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File size:
70 223 bytes (68.58K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 341


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  :__    ..... ____ .....  :___ __:

mR!  \/\::: ::: __/::: :::_|  /   |___   m'S

--|_ \/ \:: :::___ \:: ::: | /:   ||  \----.

  :/ /   \: :::  // \: ::: |  |   |:  \\   |





                         leave your soul at the door


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m o's o u l  o r g a n i z e r /_____\  m a r k   r y d e r / m o ' s o u l


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pRepEaR fOr thE aScii  S H ø C K W A V E  of aRt ANd StyLeS I pERfoRm fOr yOU



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                   _¡.. mo'soul  'my posse is lethal' ..¡_

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                |        ·thE Mo 'SouL! PoSSe iN '96·

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 |______|       |-Mo!/aL


     !     :_ _ ¡ _ ________________________________________________________:

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 ::  :  :: | [·mo'soul is back·]              /                             |

 ::..:..:: |                                //                             _|

     ¡    _|                               /        [·my posse is lethal·] \:

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  \____________ __ _                                                        

  \\                      _____ ______________________  __________    _______

   \·   Mark Ryder       .)     \       .      _     / _\_       /___/      /

    \                 __.|     \  .     |      _      \_ /      /.  /      /.

     \   Of Mo'Soul!  \_||______\/      |      |_______/ \_______|  \_______|

             _ _____             |      .______|  /_______|  /_______|

       \ _________  \  __ _______|      |________ __________

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  :__\\//                |  m/\rk ryder / mo'soul  |                \\//__:

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  |                      :_    p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s     !                      |

  :                     /\_\                       :                      :

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 | mR!::::::.:::::::: ::::::::.:::::   :::::::.:::::::  ::::::::.::::::m'S.|

 |      ........                                            .........      |

 |  __  :::::::: CRUS/\DER  DESOTO  NUP!  VINZI  MARK^RYDER :::::::::  __  |

 | /\_\  :::::::............................................::::::::  /\_\ |

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 ! /¯¯¯\     \      |_\    \      \       |                                |

 :/     \     \    __   ___/      |\______|  ART BOMB - MO'SOUL ASCII MAG! |

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 \     \\______/__mR!/       /____m'S                                      |

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 |      |_____   _____ ______.______:      _\     |_____                   |

 |      |__   \./    _:_     |\     |______|      |__   \                  |

 |  ____|_\_   |      |/     |      |      |   ___|_\_   |                 |

 |  \      /   |      /      |  /_______\  |   \     /   | [·cOMING_sOON·] |

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\\  /                                                                   \  //

 :\//  ¡             " wE /\RE k I L L I N G oURSELVES "                \\/:

 | ....:....                                                               |

 | ::  :  :: this is a MO'SOUL presentation (c) mark ryder / mo'soul 1996! |

 | ::..:..::                                                        :_

 |     ¡                                ___/\ _______/\ _:   ___/\ _| \_   |

 |       i'm here to represent mo'soul \\__  \__  ___  \ |___\__  \_|__/   |

 | and the quality mo'soul  brings  to   /     |   \     |   \/  _____)__  !

 | the world of ascii artworks..       _/      |____\    ¯    \_\\       \_:

 |                                    /        |/        T      \ \_       \

 | 'my posse is lethal'   V I N Z I  /         |         |       \ /        \

 |  C R U S A D E R    D E S O T O   \         |         |       //         /

 |   N U P !   M A R K  R Y D E R     \______mR!\________|______//_________//

 |                                                          _______ :_     :

 |               ___/\ _:   ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _: /      /_| \_   ¡

 | ·tHE^WORKS!· \\__  \ |___\__  \___ \\__  \___ \\__  \ |/      /__|__/m'S|

 |                /     |   \/     |/  \/     _\  \/     |      /______ \  |

 | [V¡EW_MøDE?] _/      |    \_    /    \_  ______//\   _¯  ___/_     // \_:

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 /______ _   _ \________T______/__________/__|________\__/_______/____\____//


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\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___  · cRUX dEZIGN! ·  //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o1

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

                                              :_________.       :__________

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|     __::: :::::     ......   ....::::           ::: ....   ...... /\_\    |

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|    \_\/           :::: ...   ::::.:::   .....   ::::.:::   ::: ::::       |

`------------------ ::::.::: ------------ ::::: ------------ ::: :::: ------'


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___  · ENDLESS PAIN ·  //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o2

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

     :_                                          :_         :_         :_

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    /        \  |       \          \  |       \ /        \  \       \  \     

   /         /  |       /          /  |       //         /   \      /   \ m'S


 |                                                                         |

 |               ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ :       ___  /\ __                  |

 |             \\\__  \___ \\__  \__  \|      :\__\/  \\ \                 |

 |                /  ___|/  \/   __|_  \      ¡ /     |\\ \                |

 |              _/  \\       \   \___   \_    |/      | \  \_              |

 |             /      \  ____/     |      \  /¯       |      \             |

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__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ ·hOLE IN THE WALL· //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o3

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

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      |      _/      | \  \_   _/      |____\     |    \_\\       \_

      | mR! /        |      \ /        | /        ¯      \ \_       \

      |    /         |       \         |/         T       \ /        \

      |    \         |       /         |\         |       //         /

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            /         |       \  |       \  |       \  |       \

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                hole in the wall bLabLabLabLabLabLabLabLabLa


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                         |                        |

                         |                        |

                         !_                      _!

                         :/                      \:


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___      · iRC! ·      //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o4

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

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   |         |     __|_/   ___/      \/__________/___

   |         |     \         \        \\             \ 

  _| mR!/m'S |      \         \_       \\             \ 

 /_/\        |       \          \                      \

-\_\/________|________\__________\ _____________________\-------------------+

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___    · c R U X! ·    //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o5

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

___  ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _: m'S         ::::::

   \\\__  \___ \\__  \___ \\__  \ |___  ::::::: :::::: :: ::: :::: ::::::::::

      /     |____/     _\  \/     |   \ ::::::: ::::::                  :::::

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mR!/        ¯      \   |      \   |     ¯\::::: ::::::                  :::::

  /                 \  |       \  |       \:::: ::::::                  :::::

  \                 /  |      _/  ¯       /:::: ::::::                  :::::

_\\\_______________/___|_______\_________/::::: :::::: :: ::: :::: ::::::::::

= ===================================== ::::::: =========================== =





= ===================================== ::  =============================== =


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___     · GRYZOR ·     //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o6

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


                                     ::::: ::::: m'S

    ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____      :____   ....::::: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____

  \\\__ _\___/_\__  \___ \  ___|    \::::::      \__  \___ \\__  \___ \\\

     /  \ __   \/     _\  \/   |     \:::::  mR!  /     |/  \/     _\  \

   _/    \//    \_  ______//\  |      \::::     _/      /    \_  ______//\

  /      _/       \   |      \ |       ¯\:: :::/       /|_     \  |       \

 /       \         \  |       \___       \: ::/        ¯        \ |        \

 \        \        /  |      _/|         /: ::\                 / |       _/

  \________\______/___|_______\|________/:: :::\_______________/__|________\

= ================================== :::::::::::::: ======================= =


= ================================== :::::::::::::: ======================= =

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___  ·hARD DISK CAFE·  //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o7

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

_  ___/\ _:   ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____

 \\\__  \ |___\__  \__  \\__  \___ \\__  \___ \ : :: ::: :::: :::: ::::::::::

    /     |   \/   __|_  \/     _\  \/      /  \                        ø::::

  _/      |    \_  \___   \_  ______//\   _/    \_                       ::::

 /        ¯      \   |      \  |       \ \\__ _   \                      ::::

/         T       \  |       \ |        \          \                     ::::

\    mR!  |       /  |       / |       _/          /                     ::::

 \________|______/___|______/__|________\_________///                    ::::

                              :_                                         ::::

     ___/\ ____ :      :__/\ _| \____/\ _: _______                       ::::

     \__  \___ \|      \__  \_|__/\__  \ |/      ///                     ::::

      /      /  \      |/_______  \/     /      /                        ::::

    _/     _/    \_   _/       //  \_  ___   __/                         ::::

   /      \\__ _   \ /       _/      \ \        \                        ::::

  /                 \        \        \ \        \                       ::::

  \                 /         \       /  \        \                      ::::

 \\\_______________/_\_________\_____/___|\________\                     ::::

                                          :_                             ::::

      ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____/\ _| \_                           ::::

      \__  \___ \\__  \__  \\__  \_____ \_|__///                         ::::

       /     |____/   __|_  \/  _____/______)__                          ::::

     _/      |    \_  \___   \_    |  \        \_                        ::::

    /        ¯      \   |      \   |  \\_        \                       ::::

   /                 \  |       \  |    //        \                      ::::

   \                 /  |       /  |   /      m'S /                     ø::::

__\\\_______________/___|______/___|__/__________/// : :: ::: :::: ::::::::::

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___     · REcALL ·     //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o8

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

                   ______  :::::::::::::::::::::::  ______

                .__)    //_ ::::::::::::::::::::: _\\    (__.

       ________ ___________ _____________ : ______  _______ |   _______

    __\\____   \\  _____   \\  ___      /___\     \ \     /_____\     /_____

   /     /  ___/  \\ _ ____/_  \/______/__   \     \     //    /     //    /

_ /     /     \     \/      /   \/       /  /_\     \   /     /     /    _/_


             mR!|                  :::::::                  |m'S

                |_                  :::::                  _|

                :/                   :::                   \:

                /__________________ _ : _ __________________\

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ sEWERS oF mYSTERY! //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ o9

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

           :_         :_                    :_                    :_

    ___/\ _| \____/\ _| \____/\ _:   ___/\ _| \____/\ ____ ___/\ _| \_

  \\\__  \_|__/\__  \_|__/\__  \ |___\__  \_|__/\__  \___ \\__  \_|__/

     /________ \/  _____)__/     |   \/  _____)__/     _\  \/ _______ \

   _/        // \_\\       \_    |    \_\\       \_  ______//\      // \_

  /        _/     \ \_       \   |      \ \_       \   |      \   _/     \

 /         \       \ /        \  |       \ /        \  |       \  \       \

 \      mR! \      //         /  ¯       //         /  |      _/   \      /



               \       _ ________     |\   __________________/

               |      \\/             |  ______________/


               :                 .......



                           :_ :::::::::::::    :_

_/\ _:         :___ ___/\ _| \_  :::::::___/\ _| \____/\ ____       :___

_  \ |___  ____|   \\__  \_|__/  :::::::\__  \_|__/\__  \___ \  ____|   \

     |   \/    |    \/________ \ ::::::: /  _____)__/     _\  \/    |    \

   \_¯_/  \_   |     \_      // \:::::::/  \\       \_  ______//\   |     \_

     T      \  |       \   _/    ¯\:::/¯     \_       \   |      \  |       \

     |       \ ____     \  \       \:/        /        \  |       \ ___  m'S

     |       /|         /   \      /:\       /         /  |      _/|         

_____|______/ |________/_____\____/:::\_____/_________/___|_______\|________/

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___    · sKYLINE! ·    //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 1o

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


   ___/\ _| \____/\ _: ______  :___ _______________________________________

ø\\\__  \_|__/\__  \ |/     /__|   \                                      (_.

|   /________ \/     /     /   |    \                                       |

| _/       //  \_  __¯  __/_   |     \_                                     |

|/       _/      \ \       \   |       \ SKYLINE - MADE FOR RECALL! NOT THE |

/        \        \ \       \____       \ SUCKING PD-BOARD IN SWEDEN !!!!!! |

\         \       /  \       \|         /                                   |

|\_________\_____/___|\_______\ ___/\__///                          :_      |

|                               ___/\ _:    :     :__  /\ __ ___/\ _| \_    |

| TO THE SYSOP AT THE SUCKING   \__  \ |___ |     \__\/  \\ \\__  \_|__///m'S

| SWEDISH PD BOARD..             /     |   \| mR! |/     |\\ \/  _____)__   |

|                              _/      |    \_   _/      | \  \_ \\      \_ |

| GO FUCK YOURSELF LAMER!!!!! /        |      \ /        |      \  \_      \:

|_                           /         |       \         |       \  /       \

:/                           \         |       /         |       / /        /

/___________________________\\\________|______/ \________|______/_/________/ø

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___     · sMOKE! ·     //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 11

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

                 :_                                          :_

    ____  ___/\ _| \____/\ _:   ___/\ ____ ___/\ _: _______ _| \_  ______

 :__)   \\\__  \_|__/\__  \ |___\__  \___ \\__  \ |/      /__|__///     (__:

 |         /________ \/     |   \/     |/  \/     /      /_____)__         |

 |       _/¯       // \_  /_¯_\  \_    /    \_   __  ___/ \       \_       |

 |   mR!/        _/     \   T      \  /|_     \  \       \ \        \m'S   |

 |     /         \       \  |       \ ¯        \  \_      \_\_       \     |

 :__   \          \      /  |       /          /   /       / /       /     |

 /\_\ __\__________\____/___|______/__________/___/_______/_/_______/______|

 \/_/                                                                      :

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ uNDERcOVER (o1/o2) //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 12

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


/\_\ _ ______________ _ ______  __________   _______ ___________ ___________

\/_/             ______/     /_\\___     /__\\__    \\   ____   \\    ___   \

¡               /     /     /     /     L_____//    /   \\ _ ___/__   /  ___/

!              /     /     /     /     /\          / m'S  \/      /  /     \

:            \\\__________/_____/     /__\________/\_____________/__/_____/ .

____________ __________        /    _/_________ ___________                 :

  __       /    ___    \ _____/     \   ____   \\    ___   \\\              ¡

  \/______//__  \/_    /     /     /   \\ _ ___/__   /  ___/                |

   \/        /   \/   /     / mR! /      \/    ¯ /  /     \              ..:!

____________/________/___________/\_____________/__/_____/ . .......:::::::::

__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ uNDERcOVER (o2/o2) //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 13

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____



  __ /   \ _ _ _·__________ _______ __________   ___________ ______________

:_) /    /  \ __:__       / ___    \  ____    \ \\______    \             (_:

|  /    /    \  | /      / ___L\    \  \\_____/___ ___:/  __/               |

| /    /_\    \ |/      /            \_           \   |      \_             |

| \___________/ /______/_____________//____________\  |_______/  [mR!/m'S]  |

|           |    :                      _____  :      |                     |

|         __:_____________ ___________ _\___ \ _______:__   ___________     |

|         \     __       /   ____     /    /  \  ____    \  \______    \    |

|_         \    \/______/___  \\_    /    /    \  \\_____/___ ___:/  __/   _|

:/          \    \          \  \/   /    /_\    \_           \   |      \_ \:

/________ _ .\_______________\ _____\___________//____________\  |_______/__\

                                                          :      !


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___    · sCARfACE ·    //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 14

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____

          :_                                       ·

   ___/\ _| \____/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____     :

*\\\__  \_|__/\__  \___ \\__  \__  \\__  \___ \----|------------------------*

   _/________ \/     |____/   __|_  \/     _\  \   |

  _\        // \_    |    \_  \___   \_  __ ___//\ |

 /        _/     \   |      \   |      \  |       \:

/         \       \  |       \  |       \ |        \

\          \      /  ¯       /  |       / |       _/


                                          :_       :

    ___/\ ______/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _| \_     ¡

  \\\__  \______  \__  \\__  \___ \\__  \_|__/m'S  |

     /  ______/   __|_  \/     |____/  _____)__    |

   _/       |     \___   \_    |    \_\\       \_  |

  /         |       |      \   |      \ \_       \ !

 /          |       |       \  |       \ /        \:

 \        mR!       |       /  ¯       //         /:




__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___     · mOGUE! ·     //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 15

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


                       \                             /

                        \                          //

                         \                         /         :_

          ___/\ _:   ___/\\____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _:   ___/\ _| \_

       mR!\__  \ |___\__  \___ \\__ _\___/_\__  \ |___\__  \_|__/m'S

           /     |   \/     |/  \/  \ __   \/     |   \/  _____)__

         _/    /_¯_\  \_    /    \_  \/|    \_    |    \_\\       \_

        /        T      \  /|_     \   |      \   |      \ \_       \

       /         |       \ ¯        \  |       \  |       \ /        \

       \         |       /          /  |       /  |       //         /


                                  \       /

                        [· /X\ogue \    // arclite ·]

                                    \   /

                                     \ /


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ · dOPE ON DEMANd · //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 16

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


_/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _______/\ _| \_          ___/\ ____ ___  /\ __ ____

_  \___ \\__  \___ \\__  \___  __  \_|__///      \\\__  \___ \\__\/  \\ \

      /  \/     |/  \/     |\   \ _____)__          /     |/  \/     |\\ \

    _/    \_    /    \_    |/    \\       \_      _/      /    \_    | \  \_

   \\___    \  /|_     \   /     / \_       \    /       /|_     \   |      \

             \ ¯        \ ______/   /        \  /        ¯        \  |     

             /          /  |\      /         /  \                 /  |     

____________/__________/___| \____/_________/ mR!\_______________/___|______/


    ___/\ ____ ___/\ _| \____/\ _:   ___/\ ____ ___  /\ __ ___/\ ____

  \\\__  \___ \\__  \_|__/\__  \ |___\__  \__  \\__\/  \\ \\__  \___ \m'S

     /      /  \/  _____)__/     |   \/   __|_  \/     |\\ \/      /  \

   _/     _/    \_\\       \_  /_¯_\  \_  \___   \_    | \  \_   _/    \_

  /      \\___    \ \_       \   T      \   |      \   |      \ \\___    \

 /                 \ /        \  |       \  |       \  |       \          \

 \                 //         /  |       /  |       /  |       /          /


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ · sICK OF IT ALL · //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 17

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


                                      |   ______                  |

  __________     /     ø___________ __|_ /     /     __________ __|__________

      _____/____/.    / __        /     /     /     /  _____   \\  _________/

 ____________  //    /  \/_______/__  __   __/     /  \\ _     /  _______/

             _/·    /    \/        /  \     \     /     \/   _/     /

_____________\     /______________/___ \_____\    \__________\ ____/m'S

            ø     .                   |                           |

           .     /___________       __|__   ______      ______    |

          /    ./   ___     /    ___\    \ /     /_____/     /____|

         /    //   \\______/    /    \    \     /     /     /     / 

______  /    //     /          /    /_\    \   /    _/     /    _/|

     ///    ·/_____/mR!        \____\\_____/__/_____\ ____/_____\ | _______ _

            /                         |_                         _|

           ø                          :/· ·  S¡CK øF ¡T /\LL  · ·\:


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___   · sOUL^TAKER ·   //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/ 18

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____


      ___/\ _| \____/\ ____ ___/\ _:   ___/\ _:

    \\\__  \_|__/\__  \___ \\__  \ |___\__  \ |___

:::::::/________ \/     |/  \/     |   \/     |   \::::::::::::::::::::::::::

::   _\        // \_    /    \_    |    \_    |    \_                      ::

::  /        _/     \  /|_     \   |      \   |      \m'S                  ::

:: /         \       \ ¯        \  |       \  |       \                    .:

:: \          \      /          /  ¯       /  |       /                     ·

::  \__________\____/__________/__________/___|______///                    .

::                                                    :_

::              ___/\ ______/\ ____ ___/\ _: _______ _| \____/\ ____       ·

::              \__  \___ __  \__  \\__  \ |/      /__|__/\__  \___ \\\    .

::               /     |   \  __|_  \/    _/      /_____)__/     _\  \     :·

::             _/      |____\ \___   \_   \__   _/ \       \_  ______//\   ::

::         mR!/        |/       |      \   /      \ \        \   |      \  ::

::           /         |        |       \  T\      \_\_       \  |       \ ::

::           \         |        |       /  |/       / /       /  |      _/ ::


__________ _   _ __         /\ __ ___________________ _   _ _________________

\               /\_\    mR!/  \\_\\      __         /                       /

\\              \/_//\ __ /    \ \\\     /_________/___ tHE wORX aRE døNE! //

 \\   E\/IL GRAND  /  \\//     _\___\________________  \                  //

  \\ c e n t r a l/   \\/                               \ __             //

   \\            /     \\                             m'S/\_[mARK_RYdER!]/eNd

____\\_______ _ /________\ _   _ ________________________\/_/_ ________//____



                         · I N T R O D U C T I O N ·


                    ÷ Welcome to the Riot Terminal #5o7 ÷


  Prepear to step into the future.   It has been 250 years since the  first

  `family-sized' spacecraft was invented & mass-produced and  everyone left

  earth due to pollution. The year is 2357 AD.


  Where did they go?


   70 Years before the first family-sized  spacecraft  was  produced,  NASA

  recovered a sattelite (which they'd lost in the year 2037) that contained

  flight co-ordinates and pictures of a  staggeringly  HUGE  green  planet.

  A spacecraft was, ofcourse,  launched to study the planet more thoroughly

  and to bring back  a  full  report.   The  feedback  they  got  from  the

  astronauts was positive.


   The planet was, basicly, just like earth.  Only, it was about 1000 times

  bigger and there were no pollution there at all.  The planet was inhabit-



   Another facinating thing about the planet was it's huge array of animal-

  inhabitants which,  to the astronauts  (and the world's)  huge  surprise,

  resembled quite how man has always imagined what the dinosaurs would look

  like.  The scientist's on the earth offered a wide range of theories, but

  the one theory which seemed to stick best with the  general  public   was

  that the planet is just another version of earth.  Just,  this version of

  earth had not seen the stage of development (or, as some liked to put it,

  the stage of self-desctruction) when man first walked on the earth.


   So,  after a lot of debate and arguments,  NASA,  along with most  major

  hardware/technical companies, started constructing some VERY  big  space-

  cargo ships.  Due to the massive size, and the (then) lack of technology,

  the cargo ships had to be constructed in orbit around the  earth  due  to

  the size of the ships and the ammount of fuel that would be needed for  a

  take-off from earth.  The space stations  already  in  orbit  around  the

  earth was to small,  so along with the near impossible task  of  building

  the space-cargo ships, they also had to construct  a  space  station  big

  enough to accommodate well over 9000 people  along  with  all  the  parts

  needed to build the cargo ships.


   After years and years of building, one cargo ship was finally  finnished

  and ready for departure.  It was, in it's first years of existance,  used

  to transport parts of an even larger space station than the one  orbiting

  the earth.  The  new,  and  much  improved  space  sation,  was  able  to

  accommodate 31000 People and enough parts to build 50 smaller cargo ships

  that were going to be used to transport objects, and people,  from  orbit

  and down to the planet.

   By this time NASA had also managed to name  the  planet.   It  had  been

  decided that the planet's name should be "Liberty".

   After some more years, 2 more space stations  orbiting the earth,  and 3

  more cargo ships were constructed.  The last 2 cargo ships buildt was  of

  such epic proportions that the  surfers  in  california  had  started  to

  complain about "those narly space-dudes" which apparantly where "blocking

  the sun" and they (the surfers)  couldn't  get  "this awesome tan"  which

  was much more important than saving the human race. 

   The  guys  responsible  for  constructing  the  huge  space-cargo  ships

  got a bright idea ... Instead of having to pay for the transport  of  all

  the people of earth,  up to the gigantic space-cargo ships,   they  could

  build small family-sized space-ships able to fly up to  the  cargo  ships


   SEVERAL years passed.

   The transfer from earth to Liberty went well.   People  started  bulding

  homes for themselves, and everything  seemed  to  be  in  perfectly  good

  order.  Then, after a couple of years passed on liberty, when society had

  re-buildt itself, NASA, along with the other  companies  responsible  for

  building the ships that brought everyone to the planet, claimed that they

  were the new rulers of liberty. And, also, the human race.

   Now, all-though this seemed to be a "bloody marvelous idea" for NASA and

  the rest of the bunch, many people disagreed.   So,  NASA and it's fellow

  partners&companies joined to one big organization, called  "Nemcon",  and

  started to construct prisons on earth.   Also,  they  hired  one  million

  people to work for them as troopers in their new regieme.

   Many riots broke out, and many died.  The only  weapons  on  the  planet

  where those of the Nemcon troopers,  so trying to fight Nemcon was not an

  easy task, and most gave up the fight.  Those who tried to destroy Nemcon

  were transported to the prisons on earth.

   Even more years passed.

   By now, the year 2347, MARS had been turned into  an  industrial  planet

  producing weapons, fuel and ammunition.  Gigantic  space-carriers had set

  out trying to find more planets in  the  universe.   Nemcon  had  finally

  decided to try and find any intelligent life in the universe.  Technology

  was BOOMING, and a WAST array of new things were produced.  So  many  fab

  things were made, that it would be too booring to list them all.

   Also, a huge group of terrorists&psychotic-people had been organized  by

  a man they referred to as  "Mark Ryder".   They almost succeded in taking

  over Nemcon, untill  Mark Ryder  suddenly dissapeared with all his papers

  The terror / pyscho-group   (Called "The Syndicate")   was left in chaos.

  One day they totally dissapeared. No-one knew what happened to them..



   _____  _____  ____________ __________   _______________|_      /____

  /     \/     \|    _      //_(\      /__|_   _      /    /     /   _/______

_/        /     \_   \     /   __\_        /   \     /    /     /    \      /

\_______\/       /________/    )__________/_________/__________/___________/


|                                                                           |

| t h e   m o ' s o u l   p o s s e   a r e                                 |

|                                                           c r u s a d e r |

|                                              (·our latest blood brother·) |

| d e s o t o                                                               |

| (·original gangster, inn from the start·)                                 |

|                                                                   n u p ! |

|                                                   (·the finnish maestro·) |

| v i n z i                                                                 |

| (·the second born prodical mo'soul son·)                                  |

|                                                       m a r k   r y d e r |

|                                             (·i try to keep it together·) |

| f u r y & k i n g p i n                                                   |

| (·the masters of ceremony, kings of the digital warehouse's·)             |

|                                                                           |


:        * questions can be mailed to mark ryder at: *        :


              ( · ¡ LoST MY HEARTBEAT WHEN ¡ ToUCHED CHR¡ST · )

 _ ................. ......... .......    .............. ___________________

.) ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::::.:::::::   ..........                        (.

T     ...:::::...    ::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::....... t       h       e  T

|                       .............. .............     ...............    |

|  e       n       d   ...........     ........ :::::::: ....... :::::::::  |

l____________________::::::::::....... :::::::: :::::::: :::::::.:::::::::__j

·                                                                           ·


|                                                                           |

|                        · f u l l   c r e d i t s ·                        |

|                                                                           |

|         mo'soul & mark ryder logo's by ... exocet of arclite              |

|                                            mogue of arclite               |

|                        mo'soul logo by ... u-man of arclite               |

|                            m'S logo by ... desoto of mo'soul              |

|             evil grand central logo by ... efx (independent)              |

|          all other pieces performed by ... mark ryder of mo'soul          |

|                                                                           |

|                     music performed by ... the prodigy                    |

|                                            photek                         |

|                                            orbital                        |

|                                            bush                           |

|                                                                           |

|                               software ... cygnusEd v3.o                  |

|                                   ___                                     |

|     ______     _________       _/\ __\__       ___________      ______    |

|    /\ __ ¬\    \  __  ¬/___    \  \\  ¬/___    \  __  ¬/_¬\    _\ __ ¬\   |

: ///\¯  \\  \  /   /   /\  ¬\  /   /\  /\  ¬\  /   /   /__  \  /   //  /\  |

·  /  \   \\  \/   /   /  \   \/   /   /  \   \/   /   /  \   \/  _//  /  \ :

.----  \  ¯¯   \  ¯¯  /\   __  \  /   /\   \   \  ¯¯  /\   \   \   ¯  /  ---.

|   \   \______/_____/  \___\___\/___/  \___\___\____/  \___\   \____/   /  |

|    \  /     /      \  /   /   /\   \  /   /   /    \  /   /\___\   \  /// |

|  mR!\/_____/\_______\/___/___/__\___\/___/___/______\/___/ /   /____\/m'S |


| Rel.   | Filename     | Title                 | Artist            | Size  |


| nov'95 | m's-sign.txt | a sign of respect     | desoto            | 179kB |

| dec'95 | m's-your.txt | welcome your bad self | mark ryder        | 24OkB |

| feb'96 | m's-ange.txt | angel                 | mark ryder        |  45kB |

| may'96 | a&m-back.txt | back in time          | mark ryder and    | 176kB |

| may'96 | a&m-back.txt | the army of darkness  | u-man / arclite   | 176kB |

| may'96 | m's-map1.txt | manhattan project     | nup!              | 159kB |

| jun'96 | m's-rebe.txt | rebel base / m.b.i    | mark ryder        |  88kB |

| aug'96 | m's-odds.lha | and the odds?         | desoto            |  29kB |

| aug'96 | m's-rac1.txt | rock a cock part #o1  | nup!              |  79kB |


|    · now go dial one of the  m O ' S O U L   H E A D Q U A R T E R S ·    |

:                                                                           |

¡ norway's most wanted trading ground          cHECkpO¡NT (mAStER: k¡NgP¡N) |

| switzerland's massive powerstation            d¡AL hARd (mAStER: F u R Y) |

|                                                                           !


|                                                                           |

|          · q u i c k   g r e e t i n g s   f l y   o u t   t o ·          |

|                                                                           |

|   nike * recall * patrician * schindler * u-man * hijack * sid * shane!   |

|   gryzor * fury * kingpin * demax * enzo * h2o * spite * ensam * marwic   |

|   r e a c t o r * mic flair * tommy * fatal * cybergod * misfit * tango   |

|   jedi * archangel * octoplex * shade * all the f o r g o t t e n ones!   |

|                                                                           |


|                                                                           |

|  amblin · barock · boomer · crus/\der · danzig · desoto · dhm · enforcer  |

| exocet · fckw · godhead · g.e.m · h2o · karma · manta · [/X\]ascot · maz! |

| metalbasher · metallikat · mogue · nup! · one eyed pirate · phase · rapid |

|        rat · red devil · redskin · rip · rotox · sal-one · seven m        |

|          shapechanger · skin · stylez · sy-klone · u-man · vinzi          |

|                                                                           |

| art · artcore · arclite · contra · dezign · g-style · unreal · upperclass |

|                                                                           |

|            have you been f o r g o t t e n? what a darn shame.            |

|                                                                           |


|                                                                           |

| I am here to tell you a little secret about how to keep your filelistings |

|   C L E A N  of ascii-shit/wanna-be/lame/ripper/low_quality collections   |

|                                                                           |

|    N                     U               :     K                     E    |

|_______________    ...............        | ___________.................   |

___            /... :::::::::::::::        |/          /:::::::.....        |

 |/           /:::: :::::::::::::::        /          /:::::::: ............!

 /           /::::: :::::::::::::::      ___    _____/_:::::::: :::::::::::::

/           /:::::: :::::::::::::::      \             \::::::: :::::::::::::

___________/:::::::.::::::::::::::'    _\\\             \::::::.:::::::::::::

|                               |          \_____________\                  |

|  N U K E   T H I S   S H I T  |          :                                |

|                               : it has come to my attention that a  n e w |

| ascii crew has started. or maybe it isn't new, it's just old but too lame |

| to remember? that certainly would explain a lot. who am I talking about ? |

|                                                                           |

|                      "WU-TIGER.TXT" ÷÷ "WU-FDTD.TXT"                      |

|                                                                           |

| download those for a quick introduction to the "DAMN!!, I'VE SEEN MOST OF |

| THESE STYLES BEFORE!" experience. what'r they called ... wu-trank?  w h y |

| not call it WU-WANKER? that's what it is. a bunch of WANKERS who think it |

| is cool to be ripping people off. dammit, is it so cool to rip people off |

| like certain AZKINESS and SAVE OUR SOULS member(s) have done? are t h e y |

| the role-models for the future generation of ascii wanna-be's?    then we |

| surely all are fucked. hm, did PIONEER DESIGN have some ripper too? can't |

| say I remember, but is that really a problem? it sucks like t h e rest of |

| the mentioned groups so why not auto-nuke it?                             |

|                                                                           |

|                                              IF I HAD AN AUTO-NUKE SCRIPT |

|                                                                           |

|                              P^D#?.TXT ÷ AZK#?.TXT ÷ WU#?.TXT ÷ SOS#?.TXT |

|                                                                           |

|                                                 I'D   N U K E ' E M   ALL |

|                                                                           |

| now I can say no more because I havn't downloaded much since last.  all I |

| know is that what HAS sucked,  STILL sucks and that the future looks like |

| the bottom of a sheep after mr.farmer has had his way with it.  to put it |

| in another way, it's fucked.                                              |

|                                                                           |


|                                                                           |

*--------------(you thought this colly would be opinion-free? what a shame)-*

                                            e-mail's can go to:



                        ..:        ::::·               

                       ::::        ::·                 

                       ::::        ·            ....:  

                      .::::                ..::::::::  

                      :::::             .::::·· :::::  

                     ::::::           .:::·     ::·    

                    .::::::         .:::·       ·      

                   .:::::::        .:::                

                  ::::·::::       ::::              ...................

                .::::. ::::      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.

              .::::·   ::::     ..:::::::::::···········          ..:::::::··

            .:::··     ::::   .:::::            .:             .:::::···

         ..:::·        :::: .:::::::         .::::          .::::··

       .:::·           ::::::· ::::::         ::::       .::::·

 . ..:::·              ::::·    :::::.        ::::     .::::·

 ·::dto/m's            ::·      ::::::.    .  ::::   .::::·

                                 :::::::...::·::::  ::::·®

                                  ··::::::·· :::::.:::· 

   - ----------------------------------------:::::::··--------------------- -

      m     o     '     s     o     u     l  :::::·   1     9     9     6

   - ----------------------------------------·::·-------------------------- -


     d e s o t o · v i n z i · n u p · c r u s a d e r · m a r k  r y d e r

            "I'm the Mo'Soul world organizer & damn proud of it."            


                                                   original line size:   1222

                                                   original byte size:


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "EVIL GRAND CENTRAL" (c) Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul %%