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45 888 bytes (44.81K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
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all-time: 415


[* T H I S   S H O U L D   B E   L I N E   # o o 1   I N   C Y G N U S E D *]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ+--- -- -  -  -  [MO'SOUL!]  -  -  - -- ---+

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  \/     /__\ | _\    /____    /    /   /

    /   /   \\|  |\   \    \ _/|   /   /____

  \/___/    \\ _______/    \\______\  /|   /


        mark ryder / hord / mo'soul!

    presents a piece of   a r t   called

                 [ angel. ]



[* T H I S   S H O U L D   B E   L I N E   # o 1 5   I N   C Y G N U S E D *]

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      mR! _|__________  \T      |/     \    __|      |      /     \\\ m'S

          \        //    \_     /     /     \ |      |     /|      \

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\___ _              _   _ ______( SHOWTIME! )______ _   _              _ ___/

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                                      :  \//_ _



              -   - ---·[ tHE PAIN, tHE SUFFERING.. ]·----.


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                                |  ::.·\\.  .

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                                |  `\_A_/' 

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                                |           ·

                                `-____-----------» i wish i had an angel ---.

   ___\ __      __________      _/   /\__   :      |  ______________   |    |

mR!\   \ /___ - \  _____///\ -- \   /¯¯ /\ -+----- |  \             \  | ---'

 /  \   /   /  / ____/_ //  \  /   /   /  \ |::::::| /       /       \ |:::::

 \   \ \___\ \/ \\    / /\   \/   /   /   / |::::::|/       / \       \|:::::

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                                            |::::::| _________/       /|:::::

                                            |::::::|_\   ____________/_|:::::

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           A T   T H E   G A T E            |::::::||      \/ /         |::::

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          ¡ N T O   T H E   P ¡ T           |::::::|  _____/           /ø::::

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             D E A D   Z O N E              |::::::| |    \\           ¯¯¯\::

                                            |::::::| |     /              /::

                                            |::::::| |   _/             _/:::

                                            |::::::| :   \_______________\:::

                                            |::::::| |         :_      |:::::

ANGEL is brought to you, Curtesy of Mo'Soul |::::::| |         |/______|:::::

                                            |::::::| |         /       ¯¯|:::

  (C)opyright Mark Ryder/Hord/Mo'Soul 1996  |::::::| |         |         |:::

                                            |::::::| |         |         |:::

      ·[ i wish you well, stranger ]·       |::::::| |_________|_______m'S:::

                                            |::::::|                   |:::::

--------------------------------------------'`:::::| one to hold on to |::::'

                                              `::::|                   |:::'.

                                               `:::|                   |::'.:

                                                 `:!                   !:'.::

____                                              `:                   :'.:::

   /                                                                   .:::::

  /                                                                    ::::::

 /                                                                     ::::::

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               a l l   y o u   n e e d   i s   a n   a n g e l         ::::::


             t e l l i n g   y o u   s o m e t h i n g   t h a t       ::::::


                   w i l l   p u l l   y o u   t h r o u g h           ::::::








                                                                     / ::::::

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                                                                   /   ::::::

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_ _____ _____________ _   _   _____________ ________      _____________`:::::

      //                     _\     _      |\      /_____ \   ________/ :::::

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 _ __//__ _ \______\\________\______|______/______|    \_____/        m'S ///


         a n g e l   [at the gate]   s h a r e   m y   v i s i o n s

   rise towards society's main-stream crap and scream, scream all you can.

            in a country where you're not free before you're dead

  exterminate the pain, end life, burn the soul, bury yourself 4 feet below

aggression is your defense,your name;not important,the purgatory welcomes you

 [   nothing will ever quite be the same after this  e x p e r i e n c e   ]


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[mR!]=========\_____________|========|          |__________|============[m'S]

                                   __|          |

     · i n t ()   t h e   p i t   \\ |          |_   table of contents ·

                                    \|          |/

                                     \          /  1. art bomb vote-sheet

                                     |        _/| 

                                     |       \\ |  2. danzig

                                     |         ·| 

                                     |          |  3. death

                                     |          | 

                                     |          |  4. exocet

                                     |          | 

                                     |          |  5. hord

                                     |          | 

                                     |          |  6. legion

                                     |          | 

                                     |          |  7. madmax #1

                                     |          | 

                                     |          |  8. madmax #2

                                     |          | 

                                     |          |  9. trsi

                                     |          | 

                                    _|          |_1o. anarchy (statement)

  _ __________________  _______ ___\\|_         |/_____ ______  ___________ _

                     //\\     //_    \/               //     //\\

         _    _ ____//__\\_____//____________________//_____//__\\____ _


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                            [ mR! |/\\  ./\| m'S ]

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 \//  \// m a r k  r y d e r // /   ¯/  \¯   \ \\ a   n   g   e   l \\/  \\/

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  //  \// o2                                                     o2 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                               d a n z i g                               /_

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______\_______/______|______/___/     _//____/______________\______\\________

=====================:=========\______\================:      ===============

·   d a n z i g / a r c l i t e - true old school   m a s t e r   of art!   ·

=[mR!]=================================================:      =========[m'S]=

                                                       ¡      :


___ /\ _ _  _____ _    _                             _    _ _____  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //_ \// o3                                                     o3 \\/ _\\

 _//                                                                     \\_

_\                                d e a t h                                /_

 \\________ _    _                                         _    _ ________//






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                .... \_____________/m'S·



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___ /\ _ _   ________ _                                _ ________  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //  \// o4                                                     o4 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                               e x o c e t                               /_

 \\________ _   _                                           _   _ ________//

             :_                                          :_

      ___/\ _| \____/\ _:   ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _| \____/\______

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   mR! /  _____)__/     |   \/     |/  \/     |____/  _____)__/    \     \

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    /      |        \   T      \  /|_     \   ¯      \ |        \   |

   /       |         \  |       \ ¯        \          \|         \  |

   \       ¯         /  |       /          /          /¯         /  | m'S


          e x o c e t / a r c l i t e - the man with the masterplan         |

 -   - ---------------------------------------------------------------------'

___ /\ _ _   ________ _                                _ ________  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //  \// o5                                                     o5 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                              h   o   r   d                              /_

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[mR!]=============|      :======.=============/_______/=================[m'S]




                  |      .


___ /\ _ _   ___________ _                          _ ___________  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //  \// o6                                                     o6 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                               l e g i o n                               /_

 \\___________ _   _                                     _   _ ___________//


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           \      _ /          /    \____/    \          \ _      /

            \_  ø/ (           \              /           ) \ø  _/

             /  |         mR! \ \____________/ / m'S         |  \

        _ __(   |                                            |   )__ _

                |        :_         :_   ·     .             |

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                                         .     :


___ /\ _ _   ______________ _                    _ ______________  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //  \// o7                                                     o7 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                             m a d m a x # 1                             /_

 \\_____________ _   _                                 _   _ _____________//

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    -    - -------------------\       |       //    /    \\       |\     \---

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                        [mR!/         T      /    /___\    \  \\          / ]

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|   ______:         ________   |      |             :                       |

| __\     |________ \       \ _|      |_____                                |

| \       |       //    /    \\       |     \_ mADmAX iS oNLiNE. tALK tO mE |

|/     /__¯__\   //    / \    \\__    ¯    __/                              |

/         T      /    /___\    \      T      \                              |

\_________|______\______|______/______|      |------------------------[m'S]-'

                        :             |      :


___ /\ _ _   _________________ _              _ _________________  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //  \// o8                                                     o8 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                             m a d m a x # 2                             /_

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 /         |       \  |       \          \  |       \  |       \  |       \

 \         |       /  |       /          /  |       /  |       /  |       /


m a d m a x   i s   o n l i n e    w h a t   d o   y o u   w a n t   u s e r


___ /\ _ _   ___________________ _          _ ___________________  _ _ /\ ___ 

  //  \// o9                                                     o9 \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                              t   r   s   i                              /_

 \\_________________ _   _                         _   _ _________________//


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         mR!__\     _      |\     ___   \_\     \\_____|\_____|_m'S

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  //  \// 1o                                                     1o \\/  \\

 _/                                                                       \_

_\                              a n a r c h y                              /_

 \\___________________ _   _                     _   _ ___________________//

               the difference between an ARTIST and a WANNA-BE               

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 is that an ARTIST makes this by hand in CED, a WANNA-BE uses an IFF-2-ASCII 

               c o n v e r t e r   o f   s o m e   k i n d . .    .  . ......

                                                                  ____ ::::::

                                                             _ __\\    ::::::

                                                                   \   ::::::

                                                                    \  ::::::

                                                                _ ___\ ::::::










                  y o u r   s o u l   i s   i m m o r t a l            ::::::











 ____ _                                                                ::::::

 \                                                                     ::::::

  \                                                                    ::::::

   \ ___ _                                                             ::::::

 ___\\                                                                 ::::::

............ ___________   _____________   ________  ___________ ......::::::

::::::::::'__\______    \ _\   ________/   \       \_\______    \ :::::::::::

:::::::::: \       |\    \|  _______/_____/    /    \      |\    \ ::::::::::

::::::::' /    ____|_\_   \_  \\         /    / \    \ ____|_\_   \_`'''__'''

- ------//     \\     /    /   /        /    /___\    \\\          //--.\/.-.

      mR!\______\\________/___/         \______|______/_\\________/     \/  |

                             \____________/    :                            |

      ______________ _____·______.______ _____  _____________               |

    __\_________   //    _:_     |\     \     \_\   ________/               |

    \   ___________T      |/   _/¯      |\     \  _______/_____             |

   /     \\         \     /    \      __|_\_    \_ \\          \            |

 //       /          \   /|_  /       \\   /     /  /           \\          |

--\______/           /____:___\__:_    \\_______/__/            /-----------'

        \___________/     .      |      |         \____________/m'S

                                 |      |

 (^· tHE MAdNESS HaS tO STOp ·^) |      | [ R E S P E C T S   G O E S   T O ]

                                 |      |

 [c R E D I T S  fOR  a N G E L] |      | amblin · barock · boomer · crusader

                                 |      | danzig! · dhm ·  enforcer  · exocet

     all ascii's & dezign by     |      | fckw · godhead · green eyed monster

 m A R K   R Y D E R / hRD / m'S |      | h2o · hijack · karma · mascot · maz

                                 |      | metalbasher ·  metallikat  · mogue!

 except the file id logo made by |      | nup · one eyed pirate · phase · rat

   e X O C E T / a R C L i T E   |      | red devil ·  redskin  · rip · rotox

                                 |      | sal-one! ·  seven m  · shapechanger

 h a r d w a r e/s o f t w a r e |      | skin! · s y - k l o n e · u - m a n

 amiga12oo/1omB/425mb/cdRom/zIP! |      |

 288oobPS/multisync/Cygnusedv3.o |      |                (...)

                                 |      |

         e l   a n g e l         |      | a r c l i t e · a r t · d e z i g n

            c a i d o            |      |  c o n t r /\   ·   epsilon dezign

                                 |      |

 [c d - r O M wAS p L A Y I N G] |      | [ m E S S A G E S   g O E S   t O ]

                                 |      |

        l e f t f i e l d        |      |   · p I O N E E R   D E Z I G N ·

      "release  the pressure"    |      | stay away from my art  -  don't use

                                 |      |       it in your collections.

       the chemical brothers     |      |

        "exit  planet dust"      |      |   · e X O C E T / a R C L i T E ·

          "loops of fury"        |      | thank you  very  much for the logos

                                 |      | [arclite releases are always nice!]

     everything but the girl     |      |

 "missing (todd terry club mix)" |      |    · kINGPIN/CRUX/MOTION/ROYAL ·

                                 |      | i got thrown out of the army before

            l i q u i d          |      | we got to meet.   how  sad  I am :)

          "sweet harmony"        |      | see you at  THE GATHERING  I hope!?

                                 |      |

      jam & spoon feat.plavka    |      |    · u - m A N / a R C L i T E ·

           " a n g e l "         |      | wery nice to have you back with us!

             "find me"           |      | been missing you a lot (!) *sniff!*

                                 |      | *sniff* *sniff* oh, there's cocaine

        a guy called gerald      |      | here!! *sniiiiiiiiiff!* god, what a

     "black secret technology"   |      | poor joke ... be seeing you in '96!

                                 |      |

 if you want to get in touch for |      |    · f U R Y / p R E S T i G E ·

 some reason (no orders, please) |      | we want barbara! give us barbara!!!

 then  dial  up   one  of  these |      | hehe. you coming to the gathering??

                                 |      | and no letter for a long time. much

 sKY TOWER             [DENMARk] |      | school     work      going     on ?

 tHE CHAMELEON         [FINLANd] |      |

 iNSIDE OUT            [GERMANy] |      |   · f A T A L / ePSiLON DESiGN! ·

 rAVELAND              [GERMANy] |      | see? your  ass-kissing  worked! now

 bOONDOCKS         [NETHERLANDs] |      | e^d got a 'respect'. gee,  I'm naiz

 wORLD OF ELITE    [NETHERLANDs] |      | as bajs - and that's the trouth bro

 bASIC INSTINCT         [NORWAy] |      |

 cHECKPOINT             [NORWAy] |      | ·d E S O T O/h O R D/m O ' S O U L·

 eVERYWARE              [NORWAy] |      | so, how do you think it came out ?!

 aCES HIGH              [SWEDEn] |      | i kinda like it actually.  not 100%

 aNOTHER STEP           [SWEDEn] |      | satisfied, but it looks "ok". thank

 aSYLUM                 [SWEDEn] |      | you for  bothering  spite  all  the

 fINAL IMPACT           [SWEDEn] |      | time - doing a hell'uva job mate!!!

 iNSTANT PLEASURE       [SWEDEn] |      | hehe. see you at THE GATHERING ????

 nIGHTFALL              [SWEDEn] |      |

 sKYLINE                [SWEDEn] |      |    · v I N Z I / m O ' s O U L ·

 dIAL HARD         [SWITZERLANd] |      | expect something in  your  mail-box

 fREEDOM WITHIN            [U.k] |      | soon, something crap;  something  i

 mORTUARY                [U.S.a] |      | will send as soon as  i  can get my

                                 |      | busy head down to the post office..

 "I WANT A LOGO, U R COOL!!!!!!" |      |

 and shit from  order-doors  are |      |    · e N Z O / p R E S T i G E ·

 I ·· G ·· N ·· O ·· R ·· E ·· D |      | herm...kremt...AMIGA_5: NOT MOUNTED

                                 |      | hint, hint :) we've  got  2  danish

 some of you  out there probably |      | channels know what?DK telly

 downloaded xcluziwe/sos's maggy |      | sucks big time :) coming to TG96???

 'ascii gazette' issue 2 when it |      | ! ! !  b r i n g   m y   c d  ! ! !

 was released.   to kill off the |      |

 rumour about me making a  GUIDE |      | · cRUSADER/gIANTS/ePSILON DESIGN! ·

 based magazine:  it's not true. |      | havn't forgotten all about you. ive

 it's  a  100%  assembler  CODED |      | just  been  busy  getting  my  life

 magazine.  it was going to be a |      | back in order. now it's back to its

 guide-file magazine  (the guide |      | normal fucked up state so I can get

 file kicked ass,  really!)  but |      | back on track. how's the army?  i'm

 desoto/m's got a coder  on  the |      | done with my army service :-)))))))

 motterfokker so it'll  come out |      |

 as   a   c o d e d    magazine. |      |       · s H A D E / t R S I ·

 then again, u-man/arclite loves |      | jeg boikotter'rei 'asse! ;) haha :)

 the guide version so very much, |      | fint å vite at det ikke bare er jeg

 it might be released along with |      | og  flake  som   har  det  gøy  med

 the coded maggy.  we'll see ... |      | hverandre. dæven døtte, jeg skriver

 anyways - xcz wasn't in any way |      | på norsk!!!  fy  helvete  'å koolt.

 allowed to spread the news,  so |      |

 to him we have to say...ah, you |      |      · a C E / s E S S i O N ·

 already know what I think xcz.. |      | hakk'e glemt 'rei heller,  har bare

                                 |      | vært "litt" busy 'lissom.  fortsatt

 I've been reading some messages |      | i militæret ?!? hm? hm? hm? hm? hm?

 in collections  about  how mean |      |

 the  "old school"  artists  are |      |   · c E S i U M / s E S S i O N ·

 and  how   they  should  change |      | skikkelig tilbake, eller bare litt?

 their  ways  and   become  more |      |

 friendly towards new commers .. |      |      · dEATHKNIGHT/pRESTIGE! ·

 you have to  be  PRETTY FUCKING |      | drop that  join  you've got in your

 STUPID to write shit like that! |      | hand right now!! hehe.  how's'about

 new commers  can  do  like  all |      | coming  to  the  gathering 1996  in

 other  bitches -- get  down  on |      | april?   held in norway ofcourse ;)

 their knees  and  suck  my  big |      |

 o l d   s c h o o l   d i c k ! |      |        · n I K E / t R S I ·

 if you're nice,  I'll  slap you |      | jeg får bare en helvetes tlf.svarer

 'round a bit and  cum  in  your |      | når jeg ringer deg. hva faen skjer?

 face as a bonus. biiiiiiitches! |      | f l y t t e r   t i l   n o r g e ?

                                 |      |

 do you hate me more than ever ? |      |    · rECALL / fLOOD / hELLFiRE ·

    s e e   i f   I   c a r e    |      | tjallabajs!   fan, k0m nu over till

                                 |      | the gathering 1996  så skal vi p0ka

 for those who  managed to catch |      | nogra viking-brudar ;) hehe. later!

 that I was going to the army in |      |

 january '96: I'm out. after six |      |       · h 2 O / c O N T R A ·

 days they sent  me  to a shrink |      |   stop cutting & pasting ;) hehe!

 who  concluded   with   what  I |      |

 already knew deep down inside.. |      |     · gRIMLOCK/ePSILON DESIGN ·

 I was not the right  person  to |      |    HEEEEEEEELVETES BONDE !!!!!!!

 have in the army. so,they threw |      |

 me  out.   now  i'm  back  home |      |  · sAL-oNE/tRSI/a wHOLE bUNCH :) ·

 working more than ever. i'm 2nd |      | still no collection?  when?  when??

 in command in the area in which |      |

 I work after only having worked |      | and a big wet one out 2 the account

 there  full-time  for  about  6 |      | known as  "-(-sLIME&vOYAGE-)-"  one

 months.   the boss of the store |      | o'the few people left who can write

 got in on the subject of having |      | an intelligent  and  nice  message.

 me as a  sales  person  in  the |      | 

 store,  instead of  working  in |      |         · v I E T C O N G ·        

 the storage area  aswell.  when |      | see, I havn't forgotten about you!!

 march comes I can get a drivers |      | catch  you  roaming  some  node ;-)

 licence  and  this  summer  i'm |      |                                    

 moving out to my own appartment |      | ORIGINAL SIZE (LINES) ......... 888

 PLUSS i'm just  starting to get |      |         

 to know a very  nice  26  years |      | ORIGINAL SIZE (BYTES) ......

 old girl.  life  can  be  sweet |      |

 sometimes. abuse your situation |      | [ ·  t   h   e       e   n   d  · ]

                    _____________|      |       _____________

                  __\     _      |      |____ __\   ________/m'S 

                  \       \      |      |     \   _______/_____ 

                 /        |\_____|      _    /     \\          \ 

  .-------------/         |   /         |   /       /           \------ -   -

  |             \_________|   \_________|   \______/            / 

  |                        _____________|  _ __|__\____________/__

  |                      __\   ________/|      \\    \_\______    \

  |                      \   _______/___|_     |\\    \      |\    \

  |    t h e   e n d    /     \\          \   _|_\_    \  ___|_\_   \_ 

  |                    /       /           \ \\        / \\          /

  |                 mR!\______/____________/__\\______/___\\________/


  `------------------------------------------ -   -


      ______     _________       _/\ __\__       ___________      ______

     /\ __ ¬\    \  __  ¬/___    \  \\  ¬/___    \  __  ¬/_¬\    _\ __ ¬\

  ///\¯  \\  \  /   /   /\  ¬\  /   /\  /\  ¬\  /   /   /__  \  /   //  /\

   /  \   \\  \/   /   /  \   \/   /   /  \   \/   /   /  \   \/  _//  /  \

 .---  \  ¯¯   \  ¯¯  /\   __  \  /   /\   \   \  ¯¯  /\   \   \   ¯  /  ---.

 |  \   \______/_____/  \___\___\/___/  \___\___\____/  \___\   \____/   /  |

 |   \  /     /      \  /   /   /\   \  /   /   /    \  /   /\___\   \  /// |

 |    \/_____/\_______\/___/___/__\___\/___/___/______\/___/ /   /____\/    |

 |                                                         \/___/           |



             M'S-SIGN.TXT -    SIGN OF RESPECT    - D E S O T O!



        you've been watching a mark ryder production (c) mo'soul 1996

[* T H I S   S H O U L D   B E   L I N E   # 8 8 8   I N   C Y G N U S E D *]