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File size:
101 879 bytes (99.49K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 804




_ ____|___________ __|_ ___._________|_ ___ 

   __ |  _  / .__/_  |__   |  __/_   |     |

   _/ :  / /  l   /  |  \  |  |  _}--:s    |

_ _l__l_(  \_____/______/__l__l______|c    |


present another psychotik masterpiece called

-- - -/-»  thE WAR AGAiNSt SLEEP!  «-\- - --

   A tribute-collection done by: -ExOcEt!   

[%%%%%%%%] No Fuckin' RoadHoggin' [%%%%%%%%]


                        you got a decision to make:

              are you gonna be jesus christ in your sex-life?


                  t.h.e   a.s.c.i.i   g.o.d.s   u.n.d.e.r

     t.h.e   s.i.g.n   o.f   t.h.e   s.i.n.i.s.t.e.r   p.i.g - l.o.r.d

      a.k.a   g.r.i.m.s.l.e.y   o.u.r   f.e.a.r.l.e.s.s   l.e.a.d.e.r


        ####                                                ##:

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     ________________________________ ___ __ _  _


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    \________|      \       \_.      \_.    |      |     _|    __\      _|

             |______|\________|________| ___|______|_____\______________\


                  [  t.h.e    a.s.c.i.i    c.A.R.T.e.l  ]                  _\

                               _  _ __ ___ ________________________________\ 

                   i.s   p.r.o.u.d   t.o   p.r.e.s.e.n.t

                   a   n.e.w   c.o.l.l.e.c.t.i.o.n   b.y

                t.h.e   a.y.a.t.o.l.l.a.h   o.f   a.s.c.i.i

          t.h.e   p.a.t.r.o.n   s.a.i.n.t   o.f   t.h.e   s.i.c.k

               __    __

               \  ___\/_   __ _

                  \  /\/ //

 _ __ _____________\/___________________ __ _  _

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       _/   /_   _/            /   \_     /___/_     _/   /_     /  \    /

       \___/  \_ \                  /   _/      \_   \___/  \___/    \__/ 

               /  \                /             /           / /      \_

 _ __________ /    \    _ ________/_____________/__________ /  \______ /

 _ __ ______\/_____/\___________________ __ _  _          \/         \/H2o!


                            L.e.s.s.o.n   #.3.8


               T.h.e _/     /______________\  __________

                    /      /       /        \/    _     \

                   //     /\      /         \\    /     /_

                  /_______/\_____/____________\   \_______| a.g.a.i.n.s.T


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       /        __  /______       _/     ___/___/     ___/___/         \  |

      /\__        \/      /______/      _/    /      _/    /     |     /  |

     /____________//     /      /____________/____________//     _____/   |


              .                                              .

.___________ /                                                \ ___________.  

|  _      _//____________________________________.   ._________\\_         |

| |_)                                            |   |                     |

| _______   _______.           _______    _______.   |                     |

._\_    /___\_    _|__ ________\_    /____\     _|__ |        t.h.e        |

|  /  _/__   /_ _|   /   ___/       /.   _|\_ _|   / |        w.a.r        |

|____|   /  / /______\  __/____/_____|  |   /______\ |    a.g.a.i.n.s.t    |

.    |___\____\÷e÷ |____|           \_______\  _ .   |      s.l.e.e.p      |

|                                             (_||   |                     |

|________________________________________________|   |_____________________|


greetings brethren,                              |                         |

                                                 |  ///                    |

just for the records  and to stop  some rumours  |  //                     |

going around : shapechanger has joined  arclite  |  /                      |

a while ago + isn't a member of dezign,whale or  |                         |

shoot  ascii  department or whatever.  arclite-  |                         |   

artists  produce  for  arclite  exclusively  as  |                         |

you certainly have noticed in the past.          |                         |   

                                                 |                         |

the  same  is true for our newest  member a.k.a  |                         |

u-man who has left whale to hang out with us in  |                         |

the future . his awesome bbs  final impact will  |                         |

be  available for  your pleasure as an  arclite  |                         |

swedish hq soon again.                           |                         |

                                                 |                         |

welcome to the show, patrik and anders!!!        |                         |

                                                 |                         |

dhm is not in arclite anymore. so would all the  |                         |

guys  publishing a mag  please pay attention to  |                         |

that, thanks. i am  also available  for all the  |                         |

newest info on  arclite via my  e-mail address.  |                         |

                                                 |                         |

oops, now that this is supposed to be a preface  |                         |

i better start telling how fuckin cool i am and  |                         |

that i wipe floor with every single other ascii  |                         |

artist..... at least that's what i have seen in  |                         |

just too many newcomer-collections recently.     |                         |

well, don't expect any crap like this in here -  |                         |

we don't need it.                                |                         |

                                                 |                         |

in fact , this tribute - collection was done to  |                         |

express my deep - felt respect to some artists.  |                         |

part of them have left the scene , part of them  |                         |

are quite inactive, wondering , what has become  |                         |

of ascii-world. some, however, are still active  |                         |

and show  you what  you really  can make out of  |                         |

lines and dots.                                  |                         ·


i like  to think that  these are my comrades in  |                   .ed"""" 

THE WAR AGAiNST SLEEP.                           |                 -"       

today's ascii-scene has become  so very boring.  |               ."         

shit is sold  for gold , new ideas  have become  |              /           

rare, every day sees a new group, normally con-  |             d  3         

sisting of ignorant newbies. sad.                |             $  *         

if you  are new, try to  work hard on your  own  |            .$  ^c        

style and don't steal some ideas and then claim  |            d$L  4.       

to be the fucking arch-wizard of ascii. do wise  |            $$$$b ^ceeeee.

up! i've seen too many shit now.                 |e$""=.      $$$$P d$$$$F $

                                                 z$$b. ^c     3$$$F "$$$$b  

to all mag-editors: if you seriously want to do 4$$$$L   \     $$P"  "$$b   

am ascii-magazine, then try to fucking get into ^*$$$$$c  %..   *c    ..^mag fucked up big style with every issue  |"**$$$ec   "\   %ce""    $

they published  because of  their incompetence.  |      "*$b.  "c  *$e.    *

xcz has tried  hard to get a  decent history of  |        ^*$$c ^$c $$$     

ascii together- surely not an easy thing to do.  |           "$$$$$$"'$=e...

it was, however, a bit unprecise at some points  |             "*$$$  *=%4.$

, therefore i would like to add  to it here (so  |                "$   "%*eb

nobody can say , old skoolers just complain and  |                  %..     

do nothing to help):                             |                   $$$e   

                                                 |                    "*$c  

the very first ascii-crew was "da hood" founded  |                     ."""*

by a guy called mofo. i guess, nobody remembers  |                  .-"    .

them nowadays. next were unreal, they had these  |               .-"    .e$"

famous ascii - conferences on boards like house  |        .=*""""    .e$*" .

of pain and the ghetto. g^style came up shortly  |      .$"        .z*"    |

after that . the next  crew to  emerge was  the  |      $$ee$c   .d"       |

group of your humble story - teller: arclite :)  |      ^*$E")$..$"        |

after unreal had died , skin and amblin founded  |         $.d$$$*   -gilo |

a new group  by the name of  dezign which seems  |            """""        |

to be regrettably dead by now. when g^style had  |                         |

kicked the bucket , some of their  members said  |                         |

good-bye or joined rather new groups like upper  |                         |

class or art, one of them joined us. so, that's  |                         |

it, as far as i recall it, hope it was a help.   |                         |

                                                 |                         |

history? yeah maybe - still , if i look  at the  |                         |

productions of skin and amblin, red devil, maz,  |                         |

redskin, rotox and some of the others i can see  |                         |

pure quality work which isn't too common today.  |                         |

                                                 |                         |

so, this collection is dedicated to old legends  |                         |

and  a few good  newcomers. my list of featured  |                         |

artists  may not be  truly  complete but  after  |                         |

all , this is  my  personal fave-list . so no,   |                         |

don't come complaining if you are not featured.  |                         |

                                                 |                       / |

and just in case,  you have  a problem with all  |                      // |

these ramblings of mine, why don't you turn off  |                     /// |

the screen and stop reading, jerk! choke on it.  |_________________________|

                                                 ·                         ·

   .                            ____.                  ____.      

  _|________.             _____|_   |_           _____|_   |_        .

   |\      _|___ _____ ___\_    /   _/_____.  ___\_    /   _/  ______|_

     \    |    /      \    /   /_.  |     _|__    /   /_.  |___\    /:

      \________\      \\__/______|  |   _|   /___/______|  |   |\   \

_ ____________\________/_______|____|________\÷e÷_____|____|_________\ ___ _

                               |                      |

                       c..h..a..p..t..e..r   o..n..e

                            t.h.e   g.r.o.u.p.s





                        e.p.s.i.l.o.n ^ d.e.s.i.g.n

                               m.o ' s.o.u.l


_ ______________________________________________________________________|_ _


                       c..h..a..p..t..e..r   t..w..o

                           t.h.e   a.r.t.i.s.t.s

                              a.c.i.d   k.i.d










                     g.r.e.e.n   e.y.e.d   m.o.n.s.t.a




                            m.a.r.k   r.y.d.e.r











                             r.e.d   d.e.v.i.l




                               s.a.l   o.n.e

                               s.e.v.e.n   m



                          s.l.u.m   d.w.e.l.l.e.r




                              s.y - k.l.o.n.e


                                 u - m.a.n


_ _|______________________________________________________________________ _



               +--- -- -  -  -  [ARCLitE!]  -  -  - -- ---+

                                       ___.      __.

                   ______ ______  ____|   | ___ /  |_ ___.

                ___\_   /_\_   /_/  __|_  |(___)   _/   _|_

                \       / _/  / /  |   /  |   /    |  _|  /

                /  /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\


           _._  /\____________ ._______       _______________.

            | \/              ||       \__.  _\              |

            |                 ||          | | .          \\  |

            |                 ||          |  /_           \  |

            |                 ||         ____ /       . _____.

            |     ________    ||        /    /       /_      |_ 

       ________ __\__    /__ ______.   /    /_____ _ _/_     _/_______. 

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    /         /____\_______\    |    /____________\      /___|    _|    /

  _/    /____/÷e÷         _\ _________\        _ ________/   |___________\_

 _\ ____\   .             \   ..          |.   \             .            /

   \        |              '  ||          ||                 |           ·

    ·       |  \              ||          ||                 |                                                                

            |  \\           __||__        ||                 |

            |_______________\     \_______||____________  /\_|_

            ·                                           \/   ·

               +--- -- -  -  -   -[ARt!]-   -  -  - -- ---+

                 ./,                          ___      

               -///----__ _________ _________/   |_------ -

               '·/     \/_\___    / \___    /    _/     /.,

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                      /_____\    `----' - -------'


        ________    ________/      |_

__  ____\_     /____\      //      _/_______________________________________

   /           /   _/    _/_.      |

_ //    /_____/____\________|______| ___    ...PART OF THE ART ARE...

 /______\÷e÷                           /  

                                      /_ eNf·Rat·Rotox·Fckw·Rip·redSkin·mAz 

                                       /                              __.    

                                      /_______________________________\ |___



                +--- -- -  -  -   [cONtRA!]  -  -  - -- ---+


                  _____   ____  _______/  |_ ______  _______

                 /   __|_/    \_\__   /   _/ __   /__\__   /

                /   |   //     \  /   /   |  _/  / /       /

                \_______\______/ /___/____|__\_____\  /___/

                            /____\               /____\÷e÷


                   ________             /     |_           _______  __.

         ______.  /        \    _______/       /  ________/       \ \ |

        /     _|_/__       \\___\     /       |___\      /        \\ \|

    .  /     |     /________/   /    /________|  _/     /_._________\

_ __|\_\___________\      /    /_____\      |____\________| ______________ _

    |_\                  /_____\÷e÷

                +--- -- -  -  -   [dEZiGN]  -  -  - -- ---+

                   ____ _____.   _______  _   _____ ______

                 __\_  \_   _|___\_    /_(_)_/  __/_\__   \  

                |   /   / _|   /   ___/|    /   \     /   / 

                l______/_______\_______|____\____    /____\ 



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                             :                  :  


                +--- -- -  - [EPSiLON dESiGN] -  -  - -- ---+

                  ___________  ______/¯¯|¯¯|  ______  _______

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                /  _|  /  ___/\___  \   |  |  /    //  /   /

                \______\  |_ __ ____/___|_____\    /__/   /__

                «-÷e÷/____|- - d E S i G n! - -\__/--/______/


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       E  p  s  |  l  o  n     d  E  s  |  g  n      : . ·




                +--- -- -  -  -  [MO'SOUL!]  -  -  - -- ---+

                __  ______  __.  ______     _ __ ____ ___

                  \/     /__\ | _\    /____    /    /   /

                    /   /   \\|  |\   \    \ _/|   /   /____

                  \/___/    \\ _______/    \\______\  /|   /



                  _________ __         _________            /     /

    _______  ____/__       \\_\  _____/__       \ ______ __/__   /_____

    \      \/      /       \\ ___\      /       \\     /     / _/|    /

.....\\      /    /.________//   |\     \________/    /|    /_________\.....

    ._\    \/______|÷e÷     /___________/       /___________\ 


                         · p R O d U c t i O n s ·

                   dESOtO  (·)  mARK rYDER  (·)  vINZI 

                +--- -- -  -  -   [WhALE!]   -  -  - -- ---+

                     .___     ___         ______

                _____|   |___|   |  ______\    / ______.

                \    /   |   |_  |__\_   //   /_/__   _|___

                /  _/\   |   _/  |       /   /|   / _|    /

               /____/\___|   |___|  /___/_________\_______\

               ø---------|___| /____\÷e÷------------------ø


                   ____.   ____           ______

             _____|    |__|    | _______  \    / _________.  

             \    /    /  |_   |/       \/    /__\__     _|____

.-----------/   _/\   /   _/   |        \\   /|    /   _|     /-----------.

|          /_____/\__/    |____|__________\________\__________\           |

|                   /_____|÷e÷                                            |

|                                                                         |

|                       thE biG fiSh hAS sWALLOWEd:                       |

|                                                                         |

|                         insert memberlist here!                         |

|                                                                         |

`------------------------ ---- -- - (·) - -- ---- ------------------------'

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o1 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Acid Kid               /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Whale                 //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


   ______              ____                 .____         ____

  /      \_______.   _(____)_.   ______     |    |_____ _(____)_.   ______

 /       \\     _|__|_       |___\_    \_   |    /    /|        |___\_    \_

/__________\   |     /_____._|    /     /   |   /    /_.______._|    /     /

       ÷e÷\__________\     |___________/    |___\______|      |___________/

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____    

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o2 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Amblin                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Dezign                //\  

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                                :_____    _____.    

                                |     |  |     |  _ ______

.        .________ ______  _____|   ._|__|__   |   __    /  .___________   .

|------__|____     \    _\/     |   |__     \_ |__|__\  /|__|___       /---|

|    _/           _/     \/     |     /      / |    / \/_/     /      /    |

|----\_______|____\_______\     |___________/_______\   \______\     /_----|

·                     ÷e÷|______|                 |______|   /________/    ·

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o3 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Boomer                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Dezign                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Finland             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


 .______      _________         ________  _______        .      ________    

_|     _|____/_        \ _______\       \/    __/________|______\      /__._

 |     \      /        \\        \        /   \_.       _|____ _/     /   |

_|     /     /__________/        \\     \/______|     _|     /_\__________|_

 |__________/÷e÷      \___________/\_____\      \____________\ 

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o4 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Chrombacher            /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Epsilon Design        //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


           _ ___ 

          ____ /__ 

          \  //  /

          / \/  /       .______                                   

         /_____/.  _____|     /    _________ ________ _ __  _______  

       _/      _|_|_    |_    |____\_      /__       \    \/      /

       \      |    /    _/    |    _/    _/  /       \\     /     /

      / \___________\   |_____|____\_________\________/   \/_____/

     /     /      |_____|÷e÷                        _ _____\

    /     /                              ._______                   

   /  ___/_____   ________ ______.  _____|      /______.        _________      

  /   \_      /___\_    _/      _|_|__   |_   _/      _|________\_      /__

 /     /     /          \      |     /   _/   \     _|     /    _/    _/  /

/___________/______|_____\____________\  |_____\___________\____\_________\


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o5 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Danzig                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



     _|____|_    |                ________            ___

      /     /    |   _______._____\      / ________ _(___)_.       .

._____\     \   :|___\_     |     /     /._\_     /        |_______|________

|      \_____..::.          |____/_______|   ____/|________|  _    \  

|             ·:::_____|_____|÷e÷     /___________.______\    \    / 

|              ·:                                 |      |\____     \

|_______________:_______________________________ _|__________________\ _____

                .                                 |

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o6 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Desert                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Dezign                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



                _________.                         ________   ______.

           _____\       _|___     _________.   ____\_     /__/      |_

     ______\_    \_   _|    /_____\__     _|__|    _/    /  /        /

     \      /     /__________\      /   _|    /____\________\       |

____ /___________/÷e÷   \    |\     \__________\           \________| __

                       /____________/                                  /__ _


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o7 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Desoto                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Mo'Soul               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                         _\ _____________________________________________ _

                           \  __ 

           _______.         \ \_|                  ______.

     ______\__    |         _\     ________       /      |_

     \      _/  __|_______. \ _____\      /______/_       /________

      \     \   \        _|__\     |\     \        \     |/        \

       \_________\     _|     ____________/        \\____/         \\

               ÷e÷\____________\         \__________/    \__________/


                                 \_  m O ' s O u L   p r O d U c t i O n s

                                  (_______________________________________ _


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o8 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Dionysios              /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Fire^Ice              //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Belgium             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


               ___            ______        _______       _____

         ____ (___)_ _____ ___\    /___ /\__\     / ___  /     \ ______   .

 .___ ___\   \_     /.    \   /   /_.  /   /|\    \(___)_.     \\     / __|_

 |   /   /    /______|    \\_/______|_/   /_______/      |______/\    \   |

_|_ /________/     \_______/÷e÷   \___   /      /________|   /________/ __|

 |                                ._/   /


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  o9 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Enforcer               /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Art                   //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


 ________.   _______ ________________  ________ _____.  _______.   ________

/      __|___\___   \_    _______    \_\__    /    __|_/_    __|___\__    /

\    _|     /   /    /  ___/    (     / _/  _/    |     /  _|     / _/  _/

 \________/_\  /____/   / \________/_/  \    \__________\______/__\ \    \__

         /_____\ /______\÷e÷      /______\______ __ _    _   _/______\_____/


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  1o . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Green Eyed Monsta      /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



                      ____________/           /   ______  _________ _

                     /           //    |     /___/___   \/_       //_|

            _______ //    |     //     _____/       /   \/        \ 

    .     __\      /_______     \___________________\    \         \

    -\---|_//____________________\÷e÷         /___________\---------\-

      \_                                                            _\

       /                                                            \

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  11 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| H2O                    /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Contra                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



                            : .       :

                          :::         :


                     |    :::         :           __  /

                     .____:::         :          (_/ / 

___  _________ ______|      |    _____:___     _________ ___________________  

.  \/         |      |      |____\__      \____\___     \    

              |      |_    _/      . _____/__     (      \_  

              |      _(    \       |(       /             /               .

______________|      |______\_______________\____________/_____________/\___

           ÷e÷|______|  _ :::         :        

                     . /_):::         :       /


                          :::         :

                          :::       . :



                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  12 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Hijack                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Finland             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


     /\__.                   .                                /\__. 

    /    |______     ___     _\ _____   ________ ______.     /    |______

   /     |_     |___(___)___ \      /___\_      /     _|____/    _/    _/

  /_     _/    _/          //      /           /     |     /     \      \_

   /_____|     \___________/      /______|_____\___________\______\______/

  /_ __  |______|  \      /      /÷e÷                              

      /            /_____________\_                                

     .                            /                                

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  13 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Karma                  /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



._____ /     /  ________   _________ __  _______   ________ _______________.

|     /     /___\_     /___\_      /   \/      /___\_     /                |

|    /     /_.        /_.  _/    _/_.    /    /_.        /_. A·R·C·L·i·t·E |

|____\_______|  /_______|__\________|  \/_______|  /_______|_______________|

         /______\÷e÷             _ _____\   /______\                        


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  14 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Mark Ryder             /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Mo'Soul               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Norway              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



 _ __  _______   ________   ______|_    |______ ____________________________

     \/      /___\_     /___\      /    /     /

       /    /.         /_.  /     /\   /     /_.                          |

     \/______|   /_______|__\_______\__\_______|        m O ' s O U L     ·

_ ____\   /______\÷e÷                       ._____ 

                      ________ ____ /\__ ___|_   _|________.       ________

 .                ____\      /     /    /    /   \        _|___ ___\      /

 |               /    /    _/\   _/    /     \    \     _|    /    /     /_.

_______________ /_____\_______\___    /\__________|\__________\____\_______|

                                /    /


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  15 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Mascot                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| none                  //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


   _ ____  _______              ________             ________  .______ _

         \/      /________ _____\      /________.   /        \_|      

           /     /_.      \     |\     \       _|__/_        \\       

         \/________|      \\___________/\     |     /_________/|      

    _ ____\    /____________\            \__________\÷e÷       |_______ _

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  16 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Maz                    /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Art                   //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


             :                                                :

             :                                                :

          __ :______  ________      .________       _________ :

 __.         :      \/       /______|       /______|_       / :         __. 

-\ |---- -- -+        /      /      .       /      ________/  +- -- ----\ |-

  \|         :      \/______/______________/__________________:_         \| 

            _:_______\÷e÷                                     :

             :                                                :

             :                                                :

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  17 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Metalbasher            /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Upperclass            //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Italy               ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



                           _____\  ___             .

                          \\     \/ .              _\  ___/_

 ______  ______  _______. _\       /_    _________/  \/  /

_\     \/     /_/     __|_)__     __(____\_      /      /______

\        /     /     _(     /      |             /    _/(     /

-\     \/_____/\____________\     .|______|_____/_____________\------------»

  \_____\                  |     .:|÷e÷  


 _____.                           ::_____

|    _|_____     ________     _____|__   |_____  _______.       _________ 

|    \_    /_____\_     /_____\      /   |_    |/     __|___.___\__     /___

|     (     /           /_.   )\     \   _(    /     _(     |    _/    /   /

|__________/______|_______|__________/___|     \________ /\_|____\_________\

                                         |_____|        /


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  18 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Metallikat             /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Unreal                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| U.S.A.              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                                         _____.           _____    

           _________. _____.         ___|_.   |     .____/    /     _____:

  :___  ___\___    _||__   |_  _____|_  : |   | ___ |   /    / ____|__   |_

  :   \/      /  _|  : /    /__\_   :/  : |  .|(___)|. /    /__\_  : /    /

  :     /    /_______:_\   |        :/  :.|__:|     |:_\_____      : /   |

  :   \/____/        |_____|   /____/_____|  |_______|    /    /___:/____|_

 _:____\                 /_____\÷e÷                      /_____\         :


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  19 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Mogue                  /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__






      _:_____  _______        ________.             __________.

       :     \/      / ______/_     __|____ ______ _\____    _|____ 

       :       /     //        \    \     //     /      /  _|     /

       :     \/_____/          \\____     /    _/|     /___________\

     _ :_____\\     \___________/ /_______\___________\\÷e÷


       :         .

- -----.--------/-       yOuR oWn pERsOnAL ·ARCLitE· BitCh       ___ 

       :       /________________________________________________\\ /_______

       ø                                                         \/

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  2o . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Nebraska               /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| none                  //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


          ________. .____.     _______            _________.       _______ 

       ___\__    _|_|_  _|_____\_    /_  _________\     /  |____ __\_    /

   ____\    /  _|    /  \   \   /   / / _\_    /  |\    \  /   /        /_.

  /    /   /\________\  /   /___\_____\       /_._______/ /   /__._/______|

 /____/______\      |______/        /____/______|    /____\______|÷e÷

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  21 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Nike                   /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| House Of Style        //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__




                             /\    /    | 

                 ___________/__\  /     |________ _________.

          _______\_        /    \/     _/      _/         _|_______

     _ __/        /       /      \     \        \_      _|        /_

     \\\_________/       /        \     \________/________________\\\

                /_____ _ .......... _ __|÷e÷ 

                      _/_ ········ _\_                               

                      /              \ 

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  22 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Nup                    /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Whale                 //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



      _______ .____|    / _______ 

___ _/   .__/_|    |    |_\__.   \_ _____________________________________ _

    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     

 w  |    |    |    |    |    |    |

    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    p r o u d l y  p r e s e n t s :

 h  |    |    |    |    |    |    |

    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

 a  |    |    |    |    |    |    | "santa claus is a muthafucking mutant"

    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

 l  |    |    |    |    |    |    |

    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     (/) nineteen-ninetysix by nup!

 e  |    |    |_   |   _|  __|   _|

___ |    |____| \_____/ |  \____/ ________________________________________ _ 

   /_____|÷e÷           |_____\

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  23 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Rapid                  /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Contra                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



  __|_             _________                 __________           _______

 _\ | _____________\_      /__.   _______.___\_       / ___   .___\_     \_

   \|          .   _/     /   |___\_     |    /  ____/_(___)__|    /      /

 _ ___________ |\ _\__________|          |________|_/         |__________/

               |_\           |_____|_____|÷e÷      \__________|  


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  24 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Rat                    /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Art                   //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                                    _____  ._______

       _ __________     ________   /     \ |       |_

                  /_____\      /__/      \\|        /

                        /     /  /         \       |

            __ _________\________\          \______|_____

                            ÷e÷/_____________\     |    /__________ _

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  25 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Red Devil              /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Dezign                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| United Kingdom      ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                       ________ ________.         ______  

    ............. _____\      /__      _|___._____\     \_..............

    :            |     /     /  /    _|     |     /      /             :

    .            |_____\________\___________|___________/÷e÷           .

_ __|_                           _______                ___.          _|__ _

    |         ______ _______.    \     /_____  ____    /   |           |

    ·   ._____\     \_     _|____/    /     /_(____)__/    |______     ·

    :...|     /      /   _|     /    /     /         /     |     /.....:


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  26 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Redskin                /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Art                   //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


             _________.    ._____    _______ _.       ___

         ____\__     _|___ |_   _|___\     /  |______(___)_.   _______

     ____\     /_  _|    /  /   \·   |\    \  /    /       |___\     /

    |    /    / /________\  \   /_______.__/ /    /_.______|   /    /_.

____|____\______\      \_________|÷e÷   |____\______|    _ ___/_______|____

    |                                                                 |

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  27 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Rotox                  /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Art                   //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| United Kingdom      ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                       ______.              .______

    _________         /      |_        _____|     /

.___\__     /__ _____/_       /_______ \_   |   _/

|    _/    /  /        \     |        \/    .    \

|____\________\        \\ ___|        \\    |_____\ _ _________

          ÷e÷\__________/   \__________/____|                 /__      __ _


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  28 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Rip                    /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Art                   //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| U.S.A               ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



                                 /        \

                                (  ·iNRi·  )


                            ____   |/oO\|   ____     

                           /   /___|\--/|___\   \

                          ( ø\______/  \______/ø )

                           \\/_,---+.  .+---,_\//

                 _ ________________|    |       _______________ __

         ____ ___\_____           /|====|__ ____\______          /_ __   _

 _   __ _\           _/         _/ |####|             ______ _____//

       \\_ __________\          \_ |####|             |

                      \_____ ___  _|-||-|   __ _______|÷e÷

                                   | || |   \

                                   |/ ø\|



                  __  ___/::::::::::::::::::::::::\___  __                 

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  29 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Sal-One                /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Twisted               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Netherlands         ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



            .              ___                                   

           /_____  ______ |   |         ______   ______   ______

         //  ___/_/  .__/_|   |       _/  .   \_/  .__/__/  ___/

        //__.   \|  _|    |   |       |   |    |   |    |   _|____

       //   |    |  \_    |   |       |   |    |   |    |   |    /

      ·/|   |    |   |    |   |       |   |    |   |    |   |    |

        |   |    |   |    |   |_____  |   |    |   |    |   |    |

        |   |    |   |    |   |    /  |   |    |   |    |   |    |

        |   |    |   |    |   |    |  |   |    |   |    |   |    |

        |   |    |   |    |   |    |  |   |    |   |    |   |    | .

        |   |    |   |    |   |    |  |   |    |   |    |   |    |/

        |   |    |   |    |   |    |  |   |    |   |    |   |    //

- ------|   |    |   |    |   |    |  |   |    |   |    |   |   //--------->

        ¯\______/|   |____|\______/¯  ¯\______/|   |____|\_____//|

                /_____|                       /_____|÷e÷      /·            

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  3o . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Seven M                /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Upper Class           //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Italy               ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                                ..     ..  

                              .::::   ::::.


                           :::::: ·:::· :::::.  

                          ::::::    :    ::::::

                         :::::::    ·    ::::::: 

                        .:::::: _______   ::::::. 

            ________ _______.   \     /____ ________.        ________

      ______\      /       _|__/_    /     /       _|________\      /

      \     |\     \     _|     /   /|     \     _|     /    /     /_.

_____ /_____________\___________\__________|\___________\   /________|_____

                        :::::::           :::::::     /______\÷e÷

                        ·:::::::         :::::::·

                         :::::::.       .:::::::

                     .    :::::::       :::::::    .

                     ::....:::::::.   .:::::::....::

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  31 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Shapechanger           /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



              ____|    |        _ _________   

       ______|_   |_   | ____________     /_______.

  _____\      /   _(   |_\__        /  ___/     __|__

  \    |\     \   |____|        |______| /    _|    /______________ ___ __ _

_/ ___________/   |   |____|____|        \___________\ 

\            .    |____         _ _________           

/___ ______. |    |_   | _____________    /_______.   _______.  _ _______

   /    ___|_|    _(   |_\__         /    /    ___|__/     __|_____     /__

  /     )    /    |____|        |___/____/     )    /    _|      _/   _/  /

  \___________\ __|   |____|____|   \    \______    \____________\_________\


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  32 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Skin                   /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Dezign                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                              .         .........

                             /_ ____. ..:     . :  

                      ________/     |_:::__     :   __________

                ______\      /     _/    _/   : : __\___     /

 _______ __ _ _ \     |\     \     \      \_  : :/     /     /_ _ __ _______

               /_____________/______\___.__/    ·     /_____/

                                      :::      /_ ____\÷e÷




                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  33 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Slum-Dweller           /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| none                  //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Canada              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



                      |     |

              ________|_    |______ ___ _____  _____

             /     ___|_    /     /    |     \/_    |

      __ ____\_____     \  /    _/|    |     \/     |- -------------------.

     |_//_____________._/  \___________|_____||_____|                     |

                      |     |÷e÷     _____ _____                          |

                      |     |       |     |     |                         |

         _____________|_    |_______|__   |     |__________   _________   |

     ____\_     \      /    /    _    /   |     /    _    /___\_      /   |

<--_/     /     /    _/\_  /    _____/    |    /    _____/    _/    _/__--'

   \___________/\__________\______________|____\______________\        /

                                                               \      /

                                                                \    /

                                                                 \  /


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  34 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Splatt                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Upper Class           //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| United Kingdom      ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                            _________                  /\__.__/\

          __________________\__     /      _ _____ ___/    |    \____

      ____\      ________      \   /_____ ____    \  _     |     _  /  

   __ \    \_____         _____/ _/     /          \/      |      \/__

  |_//_______________    | /____________\    |______\      |       \\_|

                  /______|           /_______|÷e÷ /________|________\  

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  35 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Stezotehic             /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Style                 //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



           ______|_     |_ _______.     _________ ________

     ______\      /      /      __|__ __\__     /         \

.--- \     |\     \     |     _|    /      ______\        \\ ------ -- -

|   /_____________/     |____________\_____________________/

|                |      |÷e÷              ._____

|   ·s t Y l e·  | .    |_ _______.  _____|     | _____  _______.

|                | .     /      __|_|     |_    |(_____)/     __|__

`--------------- | ::   |     _|    /      /    |      /     |    / -------»

                 |:::___|____________\    |_____|______\___________\

                  ·:                |_____|


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  36 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Stylez                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Contra                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



       :ø                                                          ø:

       :         |\____.            /\___                           :

       :    _____|_    |_ ___ /\___/    / _________.      _______   :

  _ ___:____\     /     /    /    /    /__\__     _|______\_    /___:___

 |_\\  :    |\    \    |   _/    /   _/|    /   _|    /    ____/    :  /__

  : /__:___________\   |____    /___________\_________\_____________:__\\_|

  :....:         |_____|._/    /÷e÷                                 :....: 


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  37 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Sy-Klone               /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


      ________ _____ /\____ ________________________________________________

______\      /      /     / 

\     |\     \    _/     /  (·)  A R C L i t E  (·)

/_____________\____     /_____

      |   _____  /     /     /  _________      ________ ______. 

      |  |     |/     /     /__/___      \ ____\      /      _|____

      |  |     /     /_.  _/|     /      \\    /     /     _|     /

      `--|_____\_______|__________\_______/   /______\____________\--------»


                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  38 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Treach                 /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Contra                //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Germany             ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



          /  /_                                           ._____ 

   /\____/    /________ _______.    ________ ______.  ____|    / .______ __

|\ \   _     _____    /_     __|__ _\__    /     __|_|    |_   | | 

| \ \ /     /   _/   / /   _|    /         /    |    /    _(   | | cONtRa!

|__\ / _____\___\______\_________\   /____/\_________\    |____| |________ _

     \/                        /_____\÷e÷            |____| 

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  39 . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| U-Man                  /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Arclite               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__


                              _________ _______/

     __ ____________________ /        /       //________________________

    /_//                    /       _/|       /                     _ _/

      /      u - m A N      \_________________\     A R C L i t E     //

    _/_ _    ______  _________      ____________     ___________      /

   //       /      \/        /______\_       __/_____\_        /     /__

  /_______ /_        /      /                \        /     _ /_____//_/

          /        \/________________|_______/       /_______/

         //_________\÷e÷                    //_______\                  

         /                                  /

                      .                                                 .

                : ____|______.                                         /____

                . \   |      |                                             /

-    -  - -- ---+--\-  4o . -|------------------|-------------------------/-

                : _\\_____|__|  Name	       :| Vinzi                  /

                          | _   Group	       ¦| Mo'Soul               //\ 

                          ||_\  Country	       ·| Sweden              ///_\\


                          ·                                          /__



          \     /_____  _ ___       ________    _________  _ ___

.--------/     /     / _ ____)_ ____\_     /____\_      / _ ____)_

|       /     /     /         //     /     /     ______/         /

|       \__________/__________/     /_____/______________________/


                          still not black enough.

::::::: .::.::. .:::::. .:::::: .:::::: ::::::. .:::::. .:::::. .:::::: :::::::

        ::::::: ::: ::: :::     :::         ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::

__/\__  ::: ::: ::: ::: `:::::. `:::::. .:::::: :::     ::: ::: `:::::. __/\__

\    /  ::: ::: ::: :::     :::     ::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::     ::: \    /

/    \  ::: ::: ::::::' ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::' ::: ::: /    \

¯¯\/¯¯  ::: ::: :::     ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::     ::: ::: ¯¯\/¯¯

        ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::

::::::: ::: ::: `:::::: `:::::' `:::::' `:::::: `:::::' `:::::: `:::::' :::::::

danzig		: always cool and entertaining speaking with you, peter!

		: der hund ist kaputt. or something, hehe.

shapechanger	: hi there patrik. x-tra special yahooz and welcome in

		: arclite, man! let's go kick it!

karma		: i really, really hope to get the dough together for a

		: visit in sweden. because i will have to upgrade the pc

		: as well. but we'll see :))))

u-man		: hey anders, doing allright there? also big-time welcome

		: in our ranks. looking forward to your first arclite-

		: collection!

mogue		: your latest 3 were just killa! and yes indeed, we ARE

		: the oldest in the biz with unreal, g^style and da hood

		: defunct since ages. looking forward to the pain!

		: and hey, get them conference-anims for mario done :)

sy-klone	: yeah, i got the one finally. hope, there will be a new

		: one coming from you real soon. what an excellent music-

		: taste :)

shadower	: say 'hi' to the wheelers from me :) ... i still

		: constantly dream about large steaks and golf clubs :))

		: oh yeah, krombacher rulez supreme or what?

desert		: nice to see you doing something again. you are apparently

		: the only active dezign-dude left, eh? it's a pity...	

rapid		: you call yourself the godfather now? hehehe, if i recall

		: i might well be old enough to be YOUR fucking father :)

		: nice to see you back, though - keep em coming.

		: and after all, it's all h2o's fault anyway :))))))

h2o		: keep them calls coming, marcus :)

skin & amblin	: in case you read this - get your lazy asses up ;)

rip		: yeah damn, i would love to see something from you again.

		: i miss the good ole 'ghetto'-times.

chrombacher	: luved your latest collection. not. hehehe. too short.

rotox		: i heard you are still around? hopefully see you on irc

		: in a few.

redskin		: one of my all-time faves ... a new release???

maz		: erm yeah, looking forward to your project :)   come a

		: bit earlier to the next woc, ok? :)

linebacker	: massive respect to you! thanks for having been our ehq

		: for so long and thanks for understanding. we will not

		: forget you, man!

mark ryder	: thanks for the flowers again. i have a little poem for u

		: which came to my mind while browsing through the chill-

		: out zone of your collection: "marky mark so out in space,

		: he'd probably love me if i pissed in his face." like it???

		: you sick pervo, hehehe.

ecs		: traderbrain, narf! du wirst noch meine auspuffgase atmen,

		: yee-ha! ich hoffe, ich krieg das mit dem besuch im frueh-

		: jahr endlich mal hin :)

howie l'amour	: liked the tape, bitch?

everybody else  : 2 collections featuring your requests are on their way.

		: please understand, that i take my time and that i cannot

		: deliver each logo personally. now go away.

everybody else

revisited	: no, forget that. i love everyone of my requestors for

		: forcing me to spend my life in front of an ancient,

		: flickering monitor. honestly, hehe. naw, as long as you

		: don't request 10 logos per mail... btw. e-mail requests

		: are favoured but I do not send my logos via e-mail, ok?

                : and oh yeah, be a bit patient. got better things in life

		: to do...


  .:·   ..............      :    ......    ........    ....:    ......:·

  :     ::     ::  ..:   ..:'    ....::... ....::...     .:`.....     ::

  :     ::      :   ·.    ·..    `:      : `:      :     :     ::      :

  :     ::      :.....·.....:............:.........:.....:     ::      :

  :     ::      :                                        :     ::   __ :

  :     ::      : GREEN EYEd MONStA · dALAi LAMA · dEUS! :     ::   \/ :

  :     ::      : EdO tHE ANCiENt! · tHE ShAdOW · APAChE :     ::      :

  :     ::      : iCE-d · ShAdOWER! · BLOOdWOLF · dANZiG :     ::      :

  :     ::      : hOWiE L'AMOUR · X×X · SY-kLONE · MOGUE :     ::      :

  :     ::      : kARMA · thRASh · H2O · AUtOPSY · RAPid :     ::      :

  :     ::      : RiP · U-MAN · ShAPEChANGER! · PiCARd · :     ::      :

  :     ::      : SiD ViCiOUS · MELkOR · REdSkiN · JAViS :     ::      :

  :     ::   __ : · OSCAR · SiGMA SEVEN! · MEtALbASHER · :     ::      :

. :     ::   \/ : hiJACk · SkiN! · AMbLiN · StEVE · ECS! :     ::      : .

 \:     ::      : · dESERt · PEAChY · dhM · mAZ · WOtW · :     ::      :/

.\\     ::      : SEVEN M · HOtWiRE · MARiO · kNACkOSOFt : ÷e÷ ::      //.

 \\\    `:      : REd dEViL · LiNEbACkER · PULSAR · JAkE :     `:     /// 

  :\\..........:'                                        `:..........//:

    ·\                                                              /·       


       _______ .......... _\_______¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. _____.  :::::::::::     |_

___.___\_    /:   ......:   \     / ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾     _|__:·        :      /___

   :   _/   /_:   ...::..____\    \ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾·   _|    /   :::::::     |

   |___\      /   `:    \    |\    \¾¾¾¾    \_________\    ::::::_____|

        \    /:........./__________¾¾¾¾¾¾ ÷e÷         :.        :

         \  /                        \                :::::::::::


      AMbLiN · bOOMER · dANZiG! · dESERt · dHM · ENFORCER · GEM · H2O

     HiJACk · kARMA · MASCOt · MAZ · MEtALbAShER · MEtALLikAt · MOGUE!

        RAPid · RAt · REd dEViL · REdSkiN!· RiP · ROtOX! · SEVEN M

              ShAPEChANGER · SkiN! · SPLAtt · SY-kLONE · U-MAN

         also greetings in no special order to these ascii-looniez


 ViNZi · StYLEZ · NikE · SAL-ONE! · diONYSiOS ·  NUP · MARk RYdER · tREACh

       and all the rest that may deserve it, soz for my senile brain

              and finally "hi!" to these quality ascii-crews

    aRt -×- cONtRA -×- dEZiGN -×- EPSiLON^dESiGN -×- MO'SOUL -×- WhALE        

                                         .____       ._____

                    _______         _____|_   |      |     |_

     ________.  .___\     /________.\     /   |  __  |     _/  _______

   |\\      _|__|   /    /\       _|_\    \   |_(__)_|     |___\     /__.__

 __|_\\    |    |___\______\    _|    \_______|     .|_____|   |\    \\ |

   ·   \_________\÷e÷       \_________|      |_____::.    |___________\\|


- -------------------------------------------------·:--------------------- -



ascii-art	:  arclite file_id by shapechanger of arclite

		:  arclite-introduction logo by mogue of arclite

		:  exocet intro logo by h2o of contra

		:  lesson 38 - the war against sleep by redskin of art

		:  mr deathhead by -gilo

		:  messages logo by karma of arclite

		:  exocet custom logo by danzig of arclite	

		:  everything else by exocet of arclite^atx^thought control

audio           :  v.a...........................there is no time

		:  v.a...........................tyranny off the beat | & ||

		:  v.a...........................even wolves hid their teeth

		:  wumpscut......................bunkertor 7

		:  skinny puppy..................remission

		:  skinny puppy..................twelve inch anthology

		:  shinjuku thief................the witch hammer

		:  suicide commando..............critical stage

		:  suicide commando..............stored images

		:  omala.........................germ

		:  leaetherstrip.................underneath the laughter

		:  die form......................l'ame electrique

		:  god is lsd....................spirit of suicide

		:  ichor.........................nonplus

		:  psychopomps...................sixsixsix nights in hell

		:  cat rapes dog.................maximum overdrive

		: wars

video		:  seven

		:  pulp fiction

		:  star wars I - III (thx version)

games		:  command and conquer - the tiberium conflict

		:  tie fighter (enhanced version)

		:  the ultimate doom

		:  warcraft II

		:  caesar II

literature	:  rupert thomson................the five gates of hell

		:  clive barker..................gyre

		:  margaret weis + tracy hickman.dragonlance legends

		:  raymond feist.................fairy tale

drugs		:  what for? some beer + music does it easily...

release-date	:  o4-Jan-1996

original length	:  98.989 bytes - 2888 lines

note		:  this collection is not to be sold in any way. it is

		:  beerware. which means, you can send me some beer if

		:  you liked it - but this is optional. thanx to shape-

		:  changer for having invented this new form of ware quite

		:  a while ago.

		:  feel free to use all the ascii you like as long as you

		:  you give me the credits. but i don't want to see it on

		:  on any cd-collection or whatever!

                :  watch out for "god, guns and gasoline" out soon.


               ____\___ \  _______________ ______ ________ _________

              /   ____/  \/    / ____    /   ___//   ____/   ___   /

             /   ___/_._    __/   \/    /    /___.  ___/_.    \___/

____ _      /    /_   |       \   /    /    /_   |  /_   |     \      _ ____

\_ ///_ dZG/__________|__/\    \______/__________|_______|______\ ____\\\ _/

 |                         \____/                                         |

 |                                                                        |

-|---»           thE WAY tO SUCCEEd ANd thE WAY tO SUbMit:            «---|-

 |                                                                        |

 |             - ---» E-MAiL: EXOCET@SKYNET.WWBNET.DE «--- -              |

 |                                                                        |

 |      BBS: dEAth ROW (USA), SPiRit OF SOUL (FRG), RAVELANd (FRG)        |

 |         SYNERGY (FRG), RiGOR MORtiS (FRG), ENdLESS PAiN (FRG)          |

 |                                                                        |



               ___  ____\ _______________________________  ___

              \\__||     \                               ||__//

               .---'      \                              `---.

              .|           ·                                 |.

              :|                                             |:

              :|          P A S t ,   P R E S E N t          |:

              :|            A N d   F O R E V E R            |:

              :|                                             |:

              :|                           .                 |:

              :|                           ::::....          |:

              :|                          .::::::;           |:

              :|                          ::::::;     .      |:

               |                         :::::::     _|______ :

     ___________  ___________ ______.   ::::::; _ __  |      |_ _______.

   __\____     /__\___      /     __|__:::::;'_ ____)_|      _/      __|___

   \           |    _/    _/     |    :::::;          |      |     _|     /

   /     |_____|____\______________ :::::;'/__________|      |____________\

  /______|     .                 .:::::;'    ........ |______|÷e÷

              .|              ..:::::;'     ::::::'          .

              :|           .::::::::;      :::::::.          |:

              :|             `:::::::...    `::::::.         |:

              :|                ````::::::::::::::::..       |:

              :|                                             |: 

              :|                                             |:

       « - ---÷+---------------------------------------------+÷--- - »

              :|                                             |:      

              :|                                             |:

              :|   ExOcEt -×- gREEN eYED mONStA -×- kARMA    |:

              :|       sY-kLoNE -×- dANZiG -×- Hijack        |:

              :|      mOGUE -×- sHAPECHANGER -×- u-mAN       |:

              :|                                             |:

              :|                                             |:

              :|              MEAt YOUR MAKERS               |:

              :|             ×----------------×              |:

              :|                                             |:

              :|  DEAth ROW (WHQ) 9 NDZ  +1-ASK-FOR-TELNET!  |:

              :| SPiRit OF SOUL (EHQ) 9 NDZ  +49-MARiO-WORLD |:

              :|  WhitE ROOM (SHQ) 1 ND  +46-SY-KLONE-CAVES  |:

              :|   ENDLESS PAiN (GHQ) 4 NDZ +49-SOON-AGAiN   |:

    	      :|   FiNAL iMPACt (SHQ) 1 ND  +46-SOON-AGAiN   |:

              :|                                             |:

              :|                                             |:

              :|              ALSO LOOK OUt fOR              |:

              :|       thE UPCOMiNG ARCLitE iRC-ChANNEL      |:

              :|                                             |:

              ·|                                 .           |·

               `---.                              \      .---'

              //¯¯||_______________________________\ ____||¯¯\\

               ¯¯¯                               ___\      ¯¯¯


             the voices stuck in my head are whispering again

           and though i know what they say, i'm listening again

            and all the people i've met are only strangers now

             and though i want to forget, i can't remember how

             the darkness i had erased is turning black again

            and all the nightmares i had are coming true again

       and all this pain, all this madness, all this fear i create

                 t.h.i.s   l.i.f.e   i.s

                 ¼¼¼¼¼                  ¼¼¼¼¼            

                 ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.

                 ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼      ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼¼¼

                 ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼

                 ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼      

                 ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼¼¼

                 ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼·¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼·


                              sixsixsix nights in hell. 


                      if you have no more questions,

            if you know so much about life - can you define it?

                     and if you figured out the answer

          if you know so much about death - can you describe it?

                          who said i was insane ?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -


_ ____|___________ __|_ ___._________|_ ___ 

   __ |  _  / .__/_  |__   |  __/_   |     |

   _/ :  / /  l   /  |  \  |  |  _}--:s    |

_ _l__l_(  \_____/______/__l__l______|c    |


present another psychotik masterpiece called

-- - -/-»  thE WAR AGAiNSt SLEEP!  «-\- - --

   A tribute-collection done by: -ExOcEt!   

[%%%%%%%%] No Fuckin' RoadHoggin' [%%%%%%%%]



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -