       |   ___       _________
        _______\_\_.__\ _\/_ /__.__/._ /_______.__/ _/  ____/ _      /
       _)   _____. |    |\/|    |   |/____    (|   _\  /     _/     /
       \    \    | |    |  |    |   |    /     |   |  /      |      \
        \        | |    |  |    |   |   /      |   | /       |       \
         \_      | |_   |  |    |_  |  /       |_  |/        |_       \_
          /_________/___|  |_____/______________/_____________/________/
                                .              . `don
                                |              |
                               _|              |_
                               \                /
                                \              /
                                 \            /
                                  \          /
                                   \        /
                                    \      /
                                     \    /
                                      \  /

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - shroom fort.    |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - astarte         |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                _               _
               .)               (. 
     ___       |  __             | _________ _________________    ___  ___
   _/ _/_______: / /__________ ___/ _      //  .____  ____.   \___) _\/_ (___.
  _\_______   (./  _.        (.)   _/     //   |   /  \   |         |\/|     |
 .)       /    |   \|         |    |      \    |  /    \  |         |  |     |
 |     | /     |    \         |    |       \   | /      \ |         |  |     |
 |     |/     _._   |\       _._   |        \  |·   _._  ·|         |  |    _|
 |____________\|/___| \______\|/___|         \______\|/_____________|  |____\
               |                 . |__________/      `don
   ____________.   _______.___________   ________   ___      ___      ___
._/  ___/ .___ \__/ _     |         _/__/ _     /__/ _/ ____/ _/_____/ _/_____
|   _\ /  |  (  \  _/    _|         |    _/    /   __\_/   \______  \______  (.
|   | /   |      \ |     \|         |    |     \   | |           /        /   |
|   |/    |       \|      \         |    |      \  | |        | /      | /    |
|_  |     |        |       \       _|_   |       \ |_|        |/       |/     |
 /__|______________|        \______\:/___|        \___________________________|
               .   |_________/   .       |_________/
               |                 |
               |_               _| [ sHROOOOOOOOOOOOM fORTRESS ]
                 )_           _(

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - alltime         |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - letharic        |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

             __     ___  ___  _________ ___ __    ___  ___    ___
        _____\_\_._/  |_/  | /       _//  (( _).__\ _\/_ /___/ _/ _____
     ._/      _  |    |    |/        \/        |    |\/|      _\ /     \_.
     |        /  |   _|   _|                        |  |      | /        |
     |       /  _|_  \|   \|       _                |  |      |/         |
     |__________\ /________________\___________|____|  |_________________|
 <---[ ALLTIME ]---------------------------------------`[don]--------------->

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - twisted         |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - dtn?  *gIFT*    |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                      _         _        /     _         _
                    ._)         (_.    \/    ._)         (_.
                    |             |    /\    |             |
                    |             |   /  \   |             |
                    |             |       \  |             |
        ___        _____     _    |  ___   · |  ___       ___   ._______  
    ___/   \___ ___\    \  _( _)_  _/ _/_______/   \___ _/ _/  _| ._    \  
  _ \_       _//   /\    \/      \_\______           _//  _\  /   | \    \ 
_\/_ /       |     /\     \           |  /   _       \/   |  /    |  \    \.
\  //       _|_   / .\     \      _._ | /   /|       _._  | /     |  _\    | 
 \//________\:/__/  | \     \_____\:/ |/   /_|_______\:/  |/   ____________|
  _   __            |  \_____/     /________/.        /_______/       __   _
  \     \\\\\\\\    |             .  ·       |             .   ///////     /
   \_   _\\\\\\\\   |             |   \      |             | _///////_   _/
                    |             |    \/    |             | `don
                    |             |    /\    |             |
                    |_           _|   /  \   |_           _|
                      )_________(    /         )_________( 

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - credits         |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - posk            |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

              _                 _
             .)                 (.
             |                   |
    ___      ________   ___      ._______        _ _     __________  ___ 
.__/._/ ____/ _     /__/ _/ _____|.____  \     _(  _)___/        _/_/ _/______
|   | _/     _/    /   __\_/      |   /   \   /                  | \______   (.
|   | |      |     \   |  |       |  /     \_/                   |       /    |
|   | |      |      \  |  |       | ·       |                    |    | /     |
|_  |_|  _._ |       \ |__|   _._ |        _|_                  _|_   |/     _|
 /_______\:/_|        \_______\:/__________\:/__________________\:/__________\

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - greetings       |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - posk            |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                                _               _
                               .)               (.
                               |                 |
                               |                 |
                               |                 |
   ___       _______   ___     | ___  __________   _       .______     ___
 _/._/______/_     /__/ _/ _____/ _/ /        _/ _( _)___  |   ._/____/ _/____
.) |\__     _/    /   __\_/     __\_/         | /       _\ |   |\__  \_____  (.
|  |  /     |     \   |  |      |  |          |/        |\\|   |  /       /   |
|  | /      |      \  |  |      |  |                    | \    | /     | /    |
|_ |/   _._ |       \ |__|  _._ |__|        _/          |  \   |/      |/     |
 /______\:/_|        \______\:/_____________\___________|   \_________________|
  :---------|_________/--------'                 `------------------------:don
  | [ gggggreeeeeeeeeeetings go to..                                      |
    )_______ __ _

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - emulators       |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - astarte         |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

 _              _   _            _ _      _                    _         _
 \  ___ ___  ___ \  \ .____ _____ \\   ___ \ _________ _______ \ _______ \
.__/ _/_) _\/_ (___   |   (.)   /______\_ \_/       _//  .__  \_/ _   _/______
|  __\/   |\/|     \  |        /        _           \/   | (     _/    ___   (.
|  | /    |  |      \ |      _/         (                |       |    .  /    |
|_ |/     |  |       \|      \    ._        ._      ._   |       |    | /     |
./________|  |____________________|/________|/______|/___________|    |/  ____|

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - oldies          |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - astarte         |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

          _________    _____    .______       _        ___       ____
 _  _   ._)  .__  (_.__)   /____|.____ \   __( _)_  __/ _/ ______) _/______
\\   \ d|    | /    |     /      |   /  \_/       \/  __\_/     \_______  (.
 \\_  \o|    |·     |   _/       |  /                 |  |             /   |
   _  _n|    |      |   \        | /                  |  |          | /    |
 //   / |_         _._        _._·                _._ |__|     _._  |/    _|
//_  / . /_________\:/________\:/_________________\:/__________\:/________\.

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - combined        |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - astarte         |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

  ____     _______    ___  ___   _____         _     ___         ___  ______
._)._/.____) .__ (____) _\/_ (___) _ /________( _)___) _\  .____/ _/ /.___  \
|  |  |      | /        |\/|       /_                  |\\ |    __\_/ |  /   \_
|  |  |      |·         |  |      · /                  | \\|    |  |  | /     |
|_ |__| ._   |      ._  |·.|   ._ |/      ._           |·.\     |__|  |·      |
:/______|/__________|/__|::|___|/_________|/___________|:: \__________________:

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - pwp.diz         |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - pwp crew *gIFT* |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

   __________   \      \    __________
 ._) _      /____\      \ ._) _      /
 |   /     //    /\      \|   /     /
 |  /_____//     /\          /_____/
 |       \/     /·.\              \ 
 |_            /.:: \              \_·
 |                                   |
 | pwpwppwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwppwpwpwpwpwp |
 |_                                 _|
 :/  sepostustaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \:
 |                                   |
 |_  _ _ _                 _ _ _ _ _ |_
 :/_ // _// o1 / o1 / 99 //_ // _// __/

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - daeron          |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - daeron          |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                              _  _    ·  /    _  _
                           .__\  _\\\\ \/ ////_  /__.
                           |           /\           |
                        _  : _        /  \        _ :  _
                        \     \      ·    \      /     /
                         \_.  _\           ·    /_  ._/
                           |                        |
      ._____          ___  :   ___     ________    ______   .____
   .__|.___ \ ________\_ \_.__/ _/ ___/_      /.__/ .___ \__|   _\  ._____
   |   |  /  \\        _   |  __\_/   _/    _/ |    |  /    |   |\\ |    (.
   |   | /    \\       (   |  |  |    |      \ |    | /     |   | \\|     |
   |   |·                  |  |  |    |       \|    |·      |   |  \      |
   |   |      _._         _|_ |__|    |        \    |      _|_  |   \    _|
   |__________\:/_________\:/_________|         \__________\:/__|    \___\
                           .          |__________/  .`don
                           |                        |
                           |·[  d  A  E  R  O  N  ]·|
                           |  _                  _  |
                           ·  /                  \  ·
                           ._/                    \_.
                           |                        |
                           |                        |
                           :                        .
                           .                        :

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - daeron          |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - daeron          |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.
   the same logo with and a bit more background.. 

                              _  _    ·  /    _  _
                           .__\  _\\\\ \/ ////_  /__.
                           |           /\           |
                        _  | _        /  \        _ :  _
                 _ \\\\\\     \      · /\ \      /     ////// _ 
               ._)  \\\\\\_.  _\      /  \ ·    /_  ._//////  (_.
              _|           |         /_   \         |           |_ 
        _ \\\\\_           |                        |           _///// _
       .)      |           |                        |           |      (.
       |       |           |                        |           |       |
       |      _|           |                        |           |       |
      ._____ \\_      ___  |   ___     ________    ______   .____       |
   .__|.___ \ ________\_ \_.__/ _/ ___/_      /.__/ .___ \__|   _\  ._____
   |   |  /  \\        _   |  __\_/   _/    _/ |    |  /    |   |\\ |    (.
   |   | /    \\       (   |  |  |    |      \ |    | /     |   | \\|     |
   |   |·                  |  |  |    |       \|    |·      |   |  \      |
   |   |      _._         _|_ |__|    |        \    |      _|_  |   \    _|
   |__________\:/_________\:/_________|         \__________\:/__|    \___\
       .       |           .          |__________/  .`don               .
       |     _ |           |                        |           | _     |
      _|   _ \ |           |·[  d  A  E  R  O  N  ]·|           | / _   |_
      \    /  \·           |  _                  _  |           ·/  \    /
       \  /    \   _       ·  /                  \  ·       _   /    \  /
        \/     .\ \\    _  ._/                    \_.  _    // /.     \/
               | \ \\  /   |                        |   \  // / |
        /\     | _\  \/    |                        |    \/  /_ |     /\
       /  \    |           :                        .           |    /  \
      /_  _\   |           .                        :           |   /   _\
       |       |_                                              _|       |
       |       :/                                              \:       |
       |       |                                                |       |
       |       |                          ·                     |       |
       '       |                    ·    /                      |       `
               |_     _              \  /                _     _|
                 )--)_ )----------\\\\\/////------------( _(--(
                                     /  \
                                    ·    \

                    .                      |
                    |                      |                    
                    |                      |
                    ·                      |
        we could have a                    ·                      _______
               ._____        __________ ____          ___        /      /
               | ._ /_____  / _       //  _/  ________\_ \____. /      /
               |  /____  (./ _/      // ._\._/         _      |/      / 
               |  |   /      |       \  |  |           (      |\      \
               |  |  /       |          |  |                  | \      \
               |_ | /        |          |__|                  |  \      \  
                /____________|         _______________________|   \      \_
                    .        |________/          now...            \______/
                    |                      .  
                    | hey, while we're hav |
                    | ing a break.. we cou |
                    | ld check out an asci |
                    | i what was made in a |
                    | ssembly'98 by me and |
                    | holmez of twilight.  |
                    | we didn't have anyth |
                    | ing else to do at    |
                    | saturday morning so  |
                    | i thought if we coul |
                    | d draw something tog |
                    | ether. we didn't hav | 
                    | e any booze and asph |
                    | ynx promised to us t |
                    | hat he would bring u |
                    | s some 95%.          |
                    '                      |
                      here's the result... |

                   _      ·)                   (·      _
                  _///// ¡¯                     ¯¡ \\\\\_
                  :      | ::: : aSP, tUA! : ::: |      :
            _______________ __ ____________________ .__________
           .)  _          // _))   _             _/ |         /
           |   /     /    /       |/      _      \  |     ___/_____ _
           |  /_____/    ·       _/     _/¦       \ |    ////////
           |     \|_             \      \ ·        \|      /
           |______\/___           \      \_ _____         /
                      /___________ \______/     /_________\
                    _    .                       .    _
               hz~ ( _\\ | :::: : pIRTUA! : :::: | //_ ) tl!
                         ¦                       ¦
                         !_                     _![don]

 well, after we finally saw asph, he didn't have anything! oh hell, so i had
 to go to store and buy some beer. funny logo i think :)
 if you can't really read it, it says "pirtu" .. 
 this logo was taken from the aalto-party-report-from-assembly'98..

  _  _ _  _,  _, _   _  _  _,._   _  _  _,  _  ,_  _ ._._. _   _  _, ._  ..._  
 (_,(_(_)(_| (- | '|(_'| )(_|`-, (-|| )(_| (-| |_)(_)| | |(_' (_)(-  |-'|||`-, 
 . | =================================================================== `` =:
 .`'                                                                         |
 |  i fucked your girlfriend last night. while you snored and drooled,i      |
 |  fucked you love. she called me daddy. and i called her baby when i       |
 |  smacked her ass. i called her sugar when i ate her alive till daylight.  |
 |  and i slept with her all over me. from forehead to ribcage i dripped     |
 |  her ass. sometimes i thought you might be spying,living out some brash   |
 |  fantasy,but no. you were knocked out.but we were all knocked out you     |
 |  know. in a way...                                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 |_ i serve too many masters.                                                |
 :/                                                                          |
 |  we didn't know you'd break the bottle that the magic came in to use      |
 |  those jagged shards to slit our wrists and neck. and you'd do it too,    |
 |  you're that kind of dude. but you wouldn't know what you were doing      |
 |  because i didn't. your girlfriend could have been a burn victim, an      |
 |  amputee, a dead body. but god damn i wanted to fuck...                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |  i serve too many fucking masters.                                        |
 |_                                                                         _|
 :/-[ pantera: good friends and a bottle of pills ]-------------------------\:

 we could put the file_id of this colly right here. thanks daeron.

-÷------------------ - \   _.      / ----÷-
 : [ pHUNK!ASCII ]     _\  \!     / drn! :
 :                     /_   )_ __(_______:__ 
 : [ good friends and    `--   \    _.   : / 
 :   a bottle of pills ]_____. _\ __\|    /_
 :                      \    |/  _ /_)___._\
 : [ don rapello / pnk ]_   ./    /_     :
-÷----------------------/___l\_____\ - --÷-


                     the                                          _______
               ._____        __________ ____          ___        /      /
  :----------- | ._ /_____- / _       //  _/ -________\_ \____.-/      / ----:
  |            |  /____  (./ _/      // ._\._/         _      |/      /      |
  |            |  |   /      |       \  |  |           (      |\      \      |
  |            |  |  /       |          |  |                  | \      \     |
  :----------- |_ | /        |          |__|                  |  \      \ ---:
                /____________|         _______________________|   \      \_
                             |________/   is over now...           \______/

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - darkus          |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - darkus          |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                                 _   \  ·   _
                               ._)    \/    (_.
                               |      /\      |
                    _ _     _ _|     /  \     |_ _     _ _
                 :--\_ )----) \:    ·    \    :/ (----( _/--:
                 |                        ·                 |     
                 |                             ______       |     
   ._____        ·   ___        ________      /     /      ._____   ___
.__|.___ \   ________\_ \_.____/_      /___. /     /.___   |    (._/ _/_______
|   |  /  \ .)        _   |    _/    _/    |/    _/ |   \  |     |\______    (.
|   | /    \|         (   |    |      \    |      \_|    \ |         .  /     |
|   |·                         |       \   |       \      \|         | /      |
|_  |      _._           _._   |        \  |        \_               |/      _|
 /_________\:/___________\:/___|         \_|_________/_______________________\·
:----------------:             |__________/          `don   :-----------------:
       _   _     |_                                        _|     _   _
  \\\\\\    \    _////////   [ dARKUS  THE  MAN ]   \\\\\\\\_    /    //////
   \\\\\\_  _\   |                                          |   /_  _//////
                 |                                          |
                 |_                                        _|
                 :/____________.              .____________\:
                               |              |
                               |_             |
                               _/             |
                               |    ·         |
                               |     \  ·     |
                                     /  \
                                    ·    \

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - poise records   |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - darkus          |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                                _          _
                              ._)          (_.
            ________________  |   ____ _     | ___          ___
        .__/_       /._____ \_.__/   (( _)_  _/ _/_______._/ _/ _____
        |   /      / |    /   |            \_\_______    | __\_/    (.
        |  /______/  |   /    |                  .  /      |  |      |
        |       \/   |  /     |                  | /       |  |      |
        |_       \   | ·     _|_           _._   |/        |__|     _|
                              .              .`don
          _________  ___     ___       _______      _________ ___
      .__/_       /_/ _/ ___/._/._____/ .____ \_.__/_       // _/_______
      |  _/     _/  __\_/    |  |       |   /   |  _/     _/\_______   (.
      |  |       \  |  |     |  |       |  /    |  |       \    .  /    |
      |_ |        \ |  |     |  |       | /     |  |        \   | /     |
       /_|          |__| _._ |__|  _._  |·     _._ |         \_ |/     _|
                              .              .
                              |              |
                              |_            _|
                                )_        _(

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - joonastarte     |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - astarte         |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

     .__  ____________    .___     __    __ ________   __   ________________  
 ____| (_/ ___.  .___ \   |  (.____\_\__/ //      _/___\_\_/_     /\_     _/  
.)   |     \  |  |  / _\  |         _  \_____     |     _  _/   _/  /   __\.__
|    |      \ |  | /  |\\ |         (    .  /           (  |     \ /    \  | (.
|    |       ·|  |·   | \\|              | /               |      Y      \ |  |
|_   |        |  |    |  \               |/                |              \| _|

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - tamagutchi      |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - i do            |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                                 _  _    _   _  _
                               ._\_ _\\\\////_ _/_.
                               |                  |
                               |                  |
        ____         ___     ___  ___         ___ |
     __/    \________\_ \_.__\ _\/_ /__.______\_ \_.
  \\\\_      _/       _   |    |\/|    |       _   |
      |      \        (   |    |  |    |       (   |
      |       \           |    |  |    |           |
     _|        \         _|_   |  |   _|_         _|
     \__________\________\ /___|  |___\ /_________\`don
         ___             ._____:    ____       ___·    ___           _
      ._/._/_____ ___    |    (.___/    \_____/._/.___/  /______ ___( _)__
      |  |\__   (.)  \   |     |          _/   |  |  _.        (.)       (.
      |  |  /    |    \  |     |          \    |  |  \|         |         |
      |  | /     |     \ |     |           \   |  |   \         |         |
      |_ |/     _|_     \|    _|_              |__|   |\       _|_       _|
       /________\ /___________\:/_____________________| \______\ /_______\
                               |                  .
      [ t   A   M   A   G      |_                 |     U   T   C   H   I ]

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - tpolm           |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - distance ?      |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                      _           _           _           _
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                    |               |       |               |
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       |          |   /        /   |    /   |     |/        |\/|      |
       |          |  /________/    |   /    |     |         |  |      |
       |          |         \ :    |  /     |     |         |  |      |
       |         _|_         \|_   | /     _|_    |         |  |      |_
       |_________\:/__________|/___________\:/______________|  |_______/ 
            .       .               .       .               .       .
 [ tHE plAN |       | ET            |  ·  / |  oF lEATHER m |       | OOMINS ]
            |       |               |   \/  |               |       |
            |       |               |   /\  |               |       |
            |_      |               |  /  · |               |      _|
             ////// |               | /     |               | \\\\\\
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                      )_            ·       ·            _(`don

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - tpolm.diz       |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - distance ?      |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

._________ ______________   ___    __  __
|       _//_      / .___ \_/  |___/ _\/_ \__.
|       |  /     /  |  /  |   |     |\/|    |
|       | /_____/   | /   |   |     |  |    |
|       |      \    |     |   |     |  |    |
|      _|_      \_  |    _|_  |     |  |   _|
|______\:/_______/_______\:/________|  |___\.
:-----[ tHE pLANET oF lEATHER mOOMINS ]-----:
|                                           |
|                                           |
|                                           |
|                                           |
|                     _ _                   |
`[don]-[ xx / xx / xx ]-/ _/-[ disk 1 / 1 ]-:

dOn rApELLo l___ ¬l_ _ ¬l___ ¬l
            |  |  :  |  ¡  |  |------------------------------------.  
.----. ;--. |  |  ¦  |  ¡  |  | what does it say - phunk!ascii     |  
:dtn `-.  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                    :  
:  .--.`--' |___  ¦___  l__|  |    who wants it? - pnk!memb.*gIFT* |
`--:--'        \__:  l__j  l__j                                    .
   `------------------- ·------------------------------------------:--.

                              __    _  _    __
                            ._)     //\\     (_.
                            |       /  ·       |
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  ._/ _       //  /_________·____    |    (. /  _\   ._____. /      /
  |   /      //  _.        (.)   \   |     |/   |\\  |     |/     _/
  |  /______//   \|               \  |          | \\ |     |\      \
  |       \_/     \                \ |          |  \\|     | \      \
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      \    \\\\\\\ _) .)      _  |\_____     |   |  |    |        |       (.
       \_  _\\\\\\\   |       (  |   . /     |   |  |    |        |        |
        _   _         |_        _|_  |/     _|_  |__|   _|_      _|_       |
       /    //////\    /________\|/_________\|/_________\|/______\|/_______|
      /_  _//////  ·        .                  . 
                            |                  | [ pHUNK!ASCii'98 ]
                            |                  |
                            |_       _        _|

     ____      _______ ___    .______     ____ _      __________   ___
   ._)._/.____/ _    // _/ ___| .___ \   /   (( _)_  /        _/ _/ _/______ 
   |  |  |     _/   // _\_/     |  /  \_/          \/         \ .\______   (.
   |  |  |     |    \  \ |      | /    |                       \|    . /    |
  ||_ |__| _._ |     \  \|  _._ |·    _._         _._          _._   |/     |
  | /______\:/_|      \_____\:/_______\:/_________\:/__________\:/__________|
  |            |_______/                                                    ·
 _|                                                                         |
 \:                                                                         | ·
  |                avenger / indepdt  - don rapello logo                  · ·/
  |_                daeron / /\T      - index, phunk!diz & logo            \/
  ://///////       dezibel / aRCADE!  - gfaabop logo                       /\
  |             poskgubbe  / KTS!     - sponsored by finlandia vodka      / .\
  |                                                                      /  | ·
  |                                                                     ·   |
  |                                                                         |
  : ____   ________  ___   ___  ___________ _ _      ._______    ____       |
   _)._/__/ _     /_/ _/ _/ _/ /         _(( _//___  |    ._/____) _/_______·
  .) |\    _/       __\_/ __\_/          \        _\ |    |\    \_____     (.
  |  | \_  |        \  |  \  |                    |\\|    | \_      | \     |
  |  |__/  |         \ |   \ |                    | \     |__/      |  \_   |
  |_       |          \| ._ \|           ._       |  \              |___/  _|
  ./_______|            _|/______________|/_______|   \____________________\.
· |                                                                        _|
 \· ·             [ people i know personally and from irc ]        \\\\\\\\\:
  \/                                                                        |
  /\            dartagnan / daeron / posk / astarte / neurotrance           |
 /. \          volatile / abhorrence / astute / mjolnir / avenger           |
· |  \          h7 / psyko / holmez / asphynx / ekojoker / folar            |
  |   ·                                                                     |
  |         __________ ___    ____       ______________    ____.__________  |
  |        _) _      // _/.___) _/______/_        /  _/.__/ ._/|        _/  |
  |       .) _/     // _\ |  \______     /       /  _\ |    |  |        \   |
  `-----> |  |      \  \  |     |  /    /_______/   \  |    |  |         \  ·
  .-----> |_ |       \  \ |     | /           \/     \ |    |  |          \
 _|        /_|        \_ \| _._ |/   _._      _._     \|    |__|  ._       \_
 \:          |_________/____\:/______\:/______\:/_________________|/________/
  |                                                                         .
  |         [ respect to these following artists. i don't respect them    · ·/
  |_        'cause of who they are.. just because of what they can do]     \/
  :///////                                                                 /\
  |          abhorrence / daeron / holmez / venturus / sperm whale        / .\
  |          red demon / boheme / trooper / weapon-x / behemoth          /  | ·
  |          crusader / dartagnan / phobia / trivial / shock g          ·   |
  |                                                                         |
  |_      _ _       _  _                              _  _        _ _      _|
  :/-----/ _/-------/ _/------------------------------\_ \--------\_ \-----\:
  ·                                        ______
  __            ___   _______ ._____       \     \        ___   _______ ___
_/ /______ _____\_ \_/_     /_|.___ \   ____\     \ ______\_ \_/_     // _/
|  _.    (.)     _   _/    /   |  /  \ .)   /\     \)      _   _/    / __\____
|  \|     |      (   |     \   | /    \|    /\             (   |     \ \  |  (.
|_  \     ._         |      \  |·          /  \                |        \ |   |
 /__|\    |/_________|       \____________/    \       ________|         \|  _|
  .   \___|          |________/                 \______\       |_____________\
· |                                                                         .
 \· ·                iP133 // aFS.COM // mS-EDIT.COM // aCIDDRAW            |
  \/                                                                        |
  /\            almost everything made with and microsoft edit      |
 /. \                                                                      _|
· |  \                          using mode 80x25                    \\\\\\\\:
  |   ·                                                                     |
  |                         colors as white on black                        |
  |_                                                                        |
  :/                                                                        |
  |       how to contact me ? - well,  email -        |
  |                                    i R C - iRCNET / #ascii              |
  |                                    w W w - not yet                      :
                         requests are always welcome.                       .

     - los loppukevennys..(?) ( sorry if you don't understand finnish! )
       _  _                                                     _  _
       \   \  ja taas rattoisia repaisyja IRCnet:in #ascii:lta. \   \
      _ \_  \ seurassamme tanaan jalleen poskgubbe/kts!/puma/rmrs\_  \ _
     .)                                                                (.
     |_                                                                _|
     _/ <ksop> joku mummo sano et mä oon 14v.                          \_
     |  <prst> no osui oikeaan :)                                       |
    _|  <d_rapello> haha                                                |_
\\\\\|  <ksop> miten sen nyt ottaa ;)                                   |/////
     |  <ksop> ehi don rapello                                          |
     |_ <ksop> hei even                                                _|
     :/ <d_rapello> mainiota :)                                        \:
     |  <d_rapello> ksop,pelastit mun päivän                            |
     |  <ksop> miten?                                                   |
     |  <ksop> keep it real.  meen makaan lattialle.                    |
    _|                                                                 _|
    \:                                                                 \:
     |  ... hjooo                                                       |
     |_                                                                _|
       )_                                                            _(

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