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[ SoF ] ------------ [ E/\T SHIT /\ND B/\RK /\T THE MOON! ] ------------ [ SoF ]

                   . Deep inside i will always be a WAX'er!
             : -- :l -------------------------------------------- :
             : :: l¾: ::::::::::::::::···:::::::::::::::::::::::: :
             : :: ¾¾l :::::::::::::::· l :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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             : ::. ¾¾l :::· ·:: ¾¾x, :¾¾: :·· ·::::::::::::::·· : :
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             : :::. ¾¾l : l¾:  l¾¾  ¾¾: ¾:¾¾'`¾¾,·:::::· ,x¾¾*"¯' :
             : :::: l¾¾  :¾¾l :¾¾l :¾¾  l¾¾'  `¾¾,·::· ,x¾¾*".::· :
             : :::: :¾¾: l¾¾¾ l¾¾: ¾¾l ,¾¾' .. `¾¾,· ,x¾¾*".::::: :
             : ::::. ¾¾l ¾¾¾¾:¾¾l :¾¾:,¾^¾l :::.`¾¾,x¾¾*".::::::: :
             : ::::: l¾¾:¾¾¾¾l¾¾: l¾¾%¾' l¾ ·::: `¾¾¾*".::::::::: :
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             : :::::. ¾¾¾l l¾¾¾: :¾¾l'.:. ¾l · ,¾¾*`¾¾,·::::::::: :
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             : :::::: :¾l . l¾: ,¾¾¾ .::: :¾¾¾*" .::.`¾¾,·::::::: :
             : ::::::. ¾: : :¾ .¯"^* :::: ^°¯..·:::::.`¾¾,·:::::: :
             : VtR::::. .::.  .:::.. :::::::::::::::::.`¯..:::/\t :
             : -------------------------------------------------- :

   [ do not think that i dont KNOW that wax is dead (r.i.p!), but this logo
     by Venturus/Alien Tech. is so darn cool that i just HAD to use it! btw
     THIS is TRUE newskool *ASCII*! No fuckin' highascii / 16 bits ascii or
     whatever it is called! Learn from this guy!  r e s p e c t to you man! ]

                  why drink /\nd drive..

                                    ..when you c/\n smoke /\nd fly?

   [ For  best  viewing   use   an  AMIGA (tm)   computer   and   CygnusED.
     (If  you  are  a  using  an  ibm-compatible  computer,  then  use  the
     Amiga   emulator   called   UAE   and   run  CygnusED  trough   that!) ]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   _______ ___.      _____  ______     ____
  _\_    /_) _|______\   (__\_   /___ /   /
_\\ /___/    \_      (\      /  /    /   /.

 Dezibel Of Phunk Enterprises Ltd Presents

    "E/\T SHIT /\ND B/\RK /\T THE MOON"

                     ________                                 ________
                    /       /                                /       /
                   /       /                                /       /_____
    ______________/___    /____         _____   ___________/_      /     /
   _\____            / __/     \.______/     \./   _         \   _/     /__
  .\   (/           /  \_       |     /       |    /         /   \         \.
  |    /___________/    /      /     /        |   /         /     \         |
  ¯\_______|  /________/      /______________/¯\_/    xCz  /______|\________|
                     /_______/                  /_________/

            ____                    _____            _____    ______ _  _   _
     ______ \ _/_  ____        ___  \ __/  _ ______  \   / _ (___
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       \     ¯ /    \______\ /____/           \  /     /
        \      ¯                              ¯ /      ¯
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            ___      ____ ___.                  ___   ___      __   ___.
         _/\\_/__ /\_\_ /_\  |_ __          ___/  /_ / _//\_ /\\/___\  |_ __
         \  _)\ //   __  // __// /          \ /__  //  \_  //  \/  // __// /
         /--\l__\----l/__\--\l___\ volatile /--l/__\---l/__\----------\l___\

                                 { A · N · D }
     _                   ___       ____    _____  . ___                  _
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                        \  \/  //  _  //  _  //  _  /

      _______     _______/_
    __\__    \   /      /___     Phunk Enterprises Ltd
   .\  _/   _/_ /      /   /.    Is Proud To  Present:
   |   \    /  \\     /_    |    Eat Shit And Bark At The Moon!
  _|_ __\       \\_____/   _|
   :/___________/Dz/a!_____\:                                     .____.
                                       ._____. _ _______________  |    |_____
       _ ______.            _________  |     |     .        ___/  |    /    (
               | _ _______ -\______  \-|     |-----|      __/---\ |   /|    /
               |     ____/       ____/ |     |    _|_____/       \|  / :   /
     _ ______  |    __/---\      \     |     |    \_    /\        \ /  .  /
           _/  |    \      \      \    |    _|     |\  ·  \       |\ ____/
          /   _|_   /       \------\---|----\------|-\-----\--------\
         /----\----/---------\      \  |          _|
    _ __/         /                  · |----------\-------- -  7z.

bY tHE mIGHtY oNE  - D e Z i B E l -  a/k/a  - O l ' d I R t Y  d E Z -  a/k/a

- m A R Y j A N E  m E A N S t R E A K -  a/k/a  -  t A I L G U N N E R -  a/k/a

  - h A R E  k R I S h N A  o F  a S k I I -  a/k/a  - n I T E S t A L k E R -

a/k/a  - f L Ä K k E N -  a/k/a  - h A S H i S H  h U S T L A h -  a/k/a  - l O

t ' S  O f  O t h E R  S t U f f -  a/k/a  - i  k O U L D  g O  o N  f O R E V A

 h ! -  a/k/a  - b U t  i  w O N t . . .

         e                   b        r      y          g        g       !
 w    k                 p      e                  u            -     o        !
   a         m        u            o    e      o           o               !
                e               f

       :        .
      _|___ __ _  _        _¡__
- [ iNt|·dUk7i·N ] - [ iNtR·|Uk|i·N ] - [ iNtR·dUk7i·N ] - [ iNtR·dUk7i·N ] - [
       !        ·           |  _/_____
 _:_   |        :   Dz/a!   ¦  | \   /       ___   "e/\t shit /\nd b/\rk /\t the
 \¦/   |        ¦  ________ :  |  \   \  r  / _ \    moon"?!? wh/\t fukkin kind
  X    |       _|__\ ___   \·_ |___\   \    \___/ of n/\me is that for /\ kolly?
 /¦\   ¦        |    \ |    :/__________\       well.. why h/\ve /\ good n/\me 4
 ¯:¯   :        | ____\|    ¦              /\ b/\d kollektion, uh? so where did
       !        |      |    |  i get this line from? i'll tell you (like if you
   .   |       _¦      |____|   would k/\re); <quote> The title for this song
 _\|/_ `-------\·             actually came from a joke i used to tell where the
  ¯'¯              punch line was "EAT SHIT AND BARK AT THE MOON". I'd had the
   vocal line for this and Jake came up with the riff. It was the first song we
 wrote together. <end of quote>  the song is k/\lled "BARK AT THE MOON" /\nd is
    written by OZZY OSBOURNE, who /\lso s/\id the things /\bove..  so now when u
  know where i got the title from, c/\n we ple/\se continue this intro?  good.

 so? what's new i he/\r you /\sk. well.. when W/\X died i joined SPIES, /\nd now
 spies is dead too..  wtf!?! is it me? /\ll fukkin groups i join dies. th/\t's
 the f/\cts.. unf/\ir! too b/\d th/\t the x-m/\s project th/\t c/\in, omi /\nd
some more w/\s pl/\nning fukked.. i m/\de this re/\lly nice newskool s/\nta for
 n' everything!  hehe.. .!  eeeeeeeeeewwwww!! /\lmost forgot the most import/\nt
news! i've joined ruckus! (hi k/\yozz! ;)  ehh.. i've got some gr/\mm/\z re/\lly
nice stuff l/\yin 'round, so i h/\ve /\ little trouble concentr/\ting on this
when i know wh/\t's w/\iting when im done..! heehe..
 /\nyw/\y.. i'm gonna finnish this little colly/cluster now, so th/\t i c/\n
rele/\se the son-uv-/\-bitch!@~ (re/\d: so th/\t i c/\n smoke a bucket :)) !@%#~
 btw.. this is /\ respect-colly, with logos for my f/\vourite OVVLDSkOOLERS
 in the PEEcEE-/\SkEE-bIZ!! n'\h.. FIGHT FOR THE LIBER/\TION OF hEMP!#"
                                     // ol' dirty dez of the phunksters poSse!@~

iNtR·dUk7i·N ] - [ iNtR·dUk7i·N ] - [ iNtR·dUk7i·N ] - [ iNtR·dUk7i·N ] - [ iNtR

                 ___        __ __
       _,-.       |          \ /          i wonder wh/\t             ....... .
     _/  _ \  «   |  N  D  E  X   »   is on the                      ::::......
    / _ _\(_)     |          / \     menu      _\____________     .........::::
   [____  )      ¯¯¯        ¯¯ ¯¯     tod/\y..   \           \    :::
   ` . .¯¯                  _\_____________       \           \   :::
   (_ ø _7   <empty sp/\ce>   \            |       \           \  :'
 -- (_-') -¦-                  \           |        \           \  /---------/
 |   (_(   |     __________     \          |  __________         \/         /
 :    )    | --- \___      \.    \        -|- \__       \        /\        /
 ¦         |      ¦ /       | --- \ --- /- |   (/       /_._       \_   __/_
 !         ¡      :/        !    __.__ /   |   /_______/  |         /       \
 |         ¦      /         :    \ ¦       !              ¦      · /         \
 |         :     /          i     \·       ¦             _|_      X           \_
_|_       _|_-- /          _· _____________| ------------\`      / \___________/
_ /_________/  /            ¹                    /              /
/             /             ¦  Dz/a!/pnk/rks    /              / ·
 _ _ __ ___ _/              :      _ _ __ ___ _/              / /   <more
  \\\\_\\__\\_______________|       \\\\ \\  \\              / /  empty sp/\ce>

    . . . t o p  t e n  p e e c e e  /\ s c i i  o l d s k o o l e r s . . .

    /\rlequin,     br/\ne,      hiro prot/\gonist,      martz,       merlin
    midnight judge,     omicron,      squish,     tim dr/\ke,     vol/\tile

          Ofcourse there are more good oldskoolers out there, its just
          that i didnt want to do this one 200kb or something, no this
          1 was just ment to be a little quickie. So i decided to only
          include logos for the top TEN oldskoolers in the pece-scene.
          That means that there are quite alot great artists that does
          not making it all the way to the top including great artists
          Serial 2n, Whodini, Kayozz, C4nn, Necronite and Necrom among
          others. I really respect you guys too, its just that..that..
          i dont know, you didn't qualify among the top 10.. if it was
          the top 20 no one of you guys  would have any trouble at all
          getting in here, but it aint. So.. perhaps the most glorious
          and best sign of what ppl really think of your art is to get
          in this tribute collection! Yeah! I rock'n'roll!
            Who am i trying to fool? This is just Bullshit! This colly
          aint more 'prestigious' than any other respect colly. infact
          its more like LESS 'prestigious' than others. Coz im not one
          of those big artists with cool styles and shit.  But if i am
          gonna be 100% honest i really think  that my new style looks
          good! And the fact that i'm in the BEST OLDSKOOL ASCII GROUP
          IN THE PEECEE-SCENE (dont believe me? look for yourself down
          after the logos 4 proof!), together with guys like /\RLEQUIN
          SQUISH, TIM DR/\KE and VOLATILE, should also be a proof that
          my style is pretty good! maybe i should have done a respect-
          logo for myself in this one!? WTF!? That's enuff! I cant be-
          lieve how you tolerate that i am going on like this!! beeing
          this selfish and shit. This is a  r e s p e c t !  colly for
          the ones i truly respect. i dont think of myslf as higher or
          better than anyone else, no no, i leave that for TUM/REMORSE
          (read more about it after the logos) that seriously seems to
          think that he, beeing the remorser he is, is a better human-
          beeing than non-remorsers!  G E T  R E A L , T U M !   / Dez

   .:[ here comes the logos! (alphabetic order) ]:.

 o1  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Eat Shit And..
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  One of the top phunksters is /\RLEQUIN, he's got
                               a mad style and have no problem at all getting a
 place in this colly! One of my absolute favourites in the pece scene! RESPECT!

      .                                                      [ Dz/a!pnk/rks ]
     _|____ _____ ____ _\_______ _____/_ _.__ ___!_  ____/_ _______________._
    __|_  /.\_   \\  /___\ _   /_  _ /___.| (_(__|___\  /_       ____ _    :
   _\ ·_  _| /  _/_  \  /_ /_.__\  (  /_ l|  /_   /_ _\  /_ ____\\         |
   /__.\__\__\____\______\___|  /__.   \______\____\__\___\                |
      |                            `---'                                   |
      |  [ · /\ R L E Q U I N  -  T H E  G R E A T  P H U N K S T E R · ]  |

 o2  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Eat Shit And..
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  Another Phunkster with great style is BR/\NE! He
                               is also a member of Ruckus!ascii (just as me! =)
 and he's got a couple of wicked styles. This young Swede deserves sum RESPECT!

                                                    [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
           _\___._ _\______ _|_____\____ _______/_ ________________._
     _|____ .\ _|____\_   \__|_  /._\  (_\ _   /___ ______         : ____
 _|__ |    :|_ \   /_ /  _/_  _  _| _\  /_ /_.__\        //____ _  ||    : __
  |  :|    ||/______\_\____\__\__\___\___\___|                     ||    ||  :
  :__||    ||                                                      ||    |:__|_
      :____||  · B R /\ N E  O F  P H U N K  A N D  R U C K U S ·  |:____|_  |
            :______________________________________________________|     |

 o3  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Bark At The Moon
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  To be Honest i think that HIRO PROT/\GONISTs the
                               only oldskooler from the pc-scene that really is
 able to compete with the top amiga artists. Mogue! of the pece-scene! RESPECT!

                                                           [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
_\___._  _|___  _____ ______/_ ___________________________________________._
 .\ _|____|__)__\_   \\  _ /_               ___ ___                       :
 |_ \_  /_    /_ /  _/_  (  / ____ __ _____\\          H    I    R    O   |
 |/__|___\_____\_\____\_______\                   P R O T A G O N I S T   |
 |      ______/_____ _____\______  _|________  _____/_ _____|__  ____|_ __|___
 | -H- .\_   /_\_   \\ _ (_\  _ (___|_  /.__/__\ _ /___\  (_|__)_\  _|__\ ·_ (_
 | -P- |_(____\ /  _/_ (  /__ /  /_  _  _|\_  /_ (  /_ _\  /_   /_\_   /__ /  /_
 :_____ /__| /__\____\_____\ /____\__\__\__/___\_____\__\___\____\______\ /____\

 o4  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Bark At The Moon
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  When Wax died,M/\RTZ was fast to hook me up with
                               his Spies-team.  If i say that your style is one
 of the ten nicest, then i'm lying, but it is really fukkin cool, man! RESPECT!

                                                            [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
           _\__  ___  _|____ _____\______  _|____ _________________________._
  _  _ _    _\ l/_ /___|_  /.\_   \\  _ (___|_  /   __                     :
       //  _\ ·  /  /_  _  _| /   /__ /  /_    /_  \\   · MIGHTY M/\RTZ · _|_
       /_______\/____\__\__\__\____\ /____\_________\ ____________________\·

 o5  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Bark At The Moon
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  On Irc you meet all kinds of strange people! One
                               of them is MERLIN of Remorse, and he is not just
  a nice guy, he is one helluva askee artist (or askee magigian?) too! RESPECT!

                                                                  ....   Dz/a!
 _  ___ __ _ _____ _\___. ___ _______/_____ _____ _|__  _\____ .·'   .: __  _._
|         _____ _   _\_ l/ _/_\ _   /_\_   \\  /___|__)___\  (_' ·  .  ·     :
: _ _____\\     /   \  \  /  /_ /_.__\ /  _/_  \  /_   /_ _\  /_   `;        |
¦              /________\/____\___| /__\____\______\____\__\___\·   :        ¦
:                                                       .·.· :·   · :···.   _|_
|  M E R L I N - T H E  R E M O R S E  M A G I G I A N  ·. ·    ·   ` ·  :  \|
:_____ _ _____ _ ____ ____ __  _____ ___ ___ ___ _ __ _   _·...   ·   ..· _ _\

 o6  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Eat Shit And..
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  This guy's ascii looks like good ol'Amiga-ascii!
                               MIDNIGHT JUDGE (MJAY) is one of the absolute top
 peecee olsdskoolers around! His style is fresh and his mouth fast! =) RESPECT!

                                                            [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
    _\___  ____|_____ _|____ _____|___ ______\_______/_ __ ___________ ____._
_ _  _\ _l/  (_|__)____|_ /._\  (_|__)_\  _ (_\ _   /_                     :
  / _\  \  /  /_   /_   / _| _\  /_   /__ /  /_ /_.__\  M J A Y / F U Q U  |
 /_______\/____\____\_____\___\___\____\ /____\___|  .__   _|___ ____  ____|__/
         |                                 ___\  /._.| (____|_ /. __/__\ _ · /_
         | · M I D N I G H T  J U D G E · _\  /  _| l|  /_   / _| \_  /_ /_.__\
         :____ _ _________ ________ _____ /______\_______\_____\___/___\___|

 o7  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Bark At The Moon
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  The number one remorse oldskooler is without any
                               doubt OMICRON!! Fresh style!! Too bad that x-mas
 was pu on ice. You are one of the big ones and you sure deserves some RESPECT!

                                                            [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
   __ _\______ __  ___|___ ____/_ ______ ______ _\____________________/_
  _)   .\  _ (_) \/ (_|__)_\ _/____\_   \\  _ (___\                  /_   __ _
 _\    ¦   (  /_ \/  /_   /_ \   /_ /  _/_  (  /_ _\   O M I / 8 1    /_  \

 o8  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Bark At The Moon
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  Ahh! Back in the kikking Phunk-posse again! This
                               time it is SQUISH's turn to be honoured with his
 very own exclusive logo singed by me, the mary jane meanstreak aka Dezibel! =)
 SQUISH's style also looks a bit like an Ami-artists style. i love it! RESPECT!

                                                      [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
       _\____._\______ _ _|__ _|__  ____|_ ___|_ ____________________._
        .\  _|__\  _ (___.| (__|__)_\  _|__\ _|___                   :
        |_\_   /_  (  /_ l|  /_    /_\_   /_ \_  /_ · S Q U I S H · _|_
         /______\__.   \______\_____\______\__|___\ ________________\·

 o9  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Eat Shit And..
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  After i joined Phunk TIM DR/\KE was the 1'st one
                               that i actually spoke to. Hes got a wicked style
 and is one helluva fresh artist! One of the best in the peecee-scene! RESPECT!

   ____ _\______ _|___ __  __/_ ____ _|___ _____  _|____   _/___ _____/_ ____
  _)     _\  _ (__|__)_) \/ /_     ___|_ /.\_   \__|_  /._ /   / _   /_     (_
 _\  Dz  /__ /  /_    /_ \/  /_____\   / _| /  _/_  _  _| /   /_ /_.__\  a!  /_
 /_________ /____\_____\__\___\   /______\__\____\__\__\__\____\___| _________\
                               \ /
  ·  T  I  M   D  R  A  K  E    \    T  H  E   P  H  U  N  K  S  T  E  R  !  ·

 1o  _\   _   \_   _|____   Dezibel / Phunk Enterprises Ltd - Bark At The Moon
_ __ \   |/    /____|_  /  _____________ ________ _____ ___  _    _       _
   /     /             /_  \
  /_________________________\  I was a lost soul in the Amiga ascii scene, when
                               suddenly one day a guy called VOL/\TILE  got his
 ass over to the IRCnet #ascii channel. Probably he just happened to choose the
 wrong server or sumthing.. anyway.. he practicly FORCED me to join his new asc
 group called PHUNK! If you hate the fact that i, a ugly ami-artist is invading
 the pc-ascii scene with my oldskool VOL/\TILE is the one to blame! =) RESPECT!

  ____ ____ /_                                                [ Dz/a!/pnk/rks ]
 \\     ___/__ ____/_  _|____ _____ _|__  ____/_ _______/_ _____ _ _______ __._
  \·   .\ /_ (_\  /_____|_  /.  _ (__|__)_\  /___\ _   /_ ______ ·           :
  .\   |_· (  /_  \  /_  _  _|_ /  /_    /_  \  /_ /_.__\      //____  _     |
  | \   /______\______\__\__\  /____\_____\______\___|        ·              |
  |  \ /                                             ·                       |
  |   /  V O L /\ 7 I L E  -  7 H E  P H U N K Y  M O 7 H E R F U C K E R !  |
  :_____ ___________ _ ________ _____________ ______________ ________________|

                                ::          ::             ..............
     .............       Eat shit and bark at the »»       ::          ::
                ::_  ___     ___::      ____::    ____ .___::___       ::...
              _\\_ \/ _/____\\ _ )__ _(( _ /::_ _\\_  \|      _/
             /     \/     \         |          |     \ |      |
            /______/       \________|__________|______\_______|
                ::/_________\bne::          ::             ::
                ::              ::          ::.............::
   [ E/\T SHIT /\ND B/\RK /\T THE MOON ]                          :
                                                          ....... : .......
                                                          : ..... : ..... :
  That was the logos folks!                               : : ..: : :.. : :
      now - let's check the group status..                : :.: ..:.. :.: :
    Group-list:                           Results:        . ... :.:.: ... .
                                                          : : :.. : ..: : :
    /\rlequin         - Phunk             1. Phunk   (4)  : :...: : :...: :
    br/\ne            - Phunk/Ruckus      2. Remorse (3)  :...... : ......:
    hiro prot/\gonist - Remorse           3. Deg65   (2)          :
    m/\rtz            - deg65             4. Fuqu    (1)          :
    merlin            - Remorse           4. Kwest   (1)          :
    midnight judge    - Fuqu/deg65        4. Ruckus  (1)
    omicron           - Remorse
    squish            - Kwest    note: some  of those  artists might  be in more
    tim dr/\ke        - Phunk          than the group(s) that  ive written but i
    vol/\tile         - Phunk          cant include it if i dont know it, rite!?

  Who said phunk were loozers, huh?  Just take a look at my TOTALLY OBJECTIVE
  (promise!) list of the top ten artists,  and then check what group that has
  most members on this list!!  We rock yer pants off, baaaaabeeeeeeeeeeee! ;)

      ..but i wont be telling everyone how fukkin great we are
                    ..unlike other artists of other groups (none mentioned)!
 ( hint: check the forthcoming text.. )

  reply to wh/\t TUM wrote in the infofile for RMRS #19


      Before we start i would just like to point out that this is the first
      time ever i write a reply to what someone else writes! How come that i
      did it this time? Well.. it's not that i think he is totally screwed,
      or that i want some kind of war with TUM or something like that, and i
      am NOT one of those who hates RMRS and everything they does.. no infact
      i like Remorse alot and think that they are, with no competition, the
      absolute number one PEECEE-ascii/ansi group! Btw.. These are *MY* views
      on things.. they aren't necessary shared or supported by any of the groups
      i am in.  So please dont involve them in any ev. reply to this text, ok?

  [ let the game begin ]

tum> Just to set this straight: Apparently there has been some confusion
tum> lately as to which group is truly the "best" in the scene. Let us
tum> clear this up. Remorse always has and always will dominate both the
tum> newschool and oldschool forums.

      not that fast mr TUM! the best group in the scene? if that is what you
      think, then thats ok, but what bothers me is the next sentence..
      "remorse always has and always will dominate both the newschool and
      oldschool forums." hmm.. really? Newschool-domination? That i can buy,
      but OLDSCHOOL DOMINATION??  haha.. hardly think so!  Ever heard of groups
      ALL those ami-groups beats the shit out of RMRS when it comes to oldskool!
      I really like rmrs, they got awesome newskoolers and some pretty good
      oldskoolers, but they dont have ANYONE CLOSE to Mogue, Mark Ryder, Ramon,
      Ranx, Shapechanger and Zeus, for just mentioning a few! I say that the
      ONLY oldskooler EVER in the history of the peecee-ascii scene that's able
      to compete with those guys is HIRO PROTAGONIST! But not even Hiro is even
      close to beeing in the same class as the 15-20 top ami ertists tho' times!

tum> The mature ascii quality of each member of Remorse, the domination that
tum> the group holds over #ascii, and ultimately, the fact that we are the
tum> oldest and strongest ascii group around confirm this.

      The quality of the rmrs-artists works are usually VERY high, i agree
      with you there. But, correct me if i'm wrong, does the fact that you
      guys holds an irc-channel really confirms that you guys are the 'oldest
      and strongest1? I dont think so. btw.. OLDEST, huh? Are you really sure
      on that one? Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasnt remorse (todays remorse)
      founded 1996?  I have collys from 1995 with groups like EPSILON DESIGN,
      MO'SOUL, STYLE, SAVE OUR SOULS and others.. I dont know how old those
      groups are, they might older than that, but what's important is that rmrs
      is NOT the oldest one!

tum> When people think "ascii" the first and most established group that
tum> comes to mind is always Remorse.

      Really? When *I* (and i think many with me) hear the word "ascii", the
      first and most established group that comes to my mind is *not* rmrs..
      it's Epsilon Design! You are all the time forgetting that there are some
      phat AMIGA-GROUPS out there as well!!

tum> What other group can boast having new school titans like Mr. Self Destruct,
tum> Axel Barebones, Killa Hertz, Mr. Kite, Pariah, Atom Bomb (wink wink),
tum> Kaleidas and myself in its ranks? OK, OK, maybe *I* don't really belong on
tum> that list, but we all get the picture. :)

      None. Coz when it comes to newskool rmrs kicks buttocks! And btw..
      dont be that modest Tum, you DO belong in that list and you know it!
      Even though i dont agree with all you have written here, i cant deny
      (and i see no reason, why i should!) the fact that you are one of the
      absolute best newskoolers tho' times! =)

tum> And not only do we hold newschool in our hands, but we have Whodini,
tum> Hiro Protagonist, Megga Hertz, Fahrenheit, and the founder of Remorse,
tum> Necromancer in the flesh. The list goes on and on. We have been the best,
tum> we are the best, we will always be the best. We don't need to disguise
tum> inferior work with higher ascii characters or produce mass volumes of
tum> lower quality logos. If it's in a Remorse pack, there's a certain minimum
tum> level of quality and skill associated with it.

      bah. here we go again.. (repeating myself? me? you must be kidding!)
      Your oldskool team is in NO way the best.. Hiro, Whodini, Fahrenheit,
      Merlin, Truman.. sure, they are good, some are really good, but then
      again compare those to the top amiga-artists and you should realise
      what i am talking about. It would be like a Hockey game between Sweden
      and some south african country where the players have never even heard
      of ice!

tum> Remorse doesn't follow trends, we set them. All major advances up to the
tum> present the scene have come from the sincere and solid efforts of our
tum> members. It's delusional to pretend otherwise.

      All major ones? I hardly think that none of the the top Ami-groups
      doesnt have had any major influence on the art-scene..

tum> "Remorse ego" you may claim. "Badass 81 attitude!" you may cry. Yes. I
tum> completely agree with you. We have ego and we have a badass attitude but
tum> only because we deserve it. When your rich uncle buys a nice Rolls Royce
tum> for you, of course you remind your next door neighbor that his Chevy can
tum> kiss your rich ass. Likewise, don't expect Remorse members to actually
tum> care about you.

      This, i think, is a TOTALLY fucked stement from mr Tum. During this whole
      textfile, i have been on the same line as him, that remorse is the best,
      at least when it comes to newskool, group in the world.. but this.. this
      last lines are totally fucked! What's the MEANING of looking down on ppl
      that is not members of the one top group? I mean, look at Tum's example
      here.. about the money and shit.. Rich people looks down on the poor ones,
      and what is REALLY FUCKED is that the poor ones often is beeing ASHAMED
      of that they are poor! Like if they could do anything about it! They dont
      WANT to be poor, do they?! BUT!! They are worth just as much as they rich
      folks! And they deserves JUST AS MUCH RESPECT as the humans they are!
      happening now, then it is most tragic.. and i say that it's due to ppl
      thinking like Tum here, that kills it. If you think i'm completely wrong,
      tell me. but this is what i think about it, and i am free to have my
      opinion, just like you are totally free to have your.... to quote what
      Volaire said once "I dissaprove of what you say, but I will argue to my
      death for your right to say it".

      Like some weeks ago. A guy joined Efnet #ascii, and asked how to save ansi
      files with .asc in Aciddraw. After approximatly 5 seconds, there were
      like 10 people saying how stupid and lame he was. I mean, whats wrong with
      just ANSWERING his question? I dont think that TUM was even in the channel
      im just using his textfile to show what i mean!  Even you, that is so
      fukkin MEGA-3L333373 have been one of those lame little suckers, dont try
      to deny it. We have a HUGE ATTITUDE PROBLEM in the scene these days!

      "don't expect Remorse members to actually care about you." i relly hope
      that you are speaking for yourself only and not for the whole rmrs-posse!
      You must be submissive/humble and learn to respect people! It's not all
      about what group you're in, noo! Take a look at Sargon for example.. he's
      one helluva artist, and what was his group? HOMO!?! How good were they?
      no offense sargon, but they werent really that good. BUT! and here comes
      the important thing: I believe that SARGON had alot more FUN in HOMO than
  ... he would have had in REMORSE. You might consider me a jerk for this, but
  :   i say that HAVING FUN is what it's all about. isn't it?  // Dez of arcade
  :   ...:.... .
  :...:..:                              _          _             _
      :                   ___      ____ |  __      |  __      _  | ____ ____
      :                __|  /   _ _\__  | |  '_    | _\__     /  | \  / \ _/ _
      .   ._\\\___._   \ | / _  | /__|  | |___\    | /__|    / _ |  \-¯  \___\
          |  .____|__  ¯   ¯ /__|       |          |        /__| |  ¯
        ._|_ |      /_           ___       ___    _    ___
        |   \|     / /    ____.__\ /.___.__\ /___.\ .__\ /  .
        |___O|o   /_/---\/    |    \|   |   \    |--|   /---|----» m u s i c
        ._:__|___/_._ ___\----|_____\---|---/____|__|_______|
   _ __ |_         |/___ _
___\\\    \________|   ///___   ac/dc, ozzy, cypress hill, black sabbath,
`-\___\___ _ ratm _ __/___/-'    wu tang clan, kiss, dire straits, queen,
           /   _  \           dio, creedence clearwater revival, animals,
      grd _\__|\__/__     various jungle/goa/acid/trance/whatever albums!
          \___)(___//  ............
  ·/                  .: ......... :
 // "im a rocker,     : .:::::::::.:.....     ·
/·  im a roller, im   : ::::::::::      :    .:.. . a wheeler,
/    a rite out of    :........:  ......:...:.:           im a dealer, im
  controller..                 :..:.....:   :        a wicked woman
                                  :.........:                  stealer..
      _____          _________  _____       _____    _____        ____
  ____\___/_______ __\       /__\ __/____ __\ __/____\  _/_ ______\ _/_______
  \      /       /   /      / \   /     / \   /     /   __//     /_____     /
 _ \    /       /   /      /     /     /     /     /    /       /    /     /
 /__\  /       /_  /______/    _/     /_   _/     /_   /       /_   /     /_
      /_________\ ____\ _______________\ __________\ ___________\ _________\ _

      acorn . alcatraz . arlequin . asphynx . astrocreep . avenger . brane
          case . discofunk 1978 . dizzy . domino . dopie . drax . dust
       eclipse . fairydust . fester . gravedancer . ice . ironnuke . kane
    kayozz . martz . meanace . merlin . mjolnir . newt . progenitor . rumish
        shine . speedfreak . storm . stormwarrior . tim drake . volatile
                            warpstah . woober . zod
                    ·                                                   .
  legaliZe      ___ :  ____   _____   _____  __/\  _______ ____       _\|/_
   it!      .__/ _/____\__ \__\  _/___\__  \_\/  \_\    _//   /__      ¯`¯
            |____\   /___/ _/.___\_ ).______/_____\_____|________)
                 \__/    \___|   \___|  .   [sTZ!/sE ©'96]
    [ Phunk.....Xcluziwe / SaveOurSouls · Dezibel.....Alcatraz / Ex. Arcade ]
    [ Music..............Grindy / dunno   Greets.............Vouck / Altern ]
    [ Dezibel.......Progenitor / Arcade   Credits........Stezotehic / Style ]
    [ Eat shit1........Volatile / Phunk   Eat shit2...........Brane / Phunk ]

    [ The rest is made by Dezibel / Arcade / Phunk Enterprises Ltd / Ruckus ]

    [ note the cannabis leaf to the left in the beginning is done by 'hM!'? ]
    [ and i gave myself th freedom of mirroring it. Hope hM! doesnt mind ;) ]
  ......  : ..... : .  . . ...........
  :  .....:.. ::: :              .::·                 [ shut up and suck! ]
  ::.:.:  :.:.....:            .:::......... . .   .      .
     :      :
     : I AM A RIPPER! Yes, it's true! I ripped STYLE's (sE) conzept for doin
     :.ascii!! get drunk and stoooooooned and then do a colly!! ..but for my
       defense i want to say that they  usually does it like 3  or 4 of them
       together at repe's place.  Since i live in Sweden, and repe lives (as
  .... most of the others in STYLE) in Finland that's a problem.. so i could
  :    not rip their consept 100%, but i'm close enuff to be called ripper!!
  :    (  m  a  d    r  e  s  p  e  c  t  s    t  o     s  t  y  l  e   !  )
  :..    :                          _____
  . :....:                 ·  _____ \   /  ___              p          s
                     - ---  \ \    | \- ¯ \   \  --- -          u   k       r
                      - ---  \ \   |  \    \___\  --- -       h         t      s
                                   l                              n       e
   release date:  98.01.08
                                 main art:  dezibel / arcade / phunk / ruckus
           number of logos:  ten
    ircnet:  #ascii, #amielite
                                                          efnet:  #ascii
             pulsarnet:  #ascii, #amiwrz, #elitecafe

  icq:  i've got icq, but since it doesnt exists for amiga yet, and i am very
        seldom on my peecee, it is not  .  easy to reach me by it, but in case
        you want to know, here is my  .ø  icq-number:  6036536
    ___|_______|_______|_____     .ø¶² ___|_______|_______|
  ___)____\-|)   (_ ______ (-|   .@ÆØ___)____\-|)   (_-|) |  Dezibel is..
  _)   |/   !  ___/ | _______l-| µØ@¹_)   |(   |  ___/ |  |
  |_   |    . ___)  .  |(      |·Ç#Þ |_   |_   : ___)  . `------------- -
   )___|    |__|    |__|      :| @øÆ  )___|/   |__|    |_____
      p|    |  |----'  |------|¦ ¬Øç     ||----'  |----'  |
      ®|    |_ ___            |:  ~Y     |¦               |-----------
      g|    _((_/          ___|¦____·____|:
       |    :              | _l|_ ________|   ..signin off
       !                   |___|

[ EoF ] ----- [ that's all for this time folkz, the show is over ] ----- [ EoF ]