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                     hELSINKI bY nIGHT - tRUE mINIMALISM


        this collection was put up around some unreleased asciis that i found

from my hd. the usual story. i still visit ircnet's #ascii at times but this

releasing thing... well there's no such thing as releasing thing anymore for

me. or who am i to foresee the future but this is what i think _now_ and

that'll be that


        did these for esa aka distance of orange etc. they say "demojournal"

in both cases


 ________\__________|    ._____  ________  _  _

 \  ._    \  ._    /|____|    /  \      / // /

./  |/    /  |/  _/_|         \.  \/    \.

|________/_______\__|   \_/____|_________|

                   _|____|©pH            |

              ____(_| ________     ______|   _______      ______  _____ ______.

     _  _  ___\_    | \      / ____\     |___\_    /_____.\    /__\_   \\     |

      \ \\ \    \   |  \/    \.\   /     |   _/   /.     |/    \  _/    |     |

           /________|_________|__________|   \_____|___|\______/__\_____|_____|

                    |                    |____|

                    ¦                    |

                    :                    :


            ::::::::::::   :::::::::::  :::::::::::::  :::::::::::

            :::::   ::::: :::::   ::::: ::::: : ::::: :::::   :::::

            :::::   ::::: :::::   ::::: ::::: : ::::: :::::   :::::

        ____(_) ____::::: :::::___:::::_:::::_: :::::_:::::  _:::::______.

     ___\_    | \      / ____\    / ___\_    /_____.\    /___\_   \\     |

     \    \   |  \/    \.\   /    \.   _/   /.     |/    \   _/    |     |

     /________|_________|__________|   \_____|___|\______/___\_____|_____|

            :::::   ::::: ::::::©pH|____|:::: : ::::: :::::   :::::

            :::::   ::::: :::::         :::::   ::::: :::::   :::::

            :::::   ::::: :::::   ::::: :::::   ::::: :::::   :::::

            ::::::::::::   :::::::::::  :::::   :::::  :::::::::::


        these were requested by otso aka zeus of mystic etc last year. dunno

if they were used or not and no clue whatsoever why did he request my name...

well who cares anyway. the first one is "karhu", the second "mika puskala"

  _______        ______     ______\/_____          _______ ._________________

  \     /____ ___\_    \ ___\_    /\   _/_____ ____\     / _)                |

 _/   _/    /.\  _/     \   _/   /./   \     /     /     \.| these sQUARES   |

 \____\______|___\_______\  \_____|_____\    \.___________|| may be removed  |

                    ©pH|_____\          /_____|            | if not needed   |

                                                        ___|___     so badly |

                                                       |   |___|_____________|



                        .___________________|___  (_

                        _)                  |   |  |

       .______    _ ____|__        ______   |   |  |

  _____|     /___(_)\     /____ ___\_    \  |   |  |

  \          |     _/   _/    /.\  _/     \ |___|__|

 _/   \_/____|_____\____\______|___\_______\    |

 \_____| ________    ___|__  ____ __ _______    |   ______ _______   ______

         \_     /____\  ¯ / _\    \/_\     /____|___\_    \      /___\_    \

        ._/    _\    /    \.\ \      /   _/    /|\  _/     \     .\  _/     \


                        |                       |

                        |  . ...x[ ©pH ]x... .  |



        these i did for the just a while ago (some months that is).

"" x2

  ___ __  _____     _________    ._____________   ________    ______\/______

 _\   \/__\  _/_____\  ._   /___ |      ._    /  _\      /____\_    /\   __/__.

.\ \                   |/ .     \|      |/ ._/_  \ \/         _/    _    |    |

|         _         _     |          _     |   |./        _   \_____|    |____|

|         |         |     |          |     |   ||         |    |    |    |

|         |         |_____|   |\_____|_____|   ||         |    |    |    |


__\__   _____   __________     ____\__________     ________   _____\/_______

\  \/__ \  _/__ \  ._    /____.\    \  ._    /    _\      /___\_   /\   ___/__.

      /  \/   /./  |/  _/     |/   ./  |/  _/_..__\ \/   /.   _/  /./   \     |

______\__/    \|_______\____|\_____|_______\__||_//_______|   \____|____/_____|

        |______|©pH                                       |____|


        some mono211s for mono211. for some strange reason i haven't seen

these in use yet personally i think that i succeed quite well in making of


                                                         :::. .:: .::

                ._____                   ·             ....::  ::  ::

           _____|    /________      _____¦_________   ::   ..  ::  ::

           \         \       /_____.\    :\       /   ::   ::  ::  ::

          _/   \_/____\/    /.\    |/    | \/    /.   ::   ::  ::  ::

          \_____| ©pH|_______|___|\______|________|   ::   ::  ::  ::

                                         ·            ::   ::  ::  ::

                                                      `:::::'  ::  ::


          [·] mono.mono.mono.mono.mono.mono.mono.mono.mono.mono.m [·]


                            i n f o r m a t i o n ?

     _._  __ .__  __       _  , ,

··· ( | )(__)|  )(__) ··· .-' | | ©pH





        my and ville aka spermwhale's amazing "gynegi" logos made at asm'97.

fun. hope vili gets pissed off since i put his ascii here as well (and spanks

me a bit)

          _ _______  _____  _ ________ _____.

  ._______\\\    _/ .\   /__\\\_     // _   | _______ ______ ___________.

  |        ./    \  |    \     /    /.  /  _|_\    _/ \    /            |

  |_______||________|_       __\_____|_______./    \  .    ||___________|

                     |_______|               |________|____|©pH

          ___         _____            ___       ___

        _/ _/_________|   |___ _______/ _/______/ _/____________

        |  \     __   |       \|    __  /     __  \     __     |  sw.^tl

_:______|________\|___   _|__|\_____\|________\|________\|_____|____________:_

\|                   |___\                                                  |/

 ·      _                   m i k a n  g y n e g i                   _      ·

_|____ /|____________________________________________________________|\ ____|_

 :   \/                                                                \/   :


        asciied some birthday presents for esa aka distance. in 1997. ancient

ascii art (aaa)

                      _ _____    _____        ______

                      \\\  _/____\  _/____.___\_   /

                       ./  -'    .\_      |   _/   \.


        |            __                                   __      |  __

        ¦      __   \\/                             __   \\/   __ | \\/

      __:____ \\/_______._____     _______ _______ \\/_ _____ \\/_¦_____

     .\     /.___\_    /|   _/____.\     /.\     /.___\_    /.___\_    /

     |_     _|   _/    \|   \    _|_     _|_     _|   _/    \|   _/    \.

   ©pH|_____||___\______|________| |_____| |_____||___\______|___\______|

        .                                                         .

        |             _._______/______    ______ _                |

        ¦             \|      / _    /    \    ///___             |

        |___________ _ |     /___    \.  ./    \    / _ __________|

                       |____/  ./     |  |__________\

                           /   |______|


                            · esa goes nineteen ·

          _____    _____        ______

          \  _/____\  _/____.___\_   /

         ./  -'    .\_      |   _/   \.                   e s a



          ________ _____     _______ _____

          \     _/ \  _/____.\     /.\  _/____.

         ./     \_./  -'    |_     _|.\_      |           g e t s

         |________|_________||_____| |________|


          _______ _____.  ______ _____        ______

          \   _   \    |__\_   / \  _/____.___\_   /

         ./   /   |    |   /   \./  -'    |   _/  /.      o l d e r

         |________|____|________|_________|   \____|


 _____    _____        ______     _______   ______ _______ ______

 \  _/____\  _/____.___\_   /  .__\_    /___\    / \     / \   _/____  _______

./  -'    .\_      |   _/   \. |  _/   /.   /   /.  \/   \./   \    /  \     /

|_________|________|___\_____| |  \_____|________|________|_____\   \.  \/   \.

.______________________________|___|                            /____|________|

                                        _______       ._____

                                        \     / .____ |    /

                                       ./   \/  |    \|    \.


             ______        ______

             \    /_____ __\_   /      ._____ ______       ______

            ./    \    /   _/   \.____ |    / \   _/____ __\_   /

            |__________\___\_____|    \|    \./   \    /   _/   \.

            .____________________|____\______|_____\   \.__\_____|



                 _______   ______   _______ ______    ______

                 \_    / __\_   /.__\_    /.\    /.___\_   /

                ._/   _\   _/   \|  _/   /.|_    _|   _/   \.

                |_____||___\_____|  \_____| |____||___\_____|




                           · esa is an old beard ·


        coop with ville at asm'97. oh my i must type some more so this line

gets here ok

           _____ _                  ______.______      _______

          .\   ///_______ __________\_    |   __/_____/      /

          |    \    _    \|     _    /        /     _     \__\ ©pH&sw.


      \:                                   _____.                 |/

       :      _ ___________________________\    |     ____        |

       :   ___\\\          _        _           |____\\_  \_      |

       :   |    /\     _   /    .   /     _______      /   |     _|

   _  _:___|____/\_____\________|___\_____\     /__________|_____\

       :                                                          ·


        so there. contact me by email and go see too


                     hELSINKI bY nIGHT - tRUE mINIMALISM



