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File size:
26 393 bytes (25.77K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 477



      .:.....:..:.                            .
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        :   : everyone in the world is doing something without me
        :   :      .
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                      \  /\_________                  /\|
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                            .                      .
                            :                      :
                          \ |       entitled       |
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                            | \                    |
      ...................   :                      |
      :    _______     _:_  .   ______             |
      :  ._\_    //____\_/_____\\   _/_.           :
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/_________|                            |bne   |      ___ |_       : |________
         |        " belfast "          |      |     \\(  __\\     :        :
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            \/ /____________/______)_______     _/_____)_______\ \/  df
                    .                      \_____|         .
                    :                                      :
                    |     yes, this is my first colly.     |
                    |     It's small, and it blows.        |
                    |     blah, I don't care.              |
                    |                                      |
                    |     some of you might say the        |
                    |     design in this colly is over-    |
                    |     worked or something. at least    |
                    |     its better than nothing.         |
                    |                                      |
                    |                                      |
                    |      |
                   _|__ /                              \ __|_
                     /                                    \
                   _/___                                ___\_
                   /    \____                      ____/    \
                            /____._          _.____\
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                           |/_\____          ____/_\|
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              \_______\___/     \___________     \\___\      \
                        /________\ ¯ ktr  //______\    \______\_
                 _                                            _\
                 \----------\      |/\/D3><        /----------/
                 \\   logo :                    for :        //
                 |                                            |
                 | 1  aspekt                    revolve       |
                 | 2  bias                      tribal        |
                 | 3  blueoyster bar            brane         |
                 | 4  clone                     kayozz        |
                 | 5  cyberia                   palmore       |
                 | 6  divided skies             lukesky       |
                 | 7  fire                      baphomet      |
                 | 8  hippey                    kers          |
                 | 9  poem file_id              me&oolite     |
                 | X  sin city                  dezibel       |
                 |__                                        __|
                  someones pulling me close to the ground,
                  i aint paniced, ive been hit before.
                  seems like only yesterday when i got up on
                  that stage, in front of that crowd, and
                  showed them who was who, and what was what.
                  man, look at these suckers, i aint no rapper,
                  im a hustler, just so happens i know how to
                  rap.             ........
                        jay z      ::::::::...........
                                               ::::::::  aight, lets begin
                                               ::::::::         /
 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; aspekt    for; revolve
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

             _\______  ______  ______  ______  ___.    _________/_
            dF_\___ (_.\  __(_.\___ (_.\  _ (_.\  | ___\.     ./pNk
------------- /  \|   |___    |  \|   |   ___/__  |/   /|     | --------------
    aspekt   /____.   |   '___|    ___l__      /  |\   \_     |   +o revolve
----------------- |---l___/ - l----\ --- \_____\--l \___/-----l --------------

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; bias      for; tribal
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

        ___\               /__._
  __ ___\\      ________  __  |  ________   ______
             _._\__    /._\_)____\____  /___\    / ----------------------|-
              |  |/ __/_|     _/_   |/   /_ ,,__/____/_  .bIAS           |
             \|  __     /     |/    .   /_/         /      .tRIBAL       |
              |  |/    /|     |     |    \         /_dF      .rEPRESENT  |
  _ ______    |\________\_____|_____|-----\_________\ -------------------|-

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; the blu.. for; brane
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

                        _.________\_              |
                       __|         /              |
                       \ `        /_\             |
      ________ ____.    ______                    |__  _
      \_    _/_\   |   _\___ /__                  __/ //
       |    |    __|___\_ |/ __/__                | __             .__
       |    |    \__    /        /         ___    .(___ -|-- ___   | /__
      -l----l------l    \--\_____\        (___)/__| ,__) |  (__/_, |   /
                 dF|    /__                   .___|      ¦            .__
                .__|__    /            .____ ______        _|___\_____| /__
                |   |/ __/__|-----|____|   /_\__  /__       |__) \--/ |   /
                |   |/     /|     |    |   \  |/  __/__            /
                |          \|     |_        \         /
                    _  __.                        .
                    \\ \___________               |    the blue oyster bar

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; clone     for; kayozz
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

                     ________  /\_______________________
                     \       \/                        /
                |----/____                         ____\----|
                |      \\/                         \//      |
           _\_____    _________ _____          ______  _____
            _\   _)___\_      |_\  _ )________(_    /__\   _)__
           _\    \|   /|      |_   /     /    |/     /      __/--|-
                .                                           .
                |                                           |
                |                                           |
                |__           \                     /    ___|

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; cyberia   for; palmore
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

                            ·  c Y  b  E  r  1  a  ·
                       _ ______________________________ _
                   _.__\\\                            ///__._
    _\_______      \|  ._____ _______ _______ _______  __  |/ _______/_
   dF_\  ___/-----|____|    /_\__   /_\__   /_\__   /--\))--|_\___  /____
     \   \|       |    ¦    \  |/__/___|/ __\__|/__/___     |   |/      /pNk
     /_____       |----/ ____\ |/     /__      |_     /     |           \
           \------l_____/ l-----\_____\  \_____l/_____\_____|___l--------\
                   _.                                      ._
                  /_____ _          issue #?          _ _____\

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; div.skies for; lukesky
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

                       _  .__      . .__ ___   .__  _
                     __\\ |_/ | \( | |_/ \_/_, |_/ //__
                     \__                            __/pNk
              ____  --\/   ____     _/\_  /  ______ \/-- ____
            Ö/  _/____|---/   /__|--\__/-/. /   __/_    /  _/____
            .\__     /|  /      /|        |.\  ____/-/..\__     /

                   .\                                  /.
                  _|__                                __|_
                  \(_/                                \_)/

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; fire gfx  for; baphomet
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

                     _____________\____    |
                  .__\             \  /    |__
                  |      ..::::...  \/       /_.
                  |     :::: Ó:::::            |
                  |    ::::·    __       ________    ________/_
                  |    Ó::::.. _\_)__.___\__    /.___\__    /dF
                  |      :::: |      |    |/   / |   _|/   /.
                  |      Ó::::|      |    /   /__|  /_____/ |
               ___|        ::::______l____\_____/l__________l
          _  __\ _          ''''               .
          \\ \___\|           .__        .___ .     .      ._
                  |       __  | /__-|---.|__/-|---/ | .__  |__
                  |      (__| |   / |--/ |    |  /  ³ |___, ,_)
                  l___    ._|                  .
                  Ú  /_________________________l   gOT a mATCH?

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; hippey    for; kers
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

                /  \
        _______/    \_______                     .:.........:.
       \\                  //                 .:..:.       .:..... .
     _._____/_            /   ______  _\______    _______________._
      |    /_______   __  _.__\_   /____\_   /____\____   /\     |___
      |     \_    /___\))__|    __   /    __   /\    (/  /_ \    |  /___ dF
      |      |     /       |     /  /|     /  / _\   _____\/_____._    /
      l______|    /_       |    _____\    _____\/____       /    |    /_
             l_____\_______l____\    |____\    .     \_______\_________\
                       tuffaste boten i stan        ......:.

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; poem diz  for; me & oolite
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

___ _______ ______. _______ ___  ___ _________________ _
|dF_)  _  /_)     |_) __  /_)  \/  (_ "blutsaft"      500ý bpm
|  \  /__/\   -   |\ /___/__        / xm by dflower   gabber
`- /___)  /_______l/________)_\__/__\ --------------- - -    -

 : ____\_________\\--'             /---------------- -- -  - --    -
-|-\_    _(________ belfast--
_l _I    _____    /---/       says; sin city  for; dezibel
\_ \___     //___/-/_/ _________________________
 (___ /_________\______\\\            \        ((----- -- -    -

             _.________ __\   __/____  __         _________/_
              |    _\___\_______    /__\))__._____\_      /
              |      \        \/   /|       |     |/     /
              |       \           /_|       |     /     /_
              |        \___________\l_______l_____\______\
          _\__|_                 :
           _\ _   _\_______      |    _\_______
           \  |   __\     /__    :__  __\     /__   _________/_
            \_|   \   ______/__.__\))_\_       _/___\_      /
              |    \  \|       |       |       |     |     /
              |    _\          |       |       | ____     /_df
             _l__  /___________l_______l_______l  /________\

                                 sIN cITY
                                   ::::::::  the show is over,
                                   ::::::::  go home
              |                                                             ).
              |    g r e e t i n g s  a n d  s t u f f                      ¯|
     Dz/a!    |    ________                         _________                |
     ______   |  /          \ _____      _____    /     _    \  ____         |
   /   ___/_____/    /      /    _/____/_   _/___/_  __ /     /     /______  |
  /    \_      /_\ __\_______\  _\    /  \ _\       \  /_____/_\            \
 /_____ /_____.___\        /______________\ _________\          /____________\
              |                                                              .
              |  hi oolite, tical, gaston, absent spinsister, baphomet,      |
              |  dezibel, jedi knight, haddock, chrom and some other people  |
              |  that i forgot - sorry!                                      |
              |                                                              |
              |  c r e d i t s :                                             |
              |                                                              |
              |  top phunk logo by volatile\phunk                            |
              |  dflower logo by mjolnir\head!                               |
              |  belfast logo by brane\phunk                                 |
              |  index logo by keetar                                        |
              |  asciidivider by baphomet\bloakk                             |
              |  greets logo and phunk diz by dezibel\arcade                 |
              |                                                              |
              |  the rest is all (c) dATAfLOw/pHUNk^bLOAKk                   |
              |_                                                             |

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ    ___|________ ____ /_  Dz/a! |______ /_
   _) _:_      /     /_____ ____|      /
  /    |/     /  ._ /    _/ )   |_    /_
_/     :_____/   |//_    \     _:/      \_
\ _____|__\ _____/________\ ___\|________/
       |                        |
   dataflow's first release under phunk,
   a colly entitled bELFAST.

                           p H U N k  a S C 1 i  9 8

      Ú you better back the fuck up or you'll get smacked the fuck up ¿