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72 178 bytes (70.49K)
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2004-04-19 23:06:29
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._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |
         pnk-dz04.txt was uploaded by behemoth at 23:18 on 29 Jan 1998
[ T.HE L.AST C.RUSADE - D.EZIBEL / P.HUNK ]-----:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::::::::::: T I M E :::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    the "much texts and                         : ::::::::: T O ::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        little art"-guy is here again!          : ::::::::::::::::: M O V E ::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::: O N . . :::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                           _________  /         : ::::::::::: ___ _ ::::::::::::
                    ____  |         )/     _____  ::::::::::: \__._ ::::::::::::
                 ___\   \ __ _____  /_____(_____) ___ : ________ |/ ::::::::::::
                /    _  |\)/_     \(      / ____./  /____  _   / _______ :::::::
                \    \    / / _____/     /.     /  _     \ / __\       /____. ::
                 /_______/ \\/______\_____| __ /|  /     /\\/________ /(    | ::
                          : \/        _        \ _______\  \/    .   \______\ ::
                          |__        \\  d e z i b e l         __|Arl         ::
                           _/_________\\_______________________\ ·    ::::::::::
                           /                                     ..:::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::: D E Z I B E L :::::::::
      With this collection i hand in            : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                 my resignation from..          : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
         ________ ___.        .___  _____.    _____ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        _)  ._  (.)  |___  ___|  (_.)    |___.)   /___ :::::::::::::::::::::::::
    __ .\  _|/   |   ._ (_.)  |   /|  ._ |  (|  _/  _/___________________  :::::
   .\  |¬  \_____.   |/  /|   :   ¬   |/ :   ¬  \    \.                 /. :::::
   |VtR|____|    |___/   ¬.___________/__________\____| > p H U N K ! <  | :::::
   |                /_____|                _____ ______   ______   ____. : :::::
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   |____________________________ __ _ .)   _\   |____   (|   \   (|    |   (. ::
                                   VdL|____________|/_______________________| ::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      " T h e  L a s t                          : ::::: P ::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::: u ::::::::::::
                C r u s a d e ! "               : ::::::::: h ::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::: n ::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                       __________________________________ __ _ :::::::::::::::::
                       \       ___                      ///    ::::: k :::::::::
                        \_____  |   h  e  ___ __ _ ___ //  :::::::::::::::::::::
                      _ __   /   ______  /  ______   //  :::::::::::::::::::::::
                        /   /____\___  \_\__   \/   _/__ ::::::::::::::: ! :::::
                      _/   /  _/   _  _/   /  _/   /   /__ _ :::::::::::::::::::
                      \____   \____   \____   \____   ____   :::::::::::::::::::
                         /____/  /____/  /____/  /____/      :::::::::::::::::::
                              \       ___ __ _   /        /\__ :::::::::::::::::
           _/\____ _ ______  __\ ___ /  ____ ___/__  ____/_  /_____ ::::::::::::
         _ __   ____/ ___  \/   /   _\__   \_\___  \/  ___/ / ___  \ :::::::::::
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          \____   \___/   \____   \____   \____   \____   \____   ____   :::::::
             /____/  /____/  /____/  /____/  /____/  /____/  /____/    :::::::::
                                    \      /                       :::::::::::::
                                 bHm \    / /\T : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                      \  /      : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                       \/       : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    results for the saturday war #1 compo:      : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    1. Arlequin   8 votes  Phunk/Odelay         : :::: s :::::::::::::::::::::::
    2. Brane      6 votes  Phunk                : ::::::::: a ::::::::::::::::::
>>> 3. DEZIBEL    5 VOTES  PHUNK/ARCADE <<<     : ::::::::::::::::::::: w ::::::
    3. El Talo    5 votes  dunno..              : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    3. Truman     5 votes  Remorse              : ::::: t ::::::::::::::::::::::
    4. Volatile   4 votes  Phunk                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: a ::
    5. Daemon     3 votes  dunno..              : ::::::::::::::: y ::::::::::::
    5. Mjolnir    3 votes  Head                 : ::::::::: u ::::::::::::::::::
    5. Serial2n   3 votes  Remorse              : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    6. Kay0zz     2 votes  Ruckus               : ::::::::::::::::::::::: r ::::
    7. Delicon    1 vote   dunno..              : ::::::::::::::::: a ::::::::::
    7. Squish     1 vote   Kwest                : ::::::: r ::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! :
    - P H U N K   D O M I N A T I O N ! -       : :::::::::::::: d :::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ( I know this is old, but since i havnt       : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    been on IRC for quite some time now,        : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    i dont know anything about the newer        : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ones.. )                                    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ____________ __________ ______    ___________ _________ ______ : ________ ::::
  \    _     /          /    __/____\       __/_\__     /    __/___\    __/____
_/     /____/    _/   _/     /    _/       _/    _    _/         _/     /    _/
\_______\ \______\____\___________\________\__________\__________\___________\ :
 |                                                                          |  :
 P R E F A C E .                                : :::::::::::::::::::: rX/jA! ::
 |                                              : ::::::::::::::::::::..... | ::
 |   Some months ago, i was idling in #ascii    : ::::" B u t ::::::::::::: | ::
 |   (ircnet) as usual when this guy called     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   VOLATILE_ joined the channel. He asked me  : :::::::::::: V o l :::::: | ::
 |   to show some of my work, so i sended him   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   some stuff, and after he had looked at     : ::: d i d n t ::::::::::: | ::
 |   it he invited me to join PHUNK! First i    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   said no, without even looking at the art   : ::::::::: g i v e  u p :: | ::
 |   that the members had produced. But Vol     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   didn't give up that easy, he insisted that : :: t h a t :::::::::::::: | ::
 |   i atleast shold look at some collys and    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   he sended a memberlist. I checked it, and  : :::::::: e a s y " :::::: | ::
 |   saw that they actually were pretty good.   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |                                                                       :: | ::
 |                               So i told him, but i still said that it :: | ::
 |   " P h u n k  w a s          was impossible for me to join, i was in :: | ::
 |                              a group already, and i even was coleader :: | ::
 |            f r o m  n o w      for it, but somehow he talked me over. :: | ::
 |                                 Since Phunk is mainly a pece-group, i :: | ::
 |      o n  t h e               one day found myself at the the #ascii- :: | ::
 |                              channel on EFnet, where, after only some :: | ::
 |            o l d s k o o l    minutes a guy called DRAX /msg'd me and :: | ::
 |                                told me that i now was a member of his :: | ::
 |   d i v i s i o n            group WAX, coz Phunk was from now on the :: | ::
 |                              oldskool division of WAX! When they died :: | ::
 |          o f  W A X ! "       i naturally assumed that Phunk was dead :: | ::
 |                             too, so i joined SPIES. But it turned out :: | ::
 |                              to be wrong. Phunk never died, only WAX. :: | ::
 |                                                                       :: | ::
 |   Then Spies died too, so i joined up with   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   KAYOZZ's new group, RUCKUS. Up to this     : :: " . . r e l e a s e :: | ::
 |   date i have not released anything for rks  ¦ ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   and now when i am resigning from Phunk, i  : ::: t h e i r ::::::::::: | ::
 |   will leave rks too, but before i leave i   | ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   am gonna put together a small logo-cluster ¦ :::::::: s t u f f :::::: | ::
 |   for them to put in thier next pack. Back   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   to Phunk; What i like about pnk (except    · :::: t h e :::::::::::::: | ::
 |   for the great artists ofcourse) is that    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   they release their work in the good ol'    : :::::: g o o d  o l ' ::: | ::
 |   ami-way. Collys that is, no zip'd packs!   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   Now more than three months have gone since : :: a m i - w a y . " :::: | ::
 |   i joined Phunk and took my first steps in  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |                                                                       :: | ::
 |                              to the pece-scene. It have been a really :: | ::
 |  " i  u s e d  t o          nice time. I've met alot of nice ppl that :: | ::
 |                                is really good at what they do. Before :: | ::
 |         t h i n k  t h a t    i used to think that the pece art-scene :: | ::
 |                              was just a bunch of rippers, that had no :: | ::
 |    t h e  p e c e           social life at all. But i guess i've been :: | ::
 |                                 proven wrong now! Anyway, back to the :: | ::
 |         a r t - s c e n e   Phunk-leaving thing. The reason for me to :: | ::
 |                              quit pnk is the same one as why i at 1st :: | ::
 |    w a s  j u s t           rejected Vola's invitation; I do not want :: | ::
 |                               Arcade to suffer! I've got my own group :: | ::
 |            a  b u n c h     (with Acorn) and i really think that then :: | ::
 |                              i should put all my energy down at that! :: | ::
 |   o f  r i p p e r s ! "    This does not however mean that i'm gonna :: | ::
 |                              leave the pece asc-scene! Nnoooooooooo!! :: | ::
 |                                                                       :: | ::
 |   Instead i am gonna spread the Arcade       : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   collections also at the efnet among the    : :: " M a y b e :::::::::: | ::
 |   pece-artists, so do not fear! ;)           : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |     Some weeks ago i talked to Necronite     : ::::::: i  g o t t e d :: | ::
 |   about joining Remorse. I was rejected.     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   I thought that i would quite easily get    : :: s o m e :::::::::::::: | ::
 |   in, but i guess i was wrong. Very wrong.   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   I told Necron that i wasn't disappointed.  : ::::::::::::: e x t r a : | ::
 |   I lied. All my collections have been kind  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   of designless. Up til now that is, becoz   : ::: m o t i v a t i o n : | ::
 |   since i want this, my latest ever under    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   PNK-label to be a really good one, i soon  : : w h e n  R M R S :::::: | ::
 |   decided to put some effort down in the     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   designing too! Maybe it's not just that i  : :::::::::: t u r n e d :: | ::
 |   want my last pnk-colly to be my best,      : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   maybe i also gotted some extra motivation  : ::: m e  d o w n " :::::: | ::
 |   when Remorse turned me down, just maybe i  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |   want to show them what they are missing!   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
 |                                                                       :: | ::
 |                                 And i can assure you that they misses :: | ::
 |   " i ' l l  j u s t             quite alot! i do not want to seem to :: | ::
 |                                   think higher of myself than others, :: | ::
 |          d o  s o m e         but if i'm gonna be honest i think that :: | ::
 |                                 my upcoming Arcade-colly will RULE!!! :: | ::
 |    f  i n a l                   Look out for it! I have a whole bunch :: | ::
 |                               of new styles that i will introduce you :: | ::
 |      a d j u s t m e n t s    to in it, and it will include logos for :: | ::
 |                              the ones i respect (artists+groups!) and :: | :
 |  t o  t h i s  c o l l y ,     also a great amount of requested ones! :: | ::
 |                                  It's thursday evening and i've got a :: | ::
 |      r e l e a s e  i t     great day tomorrow to look forward to, so :: | ::
 |                                i'll just do some final adjustments to :: | ::
 |   a n d  c a l l             this colly, release it and call my local :: | ::
 |                                  drug dealer (gotta have something to :: | ::
 |         m y  l o c a l         smoke tomorrow you know), and then i'm :: | ::
 |                                 going to bed! Great thanks to all the :: | ::
 |  d r u g d e a l e r . . "   members in PHUNK for this very nice time :: | ::
 |                                (special greets to Volatile!). Keep on :: | ::
 |_                                kikkin asses, will ya! Over and out.. : _| ::
 _/                                                                      : \_ ::
 \_    D e z i b e l  /  A r c a d e  E n t e r t a i n m e n t  I n c     _/ ::
  //______________________________________________________________________\\ :::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::: 29'th :::::::::::::::::::
    T H E  L A S T  C R U S A D E  -            : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::::::::::: of ::::::::::::
                 T I M E  T O  M O V E  O N .   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::: January ::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ( T O W A R D S  T H E  U N K N O W N ? )      : :::::::::::::: in the ::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::: year of :::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::::::::::::: our Lord ::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::::::: 1998! :::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
           ,                                    : ::  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  -------- ½ --- ,  _____/_      ________    _ _____/_ :::::::::::::::::::::::::
  Dz/a!::'.½,`:: ½     _/____ ___\_     / ---\  .  /   :::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ::::::: :½: :'.½,   _)    /_    /    /     /  : / ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  :M::::: ½½l : :½: _________\ _ /______\ _________\ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ::E:::: ½½½ · ½ k            \/               .    ::::: M :::::::::::::::::::
  :::N::: ½`½: :½ ½                             : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ::::U:'.: ½½ ½: ½.   I'm kinda tired at the   : :::::::::::::: E :::::::::::::
  :::::: ;½ `:.½  ½:                            : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  :::::: ½;  `½;  ½l   moment,  so we'll skip   : ::::: N ::::::::::::::: ? ::::
  ::::: ,½' : : : l½                            : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ::::',½: ::. .: :½,  the menu this time.. !   : :::::::::::::: U :::::::::::::
  --- ;½' ------- `½½                           : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                     [ 01 ]     ·   ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                            -¦--------------------¦- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
  " A E R O N   M U S I C "  ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦      H E L I C   O W N
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

              -¦------- ½½:½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½: -----------¦-
               ¦ :::::: :½½ ..  ............. :½½ ·::::::::: ¦
          _|____ ______/_½½:_ _\____ ______ ___½½:_ _________¦____ __._
  _ __   __|_  /. _   /_ :½½(___\  (_          :½½                   :
     /  _\  _  _| /_.__\  ½½:/_ _\  /_   [ · A E½0:N M U S I C · ]   |
    /_._____\__\ ___| /___:½½_\__\ ._\_   _|__ _:½½|_ ___  ____/_    |  Dz/a!
      |                    ½½;_\ _\| ·(___.| (_\ ½½|__\__)_\ _/______|__   __ _
      |    blah, blah..    :½½\  \  /  /_ l|  /_\:½½ /_   /_ \         /_  \
      :____ _ _.________ ___½½:___\/____\______\__½½:_\____\_/______________\
               ¦ ....  ____ ;½½ ...........  ____ ;½½ ...... ¦
               ¦ ::'.x½½½½½½½½½; ::::::::'.x½½½½½½½½½; ::::: ¦
              -¦--- ½½½½½½½½½½; --------- ½½½½½½½½½½;  ------¦-
                    `^½½½½½½P'            `^½½½½½½P'

                                     [ 02 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
       " C H A N G E "       ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦          B R A N E
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                      ....:.        ...........
  .    . .....        ..... ......    :  .:.. .  ...:::    ::::
           :::       :::       :::    :..::      :         ::::  Dz/a!
      _\___::: ___|_ :::|____  :::_\_____:.......:/_ ______:::: _ _____._
       .\ _/::_\ _|__:::|_  /._\¯¯(_\ __/__\¯¯¯¯¯/__ _                 :
       |_ \¯¯¯/_ \_  /¯¯ _  _| _\  /_ \_  /_ T_.__\     C H /\ N G E  _|_
       ·/_/____\__|___\__\__\___\___\__/___\___| ________ ________ ___\·
   .....   :::       ......... ::: ... . .........         ::::.......
   ::  :   :::       ..........:::          ::::::       ......   ::::
    ...:   :::...... ::::               ....::::::       ::  ::...::::
    :::.. .  .   ::: ::::......         ::...............::
                 :::      :::::

                                     [ 03 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
   " D E A T H   S T A R "   ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦       C 4 N N A B I S
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                  · \
                                 ·   ·
                                /     ·
                              /  _   _  \
                             ·  (_)_(_)  ·
              _   _  __  _  ·_ \_ /_\  /  \  __ _   ___  _
             \             ·    ¦_¯  _T                   /
              \                  )_¯¯(                   ·       [ Dz/a! ]
       __ _|___·______/_|____ _____¯___|_ _____________ /_________________._
     _| ___|_ /. _   /__|_  /.  _ (_\ _|___     ____ _ ·_                 :
     /|_\   / _| /_.__\  _  _|_ /  /_ \_  /_ __\\          +o cannabis    |
    /_|_______\____| /___\__\  /____\__|___\_.  ______  _|____ _____      |
      |                                 .\  _|__\  _ (___|_  /.\_   \    _|_
      |   [·  D E A T H  S T A R  ·]    |_\_   /__ /  /_  _  _| /  _/_  ·\|
      :_________________________________ /______\ /____\__\__\__\____\ __\\

      ( Feel free to remove the half star and/or the skull if you want.. =)

                                     [ 04 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
 " D E G E N E R A T . 6 5 " ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦          M A R T Z
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                     _..xx½½½½½x.           j½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½'
     -¦--------- .x½½½½^'"¯----- ' --------- `^½½. -------- ¯"½½½ ------¦-
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      | :: .½½½½' .½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½: `.`½½½x.`,;½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½: ·:::: |
      | :: :½½½½. ½××'.....¯`^½½½½½½½.`. :½½½½. ........¯`^½½½½½½½.·::: |
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      | :: :½½½½l `...:::::::: :½½½½½½:  :½½½½l `:::::::::: :½½½½½½: :: |
 ____ |_::_`½½½½½: :::::::::::·.½½½½½½½ .`½½½½½: ::::::::::·.½½½½½½½_::_|  ____
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      | ::::::.`×½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½×'.::::::.`×½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½×'.:::: |
      | ::::::::....................::::::::::...................:::::: |
      | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
     -¦---------[  D  E  G  E  N  E  R  A  T  I  O  N   6  5  ]---------¦-
      :                                                                 :
      · Martz, Discofunk, some other cool dudes..                       ·
      :                                                                 :
     -¦-------------------------------------------------------[ Dz/a! ]-¦-

                                     [ 05 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
       " D E S I R E "       ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦    S E R I A L   T O O N
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                                                      [ Dz/a! ]
  _____ _|___ ______ ___|_  __|_ _____ _______/_ __________ __ ________ _____._
_|_   ___|_ /. _   /_\ _|__(__|__\_   \\ _   /__ ____                       _:_
 |/  _\   / _| /_.__\/_   /_   /_ /  _/_ /_.__\     //___ _ ·D·E·S·I·R·E·   \|
 /__________\____| ________\____\_\____\___| ______ ________________________\\

                                     [ 06 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
 " D I G I T A L   F E L . " ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦        D M E N T A L
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                                              [ Dz/a! ]
        __ _|___ |__  _____ __|__  ______ __|____ ___/_ _____________._
       | ___|_ /.|__)_\ __/___|__)_\  _ (___|_  /.  /___             :
      _|_\   / _|    /_ \_  /_    /__ /  /_  _  _|  \  /_ +o dmental |
       |/______\/_____\__/___\_____\ /____\__\__\/______\   ·        |
       |                        _______ ______ ___   ______ _\____ __|___
       | · D I G I T A L ·     .\ _   /_ _   /_  /___\  _ (___\  (_  l  (_
       |      · F E L O N Y ·  |_ /____\ /_.__\  \  /_  (  /_ _\  /__._  /__
       :_______________________ /___-'_____| ________\______\__\___\ |____\

       Digital felony behind bars..

          ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½
          ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½Dz/a!/pnk
        __½½|___ ½½_  __½½_ __|½½  ___½½_ __|½½__ __½½_ ___½½_____½½_._
       | _½½|_ /.½½_)_\ ½½/___|½½)_\  ½½(___|½½ /.  ½½__   ½½     ½½ :
      _|_\½½ / _|½½  /_ ½½  /_ ½½ /__ ½½ /_  ½½ _|  ½½ /_ +o½dmental |
       |/_½½___\/½½___\_½½___\_½½__\ /½½__\__½½_\/__½½__\  ½½     ½½ |
       |  ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½_____½½_____½½___  ½½_____½½\____½½_|___
       | ·½D I G I½T A L½½     ½½ _   ½½ _   ½½  /__½½  _ (½½_\  (½½ l  (_
       |  ½½  · F½E L O N½Y ·  ½½ /___½½ /_._½½  \  ½½  (  ½½ _\  ½½_._  /__
       :__½½_____½½_____½½_____½½___-'½½___| ½½_____½½_____½½__\__½½ |____\
          ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½
          ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½

       <  J A I L B R E A K ! !  >

          ½,     ½,     ½,     ½,     ½,     ½,     ½,     ½,     ½,
          ½½     ½½     ½½    .×½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½Dz/a!/pnk
        __½½|___ ½½_  __½½_ __|__  ___`½_ __|½½__ ___½_ ___½½_____½½_._
       | _½½|_ /.½½_)_\ ½_/___|__)_\  _ (___|½½ /.  /___   ½½     ½½ :
      _|_\½½ / _|½½  /_ \_  /_    /__ /  /_  ½' _|  \. /_ +o½dmental |
       |/_½½___\/½½___\__/___\_____\ /____\__\½_\/__,½__\  ½½     ½½ |
       |  ½½     ½½     ,       _______ ______,___  ½½_____½½\____½½_|___
       | ·½D I G I½T A L½      .\ _   /_ _   /½  /__½\  _ (½½_\  (½½ l  (_
       |  ½½  · F½E L O N,Y ·  |  /____\ /_._x\  \  /½  (  ½½ _\  ½½_._  /__
       :__½½_____½½_____½½_____½,___-',½___| ½½_____½½_____½½__\__½½ |____\
          ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½     ½½
          `½     `½     `½     `½     `½     `½     `½     `½     `½

            _|_   ___ ___   _
 __ _________| \ / _ \\__) / |_________ __[ j A i l B R E A k ! ] _ · ______._
   /        (|  Y  _      Y  |)        \\(                          :       :
   \_______________l______.  __________/ \     ·    Dz/a!       ·   |       |
                          |  |        _____ __/___          ___ :   |____/_ |
                          | _|______ _\_   \\/ __/__________\_ \|   /   /   |
  " all in the name       | \_      \. /   /   _)           _/  :  /   /_   |
     __ of liberty.. "___ l________/_| \____________________\______\____\   |
   ._\                            /_____|                                   |
   |                                                                        |
   |  There was a friend of mine on murder            " s i x t e e n       |
   |  And the judge's gavel fell                                            |
   |  Jury found him guilty                      y e a r s  i n  h e l l "  |
   |  Gave him sixteen years in hell                                        |
   |  He said "I ain't spending my life here           |     .   | .        |
   |  I ain't living alone                          _| |___| |___| |__      |
   |  Ain't breaking no rocks on the chain gang    __| |____ |___| |_       |
   |  I'm breakin' out and headin' home              | |   | |   | |        |
   |                                               __| |___| |___| |_       |
   |  Gonna make a jailbreak                      ____ |___| |___| __       |
   |  And I'm lookin' towards the sky                | |   | |   | |        |
   |  I'm gonna make a jailbreak                       |   |     | |        |
   |  Oh, how I wish that I could fly                            |          |
   |                                                                        |
   |  All in the name of liberty              " O h ,  h o w  i             |
   |  All in the name of liberty                                            |
   |  Got to be free                               w i s h  t h a t  i      |
   |                                                                        |
   |  Jailbreak, let me out of here             c o u l d  f l y "          |
   |  Jailbreak, sixteen years                                              |
   |  Jailbreak, had more than I can take                                   |
   |  Jailbreak, yeah"                                                      |
   |                                                                        |
   |                                      He said he'd seen his lady being  |
   |   " S h e  w a s  d o w n                 fooled with, By another man  |
   |                                            She was down and he was up  |
   |           a n d  h e  w a s  u p.            He had a gun in his hand  |
   |                                     Bullets started flying everywhere  |
   |      H e  h a d  a                       And people started to scream  |
   |                                           Big man lying on the ground  |
   |               g u n  i n  h i s               With a hole in his body  |
   |                                               Where his life had been  |
   |       h a n d "                    _                     But it was..  |
   |                      _    __ _   _                                     |
   |                    _  __|__  _: _    _     All in the name of liberty  |
   |                _   __|_____|__ _ ¦         All in the name of liberty  |
   |                   |   __|_____|____                  I got to be free  |
   |                  _  _|_____|_____|                                     |
   |              _        _ ¦ _  _                   Jailbreak, jailbreak  |
   |                                                    I got to break out  |
   |         " h e  m a d e  i t                               Out of here  |
   |                                                                        |
   |    o u t . .   w i t h  a                 Heartbeats they were racin'  |
   |                                                Freedom he was chasin'  |
   |       b u l l e t  i n  h i s         Spotlights sirens rifles firing  |
   |                                                  But he made it out..  |
   |  b a c k ! "                               With a bullet in his back!  |
   |                                                                        |
   |                "Jailbreak" Copyright © 1976 Angus Young,               |
   |               Malcolm Young & Bon Scott (R.I.P) of AC/DC!        ___ __|_
   :_________________________________________________________________\\     :

                         [ Rock'n'Roll 'til my death! ]

                                     [ 07 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
        " D R O N E "        ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦        P R O D I A C
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

   _____________________________________._   ø
  _\                                    ¦   ·
  |       _\____  _____\______ _\____ _____/_ _______________________________._
  ·       __\_  \_\_   \\  _ (___\  (_\  _/_________                         :
Dz/a!    _\  /   / /  _/_  (  /_ _\  /_ _)         /_   [ · D R O N E · ]    |
  ·      /______/__\____\______\__\___\__           \                       _|_
  :                                     `------------\----------------------\·
  ¦                                     ·
  |  info.. info..  extend if needed..  :     droooool..  more info..  blah!
  ¡                                     ¦

                                     [ 08 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
   " F I L E   A R E A S "   ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦          D O P I E
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

 _\________|__  ____/_ _______/_      ____________________._     Dz/a!
  .\ _   /_|__)_\  /___\ _   /_ _____\\   ·               :
  |_ /____\    /_  \  /_ /_.__\_ _____ __/____ _|____ ____|_  -  - --- -- -
  |/___-' /_____\______\___|_  /.\_   \\/_   /__|_  /.\  _|__   .           ¦
 _|_____                _\  _  _| /  _/_ /_.__\  _  _| \_ · /_ f|lE /\RE/\S :
  :    //______________ /___\__\__\____\___| /___/__\ _______\«------------»·

  ·      ¦                                                                  :
   .     :      e x t e n d  o r  s h r i n k  o r  w h a t e v e r . .     ¦
 _\|/_   ·                                                                  ·
  ¯'¯    .                                                                 _¦
         . -- -  - --- -- -  -   --- ---- --- --  -- ---  - ---- -  --  -  \ -

       _______  ___ ____ _ _____/_ ______ ______ _________ / ________ _._
       \ _   /_(__)_\  /___\ __/__                        ·            :
      /  /____\    /_  \  /_ _)  /_  _\_____  _____ _____/_  _____ ____|  Dz/a!
_ _ _/    _) /______\______\______\  __\_  /._\_   \\ __/____\_  /.\  _|_____
\ \\\_____|                         _\  _  _|  /  _/_ _)  /_  _  _| \_      / _
          | · F I L E  /\ R E A S · /___\__\ __\____\______\__\__\ ____.______\
          ¦                                                            |
          :                                                            :
          ¡         <  e x t e n d  a s  n e e d e d . .  .  >         ·
         _|___ _                                                       ¦
          :    //__________ _ _____ ________________________ _____ ____|

                                     [ 09 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
    " F I L E   M E N U "    ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦ D I S C O F U N K   1 9 7 8
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

          _\_______ _|__  ___|_  _______/_ _________________________._
           .\ _   /__|__)_\  |___\ _   /_                           :
           |_ /____\     /_  |  /_ /_.__\   · F I L E  M E N U ·    |
           |/___-' /______\______\___| __ _______ _\____    .__     |
           |  _  _ _____          _) \/ (_\ _   /___\  (___ | (_   _|_
           |           //__ __ _ _\  \/  /_ /_.__\  _\  /_ (|  /_  \:
           :____________________ /___||___\___|_ /___\___\__________\

                                     [ 10 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
 " F I T T E R   H A P P . " ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦   T R U M A M   5 T A R R
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                                                    [ Dz/a! ]
   _\_______  __|_______ ______\_______ _____ __/_ ________________________._
     \ _   /_(__|_\  _ (_\  _ (_\ _   /_\_   \\/                           :
    /  /____\    /__ /  /__ /  /_ /_.__\ /  _/_     blahh.. .              |
_ _/   _) ________\ /____\ /____\___|  /_\____\              blaah... .    |
\\\____|                   ___.    _¦____ _____ _____ __|________ _____    |
    |     · F I T T E R · .\ _|_____|_  /._   /__   /(__|_\ _   /_\_   \  _|_
    |  · H A P P I E R ·  |_ \_  /_  _  _|(____\(____\   /_ /_.__\ /  _/  \|
    :_____________________ /__|___\__\__\___| /___| ______\___| _/_\_______\

                                     [ 11 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
      " I N S I T O L "      ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦        T E A V O R E
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                                                    [ Dz/a! ]
      __ __|__\____ ____|_ ____|_______\______ ____/_ _____________________._
  _ _| _(__|___\  (_\  _|___(__|_\  _ (_\  _ (_\  /___    __ _             :
    /|_\    /_ _\  /_\_   /_    /__ /  /_  (  /_  \  /_ _\\   +o taevore  _|_
   /_|_______\__\___\______\_____\ /____\______\______\                   \|

                                     [ 12 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
 " M E S S A G E   M E N U " ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦ D I S C O F U N K   1 9 7 8
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

   _\__  __ _____\____|_ ____|_ __|____ ____/________/_ ___________ _________._
__· _\ \/ (_\ _   X  _|__\  _|____|_  /. __/__\ _   /___ _____               :
 /:_\  \/  /_ /_.__\_   /_\_   /_  _  _| \_  /_ /_.__\       //____ _  _     |
/_|____||___\___| /______\______\__\__\___/___\  _| _______  ____     __     |
  |                                         _) \/ (_\ _   /__\  (___.| (_   _|_
  |     [·  M E S S A G E  M E N U  ·]     _\  \/  /_ /_.__\ _\  /_ l|  /_  \:
  |________ ___ __________________________ /___||___\___| /___\___\__________\

                                     [ 13 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
     " M U H   L I F E "     ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦         K A Y O Z Z
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

            .              .
        _ __| __ __ |__ ___|_ _______________ __ _______________ ______._
       | _)_|/ (___.| (_\ _|___                                        :
      _|_\ \  · /_ l|  /_ \_  /_       [·  M U H  L I F E  · ]         |
       |/___\/___\______\__|___\ _|__  _______ ______     ______ _     |
       |                  .\  /___|__)_\ _   /_ _   /_ __\\            |
       |  k A Y 0 Z Z !   |_  \  /_   /_ /____\ /_.__\        Dz/a!   _|_
       :_________ _________/______\____\___-'/____| __________________\:

                                     [ 14 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
     " N E G A T I V E "     ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦           K E R S
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

  _ ____\_______ _____/_ __|____ ______ _|_\          _/____/_ ______________._
 |__\  (_\ _   /_\ __/__ __|_  /.\  _ (__|__)_ Dz/a!  /_   /_ ____           :
 |_ _\  /_ /_.__\_ \_  /_\  _  _|__ /  /_    /_     ·/ /_.__\    //___ _  _  |
 |/__\___\___|   /__/___\___\__\   /____\_____\    //____|                  _|_
 :_____________________________________________\  //_______N_E_G_A_T_I_V_E__\:
                                                \ /

                                     [ 15 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
   " P U R G ! L O G O S "   ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦     T H E   R E A P E R
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                        ·    ·     __ ¦ ¦ __     ·    ·
                        :.  .: _ __\  | :  /__ _ :.  .:                  Dz/a!
         _\_ ___\---- - |::::|        ·__:_      |::::| - ----/___ _/_
    - --- -\            |::::|       ¦   ¦       |::::|      ·     /- --- -
  _\______  _|__   _____ _____/_     |   ____ _\______ _____/_______ _____/_
---_\_ _ /___| (___\_   \\ __/__-----¡--.\  /___\  _ (_\ __/__\  _ (_\  _/__---
  /  (_.__\ (|  /_  /  _/_ \_  /_ 96-98 |_  \  /_  (  /_ \_  /_  (  /_\_    \
-/     | ________\__\____\__/___\ ---:-- /______\______\__/___\______\_|     \-
/_.____|_               .    .       ¦   .       .    .               _|____._\
  :    :                `::::|       | __¦       |::::'                :    :
 _|_                      `::|       (__ )       |::'                      _|_
  ·/_____ _________ _ ____  `|          ·        |'  ____ _ _________ _____\
                          )__·____ __ ¦ | __ ____·__(
                                  _ /_:_¦_\ _
                                   /  | :  \

                                     [ 16 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
 " S C O O B Y S N A C K S " ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦          P H O N Z
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

    _\____|_ ____ _\______ ______ ____ \         _/___ _____ __________._
   _ .\  _|__\ _/___\  _ (_\  _ (_\_ /__\_ Dz/a! \   (_                :
   / |_\_   /_ \   /_  (  /_  (  /_(_    /._______    /_  +o ph0Nz     |
  /__:_______\______\______\______\_/_____|    /_______\               |
     ¦                          ____.    ____  _|____ __|_      ____/__¦_
     | · S C O O B Y ·         .\  _|____\  (___|_  /. _|_____ /   X  _|__
     |        · S N A C K S ·  |_\_   /_ _\  /_  _  _| \   /_ /   /_\_   /__ _
     :___________ _____________ /______\__\___\__\__\/______\_\____\______\

                                     [ 17 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
       " S T A T I C "       ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦         K A Y O Z Z
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                                                .   [ Dz/a! ]
   _\____|_ ______ __|____ _____ _|__  ____/_ _________________ | ___________._
    .\  _|__\  _ (___|_  /.  _ (__|__)_\ _/___    ____ _  __    |__          :
   _|_\_   /__ /  /_  _  _|_ /  /_    /_ \   /_ _\\             |     ___ _  |
    |/______\ /____\__\__\  /____\_____\_/____\           S T A | I C \      |
    :__________________________________________________________ | _____\ ____|

                                     [ 18 ]
                             ¦ ::½½½;:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ×' ½ : ¦
   " S W E E T   S H O P "   ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ,½½' : ¦          B R A N E
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½½½' ½',x : ¦
 --------------------------- ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ,x ½ ½½ : ¦ ---------------------------
                             ¦ : ½ ½½ ½ ½½ ½ ½½ : ¦
 "T.he L.ast C.rusade" C.opy ¦ ::½½½½:½½½½:½½½½:: ¦ right 1.998 D.ezibel P.hunk

                                                               [ Dz/a! ]
      _\____|_ __|_ _ _______/______ _____/_ ____________________ ____._
       .\  _|__\ | ___\ _   /_ _   /_  _ /_                           :
       |_\_   /_ /\  /_ /_.__\ /_.__\_ /  /_      +o brane.. ?        |
       |/______\_/\___\___| /____|    /____\ ___|_  ______ ______     |
       |                             .\  _|__\ _|___\  _ (_\_   /_   _|_
       |  [·  S W E E T  S H O P  ·] |_\_   /_ \_  /_  (  /_(____\   \|
       :_____________________________ /______\__|___\______\__| _____\\

     Boring style?                                           :               :
     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                                         :
      When i released my last collection (like 2 weeks ago) the overall .... :
      impression seemed to be that my style was really good. There    .....:.:
      were, however, ONE guy that separated from the masses. His name      :
      is 'MIASMA' and he is a member of the REMORSE-family. He did not    .:
      quite like the facts that i use the same letters all the time..   ..::
      (the same e's and the same a's for example), but except from this
      it seemed that he too liked the style (observe: SEEMED). Since i
      aint one of those people that as soon as anyone have any thoughts
      about my style, i just tell them how lame they are and then asks
      them to go to hell, i sat down and looked at some of my logos, and
      i came to the conclusion that the guy was right! It actually becomes
      BORING to view logo after logo and they all seem close to identical.

      So, the question is: What can i do about it?  Well.. since i've got
      a rather small sized style, it is really hard to make any drastic
      changes for eatch letter, but if i could do more backgrounds and more
      cool details around the logos, that would also makes them better.
      So.. i have to change the letters more often and make cooler backgrounds
      then. The background thingy i have already started with a bit. take a look
      at the logos in the beginning to see what i mean.
      Anyway.. Since most of the logos in this colly have been on my hd for a
      while, and i didn't feel to redraw all of them, i did this almost only to
      the newest ones (but i redraw some old logos to, the ugliest ones ;))
      But i just want MIASMA to know that i've been taking your critics most
      seriously and that i really appreciate that you just didnt say 'you suck'
      or 'you are ok' or something similar, but that you were more precisious
      and told me WHAT i needed to improve! Thanks alot for your help with
      improving my style and making it more enjoyable to watch!  / Dez!

            ____/_      ____    _____ _____________________________________
          ./ __/________\_  \ __\_   \\(         _     __                 (. ·
          |  _)          |   Y   /   / \       /_     / /   /              | . ·
          l______________|    ______/   ·     /_ nd  /_/f  /_ ogos    ·    | ·.
          .          ___ |  _|___     __      ___   ____   ___   ____/_    | .·
          |  Dz/a! ./ _ \|   _  /.  ./ |___ ./ _ \./ _  \ / _ \__\  /_____ | .::
         _|_       |  |  ·   /___|  |  |)  \|  |  |  \   Y  | _\ _\       \| ·:.
           /-------l_____.   _)-----l_______l_____|____  l____/____________| :.:
                         l___|                       `---'                   :::
                                                : ::.......:::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
         .                                      : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
       _\|/_                                    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ¯'¯                                     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    (· GANJA ·)                                 : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ____    ____   _______    ____    _____   ____ :: ____ :::::  :::::::::  :::
  .-\ _/__.-\   \.-\  ._  \_.-\   \_.-\__  \.-\ _/__.-\   \_ ____\_________/_  :
_/    \   \_     \_   |/   /      _/    _   \_  \   \_    _/     \\       /__  :
\__________/______/___|   /_._____|_____\____/_______/____| :::::   :::::    | :
    .                /______|                               :::::::::::::::: | :
    |                                           : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |  If you whish to contact me for ascii-    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |  requests or whatever, do not hesitate    : ::::::::::: W a n n a :::: | :
    |  to contact me!!  I am a very friendly    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |  chap and i promise not to bite.. .  ?    : ::: g o  o u t ::::::::::: | :
    |                                           : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |  IRC:  #ascii (efnet/ircnet/pulsarnet)    : :::::::::::::: a n d ::::: | :
    |                                           : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |  E-MAIL:    : :: g r a b ::::::::::::::: | :
    |                                           : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |  NOTE: If you happen to be Swede or in    : :::::::::: a  b e e r ? :: | :
    |        Sweden on  visit, and  comes to    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |        the Jönköping-area, then please    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :
    |        notify me, so  that we could go    : :: ______ :: _____  ::::: .| :
    |        out and grab a beer together :)    :  .-\     \_.-\__  \_ :::: || :
    |___                                         _/    \/   /    /___/ ::::  | :
     _ /_________________\\_________________  _  \_____/   /_.______\  _ ____| :
      /                   \                     :     /______| [sTZ!/sE ©'96]  :
       Btw.. You probably wont see me on IRC    : :::                          :
       as often for a month or so,  unless i    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
       cant get some fake telia-acounts. But    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
       you can always  reach me  via E-MAIL!    : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::: h E M P ! :::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                     ___________________________________________ :::::::::::::::
                   ._)                                         (_. :::::::::::::
                   |   · THE CREDITS ·          : ::::::::::::.  | :::::::::::::
                   |              _____         : :::::::::::::: | :: _____ ::::
            ______  ________  ____)   /  ________ _______ _______   __)   / ::::
       _ __/    _/__)   _   ) \    __/_._)  _    \)     /.)      |_/    _/__ _ :
         .         .   _/    .    _)   |    /    /       |       _/\_      .   :
         |_________|   \_____|__________________/|_______|_______|_________| :::
                   |____|                                        .           :::
                   .                            : :::::::::::::: | : rX/jA! ::::
                   |  Dezibel - Arlequin/Phunk  : ::::: H :::::: | :        ::::
                   |  Phunk asc - Venturus//\T  : : T :::::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |  TLC - Behemoth/AlienTech  : :::::::::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |  Preface - Ranx/Jedi Arts  : ::::::::: N :: | :::::::::::::
                   |  TLC - Arlequin/Phunk/Ode  : :::::::::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |  Contact me - Stezo/Style  : :::: A ::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |  Credits - Ranx/Jedi Arts  : :::::::::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |  Greets - Hiro/Remorse'81  : :::::::::: K : | :::::::::::::
                   |  Respects - Nup!/Pro Arts  : :::::::::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |                            : :::::: S ::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |  All the rest done by me,  : :: ! ::::::::: | :::::::::::::
                   |__  Dezibel/Arcade/Phunk!!  : :::::::::::: __| :::::::::::::
                  _ _/_________________________________________\_ _ ::::::::::::
                      Stezotehic:  Hope you do  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                      not mind that i increasd  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                      the amount of lines bet-  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                      ween 'contact' and 'me'!  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::    ::::::    :::::::::::::
            __/\____  __/\_____ __/\____  __/\____  __/\_ ::: __/\____ :::::::::
           .\ _____/__\ ___   /.\  ____/ .\  ____/ .\  _/___  \  ____/_.      ::
           |  \_         _  _/_|  ___)___|  ___)___|   ____/___\___    | ©hP! ::
         _ |   |     ·   |     ·   |/    ·   |/    ·   |/    ·   \|    | _    ::
        _\ |   |     .   |     .   |     .   |     .   |     .    |    | /_ ::::
        \_ |___.     :___|     :___.     :___.     :___.     :____.    | _/ ::::
               `-----'   `-----'   `-----'   `-----'   `-----'    `----'    ::::
           |                                    . ..:::.......::::.... . :::::::
           |   acorn -alcatraz - arlequin       : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   asphynx - astrocreep - avenger   : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   brane - case - discofunk 1978    : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   dizzy - domino -dopie -drax      : ::" W i t h o u t :: | :::::::
           |   dust - eclipse - fairydust       : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   fester - gdr -ice - ironnuke     : : f r i e n d s::::: | :::::::
           |   kane - kayozz - Lore - martz     : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   meanace - merlin - mjolnir       : :::::::: y o u ::::: | :::::::
           |   newt - progenitor - rumish       : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   shine - speedfreak - storm       : :: a r e ::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   stormwarrior - tim drake         : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |   volatile - warpstah - woober     : ::: n o t h i n g ": | :::::::
           |   zod - all the ones i forgot!     : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |                                    : :::::::::::: ! ::::: | :::::::
           |   Arcade - Phunk - Ruckus!         : :::::::::::::::::::: | :::::::
           |                                    : ::::::: . :::::::::: | :::::::
           |_____________________________________________ | ___________| :::::::
                                                          .              :::::::
                                                : ::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::   | ::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::: \ | ::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :::::: \¦ ::::::::::::::::::::
              ______     _____   ______     ______ :: ___ ø-- : ____________  ::
           __/_     \ __/_    \ /     /_.._/_     \__/_  / \ __/_       _  /. ::
          /   /    _//   /    / \___    ||  /     /   /    //   /______/    | ::
         /   /_     \_. /____/¯\_  /    || /_____/   /____/¯\_ /     \/.    | ::
         \_____\______|_________/_______||_____\ \___________/_________|    | ::
           ___________________________________________________    ._/       | ::
          |                                                   | .o|_________| ::
          |  axeblade - boheme - chrombacher    : ::::::::::: |_____________  ::
          |  crusader - danzig - desoto         : :::::::::::               | ::
          |  exocet - fatal - gravedancer       : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |  grimlock - hiro protag. - manta    : :: R :::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |  mark ryder - mogue - mortimer tee  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |  nup! - ramon - ranx - red demon    : :::: E :::: P ::::::::::: | ::
          |  redskin - relief - shapechanger    : :::::::::::::::: E :::::: | ::
          |  shock-g - stezo - tango - taxi     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |  trivial - u-man - venturus         : :::::::: S :::::::::::::: | ::
          |  vouck - weapon-x - zeus            : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |                                     : ::::::::::::::: K ::::::: | ::
          |  alien technology - arclite         : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |  epsilon design - house of style    : :::::::::::::::::::: ! :: | ::
          |  jedi arts - low pro' - pro arts    : :::::::::::: T :::::::::: | ::
          |  remorse - style - twisted          : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |                                     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |  And ofcoz all in A!, PNK n' RKS!   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::
          |____________________________________ : __________________________| ::
                                                :                             ::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                         ___________  /______.  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        |_          \(       |  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        :/   T h e           |  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
           ___.         /        L a s t     :  : :::::::   ___. :::::::::::::::
       _/\(   | ___    ___        |_  ___     /_  ::::: _/\(   |_. :::::::::::::
       \      |_)  |/\(  /_____   | \(  |    /  \ : ____\.     __| :::::::::::::
        \     |    /    /_    /____.    | ___    \ /     \    _|   :::::::::::::
         \    |   /:   / / ___\    |    |/  /     \\     \\   \. :::::::::::::::
        _\\___|/(__\  _\\\/________\ __ /___\     _\_____/ \___| :::::::::::::::
                    \/   \/            \/  ________/               :::::::::::::
     _ ______    _____  :      _ _____.      .     ___  ______ Arl :::::::::::::
     //  ___/----\_   \ ______ //   __|     ____ __\  \  _   /___. :  ::::::::::
     /   \(       /   /__    /__\    \______\   )  _   \ / __\   |__/\__ :::::::
     \________/(__\  /( /   /(  )\    \     )\ /   \   /\\/______\\    / :::::::
                   \____\_____________/________\ _____/  \/       /_  _\ :::::::
                        .                                  ::::::   \//_ :::::::
                        |__  C r u s a d e   |  : ::::::::::::::::::     :::::::
                           )_________________|_ : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                             :  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    So this is it. The end of my last colly     : :::::: T h a n k s :::::::::::
    ever for the Phunk-label. I have had a      : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    great time, and i'm gonna miss you guys     : :::::::::::::::::: f o r::::::
    alot! Best wishes to all in Phunk! /Dez     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : :: w a t c h i n g :::::::::::
    ---------------------------------------     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Arlequin, Brane, Kres, Merlin, Volatile     : ::::::::: T h e ::  L a s t :
    ---------------------------------------     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::: C r u s a d e ! ::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ·  A  R  C  A  D  E    I  N  F  O  R  M  S  ·  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Next Release:      Behind Bars Of Steel     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Release Date:      ......February/March     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Ascii Artist:      ...Dezibel^ArcadeInc     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Will Contain:      ...Respects&Requests     : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ·  M  I  S  S    I  T   A  N  D    D  I  E  ·  : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[ T.HE L.AST C.RUSADE - D.EZIBEL / P.HUNK ]-----:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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: ;'.. ' ::::: .½;  ,½ .`..' :½ ::.`½;,`:: A
-------------- `×' `×' ---- ,½: --- `;' -- !
 "THE LAST CRUSADE" in 1998 ;½' P H U N K
._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |