File Archive

File download


File size:
18 034 bytes (17.61K)
File date:
2004-04-19 23:06:29
Download count:
all-time: 868



 _    _ _                                                        /

     .---\  ______________________________________________ _  _ /\__  __ /_  _

     `\   \/ look upsee!! and check dem boardz too ok!!..  .   /  \ . __/_

      -\-----------------------------------------------------------\-' /

                                    \                               \

  _/_________________________________\/\______________ _   _   _

 \/  file_id.diz! fK!!   /\.-------------- -      -   -       -

 `\ ---------------------------------' \


fK! iNSANITY?! g00!                    __.)

  //_________________.-----.__    /__/\\__|_

  --z&f!           ._\____    \  /        _/

 ________           / ___/     \/        _|

 \__   _|_______   /   \  extreme artists\_

  _/           /  /  |  \     presents    |

  |   |_______/\_/_  |___\___   ...fK!... .

  |  ____)      / |  _______// /iNSANITY! :

__|_ \            |  |     \ . .  ..    . |

 \|   \_      /  _|_ |      \       /\.=\ |

  \________________/ |       \ ----/     \|

     ÖfK!   /        |________\iNSANITY,.!|

`----------%%------- : -------------------:



  \__ _  _    _

   _|_  _  _________________             |___________   _______|\________

    |    _/        __)__   |       _____/|     _____/__/       |        /

    :    |        _____/___|______/      |     |      _/      __   ____/

  --:    |        |     \_      ___)     |     |     «|       \       \_

 `..--.> |     /\ |      |      «| /\    |      /\    |     /\ \       «|

         |____/  \|______________|/ \\___|_____/  \___|____/  \|\_______|

                 \\ _          _ /            /_  __      `---.\_fK!

         fK! is here to present a groovy pack for you to all look at!

            take any ascii and use it!! Their all yours to use now!

                if your on an ibm , use amiga.exe or erm. 80x50


     /\_________________________________________________________\        /_


     ~~~\~~/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\    /~~~

         \/"are here to present a colly called!! ..                \ea/

                                                   ..               \/






            Ö«----..-..%%insanity%%..| .g00.g00.g00!%%.% | .     ...)  |

  ..%(______;|        _______       /|       _______  __/|        _____|\

          __/| _______\    _/___   / |\    __|___  | /  _|________|    | \

         /  _|_\_      \        \ /  |_\__|     /  |/   \____  ___|______ \

        /   \    \   __|\____    \   _____/   \ \_ |     |  |   \ _____|   \

      _/     \   \\_ \     _/     \_ |   \|    \   |« /\_|_ |    \\__  |    \

     _\_/\   |\   \   \_        /\_/ |    |«___|\  |\/      |     \|_________\

          \__| \__|\   |_______/  \_ | _   \_   _\ |   _    |__/\__\

           \        \  |      /      |______\     \|          / __%

             «--..-7 \_| _(  /_______|-fK!         | blastin da«insane!


                                                    vectors in ascii!


    ________/\  _(table of contents)_____________________/\   \___________

    \\::::::::\/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/  \   \::::::::::)

     `.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\  /~~~/~~~~~~~~~~

      | 1. Grooven Designs       7. Assorted shit        \/___/

     _| 2. Conspiracy BBS S/w

     \_ 3. Madness NET           Ö you go figure the rest!

      | 4. Sudden Impact

      | 5. Express                 them i finish with the regular shit!

      | 6. fAiRLiGHT Rom          __:

      `--------------------------// :_  _0 _

     ____                                                              _


   :         |                       ______/|_____    |             | \\/:

 ___________/|_____.----|____________\__    |    |___/|_____   _____|\ ~ :

 \     ___   |         \______    |    |    |    |    |    _)__|    \ \  :

  \    \_    |     7____|    |    |    |    |_   |    |   ____/|_   \\_\ :

 __\______/  |     |    |    |    |     _/\_| \    ___|   |     |   |\  \:

 \_     |    |__/\_|    |_/\_     |----'   \_ _\  /   |   |     |---|    \_

  |_____     | //    _  _/   `----'__/\__       \/    |     ____|   |_____/

 . o  %%`----'.                    \ qp / __/\__      `----'             :

 0___ oo _                         / -j \ \ xX / 'now to drugs?'..-..>fK!:

  || (\/) ___________     ______   ~~\/~~ |_\/ \               ______    :

  || _||_ |   \_    _)__  \  __/__     __/| \/~~      |   |    \  __/__  :

  ~~      |    |   ____/___\___   \   /   |__________/|___|\____\___   \ :

   _______|_   |   |     |    /    \_/    \     ___   |   \ \      /    \

   \     _     |   |     |  _/      \_____|\    \_    |   \\_\   _/      \_

   :\    \_    |     __/\|____/\_____/    __\______/  |   |\  \_______/\__/

   : \____     |----' _ _\      \_  _     \_     |    |---|    \_   _/_  :

   :      `----'                           |_____     |   |_____/        :

   :.    .  .                                    `----'                 \:_

   :  /\__  _)  grooven^designs - grooviest coders this side of the bong!\/

 \\: /::::  :        world headquarters --.%%..> +61-3-9885-4475!        X\


     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__its as rippin as a hiro on the zen peakin drawers tip!__\/_

        /                                                            \


  `-----\-..>like is this groovy or what!

            .-\-----.        .-----.        ____.-----._____        .---.

    ________|  \_   |_______ \  ;__|_\----._\__|  ;___|\_   |______ |   |____

    |    __/|   |   _\___   7 \__   | \_  |   |   | |   ;_  |   __/_|   ;   |

    |   7   `-------|   |   |   |   | _/  |   |___| |  __/  |  7    |_____  |

    |   |    | qp   |   |   |       | ____|___|     |   |___|  |    |   |   |

    |        | \/   `---|   `-------'  |            `---'  |        |   |   |

    `--------'          |___|      |___|conspiracy bbs s/w!`--------'   `---'


     ; _  funky software built with a unique /x design like no other!

    -;-/                  coded 100% original by fK!

  .    ~\_

 '. _  _ /

     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__   comming as lame as that dude who wants it all ;0   __\/_

        /                                                            \

                         . _ ___

           «Ö----------------//____ _------------------('

   _____              _____.__ |  //|                          ____

   |    \    ________ |    ; | |  ~ |             ________ ____\ _/__  ____

   |     \  /      «|_|_|_  _|_|_   |_______ _____:_ .   / |    \   /__\ _/__

   |_____|\/      _ |   .   \   \_  |       \|     |  __/__|_______/    \   /

           |_____///~\___    \______|  _    |\_____|_______/       |_______/

                        |____;ÖfK!  ~\//____|madness mailnetwork.

     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__umm.  i want to be a hippy and i wanna get stoned on! __\/_

        /                                                            \



                       | \              _______                    ________

       _____      _____|  \  _______  .-\     «\__________._______ |     «|

       \  _/_____/     |   \_\      \ |  \      \    _____;       \|      |

    .---\       \      |     |\      \|   \_     \_ ____)___    ¬\ \«    _|

 .: |    \       \___________| \_     \_  _/      / \_    «|    _|\_____//|

    |     \_     «|sudden#@!|  _/      /_________/   |     |___//;

    |_____________;!@#impact|_________/ÖfK!     |__________;


                                 ________________:\             ______

           _:           __ ______\_____      /   : \  ________  |   «|

          / :______    //_/    «|    _/     /    |__\_|_  ___/__|   _|___

         /  :      \  /         |      ____/     ______/  |   \__    ___/

       _/   :______|\/|        _|_____//;_/      |____\        ||   _|

       \____;         |_______//;        |_______|    |________||__//|

     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__ marijuana i guess.. any one else got some for me! :) __\/_

        /                                                            \

                  _______               __________                 _____

    _____    _____|     /  _____________\__      /____             \  _/__

  _/   __)___\    ;    / __\__      /    _/     /   __)___  ________\     \

  |  _______/_\        \_|  _/     /   __    __/  _______/__\  _/__  \     \

  |  \_      _/   |      |    ____/    \       |  \_      _/ \     \  \_    \_

  |   |     _|    |______|     _| |_____\_____//   |      |   \     \________/

  |________//|   _|ÖfK!  |____//|              |________//|    \__   \_

           /____//;                                       |___________/

     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__  umm.. like you think i have something to say here?   __\/_

        /                                                            \

________  _____   _____  ___________        ____________       ______

\_  ____)_\_   \__\ __|__\__   \_   \_    __\ __|  __   \______|  __|_________

|  ______/ |    |    |     /    /   _|____|    |    |    |     |  \____   ____)

|     |    |_   |    |   _/  __/_   \_    |    |   _|____|__  _|    | |    |

|     |    __)  |_/\ |  (__     |    |    |_/\ |   \___    | (__    |_|_/\ |

|     |    |___/~   \|____|     |_________|   \|______|    |___|    |ÖfK! \|

~\____|____|         |    |____/~         ~    |      |____|   |____|      |

      |+--...->fAiRLiGHT rOM dIVISION! --.0 still where dre|ams come true!

     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__                       <blank!>                       __\/_

        /                                                            \


 .-------------._/\_:    |.-----.______.-------------------------------.

 :__/\__       (____)    |  _____|    :                                :

 :\ qp /_/\__  |    : ___|__|__  | /  :  ibm pc warez conference.. .   :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  |    : \__     / \_/   :                               _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  |    : __/    /   |    :                              (__

 :     ~~\/~~  |___ :_______/    |___ :                                :

 `-------------'   \:ÖfK!   |____|   \:`-------------------------------'

                    :                 :

                 ____          ______            ____

 .-------------. \  _)__  ____ |   _:____.------.\  _)__.--------------.

 :__/\__       .--\     \ |   \|   \_  __)___  .--\     \ snes         :

 :\ qp /_/\__  :   \     \|   \\_   :   ____/__:   \     \ confernece  :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  :    \_    \_   \_   :   |      :    \_    \_          _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  : __________/___|___ :__________: __________/         (__

 :     ~~\/~~  :/                  \:ÖfK!      :/                      :

 `------------':                    :          :`----------------------'

                  ________    ______                 ________

 .------------.___\__    |____|    :_/\______________\__    |.---------.

 :__/\__       |   _/    |    | /  (____)    ____/_   _/    |  amiga   :

 :\ qp /_/\__  |  (__    |   \_/   :    :   (__   :  (__    |conference:

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  |    |    |    |    :    :     |   :    |    |         _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  |    |____|    |___ :___ :________ :    |____|        (__

 :     ~~\/~~  |____|ÖfK!|____|   \:   \:        \:____|    :          :

 `-------------'                   :    :         :         `----------'

                  _______   ____

 .------------.___\__    |  \  _)____________ _/\___/\_.---------------.

 :__/\__       |   _/    |.--\     \    ____/(____)____) ascii art     :

 :\ qp /_/\__  |  (__    :    \     \   |    :    :    :  conference   :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  |    |    :     \_    \_ |    :    :    :              _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  |    |____: ___________/_____ :___ :___ :             (__

 :     ~~\/~~  |____|    :/ÖfK!             \:   \:   \:               :

 `-------------'         :                   :    :    :`--------------'

             __________                __________

 .----------.\___   __/__     _____ ___\___   __/.---------------------.

 :__/\__       |   \_  __)___ \_   V   _/|    :                        :

 :\ qp /_/\__  |    :   ____/__/       \_|    :  text file conference  :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  |    :   |     |    |    ||    :                       _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  |___ :_________|    |____||___ :                      (__

 :     ~~\/~~  |   \:ÖfK!     |____|         \:                        :

 `-------------'    :                         :`-----------------------'


  .------------.  |    :              ______            ____.----------.

 :__/\__       :  |   _:____     _____|   _:_________   \  _)__ demos  :

 :\ qp /_/\____:__|___\_  __)___ |    |   \______    |.--\     \ conf! :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /\    ___/ :   ____/_|   \_/   :    |    :    \     \     _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \ \   \__  :   |     |    |    :         :     \_    \_  (__

 :     ~~\/~~  \_______;_________|    |___ :_________:____________/    :

 `-------------'                 |____|   \:ÖfK!            `----------'



 .--------------._____________     |    :.-----------------------------.

 :__/\__        :   __       /     |    :                              :

 :\ qp /_/\__   : ___/      /______|__  :     public domain files      :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /   : \________/      ___/  :         conference          _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \   :     |     \     \__   :                            (__

 :     ~~\/~~   :_____|ÖfK!  \__________;                              :

 `--------------'                       `------------------------------'


 .--------------._____________       :    |.-------------------------.

 :__/\__        :   __       /______ :    |        pcb conference    :

 :\ qp /_/\__   : ___/      /  ____/_: ___|_______                   :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /   : \________/   |     | \___      /                  _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \   :     |   |    |     |  __/     /                  (__

 :     ~~\/~~   :_____|   |__________|_________/                     :

 `--------------'ÖfK!                        `-----------------------'


 .-------------.                            |    :.------------------.

 :__/\__       :______________________      |   _:_____       code   :

 :\ qp /_/\__  |    ____/\______    _|______|__ \_   __)___conference:

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  |    |     |    |    \      ___/  :    ____/__       _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  |    |     |    |     \     \__   :    |     |      (__

 :     ~~\/~~  |__________|__________|\_________ :__________|        :

 `-------------'                                \:ÖfK!      `--------'


                  ________  ___________________

 .-------------.__\__    |__\____    \___  ___/.---------------------.

 :__/\__       |   _/    |   ___/    / |    |                        :

 :\ qp /_/\__  |  (__    |  (__    _/  |    | hellish art conference :

 :/ -/ \ x0 /  |    |    |    |\    \_ |    |                       _:

 :~~\/~/ \/ \  |    |____|____| \____/ |____|                      (__

 :     ~~\/~~  |____|ÖfK!                   :                        :

 `-------------'                            `------------------------'

     _____/__                                                    __\_____

       _\/__    i think i should leave this one blank too..  .    __\/_

        /                                                            \

      ________________   __________

  \_ \\_    _____/  _|___\__   ____)) _)

   :  :|    __) |   \_    ||     |fK!:

 .-.  _|_    |  |    |  _ ||    _|_  .-.

 |_:   |_\  _|_ |____  /__||_  /_|   :_|

 _/ /\__ _\/fAiRLiGHT\/R0M!95\/_ __/\ \_

 |                                     |

 |                                     |

 |                                     |

 |                                     |

 |                                     |

 `-( fairlight rom division )--(xx/xx)-'

  erm.. well..  the end, so i might as well toss like the rest do!

      this groovy pack was done on :

                  1. your mother

                  2. a computer! FER!

                  3. JJJ on the stereo!

      i would like to greet the following people and groups

          ranx&the rest of jedi^arts (fucking sick!)

          sickÖavÖforceÖartcoreÖhoneyÖdevious designs


          plus other art dudes wether ascii/vga/ansi !

 groovy(tm) +61-3-9885-4475 / nup snakepit

 now you can look down and maybe see some more adds!! but I didnt do em!!